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PREPOSICIONES en expresiones de tiempo

at in onat six o’clock (hora)at nightat Christmasat the weekend

in 2007 (año)in the morning in the afternoonin the eveningin December (meses del año)in summer (estaciones)in two week’s time (en X tiempo)

on Saturday (días de la semana)on Monday morning

on Christmas Day (fecha específica)on January 18

sin preposiciónyesterday last night / week / yearthe day before yesterday two weeks ago

VERB PATTERNS (patrones)Hay 4 patrones para usar más de un verbo en una oración simple:

1. verbo + to + infinitivo They want to buy a new car.verbos que siguen este patrón: choose, decide, forget, promise, need, help, hope, try, want, would like, would


2. verbo + _ing We love going to parties.verbos que siguen este patrón: like, love, enjoy, hate, finish, stop

3. verbo + _ing / to + infinitive (sin cambio de significado) It started to rain / raining.

verbos que siguen este patrón: begin, start, continue

4. verbo + preposición + _ing We are thinkining of moving house.verbos que siguen este patrón: think of, look forward to


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like y love expresan disfrute general. Me gusta bailar con él.would like y would love expresan disfrute en un momento específico. Me encantaría

bailar con él. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (infinitive or _ing).1. Juliet enjoys ........................................ (play) the guitar.2. He started ........................................ (drive) when he was 17 years old.3. I wanted ........................................ (take) my dog to the park yesterday.4. I can't ........................................ (travel) to Australia alone. 5. He likes ................. ….......... (do) jigsaw puzzles. 6. I finished ........................................ (eat) breakfast an hour ago.7. Fiona hopes ........................................ (buy) a new car soon.8. Sam would love ........................................ (finish) this jigsaw puzzle. 9. I love animals. I’m thinking of ........................................ (become) a vet.10.Mum promised ........................................ (prepare) spaghettis for tonight.

ADJETIVOS (comparativo y superlativo)comparativo superlativo

adjetivos de una sílaba



the cheapestthe smallestthe biggest

adjetivos de dos sílabas que terminan en _y



the funniestthe earliestthe heaviest

adjetivos con 2 ó más sílabas

carefulboring expensive

more carefulmore boring more expensive

the most carefulthe most boring the most expensive

adjetivos irregulares



the furthestthe bestthe worst

* adjetivos de una sílaba terminados en consonante-vocal-consonante se dobla la última consonante.

- Cuando se comparan dos cosas o personas dentro de la misma oración, se usa than.I am younger than Barbara.

- Para dar énfasis a la comparación se usa much delante del comparativo.She is much nicer than her sister.Is Tokyo much more modern than London?

- Siempre se usa the delante de los superlativos.He is the funniest boy in the class.

- Para expresar que dos personas o cosas son iguales se usa as…as.Jim is as tall as Peter.

- Para expresar que dos personas o cosas no son iguales se usa not as…as / not so…as.

Sally is not as intelligent as Mary.My car was not so expensive as yours.

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Fill in the superlative form as in the example.Sarah is ....................................... person in my family. (young)That is ....................................... dress I have ever seen. (horrible)Roses are the flowers which have ................................................. smell. (nice)January is ....................................... month of the year. (cold) That was ....................................... joke I've ever heard. (funny)She is ...................................................... woman I've ever met. (beautiful)Mrs Green is ........................................... person I know. (interesting)This is ....................................... song I've ever heard. (bad)

Put the adjectives in brackets into the positive, comparative or superlative form. Use than or the where necessary.1. I am ...................................... my brother. (young)2. That is ...................................... programme on television. (good)3. That was ..................................... meal I've ever had. (delicious)4. My Maths teacher is very ................................ .(clever)5. The old train is ............................. the new train. (slow)6. This is ................ tree in the forest. (tall) 7. The music is very ................................. . (loud)8. The watch is very ............................ . (expensive)

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9. Chris is ...................................... his cousin. (intelligent)

- Para pedir que se describa a alguien o algo se usa la pregunta What + verb be + subject+ like?

What is your teacher like? She is very nice.What were your holidays like? It was great. I had a great time.

IMPORTANTE: Cuando se responde a esta pregunta no se usa like en la respuesta. En este contexto like no tiene nada que ver con el verbo gustar. Observa la diferencia entre las siguientes preguntas:

What is Jim like? Jim is intelligent. (descripción)What does Jim like? Jim likes listening to music. (gusto)How is Jim? Jim is very well. (estado de salud)


have to expresa obligación externa, por ley, reglas en el cole o el trabajo o porque alguien de autoridad dice que tienes que hacerlo.

