Page 1: ffl RACEWALKER - · 2017. 11. 28. · ffl RACEWALKER VOLUl'J,; XIII, tlUHr±;R 9 COWl·iW:> 1 OiHO IBH,



IBH, GvUU>, CU01'3 V LC'l\ 1.1lullt.i 11; Cvl.lJl•:b.iA, s tl,1 T I (JiJ\LS 1-i, J1i,b1JlJ

ColnmbiA, Mo. , tfov. 12-13 - -~/Hh tho 1~177 race w1tlkinr, se, 0 !1on 11i rvlin,: down, Col111nhia WllS the Slght of three t,::itiorial r11cas over I.he: ~,e,,k,mi, On Sat.11rday, 19-yoo r-o lrl Mike F'ein, ft·ai, Lawrence, K11no;1a w!:ere l:e is aet.11rlent. at. tl.e Univ!'rsit.y of Kansas,h,t. re1·r<'sPnt:inr lh e Columt-ia TC, waJ.kod off wiU: the l.ational J11nior 20 Km ttlle in J: 51:15,8 . J-nke cot aMly frcm Cliff riitrun, o.r tho J'Ftrned \~i,lHnghoro /urrvnu, llfter thFJ first ?. miles ancl hnd the r ace t,o hi.J11i:elf frl)(n t!iat. ('<lint . hi11u,1 'A'as pas:;,~c! hy Cleveland 19 ,lirn Janos at 6 mlleo nnd l,!,en fell t.o yo11nr, lmvid !.cC.1.Uey of Kans/\s Cil;y, just turnod 17, wj,t,h a1x>11t 21 miles to c:o, 1·.r.CaLlc,y ne ver r,ot clo~e ono1111h to Janos t.o thl'eaten for secor'ld, howt!le l' , Tile l'ac:e w/\11 helcl on Ll,e track tilth t.hc tr.10r•er~,t1,rr: ir1 t.!,e J,0' s ,

l' n S1,mlAy, Manter' a /\1'I ClaBa B wAlkers ~,ere on tho sa1110 t.t.<1 ck for l\'a t .ton'l l 50 Km n.1cea. In t,his on,., 111,1::;;i :ir, 6C' -!·c111·-oltl J:,,1( Cn•1.ld, J'r, ,:n 'l'orontoJ e<lecd under tho 5 hour 1r.11l;k to Lake the J,::.cter' s r, •c~ . There was also an opon di vision in the r Ace and :;.ax J a t.cha,1 o:it.o /, 1i;le l'irt , ap.-.o.rently ouL for a Sn;,day st.roll. Only in \.lie l:10\, f.l :dlc!:i did ,i11,3.i C'

i:ull alir.;htly ahsad but !•:ax achieved hi!l 2,oal. of 5 ho1u·~. ,Jim C..:oots stay<:<\ close to thi.s duo for tho f.irst 15 miles ctl\fl t.llon lt1111r: on for on easy win in the D race, 'l'et:1per3t11ru w;;s ariain ~n ~l•e 110°s . Judcine uoth races ware Bill C:lark amt nob Srle i· with lf.ot:, l'>.,11c:,r, LJdrlcd for the 50. P.rs11.l. ta: ll' Af,ll Junior 20 Kll: l. ~:ichael l·'ein, Col,unbia TC 1:51 :15,t.' (f.: 25, 17 : (Y'/, 25: 50 , J4 :36 , 1,3: 26, 52: 17 , l: Ol: 11,, l :10: 13, 1: 19: )7, l.: 2.'1: 30 , 1:37:1 12, 1:117:13) 2 , J4m Jano n, J.ake Eria Rr.ce ,-.alke rs 1: ~5:n3 1 , David MoCalJ ey, KC Nod,h Stars 11 56: Ii') '• . Cl if 1' l '.ln~n, Sho1·e AC l: 5Q: 20 5, l!ikt1 Clal'k ard Dan £:,t rada , Colninhia TC 2:13 :07 7. Si,l'.V'l I ir: kerton , Col111"hJa TC 2:lfP.:07 f\AAU NA~'l'"l!J<S AIJi 11811 50 Km (and open)--1. A11gte llirt, Col1H•1h111 n; 1,:59:~6 2. J.~ Oonld, Etobicoke Striders (BanarJa) (lGl }'aster) l1:5?:5f' , (9:~11, 18:51., 2(\:12, 37:26, 1,6:1,5, 56103 , ]:05:33, 1:15 :1 0 , 1:2 !,:3~ , l:3'i:•Y7, 1 :1,3: 28, 1: 5'- :I,?., 2: 02: 03 , 2:11: 4L., 2: 21: l'I!, '.? :JO: 35, 2 :I(• :1/J, ':!.:/,CJ: 5), 2:59:35, 3,09:20, 3:J9:05 , 3:29:05, 3:J':):H't 3:1,n:1", J:59='-5, 1,:m:2•7, 4:1?:L,;~, l,:291/1':J, 4:39:l,5, /1:li? :L.8, ,.:59:1 9J 3. Jitn Coots , Long Ee,.~ch , Cal. (1st B) ~:1,2:13 4, Leonard 81sen, Culu1,11Jla 'l\: (: •nd t~1!:lter)5: 53:1.11

5 , Albeit Van Dyke, Colninhia 'CC (3rd , 2nd a) :,.56:/,1 {, . &:lb Gr.:-ib:li, Col11111bia ·re (4th ~!aoter, 3rd B) 6 :18:h7 7 , Ei.Ll Taft, Colui~!l1o TC (5th J.iaotcr, L,th D) 7:13:33 DliP--Randy H1.11tn, Columbia TC, l: 52:/i.,1 1tt 12 :nilcs nrrl out with sore foot; r.utt !i,iitJn, Shore AC--0!1t at f. tniles \.lith fatieue fran (]Ay before , l-ldllen1 s 20 Km, Nov . 12-- 1. Pau:Jti. Po<ia, Palos Ii.ills, lll { age 16) !2: 18: 52

Page 2: ffl RACEWALKER - · 2017. 11. 28. · ffl RACEWALKER VOLUl'J,; XIII, tlUHr±;R 9 COWl·iW:> 1 OiHO IBH,

Pl,G£ 2 NOVhi·tl.1bll 1977.

·······••**************•••••••******• * Olilv Jt,it:E\,ALl-i~il V!JLU/illi Ull, t,\li·'.lll!.lt 9 r·IOV1:J·lbc:I{ 1977 * * The Ohio Racewalker is pbl,lished monthly in Columl;;us, Ohio, $,~})-. i!

* scrintlon rate is .~l+.00 per year ( -i.)6.00 for Fi_rst Olass, ra.OO for * ,., Overseas lli itor ard fublisher: John E. (Jack) lfort:.lnrd. * -l:· Address all correspondence rer-ardiog both ediLorial and :rnbsaription * it 1r.atters to: Ohio Racewalker, Jl8/~ Su1Mnit St,, Columbus, OH 4J202, * * Secord Class Postar.e paid at Collll!ll.Jils, Ohio, * •**O******•************* * ************

Eoltor' e Notos: Hey, we almost have that upstairs finished non--wliich incl11r!es pl1Jsh new editorial offices for your .favorite pablim tion. l 1111\

try:l .nr, to type this while !~elp ing the wife to hanP, s::>11te wall coveriliP, . Alroad:r I behind schednlP. heca,ise of chQres all week. So the readers are suffering. Pes:i.cles the delay on this and l;.!e laat couple of i.sirn es, my usiti>.ll.y disoi L en ized ar"roach eettinp. 'l;hls toecther has been w.Hch closc.r to what ona mi/\ht term 1Jl,ter cheos ( title of a n old C<'rry­

l~1lligan tune, for the jazz b11ffs ainong yo11}, 11:e;,t :nonth, we should be b'ick to normal operation nnd the prod11ct rnir;ht arr>roach its usual st, ndBJtd ol' lack of excellence , Foreign s ubscrihers luwe l11cl-:ect o,1t the last 2 ,; f!e\,tiM 1-.ail oarvioe they haven't paio for tha nko to dock st-:-ikEs o,·, the ~st Coast. Tha t • s llll OV(1r with now so it• s back to the usu al sJ.ow boat,

Subscripti.o n lfat is n01·1 up i,r ound 3~0 so don't. enco11ra[;e too maf1Y new s11\;,scribc•ns . Too rr,any rnit:ht p11t me out of business since this is s Lrj ctly a spa .1•e-ti1ne rropoo:i .tion. M01•e snhocribers rncan more ti.on? on t! ;e ra rts of t he operation thal: are more clnidgertJ than .fun, All of wl:ich is on]y ser.i - .i o11s bnt r,rowth is not really a eoal. Qit brin~­ir,r, t.!1c ne1,•s to tr .o:ic t.hnt want it is- -t lH,:re 11:ay be a bit of conflict t r.u a. ShAre your O:&:-- tliat' a t.:Jc; an:wcr . .

