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Feng Shui

Feng Shui

What combines architecture, interior design, landscaping, Chinese wisdom, astrology and common sense? The answer is -- Feng Shui (feng rhymes with lung, shui combines the SH sound with way). Feng Shui literally means wind and water. It is about movement and circulation of positive forces. Feng Shui is all about rearranging your environment in an auspicious manner. Auspicious literally means "with the stars." Indeed Feng Shui and astrology combine in a unified field theory of space time continuum. Put another way, when you arrange to be in the "right space" at the "right time" and you "do the right thing," your life is good. Following are some highlights of the Feng Shui approach.

With Feng Shui, the central idea is to arrange your environment in a way that is conducive to good vibes. One way to do that is to schedule a professional consultation. For now, let's cover some of the basics including your entrance, your seat of power, your chef's station and your bed.

Start at the entrance. Put a light at your door. For the most part, brighter is better. Lights are comparable in effect to miniature suns. Lights are a positive force. Also, hang a wind chime outside your door. Have the chimes make pleasant sounds to resonate with beautiful energy to channel into your place. Red flowers outside of the door tend to attract money. Outside gardens complete with rocks and sculpture are encouraged as is cultivating yourself.

Inside the home, start to think of your desk chair as your seat of power. A decent chair and good desk space will go a long way to help you organize your life and create a more abundant future. Fortify your desk by hanging a mobile overhead. Also, to command and control, position the chair so that you view the door and windows. Unless you want to live in fear, avoid facing the wall and sitting with your back to the room.

The chef's station is that place in your kitchen where you whirl around preparing your meals.It's the place that's central to your stove, refrigerator, chopping block, etc. Fortify your chef's station by hanging a mobile overhead.

The stove represents your wealth. Do all of your burners work? If not, fix them. Also use all of your burners equally. If you only use the front burners, you're only accessing half of your income potential. Install a mirror either alongside or behind your stove. Thus you will symbolically double the amount of burners and also double your income potential.

Mirrors play a central part of Feng Shui. Better mirrors are bettor mirrors. Mirrors should be one piece, not sectional. Mirrors should be hung so as to not cut off the head of the tallest person in the household. If you hang your mirrors low, you will create pain with taller people. Round mirrors are good, octagonal mirrors are exceptionally powerful.

Your bed is critical. You spend about a third of your life there and can have a much better time if you position the bed so as to see the door and command the room. To improve your love life, hang humming birds over the bed and include some original sensuous art works in the bedroom.

By now you have noticed that mobiles, wind chimes and other hanging ornaments play a central role in Feng Shui. They are good for raising the overall level of energy and for circulating good vibes. For example, if you want to receive more phone calls, install a mobile over your phone, If you want to receive more correspondence, install a wind sock or chime over your mail box. If you want people in a large office to cooperate, and enjoy more team work, install a mobile in a central location in the office.

Briefly, some other good Feng Sui concepts are: Install a fountain, install an aquarium, get a couple of halogen lamps, illuminate prized possessions, create good first impressions when you enter a building or room, keep the place in good repair, avoid clutter.

It is good to have a variety of lights and lighting. For example, there is great benefit from low voltage lighting such as is found in some little "christmas" lights and forms of outdoor lighting. These low voltage lights set up electric fields that are helpful in keeping out unwanted psychic vibes. Consider a string of lights or two on your porch, in a nearby tree, or inside of your home, perhaps decorating house plants.

Naturally, you will want to implement the aforementioned ideas at a good time, perhaps the first light of a new moon, or a full moon, or better yet at a time especially chosen for your purposes.

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