Page 1: First Semester Second Semester HSC 100 (FYS) 3 ENG 102 3 ......HSC 100 (FYS) 3 ENG 102 3 MATH 120 or 124 3 BIOL 223 4 BIOL 189 4 PSY 101 3 ENG 101 2 Fine Arts 3 Constitution 4 SPAN



FRESHMANYEARFirstSemester SecondSemester HSC100(FYS) 3 ENG102 3MATH120or124 3 BIOL223 4BIOL189 4 PSY101 3ENG101 2 FineArts 3Constitution 4 SPAN113(preferred) 3SemesterTotal 16cr SemesterTotal 16cr


ThirdSemester FourthSemester CHEM108 4 NURS299 3BIOL224 4 Statistics 3SOC101 3 BIOL251 4SecondYearSeminar 3 Humanities 3 SocialScience 3SemesterTotal 14cr SemesterTotal 16cr**CoursesinredmustbeagradeofaBorhigher.AllothercoursesnotrequiringaBorhigherfromtheabovelistwillrequireaCorhigher.CoursesthatrequireagradeofBhaveamaximumoftwoattemptsincludingawithdrawalorauditgrade.

Credit Requirements: Student must complete a minimum of 122 credits to graduate Student must complete a minimum of 60 credits at a four year institution Student must complete last 30 credits in residency

Program Policies: G.P.A. must be 3.0 or above needed to apply for BSN degree Effective January 2012: differential tuition was implemented for all BSN students. HESI A2: you have two attempts to obtain a passing score of 75% or above in all areas You can have two attempts to apply to the full BSN degree and must have an 88 total point on the calculation worksheet to apply. The last grade received for all courses at any institution will be the final grade of record. EnglishProficiencyTest–Studentswhoarenon-nativeEnglishspeakersmustprovideofficialtestscoreTOEFLiBT


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