Page 1: fflr^- S^,*ErsAV!?S« g**s? !^Ms!s i»p«rs€¦ · antlphony betweeg.. ehaneel cholr of boya and men and lha alaborate apparatua al th oppoalte rni of the church. The chance! "ho;r




w.vki: WBl. BMC-gVED an AMIABUC

saiihk.'N WOMAM aUPrXAOE IM Tiu:

par waax aioNOR norou'a ma_m.jtV lLLkUKAI'II IO mi' Tr.inist j

Boetom l)e'' ;;1 A* ludloated ln a dlepatchnrlnted la The Trlbune .>n Bunday, the and of UMhas wltne.'sfd the production of several Intef-OUngmualcal aeeeltiee In Boatoa. Flrat, thera was Mr.

tluaa. ooacerlo, broilghl forward at tiie last con-

t 0( (he Bymphony Society; then Blgnor RotolPa,..¦ performed Bral ra Cbriatmaa Day and re-

peated yeaterday al r*t. Jamea'i tloman CathollcCbrucb; and linally, this evCatng, a new comlcc,...ra. or op retta, i>> Rlchard l». Ware and Ben-jaarin K Woolf ha.l its first rcpresentation at tho

tfoston Sluaaum, Blgnor Rotoll Ih an Itallan and

OJi^ of the atnglng teachera of tht Kew-EnglandCom 'rvatory of .Music Some of bia aonga ara

patabliahed favorltea iu tfcA repertorlea of eonceri

aingera, aad bM lalenl and gealaUty hav.- comblnedlo ii..ike hlm admlred among the mualcal people ofBoaton. where he haa Uved for the last four >.r flveyeara. His maaa proved to be an exceedlnglyamlaJtue compoaltlon, ao capacloua In Ita dlmen-> .is lo reatrlct Ita use to featlval occa ua

bul for aucb practlcable from every point of view,Tbe compeaar, though a mbalclaa of aerloua pur-

baa n. attempted to deny h\^ natlonallty,wl_ Bnda expreaalon la a plenltude >>f Buenl and

grac.ful melody. There nre some inataacea' ofdramatlc expreaalon la |he work, but they ar.* ofth.- type famlliar to th.* Haydn-Mosarl period, and

haa cnoe tha mualo baoomea a llttla carel<pemtti in eiyle. liut this la a vcnlal fault,t, u-i-.n one thinks of the aeatheUc nee is of

tbe vaat majority of those wbo an- likely lo hearlt. Kventually, II la to be euppoacd, th.* a.-com-

nl wlll be wrltten for full orchaatra, but at¦ ftt i; is for organ, violonoflllo and kettle-dr.inis. Tbo employment Of th.- latter to empha-sizo the atlrring rhythtu of tbe "Qloria" was sin-

gularly and atrlklnaly happy. aa I auggeotad a

comin-n labli expedlent for ordinary aervleea, wheathe or».an muat perforc do duty for an or.-hestra.ln the "Heeanna" Signor Rotoll aeeurea an efrecta la baautlful as it M original by means ..f

antlphony betweeg .. ehaneel cholr of boya andmen and lha alaborate apparatua al th oppoalterni of the church. The chance! "ho;r makea use

.f a .11 -i phraae, bul Ibe reeponaea of the

piartet, cborua and organ ara blghly ornata,and here aoma of th.* key tranaltlena sound ano ImprflaTh« title of ihe :-,?*>> operetta la "Weatward Hot"

anJ Ita product«on, whlcb mlabl bava paaaed with¬

out more than passinK remark eiaewhere, created a

very pretty aad conaldarabM atlr here, where bothits authora ar,.- we!l known. Tbe wrller <»f thala tha aon "' a well-kn wa Boatoa lawyer, Darwlny. Wa;. li- from the eonflneaot Harvard College where. aotabl) through the ln-

fl.ence of taat patlenl promoter .-f frivolltjr, thaHaaty Pudding *': ii>, 'ms thoughta wera turnedlightly to tha lyrlc atage. Mr. Wo.,if, hi*lator. is B gray ar.d griaaJed veteran ln all that

pertabia to mrs- and thr theatre. Al preaenl ba is

chlefly rnad wlth mualcal critlclaip. hetng lhar -r rwiewei of mualcal thtnga for "Tha BoatonHerald." bul be played la aad li i the orcbeatra ofthe Boaton Muaeum, and many ol !" ihe

audlenee to-nlght may bavi look< i al blm throughInfant. ba baa compoaed operettaa, aym-j.hon:.* and between-aeta asualc and wrlt-ten irania. and librettoa duriaa ¦ lonaer '!rn" Oatathat oovared by tha memoriea of tha yeanget gener-atktn of playera Ihat «aw hlm I .-nlght \>

... to e mdu tha overture(.f r,.s neweal bantliag."Weatward Ho!" ta an American

couroe; (.ne of mary American operettaa, Ihouahaome ona haa apoken tondly of it a» the nrs* of lukind. forgetful of the "Rlp Van wmk'.ea" ar.

prit Favi" ani Murmon. Mea in, Purltan Indian

ond other creatures thnt have !!vr,. out thejr llttle

llvaa before this waa concelv( Bul Mr. W*n has

ahown commendable appr.-ciation of one of tbe true

purpoaea ol <- medy, and has pr.-senu i a atorj ¦.'

Weatern llfa Whlcb has not only lor-al color. bulcontemporaneous tlavor. Hls sklt is aim-l at aroma.1

sufTrage in Wyottlag, the etwrmoj* poaalbUllwhlch h? has exptolted ln at. eatirely reepectfulmanner-quiie as reapectful, indeed, as that of Mr.

t.ilbert in hls ptrv.rsion of Teiinysor.'_>"Prlaci

In the pretty coacelt of the librettist a largeruimber of ellxible young women have gone I

Maverick. w>o.. teaaptad by the fa< t women

there political rights and falrer chanees for

marriare than they do m their natlve BUM, whare

there la a eurplus of 17.MI worm-n. Hy the tlm*th? atory bc-slns they have been ln power .

htualiy for a year, ha\e aaacted aad aaforoedtoul-abaUaraea llquor laws. and gbollahed all pls-tota eaeepl ..n*. wbicb they permlt '^air-TrlggarHai" 10 <urry. 10 ap;eese his onecri'iiwi ahle thm-t

fur blood. H" is nomlnally a ,l.-s;.-r..'i". v.l.o goea

throush the motlons of klllmg his Inan severalt.mes a day, and, 'boufh ba aaver leada bM platoLhe a-ids ateadlly to tbe record ef hla *******'***by cuttlng aotcbea on the butt of hls platol »ti'--

.rar he sn-pn it ai n man. Tnough £.«<""« **.*desperado. however ha la it. lact an Bnallab> »«*»¦, the Earl of Ravenaarood. aho left ».»¦»>""'.and wutM ht auaa ha could l'.nd h-j woman io

love bln i' meell aloni He ,he- mar¬

rled in h<- Far Weat, beeoma i * loahaa a dau«:.-^r arho ..- ,»r.'i a caadida

Uon Tha men hava rebailed agalnai i-:, i tha .'..'.

' " ¦. womein i

gn .'iii, ii. ir. despalr, untll the) -'-. u

tl«- eowboya to wh »h< ¦-. gaged to i- mar-i ..fter ihe> have k >'- enough money for

cattla to luatlfy tne venture, hava turned tne tide...,A Imingly in Ihelr favor o* awltcbingtra.n Whlch wh« brlnglng inlmi'-al v,.t.-rs from a

d.stan- ra:' h into a srir.ibank Meanwhlle tne

;,:, .. iplii ln tbeir party ¦"

the question of pirik or blue shall be ...-of thei.- areddlng dreaaea Thla dlfflculty be-plon itlcall) overeoma, ai.d indldate

-. :.:. talnmant ia an Englishvho rrrlvea ai Maverick to look aft<

Ji- ia ra ignlaed by the bad man .¦

; ger t.ruth.-r, who i..i aaaumed thatitle of Karl of Bavenaw >>i .-.rt.-.- t):<- diaappearanca

' :.,- Tha oewcomer courta tbe BherifT,making tbe tenor, a eowboy of oniy mualcal algnl-

jealous, f.'.m wblch «: <w tha necesearyamatory compllcatlona .-\- * dance i;i\. n by the aupI '. i Karl in hom.r <>f the re<aleetad Bherlff

..-- tii, creal il tha Ravenawoodaon tka boeom laa ol "Halr-Triaaer Hai." and re.

