
INTRODUCTIONNAME : Vijay GohilSUBJECT : Principle Of Management


ClASS : Media and Entertainment

SEM : 1st

TOPIC : Management

Date : 22-08-2014

Submitted To : Prof. Suraj Shah


Question 1(1) Define Social Responsibility. Now a days companies are very serious as far asocial responsibility is concerned .Justify the statement with suitable example.Ans: Introduction-:

Social responsibility is an ethical theory that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems


The idea that companies should embrace its social responsibilities and not be solely focused on maximizing profits. Social responsibility entails developing businesses with a positive relationship to the society which they operate in. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this relationship to the society and environment in which they operate is "a critical factor in their ability to continue to operate effectively. It is also increasingly being used as a measure of their overall performance."

2Answer as per question-:

The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits

The era of the social enterprises is upon us. More so than ever before, the most successful, respected, and desirable businesses exist to do much more than make money; they exist to use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.

Study after study has shown that socially responsible businesses (aka social enterprises) not only provide sustainable business models, but also have improved marketing, employee recruitment, employee satisfaction, legal treatment, customer loyalty, brand perception, and richer partnerships.

The top five reasons to have (and/or work for) a socially responsible business is:

1. Employees demand their company to be socially responsible

Five years ago, it was considered good if a company simply did not harm the environment. However, times have changed, and now employees demand that their company do more than

2. Consumers expect better business practices (and will pay for it)

Just under a year ago, a study was published showing that the average consumer will drive en extra 11 minutes to buy a product that supported a cause. Since then, more data has been released supporting the fact that consumers will adjust buying behavior from average companies to socially responsible companies. According to the same article by Forbes:33. It creates competitive immunity (and makes your business more sustainable in the long-term)

According to the Harvard Business Review, Strategy is about choosing a unique position doing things differently from competitors These principles apply to a companys relationship to society as readily as to its relationship to its customers and rivals. Furthermore CSR can be much more than a cost, a constraint, or a charitable deedit can be a source of opportunity, innovation, and competitive advantage.

In addition to helping companies differentiate themselves in an already crowded marketplace, social responsibility also inspires innovation within corporations thereby developing longer-term immunity and business sustainability.

4. Capitalism is evolving, and society is, too

Even investors are pulling away from companies that dont do go. This was recently evidenced when investment firms and stockbrokers pulled money away from BP due to its operations in Alaska. In addition to market reactions, society as a whole is also evolving. In the article titled The For-Benefit Enterprise, Hareed Sabetti notes that new trends are supporting these businesses, including Public policy, financial markets, accounting standards, and professional services. As a result, Hareed predicts that

We will see the emergence of a fourth sector of the economy, interacting with but separate from governments, nonprofits, and for-profit businesses. The rise of that sector is likely to reshape the future of capitalism. 4

5. It is a moral imperative

Nobody is better positions to create long-term, sustainable change than businesses. According to Michael E. PorterandMark R. Kramer at the Harvard Business Review, When a well-run business applies its vast resources, expertise, and management talent to problems that it understands and in which it has a stake, it can have a greater impact on social good than any other institution or philanthropic organization.

No matter the lens that you view a social enterprise through, they are becoming increasingly popular and beneficial. Whether it is a new or existing business, the future success of it will be increasingly tied to its ability to do good through its day-to-day operations. So in the words of Hillel the Elder, If not you, who? If not now, when?

Since businesses have the greatest potential to improve the health of our planet and citizens, as they become prosperous, they have a moral obligation to improve the conditions of a system that has helped them succeed.


1. Corporate Social Responsibility By Apollo Hospitals In India-:

2. Apollo Dil Ki Daud, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi

3. "SAVE" India Campaign, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi

4. Adoption of the Bhat Village, Gujarat, Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad

5. Apollo Life Saver Training Program, Apollo Hospitals, Bengaluru

6. Annual Bhagidari Utsav, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

7. "Plant a tree this monsoon" ampaign, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi

8. Apollo First Aid Training programmes at Police Boys & Girls Clubs, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

9. Emergency Helpline Posters, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

10. Arthritis Awareness Programme on World Arthritis Day, Secunderabad

11. Apollo Isha Vidya Rural school commenced at Aragonda village , Chittoor dictrict, Seemandhra 512. APOLLO - YOUWECAN Cancer Screening Initiative Launches its First Mobile Cancer Screening Unit

