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Page 1: Feminism

Are Women = Men?

A woman’s life is full of challenges and obstacles. They’re like walking through an

unknown road—road that can lead to equality but sometimes it may lead them to the road of

discrimination. It is not a simple road; people come into their lives; people who can change their

whole being. Women may change their direction—a decision that may be right or wrong but

they know how to stand against all the odds waiting for them. Until they reach the end—a light

of hope; showing to people what a real woman is and showing to them that women can be men

—brave enough to be the she-roes of this world.

“Feminism is the radical notion that women are people” (www.quotes

Women are women; they are not things that just taken for granted not a one-time use thing and

not waste in this world. They experienced a lot of challenges and trials in the past: they were not

allowed to vote, to own a position, to own properties or even to work and study.

Do you want all of these to happen again? They’re like slaves in the past—doing

household chores, serving others and being deprived from doing men works. They’re like birds

in their caged—no freedom. They’re living for nothing. They’re just living in order to serve others

and they’re barred from doing necessary things in life.

Patriarchy describes” a multifaceted system that enforces masculine control of the

sexuality and labor power of women.” (Regoli 2000). Patriarchy affects not only the

relationships, characterizations of appropriate social roles but also how people—men and

women distinguish the world around them. Throughout most of human history, girls have grown

up into the societies that have viewed them as “inferiors” to boys and boys are “superiors” to

girls. And from a long, long ago, women already experienced being underestimated by men.

They already started to see the darkness of this world.

Patriarchy rules in the society nowadays but why not matriarchy? Are women not

allowed to rule? Do not they deserve to achieve such titles? Is it hard for them to experience

such things? Are they doubtful why are here in this world? Are all women experiencing such

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things in their life? Are they contented in this kind of living? Is it enough to serve others only? Do

women experience the happiness that men experience? Will there be a place for them?

These questions reflect what life do women experience. They’re life is not always full of

joy and happiness; they also experience the depression because of the bigotry in this world.

These questions should be answered by women and their answers are different because they

have different hearts and minds. Not all women experience the same things with others—some

are battered, some are happy-go-lucky but some are brave to face the consequences in this

questionable world.

People may say that they are weak, incompetent and ambitious but they are wrong.

Society puts them into that conception. People think that they can’t be successful, they can’t

rule, they can’t manage and they can’t be superiors. But they’re blind—they can’t see the truth

that they’re she-roes of this society. Women proved already that they are strong and

competitive. But a demarcation line separates them from showing it off. Men do not want

women to rule and men want to be the leaders—the superiors. We are not born to be in

separate ways—it’s all about the sexes that separate us. We are just obliged to do specific

things but it doesn’t mean that we should be like that always. There are no limitations in this

world—anything can be possible. Let’s put women in this society.

Feminism puts women in this world. It is an ideology and movement where they believe

that women can do things that men can do. They don’t believe in inequality—they want fairness.

They want men do things they are doing. They want them to realize how it’s hard to be a girl.

They want men do the laundry, iron the clothes, clean the house, change the babies’ diapers

etc. They are here to serve their own races.

As a fourteen-year old man, I want to show to everybody that women are not here to be

slaves but they are here to be people. Even though I’m not a woman, I still know what a woman

feels about the discrimination they’re experiencing—the inequity that they don’t want. I want this

to serve as a catalyst in order to achieve equality between men and women. I want everybody

to know that they can rule in this world. I want everybody to know the adventures of different

women in this world—they may be your friend, your teacher, your girlfriend, your sister or your

mother. They are important in your life as well as you are important to them. We need to respect

them because they are here because God has a purpose. Let’s make them the best that they

can be.


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We are born to a family. Probably, the very first words spoken when we were born were

“It’s a girl!” or “It’s a boy!”. But how if she’s a girl, she will experience the reality—full of

discrimination and inequality. Without a doubt, she’s unprepared to face such things but it’s a

woman’s instinct to endure all the odds in life and they’re wanting for a place where there’s no

limitations, no discrimination but there’s freedom.

