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FLASH MOBBy: Mathieu Pacaud

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Our CMOST was not used to its fullest potential. Although many channels were used we didn’t link to other channels as often as we should have. Many different forms of content were utilized throughout the channels including video, Audio, written, and Imagery. This allowed us to reach people in the most convenient way possible which is any way they would like.

Slideshare and Facebook were definitely used to its fullest potential because it allowed anyone to have a quick view of all channels used throughout the flash mob and also explained how to become a part of it.

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Channels In our flashmob we used an abundance of social media

channels. I believe this helped as well as hindered the outcome of the flashmob. I say this because when it comes to the amount of channels we had we began to become overwhelmed and forgot about certain ones when linking to other accounts (Pinterest).

Certain channels we used throughout the flash mob I found to be more of a nuisance then an engaging potion of the flashmob. These channels were primarily Doodly and Pinterest. These channels would be great for certain Flashmobs but were to for ours. If we did want to use doodly we could Perhaps made a doodly station with an iPad where people could draw from there and instantly upload and share them.

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I believe that our social media became hard to manage with the amount of platforms we used. We began to have a bunch of individual platforms attempting to lead rather then working together to engage friends, family, and the public.

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Twitter Debrief

Partial success Used personal accounts Didn’t get any retweets or favorites from

anyone who wasn’t in our class

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YouTube Debrief

Somewhat sucessful Video Before and After flashmob 173 Per video

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Facebook Debrief

25 likes Not enough CMOST Posted often Only classmates followed

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Instagram Debrief

Somewhat success Used personal account as well as

“Chalkaboutit” account Many likes Pushed some images to twitter Over 50 pictures posted

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Doodly Debrief

Not successful Only a few people did Doodly images No CMOST

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Pinterest Debrief

Not successful Not enough followers No repins No CMOST

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Google+ Debrief

Not successful Didn’t have any followers except

Sabrina It was an event people said they would

attend but never did

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Foursquare Debrief

Not a success Only 6 Check-ins 3 Check-in stations only one used Only class mates checked in No CMOST

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Analytics for Instagram

6 followers Over 50 Pictures posted 10 Likes (From classmates)

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Content Improvements

Many of our channels were used well but not to their fullest potential. For example when it came to Facebook and Twitter they were constantly being posted on but didn't share links to other channels as often as they should have to help boost our CMOST.

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Content that worked We had a lot of channels and that may have

worked to our advantage and may not have but certain ones definitely did work to our advantage and those channels were Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. These three platforms were the best in my opinion because they posted prior to the event, during the event and post event. Although YouTube only posted twice upon looking back they did have the highest amount of views / likes.

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Content That didn't work

Many of the channels we used seemed good in theory but when we put them into practice they turned out to be far harder to engage and inspire people to participate. The channels that I think were not of use were Pinterest and Doodly. I believe we should have eliminated these two and put more focus on the larger channels(Youtube and Facebook).

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Mistakes / Missed Opportunities

Pre Event planning was definitely something we missed out on. We tried to combine a large amount of work and planning into far too little time. We should have started earlier to begin building a followership on the accounts we had specifically created for “Chalkaboutit”. By doing this we could have more easily seen the success of fail rate.

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Mistakes / Missed Opportunities Cont’d The brainstorming of our idea took far longer then

it should have. And there was no communication with the Kingston Frontenacs of which were the whole reason behind the flashmob.

We should have picked one spot and made a flash mob rather then what seemed like “flash points” because there was a definite lack of traffic in all areas except market square.

We should have held the flashmob when the Kingston Frontenacs were playing a home game or were in town to involve them.

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Mistakes / Missed Opportunities Cont’d Too many channels were used and

many of them had gotten lost amongst the more primary ones.

I also believe we should have done the flashmob on a weekend afternoon because it would have been warmer as well as I believe there would have been far more traffic.

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We didn’t have a lot of big influencers throughout the campaign but we did have some: Professors, 3rd year students, 2nd year student and even some 1st year student all from the same program.

We should have done our best to interact with Kingston Frontenac's players as well as coaches.

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TacticsThe location we had chosen originally was perfect. Market

Square was an excellent area where many people journey by. But the timing could have been better. We tried to make the flashmob commence at an unorthodox time to encourage the remembrance of it(4:17). Although this seemed like a good idea now that we are in the winter season it gets dark a whole lot fast so we were limited on time.

When planning out our tactics and brainstorming we missed something that would have been a huge game changer in the flashmob. We should have talked to some of the Frontenac's players if not some we should have talked to all of them and encouraged them to help us by tweeting our and drawing their own “k”.

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Many changes could have been made to make this flashmob more of a success but some of the most important ones are:

Started planning sooner Started social media campaigning sooner Involved / told Frontenac's + Coach Should have been done on a weekend Should have been done mid day Chosen one location Chosen Less Channels

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Top Successes

Locations had high potential for involvement and success

Twitter, Facebook, Slideshare CMOST YouTube had 173 + views Program participation Multiple Channels (good and bad) Buzz around SLC

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Top Successes

Lots of Imagery Some Inquiries on what was happening

from strangers

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