13. Stay Healthy!! Promoting eWellness in Rural India - 2013

14. Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Free Cancer Screening Initiative

15. "Apollo Total Health Nutrition Centre" at Aragonda, Seemandhra launched

1. Corporate Social Responsibility at Canon India

Adopt a VillageTo make a long term and sustainable impact in the core areas supported by iCare, CSR at Canon India has adopted a village to develop and strengthen Eye Care facilities and Education in the community.Ferozpur Namak village is situated in Mewat district, Haryana. The implementing partner for the project is CAF India with direct support in the village from NGO SARD and ICARE Hospital in Noida.

EducationAs part of the project, Canon India is supporting the local government school at village Ferozpur Namak. The objective of the education project is to improve enrolment of children in the school and deliver quality education. The school engages 1500 children up to class 10, with only 9 teachers. The school suffers from low attendance and enrolment rates. This project includes establishment of a learning centre with education aids, toys, a library and organizing teacher's training in the school. Canon is also supporting infrastructural development of the school like constructing toilets for girls, improve source of drinking water through pipelines, taps, installing ceiling fans in all classrooms and providing benches for the children. 6 Eye CareThe project also includes establishment of a physical vision centre at Ferozpur Namak. The vision centre is the primary eye health centre providing comprehensive eye checkups to all sections of community. The services also include conducting eye camps in neighbouring villages, eye screening camps and checkups of patients visiting the centre, providing medicines and spectacles and conducting surgeries in the base hospital in Noida. Close interaction with the community is developed so that with their active participation promotion of eye health education, childhood blindness screening and awareness creation among the villagers can be achieved.

EnvironmentThe project also aims to support the school and vision centre with tree plantation and rain water harvesting in the school to solve the water problems for the students. This will also help towards an all round development.


82. Corporate Social Responsibility at P&G

P&Gs flagship Corporate Social Responsibility Program Shiksha is an integral part of our global philanthropy program - Live, Learn & Thrive. Now in its 8th year, Shiksha has till date helped 280,000 underprivileged children access their right to education. The program has built & supported over 140 schools across India, in partnership with NGOs like Round Table India (RTI), Save the Children (STC), Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) and Navy Wives Welfare Association (NWWA), amongst others.

Shiksha began with P&G Indias research which revealed education as the one cause that consumers are most concerned about and are looking for a simple way to contribute to. With this insight and founded on P&Gs purpose, Shiksha was launched in 2005 to enable consumers to contribute towards the cause of education of under-privileged children through simple brand choices. Since its inception, Shiksha has made a cumulative donation of over Rs. 22 crores towards helping children on the path to better education. This is a result of the support from our consumers who participated in the Shiksha movement by buying P&G brands for one quarter of the year, thus enabling P&G to contribute a part of the sales towards the cause.



The first responsibility to society is to operate at a profit, and only slightly less important is the necessity for growth. The business is the wealth-creating and wealth-producing organ of the society. Management must maintain its wealth-producing resource intact by making adequate profits to offset the risk of economic activity. And it must beside increase the wealth-producing capacity of these resources and with them the wealth of society.

Ethics play an importance role in social responsibility. The business organizations must have ethical responsibility as they are doing business, including production, management, and services and so on. Without ethics, it would be danger to the human. Ethics is simply the rules that say what is right and wrong, as defined by a particular reference group or individual.

10Q2. Write a detailed note on management as an art, science & profession.

Introduction -:

The idea that management is both art and science is a truism and a kind of short hand. That is to say, a lot of people say it, and it is commonly held to be true, and it serves as a way of indicating a rather complex reality involving management. A science has known laws. It works with facts and reason and produceswhen it gets to application via technologydependable results. By contrast, art is highly personal and subjective. It works with emotions and the interplay between individuals and communities. Managers must do both: produce reliable results and deal with emotional humans


Management as an Art: Art refers to the way of doing specific things; it indicates how an object can be achieved.

Management as a Science: Science may be described as a systematized body of knowledge based on proper findings and exact principles and is capable of verification.

