Page 1: Fiscal Employee Rec€¦ · Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program 3 SECTION 1 - OVERVIEW Every employee at the University of Colorado is valuable

University of Colorado

Employee Recognition Program for Fiscal Roles and Responsibilities

Office of University Controller

1800 Grant Street, Suite 600

436 UCA

Denver, CO 80203


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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION 1 - OVERVIEW .............................................................................3

SECTION 2 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ...........................................................4SUBSECTION 2.1 ELIGIBILITY..................................................................4

SUBSECTION 2.2 SELECTION CRITERIA....................................................4SUBSECTION 2.3 PROGRAM FUNDING AND CONTINUATION......................5

SUBSECTION 2.4 TYPES OF AWARDS.......................................................5SUBSECTION 2.5 REWARD PROVISIONS ...................................................6

SUBSECTION 2.6 IMPLEMENTING PROCESS ..............................................6SUBSECTION 2.7 NOMINATION PROCESS .................................................6

SUBSECTION 2.8 SELECTION PROCESS.....................................................7SUBSECTION 2.9 RECOGNITION PROCESS ................................................7

SUBSECTION 2.10 DEADLINES ................................................................7SECTION 3 - SPOT AWARDS........................................................................8

SECTION 4 - QUARTERLY AWARDS .............................................................8SECTION 5 - VICE PRESIDENTIAL FISCAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS ..............10



ATTACHMENT B: NOMINATION FORM – VICE PRESIDENTIALFISCAL EXCELLENCE AWARD ...............................................................13

ATTACHMENT C: SELECTION COMMITTEE............................................14ATTACHMENT D: FEEDBACK FORM .....................................................15

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program



Every employee at the University of Colorado is valuable and plays an important role in helping the Universityfulfill its fiscal roles and responsibilities. The University has set forth its expectations regarding fiscal roles adresponsibilities in the Administrative Policy Statement “Fiscal Roles and Responsibilities”. Further, it has setforth the expected conduct in the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Code of Ethics. The Fiscal EmployeeRecognition Program is a new employee recognition program – focused on the fiscal activities of the Universityand its employees that are involved in those activities.


Recognize and highlight the critical role played by its employees in helping the University fulfill itsfiscal roles and responsibilities

o Provide positive visibility to the fiscal role

Promote fiscal responsibility and encourage good business practices and good fiscal decisions by allemployees and departments

o Encourage organizational learning Reinforce and reward important fiscal-related outcomes and accomplishments by providing timely and

meaningful appreciation and recognition to University employees for individual and teamaccomplishments/outcomes or achieving/maintaining exemplary performance in their respective areas

o Express appreciation for excellence when it occurs Promote positive morale in the fiscal areas of the University

o Give visibility to employees making a positive impact1.2 GUIDING PRINCIPLES

The program should strive to:o Be fair, equitable, and impartial.

o Focus on quality and excellence.o Recognize teamwork and collaboration.

o Reward the right things.o Provide an opportunity for more staff to receive recognition--whether for improving performance,

for extra effort, for creativity, or for reliably doing their job each day, and should: Not take the place of informally appreciating or recognizing employees on a daily basis.

Supplement existing and other informal, day-to-day recognition of employees.o Provide for a personalized approach as much as possible. (One size does not always fit all.)

o Promote a positive working environment, be fun and celebrate individual and unit accomplishments– whether planned or spontaneous.

"Fun, joy and sharing go hand-in-glove with world class quality."- Tom Peters. The program should ensure that:

o All employees know and understand the criteria and selection process used for formal recognition.o All awards are in compliance with University policy.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


o All awards are based on demonstrated behavior or accomplishment and classified as merit under theProcurement Procedural Statement “Recognition and Training”.

o Appropriate public announcements of award recipients are made.o There will be continuous review and monitoring of the program’s awards and criteria to make sure

they are still relevant and meaningful to employees and appropriate for the University.

SECTION 2 – GENERAL PROVISIONS (Applicable to all awards, unless noted)2.1 ELIGIBILITY

• All permanent employees who been with the University a minimum of six months.

