

Facilitator Training Program

Yvonne Ward


May 30, 2016

Facilitator Melinda Medina


Facilitator Training Program

Facilitator Training Program

Create a training program for distance learning facilitator trainees. The training manual

will be handed out to trainees and used by trainers in a 3-day, synchronous learning environment.

Tables and graphics may be used in the training manual. You may choose to focus on training

higher education facilitators or corporate trainers.

A Facilitator Training Program is to designing a manual/program with training that will

be effective and beneficial to learner/student. Therefore, it is creating a plan or manual that will be

used to train one’s audiences developing on all the skills and knowledge needed to perform each

tasks and duties. It is to create a balance educating one within the selected environment with an

effective training plan to meet all needs within the selected environment. Technology will be a

useful tool with the training to creating effective activities from examples, and shared ideas for

the operation that will build strong communication. Also, covering all areas of training concepts

to promote effective students. The training will help to identifying the learner’s weakness, and

strengths in critical thinking, and creative background. Also, it is demonstrating through sharing

knowledge and resources. Incorporate ideas and create an effective learners experiences and what

would reference the learner/students skills to offer any needed supports. Therefore, a Facilitator

training program is effectively training the audiences adding a wide range of tools to practice and

learning for a balance. Creative planning, creative activities and the using of effective tools for the

success of the program.


Part I – Vital Information in the Facilitator Training

Training program audience

The created training manual is for entertainer who get lost with the fantasy, and

expectations of the entertainment business. However, one does not understands who to go too for

support from the beginning of one’s career to when it materialize into the financial priorities.

Forgetting about the business side that pays for the lifestyle and status of the entertainment world

is to be idealist and learn how to become an effective entertainer understanding one’s

opportunities. Therefore, the training program is for new Actors, Actresses, Singers, Song

Writers, Rappers, Writers-Movies transition into the world of entertainment. The three (3)-day,

synchronous training is knowing who to turn to for help and support with personal, and the

business side of the world in entertainment. The areas are knowledge management before and

after one has decided to sign any contract/contracts. Also, knowing the support team on how to go

about handling one’s own business/financial affairs is the program plan. Supporting the

entertainers in the corporate world of entertainment.

Identify your audience clearly

The identifying audiences are Actors, Actresses, Dancers, Singers, and Rappers in the

category of performers. Also, Song Writers, Writers-Movies that uses one’s gift and talent in

words dedication for the written art form in the world of entertainment.

What are the assumed current skill sets?


The assume skill set is from the natural born talented individual who is with one's

personal trained and developmental skills no college training. However, one has explored on

talent and determined background for one’s strategic, creative learning. Categorized as the novice

with the incomplete expertise training in the areas of entertainment. To college trained coursed

learning/e-learning instructional yet still missing areas on the support team, technical knowledge,

and other organization training in the entertainment industry. Therefore, skill set presented is the

entertainers not knowing who to go to for contract support, business planning support, and

activity that will be about the entertainment lifestyle support. The cognitive skills to characterize

and validate a performer talents and expertise in the areas of the entertainment industry. The skill

sets are still lacking information on the learning services between, technical/technology training,

and other considered model of training.

The assumed experiences are personal knowledge from performance practices and other

professional education to one’s creative talents compatible to the entertainers’ musical

background. The embraced areas develop to the artist's performance skills and continued practices

that has one with the experiences.

What is the assumed level of current knowledge?

The performer/entertainers level of experience is a combination one’s self-management

and creative use of technology to one's related grads degree.

The artist/artists natural talent non-grads self-trained to reference creative talent, and

continue practices for one's special developmental behavior habits from experience.

The theater performances in acting dancing, singing adding the talent shows.

The songwriting/script with the movie festival to share one’s talent, skills and background

for the assumed skill sets, experiences, and gained knowledge.


Training program goals

The training program goals are to create adequate support with a difference for


Providing appropriate support and training, expert advice, and support opportunities for


The authentic artist developed training how to get involved with the management of

one’s career.

Education on all levels of the entertainment industry, learning about the different

opportunities, supports, and various pieces of training.

Support the entertainer’s lifestyle changes for one’s compatibility technology training.

Utilizing social media for marketing and implementing any added experience with the

cyber/virtual environment, and Smartphone and other web-based tools.

The corporate training program will enhance the skill set referencing opportunities to

sharing/learning. Also, the quality support plan of knowing who to go to for methods of

gaining service knowledge.

