Transcript Author: Eric MacDougall

Contents Why Social Media Matters ........................................................................................................................ 4

Why Facebook Matters ................................................................................................................................. 5

Who should use Facebook for business ........................................................................................................ 5

Facebook for Local Businesses ...................................................................................................................... 5

How to create a Facebook page ................................................................................................................... 6

Choosing the correct page type: ............................................................................................................... 7

Choosing the correct page category: ........................................................................................................ 7

Uploading the logo and cover photo: ....................................................................................................... 7

Completing your Page Profile ................................................................................................................... 7

Choosing the correct page title: ............................................................................................................ 7

Select the best URL: .............................................................................................................................. 8

Use the About text box: ........................................................................................................................ 8

Page Description: .................................................................................................................................. 8

Initial Content ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Choosing tabs: ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Choosing a voice for your page: ............................................................................................................ 8

Reviews and Ratings ............................................................................................................................. 9

Likes/Followers ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Ways to get Likes ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Post copy ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Finding Content to Post .......................................................................................................................... 13

Creating fb ads ............................................................................................................................................ 14

How to create an ad account .................................................................................................................. 14

Levels of ad manager interface: .............................................................................................................. 14

Types of ads, what are they for/how do they work................................................................................ 14

Targeting Audience ................................................................................................................................. 14

Placements .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Schedules ................................................................................................................................................ 16

Budgets ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Delivery ................................................................................................................................................... 17 Author: Eric MacDougall

Types of ads ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Engagement Ads ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Reach ads ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Brand awareness ads .............................................................................................................................. 18

Traffic ads ................................................................................................................................................ 18

App install ads ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Lead generation ads ................................................................................................................................ 18

Dynamic ads ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Instagram ads .......................................................................................................................................... 20

Local promotion ads ............................................................................................................................... 20

Facebook messenger ads ........................................................................................................................ 21

Retargeting ads ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Conversion Ads ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Ad formats .................................................................................................................................................. 21

A/B split testing on Facebook ..................................................................................................................... 22

Facebook Tracking Pixel .............................................................................................................................. 23

Tracking pixel setup ................................................................................................................................ 23

Custom audiences ................................................................................................................................... 24

Lookalike audience .................................................................................................................................. 24

How to Steal Your Competitors’ Audience ................................................................................................. 25

Facebook offers feature: ............................................................................................................................. 25

Reporting .................................................................................................................................................... 26

Ad Manager ............................................................................................................................................. 26

Page Insights: .......................................................................................................................................... 26

Get Better Engagement: Understand Facebook's newsfeed algorithm ..................................................... 27 Author: Eric MacDougall

Why Social Media Matters Social media has become a part of most people’s lives. As of 2017, 81% of the U.S. population has a social media profile, and a user spends on average 2 hours a day on social media. It’s a safe bet that for most businesses a good percent of their customers falls within that 81% of the population. Every business should have an active and professional social media profile, and with the right strategies and effort, social media can be used to increase customer satisfaction and acquire new customers.

Some stats that should help you understand why your company needs to be on social media

• 1 in 3 social media users prefer social media customer service to telephone or email • An estimated 67% of consumers now use social media networks like Twitter and Facebook to seek

resolution for issues • Customers will spend on average 20-40% more with companies who engage and respond to customers

via social media • Nearly 70% of consumers have said that they have used social media for issues to do with customer

service on at least one occasion

Social media has numerous benefits for businesses including:

1. Increased brand recognition - Using social channels for expanding your brand will enable you to reach new people and demographics.

2. Improved brand loyalty - Companies active on social media have loyal followers, customers can reach you directly and you can ask and converse with them about your products.

3. More opportunities to convert - Social Media enables you to reach people who you couldn’t before. The larger the audience the higher conversion rates.

4. Higher brand authority - When people love your brand and or product, they will often post about it on social media to show it off.

5. Increased inbound traffic – shares and retweets on social media will help you gain more and more traffic to your store and onto your website.

6. Social Media decreases your marketing costs – after establishing social media pages that are properly configured, your brand will start to gain followers who will share your content for free which will in turn expand your customer base.

7. Better SERP - Google will rank web pages higher if they receive strong social signals. The more people share your content, the higher you show up on google.

8. Richer customer experiences – You can provide support to customers directly on social media. Giving customers a positive experience with your brand on a social platform will likely result in a positive review or more social sharing and engagement from that user.

9. Improved customer insights – you can track behaviors of users at a demographic level, as well as directly ask questions and run polls with your audience to get a better understanding of what they want from your business. Author: Eric MacDougall

Why Facebook Matters • Facebook is the largest social media network with over a billion users • Facebook is a part of most people’s daily lives – People spend on average 2 hours a day on social

media • Facebook gives anyone the ability to reach the specific audience they wish to reach, provided

they have the budget and/or right content and targeting settings • Facebook can be used to increase brand awareness, capture an audience, generate leads or

even make sales directly • Your friends are on Facebook. So is your target audience.

Who should use Facebook for business Using Facebook can be effective for any business provided the right resources are given to using it. Facebook requires either a significant time commitment to build up an audience and engage with the right people, or a considerable (but often profitable) financial commitment along with some considerable time and efforts to target, test and perfect ads. More and more businesses are starting to understand that marketing is a crucial part of getting your brand seen, 84% of businesses said that they are going to spend more time on marketing including social media in 2016.

Facebook can be used to market just about anything – a local retail store, service business, an online shop, a book or pretty much anything else – with the right strategy.

Facebook for Local Businesses These days 75% of local businesses are active on Facebook, and 7 out of 10 consumers prefer a business with a social media presence - there’s a good reason: Facebook users are turning to mobile search to find products and services they need right when they need them. Instances like this are called ‘micro moments’, and without a properly configured Facebook page, your business can easily miss out.

You should start by making sure you select ‘local business’ as the page type when creating a Facebook page, and setting up ‘locations’ for each physical store location you have. Each store is then able to have properly configured Name, Address and Phone number data that will be used by search engines like Google and Facebook’s internal Near Me searches.

You should enable reviews/ratings on each location so that you can collect testimonials to build a positive reputation on social media. These reviews can then be embedded directly into your website, be it on a testimonial page or in the per-location details.

In addition to enabling reviews, you can allow users to post to your page and message your page. By enabling all these ways for customers to express their opinions and get answers to their questions, you become more socially engaged – this is attractive to today’s consumer.

• If you would like to input a review onto your website from Facebook you click on its timestamp, the dropdown arrow at the top right and select the Embed Post option. (The Embed Post option may be hiding under the More Options link.) Author: Eric MacDougall

If you do enable messaging to your page, ensure you respond quickly – your Facebook page will display a badge if you are quick to respond, and this also attracts more business. The same goes for reviews – respond quickly and show that you care and understand about each customer’s experience. Keeping up the appearance of a customer oriented, social engaged business will increase your Facebook page’s value.

