  • 7/29/2019 Executive Recruitment Methodology


    Executive Recruitment Methodology

    First 30 Days

    Site Evaluation

    Development of Materials

    Review of Existing Database

    30-60 Days

    Executive Identification Contact Database Candidates

    60-90 Days

    Qualification Phase

    Active Sourcing & Recruiting

    Telephone Interviews

    90-180 Days

    Selection Phase In-Person Interviews

    Present Candidate Report to Client

    Arrange Interviews with Client

    Assist with Candidate Negotiations

    0-30 DaysOn-Site Evaluation

    We interview client principals to determine the ideal candidate profile. We learn as much possible about the

    position, the facility, and the community. We discuss the specific educational and personal expectations of

    the position and for prospective candidates. We also analyze the community for housing, schools,

    recreational facilities and social and cultural amenities. This step enables us to develop a positiondescription, which is used to attract potential candidates.

    Development of Materials

    We develop a position description, prepare copy for advertisement and a mass mail letter. We design a

    custom classified or display advertising campaign for publication in the appropriate journals.

    30-60 Days

    Executive Identification

    After collecting and assimilating the site survey information, we begin recruiting. In order to identify prime

    executives, including those not seeking a new position, we use a vast network of resources, including

    personal contacts with centers of influence, directories, announcements, as well as resumes on file. We

    thereby seek nominations of the best executives and begin contacting them to establish interest in the

    position. We also ask our client to refer to us all potential executives they identify, so these individuals maybe screened and compared equally with other executives under consideration.

    60-90 Days

    Qualification Phase

    Once the best prospective executives have been identified, we verify educational credentials and

    professional certification and check references. We learn about the executive's strengths and weaknesses,

    accomplishments, creativity, and initiative, interpersonal and managerial skills, and interests and goals.

    Throughout this phase, the executives are interviewed by telephone to best determine their qualificationsand levels of interest.

    The most impressive executives who meet the established criteria and express sincere interest are then

    interviewed in person. An evaluation is made, and if the executive matches the defined criteria, a

    confidential report is submitted to the client. This report includes a curriculum vitae with accomplishments,

    thorough references and a comprehensive evaluation based on a structured interview.

    Our objective is to present approximately two to five highly qualified executives for final consideration.

    90-180 DaysSelection Phase

    Upon submission of final candidates, Baumann & Associates Inc., coordinates all client/candidate personal

    interviews. We provide executive feedback, assist in salary negotiations and keep interest levels high. Once

    the client has made a selection, we follow up with the client and the new employee at regular intervals to

  • 7/29/2019 Executive Recruitment Methodology


    ensure smooth transition.

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