I have to start work at 8 o’clock. (reglas de la compañía)The doctor said Peter has to do more exercise. (el doctor es una autoridad)

don’t have to expresa la ausencia de obligación, que algo no es necesario.She doesn’t have to work on Saturday.You don’t have to wash the dishes. I have a dishwasher.

Oraciones afirmativas:sujeto + have / has to + verbo (infinitive) + complemento

Oraciones negativas:sujeto + don’t / doesn’t + have to + verbo (infinitive) +

complementoOraciones interrogativas:

Do you have to get up early?Does Mary have to work on Monday?auxiliary + sujeto + have to + verbo (infinitive) + complemento

En pasado se usa had en afirmativas y did en negativas e interrogativas.They had to paint their bedroom.They didn’t have to paint their bedroom.Did they have to paint their bedroom?

VERBOS MODALESEstas reglas se cumplen con todo los verbos modales que se explican posteriormente.

Siempre van con otro verbo NO llevan _s para la tercera persona del singular Funcionan como auxiliar, por lo que no se usa do/does/did en oraciones


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Tampoco se usa don’t/ doesn’t/didn’t en oraciones negativas. La mayoría de los verbos modales se refieren al presente y al futuro. solamente

can tiene pasado (could) Los verbos modales que más se usan son can, could, must shall, should, will,


Veamos algunos de ellos:

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CAN / COULDSe usa can y could para hablar de las habilidades de la gente para hacer algo. Negativas: cannot = can’t / could not = couldn’t

Robert can play the guitar very well.

También se usa can para pedir permiso para hacer algo.Can I go to the toilet?

SHOULDSe usa para expresar lo que el hablante cree que está bien, o considera es lo mejor que se debe hacer. Se usa para expresar la opinión del hablante. También para dar consejo.

Bob should do more exercise. (Bob debería hacer más ejercicios)

Negativas : shouldn’t. Se usa para expresar consejo negativo. You shouldn’t tell lies. (No deberías decir mentiras)

MUSTExpresa obligación “interna”, expresa lo que el hablante considera necesario.

I must get my hair cut. (tengo que cortarme el cabello)

También implica obligación moral; la forma negativa: mustn’t expresa que algo es prohibido o no permitido.

You mustn’t steal. (No debes robar)

MIGHTSe usa para expresar posibilidad futura en la opinión del hablante.

England might win the match.

Negativa: might not (para expresar que no crees que algo suceda)It might not rain this afternoon. = I don’t think it will rain this afternoon.

Interrogativa: no se suele hacer preguntas con might; en su lugar se pregunta Do you think… + will …?Do you think it will rain?

Complete with can / can’t or could / couldn’t1. This question's too difficult. I ...................................... answer it.2. ...................................... you play the guitar three years ago?3. I had a terrible stomachache last night. I ...................................... do my homework.4. Sarah loves foreign languages. She .................................. speak German, Spanish

and Arabic.5. I ...................................... open the door because I didn't have the key.6. I'm very busy. I ...................................... help you.7. Jill was ill. She ...................................... come to the party last night.8. Have you seen my bag? I...................................... find it.9. Mr Smith ...................................... see you now. He's busy.10.Emma loves reading. She ...................................... read when she was four.

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Complete with must or had to.1. The windows are dirty. We ...................................... clean them.2. We couldn't stay last night. We ...................................... go home early.3. This film is great! You ...................................... see it.4. I couldn't come with you last night. I ...................................... to finish my

homework.5. It's getting late. We ...................................... go now.6. Jack was really tired. He ...................................... leave early.7. She didn't feel very well so we ...................................... call a doctor.

Fill in must or mustn't.1 I haven't got any money. I ...................................... go to the bank.2 It's raining. You ...................................... go out without you, umbrella.3 The road is busy. You ...................................... look carefully before you cross it.4 You ...................................... play football in the house, Jack.5 My tooth hurts. I ...................................... go to the dentist.

Correct the mistakes.1 I must having a bath.2 You can't to go out tonight.3 Susan shoulds water the flowers this afternoon4 He must studies hard for his exams.5 She must helping her mother today.6 They don’t have to stay here any more.7 I can't do puzzles when I was four years old.

Complete with might / might not and a verb from the list.List: be buy go (x2) have know need pass

rain stayI We...................................... to the concert. The tickets are very expensive.2 I ...................................... that dress. I haven't got enough money.3 Take an umbrella with you. It......................................4 He ...................................... the test. He doesn't work hard enough.5 I ...................................... a bit late. I'm sorry.6 Let's ask Mrs. Robins. She ...................................... the answer.7 I...................................... to the party. I have a headache.8 Take this with you. You...................................... it.9 I'll try to finish this report today, but I ...................................... enough time.10 They ...................................... in England. They might move to France.

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