Page 1: Final Costume Planning

Costume Planning

These are pictures of our artist, Amber Rubarth:

We want the singer that acts in our video to look similar to the real Amber Rubarth. We want this as we feel this reflects the soul/indie genre the best. We will have costumes such as;

We think these costumes will be suitable for the singer in our video because they are quite casual and not too ‘over the top’. The costume goes well with the genre as it reflects a casual, calm and meaningful or realistic situation. By having casual clothing, it will force the audience to recognise the importance of the song as it is quite meaningful, so we thought it would be a good idea for the video, for the costume to shift the attention off the way the artist looks and onto the actual song.

During the video, we are planning to have a narrative playing as well as having the artist performing. In the narrative we are planning to have a young girl, looking quite

Page 2: Final Costume Planning

depressed, taking cocaine etc. These are the costume ideas we have thought of for her;

The clothing helps to reflect a troubled person as the blacks amplify the feeling of isolation and suppressed emotion. Also the hair is a major aspect of the costume, as the hair associated with these type of people show; people deviating from social norms and trying to be unique and expressing the little emotion they show through how creative their hair is.

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