-., follow tha example ,,f a', younger brothena.-ii njuander hls patrim-'iiy ln rtotoua living. In

..,. j,- by ur. ex-gambler, "Colorado sam."wbaaa aecupatloa ¦* gona ilnce tha womenup th^ gambllng-houaea, bul who now eonaplreiwltb the ten-r t tle, ;h<- atranger, drive hlm outof town an return th<- monej to hlm al <>..,.'-..¦with a warning nol to return. Ti.e executlon of thepian la bagun, but tl,<- lovely shuilT (and love.y, ln-

iba la paraooated by Mlaa Panny Johnson),ir.terferes l.y inteiruptlmc tne poker game an ."in

mandtng that lha monev be retumed At thismoment, however, "Hair-Trlgaer Hai" dlaeloaea h!sl.-iity, an'l Vlolet, th^ sh.-rlff. ainceiriariy her tiBcla. return* tu her old love, ihe tenor.Tne younger brotber Un ls a mate ln an arch type-writer. prealdeni if .¦ <¦ campalgn club, and lhare»i Biarl, who don't eare to return to England (ta*ttte\t uedreaeed without hli gun), j.airs off wltbthe ftmaia pi -¦. utlng attorney, wno has alwayaloved hlm.Thls ts a good atory, a^ eomlc operetta atorlea

fo. and, thouKh there Is no extiil,ltl"ii of a maater-nand ln Its workinst out, it is told wlth aome spirit,and the numetou. lyrlca with whi.h It la Inter-spersed are sm,...thly and deftiy written, -" deftly,In.^e'l, ss to encouraae th" bellt-f that Mr, \\ ar<win d'. a good thing in thls iin» if he earea to afterMaaxperience with thls work. .of couree, tha prin«Cjpal characteri Introduce themselvea In the (111-"ertlaii manner, .ed lt aill «erve lo give an l..-a9J Mr. Ware'a Ingenulty to print aoma of thetn.mat* they are:


li may .s »e)l ba underatoodT.nat im th. Earl of Ravenawood;WO other name Is half so goodin all of Devonablre.¦>'"R take a look a( ma, and thenui1 V?°u of ""Kht a<'UitiKti*'**** ** oompared wlih other men,

1 *m a typ. ,.,.), bigher,t "a n.i"-»*_._a,nter *>* *'"." born,A,,,,[;. r,nnrm\ ,:":v ""' forlorn.

_¦.; 'i0f <ll",r,'«' aad aeern.tot I <I »n ti^r brotherv]H, r traJ.rV?'."<hful kvaiffalr\°°\ lu.Z X tonn* h- could nolAntl g Wng( way ,mto despalr.Ha left I;1h home nml mother,

to aeek for hlm w_ ii«.>r rorbore;".JKertel foi aoma foreign shore-ir__2^ki-aesave ln tba ateerage.An..' V*** "'"' '.¦""her .-mlKraies.Tv.r^.. H .hereabouta aa'er prateaThe ot ,<r Ukc .,,, .,,H MH.,..,.(,,;Allil so Vttl ln the

"'ii; HAIl MAN'H BOMQ.W;w '.wnei-. | ijr., hegan to Im- a Had Manat. i Bl«h**fea forty nine,*ri'i I mus' confess there was f.ever a guoeeain ihe r.le >o grewt as mlne;u. very l,oon found that a burylng-groondWrV.I.* '' _hl"K ' really ..w.,.r,-..S"'1'" rnttn ,'li ehOl iii » Miml.ereil lot,«ith aa apftapk R lha stone.

v Chori's.TM may look tlll yon're bllnd,B"» you nev r wlll flnd


Sm-h a verv bad man, eueh a murderous mind,To homir-lde .so much Incllned.1 know you eever ,iKrom ihe earlleat UmeI've been ateeped in cilmei m auch a very bad Kad Man.

11,If a thing dldn'l sull I would draw nn.l shoot,And tln yd ,-inv the man outslde;

When the Coronerd flnd, wltb Judlclal mind,He d commltted aulclde.

Kvery not. h lhat's eut <n mv plstol buttls the way I keep the s.ore;

Aad I've bad auch fun with mv little gunAa never had before. (('horus.)


I w-as a most precoeloua ehild.No toys my tn'ant mind begulled;

1 s.-orned their hare possesslon.In fairy tales 1 foun.l eaeh flaw,.V nine 1 aaw lt wns the law

Wes meant for my professlon.II.

T my Blaekatone, (nke and K<*nt,And into practlce then I went,

Oul West upon tha border..inst then Judge Lynch was holding court,But Jutloa are my epeclal forte.

Uie's fleld Is so mtl» h lir r.;i. I¦¦

IIIMu! under lovely aroman'a sway,All erime and rl >t fade away;

There's nelthcr stiit nor snltor.My practlce grew ao verv poor,I had to take the slnecure

Of Public Proeecutor.Mr. Woolfa aeoi.nalata ,-f twenty-ala numbera

and an overture. At ihe openlng of the latterhe easavi to give an American label to Ihe wholeby i.t-i-t quoutlona from aome Nationai aonga, butthls Is Inconaequentlal. As whole he h.-.s untt.-ngraceful and flueni melodlei., and his orchertraledthem moal dlacreetly, avoidlng tha vulgarity "f tt.<-ordinary theatrical atyle and the empty p mp andnolae of ao many ambltloua operetta wrltera. Hehas noi yel atooped to ihe catchpenny mualc-hallmanner, bul thal he knew how ta pleaee waaevlnced by the fact i more th.m om half ¦¦'Ihe numbera were redemanded by tha audlenee, andafter Ihe flrm aci the authoi were Iwlce enthual-

illy called before the curtaln. The audleneewaa an exceedlng'.y kind one and aoclally brllllant.Mr, Ware'i college unl club fri.-i'.ds arera oul In

of .'".ir-,', they were bound to i»- pl.bu! their dcllght was nol without Juatlflcatlon ofIhe rlght kThe company preaentlng the operetta is nol pre-

emlnently mualcal, Ks beal mcm_ere after thi twoladies already mentloned belng J. H. Ryley, w-h,.played the vis:tlnjr Engllanman, and Qeorge 1".Marlon, who ahowed himself a clean characteractor aa "Colorado Blll." Mr. Woolf conducted theoverture, and ylelded thi baton to John .1 Braham.

_ _

)I. iv K.


THKY Ai!!-: visiriNU DIFTERKNT >lTi;.s tNDSTii'Viv; PICTUKEa AN" c.M.i.Kiti;..--

Thirty-six arti.-i*« from Cleveland, <>r people later-.-i a ti-..- ari movemeal la thal dty, arrived InNew-York last Saturday on what they .'fll! an "art

pllgrimage." Tho pligrimage is deacribed In a littlamemorandum-booa whlcb eaeh pllgrim earriea a*

' th.- many frulta <>f th- eaoeltent art exhibi-:i,.:i held in city i.isi Wlnter. A d.";r>. to see

and atudy aad oompare plcturea waa arouaed. The

prlme purpOM is edu -atlonal. The onlv w iv to* picturee is le ba brought before them." Bo

th.- pllgrtma bave brought ihemae.vee before plcturea.u Waabiagton, Baltimore and Ihe metropolla TheItlnerary Inclnded the Coreoraa Oallery ln Waahlng¬ton. th.- prlvate galleiy ,.f Th man K. WaggaaMHaad all the atoek alghte of lha capltaL In Baltbmore the Waltera Oallery, th.- Chthedral aad JobnaHopklna Unlveralty ha! t i ba leea.Tei erday In tlds elty lha pUgrima expected l ata

the MetropoMtan Mu rum ol Art aad tbe LenoaLlbrary, but fouad lhal lha muaoum abeorbed alltheir t'.me. To.l.V Ihej wlll viall th.- Ilbraithe Nationai Academy of Dealgn T©-norrow wlllbe tbe day for prlvate gallertea, t-> whi,

bave bad aeveral lavltatlona, and Tburaday w-'.i :"-

an extra day f,.r even thing elae of ¦¦- Wlthgrima are aeveral peraoni connected wlth tbe

coming an exhii'ition whlcb is lo i.pened InCleveland oa January B lt i- deatgaed lo ba pre-

v ,, tbe parmaneal muaaam whi.h Ceve-.':,:' is i ,..:i aad for wblch lt haa r<

already large bequeata The temporary eiblbltlonwlU b partly loan ani partly eompetltlve fet Ameri¬can artlata Tha Committee ¦¦¦¦'- AdmlC Covert, furmerly _Sdll ir of "The Clevi u

..¦' nnd Charlea H \ Hdecldlng upon plcturea aubmltted by Baal

prlnclpally of New-Tork and its vteinltj Thr-

hundred plcturea arera sent In, "f whiacce] u i. The artlata repreaented ag

:. , Edwln ll BUabBel i. Bdward A BK m Rehn, Charlea C. Curran, ipman,

p. i>.-.-.n. B. Dalagerfield. <..-. .r..-** WarrenKat. i.. Ben amln Foater. Powler. J >hn A -"rneer,chllde Haeaam. W. II. llyde, Alberl Herter. V» HHow, W. Ht. John Haroer .Mr Lungren, UaltnSettleton C A Platt, Kdlth M Prellwlta. HenrjPrtllwitx. Theodore Boblnaon. II B. r*i"-'l 1- »

:, Koalna Emmeti Shera >-i. Jamea nyming-t ui i> W, Tryon and W. .1 wmttrmore.The exhlbiUon arlll ba held ln a drop;

ri one of tbe bualeal ihoroughfares of >..¦.