Simply seen as nothingKicked by a young man’s shoeHelpless under storm’s liking

Thrown by even you

Firm through the tightest clutchesTrue at the bottom of the well

Numb to fire’s hot touchesIntact within its shell

The hidden strength within this rockNo matter what comes its way

Feeling nothing, emotions lockedDeaf to what they say

An excerpt of a person nicknamed EBB. (Estero. 2004). It’s meaningful because it

reflects the struggle of somebody who’s being hurt and discriminated. It’s like the life of women

—full of obstacles and humps in their life. They’re like riding a roller coaster—sometimes your

high but sometimes your low, sometimes exciting but sometimes boring. No matter what

happens in their lives they are still strong—stronger than a shell. They are deaf to the criticisms

of this world; their hidden strength is within themselves but people think they’re weak but they

aren’t. They can survive in this world—even the strongest man in this world they can defeat,

even calamities come into their lives or even the hardest problem in this world they can bear it.

There are important women in your life. They may be your teacher, your doctor, your

seamstress, your maid, your friend, your girlfriend, your wife, your sister or your mother. They

play a role in your life. They are just simple women but they’re very important in your life. You

need them—every time you’re sad, helpless and doubtful of something. They will always be

there for you and you must be thankful for that.


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Look at your family picture. Do you think you’re complete if your mother or your wife is

not present? If your sister or daughter isn’t present? Life will be dull without them. None one will

reassure if you’re okay or you’re feeling alright. No one will kiss you every night to say

goodnight. No one will say “I love you” to you everyday. They’re important in our lives—yes

that’s true.

Ko-Ngai is a great example of a loving daughter. She’s from the story of “The Soul of the

Great Bell” by Lafcadio Hearn (Serrano 2004). She did everything for her father, Kouan-Yu,

even suffering all her dreams, ambitions and her flesh and blood. She once said in the story

“For thy sake, O my father!” and from that line, she showed what a real woman is—being strong

enough to face death and consequence in order to save her love ones. Even though she’s very

beautiful, she had a good heart—more beautiful than her physical appearance. Her tremendous

kindness is synonymously with the words that God said “Greater love has no one than this that

he lay down his life for his friends”. Yes, that’s true love is by showing yourself into your love

ones. We should not always suffer our life in order to show our love but instead be the best that

you can be to everyone like Ko-Ngai who showed her infinite love for her father.

There’s a saying that “Mothers know best” and it’s true even though they’re not

perfect, they still know what’s right for you and what’s wrong for. They are very significant in our

lives. They’re the one who carried for almost a year and it’s hard—very, very hard. They took

care of us when we are young—change our diapers, feed us, change our clothes, and clean the

house when father is not present. They are our she-roes—our very own mothers.

In a Japanese folktale “The Story of the Aged Mother” (Serrano. 2004). The

mother showed her undying love for her son. It is not indispensable in a mother’s life to protect

her children from harm—it’s their instinct, a valuable one. Even though people that aged

mothers are useless, but in story she served as a symbol of bigheartedness, boundless love,

and wisdom. She proved that she knows the best for her son and for the chiefs in the story. She

loves her son; even though, she knew that her son will abandon her. It’s a heroic act to think of

a way to make sure that her son will be safe in going home.


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Without another word, Youth leftAnd went to his mother dear,

And ope'd her breast and took her heartHe did not shed a tear!

Then back to his maiden fair he ranUnmindful of the rain;

But his feet slipped and down he fellAnd loud he groaned with pain

Still in his hand he held the prizeThat would win his Maiden’s hand;And he thought of his mother dear

So kind, so sweet, so sad

And them he heard a voice, not fromHis lips but all apart:

“Get up," it said; “Were you hurt, Child?"It was his mother's heart.

A poem entitled “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart” by Jose La Villa Tierra (Serrano. 2004)

exemplifies the boundless love of a mother to her son. Even though her son killed her, she still

loves her son. It’s hard to be a mother—that’s for sure. Doing all the things in the house but

what some children do to their mothers—shout at them, say bad things about them and

sometimes hurt them. But mothers can bear all of that. They still love us and we should love

them also. They want us to be in right direction—the correct we should take. They will never be

with us forever and you will be sad if they’re not around. They’re terrific and I know how my

mother feels and how hard to be in that position. We should respect them and we should not

blame them whenever they punish because it’s just their way to correct us. They are our

mothers and they will always be our mothers forever.

She is not my neighbor; she lives far from my houseShe is not my neighbor but works with me for hours

Her husband, a poor man, and three kids seldom laughHer family's daily needs not satisfied enoughShe is often absent; she has asthma for life

To the ward without penny, the husband brings the wifeHer children to school, not one stomach full

Bags, book, uniforms, she thanks some caring peopleShe cries a lot in private, in pain, and hope,

That caring people around never to her will say, "Nope"


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It is a poem entitled “A Testimony on Caring” written by an anonymous writer.

