
8/7/2019 Eyebobs- TCLF Magazine- June 2009 1/2fq;ffi'ry'- #6 rrrr L90tZrr 0lllLruliltil lllltilil] |illl[ilt I lill l

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8/7/2019 Eyebobs- TCLF Magazine- June 2009 2/2



ByAmberSchadewaldI PhotographyDannySeipp

Just becauseyour eyesight isn't what it used to be doesn't mean your

sense of style should suffer. That's the philosophy behind Eyebobs,

the Twin Cities company founded by Julie Allinson. Her designs aredriven by color and shape and are intended to give your beautiful face

(h eattention it dcserves.

"Peoplespend hundreds of dollars on a nice pair of shoes,ye t they'll

only pay $12.99 for something that goeson their face, " Allinson says.

"lt's like a bad haircut."

Eyebobs come in bold colors and daring shapes - making them

stand out in a market filled with boring, square glasses.There are

even tinted reading glasses fo r summer, which are a rare find. As

Allinson puts it, E yebobs are for those with personality - witty,

charismatic individuals who dare to be themselves.

"l t takes nerve to wear purple," she smiles, holding up a pair of

gorgeous, flirty frames. Allinson's favorites include a pair of dreamy

blue, upside-down frames and the new half-moon-shaped lenses

decorated with a light zebra pattern.

,,, inson got the inspiration to start Eyebobs when she began

shopping for her own pair of readers. The options were guite limited.

Browsing a boutique of super-spendy designer glasses, Allinson

decided she was probably too careless with her glassesto invest in an

expensive pair of readers.

"l decided to check out Walgreens, but I found myself saying,'Oh


l'm not wearing that' for every pair." Days later she quit her

began researching plastics for her own line of eyewear.

Today her eccentric, trendy shapes and styles have been feaExtra TV, and in Martha Stewart Living and even Play

strange as it sounds, Allinson says her reading glasseshave a

cult following. People are crazy for Eyebobs - enjoying not

perky glasses and custom cases, but the quirky product

Naughty, Topless, Old Money and Adult Supervision to nam

While Eyebobsare sold nationwide and even intemationally in

stores, the funky specs seem to sell even better in fashion bo

"You get all dressed up and those $12.99 readers will ruin you

With Eyebobs,you put on a red pair of readers and you don't e

blush. The design, color and feel perfectly express who you a


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