• Only quarterly awards may be given to individuals or teams comprised of eligible employees.• A member of the fiscal employee recognition program’s selection committee (see Attachment C) may be

nominated for any award; however, the employee must exclude him/herself from the discussion andvoting on awards for which the committee is involved in the selection and/or recommendations of awardwinners.

• Eligible employees will be limited to the number of times they can receive and the frequency of receiptvaries by award type:

Spot awards – one per fiscal year.

Quarterly awards – one per fiscal year. VP Excellence Award – one every five fiscal years.

• Winners of one award type are not precluded from consideration for other award types.2.2 SELECTION CRITERIA

• Specific criteria vary by award type (i.e., Spot, Quarterly or Annual -- see specific award information).• Awards may be given to individual employees or teams of employees.

• First, all eligible activities must be related to fiscal roles and duties, and then exemplify the followingbehaviors :

o Outstanding one-time accomplishmento Development or implementation of an idea that results in significant savings or strategic

improvementso Completion of a significant project or program

o Attainment of departmental goalso Improved department/unit performance or enhanced operations

o Increased customer/client satisfactiono Sustained outstanding individual or team performance

• The nominee’s contributions should exceed those that are generally expected of an employee during thenormal course of performing his/her duties.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program



• This program is funded at the CU System-level.

• This is an annual program in which the assessment and the availability of funds may vary from fiscalyear to fiscal year.

• The Vice President for Budget and Finance and University Controller, in consultation with the SelectionCommittee (see Attachment C), will monitor and review the program after each fiscal year andrecommend continuation and/or changes for each succeeding fiscal year, including future fundingrecommendations.

• Updated guidelines and instructions will be provided annually.2.4 TYPES OF AWARDS

1) Spot Awards. Given at the discretion of the University and Campus Controllers to reward meritoriousbehavior, notable accomplishments or special achievements related to fiscal roles and duties that aretypically not recurring, and may be given as they occur or “on the spot.” (See Section 3 for moreinformation)

2) Quarterly Awards. Recognizes and rewards employees and/or teams that exhibit high standards ofperformance, customer service, skills, teamwork, and/or high standards related to fiscal roles and dutiesand may be based either on innovation, efficiency, or outstanding achievement. (See Section 4 for moreinformation)

3) Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award - Recognizes excellent results related to fiscal roles andduties achieved by individuals which required innovation and problem solving; encouragedorganizational learning and cooperation; or supported continual improvement and innovation - and as adirect result of their endeavors the University will have achieved measurable, tangible, observable, andpositive outcomes directly related to the fiscal activities of the University. (See Section 5 for moreinformation)


VP Excellence Award(Individuals)

(3 campus, 1 system, 1 University-wide)5

Quarterly Awards(Achievement / Innovation)

Team Awards (3 campus, 1 system, 1 University-wide)Individual Awards (3 campus, 1 system, 1 University-wide)


Spot Awards

(6 campus, 2 system, 2 University-wide per month) 120


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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program



• All rewards must be in compliance with University policy.

• All rewards are based on demonstrated behavior or accomplishment and classified as merit under theProcurement Procedural Statement “Recognition and Training”.

• Rewards vary by award type (i.e., Spot, Quarterly or Annual -- see specific award information), but mayinclude, but may not limited to:

• Cash• Gift Certificates• Prizes• Food• Special Events or Activities• Letters of Recognition• Plaques/Pins

• All cash and cash-like awards will be subject to appropriate tax deductions and are non-base building.

• Individual spot award and quarterly award recipients (including teams) may have the option of selectingfrom a menu of items. Menus will be developed based on input from the program’s selection committee(see Attachment C).

• The number of individuals as part of team awards will determine the amount of award available to eachindividual.


The Office of the University Controller will announce the program to the University community and handlethe program administration, including:

Answering questions; Making the nominating forms available; Organizing the appropriate selection process; and

Notifying the winners/winner’s supervisor upon selection.2.7 NOMINATION PROCESS (QUARTERLY AWARDS AND VP EXCELLENCE AWARDS)

Any University employee (subordinate, supervisor, peer, or other employees, students, and/orfaculty) can nominate an eligible CU employee or themselves for a Quarterly Award or the VicePresidential Fiscal Excellence Award.