A Clear picture on what to do with guideline staged around college degree formal and

informal level courses setting especially for the no-college who will claim naturally talented. The

skill to also the development skills to understanding what is involved, the training technique is the

compassion learning outcome for the understanding ability. The creative talent of these

entertainer starts from hobby to a career choice for one's level of knowledge that will added skills,

and experiences. Also, the goal is building motivation creating an instructional manual

plan/program that will address the entertainers’ brand. Educating the talents on all of the support


is identifying each area of resource needed. From the entertainment lawyers, managers and

management team. Also, the consumers and sales area of the entertainment industry, and its

corporation team leading to the talent branding support. The collaborating is the support areas of

training on the business areas, management and financial that support the brand to build economic


What are the essential skills the facilitator or corporate trainer needs to be successful as a

distance facilitator?

The corporate trainer core skills are to be idealist understanding the superior learning

ability for the communication and interpersonal skills from a personal to professional

training side.

Individual entertainment background to reference the skills and focus on the added

knowledge, and experience of the entertainment industry.

Understanding skills to incorporate the expertise of one’s developmental and background

skills and deliver the intelligence project around personal conversation, and business


Demonstrating skills are exploring and sharing the technical side from one’s background

experience in corporate training of software knowledge and adding behavior habit skills

with measures to guide the teaching and establish support. Also, business, and level

financial skills from a business degree or combined experience. Technology skills for the

vast expectations of cyber sharing, and virtual support tools for training activities and

information to build trust and create a balance, and respect. The expert sharing from


personal knowledge and acquired skill is the approach method and measure power needed

toward training.

What key training elements will you focus on for this training?

A new direction for entertainers supports, the focus is on development learning the operation

essential to one's career. Management support. Resource awareness, and implementing support to

build positive brand control. Therefore, understanding the entertainment business performance

right to one's name, and knowledge created from the training experience.

Training program objectives

Clearly identify the goals of the program.

Ensure that you have enough objectives to fill the three days of training.

Objectives must be measurable.

Entertainer’s available to support.

Resource guideline knows who will provide the directions with the training to

one’s professional career.

Building understanding of the required recommendations, creating a brand

integrating the appropriate training and learning techniques for the learning


Formal and informal training the support tools with technology. Determining the

areas of what tools will be used and needed. The Smartphone, tablets, laptop and

computer opportunity training. Learning the skills required, for the collaborating


networking exchanged learning the support guides to understanding the marketing

of one’s brand, financial structure.

The needed different tools use the email, social media, and another resource, and

online site using the Internet.

Media novice awareness and overview developmental program, network support,

on social media development.

Training on mastering each area that is ensuring the talent understands one’s

support to the branding of oneself and the development focus.

Provide mentor and personal and business support to facilitate the talent


Summative assessment of trainee learning

Evaluating the entertainer's business, management focus after the training. The artist's motivation,

embracing feedback and introducing new ideas with shared input on the technical direction side

with supply and product sales.

The evaluating different global support areas for the entertainer assessments.

Strategic learning tool used to support goal setting that offers the guide to staying relevant.

Success examples on how the entertainers understanding these areas assessments learning.

End-of-the training assessment evaluating for the trainer to establishing the artist's

directions and ensuring one knows all the support areas.

Support community for resources is understanding.

Survey questions to manage accountability for the different tools used to support

development, personal and business. (Weekly report score card to show the differences.)


Part II – Facilitator Skills and Instructional Materials

Training materials

Online E-learning and ground transition between the different areas of learning for all

added performance training with entertainment management and support.

Understanding the show business is understanding how to build financial wealth and

where the finances come from to be successful. Also, how to go about making a difference with

clear directions on making financial decisions to stay relevant. An entertainer’s career will work

well with the right support. Therefore, the program is managing all areas of the artist's career with

the use of support teams, identifying the correct support, and how integrating the material support

is important.

Day One

Knowing the areas of Support

Mapping out the support areas and introducing the support Team. The created teams are

the Agents, the Managers- Business, and Personal, the Attorneys, the Accountant, the Personal

Assistance, and the Publics.

Agents- an Agent carries the role with the same performance of a manager, find deals, and

opportunities around the entertainer’s career background.