_md It li .-xp.-'-t.-'i t give s decided Impetua I iwaij. -. itioi f th a .: .-.

j .-, v...,' be lUtrlbuti l In pl.... towi are J ihn

nt of Un- Arl Aai MCovert. Mrs. J.irvi. M. Adame. -\.r. *. J .

Mr ar. I Mr- Cl arlei II- Aull, IA 1' Nuaa, MnLydU ''."¦ Mia* M .-.:-. t'laua. MUs lllanchi

1-. ,. ...r ii j .-i,,.*,-, Miaa Harah M l>ennls-t ,:. Mlaa Anna f Ptood. Ml i M B Porrester,M.-s May Prench Ml M " '¦' M

m, Ml«s Ali'-<- Harrl-Kii Profeeeoi I'n irlch Mr .ml Mr- i:- ¦-. K Helman Mr* Net-tie !-..- II. Mihh Mlnnli Mndermann Mn Blmer 1

W. H I' iwera, Mlsi Adele I. Rei ./ l*i r »W. Rlee, Mlai Ha lle B B le L R .'

Mo Jeanette Bhepard, Miaa Harrlel Bmiih.r,. -. m-- \;,.'.,. i: Walker, Miaa M-i><; Walker, ..!r> a I lie i Whita and M:s O, i.Wo ,1


yn HUP IHE BBEBXA 9 A ED BOOXB !' fi Bll IBtA . oiinnittt e w.ts f-jrin.-d yesterday t,.

Iptlona for ibe famlllea of Battalloa Chiefjohn J. Breaaan and Aaalatanl Poreman John i.

,. y. The committee s.-nt oul tha followlng .-ir-

cular:V.-, th underalgned, reapeclfully aollcli aub-

||e« of Ihe


Thla ebarltablt moveaaenl wai orgaalaed yeeter-day al tha llanhattaa Cluh, -.-. ar. ,. number of

met lu the llbrary ar. dl*. leaed th


REMEMBER THK UNFORTUNATE.Krom Tha Mail an i Bapreaa.Amid ibe eongratulatlona and loyoua featlvltlei

0f the leaaon we ahould n forgei the icene of dea-Ututlon lhal jlrn»st touch oui own nomea of comfori and cbeer. We ahould remembei lhal whenw llk ,,,,-.; |; arta fall and bomea become deaolateand cbeerh


i'i ui, The Philadelphla I'rtnt.Aa tha page of 'tt\\'» turn in midni*** over,li lawns upon us moi and moreOne golden hopa is held In »tor(Bul tw.. y.ais more ,,f Orovar,


Kr,,m The Baltlawre Amerleaa,Tha only food ara thoea tbat ara kepi

The othera are nol w-.rth making.UM a WATBRIXX) TMAR IR POUTICS.

From Tha Boatoa Journal.Bighteen hundred and nlnetv four wlll «o Into kla

tory as ih- Waterloo year of American pe.ltlcaWALL BTRBBT AND ITH RECORD.

Prom Tha Bvealag Telagram.Wall Btreel has made lis record. l.r.-aklnn a ajod

many ree la u d other thlaga f- r the yeat a

A VKAK <>!' "ll.'i'.M

Fr-.m Th.- BpringOeM great worid«ahadow thal bronded over iw-

has n_» b.-u llfted duriiig im Ti.. *ea. hatendsheen ns gloomy, as portentoua ne its pre

,, ,, [ha clouda aeither breaa ln atorm nor operiln proralae ..;. li unc rtaln, perplexlag and alarmlag.

HOPE il»R BETTER TIMEBilen The Charieatog Bi. C>) Nee/e.There la .."'i oM proyerb thai "lt ls alwava dark-

est Juiu b.-f'.re dawn." and i.iirity our darkneaabai laaled long am uci. tu ancouraae us to beneveIhe dayllght cannot now l.e tat <>n*

i;,\n r.K a MBMORABLE TEAR,Krom The Alh.iny .louriuiTka >t-u- UM wl i><- m-inoraMe iii Amerleaa hla

tory aa th( year in whl<-h lha people rott agalnaiihe' m» st forc( s whieh hnd "1. iti-n. forrr.sny yeara, and east oul their unwoilhy and dU-hone'_t aervanta.





Tiiit.i.M; OV i'i;>.i'-.K QUIET a mk'.hty MM


THK I'lf. i.iltAMMi; WAB FINIf*H~D<»id Trlnlty was Itaell agaln Iaal nlght. Ita eblmea

rang In th.* new year ns In days gone l.y. a:id New-York began the >":.r right Cleat and .beautlful on

the crisp nlght air was the melody. and intermln-glc wlth ii w.i< th.- freah. buoyaal aplrll ol IM. Oonawns UH with its dlacouragemenu, heartacbee, pov-eny. dlaappotntmenta, wafted away ta eternlty wlth

ihe musie of mldnlgbl I"-lla Rlgbl royally araa the

new y«ar graeted bg thouaanda of Joyoua people.i>r Morgan Di:;. Trlnltjfa reetor. had no reaaon

to Knd faul with Ibe nudlence of M.600 people that

thronged lower Broadway Iaal rUgbt Iba siient

bcll tower o* January i. IN4, w <*. * hwttng leaaon-,,. th. throng thai haa long deiightr.l m iceing thevear In within Trlnlty'a ahadow. II araa ¦. Iaal nlght In lon. r Broadway from lt* to

IJ30 0'clOCk. Un* tlme eoV-red hy the musieal pro- 11 o'clock Acttng Captaln Hogan. of the oid

siip atatlon, ai tbe head ol '.>" pollcemen. rnarcbed.,:.. Broadway an "deploydd" ap ."i &o***> in

fronl of the church. On ihe face >f every pollce-raan waa n look of b ne Thelr ..rders wera to

ari-e-.t cvcry one blowlngaborn between n ¦'" andi.'.::.i o'clock. At 11:11 \. Melalahn, Ir.. Trlnlty'achlme-rlnger, accompanled by Julea Oofc-rt, tba .. *.

ton. entetred thc church Mr. Mdalan, wbo t. is rung,n sixteen N.-w Y.-.-'s ..n Trlnlty chlmea, Ilghted his

lantern and atarted on hls climb upward. Thabell-'boart la away np ander :)-... clock among thaOata. Promptlj al UM o'clock ho began hia pr..-

rrammc. The i'n- p. waa rlnglng tha ehan«ei«.:i nlnc bella, foiiowed by "Evcnlna Bella." Tblawaa foiiowed in rcgular ..r Lt by .1 "B-fiotch M<from Ooy Manncrlng" aong from "Oberon, by\..n w. I.. -r. "Happy Am I," air by i'<- Berlot, -ml

"Klaa Me, Mother, Oood-Nlgbt"Whltc the Iaal aelectton waa being played, dcep

toned whlatlea fr'.m ateamera in th- ii.i>llatencra that IMH was .1 thlng ol the |¦rera chi ra an Jolllty, bul 01 Ij¦tranglcd lool from a lUhhorn Tben tbi .

part ..f ||i Meialabn'a progrrmme b .:.'. and Ihplayed "Happy Kea rcar le Thee," Thc ".1 Vo:-unteer Plreman." "Chlld ol tba Kerit.i,.- L*i Cherleh," "Llttla Magglc May..n»c Bluc

H itian 1." "A .. 1 Lang Bya aa l "Home.Sw. :. II >me."

\i; during the th.* Ihrong-* wer- pat*«ingup and down m Ibe walks. Th-r. .*..: my num¬ber ' I Ii n elj dn -¦- 1 -i; pr< ¦-¦¦¦¦. but. f

tne '*¦ opular" .: .tn nl r»>domtn it< I. "¦ hlmr idd< n an hla awti theari a ¦.. ihcn u

tli.. -Ti 1. I- rl iin" waa ¦. n.- Hroadway eab'.e cara were blocked a perl ttt Ihi tlme, andIhe only way .rri n,of humanlty wa* by aoini In between the ...m

There wi rc a. vcral waa n Hli. wltl... ., .mi- nf which liM.i ne mv Um

Aft. r "Home, Bwi ¦: Home * bi llam brohTen 1 11 ia .4- rc blown ImTtu- volume bc. imc .. r, bulll j.js. aulted ti..- crowd ll waa wildly hllsrlouacrowd ai soon aa the pollce embargo wal tt ¦-

venturesom- felloa held a fog hom i~>ut ihr<*<in length .-.¦ tl.r of 1' otthc <*ltJ H .a I, ial belThe mundaman t""k li hv. .> from hlm ¦¦hon in »b «rp IUB.I. ia bia

k th.*, || rity H

ii,..., up through l' R iw. andI *


Kl.. oftua SIIOW 1 M v 1*1 '.'. \ ISFA. Ti Kl

iMPARA .!'-''¦¦ Fl M*I»K

Tha I,.n tr..- eommerclal oa '


._.» ...... - .......


