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Only Answer to Cancer


Excerpt from Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s Books:

“The Only Answer to Cancer”(revised) & How I cured my mother from liver cancer.

Also formally published in the World Wellness Report 2008 and other publications and speeches:

“I’m sorry youre struck with this problem. In my experience there is always hope as long as you dont give up, stay active and keep on fightingand as long as the government stays out of our way to optimum health!

In my experience the mandatory treatment of slaughter called surgery, burning called radiation, or poisoning called chemotherapy, leads to unbelievable horror, loss of quality of life, the massive spreading of the disease and most of all inhumane suffering and early death.

Its my opinion that the “chemical doctors” do not have a cure and in my opinion most people would be better off without treatment than with all of the cutting, poisoning or burning.

The promotion of early detection, saying it will save your life or breast is, in my experience, a blatant lie. What I’ve witnessed is that early detection simply means the instant start of suffering due to mandatory treatments and the loss of quality of life, pain and suffering and an inhumane death.

How do I know this? I cured my mother of liver cancer which was in a terminal state over 30 years ago without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Her healing regimen was completely natural and cost less than $3,000.

The law does not allow me to practice my techniques that have led me to cure patients within weeks and often days. The total costs were usually below $5,000 dollars and the main part of my plan revolves around healthy food, herbs and supplements.

I retired from working with patients for 2 reasons: One was the constant restrictions and attacks from the government, pharmaceutical companies, and the medical industry. Even in spite of having the opinion of leading experts and the highest cancer cure rate in the world! The second reason I retired was to be able to teach, research and educate, and to rid the world of cancer.

I made a promise to God when I was a child. I prayed to him when my mother had another pain attack and seemed to die, that if he helped me to cure my mother, I will spend the rest of my life to help other mothers and fathers and their children. I would help them so they wouldnt have to go to the same kind of pain that I and my mom had to go through. He answered my prayers and that is why Im on this mission today.

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Since all 7 siblings of my mom had cancer, as well as my grandmother dying of cancer, and even my father and stepfather dying of cancer I can tell you that Im sure no one else has the amount of experience with cancer that I have. I have seen it as family member, son and grandson from the start until it killed my relatives.

In my time I have seen over 35,000 patients and have had over 2.2 million seminar attendees that have written to me, sending in their comments and life stories. I have over 7 million readers of my newsletters and reports. I am the doctor that has, in the opinion of leading experts, the highest cancer cure rate in the world. In fact, I am convinced I could cure at least 90% of all cancer patients if I had the legal platform to work with these people the “Dr Coldwell Way.” As long as the patient is willing and still able to do whatever it takes and has no surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, there is no reason Cancer cannot be cured in most people.

I am sure I could cure them within weeks or a few months. But since the law and the ones that make money on your suffering and even death, dont allow me to treat you the way I know would produce results, I legally cannot even tell you what to do or not to do. That’s how the medical profession and pharmaceutical industry protects their Trillion Dollar Cancer Industry. They “make politicians install laws that kill citizens or at least make them sick, and laws that make sure they cannot be cured. They can only be treated to more illness and eventually death by the medical profession with toxic, dangerous and murderous treatments.

Can you tell me why, when it is proven that Essiac herbs, vitamin B17, D and other supplements and herbs are curing cancer, why it is illegal to advertise that fact or sell these products for this cause? There is only one answer: power-hungry bribed politicians, the greedy medical profession, and the pharmaceutical companies dont really want you to be healthy or cured with some organic herbs, foods or supplements for a couple of hundred dollars. Theres no other reason! Im willing to debate and argue this in every LIVE media setting so they cannot cut and change the content before they broadcast it!

For 20 years now the Dr. Leonard Coldwell Foundation has a standing offer to the first medical doctor that can prove that he or she has a higher cancer cure rate than I have one million dollars. To this day, not a single doctor has tried to earn the million dollars.

I could fix the health care crisis in America within 4 years! But, sadly, no one is interested. The bodyguards of the Medical and Pharmaceutical profession, and the FTC and FDA will make sure you will never get the natural assistance and treatment that could help or even cure you in a very short amount of time. Therefore, the best chance you have it to educate yourself. Make educated decisions and take charge of your own health, life and future!