For the Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award, supervisor concurrence is required.

Each nominator is responsible for completing and submitting, by the posted deadlines, a completednominations form.

Each complete nomination packet will remain in the recognition pool for the Quarterly Awards for atotal of four fiscal quarters.

After four fiscal quarters, if the nominee was not chosen, the Nominator may resubmit thenominations packet for the next fiscal year, if desired.

The complete nomination packet for the Annual Award must be received by the deadline, butactivities that occur in the last quarter of fiscal year may be submitted in the next fiscal year.

The nominations process is confidential, but nominators will need to identify themselves.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


Nominees may be allowed to know who nominated them, if nominators allow. Nominations may be submitted on hardcopy or electronically, but electronic is preferred.


Selection Committee: Should include representative of each campus Finance office, FacultyCouncil, Staff Council, and a department representative from each campus. See Attachment C forindividual members.

Selection Committee Responsibilities:1. Review the completed nomination packets for the Quarterly Awards and select winners each

quarter.2. Review the completed nomination packets for the Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award

and make recommendations to the Vice President for Budget and Finance by the end of eachfiscal year.

3. Review the program after each fiscal year and recommend continuation and/or changes foreach succeeding fiscal year, including award options and future funding recommendations.


Nominees for all awards will receive certificate of nomination recognizing they were nominated andconsidered for an award.

Departments will be contacted to help coordinate the announcement of winners and appropriateceremonies or meetings as forums for presenting awards. Efforts to combine with otherceremonies/events will be made when possible and appropriate.

Public acknowledgement of award recipients is essential to give employees appropriate recognition.Means of acknowledgement will include:

o Written congratulations and certificates of nomination and recognition;o Public congratulations/acknowledgements at appropriate campus gatherings/meetings;o Public acknowledgement in the Silver and Gold Record, campus newsletters and/or websites;

ando Individual and departmental plaques/pins, as appropriate.


This program operates on a fiscal year basis.

Quarterly Awards – nominations may be submitted at any time, but should be submitted by thefollowing deadlines to be considered for the earliest fiscal quarter possible:

o First Quarter nominations – N/A for FY2009.o Second Quarter nominations – due December 15, 2008 (Awards to be announced in January

2009)o Third Quarter nominations – due March 15, 2009 (Awards to be announced in April 2009)

o Fourth Quarter nominations – due June 15, 2009 (Awards to be announced in July 2009) Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award – nominations may be submitted at any time, but should be

submitted no later than June 1, 2009 to be considered for FY2009.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program



Eligible employees have an opportunity to be recognized for one-time special achievements, creating rolemodels for others, and accomplishing noteworthy activities related to fiscal roles and duties.


The following suggested criteria are listed to provide the controllers some guidance as to what may meritconsideration for spot awards. Above and beyond – things that are clearly above the normal duties assigned to the individual’s fiscal

role Achievement – high levels of teamwork, results, and/or customer service related to fiscal roles and

duties Collaboration – demonstrates outstanding teamwork in the achievement of campus or department fiscal

responsibilities Initiative – demonstrates extraordinary resourcefulness related to fiscal duties and the ability to act and

make sound fiscal decisions without direction from others Results-oriented - goes the extra mile to meet a critical fiscal deadline or deliverable

Service – provides inspired service to students, faculty, staff or the public that goes beyond what isexpected related to fiscal roles and duties

Stewardship - implements or takes some action which significantly reduces fiscal risk on campus3.2 AWARDS

All recipients of Spot Awards receive up to $25 in value (less taxes if cash or cash-like award), recognitioncertificate, and plaque/pin.


Given at the discretion of the University and Campus Controllers to reward meritorious behavior, notableaccomplishments or special achievements related to fiscal roles and duties, and may be given as they occuror “on the spot.”


The Office of the University Controller requires that each campus Controller report on the distribution ofspot awards - via a website in the Office of University Controller.