According to a survey by Harris Interactive, 33% of customers who a negative review, who received a caring response, turned around and posted a positive review of the brand, and 34% deleted the original negative review.

Facebook has been working on “near me” searches directly in their platform. TechCrunch, says the beta version of Facebook’s local search function is rich with content. A user will see, on the results page, check-ins that have occurred from their Facebook friends, and original photos and reviews. A star rating will appear beside the business name, along with a recent customer review.

Facebook is also creating a loyalty program that assigns each user a unique QR Code they can scan in-store to collect and redeem rewards when they make a purchase. Enabling this feature creates a higher margin by offering low-cost rewards while fostering a larger customer base and word-of-mouth promotion.

TechCrunch says, Facebook has been testing this feature for some time now so you should be prepared to include it in your store once they roll it out.

Facebook is also launching a powerful new version of Dynamic Ads specifically for brick and mortar retails stores. Dynamic Ads for retail give people more useful information to act on:

• LOCAL AVAILABILITY - The availability indicator on the ad indicates if a product is available at a store near them, and then provides a way to easily get directions.

• PRODUCT SUMMARIES - Advertisers can use Facebook-hosted product summaries to give shoppers the information they need without leaving the Facebook app.

• DIFFERENT ACTIONS - Product summaries include ways for people to act — buying online, contacting the nearest store or saving the product for later.

• SIMILAR PRODUCTS - Similar products available at the nearest store are featured so people can browse the aisles right from their phone.

How to create a Facebook page Creating a Facebook page is the best way of giving voice to your business. You can connect with existing customers and attract new ones as well as establish yourself as a source of information about certain topics. Follow these simple steps to create your Facebook page:

1. Visit 2. Click on any of the Page categories that best match your page’ purpose. 3. Select the more specific category from the drop-down menu. 4. Fill in the required information. 5. Click on Get Started and follow the on-screen instructions provided by Facebook. Author: Eric MacDougall

Choosing the correct page type: While creating a page on Facebook you will be asked to select the correct type. Selecting the right type of page will allow you to present the most relevant information, and take advantage of certain exclusive features and tools. There are six options provided by Facebook to choose from as your page type:

• Local Business or Place • Company Organization or Institution • Brand or Product • Artist Band or Public Figure • Entertainment • Cause or Community

Choosing the correct page category: Once you have selected the correct page type you further need to categorize the page. There are various options under each list. If you can’t find anything relevant in the category list, double check your page type again. Make sure you complete all the fields Facebook offers you.

Uploading the logo and cover photo: You must have heard “First impression is the last impression”. It is important that your Facebook page is setup to look professional and clean, with consistent branding to the rest of your web and offline properties, and makes it clear what your product/service offering is, for new visitors.

Updating the profile photo and cover photo is the first thing after choosing the category. Your profile photo can be your logo, storefront or your staff image and you can upload a cover designed by a graphic designer or staff image to use as the cover. Note: Use the correct dimensions for the images.

Profile Picture: 720px x 960px Cover Picture: 850px x 315px

Completing your Page Profile A Facebook page is like a social media homepage optimizing it will benefit your business. There are many opportunities created by Facebook for the pages to get more traffic by proven methods of SEO. Few general key entries from your keyboard, if done right; will do the basic SEO for your Facebook page. Viral distribution via invites, messages and news feed will connect you directly to your existing fans only. But search engine optimization can potentially expose your page to anyone looking for your business or related product/services on major search engines like Google and Bing.

Choosing the correct page title: Your page title can be simply the name of your business. Think before entering the page name as changing this is not good practice. Don’t worry too much about keywords in your page name, it’s more important that your identity be clear. Author: Eric MacDougall

Select the best URL: You are free to create a vanity URL for your page, for example This is the URL you would print on your business cards, or link to from your website.

Use the About text box: Explain your business in 250 characters or less and include keywords. This information is visible at the top of your Facebook page.

Page Description: Make sure that you include keywords, buzzword, and call to actions for your company’s services/products in your page description. Double check for the description to be error free and well written. Write long descriptions with bolder headings, Format the text with proper spacing. Include your history, story, mission, location and contact details in the description.

Initial Content Create milestones for business launch, major changes, and events on your business page.

Post that you are new and what users can expect from your page/business. Tell them you are easily reachable and invite them to interact with you.

Choosing tabs: Facebook business pages can be equipped with tabs that enable visitors to interact with your business/page in meaningful ways. Tabs can be used to display photos, events, products, signup forms, or nearly anything else you want. Facebook comes equipped with many useful integrations, and there are many third-party tools that also provide Facebook tab functionality. It’s a good idea to look through the possible integrations and organize your page’s tabs in a way that make sense for your audience.

Choosing a voice for your page: It is important to choose the right ‘voice’ for your page and keep it consistent. The type of content, wording, and imagery you use will reflect on the type of audience you can build.

o fun o playful o intriguing o brief o mysterious o joyful o sarcastic o witty o comprehensive o risky o honest o rude o controversial o light hearted o informative Author: Eric MacDougall

o factual o innocent o meaningful

Take inspiration from your most successful competitor and keep that voice consistent.

Reviews and Ratings You can enable reviews and ratings on your page so that users are able to leave their opinion of your business. For most companies, this can result in increased social proof, and for local companies this rating will be displayed in Facebook’s local searches.

Likes/Followers When you run a Facebook page, typically one of your goals is to get Likes. When someone likes your Facebook page they are essentially expressing interest in your brand. By default, the user will also be set to Follow you, and this gives you some potential to broadcast your posts into their newsfeed. However, just because someone likes your page does not mean you will reach them with your posts.

Having a following on your Facebook page is a form of social proof – it helps create a sense of confidence for new visitors, as well as increase SEO and can boost trust when displayed on your own sales pages. Organic reach to Facebook followers is now only around 10% on average and you'll need to use paid advertising to push the reach of your post to a higher percentage of your followers.

Ways to get Likes One thing to note is that many people will offer to sell you Likes. Most purchased likes turn out to be robots or click farms and at the very least people with no interest in your subject or product at all. This is not valuable to you. Your posts will not receive the appropriate engagement needed to maintain high relevancy which helps to deliver your page’s unpaid posts to a higher percent of your followers, and it can even impact the cost of page related ads.

If you are looking for a paid way to increase your page’s likes, in an at least somewhat valuable way, there is a good option:

You can use Facebook’s engagement ads – these ads will let you boost your posts or page itself with a built in ‘Like Page’ button that can quickly get your more followers.