(Reyes.1997). It tells about the sufferings of a woman from poverty and it’s very common in our

times. It shows how hard to be a woman—lowering their pride in order for her family to eat and

to live. They everywhere; you can see them everywhere. And you will see them starving,

begging for food and money. They’re women and they should not be in that way of living. They

should be in a safe place together with her family. But it’s the cycle of life. Life is different in

each one of us. Maybe it’s a challenge for us but I know that women are strong to endure all of


Women are notable for their bravery. They can resist all the bad things that may happen

to them. Even someone close to them died, they are still strong, even though they have

problems, and they are still strong. They are a mile away than men in terms of their emotional

capacity. They are stronger emotionally than men because men quit from their problems by

committing suicide. One example of a brave woman is Tinang from the Story “Love in the

Cornhusks” written by Aida Rivera Ford. She’s a mother, a wife and a simple woman. She’s a

nurturing mother—giving all the needs of her child. She’s courageous to face her motherhood—

a very, very hard stage of life. She faced the present and forgot all the mistakes that she did in

the past. She may be a servant in the past but she accepts it. And because of her obedience to

her Senora, she received a lot of tips and gifts from her. She’s determined in every aspect of

life. She crossed a muddy road and assured that her baby is not in danger. She has traditional

characteristics of a woman—strong, nurturing, and domestic.

Another brave woman is Ruth from the Story Entitled “The Story of Ruth”

(Serrano.2004). She is ready to face the challenges in her life. Her actions showed what a real

woman is. She never leaves her mother-in-law in danger and lived with her in an unknown

future. But because of that, they were blessed with a lot of things. She did not let anyone step

upon her and block her way. Her perseverance, determination, and kindness exemplifies the

real Ruth—a traditional woman nowadays.

Past is far away from Present but what’s the difference between women in the past and

present? Mercy and Grace are good examples. Merci is from the story “Dahong Palay” by

Arturo Rotor (Serrano 2004) and Grace is from “Even Purple Hearts” by Bienvenido N. Santos.

They are different from each other—one is the traditional and that is Merci and the non-

traditonal is Grace. Merci is a Filipino and Grace is an American and from that we can

distinguish the difference between two different cultures. Merci showed her bravery to change a


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person into another one and that is Sebio that was called Sebiong Pasmado because people

think that he is a weakling. Her modesty and reliability changed the mindset of somebody and

that shows what a genuine woman is—strong to face the challenges waiting for her. On the

other hand, Grace Haworth, a fastidious woman who fell in love with Carlos Anson, an

expatriate in America. She is pleasant to be with—a typical woman. But when she saw the

stump of wood—the artificial leg of Anson, she was terrified and leave Carlos. Her pusillanimous

attitude appeared—afraid to face the truth—the present. That is not we want about women—

afraid to face the reality.

In our modern times, women are changing; they are being manipulated by the changes

in the environment. Some are liberated, some are flirty and some are happy-go-lucky. But not all

of these apply to all women. There are some who still bear some traditional characteristics. But

now, women are different—a mile away from the past. Maybe it’s one way to adapt to the

environment. But it’s not good to see women at that state. They should be modest--in a way that

they are likely to be respected.

But what’s happening right now, women are used are sex objects—at televisions,

internet, radio and even on magazines. They should not be on that state—they should serve as

example to the youth. They should not be engage on such things because they are here to

prove men that they are important in this world-not a dust that is just found everywhere.

As we go along the present, let us commemorate the bravery of some women in past; it

may be in history or myths. One example is Atalanta from Greek Mythology (

She managed to overcome the odds in her life. She was abandoned by his father because her

father was disappointed of having a baby girl. She was adopted by a hunter, She proved that

women are strong—having masculine skills. She showed her nobility—equaling the abilities of

men. She is very remarkable of her bravery but her feminity pushed her to marry a man and to

have a family.

Another good example is Joan of Arc. She’s a heroine that proved that women can save

people, that women are strong and that women can stand at their own feet. She saved France

from wars and joined the Hundred Years War. She is also a saint—a religious woman. Even

though she’s engaged in wars, she still doesn’t forget God, the creator.