Urd.Ua.... . 14

I.. «r

J.n I. t*S " 11I Mt J. I'i <" 1

J.l-l- Sl '-' -'31¦;Mn«

j.n s Ml* Mm*. 1 .¦wiaia*gtit* Jan. 8 ¦ !.. Auc I

iji-t a*pt. 10 <* H'i

lan |< .'. 0«*.1 ,.10 ita M -. -...:-.

-' rar. m


md 44.111.70 l«o .'

I 11 waa

l,e ... ¦... irt-nt

' 4

(I l.'ill

l opilon rangeln pn 'ln o. t.t.-i.1. N'o. 7. w.11

4 an lha loweat, \*\*jl on <. rtobcr.

ilaeof anln. :. nt*- in lh. -i .¦- '¦' ¦. '' Thc '.


.t-'l .-¦"" I-"..... .-. lllll

... ¦" ,'J ;v ".'

. II._'..."... I'- I.l W

inge of |-r.n .,., \ .. .-. tembei la 1 n Jun,,;..., tie laat of tl month Baa ... it .Id,lf _.r4 rlf.ig In M1 and J up lo;: ll II S-J-pt. mbcr S

« ._

ih.sim:.-s DONE AT THK ri_.EAHI.Sa il"' BE.|-.,.. m t.n bui lm done .. thi t'leai

Ing Houee during tba ». ..i

1..*.. II \- 1 \ I. v.. .¦ -:,. ,. lat ...¦ .... lll

...... -,- 1 T-.'i .'. .'

\. . : ma " ..-.; I"'' 'i'... . si. i- . M.: il ,;i "'-' ¦.'-

M.,v . 2I1..-I :*!.*. *!¦__ CJ M. . ...-..._ iai ".". |i '.'

¦-1...-.,.. .I i'*i *

*. .. ¦. i-. * i'.'. '"-."-! .¦¦

et l.arVi I3I.HI2 '.* .¦.... ¦. .¦' ..'

.¦ .,, ;..7 ..7 ... >¦ .-; IO" .*. II,2 -ll 1* '" -t .I.**. ... I .' ''*".. '.¦*

... 2,.1,-lrt .VM.IMVl l«'l....I"! lia.ltM.O_i H2

Total ... .gW.tt7.f~7.01* M lal .-1 .;:*_-. ..?-.. «>t *.

.1 hc lotala In IW wi rc: Em hangea, Ml KI.CC7.7I0 U;balan. ll.aM.lS1.677 61


'I'his table ihowa thc bualnca done al the RtochExchange during the v..r. wlth tha ¦¦-,. tptlon of

T .1 .1 .'i'.' :m,s i;.«i le.blt nit* »i,'."..:i 300 !..*_ '.'". 306 *2 Wl ':*i

Total atocka, I9,27I.7M; total h..n.|-. MU.741J60;total allver (oun«.*_), M.060; .-il (bbla), 1,666


,\h h..s boen Ibe euatom f"t acveral yeara, tbeDa] si^r Induatrlal Home «iii niv.- a Wew fear'adinner to daj to Ibe homaleai and Irlendleaa wo¬men of tba .Uy. Th.- dinner w|ii t.-- aerved at th.-

home, Ko. ni Weal Twenty-fourtb-at. Blater -bailotte, who haa charge of ih home, haa given Ihlaluvltatlen; "1 arlll. as ln yeara paat, have » goodturbej dinner prcpared lor NO, hh.I ul.en ho mnny

..-,. ii, t., ,,1 it la 11 pity if Htiv ahould ko hungnthrough Ignoranca >.f Ihli cordlal larltallon, andIberean a.v empty stomachs, bul aad hcarte.| M.rit 10 '. I >¦.".. Bt ''he 1 to them. I wlll be

i.i.i ,.: .1 oall from tba obarllaWj dlapeaad illhavc hclplna tna many wbo aaaM lo tbe homebomeleea, aome thraogh nalafartwaa. aaaaa through¦ln. Any wbo doobl «;-.-i;» power lo aavc, come

and judge lor tbema Ivee "

Th-. Day-itar Induatrlal Hoom mh" aeconpllabcdmiieh good ln Us own tt.-ll ' labor, Women WbohaV.* l.e.oll.e fllelldl-SS lllld lllolle hli l e f.H lld lllen*

. temporary harb#-. Bomc pl them ha\ been ra11,1 '.... ne » aln, and rajai who

,,.,.,,,. thc\homc have u--n 'Pjwtablc,., ,. .,,.| rlh wbo v.oi.1,1 nol hav* i.ned ad

,',,,;,,.,. ..,. many homea open for falicn wobmb

<,ni',f the emirae et the t ¦¦<¦ M ***£ bet* b..rt

r, ',.1 into ibi home. of the* p bav«

plaoad ia sltuation*, taa have been sent home famlllea and forty-aeven ara still under th*protectlon >.f the InaUtutlon. Money. old clothlng,food, cooking utenaila and ptovisions of all kinuswin i.e tkankfully recelved nt the homeTh.- foilowlmr we||-known men ar.- on th.- man-

agetnent committee: Th.- Rev. Dra. K. 8. Ma.-Arihur, David .1. Hurrell and Charles H. 1'ark-hurat, Dr. '.".. i> Pranhlln, J. B. Huyler, B. H.Hadley, David c. .'. tt. Crltteaten, a. s.Hat.-h. John II Prall, E B. Praper, Charles nnd ('. K. Meek.


Tha bandaome home nf tha Cathollc Clah in \\>stKlfty-nlnth-st. was crowded untll late Ust yearand until early thls year. To see the old year outand the n.-w year iu neiirly r.*) members Of theclub aaaembled ln th<- clubbouae, and grumbiedwhen they ha.l lo "gei cut" early this mornlng.They wanted more. and .mail hlame to them. Thecommittee on entertalnment falrly outdM them*aelvea. a iplendld proanuume of vooal and Inetru-mental mualc was given hy weii-kn..wn profesalonalpei ona, who were alded by the Columbia CollegeGlee, Banjo and Mandoiln Cluba, O. O. Dunean,ventrlloqulat, and Thomaa n Ballantyne, bumortatThomaa r. Caaey sang that lovely and toucblngballad .iiuihnr unknown). "Mother'a Teeth AraI'lugged Wlth Zlnc," and, reapondlng t>> a recall,.ana "Slater'a Halr Is Pull >.r Bran." Then theColumbia t.ollege Banio Club Kave a mareh. It' called "Mareh ot the Balvation Army." lf th<-title is correct, the army would better hrjtin topi .\ Ita own marchea, for there aie some sins whi han npardonable. When the regular programmehad i'.. u ended, the memb >r« of the .¦lui. adjournedt. the '-af. downatatra. where "Tha Long Branch.*:- renad. ra," a aextei of "cullud peraona" aang and

'¦¦ ,., vartoua Inatrumenta <>f torture, much toiy of the Cathollc Cluh men. The year 1893

araa nrell advanced before tha Jolly man left theclubbouae. Among those who t,...k part ln last

revela were John Deamond. lt. J. Hogruet,.\ Mayon. William It. Orace and Ilmh J. (.nint,K. A, McHufh, A. J. Johnaon, Charlea .1. Parley,Danlel i-'. o'Brlen, J, A, Smlth, Jamea *',. Johnaton.Joaeph M ..'.>>-. w. T. Lee, Jamea Conway andJudge Pitaalmom

WHAT TllE PIREMEN DID,Tha r. ;>,,rt of tbe Plre Department for the year

ahowa: Number o " ei and men, I.4M; numbernf fir.s. :t,'.,.r7; .-.tltnat.-d l,,ss, il,X22,22\; Insurance,f77.aa«.i_S; for araou, etc., M; aKuregates' nt.-n- ,s. 3% year..


Th. operationg of the Bub-Treaeury ln 1S94, ai

ompared * ith l^-i. weilaat um

. »ia.i..,-,Miu 43 ll.2M.32t.W3 02. i.MZT-4-oiti i.jar.iaa.MTai

t»t .|2,.1V:.722 Otrt nt $-' M.vt.'i 'is..;::' !,i¦::.',.;'¦.-, .'.¦.' r.i>. 174 .;¦.-...",'.

r from Waah'at'n 1.': TSO <«>.. .«> I70.4M iwo ouM'aahlnalon luft.OW.-W UO im.,1V«,3_3 0-

|.,Mi--;,'... in.iHi.*&»"a 2\Mt,tgnns7.' M.I .,71 .;» 7'i 231.174 .-.".iio.6ao.uo3m TO.S-B.TBT00

llari pal oul an1 ,-t I4».soooe 1,413,300 oe

iry ..;.-.7..-.17 138 00 7 -.r.'.!M3 W.