1·',y reaJ. rep.:rct i s that .r don't have Lhe time to \;rine, y<1.1 a little morr, clasoy nroisenb<t tion, t-:ot t h-lt I want t,o lose the 1nfor,m. lity . fut ti11:e for a liltle et.lHinr, and rewritinP, wonld be wcr thwllile. Pact of th.: m,, js, l ?.J~ a trained journaliot and 11,ake ,ny living as a technical an<I editor. Sit.tin r_: down at t 11<1 t;yj)e~1riter and ooneing ont final co;;;i• is noL c),..-.i:ct.J,y a profcs:Jio nal apr,ro.:.cli , bot on a one-01an operation t '.,-1t is all t.hN·e lo t itte .for. T/1e!·eiore you have to put up with the ;~;,.:ry typo:::, lapsc8 in gra1!~na r I.Ind spelling, so,nctimes di .sorc:oo ized pres ­c:it.n tion, too lon[; ar.d often convoluted oent.ences, etc. In another 2'.I ye,11•s , when I retire , ml'lybe 1 can ch11nee all I.his .

l·n1ile ra1•1bling on erlHod .al matters, yo11 linven 1 t saen mooy pictlres for & w:-iile fot t.wo reas ons. First, I hnven' t, gotte n inany. Seco11<l, it t.a'.,es a co-.1plc of 11ore d.;ys at the printer and I have been runnin~ !:.ehind sci:ed l;le anyw.:;y (see acovP).

Uore rn i~t,lir,,~ . OJ dtime read.ers in.1.y wonder whatever happened to s11ch t~,i '1J!,n a<J revic 1ws of jazz cuna (it t,s r,nd records, political ccr1lnent, sex, and iinrortrmt likr thnt , tJ;1ich 11sed to 11r,inear reo1l11rly in t11e:ic --;.,11,es. I don't knm-,. \/hut h11s hapremid to all or t,hose neat th ,t nro ·t r i::-1eos it hao to do the increAsed read1n·nhir, 1,11iich has ;1e,,nt I kno1-1 fewer of the readers pe 1·eonal ly and ter.d to creep back ir,to HiY co r.01,rvlltlve sf1ell.

0ne rnore :-n:nbli~ item. Res, ,lts follow and with th:l.l\~B still torn up a rOllnd here I si.!em to have mi::;pla i;ed s otnc Now England r es11lts that I know just arrived from Fred Ero,-m t!,e other day. Sori-y abm t that ;,:aw Erll:llnnc\ folks. O1ess you'll miss seeing your n.''!1oe in pi-int this month, Oh Yeh! 1'o new subucd bcrs, tho oni~ cmes out cl.ear at t.he end of a month, or over. ea:dy t'le next montb, Covers news frorn · the 1nonth it is dated, tha t is. So don • t write >say in rnid-Deceinber wonoerinc where your Deceraber issue is, It will oorne in mid-January, -'

Pf,Gr, 1

}'tJ,8UL'l'S ' . ' ~'ov 6-1. Petor Doyle 50: 53 2. 1() t<.m ( 'rractd, Kinr:i loin~;. , t •. ;~· ' 3 : 35 ' l, , John Shillinr: 54:05 5. Susan Mo1ris 52 :?.9 } . Ct,ri~ ~< ·1I·1/ 55 :39 7, P.ruoe r .. cD011alcl 56 :/i!3 G. Liers 55:39 6 , r~ry /es ~r ~tor-Donnan 511:50 10. John G."loka 60 :11. ll. Br11ce Harland 56:Jl 9, ,JJm ·tz ??,·()/ 1 Hour S:nHl1t.01-m, NX..,-Elisaheth John;, on 70:l; 12 : &J rrranow~ Joh~ St,illin(.l 6 cl ·.l.J39 ylls Oct. l.<'r-1. Peter Doyle_? ml. 603 yfs J;; , Caslia 5. mi] 519 ytls 6. Elsbeth J. c,1ry-',fr.ntcfrield 6 mi 771 Y?S re ii1 m,~\l.S ;Js. 20 Hile , Lo:ir, f2•a11ch, J ohnson 5 ini 3U yds 7, .Art3Li07e I 5 2 "'-b 1·1·-·n J:l'):2.o J. $:1\n OeLos-

. 6 1 n n Dan1el : : • · • = ' ·'" lll. J ,; t,ov, - • Cl . ·. , ·ll·0S 5, Ceorge G,;rl flhrl h:21:15 Santos J:?.):l,O If• Qrn Ot.t,,er .... ·Fl i • 2·31·12 2 John Fred -

h t 'ov lJ--l. nay or oru. • • . ~. • 15 t'.Ue, Lons Bran\, 'n j :>ant~s 2.:31:1.~--aLtC'npt ,ed triple' - tie, bnt erioks 2:Jl:1,2 3. ;i,~ e,'osl it I Ben Ott111f!r 2;)):23 . 5. Gm:r Pow-

t., Elliott wouldn t ,ave •• , 0 t. •IJ apparen .,,y 6 8 ctor 2 · 1,J:15 1 Ho:u·, J;mu1011t.h, llo<l, ' c • < --ell 2.:J5:5? • r':e~ re,ls 2 . Cliff / 7 mj 10 yds 3 , L'(lb, Hi,1~11 6 ,ni l. Ron D..-iniel 7 nn. ,33 Y •6 ml l2<)l, yds 5, Pen Ott.mer 6 1111 !'59 yds L',20 ydo 6, Sam DcLooSantos . • l 6 .... 731 vds 8. Don Johnson 6 ulik 6 . 831 yds 7 fub Cnr son ml. 1 J •

• ll(,n K mi • 6 i 717 yus 10. Ocor ."'E! Garlanrl 5 1111 6 nti. 733 yils 9, Frt sr~cto~ 1\021 ~s 20 Ym (tr.,r.k), r,i·, Va. 166?. yds 11. Steve. ~~~ !\2 :~0 2: J'' llol.e t rtson 2:01,:03 3, To.a July 24- 1 . ~al Cor1<1 _- ·I . 1 llrur, Arlinv,ton , Va., SerL. 25 - - 1. &\l flainilton--l. J mi in 1 · 57 ' •5 . · 6 yr\" 3 rn,~l LevDntlosv.i. 6 ml 7 ml 572 ydo 2. Ton llarn~lton 7 mJ. h 9 . ~ ·i· ~"· 6 mi Jl9 10 l<m, \-1::rnh. 1335 h, Wes 1-:..'ltl,e11s 6 1111110, ~1305, /'~r!w1·~:iit~n 50: <;2 3. !::t,l Curra llo DC Oct 2-l TOil• Lo1.1rn or: ·• 0 "' ' - ?• 1 T-• • , • . • 6 ·1-6 20 Km, l'l<".Sh.i.:1/'tOn, V. G. 1 Oct, ,~,,- • v··,, 52:2'- 1,. Alan Prices\ C ll l·/l · 37 3 'f01·1 Lour-h l:/,h:58 h, :,cs Hamilton l:/ 12:10 2. a on-a. 0

• ''· :lin~ton. Va '·• 1/cv. 6-- J. ·rom,hel'ls l153:.5A 1-!nrine c§:3qi,;;;;at~on,\l~~ l'rice 4:11, " \. l'<1ul Robertson 3 : 58:17 2. S:il Con·allo . . 1, • J\lan {·'rice t.P,,:?3 2 . Sal Gor-4:16 10 Km, Arlinl'ton, Vil..• l,ov. ~0--1.1 Carl CroMtera 18:56 l J,;ne , r11llo LR: Sf ~:ovice 2 HU~' s,\Il;e Pt acre~~23' 2 Dennis Brya n 8: 30 ~

,1 c J' v ]3 1 Joe ,•0 1• ne '-'· • · ,, k

Durhmo, ,~. ,. , -0 • · - •

1• : . · fi 1 d ('hio Nov. 20--1. Jaclc rr~:i.c -

Cl li Y (rnl. 9-26 1 MJ. c , ::;nnn" e .. I ' ' ·1 n·, .,. inr. e o ,,. . . . .... , 05 3 't · ch t···ers 2'(·36 5,15 l-.:1. r,; ,,") 11,,s-'- 20 -1 5 2 Ohris l\uotts .,, : . • • J •.1 • • ' , ,, 1

