
Loops, Arrays, Functions, Strings, Objects, Variables Scope & Events

Loops, Arrays, Functions, Objects...

Table of Contents

Loops in JavaScriptwhile, do-while, for, for-in

Arrays in JavaScript Declaring and Creating Arrays

Accessing and Processing Array Elements

Strings in JavaScriptProcessing, Trimming, Concatenating


Types of Loops in JS

Types of loops in JSwhile(…) loop

do { … } while (…) loop

for loop

for-in loop

Infinite loops – a loop that never ends

Nested loops – a composition of loops

How To Use While Loop?

The simplest and most frequently used loop!

The repeat condition (loop condition)The condition is evaluated to true or false

0, "", null are evaluated as false

while (condition) { statements;}

Using Do-While Loop

Another classical loop structure is:

The block of statements is repeatedWhile the boolean loop condition holds

The loop is executed at least once

do { statements;} while (condition);

For Loop – DefinitionInitialization – executed once, just before the loop is enteredTest – checked before each iteration of the loop (loop condition)

Update – executed at each iteration after the loop bodyBody – the code that will be executed at each iteration

for (var number = 0; number < 10; number++) { // Can use number here}// number is still usable here

Using break OperatorThe break operator exits the inner-most loop

The break operator is used to stop the loop’s iteration.

It is not necessary to use itWhile (condition){

if(another condition){break;


for-in Loop

Iterating over the Properties of an Object

The objects has some properties, to in order to accessthem and iterate them you can use for-in loop.

The for-in loop can be replaced with for loop, but bothhave odds pros and cons.

What is for-in Loop?

for-in loop iterates over the properties of an objectFor arrays / strings iterates over their indices (0…length-1)

For any other object, for-in iterates over its properties

Iterating over the elements of an array / string:var arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];for (var index in arr) { console.log(arr[index]) }// 10, 20, 30, 40, 50var str = "welcome";for (var index in str) { console.log(str[index]) }// w, e, l, c, o, m, e

For-in Loop

Iterating over the properties of an object:

Typical mistake is to use the key instead of the value:

var obj = { name: 'Steve', age: 23, location: 'Sofia' };for (var key in obj) { console.log(obj[key]); }// Steve, 23 , Sofia

var obj = { name: 'Steve', age: 23, location: 'Sofia' };for (var key in obj) { console.log(key); }// name, age, locationvar arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];for (var i in arr) { console.log(i); }// 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

for-in loop - Live Demo


What are Arrays?

An array is an ordered sequence of elementsThe order of the elements is fixed

Can get the current length (Array.length)

In JS arrays can change their size at runtime (add / delete)

Creating Arrays

Creating Arrays in JavaScript

// Array holding integersvar numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Array holding stringsvar weekDays = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']; // Array of mixed data

var mixedArr = [1, new Date(), 'hello'];// Array of arrays (matrix)var matrix = [ ['0,0', '0,1', '0,2'], ['1,0', '1,1', '1,2'], ['2,0', '2,1', '2,2']];

Declare and Initialize Arrays

Initializing an array in JavaScript can be done in several ways:

Using new Array(elements):

Using new Array(initialLength):

var arr = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

var arr = new Array(10); // [undefined × 10]

Using new Array():

Using array literal (recommended):

Declare and Initialize Arrays

var arr = new Array(); // []

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Manipulating arrays





Accessing Array Elements - Live Demo

Read and Modify Elements by Index:


How to define objects

Shorthand syntax

Objects have properties

Defining object properties

Alternative syntax

Variable property name

Objects have methods

Defining methods

Using methods

Methods are simply callable properties.

Properties can be assigned and accessed dynamically.

Objects, properties and methods

(almost) Everything is an object

Array, Json object, string literal

Primitive values become Objects

Due to type coercion

Using object constructors

Built-in object constructors

Constructor functions

Extending objects

Prototypal inheritance








Functions are callable objects

Javascript scope

Inner scope vs outer scope

Global scope

Global variables can beused everywhere

In HTML, global scope isthe window object

All global variables belong to thewindow object.

More global scope

Global variables:

Defined outside of any function

Properties to the global object

Not declared with “var” operator

Binding of this

Inside a function call,“this” is bound to the global object.

Inside a call for with “new” operator, “this” is bound to the returned object.

Controlling this binding

Using function methods apply, call, bind.

DOM events

Events can target DOM elements.

Can also be used from event attributes.

Why is the first event listener needed?

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