You can even target cheaper countries, but try to at least target people in those countries with related interests – even if you can’t sell directly to them right now – as they may at least engage with your posted content, if it is relevant to them.

If you do decide to target cheaper countries, make sure to deselect the US and Canada or Facebook will spend your ad budget there at a higher rate. Author: Eric MacDougall

Don’t forget to invite your friends! Right on your Facebook page there is a button to invite your friends. This is usually the first step to getting the ball rolling. Also, don’t be afraid to follow up and ask your friends to share your posts or invite their friends to your page – the more initial reach you have the better. Post a Facebook status announcing your new page and asking your friends to help support it and make it more visible. Friends are more likely to help you if you ask them to be involved rather than try to sell to them.

Utilize your other social media accounts – invite people to your Facebook page from your Twitter and other accounts – and ask your friends to do the same.

Email your current customers and let them know about the new Facebook page you have created and the types of valuable content and promotions that you will be sharing there.

Include your fb link on all your emails – add it to your email signature.

Advertise on your website – install the Facebook like widget and make a blog post about the kinds of content and value you hope to bring to your Facebook page.

If you have a physical business location, place signage in your store to promote your online community. Note “Like us to see exclusive offers and savings” don’t forget to ASK your customers to join your page to help support your business, most people will do something they are asked to do.

Make sure your Facebook URL is added to your business cards.

The most common reasons people like a page:

- Discounts/promotions - Show support for the company - Get a freebie or coupon - Stay informed about the company - Fun or entertainment - Access to exclusive content - Education in the industry - Interact and provide feedback Join relevant Facebook groups. It’s easy to find relevant groups with lots of members – just search a related business keyword in the top box in Once you get accepted to the community write something on the wall - offer value with a very subtle ad for your page. Make sure you interact and add value to the page.

You can cross promote with other pages. Once you have over 100 likes reach out to similar pages (similar number of likers, not ones with way more) and make an agreement to share each other pages and content to help each other grow.

Use the parallel interest page strategy. Create more "interest" Facebook pages that are not business pages - just fun/easy pages - sharing things that appeal to your audience, then leverage that page to funnel users to your business page. Author: Eric MacDougall

Create local community pages and/or join other community pages and post in them. If you create your own community page, like other pages as your community page. Comment on other community’s posts, as your community page, and reply to comments. Always ad value and never spam.

Post copy When you are posting to your Facebook page there are several things you should keep in mind with regards to the content of your posts:

1. Rules – Facebook has rules about what kind of content is appropriate, be sure you look them over – but for the most part they are common sense

2. Types of posts – It’s best to maintain a ratio of about 70% purely valuable and engaging content, 20% simple engaging content (sharing other page’s posts etc.), and only 10% of your posts should be related to promoting your products or services.

3. The best times to share on Facebook are usually Thursdays and Fridays at 1pm for most shares, and 3pm for most clicks.

4. Fridays people are happier, share things to boost and take advantage of this mood for more engagement

5. You can highlight and pin things to your Facebook page’s wall a. Highlight doubles the size of the post -- use it for something like competitions -- make

sure you have larger images in it b. Pin items to your page to keep it at the top - makes is very visible to page visitors -- only

one thing can be pinned at a time 6. Test the best kinds of content to share by sharing different things and track insights, its different

for each brand type. - memes/quotes/ecards are fun content which is more shareable - always include a link to your website in every post - brand your memes/quotes/images if you can

7. Keep your content short 80 characters or less - posts of this size receive 23% higher interaction than longer posts. The problem for brands, however is that more than 75% of posts are beyond this optimum length, thus impacting interaction.

8. Photos get 39% higher interactions then an all text post 9. If you ask fans to LIKE a post they are 3x more likely to do it 10. If you ask fans to SHARE a post - they are 7x more likely to do it 11. If you ask fans to COMMENT on a post- they are 3.3x more likely to do it

a. "SHARE THIS PHOTO if you're ready for the weekend too" for example 12. Engage with followers

-- REPLY! BE FRIENDLY! MAKE A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM! 13. Do not sound like a commercial 14. Include first person conversational posts, and ask questions and state how you feel about things 15. Let followers vote and suggest things for your company or brand and get involved in the

discussions 16. Take advantage of the diversity of your Facebook followers and the types of posts the platform

allows: Author: Eric MacDougall

17. Contest – Anything from ‘like this post for a chance to win’ to submit a photo of your dog – cutest dog wins a doggy spa gift certificate (or something for their owner).

18. Events – Invent events, it creates a sense of commitment and a direct call to action. Events on Facebook allow people to RSVP and discuss the event with each other – or share it with, and invite their friends.

19. Videos – Post videos with a unique comment or question. Funny, intense or ‘cool’ things are usually watched – and often result in a ‘like’ or comment.

20. Acknowledgement – Reward response with anything from responding with ‘hey Annie, thanks for your response you get a virtual high five,’ a direct and simple thank you, or an offer or giveaway.

21. Links – Send people to a website, this could be your own or someone else’s. Make sure you tweak the thumbnail photo and link description by clicking on the description that is populated and making changes – as well as make an engaging comment on the post.

22. Emoticons – Not all emoticons are created equal. Posts that contain emoticons receive 52% higher interaction rates. These posts have a 57% higher like rate, and 33% higher comment rate and 33% higher share rate.

a. :-) – Has a 35% increased interaction rate b. ;) – Has a 38% increased interaction rate c. <3 – Has a 50% increased interaction rate d. :) – Has a 52% increased Interaction rate e. ;-) – has a 60% increased interaction rate f. :( - has a 60% increased interaction rate g. :-D - has an 80% increased Interaction rate h. :P – has a 102% increased interaction rate i. :D – has a 138% increased interaction rate

23. Winner – When a post contains the word “winner” it often receives a 68% higher interaction

rate. 24. Win – When a post uses “win” as a keyword – it gets a 46% higher interaction rate than average. 25. Giveaway – When a post uses “giveaway” as a keyword – it gets 42% higher interaction. 26. Long URLs – When posting a link, long URLs receive 16% higher interaction rates than shortened

URLs, it is beneficial to use a display URL which gives an indication of the link’s destination – this can create an increased interaction rate of up to 68% on average.

27. Ask questions for a comment - Though posts containing questions receive slightly lower interaction overall, they generate 92% higher comment rates.

28. Put your questions at the end – Posts that have a questions located at the end have a 15% higher overall interaction rate. They also have a 100% higher comment rate.