. _ ..,,irn ·-' · • · i 1 J ck m..:1 ckl)1).!'n /12 :10 ;? • Tiu\ :....Ac tr..i. n gjving DnyHnc~. _CJn~;:;"'~t. ,-Ric haMyors 4-c_, plus 5. Torn S!~oermkcr 1,5 :1,0 3 • t:bb . i • • • · . n the race but he is n ever seen An:f\11\ere. 59:l.iO (20t.h consec,itiVe ye6; J.1115 7 l\n0ther :voun,.. newnow•r 6) pluG elr;io) 6 Yru nc; newco1,1er Tl • • • i · 'l' , · nry ( Thanks to ,lacl; PJ.;i.ckburn for tho accur:ite r!:erf•t nr:h.1's. ~sd.,~:~; 11;!hlic.

t in1t hi" 01-•n nrinm ,,.,, Ol'e , , •, concern, of coun ie , w;is re~r ·' ." · " li ,. for rcoopnition. Hm< Who ca.res aho11t. the ymnr, r,ewcomeis strn " c. . ~ - " . 20·s

· · ,. 1 Jy a:.i rtvolln" nPwco:ner some . ., wo 1 ld y0u like . to have ,-ieon mmrn °0·· . • ·• ~, o t, 3t)- -l lohn

. kb '?) S 11t 11 'l'eMl:J A.Ml 1 I c-·~ 111'5<-;l.11, c • • • " ae,o, Jaol< ll.L.,1c · irn ° • ,. ~ . 7 ; e>l ~-~ · 3 , John 8to1•1Rrs 6 mi Knifto~ 8 ini 181. y~:i 2• 6J&i, r:;6·11

· ~6

'; ·; rii1.' 1:n~ore 6 mi 7-;,i. yds 6, 11,()/, yo11 If, J~hh Evano '" • ~ kew 6 ini J.15 ycJ:i n. Lid~ ..\c,l:,y,: 5 mi Larr:f 1•1Ack 6 rn:i. 6<:$ ydo 7 • Geno ~~ 1· 10 I-'· 1 t Kni ft.on 4 ,~i hl y<ls

9 D Laoclcl in 5 rni.. vv/f O • ·• ' ·' ' 13)\yde Pl • . onn!r1z t:ov . 21,--1. Mike Hei·IH.t 23 :38 2 , r<ey Cruz ~7r~i

53e , "l '~~~~te 29 :0:3 h , Eric Hodgkins 32:l,~ 5, Lenny 1-:os 32 : 53

G • • ., . ' 1 t ' 12--1 Joe ~~nnto n 8:00 2 . (8 finishera) l Mile, Loe Ange e st .ov . • l ' ~' Foster ~ -52 third Rot.ina 8: 52 ,,,:o.~e11' s 1 hile, sa.Jne ~h oe -- l. _'i<\n ) . . ia

2 Paul Mori 9:01 10 J·!ile i-larrlic~n, C1.1e1ph1_ Ontario , Oct. J.0-13

• ;,.Y • . 2 Lil Whalen l·J3·05 ) , Jonn Layton 1:20:21, • 3 x

~-:_1:1<~ i'.~r~i 1:• Ark~diuc2: Rud~ik. 1:%:00 6, Frank Johnson 1:19 :~ """' · · • 8 t Fa 11 1 l,.,r · 59 9 Roman Obze1·1s:u 7 Helmut Ebeck 1: 14:49 • Pa rre ki 1 · t · Oot 2.9--l, l'.arcel l~)l:Ot 10 . Dan Y~cerollo l: 5~118 15 ~, Toron o, •

Page 3: ffl RACEWALKER - · 2017. 11. 28. · ffl RACEWALKER VOLUl'J,; XIII, tlUHr±;R 9 COWl·iW:> 1 OiHO IBH,

Jobin 1:07:46.3 2 . Glenn Sweazey 1:11.:13,S J. ,lool [)q.da l:17:3(\.2 1 •• John Layton l:18:56 5. Robbie I.oorner 1:21:17,5 6. Da n St.a.11elc, lJS 1:22:1 11.$ 7, Jay Hinks l:?.l,:39.7 \fonen 1 s 5 Km, same pla ce-1. Lily vlhi.lle n 2P:5O .I, 2 . Huather 2rown 2'}:47 .2 J. Cza)la t,ae:y 29: 4?,2 i. . r:anc:y Patten J2:l3 10 Km (ro-:id), 1'or o nt.o 1 ~:ov, 12--1. llelmut !heck 1,7 ;27 2. Glenn Sweazey 117 :JO l!ornen 1 s J Kin, snme place--1. Lily Whal.en 16 :52.2 2: Hcstt1er Erown 17:10,5 3. Czaby Nagy 17:11 4. Stbff l'il"alen 13:l;l 5. Rosanna Ehect~ 16 :4 6. 4 OV:·"t'.:iEl~S: \·i'"'"''I' .. 'i rm ( track),DrAchten, folherlands . Oct, J,--1. Carol Tyson, GO 2):/,2.4 2. Nordea )('arlsson, Gwed, 25:57,6 J. f(. Orotie1:s, \·/G 25 :06.l atll~<'-n C.,.J~e s 20 l(t'.1.1 Anl:nra, '!';Jrkc,y, Sent . )0-1. Yantsohko Kamenov, B1,lg. 1:3 ::?:/,6 2. E. Semerd i ev, Ehl~ . 1:33 :19 6 !1011rs

1 Rinche

1 Ser.t, 16-1.

C:,-,ristian rfalloy, f,cl.r,ium 66 Km 61,0.11 in 6:06:1,9 2. Cohn YQ n~, GB 66 , 640 in 6;:?,J;li7 3. Robert Sc!,011kens, f3el}linm 63 . 327 in 6:07:31 4, A. Pourbaiz , Fcl. 6).327 ir, 6:19:16 (the reas on for tlle stra1~ e tirnes c:r.d dist,,nces is t.h3t it. w11s held on a 3 Ion 327 111eter loop arrl each oomp­et,itor hac to J' the loor- he was on at the enrl of 6 hours) 7 Mileii, l•.flollf onl, Er.,".,, Oct , n-1. Enrique V1;3ra, M8x. t,fl:J~ 2. hinos Sedcion 51:36 ) . !'.ob Dol:sc n 52;00 /i.. Steve Go11cr 52:JJ (Vera is etayina in Eneland for :ii,vera.J. months. This r.:i ce 1-m.s on fl· co1trse ,nth Dobson unrler his o~m for::1er conrse rE1corrl bat still 3 in area.ra .) DM.tiah Junior 1~) K·~. Oct . 15-l. Chris H;u-vey 45:50 2, Graham l!orr.i; 46:50 ;.. C;:ris l'<i<ldocks /16:55 Youths 5 Kin, sa ine tiinc--1, C,ol."cb n Va.le 22:30 2 . fan l·'.cCo:nhil'! 22:l,S E:,ys 3 Km, 08..'lle ti11c,-l, M. Ri.cholls 14:22 2. K, r.'alsh l/1:;l 3 . J. Fall 14:liJ. 7 J,lile , Leice :.:ter, 1£nP.., Ogt. 1--1. l::r-1-an /\dmns 50:12 2 . John 1·1arliurst 50:30 3, l,ilck Holines 50:116 4. Nick Gre<1sley 50153 Airr,:to-Chiasso Relay, Snitzorll\nd--L l•ietropolitan folice, Ent;, 9:ll!:2 i' 0Ch ,::".lie Vor:~ 2:lh:52 for 27 Kin, Peter llc<lkinson 2:25 :J.O for JO Km, nralam Scott 1:11:J.!! for lh Km, , George r:1bro l:JO:08, i'or ld l<:r.i, and A:~oo Secidon 1: 56:110 for 25 Kln) 2. British Race lialkers Club 0;2/,:3A (iie.d ti1c fast ti:~e 011 the first four legs but lost it when Rey i'r.c•q:e, a bit short on fitness, blew up on the firial leg losing an 11 min 26 sec le.:icl--S he.un Lichtma n 2 :11.:26, John l'ia,rhurst 2:19:31, , St10.rt EL11s l:Oe:50, Nike lie.dines l;27tJ2, Roy Tnorpe 2:11,:16) 3, C01tro Lazio , Ro:ne 9 :37: 20 L,. }.avaria, \1.G. 9 :39 ;11, 5. L01nb1r<1y, Italy 9:1.1:50 100 l':ile, ErfaLol, r-:i,, .• , 0r.t . 11.:-.11--1. IJerek Harrioon 17:/i.J :OO 2. Peter Dowlin,: lP.:35:10 J . Jan Vo1.J, J!ol]anrl 18:111, ti . E. a, illabeer 1:):31 :J l 5. M. V.:i.11 \4e.rrerem, riol. 19:39:08 6, T. Chorley 19:1151/10 ?. :-;_ !·flt.F.ra, liol. Jn :5?: 2O fl. E. :loeppnO;Jr, ht1sLria 20:01

1:25 9, A,

L'lcr:uakr , llr.>l. 20 : 27 :19 10. ,1. Pell, 110 1 2O:JO:3/1 , •• Ann Sayers 20 :37:14 •• Diane PecR 22 ;05: ?.C--1!1, starters, 56 rinisllnro, 30 ne1,i Cent• r ions--they still makr. our et'f-01·ts lo >ik a bit paltry. Harrison, despit.e hln fast pace , wt:s lod by Geoff 'I'ran\.C'r !or 60 1nl.les, h,t. 1'l•anter had 1n retire v•lt'.h an :i.11.'ll.-cd ankle A11s ·l;1•11J . .tan J.00 Hile 1 Oct, . H-9--1. Clo111 e ll.11rtin ;,~ :1;;, :5J.6 2, l\tll ~\'er 22:50 :3) ,7 (,u~e 16!) ·:.cwt C.crt:•an 50 Jb , rs,t. ?-1. Gr,r~,;rd \·,eidner (ac;e 1,11 ) 4: 09: L,O 2 . lleinl'ich ~cl111t..ert /1: 10:22, 7 ,3. :!«ns liindcr t.:1O:50 1,. ,\lfons Schwa.1,z /,:17:2) . 9 5. l·,1• l'lerner 4:18:2./~ 6. K. iJer,ener J.:19:23 Wo1r.e;1's lcl K111 (trnck), O<;lens e, Uen.