HOW TIIK DAT WILL BE 0B8ERVED.To-day \f New-Tear'a Lay. The flral day of tbe

nen -....i h.,.s arrlved, ai d ..ll Kew-Tort haa arisenand tha remnanta of

.^ hk h. prlmartly, had a llquld formTh oM year, with Ita succeaaes and falluree, has

and 'I,- cbeerj "A Happy Newf< 1- heard In ti;.- land Bul the day ih not

II ,,.,,[ to i". "Tarenty yeara ago," to uaa..,- ,,' tha mlllei ln tbe plav. tha day

.-. .. -. brata by tha paj Ing of calla The.,. Hla hns largi i> auperaedi this 1.1 old-

ned latom Pew If any bouaea wlll ba open;.-_., day, an thi apecl .- la ol young men

| m caba .--. iring ihelr dreaa aulta, arlll nol ba

.1 iy arlll be aell ol aerved, Quletly ob-.. 1 ..ii tbe aame Al

bowla of fragrant.. luncheonapalm wlll be

v 1 th. reof. Aillappy S *

and wlth '. '¦.'¦ '-"'¦ ..?*.",* ?ar -";¦- ara dlvlded up

¦..;¦..'¦¦ .¦

fachl alll keepwlll have -.

I riub

¦ e put ln badrong thereintr) roadi

.- aill revel In. i) up on

it ci inki w II ullne!" and bid deflan

¦ I. '..'.-. e to other

ln An 1 thu. will11 - !'.<:.

ji ¦:.:.! i-v \ i* THE PCL1 »N CLUR|. r thi Pultoo Club, No *a

.-¦ ar. and, for-, I things to aal and

, Yaai .. ¦¦.. ¦'¦. d tha youngv, ,: v. " ever) ) mplom '¦ .-.. irneaa and goo

.... an l from\ 111. heon

¦-. h ira In Ihe ciub ¦ -nnin.r ,,' .'. '. er

ing an I t.dd atorlea and dl.v m.- i! .piiirt.-'. waa

in.| played a n ai Imei ta to " Th-'M-.w.ry<1 ¦'¦ ''.''

- ? *


Di .1. hn T s- latei ol I'ltal ItaI ... empl. :.¦ i, repori foi lha yeai II ahowa

,.., na m :«.>! -.....< tha loweat In Ihe.- - 11 :;: deathi The

-., tha !.'¦¦¦ ln Ibe same 1,- ,..;i.! blrtha. The

'!i' f,i;'". .e?,,.,. ,: from 1 irlet from dlph hera,

from pneun,. Rrlghla dlaea».

11, iu.. 0. .1 iltutlona -.<"¦. '"¦ " teae-

.-» .


¦1 .t Dr. Nlen --

aeeh al tha Elen Mu. laatI imbiti >ui affort, bul !i flt" verj

- Hu. lu no-

II affoi lim .rln u .'¦

na to Vanca Thompaon.l,.,-l m Ihe moon tlll tha

Ihenaheln-duced ),.... to ¦.lown He did noi love her,

er. and thei no eap, il r. »aon. eacep.iU love '"':'" f'r l**n

.... .,,,,u; ,.,. aa aensa sr nonaenae,

UU "\|,,;,.,, round blm and taught hlm,..,: lead hlm to love Omtalrg

n .,,,,. IIU11 ,. tbe moon would doubt-,.,. i.ut onl) cauaed bim to become

.,,- , ridicuioua ahepherdeaa. wbo ln her

,,,-, loved noi hlm bul rel mora ridicuioua

buntphln, aithnoi eve. a chalby face to'^.»frnedhlm- Th. Vieri-l W?th tht abiL. sa2.iSr%ifcT .:¦¦"-" ,;.',,.,,.,!,.- biatoaed -ha sceptre on the,,,.,,. ¦.:' ,m ,. .¦ hlmeell rnen ne

.'.,' .-u .., .. « th a-oa atamped u

rSfe'tVreTo't' e"bilTW"l.? lee A Blal'aiv..k ar- ih.- 111st appearance ln tmertca of he

T. .- ... .(.-, from ii,- caalao, Parta; thev ,.-il .,, '.o- ot thi Mayoa and tha firai sp-,V ,' ln thla countrj -1 Mtje. Btonche deVr/ tnl Ituaalan alnaer and dancer. aho Mfflr^-_S^,*ErsAV!?S«g**s?__!^Ms!s_i»p«rsr-,i ed 3255. M. and Mme Bruel Rlylere, Pranch1,, M.t Imltatora; Miaa tm Ha Olover. dancer;

i Bro*h"r- Ro^w. llllputl.n athletea, and ihe

,,, 1 ,,; ivlng pl. tures To-day a speoUlmrt'nrro*-l'.,,Th.If.neVhe,priSc^_ P.Ulln. g.veaa llttle exhlbitlon ol atnaing, danring and acro-

Thft , L . o!i'i-> hill inrludea Miaa Buale Klr-w ', .,,1 ...1...S m "h" lareniy-inlnute operetta,

.... mn.lrv rnrl"; ii"' Mvlna plcturea, llarrls

,,' u,' I.' i-.-.v hawklna Ihe thre, Mi.l.tts.maatlanal acrobata, |ual arrived rorn Bouth

. 1, Rh ballade, ¦.Paf J, Ui.'ks wlll make., »ppearance alnce hl. return from Kngland

,,1 ii-.t--.--l ,',i Pettlngll appear m a new shetch;',',,; "The Pwlroom." Letu and Wally Weat.

,,',. v .|:,,. bicyrle rldera Ultton, contortlonlat,an.i Ton: Paator HI1 jot tle proframme.




OAMI iiirnviiKX van ELBBfat AXD



When ptey in th-* lifth round of the Intercolletjlatechess tournameni was begun at the Harvard Schoolyeaterday afternoon, Harvard needed only half a

game more ln order to make her total score sufft-clent to Insure to that codege the possession of the

cip whleh ls tho trophy that goes to the wlnner ofthe contest. The two representatlves of the crlm-

soii. Hallou and Van Kleeck, had not, therefore, a

heavy eontrsci te perfons, and took their p.ace.Wlth a degraa of conlldence natural under the clrcum-stanees. Thls may have afteetod BalkM'6 steadl-ncee te Bome cxtent, for it was not long beforo ha

was In trouble wlth hls 1'rlnceton oppon-nt. 8ey-mour, who ranks among the hest men ln the tour-

ney. Vnn Kleeck, on th* othcr hand, preserve I hls

ni iv. nnd took no cbaneee. The result was a drawwlth Belden. which cllnehed the victory for ''am-

brldge with a acore of m gamea,The cup thus beagmia the property of Harvard for

IMi, after having been won two yeera ln aueecaalonby Columbla. Moth Ballou ani Vnn Kleeck have

done iplendld work in this tournameni, and deaervaup tt credlt for the way they have eaptured the

trophy for unlveralty.Tins afternoon the flnal round wlll he start:*! at 2

o'clock, Inatead ol IM o'clock, as heretofore, in or¬

der to pennit of a raceptloa for tbe students which

la to i... given for them In the evenlng.Appended la thc record ol the playere to date:

COl li'MUIA.,.;,,Won. Loet.

j. lilnL-n. :i.V M. J'» _'.*A. m Prlc*. law. *

t..i .u . ~*HARVARD.

M. Raltoa, l.-iv 0Walter 'C'vin ki>.k, '66 . :,,'»___*

¦ .,,. 1% i'«l.U.K.

Arthur BUBWtCad. ".'.*>. !*j'.',It. L. U.,.--.. 'N.'

.-, 5Totale .I'HIS.'HT. iX.

'' I.W, V BeMen, ':..". .J

i.i. l: Baymovr, *66.

Totaia . I 6

. (<v.r iti.tne idj BtttOt.Ta l.iy Hi" contestants will meat aa Mlo**/e*Jtey-

mour (Prlnceton) vcrsua Blnlon (Columbla)I BalloulHarvard) veraui Sklnner (Yale); \an Kleeck (Har-v.i: i. v-raua Bumatead (Yale); Beldea (Prlnceton)veraui 1'rbe (Columbla).


Th** leetlvltlei of Ken Year*i areeh al aad about

,>,.. rountry Club In fc'eetcheeter wera begun lastln m unueually brtlllanl manner. Tbe coun¬

try roada ire la eaeellenl aMgblag condition, nn.l

nearl] avery houaa for mllea around tho clubhouaeli open and Rlled with gueata, whlle tbe clubhouae

not dee. rt.-1. Tbe i rin Ipal enterl ilnmcntIaal nlgbl wai given by Mr. and Mrs. Frederte ll.