Personal Manager - “A personal manager can take all of that pressure off by handling the business

side of things however with bit more engaging where one could be one’s family member or close

friend. Therefore, the performance will be more personable so that the entertainer can focus on

being creative. The benefit on adding the family member/friend can be successful or challenging.


The Business Manager- Can contact the labels, work with promoters and agents, setup meetings

with the press. Also, book gigs and invite labels and the media to the shows. One can also,

explore funding opportunities. (Do I Need an Artist Manager? 2016)”

Business Manager- Send out demos to labels, radio stations, local print media, and online

publications. Also, is involve in the entertainer's financial deals. This is an area for the artist to

concentrate on when it comes to finances, knowing what comes in and what will be going out for

payments and other deals.

Attorneys- The entertainer's lawyers is the contracted evaluator, the business communicator on all

the business transaction and financial dealing along with the Accountant, who will handle the

financial affair.

Accounts- Financial issues, balancing the finances.

Publics- The building of the entertainer's status through media, books, magazine sharing

information, television commercial, and any means needed to market and promote the artist and

protect the artists rights to does deal along with the attorney.

“The skills necessary are entertainment background is a plus, business degree for the

overall financial support. Or years of experience in the field of entertainment. Solid and

efficient communication skills, and the ability to manage any to all types of social media

virtual communication. The technology expertise and experience is essential for the area

support of marketing. Also, for mentoring the use of cyber communication, softwares and

viral criteria of the online world. Establishing presents and staying creative with one’s

instructional design and layout.


Therefore, the use of workshop development and training is a strategic plan to identify ant

weak areas of the learners experience with technology.

Operations Analysis - Analyzing needs and product requirements to create a design.

Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing related

information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.

Systems Analysis - Determining how a system should work and how changes in

conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes.

Systems Evaluation - Identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the

actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system.

Persuasion - Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.

Negotiation - Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Management of Personnel Resources - Motivating, developing, and directing people as

they work, identifying the best people for the job. (Corporate Trainer Career, 2016.)”

Day Two Management the entertainer’s career with Technology Tools

Part III – Management and Technology Tools

Implementing training on the business and financial affairs with the use of online

programs setup around the entertainer’s financial institution. Therefore, training for

Microsoft spread sheet adding all the entertainers financial support and performance

royalty payments and corresponding budget. For spending control it is training to gain


knowledge knowing what goes where, and what needs to get paid. This is the support of

the accountant to go over all details of managing the Microsoft program.

How to setup account.

How to create and delete passcodes.

How to login in and out.

How to check balance, deposits, and withdrawals, and add payments.

The social media multi-media training for effective career support. The identifying

support teams are the Publics, and both Business and Personal Managers applying one’s

expert training background and management support.

How to create social media presents, the use of the different cyber talking tools, and

cyber networking tool.

Smartphone use, the tablets and computer online Internet training for strategic

community communication virtual training.

Mentoring program for faculty

Define the needed training material has to identify the collaborating tools.

Workshop to keep faculty members up to date on all new programs, and changes

Tech support for online challenges with the online class program.


Support team with the school provided facilitators, students, and administration

department heads to shared feedbacks and mentor engaging from created surveys and assessments


Identify the goals and objectives of the mentoring program.

The goal is for a teaching environment when learners can learn and share effectively. The

objectives are individual performance and class focus and development.

Identification criteria

Classroom structure where skills are identify through different training programs that are

alternative learning values. Prior knowledge skill assessments with different guidelines to

enhance one’s background. The creative performance is the strategic outcome and active problem

solving assignment cognitive skill performance.

The performance status of the mentor: current standing as a professional distance


Experience with distance education

Online background with technology experience where the focus is on the learning

objectives. Therefore, continue education with Masters of Adult education.

How many years has he/she been in distance education?

This will depend on one’s background if one was an online student then the transition

will be a balance and a program focus.

How many classes have been taught successfully?


Two successful class can give a clear picture of the individual performance with student’s

survey feedbacks that offers positive and proposal values. Meaning the needed to make changes

on certain areas of one class Syllabus.

What is his/her criteria of success?

Students feedback that are engaging adding the course training evaluations around the

Instructors establishing presents, and sharing any reflective course material. Not all needs to be

one side as in positive, because there needs to be room to show where there may need to be some

improvement if so needed.

Mentoring experience criteria: Must the mentor have had prior experience?

This could go with yes having prior experience and no for that open mind sharing centered on

making changes with a difference and a different outlook.