29. Caption this - Posts that employ the ‘caption this’ strategy generate 5.5X higher comment rates than posts without. For example, if you own a fashion boutique ask your followers to “name your newest dress.” Additionally, caption this posts increase overall interaction rate by more than 100%

30. Fill in the blanks – Using a “fill in the blank” strategy, in which brands asks fans to add their own words or phrases to complete a sentence, is a great way to start a dialogue within a Facebook community. Posts that use a “fill in the blank” strategy receive 4X as many comments. Author: Eric MacDougall

Some engaging post strategies include:

1. Call to action - ask your followers to take an action (answer question, like, comment, click) - Some phrases you could use include … -what do you think - would you ever do this? - have you ever experienced something like this - "tag someone who inspires you" -- make sure tag settings are enabled in your Facebook page - vote (like for option a, comment for option b) - ask a riddle - spot the difference 2. Evoke curiosity - visual curiosity - a picture that is hard to be sure what it is with a thought provoking headline - jokes - but hide the punch line until someone clicks 3. News jacking - combine a relevant news story with something related to your business

When creating a post, you can 'target' the organic post with the audience optimization (target icon) -adding interest tags under 'preferred audience' will potentially boost visibility of your post to

people who match the interest - this may get you more engagement, which will give you more reach on future posts

-use broad to narrow interest tags mixed together -restrict your post to not be shown to people you know won’t like it -On Facebook insights, go to the preferred audience tab on a post you’ve used this targeting

on - this will allow you to learn more about how to better you target next posts

Finding Content to Post Sources for content to share/post are different for each industry, but here are some general resources for inspiration:

- Pinterest -- search for something related to your vertical or something like 'funny quotes' - Reddit -- find a subreddit relevant to your fb page and share top things from it - Facebook -- log in with a personal account - like a bunch of similar pages -- see what shows in

your news feed that is getting good interactions - imgur -- shows viral photos on their website, pick ones that are relevant to your page and

take advantage of the search function Author: Eric MacDougall

Creating fb ads How to create an ad account To create a Facebook account, First, you need to sign in from your personal account. Then open your Business Manager Settings and follow below steps.

1. Under the People and Assets tab, click ad Accounts. 2. On the right side of the page, click Add New Ad Accounts. 3. Choose "create a new ad account" from the 3 options: Add Ad Account, Request Access to an Ad

Account or Create a new ad account. 4. After choosing to create a new ad account you will be required to fill in some fields/ your

payment information and your account will be created smoothly, you can add that account under business manager settings tab.

Levels of ad manager interface: The Facebook Ads Manager has come a long way, there are two interfaces basic and power editor. Facebook often debuts the new features in power editor version before making it available to everyone. Power is more complicated as compared to Basic Ads manager but it is a professional ads platform.

Types of ads, what are they for/how do they work The Facebook ads manager splits the types of ads in to logical steps:

1. Awareness – This type of ad is meant to simply get your name in front of Facebook (and Instagram) users – you typically pay for visibility and reach with this type of ad 2. Consideration – This type of ad is meant to push content and offers to Facebook users – you typically pay for visibility or some simple action – such as like – with this type of ad 3. Conversion – These types of ads enable you to pay for specific actions – like when a sale is made, or a user fills out a form or reaches a certain part of your website.

One thing to keep in mind is that you will eventually create a lot of ads and audiences. Make sure to always name ad sets and audiences clearly including variables/audience details in the name.

Targeting Audience When creating a Facebook Ad one of the key ingredients to success is selecting the right audience. Facebook has powerful targeting features that allow you to really control who sees your ad. Facebook’s advertising system also rewards you for making intelligent audience selections by decreasing the price, and increasing visibility/display frequency of your ad due to a higher relevancy score and because there may be less competition to reach these specific people. Of course, you’ll also benefit by targeting a narrow audience with a specific ad due to the relevant nature of the creative – you can use the right language, colors, graphics and offers to attract that specific audience.

Facebook’s targeting abilities are vast, including demographics, location, interests, the other Facebook pages someone likes and even how they have interacted with your page and website in the past. Author: Eric MacDougall

When creating a Facebook ad, you can customize a specific audience setting and save it for later use – this comes in very handy if you create a very specific audience and quite often wish to market to it. There are 3 types of audiences: - Basic audience – these are audience selections you make manually - Custom audiences – these audiences are great for targeting specific users such as your own customer email list, website data from the Facebook’s conversion pixel, or people who have installed your app/game etc. - Lookalike audiences – this feature lets you ask Facebook to automatically discover users in a specified location who closely match a previous custom audience When trying to decide what audience to target there are several things to consider: - location - if you are a local business, you probably want to market to a radius of an address - if you are an online or global business, you may want to analyze your current Facebook Insights, Google Analytics or other data sources to see where most of your customers currently come from, along with their age and gender to get some ideas. - if you know that you typically sell to a certain demographic, it makes sense to narrow your

advertisement’s audience by these demographics - you may wish to run several different ads based on age and gender, using slightly different

offers, graphics, and language, to get a better response - you should always select appropriate languages – this may be a no-brainer, but leaving this

setting off may waste your budget - detailed targeting fields: this is where Facebook ads start to really shine… Facebook already

knows so much about the behaviors, interests, profile and activities of its users – so it can expose this information to your ad targeting:

- use the Facebook ad manager's interest selection box to get suggestions of influencers whose audience you can target, as well as recommended behaviors

- when using the detailed targeting field, you can INCLUDE and EXCLUDE interests/behaviors. INCLUDING an interest tells Facebook you want to “ALSO” show this ad to anyone who matches this field (and your demographics). EXCLUDING an interest means even of someone matches the rest of your targeting, don’t include them. You need to be careful with EXCLUDING interests and behaviors – often what you should really be using is the NARROW feature. NARROW allows telling Facebook that you want to target people who match your previously selected interests/behaviors, but “ONLY” if they also have this interest/behavior. - connections – Another very powerful feature of Facebook targeting is the connections filter. This lets you do things like excluding people who already like your page, or only target people who have previously visited a certain page of your website. - Relevance Score – Some ads will get a relevance score based on how ‘relevant’ the content is to the selected audience. The Higher the relevance score the Lower the cost of the ad. You will rank from 1-10 on this 10 being the highest and reducing the cost as much as possible Author: Eric MacDougall

- If Facebook thinks your ad will have low engagement (targeting women’s fashion to older male hunters) you’ll get a low relevancy score - If people hide your post/report your ad you get a lower score Tips to get a higher relevance score: - A/B split test your images - these are the first thing users see - make sure people like your image - Include your logo, CTA, and images of people (especially pretty women) - Use funny images that resonate with your brand’s audience - Don’t reuse images too much, people stop engaging with it which drops your score

Placements Facebook lets you decide where you want your ad to show. This targeting feature can be very useful if your ad makes sense for specific devices, or if want it to run only on Instagram etc.