1 Sept . 3-

L Karin Moller 1:)6:08.2 2. Laila t:i elsen 1 :42 :51s lfomen's 10 K'm trnck) 0.i;J:isa, Sopt. /,--1. Karin l',oller 54:44.6 W01~en1 s 20 Kin ro"d A.tclaide, ,\u:itralia, July 16--1 . Lillian Har1::ur l:/ ~J:J8 world':; best Ill rfor1nance .;l".r.;e!:' s r.1~ rm _d.), 1-:elbc11rn e , Anri:. $- -1, Sna Orr J.L,:24 ~.omen• s Km

road), Sydn~y, J11ly 31-l, Suo Oi:r 211:20 Women• s 5 (road , Melrourne

NOVlY·llilll )377 Pace 5

A 27-1 Sally Pierson 24 :18 Hctnen 1 s Km track 01.enhunt Set>t, 9\lf.i. -Sue Orr 2i.:1a Australian 50 Km Ghamn., ~.del:lide , /1ue, --1. 1.:i.lliam Sawall t1 :1h:08 2. Ttm Ericsson 11 :17:15 30 t\rn, 1·.elbourne 1 Sept. 5--1 . Sawall. 2:~2:12 .8 2, Ericsoon 2:28: 52 15 Km, Poras, Swed . , Oct. 8--1, lb Oist.avsson 1:05:38 2. Reirr.a Salonen 1 Fin. l:0S:08 3. Uoran AnC'heim 1:08:16 Women's 5 Km (roac\) 1 Eoras 1 Oct. 8-1. Siv Gustavseor_i 2.3:38 2. Margarew. SjJnu 2Jt58 3. l'hot'ill Gylder, Nor. ::!4:16 4, Oritt H~lincuist. Swed, 24:50 ilolllen 's 10 Kin ro;:!d Vasteras Swed . Set . 17--1. l·JareaJ>. eta Sim11 51.:03. 2 . f.:rH,t lto]']uist 5~:55.h 3. Ann;son • 52:56.6 Woir.en' 5 ~ Y.m Varn1l;\nd Swed. S . , L.-1. Margareta Siml1 3;.33: h9 Women18 5 Ktn ttrack , Stran~snas, Swed. Sept. 3-1. Siv Gustavs~on 21 :()3,2 Zone 1 Cup Eliminator, San Rei~o, Italy, Ang. 27-28: 20 Km-1 , Arinfll'ldo Zambslldo, It. l:i7:58.t. 2. Snndro l~llucci, It, 1:28:31 3. Vit,torrio Vidni, It. 1:30:0J,8 4, Jose Marin, Spain 1:30:36.9 5, I,nre Stllnkovics, lhw. 1:)2:02 6. Roberto B-1c.0ione, It, 1:3J:0?,4 50 Km--1., Laszlo Sator, Hnnp;. 4:0710h 2. Pranco Vecchio, It. 4:00;4]. J, ,\u£1,11stin Jorba, Spain 4 :10:11 11. Ferenox Danoviszki, H11n~ 6:15:11. 5, Gainc(lrio Lisi, It. /i.:2O:2,3 6. Janos Dal1nati, Hung. 4:24:30,6 TeEtm Score: 1, Italy -- 58 2. Hllneary--5O 3. Spatn-32 Ii. Switz.--18 20 Km Kla .nl! !~ala ia June 26-1 , Khoo Chon11 Deng 1:26:?.e.6 (~!a~. Rec .) 10 Km track f'enan Nal. Au • --1. Bene t..6!2J.2 Non,1,,wfan :L Km, Froya, Jitly 30- -1. K.01,t Arne Strornoy 1:29:40 Women1 o l.O_Y.ri~ :iamP. '.lhorilJ. Gy:1J:3er 50:50 2. Mia Kjolberr, 51:39 3, Froyib.s HHoen 52.28 ~tractc), Prat del Liobreeat, Btrcelona,, J11ne 1-1. Daniel Biutista Mox, 19:29.8 2. Domingo Colin, J,;ex . 19: I.J J . /l,u17,el F1.ores, J.lex. 20 :jl. 8 I;.. Pedro Arocho, E,,.x. 20!)5,8 21) J(1n, A,:ka, lh111r,l; April 17--l. Janos Dalmati, Jlung. l:27:29 .6 2, ,ronos l:2c:O J . 3. Laszlo Sa.tor 1:28:1~6.6 1,. Janos 'rabori 1:29: 26 ,4 20 Y.rn, n1c1ape1;t, ( June ?.0--1. Janos Sz~las .l:30:58,4 llnni;;. :m Km Cb1m!"l,, Szel­nek Jilly 1/ 1-1. Laszlo Sa.tor 1:31: :27.8 2. Csab,1.!'e 1: 32:)9.2 JO Krn (trll.Ck), E\,cJai:est, April 2L,-l. Ilnre Stankovics 2:17:22 . 8 (1:31:03 n.t 20) 2, ,Janos Szalns 2:lS,35.2 3. Laszlo Sator 2:19:11.11 20 X.!:!!. {trn ck). Kiev, Jnly 19-1. Yev17,eniy lvohenko 1:28:15 2. !lil<0lai 1'okatov 1:29:15 3. )';lkolai Marveyev l:JO:O1 20 Km, Ta.~J.inn, USSR, Aue,. 17-1. Evr.eniy Se;nere .iev, n,~. 1:29:29,/, 2. l-'at11s1nshi, Hum 1:30:2/1.A J . Olaf Pi.1.:Jrski, EG l:30:L19 ,5 10 Km track Zahr1.e roL A • 28- ·-l. Jan ffoszka 113:38.1. 20 Km, 7.abrze, Set't. 25--1. Jan l{fls1>;ka 1:2 8:11 2. StsnlelllWCh~iiej 1:29:5?. 20 Km1 CHanok1 J·'ol. , Sevt . h--1. Aleksiy TroH,ski, USSR 1:26:)5.8 2. Yeveeniy Yeveyukov J.:2?:0/1 J. Ebhdan Bulakoi~ski 1:27:/,7,2 I,. Jan Ornoch 1:27:50 5. Doguslaw 01tda ).~27153 6. ~:ieozynlalr C'.orski l:28:1,B , 6 7. Ja rosl aw KazinJ.eroki 1:28:50 , 6 S Zbi,,niew Goolavski 1:J0:17.f. 9. •Doguslaw Kmiecik l:J0:::11.2 10, C~asla~; Kowal 1:30: SJ.2 20 l~'l, llnva,na 1 c,1~., .. s.£.r:t, J 5--1. llwi~ Yi>.kovl~v, (;J;;, ~ lr3lr39.3 2. Rl,\)And Wei~el, EG 1;3/+:1+7 100 Km, P.el­gbm Chruqoions)1j_p 1 Oct. 1-1. Clrlstian ll1tlloy 9 :19: 0l.8 2. aor,r::r Pi etouin 9:51:20,8 J, 11ooort Schonol<ens 10:03:59,8 15 Km, LomrtUo, Italy, July 17--1. Carlo Eattioli l:04: 52 .7 2. Vitto1•io lll:01,: 57,2 3. Sandro l3el111cci 1:05:28.7 /._. J!ob,rto E\1~cionc 1: 05 :1,6.7 _5. Amando Z~nbaldo 1:06:11 6. Allessondro Pez~atinl. 1:06:1~.~ Italian 20 Knt Gharitoionshio, Rome, ,lul,v 26--1, Roberto E\1ccione 1:26: 37.5 2, /1ntando 7.arnbaldo li27:lh.7 J. Sandro ful111cci 1; 27:31. 11, Alessandro 1 :27:56,6 5. l~•iriziano Damili:tno l:?.8:J 2 .2 6. Carlo l·r."\ttioli 1:3 0:45 10 Km ( track), Eolom.:1 1 J1me 2~--1. Ouiseppe Fabhri ~1:53.8

Km Riocione Ital All • . 0::-1. Carlo Nattioli 11:23,8 (World's best perfomiance 2. Roberto 8.lcclone ll : 26.9 3 Km, Turlot, ~n., Sept. l.-1, Reilli!I Salonen 11: 57,4 20 Kmfi Raisio, F~ n. 1 Sept , ~-1. Reinla Salonen 1:27:18.5 Finnish 50 l<Jn C amp., Jokela, Sept. 1 -1. ReiJM. SaloMn 4:12:28 Swiss Tour or R~nandie, Aug. 26-Sept 3-

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PAGE 6 fl&VEMIEU 19??