Allcn. at iheir home. BoHon Prlory. Pelham Manor,which !-- ¦* long rHatanei trern the clubhouae groupnf cottagee. II araa a danea whleb loll met a aum-

.. dinner partlee, and aaa one of the moati enjoyaUe partlei .-ver given in that

lorhood. Before the dance there were dinnerM .,- thc homea ol Mr. and Mrs. J. Bordea

Harrlan tn. a iplag aa ¦¦¦ i';'taat Bcaredale. Mr. and Mrs. C. Oliver leelln, wboaahouse al Premfcim Point li crowdi wlth a aierry

Mr. and Mrs. Jamea M. WTaterbury, whoaemany; Mr. aa I Mra. E i-

Cfrrkaon Pptter, Mr. Mrs Perry Ttffany,*.ir and Mr- D ii in ;: II d tad Mr. aa Mra, W,

t Duneah dlanera be-goe to ...n*.'- ai Bolton Prlory, wblch waa deco-

wlth holly, hemioi k bougba and aome largatij after 16 o'cl »*k. lt

waa ,;,,i it ii o'clock waea Lander*o Orcbeotra be¬

gan lo play loi lha dance, whleh took place in th*

large whlte and a m. The cotlllon, wblchooodt r, waa lad by J. Wa leworth

Kltchlc., A few mtnutei bel re* raldnlght supperI:..(.. i:v :. an l preclsely aa th.- midnlgkt hour

mot ao in Ut by the li t la th h lUway, theguelti rlslni from thi Ir aeata, Imnk to thc death ofin.i and the birth of th.- New Vear. ISggn ig aa-,

the tlppl. or 11 waa at leaai luppoied to be, butigne waa .i welcome aubatltute. Af;er aup¬

pcr. ahl h waa an claborate one, the VirK'.nla reulun.i .i rartet) ..f country dancea wcrc ln tulged lnuntil ihe ilrst day ol tne aea year waa well ad¬vanee I.To-nlgbt ihere wlll be -i dance at the Weetcheeter

ry 'lub houac.Tbe Important aocial Ineident on Stmten taland

laat nlghi wai th- tittb annual huni ball, given by.he membera f the Richmond County tlimt Club

.- Hotel Caetl ton, ai ttt. Ocorge. The ball-t nm w is d... ae .vith tne colora of the club, Chrlat-mai ireea, foxea' headi ani otner thinga suggesuveof the bunt, whi'.e ln the larai receptlon-roorathere araa an rlfective dlaplay ol rarc (loweri. lnthia room Ihe gueata were recelved by the patron-ettet who were Mr- ll M Dunn, Mrs. V <> Boi I,\lr- Qeorge T Bonn.r, Mrs. I. .**'. Twtnlng, Irvlng, Mis Jamea M. M tntgomery, Mrs. E. 11.Duterbrldge, M.*i W. 8 Nlchole, Mra Harry wat-roua and Mr« W. H Thomaa. Th. commltte. ln

irue of the ball malated of K. N N'lcbola, themaster of thi buunda ol tbe club; Otto Ahlmann,v Outerbrldge. Clarcnce Uhiim.ui. W. llarryMutuv H f Hopkiua, Cbarlea D. ITrecmaa, A iMacD 1..1..1 !¦' ll Cabot. Jamea Brown, ueorgcI'romwell .mi i: W. Brown After auppcr, whichwaa aerved ai mall tabiea al mldnlghi in ihe largetllnlng-room, .i large huni uuadrllle waa danced. tmdancera alnatni Pally-H >. "John !'. iL "A Hunt-lna We Wiil Oo" and othcr approprlate i nga.The pretty clubhouae al Tuxedo waa

llKhted laat nlght, i.n ao ¦.. thi ikatlns-rlnk,wnlch hai been an aitractlon ol the Iaal lew daya,nr alnce the Ice on Ihe mcadowa haa beea m a iu icondition t. uie There waa the uaual New-Yeara

,.t th- clubhouic, and .c. mldnlght tlier- « ia

tatomary aalutatlona, .. iencral shuktng ofh md* an toa ita di unh In cganog.

v'car'i eve waa celebratcd In town by Mr.and Mra Prederlc fJallatln, who gave .i dinner andiin,,-.. .it thelr home, So. 670 PTfth-ave.; b; Mlaa

of Madlaon-vc, v\ ti.. entertalned tif-.v (tuesta.ii m claborate aupper aerved by Plnard, and MraPi icoti Hall Hutftr, who n-i\- a dance al heri. No il B tal Thlrty-aevcninnc of the pleaaanteat hollda) aocial entertaln-

menta of i-t week waa the famlly Chrtatmaa-tldeu.;|. rlng ..t th.- homa of Mn B. Francl. Hyde, So.

Klfth-ave Th houae waa beautifuliy dreeacdwlth holly, mlatleloc and plne; there waa ¦ «' in- brlaht'y lllumlnated wlth electrlc Klfts for all the aueata were dlatrlbuti t from thett,... \ft.T auppcr tnerc waa Informal danclnaMany wcli-known people wera al Alberl Morrla

Paaby a dellghtful ' momlnc" in the large..i of ihe Waldorf j taterday. The pro

waa .in Interestlna one. Ccear Thomaon. the vlo.ln-lai aave aelectlona from Bruch, Wl nlawaky andpa'_anlnl Madame Mantclll aana and ll Bemberg.the compoacr p.aye.1 i ivi ril ol hl oa P Attetthe mualc Mr. Bagby gave a farewe:i luncheon i'.r\ir Bembera who aalli for Prance to-morrow.Am. tho-,- preaenl were Mrs. Wllllam HaaardField Mrs Jamea Harrlman, Mrs. Clemenl Moore,Ml..' Mamle Field, Miss Agnea Lawrence, MlaaKleanor Roblnaon, Mlaa Marearet Cameron, MissHelen Klna Mlaa LouUe McAIllater. David ChrlatleMurraj Jamea I'uttlnr. tVyndham Quln, BcrnhardHtavenhagen, Moncure Roblnaon and the uarqula deVlllalobar, _^_

ROTBt OP TBB 9TAOB.N'e,irly .ill the the.itr.s wlll glVC holiday tn.itin.*. s

to-day, aa f.iiiows: "Lady C.ancarty" <u Abbey*aTheatre. "Baa-Mg-Cbree" al the American. "TheCotton King" at ih.* Acadcmy of Mualo, "PrlncaAnanlaa" al thc Broadway. "Doara la nixi." at

tba Columbna, "Tba Masqueru.iers" at tha Bmplre,"Little Chrletopber" al tba Oarden, "A Milk WhltePlag" ai Hoyt'i, "Hob Uoy" it Ihe Hcrald S,|u.uc,"Humpty Dumptv i'p to Uan*" at tba Harlemopcra Houae. "Notorlety* at Harrlaan'a, 'MltV'eranUcen" at fhe Irvlng Place, "The Caae of ite-bcllloua Buaan" at the Lyceum, "The CarJ'U Palmer'a, "The Old Homestead'' at the r^i.*r..Too Much Jobnaon" ai the ataodard, "TheRrownlea" at thc Fourt.enth Street. "Thc Tamlngof the Bhrew" al Dnly'a, mualc ai the v..\en Museeund varlety at Tony PiiHtor's, I'lvetor's and KosierA Bial'a.OUva l.oulse Barry. an actress, of Chlcago. was

married to Ipdne*/ Ketineth llerbert by :he Ilev.

Pr HoiiKhton ut the Church ol the Transtlgura.lonon Deeembei 2.1 Mr. Herberi la a member «ViiBiMtln l'alv's company and la now plavlng tbe

partof ll'rtensio ln "The Tamlng of ih,* mmrm*

The IMth performance of "Little Chrlstopher" at

the Oarden Theetra accurred last night ami v-as

commemorated by a rreuy aouvenlr. it waa a amallCteck framed ln a gllt lyre.Messrs. Hosemiuest. .lefTorivin, Klaw A Krlanger

nr,- prep.iring to celebrtU tbe acventy-nfth p^r-

t ,:,,,.,,. uf "The llrownles" at the Theatre on Thursday nlght ot nex: weak,-iieii i handaome aouvenlr in the form of a browu'apin of iterhni allver and bandaomely enamcKed,Wlll be .llstrllnlle.l.

v. v Proeter telegrapbed fr4>n. Londoa yaatereaythat he engaged the wetl-knewn sins*er BllUeBarlowe ai '.ne .>f tne attractlona for the openingnf hls new theatre la Flfty-elghth-r-t. e.irly nextsummer Miss Barlowe is now singing alghtly alI ,ur i.on.h.n mualc halla, tiie Tivoii. PavlUoa, Koyalun.l Cattl's.The i.iiipiitimi begaa aa eagagement at the Har-

i,.,i. Opera Houae iast night la "Humpty Dnaaptynp to Date/' Tba imfr.imaar-1 rai made famlliar,,t i |ownt4iwn theatrc earller In the schh >n. It lafull of gorgaoua acenery and pretty batleta, an.l the ILii.iputiiii»i themaelvaa are alwaya amuotna. 4U

the Olumbue Taeatre "Down in Dixle" waa seenlast nlght. and wlll eouttnaa to be »een throughthe wetk.At tb Bmplre Th-ttre last i-venlag FerdlnaM

Qottaehalh appeared for the tirst time as EddlcRaaaoi in "Tne Mas-v-ierader?."One of the sliver bonbonnlercs to be given away

at the lOKth porformance of "Rob Roy" at theMerald S.uare Theatre on Thursday. January 10,wlll be on exhlbitlon In the art gal>ry at the theitradurlnK thls week. Reglaald de Koven wlll lead theorchestra on that occasion.

