  • Exoditas

    Exoditas "La tribu perdida"

    The Exodites are the Eldar who abandoned their homeworlds before the Fall, colonizing other planets in

    order to escape the growing decadence of their civilization.


    As Eldar civilization neared its Fall, many groups among the Eldar denounced their decadent societies,

    abandoning their homeworlds in a series of migrations called the Exodus. These Exodites travelled far

    away from their collapsing civilization, settling many, often harsh worlds.

    Talos Pain Hydra

    The degeneration of Eldar society leading to the Fall did not go wholly without resistance. Some, the

    more far-sighted, began to openly criticise the laxity of their fellow citizens, and to warn against the

  • effect of Chaos cults. These people were mostly ignored or else treated as narrow-minded fools and

    fanatics. Soon the general collapse of society convinced even the most resolute amongst them that the

    only end to the steady decline would be in a terrible collapse. Some decided to leave the Eldar worlds,

    and settle new planets far from Eldar civilization. They were the ones still untainted by the touch of

    Chaos, and by now they were few. These Eldar are known as the Exodites.

    The Exodites purposefully settled worlds where life would be hard. Those among the original Exodites

    came from all levels of Eldar society, but all were united in their powerful determination to survive.

    Eventually a new form of society took shape. The Exodites divided into clans each led by a warrior elite.

    When the Fall came, the Exodite worlds were untouched.

    Banshees/Blood Brides

    The Exodite Worlds are generally considered backward and rustic compared to the rest of the space-

    roaming Eldar although they still possess a good deal of high technology. One of the pieces of

    technology they have maintained is the Infinity Circuit, although on the Exodite worlds these are

    known as World Spirits and exist in the form grids of stone menhirs, obelisks, and stone circles all

    crafted from psychoactive crystal. Despite the presence of some technology, these worlds are often

    agricultural, however, and it is not uncommon for groups of Exodites to exist in a nomadic state, living

    off roaming herds and seasonal harvests. This is the most common image of the Exodite life. Many

    Outcasts will find a refuge among these Eldar, who are generally more accepting.

    To others, they are the groundwork of a new Eldar Empire on the edge of the galaxy, composed of the

    descendants of those far-sighted and strong-willed enough to escape the touch of Slaanesh. Biel-tan is

    one of the chief proponents of the Exodite potential, and will often mobilise its forces in defence of one

    of the scattered worlds.

    Check out this and more from Lexicanum

  • La Tribu perdida de Altansar

    Historia resumida de Altansar

    Altansar was one of the many Craftworlds surviving the Fall of the Eldar race. It rode out the psychic

    shock waves that destroyed the Eldar empire but was subsequently caught in the gravity well of the

    Eye of Terror. Although the Eldar of Altansar struggled valiantly against the encroachment of Chaos,

    their doom was inevitable, and within five hundred years of the Fall, their Craftworld was swallowed

    into the warp. Among the entirety of Altansar's population, only the Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra escaped

    the Craftworld's consumption by Chaos.

    Autarca/Archon + su Corte

    Ten thousand years later, Abaddon the Despoiler emerged from the insane reality of the Eye of Terror,

    at the head the thirteenth Black Crusade. The Chaos Legions' intrusion into reality left a rift which

    bridged the material universe and the universe of the warp. Through this opening Maugan Ra counter

    invaded the Eye to undertake a quest in search of the remains of his people. Leaving a silvered trail of

    soulfire behind him, Maugan Ra eventually found the remains of his Craftworld. He found that the Eldar

    of Altansar had survived ten thousand years within the Eye.

    Maugan Ra guided the remnants of his Craftworld out of the Eye and against Abaddon's forces to deny

    him ultimate victory. However, there was no celebration or welcome from the other Craftworlds.

    Altansar is regarded with open suspicion and hostility, for how could any Eldar remain untouched by

    the predations of Chaos for so many millennia?

  • La Migracin

    In the last years of the Eldar craftworld Altansar, Fareer Nai lien ath saw the final days of her people.

    blah blah blah. After Nai Lien Ath was denied by the other in the Hall of Communing; she went to see

    Autarch Ci Kaedr Ell. The two had grown through the centuries together and carried a close tie in trust.

    She explained that the craftworld would survive the end but that darkness and shroud consumed her

    thoughts and she feared that the planet would surcome to Slaneesh. Ci Kaedr summoned his closest

    councils and lesser Exarchs, explaining what the farseer had said, they reached a pact that they would

    leave in cover and try to find the young Exodites who had left the race years earlier. Feeling this was

    the only way to survive and preserve the cultural history of the Altansar people, The two leaders left

    the craftworld with a small band of their peers.

    Pics I found: And Thank you for all the kind words out there everyone.

    The Exodite Battle Report from BTP (Blue Table Painting)

    600 Points of Exodites make their Escalation League Debut.

  • Exoditas contra los Mil Hijos

  • (Fuente: )


    (Fuente: )

    Cada vez veo ms ejrcitos personalizados, de Adeptus Mechanicus, de Arbites, de Custodes, el otro da vi uno de una mezcla necrona y orka en El Descanso del Escriba.

    Teniendo dos compis de juego Eldars y uno Eldars Oscuro, alguna que otra vez los he odo hablar sobre los Exoditas, y que tendra que estar bien un ejrcito sobre ellos, imaginndose unidades, reglas, miniaturas.

    Pues eso es lo que os traigo desde el blog 22nd Vostroyan Royal Rifle Regiment a m me ha encantado y espero que a los chicos cuando lo vean tambin y les den ideas ;)

  • The Eldar and their Exodites are coming!

  • Posted by Chris Kelley at 11:47 AM

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