1,. Veniamin Soldatenko, USSR 25:50:33 2. Ot·to F.hrt:ich 25:50:1,5 J. Mik­hail Alexeyev, ussn 25:53:10 4. Lucien Faber, l.1ix. 25:59:2.7--this is a. aeries of 8 races ranging fran ?./1 to 411 lcilometere and totaling 293.615 Km. The tiires are totals for the eight races . The Soviets have been sending a three-1nan team for the past several years and oleanin~ up. Faber apparently gave than their best tussle to date. 20 Km, Oatrava, Czech, Aur,. 13-1 . Yur(ly Bencik l:27:ll) 2. Petrik l:271L 15 J. Evzen Zednik 1:27: 50 Kin, 1-:agde.gbm,; 1 E.G. 1 Oct. 7--1. Werner Galina 4:19:16 &-,st Gennan 20 l:rn Champ. 1 :. einto hla , Sept. 1--l . Werner Heyer 1:29:50 .J 2. Karl - H8inz Stadtn:nller l:Jl:37.9 3. Roland Weisser 1:32:17 E.G-. 50 Kr.11 same place-1. Ralf Knntter 4:22:L 12 2. Udo Schaeffer h:24:32 3 . Olaf Pilarski 4:42:02 French 100 Kr.1 Cham . Chatr.ou-T'oierr O t . 2-1. Alain-Nculinet. 9:27:35 2. Gerard Lelievre 9:35:04 fieal versatility. Orily a week a!'ter his great fifthplace in the Lugano Cup 20 Km) J. Roger Quemener 9:41:52 4. 'Francois Chareellay 9:50:28 5. Remy Niohel 10:06 : 21 6. Michel Petit 10:07: 59 French 50 Km Champ • • Espernay, Aug. 7- 1 . Gerard Lelievre 4:19 : 25 2. Jean - Pier1·e Gi'!.roia 4r22:l3 ,3. Sanriat J1:27:L{/ 4. Guebey 4:2R:45 5. (};,utier 4:2$:48

SChEDULi:i OF FtJ!{Th.'CO]{Ltl(} CONPl!.'TITI VE .ENDEA vrns

Sat . Dec. 10-7 }tile llandic;ip, Los Anglels1

3 p.rn. (R) 20 !(Jn, 2 Km tlovice , Washineton, OC 1 9 :JO a.m. ( B)

Sun. Dea, 11- 5 Km and JO Km, Etobicoke, Ont . (G} 35 Km, Haisten , 8 a . in. (E) 5 Mile, Northr.lehn, Colo . , 1 :30 p.m. (S) lOO Km and 12 Hour, lvoodside, Cal., ( o)

Sat. Deo. 17-10 Njle 1 Colwnbia, l-io, 9 . (D) 5 Km, Lokc:Wnd, fla., 5:30 p.,n. ( T) · 1 end J l·::ile, I'?ioenix , Arh . , 9:30 a.m. (A)

San . Dec. 18-10 Jlile, Sprin~:!.eld, Ohio, 1 p.rn. (C) 15 i(in Handicap, Los Angeltis , 10 11.m. (n) 20 J(;n, }lari n, Cal, ( 0) 10 Km, Long Branch, N.J . (IC)

Sat. Dao. 21,~- .1. Ni.le t-:en, 2 H'-le Wd1ten, Nr-:wto1i, Ia,, 9:JO a . 111, (J) Sat. Dee. 31-1. J.l1lo, 1Jet1·oit. ( 1)

4 Hile l:en , 2 1-'.ile \·lc1nen, Lake Dc1rline, Ia . , 10, (J) 5 Nile Handicap, Tempe, Ariz., 4 p,m. (A)

Sttn. Jan , 1- -20 Km and 5 Km, Scarboro, Ont. (Q) Sat . Jan . 7--3 Km (Indoors), Toronto (q)

l Mile (ln1oor!.) 1 SUppery R0 ck, Pa , (G) Sat. Jan . ll.-1 . 5 Km (Indoors), Toronto (Q} , Sun. L

1an . 15- - \·/est Penn US'rFF 1 l!ilo (incloors}, Pittsrurgh (G) Sim, Jan. 22-t ·:est Penn Masters l l·lile

I Slippery Rook Pa. ( G)

S11n. Jan . 29--5 fm and 10 Kr.i, Toronto lQ) ' S11n: F'eb. 12--a...F~stern Reg. Masters l Mile, Slippery Rook, Pa, ( G) Periodic races in Lowell and other spots in the P,oo ton area (W)


A--1:ike Del·/itt, 17831 t-:. Lane, f'hocni.x , /IZ 8582J B--Sal Corrallo, 19031 Capehart Dr., Gaithersburg, MD C-1.lack

1Blackbu rn, 2307 High St . , Sprirvtfield , Ohio (I forgot to list

the t.ew Year• s r;1ce in Sprinr,field. Starts 7:30 to 8 p.m.) D--Joe Duncan, 4004 Defoe, Columbia, MO 65201 · E-John Evans, 54110 N. Braewood //9h5, Houston TX 77(1:}6 G-- John Harwick, Lif37 Beverly , Pittsrurgh PA i5216 I - Martin Kral't, 19173 Beaconsfield, Det;oit, MI /~8224

h'<,'Vl!iJ·illl!:tt 1977 PAGI!; 7

J--Dave Eidahl, Box 209, Richland, IA 52585 K-EJ.liott DeT11m n, ~m N. Locust, ':IM t Long Branch, NJ 07764 0--Wayne c:i11sker, 20391 Stevens Creek 81.vd., Cupertino, CA 95014 0,-Doug \<!ru.ker, ')!:} Alh ambra Ave.• Toronto, Ontario, Canada R-- Connie Rodewald, f\52 Sharon Dr . , Camarillo, CA 93010 S- - f'a11l Light:. e e.Y • 2400 E. 16th St., Greeley , CO 80639 T--John Scimone., 631 Young Place, Lakeland, FL 33803 W-Frcd Bro..rn, Sr., 127 Walsh, Medford, MA 02155 ************************~************

~low is a tentative schedule of nati onal ct-a.1npionaltlp rc1ces for 1970, Tenta .tive because t.hel;'e is some controversy over the awards asinade at the f\ational convention and because all d,,tea were not finalizeri at that t.1.lne. The first controvers y involved tho awt1rdinB of the Senior 5 Km to the Central Associlition when it waa decideci to place the 20 "11th the Nati.-1nal Tl,F Chr.Jnpionnhtr Meet, 'I')1ln co11ld not tA dor.e , Tho 0pM,on of running t.he 20 ns pRrt of t he toeet hlld been ar,N·oved At an onrlirir con ­vention, but not in lie11 of the 5. That in11st oi.lly ,~Ith the '11\'r.F' meet. That one is not too hard to resolve, althonr,h it leaves the Ce11tral Ass­ociation without a Senior National for t'1e firat time in in.any yenrs, Thi.s io nhforb1nate since tl,ey- have been most enthusiastic al1d a1irr, then many other t1ssociatione have now achieved that st£1tus and there j11st aren ' t enouel'i Senior rac~s to go around. (And lnany of us thinlc there are too many as it is.)