3.5 DEADLINES On the spot by controller.


Recognizes and rewards employees and/or employee teams that exhibit high standards of performance,customer service, skills, teamwork, and/or high standards related to fiscal roles and duties and may be based on:

a. Innovation/Efficiency. Recognizes accomplishments that identify and implement new procedures,processes, or ideas that streamline fiscal operations; improve current fiscal procedures, processes;and/or save time, money, or other resources without reducing the quality of services related to fiscalroles and duties.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


b. Outstanding Achievement. Recognizes employee/unit performance related to fiscal roles and dutiesthat has been above and beyond the call of duty; displayed exemplary work by solving a majorproblem or meeting the needs of the University community related to fiscal roles and duties; and/orconsistently performs in an outstanding and exemplary manner related to fiscal roles and duties.


Identified or implemented a new procedure, process, or idea that help improve or streamline operationsrelated to fiscal roles and duties and/or create efficiencies in operations without reducing quality ofservices provided related to fiscal roles and duties.

Exceptional accomplishment related to fiscal roles and duties Performed a noteworthy single act related to fiscal roles and duties

Exemplary service or courtesy to students, individuals in the community or coworkers related to fiscalroles and duties

Outstanding performance above and beyond the scope of fiscal roles and duties Team effort resulting in special accomplishment related to fiscal roles and duties

Exhibits a positive attitude and image reflective of the University’s Fiscal Code of Ethics4.2 AWARDS

Individual Awards - Individuals who are selected for the award based primarily on individual effort andaccomplishment will receive a $100 in prizes, recognition certificate, and plaque/pin. Each individualwill be able to select actual prize from a menu.

Team or Workgroup Awards - Teams or work groups that are selected for the award based on significantteamwork, collaboration and or group/effort will receive total of $250 in prizes, recognition certificates,and team plaque/pins. Individual amounts will vary based on number of individuals in the group. Eachindividual in the group will be able to select individual prize(s) from a menu.


Any University employee (subordinate, supervisor, peer, or other employees, students, and/or faculty)can nominate an eligible CU employee or themselves for a Quarterly Award. Each nominator must:

Complete nomination form (see Attachment A), preferred method is via on-line submission Alternately, nominations form may be submitted to:

Office of the University Controller1800 Grant Street, Suite 600436 UCA, Denver, CO 80203Fax 303-837-2122

Please NOTE: i. Completed nominations must be received by the deadline date.

ii. Incomplete nominations will not be considered and will be returned to Nominator tobe completed.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


The Office of University Controller will: Verify the nominees are eligible for consideration in accordance with the eligibility requirements

described in the eligibility section above. Gather, organize, and forward all eligible nominations to the Selections Committee.

Each complete nomination form will remain in the recognition pool for the Quarterly Awards for a totalof four fiscal quarters.

After four fiscal quarters, if the nominee was not chosen, the Nominator may resubmit the nominationsagain, if desired.


Nominations may be submitted at any time, but should be submitted by the following deadlines to beconsidered for the earliest fiscal quarter possible: First Quarter nominations – n/a for FY2009.

Second Quarter nominations – due December 15, 2008 (Awards to be announced in January 2009) Third Quarter nominations – due March 15, 2009 (Awards to be announced in April 2009)

Fourth Quarter nominations – due June 15, 2009 (Awards to be announced in July 2009)


This annual award presented by the Vice President for Budget and Finance recognizes excellent resultsachieved by individuals related to fiscal roles and duties which required innovation and problem solving;encouraged organizational learning and cooperation; or supported continual improvement and innovation - andas a direct result of their endeavors the University will have achieved measurable, tangible, observable, andpositive outcomes directly related to the fiscal activities of the University.5.1 CRITERIA

• Work that has translated into measurable, tangible, observable, or positive outcomes directly related tothe fiscal activities of the University.

• Efforts that were proactive, anticipating and then responding to a significant need or a great idea relatedto fiscal roles and duties.

• Completion of work related to fiscal roles and duties that has required effort above and beyond the callof normal duty including, in many cases, teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration.