G. ir. tcrxek to BOTBBBQB-BLBOT Jionro.rtl. *9. Turner, Editor of "The Recorder," haa sent

the followlng message to Governor-eleet Morton:l requeat that you wlll wlthhold my oomminslon

as a member ol your asaflf nntll thc proofs of themenda"1ty of the lylni? publleatloni roicernlna meshall be formally ti.-l. O. W. TURNER.

IMBOBTiWT iPFAIBB to he disccssed.

The Kxecutlvc Comn Ittee of th-* (.i.imh<*r of Com-mereo met In secret aesslon yesterday. Those prea-ent were Henry Hentz, Hagb N. Camp. John H.Inman, Woodbury Laigdon, charles A. Hoyt andAlexander K. ( Tr. V notl.'» was s.'iit out lo mem¬bers aaytng that at the regular monthly meetlng onThursd.iy, the t.mmitiee on Municipal Re-form, will report several Imp-.rtant re.-ommenda-tlons for a tnoroiiKh Investlaation of all depart-mcnts of the elty .ovirnment.

i.ii-iiiu Caaapsusp*a i_\tni.-f «.f Heef.A soup t.r lanu-r-rs and tourlais. I'ure an.i pa'.ataMe

DIFD.ANSTICK At Ovatcr Hay. I. I.. Dec mbcr M, HenrlettaM widow "f M _es Anatlce.

Kuneral wrvl.-es ai Chriat Church. Oyater B»y. on Tuse-day, .I.inu.iry 1. al II a. nt.

BOSTWICK Siid-l-taly, In Morrlatown, N. J.. Deoemberl^Emma 'Jiiiinnhnm. widow »t Charlea J. Bostwleh. 9 theS|»t venr if her u«e.

Funeral sanrlon al Bl 1',-ter's chureh. Morrlatown. oaWedneaday, January at 9'Mt a. ir..

Iteiatlves nnd frlenl. Wlll meet at th* Col bath Houae.BULL .'.'. Decembei SO, Robert Maciay. Jr., a,>n of Robert

M.-.-lny and Allce Brevoorl Dull. ___.'< >"ara.

Kuneral aervloes a( tit. Oeorm'S Church. HiuyveaaaiHqiiar.-, on Tueaday m-rninif, Januury 1, al 10 o'clock. fi

Intem.ent at Woodlawn.Klndly omlt BowaffHI'SH-At to. Luk.-'a HoapUal, De.--mber II. ef pnea-m.nla, Phiilp .' Huah. I .r 1.1 yeara a falthful aervaatIn ihe family of William R-.ckef»ller.

ll aervleea in th- chapel ot tt. l*_s HoaplMB.Wednesday m.-rnlng, January 2. at 1:41 o'Ctpca.

CORNELL.At Y nUers. ,,n Saturday. December ... I-M.Tiv.m.ia C. Cornell, In fhe 7«th year of hla ;,«e

Kun-rat fr,,m the Church -.f tlie Immaculata l onceptloa,on Wednesday. January 'i, at 10 a. BL

Interment prlvate.At tlie requt-st of (he decensed kindly omlt (l.wera

OREEN "n .Sunday. December 30, 18114. William WebfcQreen, ln hls V*th y.-ar. .

Funeral servtees at lil» laU reslden-e. £13 Central Par*w.-hi. Wedneaday, Jaauary '-. »t » p n.

.HurlHl al Kaat HaiJani. at (he con.enien.- of (he famlly.I'leaae omlt luwefl

Knna of the Revolutlon.ome* ot ihe geeratary, M Wall-at, (Rooa. ll, N*w-

V,,rk nr-cemher 11, 1*.»4 -The m.-mbera of thla aocietyar- reoueaterl W attend the funeral .. -rvkes of their late

;,',. member. William Wel.h Oreen. at BS -entralPark West >,n Wedneaday, January '2 at -"> r, .-.. k.

PREDERlck B. TAJJUUDOE Piiltliat,Titos. E. V. sitnit. Beetataiy.

OROBE-Oa M r.'.y. Deceml-er St. Vlrglnla Wildo Otttm,wlfr ..f J.^eph Ol-ae, and ,lau«hl*r uf II-jWjr.1 and I>Ht«-ll- Wi.ld ,. ---,

Funeral servlees al lier late re^,.'!'.n, *. 4fil ^eat -_}<i-at.on Wednesday, January 2. at 11 ordoeb a n>.

pu ..--¦ omlt ti m ¦¦¦¦

HALL-AJ hia reatdrnee. Terth Aml-.. N. J.. on Satur-,.. (venlnc, December » wniikin leoU in theisth f t'.is a»»-

F ineral i-rlvate, on Wedn<*5.Iay mernlna. January ..

llAMHl.KTi.N A( Yonkera. N. Y. Flrst Day, TwelfthMonth, 3"th, Joseph w. HaatMetoa, af oaaaaja, tgea(17 veara.

N,,!|,e of fun»ral hereafter.HARRiS.On tha .11"' mst.. nt hnt'realdence. U*. 80BU'esl End-are.. caiherlne, wlfe of Jamea Harria.

N ';¦ .¦ ef f'.neral laler.HF.A fiiV-ln New H.-.ven. C-BB.. on S'irday afern-wa.

1. -n-.!,-.- .!,. IOM, Kdwar.l Meai'-n. In the S4ih year ot

hU late reslden.-e. N> 2I-". York -st.,New-Haven. Coon.. Wedneaday afteraooa, January a.!- .', al half-i'HHt 2 O'd -

HENDERBON- Ai Baasmlt, N. ... Dsaaajber 99, i«M,Samuel D. llenders-.n. ug-A >*. yeara.

Inl-rm.-nt al t'rl.ana, Ohi-..LEVERIDOE Daes abar H 1*04. John l.'v*ridge. aalyMof n-Mi.Hiiin c. Levartdas and Um ia'-* taeraoa r.

le r.«l..n,e of hia failier. 11» WeatMld-sl on Thursday e\.-ning. January 3. at S o rl ---k.Relatlves tnd friends are i< spectfully ln>lte,| t" atc-na.

-f'INTOBH .v- Moual v-rn ,n, N Y., on Monday De-lanet. .iaUKhter of the late Al-xaiid^r and

.. late realdence. .118 South 3d-ave..W.-i- u | - ->i - P. ri'--

i-. mii n .weiMKKN/IK A Booatoa, N t 1'wmb.r 20, Ahifal'

n wld w ,,t I- :.:<M M,-Kensle.Funei .1 servlces al her home, tlie realdence cf her nephew.

un .; Lathrop, jr.. Taaa_ay, January i. at half-

Tfltlns leare E-tretay end Chriatopher ata. ferries at tl r. p. m.

st :i:i',iNs-<ei Monday. Pitiaihar 31. Huaaeii atebhina,In'ln-. (Wth year.

Itelallvea aud frienil* are lnvlte.1 t> attend lh* funersl»»rvlcea at BU Madleon-eve., u W.,ineeday mornlng.January 2. at lialf-t.a»t 10 .,' lock.

TERRY.Samuel II. Terry. used Tii. on Decemher 21. alhia realdence 21! Herkia>er--t., BrooWim, N Y.

Bervlces Wednaedajr, al *> p m. ai re»: I.Phlla.l.-lphl.i papan ple.iae opy.TII'.Ml'SoN At the realdence ,.f hla parenta. Cloater.\ ,M Da rmber SS, I8M, Townley, *-n ,,f Oaaraa T.,r Klla Yauch Thimpaon. aaed 'i'i inoiulia.