Placements allows you to target ads by quite a few factors including:

- Device type (desktop/mobile)

- Device OS (IOS/android etc.)

- Certain parts of Facebook (newsfeed, instagram, sidebar)

Note: You should allow your ad to be displayed on mobile devices (be it via Facebook, Instagram or both) you should be sure that your website and landing pages are all mobile optimized. Use a site like to see how your site and landing pages perform on different devices.

Schedules There are a couple of ways you can schedule your Facebook ads. You can run them continuously or at certain specific times – but this depends on how you bid. When you use Facebook’s recommended bidding system, it will decide at what times to run your ad. You’ll typically want to use Facebooks recommended bidding and schedule, unless you are very confident or running experiments.

You may also set your ad to either run continuously or give a specific start and end date.

Budgets The amount you spend on an ad, and how you spend it, is entirely up to you, but it is important to understand how ad buying works on platforms such as Facebook.

Facebook has a limited number of places an ad can appear at a time, and there are many advertisers who are pushing many different advertisements, to many different audiences. Because of this, most online ads are purchased in the format of an auction.

Auctions for ad placement work by considering the number of competitors, their total remaining budget, the targeting settings of the ad, and the amount the customer is willing to pay for that ad placement or how much revenue displaying a certain add typically brings to Facebook per display. The more you are willing to pay per display or the higher the conversion rate of your conversion type ads, the more frequently Facebook will display your ad. Author: Eric MacDougall

When deciding on a budget for a Facebook ad you will typically find it more effective to spread your available Facebook advertising budget over several ads rather than putting it all into one. This way you can watch as the budget is spent, and analyze the engagement and return you are getting. If an ad starts outperforming the others, or an ad performs very poorly, you can then toggle off the appropriate ads and funnel more budget into the successful ones or additional test ads based on them.

While Facebook’s automatic bidding engine is very good – you may find some instances where you want to take bidding into your own hands. If you find that an ad is performing well, and you can afford to pay more per engagement or conversion that it is receiving to get a higher volume – you can always set your bid to be at the high end of the recommended bid range to force the bidding system to favor displaying your ad. On the flip side is you find an ad is getting you some engagement, but the cost of each engagement is slightly higher than you would like to pay, you could consider lowering your bid amount to the minimum or below the minimum recommended range to fill up the empty slots in the auction.

Delivery Facebook usually figures out the best delivery schedule for you, but in certain cases you may want to take a little more control and choose the accelerated delivery option.

Accelerated delivery is available only for manually bid ads. It strives to use up your budget as quickly as possible, rather than the standard spread out approach. Accelerated delivery is useful when you have an ad that is performing well and promoting time sensitive material that you want to push as much as possible before the time is up.

Types of ads There are many different types of ads on Facebook, each with some unique characteristics and purposes. Typically, the Engagement and Traffic ads, mixed with Conversion and Lead Generation ads will handle most business needs.

Engagement Ads One of the most basic types of ads in Facebook is the post engagement ad. The goal of this ad is simply to display your post to as much of the target audience as possible in hopes to get reactions, shares and comments.

When creating a post engagement add/boosting a post on your page, you will probably find a broader audience has a lower cost per engagement than a narrow audience – as the audience is targeted by correct demographics and related interest. Post engagement ads can be used to boost posts that link to a lead capture page, and can also contain a built-in ‘Like’ button for people to like your page. Reach ads The point of reach ads is simply to get in front of as many people as possible. You pay for visibility/display of the ad, not necessarily for any type of interaction with the ad. This kind of ad is fine if all you really want people to do is see your brand name and potentially go to your physical store. Author: Eric MacDougall

For brick and mortar companies, reach ads can be targeted to a radius around your store and to your competitors’ or other local businesses’ audience, to simply make them aware of your business and your offer.

Brand awareness ads Brand awareness ads are like billboards. Think of Coke or Pepsi. They are sometimes a lower cost, and just make your logo/creative show up on the targeted pages.

Traffic ads Traffic ads are a very useful and valuable type of ad. They drive users directly to a URL of your choosing. When properly optimized, a traffic ad can be one of your main sources of customer acquisition.

Typically, with a traffic ad you would display an enticing offer and great graphic/video, then send the user directly to a landing page that talks about the same offer/product the ad was about. The continuity of the ads’ offer and the landing page are critical to conversion.

One great thing you can do with Facebook advertising is to include their tracking pixel on your website. As users interact with your website, Facebook can gather data on the user and you can later create ads targeted directly to those users and their behaviors.

Something to keep in mind with traffic ads is that they are often used for lead generation. Display a lead magnet/free offer and send the user to a lead capture form that grabs their email. While this is certainly proven to work, and provides the advantage of the leads being subjected to your email service provider’s autoresponders and automations, there is a lower rate of email capture when you force the user to leave Facebook, as opposed to using Facebook’s lead generation ads themselves.

Another tip for landing pages that you send your traffic ads to, be sure to include the Facebook like widget. It will show the amount of people who like your brand, and could even show the friends of the visitor, establishing more social proof and confidence for the visitor.

App install ads App install ads are made specifically for one thing: getting people to install your app. This means the call to action in the add can be linked directly to an iOS or android app installation link and you can even bid to pay Facebook on a per installation basis.

Lead generation ads Lead generation ads are a particularly useful type of ad. They allow you to create a custom lead capture form and display an ad with an offer and direct opt-in option right in Facebook.

Tip: Make sure you are positive about your ad before posting it, you cannot edit a lead generation ad

Most customers do not want to leave Facebook when they are scrolling through it. The lead generation ad allows the user to give you whatever details you ask for, without leaving the page. Facebook will even fill in the fields for them, with whatever information they already have. Such as name and email. Author: Eric MacDougall

Another advantage of the Facebook lead generation ad is that there is an inherent trust built when the user can see the social proof of your brand and the fact they are staying in Facebook instead of entering their details on a new website.

There are a few disadvantages to using Facebook’s lead generation ads as opposed to traffic ads and a lead capture form:

1. You do not get any traffic to your website, so retargeting the leads means importing them into a custom audience manually, and you do not get the added SEO value of the page traffic.

2. Unless you integrate your lead capture form with a supported CRM or ESP, you will have to manually download your leads as a CSV File and your autoresponders will not be triggered.

a. Facebook is continuously adding supported CRMs and ESPs where leads can be automatically imported, and autoresponders can be triggered.

b. If you forget to download your leads within 90 days of capture, they become permanently unavailable to you and you’ll have to try to capture them with a new ad.

