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To open a shop is easy, to keep it open is an art Chinese Proverb Thought of the DayCIG Family Business Consulting are experts in all the complexities of family businesses. CIG Family Business Consulting can help with any aspect of your family business from inception to succession planning. Every single family business has different requirements, some are run simply as a lifestyle business and some are run as multinational corporations. But whatever the size and model of your family business CIG Family Business Consulting are the only people to talk to, to help advise and to improve your family business. We are there to work with you to make your family business as successful as you want or need it to be. No stone will be left unturned in ensuring that your business is a total success. By using CIG Family Business Consulting your life be it business or personal will become that much more rewarding.

Please call us on +44(0)845 201 3960 for more information.

Family Business Consulting

Families are from Venus, Businesses from Mars- Alan BarkerIn order to keep the family business flowing smoothly it is essential to promote non- family members to senior roles. This move will allow a family to take their business to the next level and will eliminate emotionally charged decision-making.

page 3more on 2Levy Family DebacleRobert Levy makes rash decision to stay in company A Slice of Advice


+Issue 2 / May 1, 2015Family Business Daily

Coming together isa beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success- Henry Ford

Family Businesses are a unique breed. A majority of family businesses often blur the line between family matters and the business itself; this in most cases is the reason behind a businesss downfall. There are many factors that are affected negatively when intertwining family and business. For example, in regards to succession longevity can overrule skills and cause the parents of the business to choose the eldest son over the more qualified and younger daughter. In many cases children are unqualified and appointed a senior position within the company, this move can cause demotivation amongst valued non-family members. Coming from a family business can allude family members into thinking they are entitled to excessive perks within the business. The business is wrongfully abused as a checkbook to purchase unnecessary lavish items instead of respecting the differentiation between compensation and company revenues. Furthermore in regards to compensation, many family members are wrongfully awarded the same remuneration regardless of their position and skills; this move can also negatively impact the success of the company. Poor communication is also a colossal mistake in a family business environment. In order to avoid conflict and maintain harmony amongst family members many issues regarding the business are disregarded and can result into resentment within the workplace in the long run. A family run business must always remember to separate family members to ensure the longevity of their business. It is important to make decisions without emotional attachments. If your children are not yet qualified there is no harm in hiring a non- family member to run the company till your child is ready. It is important to keep personal and business spending separate and compensations based on performances. Lastly, communication is key for a family business to be successful. (If you are having any of these issues with your family business please do not hesitate to hire a consultant as the one advertised in the page above) dddsdFamily First or Business First?

Today during a family meeting in regards to succession the eighty-year-old Roger Levy makes a shocking announcement. He has decided to stay in charge of Ilapak and has taken over an American competitor that is swimming debt. Despite his questionable health he has revoked Lucianos role as successor and has appointed him and his son Guy to take care of matters in America while he runs the European division. Despite her shock at her fathers irrational move, Sabrina has decided to stay out of the picture. What does this mean for the family? Many consultants interpret Rogers move as a typical move made by first generation company owners with an emotional attachment to the business. Sending Luciano and Guy into America gives him full control to make all decisions without any barricades. If the move is finalized Ilapak, a once leader in packaging, may finally face its downfall. Maheen Khan a family business consultant believes this move may not only cause a family dispute but will also negatively impact the companys internal structure and cause employees to seek for jobs elsewhere. 80 Year Old Owner Shocks FamilyRoger Levy & Ilapak+

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