Rooheeter (S X.) papers pUaae eopyWITTK On Monday, I.nbtr 11. WS4, Ormet

eblld snd only daugbtai ot 9. C. O. and Anna

Raymond Wltte, aged !¦* f*mn snd l m

Funeral lervlces _t her Uta hoaw, 40.1 \\averle>-avr.Pmoklya, N. \ .\,-nln_. January 2. 1 o "'k

MOl M' IIOIM. t KMKTKBV.iinunt n«»p<*. eyeatefcoator \ouiity-

Offl.-e. Ml Wata-ava K. v. T<*lei>lioui- i»»M>. isthst

KEMBIOO CKMKTKKV. Harlem Rallroad. 4» ratnutesfroin .i.^nd Central I), pot. new private «tatl"n at ee-

tranre. Offlce. IH Kaat 4'Jdat. call. io6 SA-.- ¦


Gpccii.l -\cjtites.

The Xludl... II.. aml MT \\ Ml __M Bt., .'¦.V',*;4v.-.,t- r th- fanaais American masterplece. THE I.I\ INUCIIKIST'. alao t!',,- tirst ani "III) exlill.ltl'-ll >'f \ ITA-OKAI'HH In i-onnectlon wlth Uie CBITICB and nuinei"_s

atudies and aketches in th- NATIRAL METHOD ofartistic productloa. Opea .laiiy W to i» AdaUealeB Ke. ots."«,mI l.lirr Oll.Caawell, Maasey A to.'eK.Ml L-ION with I'Ki'SIN and Qt'IMNE. I'rescrlbe-l bynearly ail phvslciana ln preferencs id otbarsi sspl t^r

1.121 Broadway snd BT1 5th-ave,_Amateur rhoKiaranliere

.-an have their nrgatlvts -n.l'.ped. reiouehed, printed nt

enlarged AT TKADI. PRICE- hy RoCKWOOD. 1.44(1i.e.'.i ., Raadel'a l>."(._I

r>> .tofii.-i- >«iti«-«*.Forriga BMllS f>i Uta weel en.lniK .lanu-iry » wlll cloee

(promptly ln all ..i«eai at (i.u offloe ei fbllawa:i'l KSI..VV Ai 'lt p m tot c "*-.. Id ... Vla ,n. per¦ 11 Dt.tnnta, from Sew-Orleaaa; al "B t> nt. for Hiue-

tieids per r ». .i. un.on. fr.,m New-OHeajM.WUDNEBDAY At 5J0 .. n. tor Ireland, per » » Ma-

j,.-.-,, \ ia Quceaatowa iletrera for oiher t-ari.. ,,f,.p*nuibi be dir- te,| "per Majeatle"); at a. m. f,r Belgluaidirect per a * I'.-i nlatid. vla An'.werp detters in-.^l b»,lire...,l -per I'.-nnland '.; a. S a in. iMipplemenlaiy IO-.:. m for Europe. per *. a New-York. vla s..uth«mpton;tt 1 p. m. f"i uii. I--. -. .-. Baral aB, Vla llavana ilet-iis (or T.-i.i'ii» an,i Pregraaa mu»t be Meeeted "per.-,..1 itoga").;iu itsi'.W \i 7 .-,. in f r Earoae, per a ». Km*. vla

Bouthampton an. Bremen: ai 12 m. far Oreaada. Trinidad,f ,k Demerara and»ni... p-r ... * Irrawaddy.KKIDAY -Al p. m. f,,r Cape Oraclaa. per a. a R*fu

Im (Utiera r Bellse Ouatemala ,.nd Fuerio Certasmust ... directed "per R_ful__f'iBATt RDAY Al 1 a. m for Brasll and I_s PUta un-

trlea Ma Pernambuco, Vlctorta, Rl" Janeiro and s._n,_,p-r a- a Capua, f."i" Ualtlmor* ilett.-ra muat t-.- dli Capua' ¦; »i 3 ¦< m. for Fraace, gwitaerlaad, itsjy.Spain Portugal, Tiiik.-j and Kiillel. Indla. per a. a. l_k

ne m.i Havra ileii,-:i for other part* of Kur.-pe,!:.,,i i.r La Oaac-g_e")i ai u a. m. tot

mi La Plata C.unirles. per a. a. 11,-v.llu-, \'a

p.rnambuco, Bahia snd Ri Janeiro iletters f"r .NorthII:_t_cll muat be ulr.c ed "per Hevellus"); at W a. m .aup-plrnieniarv |0:M m. m.) f. Europe. per a. a. Etrurla. vuuu. eiiht.iw'n. nt l<» m f«i Hei :-' " » Normaeniailetters mual be llrected "per X..rmannla"»; at lo I m

lauppiementar) lOJQ a. m.) for Jamaica ,mJ J*remie. i>era s tlvena iletters for latme* a..,l Aux-Ci>es muat b«d'lrec'ed "per Alvena"! nt 10:30 a. ta. f..r Camredie.Chlapaa Tabasco and Yucatan p-r f- *¦ (iriiaha ilettetra

for Norwa. direct, [,er a. h. I«!and (>>tera rnuit l»e dl-r,.t-'t "per Ialan.t"): »t lt » ni. f"r Netherlanda direct.,..r , .iil.lam i|,"tera mu.ii bs dl.e< ted -per Oh.lam"Vat ii « m .aupi-iemeiitary I1J0 a. m.i for veaeaaela nnAcuracao alao Bavaallla, rta cuaci,,.. .vr .. «. Caraeaailettera for ,,ther parta »f cl.nnbla an.I for Cutnann andCarupano mual be dlrcted "per Caraeaa"). st 1 p. m.iKiipplementary 1 30 r ntl for Caps Haltl, St. Iionuiifoaud Turka l.'.id. ivr » a. .leo. W Clyda.Malla f.,r china and Japan .speclally ,-iddreaae.l onlv. p*r

. t Kmpre.a ,>f Indla (from \aneouver. cluM here dalljrUp to «31 al H..10 p m. Mslla for AustralU tex.

rept thoae for Weat Ausualla. whlch are f ,rwaid*d vla;. ii |.-i New-Zealand, H.i«al>. KIJI and Sam 'an lalands,n»r a a Araw.t tfrom San Kran, i>,-,o eloat h. re daily uet January *n .., B:10 p n.. (or on urlral si Kew fora efn . Auranla wlih Itrltlah malla for Auatrallal Malla for

and Japan. per h. a China ifr,,m .'an Kran.-lao..).c|,,ae here dallv up l .Ia l.iary 0 ut «*> p, m. Malla for.'hlna nnd Jnpin lape. ially addreaae.1 nl>i. per a. s.

Taoina .'rotn Taaomai, .- «e h.-re dally up O January.!> at fi 3" p m. Mall« for Auatralla l-xcept Weat Am.trnlini Hawaii and 1'IJI Ialanda. per a. a. Mlowara ifr«m\ anciiv.-i). cl ¦». here dally after I.nuary and up teJanuarv ._ at B:3n p. in Malts for Hawaii. per a. a. Aus-iralt.i .frurrv Sun Francisco), cloa* here daMy up to Janu.nry 1.1 at 1:10 p ni. f ,r the Keelety lalanda. per.hlp "'Ity "f PspeKI .from Sa:i Kranciaeoi. rlo«* here.lallv up to .nnuerv 2* at i!:*> m. m Xalla for N»w-foutidland bv rall to Hallfax. and thene* hy aieamer <lo#»ni thla ottlen dally ai 8:10 p. m. Malla for MI<4Uel..n. bfrall lo U«*l"r und Ihenee l.v Mteainer. cioae at (hla offlr*,lail> Bt t-M p m Malla for .->iba e|»»e at thla ctnemdallv st SJU ;> in foc foiwardlns hy ateamera ...llmtiMondnys Thuradayi and Hnturdayx from I'ort T..mpa.Fla Malla fo: MeSlro. ''.aii-l unleaa apectally ad-

' .r dlspateh l.y itsasaer, cioae at tbis sfloa dailyn' ,1 a ni

.Raaiatered mail .i*»» »< 9 tt in. pre\lmis day.CRARLBB W DATTON 1' -m-arler.

|.,>atofnce. Nen-Yoik. N Y I>e*einher 2* lai>t

Heligtons Notices.\ QRAMD .;< "Sl'Kl. BKRVICB "f a..n« a-rmon and

mualc. In RROOME BTREET TABBRNACLC near Rroad-« .> ,,-i Thiir-day. A. C. DfXON aWes exp-aii'ii nfHunday schooi lesaons at ,1 p. m.. f,,u'»e,i by sermoalark Hla.ere. ,-ornellata. Oeels Vjuar(e(, Bradford TrleMlas t |h..m. sotelat, Fraa,MKTRi H'.il.n AN HALL, 14th-al.. near Hih «v» O-cil

New plct.r'al l,.-n.«ht hy I'Hll.ll' rillLLir"|>.>or. op, n al li-.1l). Ki-.-. Meeitnga ,-ve'v n ._o "

nlk-!it. Wedncdav nUhi. iiurr-tclll.ia. Cun.c la.

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