3. You may get less valuable leads – more people are willing to click the subscribe button to get your free offer, using their spam-ready email they used with Facebook and they may not be as interested in your product/service/business as someone who had to take the time to think if they wanted to manually fill out the form on your website. You can help mitigate this by simply adding another field to the lead capture form, such as phone number, that Facebook will not automatically fill out for them.

When creating a lead generation ad there are a few steps to be aware of:

1. Create a good welcome screen. This is where you can put in more details about your offer and better grab the user’s attention and assert value. However, this screen is optional.

2. Bullets vs Paragraphs – Typically bullets convert better, but it’s your choice. 3. You need a privacy policy. There are free templates on Google as well as plug-ins for WordPress

that will generate one for you. 4. If you are offering something that can be provided immediately after capturing the lead, the

Thank You page is a great place to put the download link or instructions. It is displayed only after the form has been submitted.

Dynamic ads A very cool, and very powerful, type of ad on Facebook is the Dynamic ad. It is most useful for shops to showcase products. With Dynamic ads, Facebook will generate a display ad specifically for the user seeing it.

A dynamic ad is generated by using data captured by Facebook’s tracking pixel, and pairing this information with data from your imported product sets.

To take advantage of dynamic ads you will need to do a bit of advanced setup:

1. You’ll need to completely setup Facebook’s tracking pixel and events on your website. 2. You’ll need to setup your product catalog (Facebook Ad Manager > Assets > Product Catalog) 3. You’ll need to import a product feed Author: Eric MacDougall

4. You’ll need to associate the product feed with your Facebook tracking pixel under the ‘event source’ configuration option

5. You then need to configure one or more ‘product set’ (such as ‘all products’ or ‘upsell products’)

Once you have your tracking and product configured, you can create a dynamic ad by:

1. Going to Facebook ad manager > conversion ad > promote a product catalog 2. Select your product set and audience

a. Target people who purchased a product, or viewed a product, to cross-sell or upsell them

3. Configure the description and headline to user customer data – this will customize the ad copy to include things like the user’s name

Instagram ads Since Facebook owns Instagram, it’s ad manager can publish in it.

When creating ads on Facebook there are certain types and certain formats that can be used on Instagram at the same time as Facebook such as brand awareness, reach, traffic, app installs, post engagement, video views and conversion type ads.

To properly place an ad on Instagram:

1. Link your Instagram account to your Facebook 2. Select an appropriate ad type 3. Under the Placement options for an ad, select Instagram

a. You may want to select mobile only and deselect Facebook 4. Choose the type of Instagram ad you want: Feed or Story ad 5. Use 19:16 ratio for videos or 1000x1000px images for photo ads

You may want to take advantage of the Instagram ad in more than one way – you can use it to increase your instagram followers while promoting an offer simply by directing users to your instagram profile to get the offer link/code you are promoting through the ad.

Local promotion ads If you set your Facebook page’s category to Local Business, you can take advantage of this particularly useful type of ad. Local promotion ads allow you to include location-specific details in the ad, along with taking advantage of Facebook’s powerful location targeting features.

A local promotion ad usually consists of ‘cards’ or ‘slides’ that the user can swipe through. The usual format is:

- Slide 1: The offer and Call to Action - Slide 2: The map card. This is generated by Facebook and includes your business location on a map and a ‘Get Directions’ call to action that works automatically. - It can also include your business hours. Author: Eric MacDougall

Remember to take advantage of powerful targeting options such as people who like your competitors, nearby businesses or related/audience overlap businesses in your area.

Facebook messenger ads Facebook is a great platform to provide a way for customers to connect with you. Not just publicly on your page, but also in private on the Messenger platform. More and more customers are turning to social media to get customer support – and a Facebook Messenger mad may just be the preemptive strike you need to grab their feedback before it hits your page’s review section or comments – by targeting your existing customers. It can also be used to start a conversation about a subject with a potential buyer – such as “Frustrated with your website project? Ask us anything – we’re here to help!”

A Facebook messenger ad basically triggers the messenger app/chat box to open for the user and it can send a prewritten message. You create a messenger ad by changing the ‘traffic’ ads’ destination to ‘messenger’ or a conversion ads’ options from website to messenger.

Retargeting ads When combining the Facebook tracking pixel and your custom audiences, you can create ads that are meant to keep your brand and products in front of people who have already interacted with your page or website in some way. This can let you provide an additional discount to someone on a specific product they looked at purchasing, to close the deal. Conversion Ads Running conversion ads in Facebook is great when you understand how much you can afford to spend for a specific action such as an app install, filling out a form or making a purchase.

Ad formats Facebook allows you to deliver ads in a variety of formats. The type of format you choose can greatly impact the effectiveness of the ad, as well as where the ad can be placed. You will want to experiment with different types of ad formats, but the highest converting types are usually single image and video format ads.

The different types of ads include:

- Text/post: You can choose to simply boost a post you write on your Facebook page. - Single Image: By selecting the right sized and style of image, along with entering some

descriptive text, Facebook can display an eye catching and professional looking single image format ad.

o Be careful when using single image ads – you cannot put text on more than 20% of the image itself or Facebook will reject the ad -- use this tool to confirm it will be accepted by the 20% rule

o Ensure you use the recommended sizes or your ad may look poor on different resolution devices

o Try to include the obvious value and CTA on the image itself, without breaking the 20% rule. Using words like “Head Over” or “Get” will increase action on an ad. Author: Eric MacDougall

o Images of people tend to get better engagement, especially attractive and happy females

o With every ad format, keep your content engaging, attractive and relevant to your selected audience

o Provide a sense of urgency in your ad (offer expires ___) o Take advantage of both seasonal ads and evergreen ads

- Video Ads: In the news feed, video ads tend to play automatically. If you keep your ad under 15 seconds, you’ll often get a chance for the video to loop and reaffirm the message to the viewer.

o If you don’t have the ability to produce a professional video, you can hire someone, create an animated video, or simply speak over a power point presentation.

- Carousel Ads: These ads include a set of swipe-able cards that let your viewers see a few examples or products. You can utilize the metrics in the ad manager to see which card gets the most clicks, and which gets the least, then make a new version of the ad or promote the clicked products more in other ads.

o Carousel format when used with retargeting, dynamic or local promotion ads can be very powerful to display highly relevant information to a specific audience.

A/B split testing on Facebook Split testing is the process of creating multiple variants of an ad with only a single difference between each instance, running these ads in parallel, and comparing the metrics of the ad to decide a winning value to the variable you are comparing.