T!1e second controversy is a bit st i cl<ier . 'l'here is a great reGional iinbalr.nce in the w:~y the awards were made . Even ,~1th the 5 Kin back with t~e 1~ F incet ih r.. A. , there are onJ'1" two rnccfJ west 01' t!rn ltc,ckie~ . And t.he Pacific Association (S, P. area), .,.,it11 a lot of our top wt1lker s an:! with a hlanket bid ror any tlistilhce, oruae up e111pty. At t he 11ame time , Hissot1ri Valley and tle'rl Jersey- both have two :3cnior . (A:i th0•1i;h ona of Mo. Valleys is the 100 Eil e, which they really didri' t ask to 1',,.,v8 m;;ide n National and a .-ace tht ,:y will pnt on even if tho1>e iu a 100--m.i.le Natiorn.l . ) ~ As a result there h!lvc llt.011 sc,:qe rather e111otlonal lettm:ii flying al.out;,, which I have eopieo . iiowevar, I aon•t reel that:. print in g th em will serve any partj, p11rpose. Havin3 ceel'l .s, r, tJ:e corr vent,ic-n, I don't think there wos aey inter.tio112.l attampt. at resionalism i11 tl,e awards, as has been c,,1r,P,ested , At the ti ,ae, there is ce1•t­ainly a rcgj_ore. 1 biaa in the final schedule and the Pacific A.


has legitimate l'eason for feeling slighted , l'/hat,if anythi1'18 , is goirrg to be done remain s to be seen. At this point, the schedule of Senior Chl:Ul1pionoh1pa, Rs I hav e it is: 2 Mile (Indoor), New York City, Feb. 21. 5 Km1 Loa Aneeles, June 9 10 Km, n,rralo, July 17 or 21, 15 Km, t-'ew York, May lh or ;>.l W Kin, Los In gales i June 9 ( Will not be the srune day as 5. This is, a J ­

day tneet i perhaps the 5 on the first day and the 20 the third.) 25 Kin, El Paso• Nov. 28 ( With AAU Convention-this another controve1 '-

sial award,) 30 Kln, Columbia , Mo., 00 t.ober 35 Km, Im,a, April 24 or 30 40 K,n, l\'ew Jersey, July 23 or JO 50 Km, Detroit, Sept. 11 75 Km, New Jersey, April 16 100 Km, Denver, J.1ay 14 100 Mile , Col wnbia, ,October l Hour, Postal, So. Pacific AAU to conduct.

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PAGE 8 NOVEJ>l!l!m 1977

Host of the II B'' and Masters races will be held w1 th the corresponding Senior races, a step in the rir,ht direction. Exceptions are the B 15 Km at Mackinac Island, Mich, on Sept 3 6lt 4, the B 20 at Chicago on November 51 and the !•!asters 5 and 2.0 to be held with the ?'.asters 1!:F Meet in Georgia in July, Junior races to be held separately are the 3 in Hawaii so:netime early in the year, the 5 Km with the National Junior 'l.'&F Meet ( date and aite ur.lrno•,:n to me at this time), and the 20 Km in New Jersey July 4. Perhaps by r.ext month everything will be final. Aleo, we hope to have a ftlll report on the convention activities at that time. •••*"**"****•****•*********··········· LOUK.H,U l:l;\•Jr, . 5 YP.ars Aio (From the ~!ov. 1972 onw)--Bl.11 We~le walked off with th? Senior A,\lJ 5D Km title in San Francisco in 4:22:00, lie cont.inned a pattern of' very r.or.-;jiitnet walking havina done 4:20:09 in the Olympic Trials and /i:22:53 in ,-1:unch. P,ob Kitchen was a distant second in 4:36:h'.3 and Bill Ranney third in ju:;t ur.'.ler 5 hours ae only 10 sho1~ed up for this late eeason race m d only five finier>e,:, • • • Thi? U. :5. aent a team to the Airolo,llChiJioeo road relay j_n Switzerland a:·.r:I &,b Y.itchen, Todd Sci1lly, fub Bowman, Bill Ranney, and Larry Y<Wljg crune in second behind Italy . The lt<1lians were so111e 15 minuu.ia ahead in 9:07:38 ... A re~~ c,ws later, Sllnitl Ladany won the Lncano 100 Km, also in S1·1itserland, in 9:3f' -:56.h . . .. Jurdor fot:\.onal titles (cond11cted for tl-e last M;ne as what are now B Cr.'¼111pionships) ~,ent to Chris Amoroao :tnd Ed Jal 1iJ.di n. Amoroso won the 50 in Chicar,o in 5; 19: 55 over Gary h)rwa ters ar.d Ebuldin took the 25 1n LA. in 2:10:2?., with Bob Hil'.key n distant SF.-co11d, •• S1·reden, as usual, won the Wcmen1 e Int. e:rn.;i.'tional 5 l(m a11 l'.arP,areta Simu came home first in 2/i: 53.s

FEl".1,, !:I:.:-..1 Tu 'IOE !'r:rt,y Rndow r eport s on a great. opport11nity f'or internatio1.ial cccr,petition for a few of 01~r ,-r.Llkers noxt su:r; ,1er: "\'Jhile at the Lugano C.1p af.fair this year, I ta)J,,m wit c, the Swedish coach anr:I dl!Je 11sr.ed the j,oasibilitics of ta vine a te? .;n a.ttend a race walkir.r, ~rPek they hold evary yeiir in June. Fran this talk h.:i;e .c:r<J',m a real ly womlcI"f11l op,:-O1·t11nity for us to send a teatn of sorts over to S·~·ec1on Md En~ler-.d for a 2-week witll-:ir,a spree. The RWA 20-miler., ,is being hel".l on Jane 2it. Enr:li3h w;ilkere have assured me that 1)1 ey will house and Seed a., r~~!lric:111 11.ukers · who are over for that event. from there the team co..1ld go on to Sweden for a seriea of walks startine wit.h a J-hour track r.,o on ,lune 2ll . • :,rollo~·od b:,· a 3X.5 Kin rPlay the following day, a 10 Km road race on t!1e 5:th, and !'inir.hin ~ w-ith a 10 t:m on July 7th. The Swediah coach has a~rnured me of fri~e room and hoard -for the length of the stay, plus the opportunity to at ter;d a !J\1edi.r-h mid-s11miner festival. • •• B:iaed on toe obtaining of .Ill nils, I hope tl:c proqiec:t of this r will get everyone' e competitive juices flow1nr,. We are really hopeful of being ablEl to pull the financing off--of a, urse, how m'..!c:h we r,et and ho•! nl/\l1Y "!alkcrs 1>1e 111 be able to send is a. question, ••• To enticipa ·Le. poasible objections, i f we raise the money •• • the race walking

executive co1111nittee will he choosing the walkers t.o go, baaed upon ,~ho will heot rElpresent us 1 1.1.11<1 juiit as importar1t, who will benefit from the trip the mor.t . F'or instance, a goocl youne walker will go over a gooci veteran wal~r, al l else beil1£: equal. I reali?le we a_re openin!J a potential oa.n of wor,ne 1 bit s11ch a stance is essential if we are going to raioemoney and u.oo it to develop top-flight international walkers . ,. ,Such a trip paid for from 011.r GI n furtl s is in no way connected with t he re(luLar USOC and AAU to11re, and this selection proceDs ~o/Onld not be used in these events. If someone anticipates tta t they are going to be upset b:;' not. eettinp; a free ride to Sweden-Englatd this wrnmet' because they were not chosen , let them to object now, If our stance is an 1mpopular one, we will back off." • • • Lot s of publicity 'for race walking

NLIVJJ.i,rl·\!.!l 1977 l'" i :!:, 9 i


hC8A r:la,)'s, j11d,:in;; fmm 1·1hat llf<!l been ere$ ~inr, r:w flec;k. 'l'l,e J:o·.·r ~·ol'k Post. h<'l<I a rathc:r l enP,; i'lrtich- on Sue l.iers in 0 0tobe r; I e~:nda;;r liarl a lennthy feilture on Wil.lkil\~ in tl,e LonR lnk,11(1 Rrea anrl s01:1e l hin1 ,e on ,mlkine ns a recreati <mal activity; the l1c1sl1in,'._;tori 1'0:,t fen t-u red the f' ValJe,Y l1acev1;,lkers in their rares ; tl :e Cl,r.rlP stiwn Gazette-Mail had a feat ure article by a jO!;;."ill/' who 11,·.d l'er:n beaten by a ~talker in a race; a nd a San Diee:o p.,r,e r had a rood feat.lire on r'nnl flentlrieks ar1,e r hw won t i:e lUO, •• The 1079 l.11r,11no Cur COHlfl­etition will be held at Eschl'Orn, l'ic1:t Gprrnany wit11 J,:eXlco, E..1r.t Gqr:11-any, and It;aly -anta,atically qrJAlificd oft' I.heir finioh in this ye~1 1b meet arn:I \·iest Gerinan,y in as the host a.ou ntry ••.. 1':ie fol.101·:inr,: .'.!rticle , by Jill.inn Hopl{ins [lri.tish J:ati,,rial Iwent c .. acll, r e cently lll'pea red in both Athletics ·,:ecltl;v encl The l!nce \·faJ.ldnr:; Record. ;:0n 1-:at.the1·1s ¥in in the 196/1 Oly,npp;!.c 9.0 Km still stands a:; the most dccfoivl' win in co:r,p­etition at l,h.1,t, level. Alt hourh he chose to out his Cl'll' eP.r short, one 0011lcl still n;ake a c:isc for Hat t ilf·ws as the top 20 J<,n 1-~lke r of all time, As a inatter of fact I <lirl this a few ti,nes in the past until Vladi1ni.r Gol11bniehiy 1 s lonrev i ty finally rn..<1de me concede. Mow Uaniel ln11ti:.ta's utter do111inanoe of t.lte scene :l.s hard to i1cnore, J~c-netheless , f-:attl1c~,s was, as the title says, & walker ahP,ad: o.f his tiin11, and the article should be of int.erest both to th ose who already know of hi s ,feat.s and those of you 1-1ho have CQ/ije along later and !nay nuver have he,trd of lien Matthews.