Management as a profession-: Over a large few decades, factors such as growing size of business unit, separation of ownership from management, growing competition etc have led to an increased demand for professionally qualified managers. The task of manager has been quite specialized. As a result of these developments the management has reached a stage where everything is to be managed professionally

11 Answer as per Question-:

Management is and Art

Art consists different components like knowledge and skill that are applied to achive some specific goals. The skills should be practiced regularly by the artist. Management also consists different components that are reelected top art. Therefore it is also regarded as an art

Marry Porker Follet has defined, "Management as an art of getting things done through other people,

Management consists following things components of art.

i) Knowledge, skills and creativity of person.

ii) Applied in practices.

iii) Regularity

iv) Result oriented

v) Improvement through continuous practice.

Management as a science

Science is a systematic body of knowledge developed by research, experiences, experiments, observation etc. science is valued and verifiable. According to J.M. Keynes, Science can be defined as a systematized body of knowledge which established the relationship between cause and effect.

Management can also be considered as a science because it alswoconsists fundamental characters or feature of science. Followings are a major components of management, such component prove management asa science.

I) Systematized body of knowledge

II) Continuous application and sa observation

III) Universal application

IV) Cause and effect relationship

V) Validity and verifiable.

All such characters and components are found in management, therefore, it is science. We can say that management is not a pure and natural science but it is a behavioral or social science.12Management as a Profession

Management is also regarded as a profession because the concept and component of the activities behavior and nature of professionals.

According to A.S. Hornby, Profession can be defined as an occupation specially required advance education and special training.

Followings component are included in profession.1. Formal and advance education

2. Body of Systematized knowledge.

3. Formation of professional association.

4. Service oriented or priority to service.

5. Code of conduct or ethics.


ConclusionFrom the above study, we conclude that management is an art and science and Profession. According to American Society of Mechanical Engineers. "Management is the art , science and profession of preparing, organizing and directing human efforts to control the forces and utilize the material of nature for the benefit of men. "Thus, it has now been accepted that management is an art as well as science. It has the elements of both arts and science. In the words of Dean Stanley, "Management is a mixture of an art a science and profession- the present ratio is about 80% art and 20% science.

13Q3. Define Ethics. Discuss the concept of shift to ethics along with tools of business ethics

Introduction-:The meaning and basic concepts of Ethics Management. Dictionary meaning of ethics is -

the science of morals, that branch of philosophy Which is concerned the merned with human character and conduct, a system of morals, rules of behavior, a treatise on morals. Values and ethics in simple words mean principle or code of conduct that governs human


When engaging in business management and activities, Ethics is placed as top priority. All standards for businesses are based onEthical Standards for transparent, fair, logical operations. Keeping the ethical standards means that the companys decision making is not only based on economical principals, but also on the premise of ethical judgments including transparent accounting, fair terms, legal tax-paying, environment protection to abide by the standards fairly and uprightly, stricter than the law or government regulations.Thus, ethical management is what CEOs and executives should implement when engaging in business activities.

Business Ethics Diagram

14Importance of Business ethics:1. Goodwill of Business and Businessman:Ethical conduct of business increases the goodwill of business and businessman. This will help long term survival of business. When ethical conduct is displayed , it puts some kind of trust and confidence in relationship. Because of this people will like to deal with a businessman.

2. Helps in Professionalization of Management:Management cannot become a profession so long as it An important feature of a profession is that it has laid its own code of conduct , based on principle of Service to humanity.

3. Perpetual Successions:Ethical conduct of business leads to development and perpetual succession of business. The business will prosper in the shadow of ethics.

4. Satisfaction of Sub-conscious mind:Certain people consider that good ethics can promote business as it gives satisfaction to sub-conscious mind. A businessman is first a member of the society, a businessman later. He should first behave like a member of the society and then work for the satisfaction to sub-conscious mind. A person should not take any decision which does not give him mental satisfaction.There is need to motivate the businessmen to follow ethical principles in the conduct of business. There are a number of measures to motivate them for ethical conduct in business.

15 Tools Of Business Ethics-:

1. Values

2. Right And Duties

3. Morale Rule

4. Human Relationship

ConclusionNow that you understand the idea of business ethics, it is important to practice good ethical behavior. Leading by example; teaching by example; being a role model; these are all things that will come if you practice ethical behavior and chose to make the right decisions.


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