Page 1: Flashmob “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9

Listening and Engagement Activity By Kristin Baird, TFO Violin Teaching Artist

Flashmob “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9

1. What is the first instrument to start playing in the video?

2. What do you feel makes flashmobs so successful?

3. The “Ode to Joy” theme is one of the most widely recognized melodies in the world. Why are people drawn to music they recognize?

4. The “Ode to Joy” theme was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven for the last movement of his ninth symphony. This was the first time a major composer had used voices in a large symphony. When in the video do the singers join in? How does adding the singers to the orchestra change the music?

5. The “Ode to Joy” is meant to represent the triumph of universal brotherhood against war and desperation. The poem that Beethoven used for the lyrics even praises and wishes for freedom and peace between all peoples. What are characteristics found in music that bring people together?

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