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Women are also smart. One of the best examples is Marie Curie, a physicist and

chemist. She attested that women can be part of the history. She coined the term radioactivity

that is a boost at the world of Sciences. And because of that, she received a lot of awards and

Nobel Prizes. She is just a simple woman but her contributions in the world of Sciences had a

great impact into this world.

A feminist song made by Beyonce Knowles entitled “If I were a Boy” and these are the lines:

If I were a boy even just for a dayI'd roll out of bed in the morning

And throw on what I wantedAnd go drink beer with the guys

And chase after girlsI'd kick it with who I wanted

And I'd never get confronted for itCause they stick up for me

If I were a boyI think I could understandHow it feels to love a girl

I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her'Cause I know how it hurts

When you lose the one you wanted'Cause he's taking you for granted

And everything you had got destroyedIf I were a boy

I would turn off my phoneTell everyone it's broken

So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

But you're just a boyYou don't understand

And you don't understand, ohHow it feels to love a girl

Someday you wish you were a better man

It’s a song of every woman in this world. It speaks as a whole—the women feel about

men. Thinking that if she would be a boy, he could be a better man so that she will not hurt any

girl. If were a boy is a commentary on the double standards that that often exist between men

and women and a story of role reversal. She explores what it would be like if she did all the


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things he did to her every day. The woman in the song has been taken for granted but at the

same time she doesn't want to let go and lose everything that she once had. It's unclear at the

end whether she is final about not taking him back or if there is a note of hope that someday

he'll realize what he's been doing to her and become a better man.

If men have their HISTORY, women have their HERSTORY. They are here to tell their

story. A story that is different, unique and challenging. They mark their story in our hearts and

minds. THEY ARE IMPORTANT—that’s for sure.

Women are very important in this world—THEY ARE PEOPLE not objects. They’re not

here to be someone that you will just hurt. They are here to be THEM, not somebody. They are

here TO BE WITH YOU—to make you happy, to love you and treat you as a person. They

SHOULD NOT BE JUDGED according to the perception of the society but on how they show

their feminity. We should respect them and love them as what we do with other people. They

are not perfect—that’s true. But they have their own minds and hearts to share with you.

Present is different with the word Past; we know we can’t bring back the past but we can

make the impossible possible. We should bring back the women way of living in the past but not

the sufferings they experienced. Let’s bring back the traditional characteristics of women—

strong, brave, remarkable, intelligent, and dignified.

Let’s break the demarcation line that separates men and women. We are not here to be

in separate ways but WE ARE HERE TO UNITE. Let’s forget about our differences because of

the roles we are obliged to do. This world is boundless—you are allowed to do anything. You

can do a lot of things—it’s just the society that pulls you to do that. But it doesn’t matter if

society takes place in women’s lives because we know that women can endure all of that.

I KNOW I’M JUST A SMALL VOICE. Not enough to be heard by the world. So I

made this to encourage everyone to start this perception that WOMEN ARE PEOPLE. We can

make this a great voice—a symphony of unity and an orchestral hymn of hope. Let make this

world the shining light of women—a ray of significance and equality. Because how important is

we recognize and celebrate our HEROES AND SHE-ROES!

ME, YOU AND EVERYBODY. We can make this world a better place for women.

Let’s put them into the society—a place of fairness and equality. Because WOMEN ARE

WOMEN—that’s for sure!


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• Serrano, The Soul of the Great Bell. English Communication Arts and

Skills through Afro-Asian Literature. Phoenix Publishing House. 2004. pp 42-45.



• Serrano, The Story of the Aged Mother. English Communication Arts

and Skills through Afro-Asian Literature. Phoenix Publishing House. 2004. pp.80-82.

• Serrano, Dahong Palay. English Communication Arts and Skills through

Afro-Asian Literature. Phoenix Publishing House. 2004. pp 171-178.

• Serrano, The Story of Ruth. English Communication Arts and Skills

through Afro-Asian Literature. Phoenix Publishing House. 2004. pp 224-228.

• Estero, Donald. Meaningless. Mirage. College of Science Journal. 2002. p. 54.

• Reyes, Wilma S., A Testimony on Caring. Values Education For Filipinos.

Salesiana Publishers, INC. 1997. pp.41-42

• Regoli, Robert Female Delinquency. Delinquency in Society. The McGraw-Hill

Company. 2000. pp.294-295



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