A \liil.J\u.rt 1di};n.U Ur' Hlb TlJ.:1:,

by Julian Hopkins ( F'rom Athletics ',~eekl.y, Octoh er 29 , 1977)

Ken ~!atLhews, coached by his fa.tbbr, s tartc-.d r:, c<J 1,11].ki hrr in 1952 at tile ag11 of 18 but ~ms no overnieht si.;ir. In 1955 h<> roi:;an to :·,akrf :ti.u m.;:,rk in 1·::i.rl]~"t:'\,:I cve: 1t::i h11t i~ w..s not 11nt_il Lile fol.J .owi i,r; y1c.,rr t n;,,t hr. scorer! novr!'1•al. not.icn.'l.h) e :.i11ccen::;es. l.'alktng ,i.n a 10 rniles cve11t. for an fMA team <1gainnt tho s e selectC'd for the J,;ellx>utme r,a:,ics

1 l!c Gcorer: n

s11rprise victory over the OJ;y:r.•·ic rnen--b1t the .l3. t.ter h.;d been (lireo t ed ~00 yards off course, Howevtr., j11sl after this, he had a pcnuine snc­cess when he scored hls first victory in a Londo n 11711, wi11ninr. t he toui;h Pelr;ra ve event at \-/i.Jnhledon. ··

In 1957, Ken dJ.rl not rerh;:rp::i 1r.ake the rrorress e>::'cctod or hJl.'I in t,,e f ir:1t holf oJ' t!1e y <'nr. l!e fell lbttl of tlir. ,i11n ,.e:s in sovcral eve;it,o ­not, 1hly in the Nat.ionnl lO 1·1iler,-b11t '11>-did r:ivP. a gli1U!' !>e of hi!l f111',n1·e speed with a recoi'd 51:13.1, in the Hi.dlnncl ?~: c!;m:ir,ionsnip. Jt will in 6epte11:bE.'r U1at he acl1ieved one of tl ·.c· !treat ambition::; of ;"Ml}' 1,al, :urs when l1e covered 111oro thnn 6 miles in ol'le hOIJr- - ,iu st. 9 ynrds 1nore in {'act. ,

Altho11gh prominent in tl.e London "'7s' 1, it wn~ t.till titan Viclrnps who held the rwcm:lo r position in Eritish sp eed wqlkin r. Mc\ so it co .1tlMecl

tl·,rconhout mor; t; of 1958, Y.£<n (:1tve e ood rAcea in lne,2, 2M 11nd 7~! and the AAA 2M but the? I'eJcra:ve 11,an pr1ov,1iled, c?Vent11aJly r,oing on 1:,o win th e F)u,opP.nn 20 Km tit.le in Stocl:nolm. t:atl,1.•11s w«s not donr. t.ed by Vicke:rs 1 re.1nd:.ation, for shortly after tl1e cha 111piorishtp:1, he nnn·r, wJy defe:'lt,e t.he Ji)1roy,o:i.11 ch;u1;pio11 in a faot 5L at t:·,r. l:.'vertl1,i,; ;:<'•..:s floocl lit. meeting at ~.hite City. Vickers soon t (')O!{ r cverr~e in the f1ir·i1,/_;,d,P. hoar rncetif)R .io bot!the anrl broke /,lf Por,n' s J onr,-stD nt!ing !~·ltish record witl? RM 70'):y and SH 6lly resrectively. The clo :::e of 1958 s i,w two r.reat tre:nenc1011s walkers and co11r!lEl records fell like aut1uan leav.: ,a . Gen­erally, t-!atthe1,ia had the e<Jse, with hi s most rr 11~arkable rti•fcrir.ance co1:1-ing in the tough over-di s tance Eelgrave "7" inNhich he clocked 119:29. Thfo record Btill stands!

If Ken J.latthe,Ja Iinall,y .an-ived in 1958, then in 1959 he eatnblished himseJ..r as number one in Britain anr;I one of the bast in the ,,orld. He

Page 6: ffl RACEWALKER - · 2017. 11. 28. · ffl RACEWALKER VOLUl'J,; XIII, tlUHr±;R 9 COWl·iW:> 1 OiHO IBH,

f-,\GE: 10 NOVEIU! 1377

won the first of sJx contsoctttivo lll'IA 10![ tltlr.s and r,sde a c:b an sweep of tt· .e track c!1..1npionchips. lie (tained hie first,,ational seJection for a ~5 };,., r,,cc in East r.'E'rlin b11t blew up badly to finish l0th, Stan Vick­ers w-.,_s an excellent w;l.n11er of the event, l.;.ter in the season, the Ro;-:al S11 tton Cold field w11 lker did cniri his first interni1 tion victory with. a 91:/,4 20 t:m clockinr; a,:ainrt Swit,:::erl.llnd. In Septe1:1ber, Viatthcws and Viclrers vir.ited Ho::icow to take on the ini~!1ty il11ssi-111s ,,,tio, at that, ~,ere re~1lllrly bea~.inr, world reo\Tds, Vickc,T"s Wi'IO unable to l~ep with t! 1e oprosition b11t r:,,n ba.ttle<l h;trd with the two Soviflt v:al,ker s 1 even­t11a.lly h.tving to sett.le for second place 8 secor;<la back in the 1tnli!<eJ.y tj, ;~~ of €6:05 ( 1 s best at t.hc tirne w;is ?0:00! ), A few days after this tonrh assjgrnr ,eht /.'.atthews s et his fJnit •world best• when he roomed rwro thEJ i·,hite C1ty cir:dcrs twenty tim es in Jh:26 . 6. Unfort.111111tely .for Ken, thr. LbF' has ranovnd tl1e $N distar1ce .from ita record booke so he never received the \\Orld plncq11e he so ricl,ly deserved.

I-lope::; of two 1red1:1ls in t.he 0l;yrr,pic 20 Ion walk in Rone ct:id not seem unrcaliztic :tb t:1,, stnrt of th, 1960 se!lson . ine powerfully bu:tlt EattOOWB cvnt'imci to ci•Js>:i,li.lte the clo:r.estic scene w.lth perJox,111111oes like 70: 57 in t \\e IA•,ic,nnl 101,:, F,l1:l5 for 20 r.111 (the wo~ld best, for 1960), and /,~:35 . 6 J,)r a 1.11( l0i'.l~ track record. ditl manar,e to t11rn the tables on one im::ort .::1nt cccaoion, ond that wae at the A,\A 211 championship. ~ After ~',at-. t!:E>"-S hnd led for seven lnl'!s he pr<Yh1cecl an unanswerable 1131 .hat lap to !':rr.ak Georrre L,a.n,er' s anc ien t 1·eccr d with a time of lJ: 02. h. Matthews (13:00.6) was also insirio the recon:J . lntcrnRl;lonally , Ken ht d sca·ed an im~ort? .nt vi.ctor;r j,n l'..l~' in the £:1st ;;crlin 251uo event whe11 he atorcd for hi:-; roor s:10;·1ir.g t! i<? r.revious 1,y ,,inninr. ih n stnr.-;r;eri n13 1:52:31--wliich re;-,r!:':;cnts 90 :.imste :.?Olo~ r.;.tce for the whole diritancc. Not rurprsingly, s :i"-:? ;--11r.;Jit.c ;r,.,,10 t-'..:1 H,he1:s favor,lt11 .for t.he Olyllinj,c title. ·

i\},1s, li;.itth~·rn en<Jed up ifl hoapiti\l inste,1d of·ttr11 victoiy daia and 1/icl-:ero "1,'S laft t.o sn:i tch a welJ - de~erved bron:r.e '"ednl j n tm closi113 sL-,,:-es of t.'10 rc1ce, ,Just. l::efore t.h13 11r.i.tish team had departed for Ro,ne, J.;., t t,~,c·.:s hoo a cioce of 1'111 l;,1t in the day!l befm:·e the race hes eesiied to il<v-~ rrcow -red . C:;,•1rHticr.!l d,irir:e the r-,,ce were hot and very hurnid . As us·1al, Ken r.t•Wpr\ 011t fa::;\; 11nd r,y 5 !::~ (22:11) be h<1d a 7 secor.d lea .d !:rc :n ~-.,lllr,;j ,c hiy o/' the !13:.m, Il,t disi;l.cter struck after 8 Km as Matthews' 1.~--~; b:r11r. t,, w~nl,P.:1. l:e 1-,an ::it,i]). oecor>d, juot behind the fhrnsina (the c\·, r.:1.J,111 vi ct.or) , nt, the hnlf dist,1,nce hut despite e11co1U'c16BJ:t> nt from · Vfoi:("1'6 he Wi!lk ed hirr!self into a atnte o(' collapse soon after, Instedd o.f t?·,e fm1cfod r:..;.tthrwa or Vjcr.':lrs it t/:39 left to the un!1erall ed Don ,·:·0;1rson to pin nrHain's solit a ry athletics gold 1nedal at tJ1ese Games ( 50 f:i, ) .