Individuals will receive a $1,000 (after taxes) cash award, recognition certificate and plaque/pin.


Any University employee (subordinate, supervisor, peer, other employees, students, and/or faculty) cannominate an eligible CU employee or themselves for the Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award.

For the Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award, supervisor concurrence is required.

Each nominator must: Complete nomination form (see Attachment B), preferred method is via on-line submission

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


Alternately, nominations form may be submitted to:Office of the University Controller1800 Grant Street, Suite 600436 UCA, Denver, CO 80203Fax 303-837-2122

Please NOTE:

i. Completed nominations must be received by the deadline date. ii. Incomplete nominations will not be considered and will be returned to Nominator to

be completed. A nominee’s supervisor must:

Review nominations form via email from the Office of University Controller and reply withconcurrence or statement of non-support for the nomination.

The Office of University Controller will: Provide a copy of the nomination and a request for concurrence with Nominee’s direct

supervisor. After two attempts, OUC will contact supervisor’s supervisor to request response. If no

response the nomination may be disqualified. Verify the nominees are eligible for consideration in accordance with the eligibility

requirements described in the eligibility section above. Gather, organize, and forward all eligible nominations to the Selections Committee.

Each complete nomination form will remain in the recognition pool for the Vice Presidential FiscalExcellence Award for only the current fiscal year.

The complete nomination packet for the Annual Award must be received by the deadline, but activitiesthat occur in the last quarter of fiscal year may be submitted in the next fiscal year.


Nominations are due on June 1, 2009.

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


ATTACHMENT AFiscal Employee Recognition Program

Office of the University Controller

DRAFT NOMINATION FORM: Quarterly AwardFor Content Purposes – See on-line form for final version

Name ofNominee:

Employee ID:

Job Title Unit/DepartmentName:

Provide a brief description of the specific reason for nomination and how it relates to the applicable awardcriteria selected below.

Please check the criteria you believe this nomination meets: Identified or implemented a new procedure, process, or idea that help improve or streamline operations

and/or create efficiencies in operations without reducing quality of services provided. Exceptional accomplishment Performed a noteworthy single act Exemplary service or courtesy to students, individuals in the community or coworkers Outstanding performance above and beyond the scope of job duties Team effort resulting in special accomplishment Exhibits a positive attitude and image of the University.


Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Please check one of these boxes: It is OK to disclose my name to nominee if asked. It is NOT OK to disclose my name to nominee if asked.



Nominee’sSupervisorName: (ifother thanNominator)

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


ATTACHMENT BFiscal Employee Recognition Program

Office of the University Controller

NOMINATION FORM: VP Excellence AwardFor Content Purposes – See on-line form for final version

Name ofNominee:

Employee ID:

Job Title Unit/DepartmentName:

1. Provide a brief description of the excellent work accomplished:

2. What triggered the effort? (Problem, Need, Idea, etc.)

3. What outcomes resulted from the nominee’s efforts (observable, measurable, tangible)?

4. What is the timeframe for the nominee’s accomplishments?


Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Please check one of these boxes: It is OK to disclose my name to nominee if asked. It is NOT OK to disclose my name to nominee if asked.



Required Review by Supervisor:I acknowledge that my employee has been nominated for the Vice Presidential Fiscal Excellence Award andthe process requires my review and comment. After reviewing this nomination form, I:

Concur with the nomination I disagree with the nomination

Additionally, I offer the following to consideration by the Selection Committee: Nominee’sSupervisorName: (ifother thanNominator)


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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


ATTACHMENT CFiscal Employee Recognition Program

Office of the University Controller

Selection Committee Members

Using the Accounting Overhaul Committee – see

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Office of the University Controller Fiscal Employee Recognition Program


ATTACHMENT DFiscal Employee Recognition Program

Office of the University Controller


Your feedback is important to us. Please complete the following form to provide comments and feedback. Ifyou want a response, please include contact information.

Contact Information:Name:Email:Phone:

Feedback is related to:

Please send me a reply: Y/NComments:

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