Management and evaluation programs for facilitators

The management and evaluation programs should be with different goals plan set around not

leaving the facilitator without some form of support or support team. Also, there should be

created meetings to discuss one’s career path in the field of teaching, to check for burn out or

overwhelming reasons to one performance if feedback is not up to standards.

How might the faculty learning community approach affect management?

The learning community help with the support and one changing belief after a challenging class.

The community is there to help strengthen the facilitator focus and helping to create new plans

and instruction preparing for each learning class.


Identify the specific challenges and strategies used to manage adjunct faculty from a


Not establishing presents and the students gets frustrated with not knowing what to expect.

Grading off personal feelings and not rubric and the student gets upset with not enough feedback

information. Not knowledgeable or experience with the software or online classes. Not knowing

how to get constructive feedback the student taking what was written personally and one not

knowing how to control or solve what is wrong. Writing out of context not understanding useful

words that participate in positive reaction.

What evaluation strategies will you use for facilitators?

Staying professionally, and understanding that feelings get hurt with written words. Therefore,

carefully evaluate and analyze before sending any message. Having understanding, caring will

help with the selective written tone. “Transmitting of the same information to all learners in the

same way, the model puts students at the center and empowers them to take control of their own

learning by providing flexibility on several dimensions.( Learning: Engage and Empower, 2016)”

How will the evaluation and management strategies align with the identification of effective

faculty skills and behaviors in Part I?

Stating the goals and objectives and having understanding. “A core set of standards-based

concepts and competencies form the basis of what all students should learn, but beyond that

students and educators have options for engaging in learning: large groups, small groups, and

activities tailored to individual goals, needs, and interests. (Learning: Engage and Empower,



Learning platform (LMS/CMS) used by the distance learning faculty for facilitating their


E-learning is online education with Internet usage to process class work and assignments.

“Course management systems are narrower in scope. That is, this system focuses on the

management and distribution of eLearning and instructor led courses. To put it another

way, course management is often the main function of an LMS – a secure place to store

and launch training to a subset of users. In some respect, you can attribute metrics to a

course management system, but that isn’t a requirement. A course management system

also has less need to be SCORM compliant.

An LMS on the other hand encompasses course management, but is more robust in that it

often implies a subset of learning standards (i.e. SCORM) for reporting purposes, and

lately has started to include learning that takes place outside of a computing environment.

An LMS can assist in the learning strategy as it relates to improving performance. A

course management system is less dynamic, more or less offering a secure database.

(Course Management System Vs Learning Management, 2016)”

Identify processes facilitators will use to do the following:

Present information, such as lectures or videos

Lectures are for ground schooling that can be educating if one understand the audience to have the

information with a creative balance. Video is the same with staying creative and not boring

because of the short attention that some students may have with learning.


Conduct class discussions

Class discussion is for grading scale of the students learning habit, and performance.

Conduct private discussions

Private message for individual support where one want to stay within the path of not causing

issues if a question is about that student or not understanding the course.

Receive assignments

Govern class work that is schedule to help the student achieve the course goals.

Provide assignment feedback and grades

Feedback that stays within positive and constructive build the student’s motivation.

Include at least three different technology or media tools that engage and enhance student

learning, such as the following:


Audio for assignment sharing.

Visuals and infographics

This is a great tool for assignment.


The PowerPoint participation sharing.

Part IV – Issues and Classroom Management


A minimum of three different technology tools for student collaboration, such as the


The classroom learning platform to be used

Skype is with the new generation of communication and with online distance learning

this can be authentic with its use and presentation communication. The same with, Apple®

FaceTime®, and the Mobile computing Smartphone use as tools for the new ways to send

assignments, and participate individually or with Team assignments.

In conclusion, created training manual is for entertainer, or a facilitator program is

learning about the students and will be needed for the outcome. Therefore, it is having the

understanding skill, experience, and knowledge to strengthen the area of distance learning and

create a balance.



Corporate Trainer Career, (2016.) Retrieved from,


Course Management System Vs Learning Management, (2016) Retrieved from,

How To Work With Your Manager, Do I Need an Artist Manager? (2016) Retrieved from,

Learning: Engage and Empower, (2016) Retrieved from,


The University of Phoenix (2011.) The Excellent Online Instructor, R. Palloff, K. Pratt,

Retrieved from The University of Phoenix Course website.


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