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Final presentation of Social Media 8517

I watched videos on YouTube to understand how to make a blog header.

I downloaded software from

Go to the XHeader website and click on „Create a Blank Header‟ and followed the directions to complete the banner

My home page includes my title, profile information, navigation bar, and badges and widgets.

Tried to include my header but I do not know how to resize the picture.

The following slide shows my first posting. It took me awhile to figure out how to create my blog. I was very serious when I said “I am way in over my head”.

It may not seem to the viewer that I know much more now, but I assure you I have learned a lot and am going to continue learning how to use these websites.

In way over my head

Posted on December 13, 2011

I have come to the conclusion that I am way in over my head in this class. I have never blogged before (unless you count ranting and raving on Facebook) and I think I should have double checked my earlier assignments before now.

I am trying to go back and make corrections. I am learning more this time around since I have been playing around with some of this stuff but I really wish I had caught on much earlier. Well, better late than never, as they say!

I am a student-athlete in tennis. I am beginning to see a little how I can use the different social media sites to stay in contact with other athletes and my coach. I can also see how, as a coach, I could use them to better communicate with students, administration, and parents in the future.

I think I am going to like all this when I finally understand it. I guess the more I use it, the more I will make sense of it.

On the left is an example of my sidebar which includes my Facebook widget, and Twitter updates.

I learned to post videos. This is a great one. You should listen to it.

Additional sidebar information

Comments on a classmate‟s website

I commented on the following posts:

Cori Neel – “Google+ vs. Facebook Pages”

Kelly Regouby – “Don‟t Use OKC ICoats”

Jack Stallings - “Country Roads Banner”

Katrina Heilhecker – “The Banner News”

Here is the first part of my discussion on social bookmarking

Here‟s the rest of the story…….

My Profile Page

Thanks for watching mypresentation. I‟ve learned a lot from this class. I hope you have learned a little from my experience.

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