Doing split testing in any ad network is extremely critical. There is no way for you to be 100% sure exactly which headline, image, audience, placement, ad type, timing, bid amount, description, video, product cards combination will get the lowest cost of conversion unless you test each possibility separately. Rather than spending your full budget on an ad and hoping it works, you can spend a little bit on each of a few versions, and then put the remaining budget into a single, very effective, version of the ad.

Facebook lays out the ad creation process in a logical flow for split testing, and even has some handy functions to make split testing. You probably want to do your split testing progressively such as:

1. Testing the same ad on different audience a. One variable at a time (age, gender, interest, location, etc.) as separate instances

2. Allow 3-8 days for results from your parallel tests on a single variable before deciding 3. Try different content – image/offer/Call to action wording/description wording/video/headline

etc. 4. Try different ad formats 5. Try different delivery methods

Facebook’s ad manager allows you to create multiple ad sets for a campaign for testing audience/targeting level variations. It has a built-in function that will duplicate the ad details into Author: Eric MacDougall

multiple variants for you, along with a function that lets you ‘duplicate’ an ad when finalizing it to make multiple variants of the ad itself. A good use of split testing is to try different initial audiences/creatives to get the cost of a click to your website down, then use the Facebook targeting pixel/custom audience data to create a conversion based retargeting ad. One thing to always remember is to pause unsuccessful ads! If you are split testing one will usually perform better and have a lower CPA. These are the ads you should focus on.

Facebook Tracking Pixel The Facebook tracking pixel is a very powerful tool that you can use on your Facebook ads. Using this code makes it so you can target people who have visited your website. You can use the pixel to create highly relevant ads for people who have engaged with your brand in some way.

The basic concept is that you install a piece of code throughout your website which allows Facebook to track your visitors, and then add some special pieces of code on specific pages of your website to signal to Facebook what the significance/role of the page is (lead submit thank you page, shopping cart page, registration page, checkout page, product page, thank you for purchasing page etc.).

With the Facebook tracking pixel on your website you can gain insights into the behaviors of your Facebook-driven audience as well as target their specific behaviors later with highly relevant ads.

Tracking pixel setup To take advantage of the Facebook tracking pixel’s abilities you need to set it up on your website. Keep in mind you can only create 1 pixel per ad account/website. The process for setting up the Facebook tracking pixel is:

1. Go into the Facebook ads manager and select Assets > Pixels from the drop-down menu. 2. Click ‘Create Pixel’ 3. If you are using an ecommerce/CMS platform supported, you can use the built-in guide to set it

up 4. If you are using a custom platform then you can follow the guide to copy/paste the code into

the appropriate pages on your site 5. Once the main pixel code is installed on your website, you need to setup the events. Again, if

you are using a support CMS/ecommerce platform, you can take advantage of the specific guides and plugins to do this for you. Otherwise, follow the guide’s instructions to placing the right event codes throughout your website.

a. Facebook has standard events pre-defined you can just paste onto the site, or you can make your own. It is always recommended to at least install as many of the pre-defined events as you can.

b. Some event codes allow you to assign a value. This will let you later compare your Facebook ad’s cost per conversion to the total value

c. Custom conversion events can be configured easily by specifying URL matching details. Author: Eric MacDougall

Custom audiences When somebody visits a website with the Facebook tracking pixel setup, their information and the pages they visit/events their trigger is recorded by Facebook ads manager. With this information available, you can create custom audiences that include website visitors based on specific page visits/events/behaviors and use these audiences in your ad targeting (include or exclude). Targeting to previous visitors is called retargeting.

Another cool feature of custom audiences is that they can be created from customer data obtained in other platforms – you can import a list of email addresses or phone numbers and Facebook will convert them into a custom audience by finding any Facebook users that match the uploaded details. You are also able to create custom audiences and target based on several other Facebook behaviors:

- Video views from your ads. You can target based on seconds watched or % watched, in the past x days (10-30 days, a year etc.)

- Lead ads – are forms you can use as a CTA in post ads – you can target people who have partially opened the form etc.

- Canvas - opened/click a link in it - in the past x days - Page - everyone who engaged your page, visited page, engaged a post, clicked a call to action

button, sent a message to it, saved it or a post - People who messaged you on your page, and clicked a call to action - these are great people to

target, they are very engaged with you and may respond well to an upsell offer - You can exclude people who haven’t visited site for a while, and include people have been to

site a few times for better conversion via 'custom combination' website traffic setting in the custom audience

- Post engagement – Don’t waste your budget boosting our posts to audience members who never engage with your posts. You can target audience members who have previously engaged.

Lookalike audience When you have created a custom audience of the type of people who you know you can successfully advertise to, you can have Facebook find a Lookalike Audience based on the custom audience.

To create a Lookalike audience, go to All Tools > Audiences. Then select a source audience to find lookalikes for, a location you want the users to come from, and a percent of the total population of that area to target. It is usually best to stick to around 1% as the larger the percent the less similar the users are to your source audience. You can then further narrow down your Lookalike audience and save it for later use. Author: Eric MacDougall

How to Steal Your Competitors’ Audience If you have competitors with an existing Facebook audience, why not target to them? They are spending time, money and effort to aggregate the kind of people who like your product/service, and Facebook lets you target them. The process of creating an ad that targets your competition’s audience is quite simple:

1. Create an ad using the normal demographics that make sense for your product/service 2. Under the detailed targeting field, select your competition’s page 3. Exclude people who already like your page 4. Increase/decrease audience size by using the ‘narrow,’ ‘include,’ and ‘exclude functions – you

can target more than one competitor in your ad 5. Consider using a Reach ad so that you can select how many times a specific user is shown the ad

(number of days between showing the ad to that user again) 6. Consider using Page Like ads and keeping your ad copy about useful information/tips/guides 7. Consider using 15 second videos to grab attention and take advantage of playback looping

Facebook offers feature: Facebook comes with many offers to promote your business, for example, percent/amount off, buy one get one free, free stuff if they do something to redeem your offer.

Don't be afraid to give away free stuff to get people in the door: consider the value of the free item and ensure it's something related to your business. if you would normally spend $20 to get someone in the door, giving away a $5 item for free and spending $5 on the ad conversion is really saving you money. If you do your job properly, you'll retain the person as a customer and be able to effectively retarget them in the future.

A loss leader strategy: "sign up" Call to action button will decrease volume, increase the quality of leads.

Online Redemptions: If you make promo codes, make them specific to the ad, have a specific landing page that further details the offer and gives them a direct way to claim it

"less than 50%" gets little interest as compared to "75-100% off "

In store redemptions: For example, the company sends a code to email/be available to download/becomes a bookmark for the user and notifications gets triggered to the user before expiry to remind them to redeem which increases foot traffic.