J.f r,er.• s Cl;mr-ic exreriencos had been a bitter blow he did m:t e how t t, for :ihor>tly after the C-al'lE-G he reduced biB world best for 5N to 3l1::n.2. V1 t'i' r in Sert~m bcr, he cre11ted r.ew British reco• do fo1• 7H ( /+8: 53) Md 1 hcu r (;>_,, lC1lf71) in lx?ati nr; /\uotralio. 1s r:oel F'ree111an, tho 21-.)E) ar-1.1ld norne silv".!r :r.r-cl-' by no,irly t1-10 laps .

'l:1e post-0ly:111,ic ye :Lr was not as e:11:i.ent as us1tal for t,he IA,il' launched thi? T,1r a no Tror,hi , Hope~ of a Llritish success high although Stan V1uker::: a rrl 'fp1:1 r-~i.sson (;th in t..!:e !l.osne 50 Kin) !al d both retired . Still t1rn ~i-1:i.n :;re-'lrhc11d of i'.a·~thews and 'l'hornpson lool,ed fonnidable, A.1.Lhough l, ~:w_ re1:1l opposition, llcn showed that he \~as cni;,able of prod11cine 1tlta-f;;e~ ti 1

11cs without beinr, pu.shcd. He started tie season with a rang- ­a reoorcl /il!.;02 in tl1e l·'.etrorolH.1n Police 7-- at,d at ~lhitsun he recl11cer,I his kack record !or thil dist11nce to l,l{:24. Cther fine marlcs ino l uded 89:11 for 20 k1:1 and n 43: ?.6 10 km track victory in A,:10t Gerrnan,y • ·

It w;;is unfo,tunato in o:ie respect Britain bad to rneet Ge:nnany ( a combined East-West team containin,1 just one West G

8nnan) in the I, 1gano

Trophy qualifying, as they proved a team worthy of the final. Ae expected•

h , (;J; ll

Ken (over 3 rnin11les in front of 01.:,,nric /,th-plnc~r Lindner) ,Ht(I Don er.:sil.y won th 7ir r,oces and the l10;11e teru:1 ( !'r1.tain) fin:illy ~ri 1~nphe:J ~-Y jur,t two points. Ken 1'ITTnned up for tl,e final with a fine Nin acAinet t-.he lSSft in a 20 km road r llc e f:rom the \·mite Ci.t.y in 90:17 . ·

The ~1.u.!"11t•al L1.1r,ano Troi;-Jiy. finnl wns ht'lol not s11rpr.i r.inr.J.y in Lur,ano, Sw1.t·1e1·Ja11d And in lhe :w Ian evC'nt .i,t. l'l~s all l,i?.tti if'1;:;. ;;e appeared to be headinr, for a t.i1Je it, the r crio n of Rll rnir111t.(;is Nhen he eaaed to enco\Jrar,e a st.r•Jtr.ling P.ob Clark who1n h~ had ,just l,ip r·cd. The 1::a~t,le with . the Swede_G w1s v1;ry close nnd every r,0inl was vi.Lai. Dl"t1pit.e th1a nnselflllh act, t;-,ttbm1s won M.oily in 90: 511 bqt. Don 'f110;:t:1o n hnd ~o yield to Ab:lon Parnich jn the 50 m.. 'de ti ec1 011,-0:i.nts Nith $wcclc11 but won tt-e t.:rophy !J.J virtue or the hiv,her pl~ c:\.r~~ of 011r br,st 50 b n 1-:n1:m1~.

If 1961 had Geen /'attl\0115,n hia r,onitinn as the 1-:o~·l<l' s l: arl in,-, s _print walko:, 19~2 o~nrt.ecl o:f a ..e unccrtHin.1.v, Alt.!oo 11r;t, s 11cc:csn - '' fiiJJ.y defend1n/Y h1~ rt\,A 101-1 lltle, Ken recorrled a urc<liocre tt,~e Gj' his standards! whilst 1.n t he Ai\l\ 71 I he Sllff1;1·e<l dis(!i1alification. Al t heiurch a cl~ar l•JJ.nner over 20lan nt. Jir.~ents Purl', (92:JJ.) and Victoda fork (01:02) he d:i.d not loo~ to be. in c;reat fot"m for the E:1ropean Cho.11,pion !lllipr; in .Belr.nide. 1\ea111st ttus , however, Mal,the1-1s co11ltl point to his nenonrl f .1st-85t 2 M of 13: 15 and a fine victory in the ll\:A 201,r ( n di r. t ;1ncc he con­tested rarely) in 2:Jtl:39,

Bit ho one need have worried, for Ken had M.s peak to r:nr.fection. The very tou~h co11n1e and hot, humi d conditions in J.le~rnde ,·!er-e certainly not to his liki~ arsrl rather militated il6alnst. hi::i 110 11al Lc!ctics ef a Ver.v fast TI1e 1•ounc Czech , atlek, set off Ul cc a r oclwl:. 1111<1 it took the tll"it;.on 5 kin ueforP. he caild t/lke over in froat. Il er, liad a sub­sta.nLial l('.f11d_in the middle st c1ges b ,1t in th<1 14 ot 5 Kin he w;,s bejnc hau

1led back ~wstl.y t~r the 0l~~•ir,io champi on Gol•1bnic hiy 111111 then b.r tf.e

hig,1ly promi~ ng 21-year-old ll11ns-Georg r!eirnann of G,m,ian:r. J.:ott:.he116

helc:l on to Wl.n by l9 , 1, seconds in one of hii:; slmvest tirn es - -l'.:,;5/,. 8-prodl r irrl eeci of the severity of the condi t:.ious.

1 Tho pn1-CJJ.~~11pic aeason of 1963 fotm:I !1i1~ cloclcin,a, one f;,st . t.i 1,ic• after anott1~r. A vnstly !mproved P;111l Mi hill lookeid to be t,1-e fir ::;t trithih ,,mlker MI-able of c.1allenMt1f. l-'.;itthe11s since Viokcrs bit ummlly his bid faded after ~1-e first few rn5.les. Perlmp1 one ol' 1•;.,n 1 s fin o::;t, p!irf,w­tMlnci,o, ll;!, up to t.he Lur,1\~o 'l'roph;r fi: 1111, w ,s "· 10 ktl 1-1in ar;,1i i•:::;t ltaly (300 meters ahearj of Pam.1ch) in /,3 :?.J-- en 011tct ·,11C\i11r, ti ;ae or a flood eel cirri er track .

D:-:l.tain Non t.he Gecond Lue;ano Trophy fi.nnl , et Varese, llaly wilh points to spare . l~alt.he,vs doJ11i11ate<1 hh, event wi t.h!1is fll;J t,c,;t ti,n,, of the year (90:lO) and received excellent bv.c1dn(( fro: 11 NihiU (:"!nd) i~:ro ne-q'erU1eless t.'i.nisilcd over J min11tes behind, ,-,hile in the §(l km H.iy M!<ldleton plncad secimct in lr:17:15, '

In June , 196/1 M~tthe1:s wonld be 30 ye;.rs of aec and no tbubt he thoucht of the Olyi"f.'l.C C:.:, ines in TOJcyo as )115 .last OrJX>rt..11nit.y to ,dn the only honor that had so far eluded hil~ . njght f1•an the firs t weeks of January he showed th~tt 19611 ,,ms e;oing to be a vinta r:e yea1 · . f\ 11i; ,36 clocking in -~he_ l,1et Poll:e 7 was follo1-,ed by a world road best of 69: Jn fCll' lOM in liinnlnrhain . Ken eainerl his sixth co:isecutive ]!i',A 1011 title at Morden in a championship best of 70:22 ·whilst boly one wei:!k la t-er at Hurlingha1n he clipped one s eoond off his UK ?M record with 48: 23 .

( TO ~ concluded next month)

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