Page 1: Exercises in Diagnostic Ultrasonography of the Abdomen || Introduction


This book of diagnostic exercises cannot be used to good advantage without a good grasp of elementary sonoanatomy and the most common pathologic images l . We have tried to follow a pedagogical progression from the simple to the complicated for each group of clinical situations. We recommend that the sonograms at the beginning of each case study be thoroughly analysed before proceeding to the commentaries which explain the grounds for the final diagnosis. These explanatory remarks are accompanied by the same sonograms, but with arrows and letters added so as to pinpoint the details referred to as the diagnosis progresses. In reading the commentaries it will therefore be a good idea to cover over the figures in which the details are picked out for you, uncovering them one by one as required.

1 Which the reader may obtain from our previous books: Ultrasonography of Digestive Diseases (Mosby Publ., 2nd Ed., 1982) Renal Sonography (Springer Verlag, 1981)


F. S. Weill et al., Exercises in Diagnostic Ultrasonography of the Abdomen© Editions Vigot Freres, Paris 1982

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