Code types: There are three types of codes that can be provided for redemption.

no code: If the URL gives the offer directly.

discount code: Coupon code to redeem.

bar code: compatible with store scanners only.

expiration date: You can set it so there is time for sharing and reach, but don't let it be too long. 5-7 days for an offer is enough. Author: Eric MacDougall

● Include terms and conditions and total limits. ● Use the 'boost post' and a/b testing to promote it with paid ads. ● Offers are good to boost to current page fans. ● You can make offers from the ad manager - it doesn't show on your Facebook page, but lets you

get deeper with targeting and conversion options. ● When you are at the 'ad set' phase you can toggle on the 'offer' functionality ● Usually, single image format is best for this.

Reporting Ad Manager Facebook’s ad manager offers powerful reporting features. Simply utilize the Filters and Columns functions to gain strong insights into the best ads:


● Review past campaigns - filter by objective and active/inactive campaigns etc. ● Metrics function in filter -- for example "CPR = cost per result" is smaller than $0.06


● Access all the details that you wish to see - you access data about pixel events, engagement data, conversions, cost per action per add in the listing screen of the ad manager.

Page Insights: Every Facebook page comes with a powerful analytics system called Insights. It allows you to really understand your page’s audience and behaviors. For example:

● Overview: 5 most recent posts, easily see which recent posts are doing well for reach/engagement.

● pages to add/pages to watch: Track engagement of other pages. you can go see what your top engaging competitors are posting to get the most engagement, for your own inspiration.

● People: See your fans, and who were reached with the posts. and makes it clear about your demographics. It shows you the location (country/city) and language of top fans

● If your page has matured a bit then go ahead and target the kind of people already engaging your page/content. lets you learn about an audience based on targeting options location, interests etc.

● Demographics: will tell you about age/gender of those people. It tells you about their lifestyle, their relationship status, education and top job titles.

● Page likes of the audience: It shows you top pages the audience likes, and you can target those pages. Author: Eric MacDougall

○ top locations (for example by audience interest) ○ activity ○ household ○ purchase

● this means you now know the profile of these people and can create more relevant creatives.

Get Better Engagement: Understand Facebook's newsfeed algorithm Facebook’s newsfeed is the main screen that users see when logged in. The problem Facebook faces is that there is too much content that could be displayed to a user at any given moment, and most of it is irrelevant to the user and may degrade the users experience and willingness to use Facebook. To combat this issue, Facebook is constantly evolving their newsfeed algorithm to filter out the unwanted content. These days the algorithm has evolved to become machine learning/artificial intelligence driven, but the underlying principals are based on Facebook’s original algorithm called EDGERANK.

The purpose of Facebook’s EDGERANK algorithm is to bring the freshest, most relevant, most engaged content to the forefront of the newsfeed. Understanding the basics of how this works will help you tune the kind of content you post to your page, and how you tweak its visibility settings to keep it as relevant, and visible, as possible.

The basic formula considers an AFFINITY SCORE (the connection strength with the Facebook user) x WEIGHT (the value of the edge type [image/video/text post etc.]) x TIME DECAY (time since the edge was created)


● affinity is a one-way relationship between a fan and a fan page. ● how strong a relationship the brand has with the individual fan. ● affinity is strengthened by an interaction with the brand (view page,

comment/like/share/click/message the brand). The more time/effort the action takes, the more it increases affinity

WEIGHT ● value system to order what type of edges are wanted to be seen the most. ● each type has different default weight (images > video - for example) ● Facebook constantly tweaking these value

TIME DECAY ● how long since the item was created ● Facebook wants new/fresh content - as items age, they are less valuable.

Now Facebook uses a machine learning algorithm that considers over 100,000 factors but it is still the same concept. For example - relationship settings with the page, each person gets a weight score for edges (images/videos etc.) based on their own behavior, Internet connection speed (videos/images/text based on connection speed) Author: Eric MacDougall

Main changes that matter:

● the number of likes/shares/comments a post receives from the world at large and from your friend’s engagement brings more engagement.

● how often you interact with the page. ● how much you have interacted with this type of post in the past. ● whether you and other people across Facebook are hiding or reporting a post. ● if we show an update to 100 users, but only a couple of them interact with it, we may not show

it in your news feed. but if a lot of people are interacting with it, we might decide to show it to you, too.

● 70-80% of your FB fans is the TOP organic reach possible. ● when someone interacts with a post, it bumps it over time decay. ● last 50 actions give the greatest weight, strongest of those to the most recent 10 interactions. ● 12-16% is average for organic reach.

“hacking” the algorithm:

● posting at the optimal time ● optimizing a posting time will optimize for the time decay, last actor and global interactions

factors of the algorithm. ● post when people are online so it doesn't get stale (20 minutes = 45% of total reach on average)

(next 20 minutes = 30%) therefore 1 hour after posting, more than 90% of people will see it (who Facebook will show it to organically)

● General best times: 7am, 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm every day. End of the week for most important. ● Factor in edge competition: at peak times, more than 1500 news items are competing for the

top 40 spots in the fans news feeds. Post slightly before peak time

Optimizing edge type

● Optimizing edge type will optimize for the time decay, weight and affinity factors. ● Each type of content has a different visibility ranking based on each user. ● Status with link receives 153% more likes, 204% more comments, 184% more shares than a

status without ● shorter text = more interactions ● photo gets 120% more interaction ● album gets 180% more interaction ● test for your fans! ● encourage interaction ● encourage interaction will optimize for the affinity, last actor, story bumping and global

interactions factors ● use CTA/questions/engaging content to stimulate conversations and interactions. Author: Eric MacDougall

Spacing edges:

● will optimize for the affinity and last actor factors ● space edges 5 hours apart for example, better than 24 hours apart. get higher scores by posting

early in the morning after good interactions the previous night

strong edge anchoring:

● will optimize for affinity, last actor and global interactions factors ● create enough strong posts that get interactions to ensure similar posts will be visible to the

users ● after 500 likes on a status, you have a strong affinity and the last actor for those 500 people.

post another post soon after, those 500 people will likely see your post ● be active ● will optimize for story bumping and global interactions ● always like your own status! ● like comments on your status ● reply and ask questions on your status ● great content will optimize for weight, affinity, last actor, story bumping and global interactions. ● most important factor: great content.

When posting, Facebook asks you to consider these questions:

● is this timely and relevant content? ● is this content from a source you would trust? ● would you share it with friends or recommend it to others? ● is the content genuinely interesting to you or is it trying to game News Feed distribution (asking

people to like the content for example) ● would you call this a low-quality post or meme? ● would you complain about seeing this content in your news feed?

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