Since freedom of speech is at least partially still my right before they find a way to steal this from us too I can at least tell you what I would do if I were you:

1. I would do a 21 day full body and colon cleansing system from

2. Do the Cancer Protocol from

2a. Medical Fact is that cancer cannot grow in and oxygen rich alkaline environment therefore I would always make sure that my body is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.36.  I

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would achieve this easily with the Acid-Alkaline Protocol from that was created after my historical use for my patients.

2b. Very often a correlation between cancer and fungus / Candida overgrowth is mentioned in the medical world. To make sure I dont suffer from this Candida overgrowth I would do the Candida Remediation Protocol from which was also created after the producer researched my historical use of protocols with my patients in the past.

3. I also would take Hydrosol silver from (and do their metal cleanse too!)

4. I would take vitamin B17

4.a I would use Baking Soda with real Maple Syrup and warm up one tea spoon of Baking Soda with 5 spoons full of Maple syrup.

5. I would take Essiac Capsules from

6. I would eat, if I could afford it, only organic whole foods from and eat fresh organic salads, vegetables and fruit.

7. I would have as much sun as my skin can handle without getting burned. Sun does not cause cancer!

8. I would buy a cheap juicer such as the Jack Lalanne model and have a lot of fresh juice with a lot of greens added.

9. I would walk or exercise just a little every day. Or at least 2 minutes 3 times a week

10. I would eat a vegetarian all organic life food diet

11. I would take Flora-Zymes, Quint-Essence, vitamin E and cal-mag from every day of my life.

**In severe cases I would add oxygen therapy and or 35% hydrogen peroxide therapy. I would take (but I dont encourage anyone else to do it!) 8 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide in 8 ounces of Aloe juice for at least 35 days.

After doing all of this I would know I had done everything to address the physical causes of bad health.

Getting rid of the root cause of all disease! Lack of Energy which is usually caused by stress.

But I also know that the main cause of Cancer is mental and emotional stress. Its scientifically proven that all illnesses are 84% based on stress and only 16% based on physical elements. Therefore, I would know that I would have to uncover and eliminate the root cause of my personal health challenges to be able to get rid of the symptoms and physical malfunctions. I would have to actively apply the information in Instinct Based Medicine How to survive your illness and your doctor (see )

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After doing all of this I would feel confident that I have done everything in my power to be healthy. I would then let Nature, or God, or whatever you call your higher power, do the rest.

Just a reminder: Nearly everybody in my family had cancer! And I don’t have or ever will get cancer!

So the question is: Do you believe the ones that lose or kill about 97% of their cancer patients or the ones that cure cancer on a daily basis. I can provide you with names and hospitals around the world where cancer cures are a daily reality. You will find it in my next newsletters. Please sign up for my free monthly newsletter

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Cancer Diet

Diet for Cancer Patients

Article written by Paul Nison, Author/Speaker and Raw Food Gourmet Chef – Official website of Author Paul Nison -Health E-store for all your health needs


Can diet heal cancer?


If you ask most doctors today, nothing can heal cancer. They will try to cut it out, burn it and kill it. Sometimes they have success in temporally slowing down the inevitable. The reason why they will never have a cure is because as long as the root cause is not removed, the problem will always be there.Stress is a major root cause of cancer and must be reduced and eliminated. Removing stress from your life allows the body to do what it was designed to do; be healthy and disease free.Where does diet come into play? Identifying stressful areas in your life is the first step toward reclaiming your health. Lack of enjoyment for life, money issues, worry and fear build stress. But the most common stress on the body is eating and abusing harmful foods.


Abusing foods is the most common stress to the body. People consume foods that were never meant to be in our body, they eat foods in amounts that they body can’t manage, and they eat at times they shouldnt be eating.


Before viewing my diet suggestions, please understand that health begins with what you eliminate from your diet, not with what you add. The first step in recovery and healing is to

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remove the problem foods from your diet. Then you can replace them with the healthy food you should have been eating from the beginning.


Cancer can only come alive and grow in a body that is lacking oxygen. The average person today, especially someone with cancer, is walking around with a serious case of insufficient oxygen. The following tips are musts if you are serious about overcoming cancer.


First we will discuss what we should eliminate from our diet.


Processed foods


Eating highly processed foods prevent the body from receiving oxygen. Every bite taken from foods that come in a container, box, can, bottle or bag contributes to cancer. I tell everyone to be weary of eating these foods, especially foods without an expiration date. Healthy food is supposed to spoil after a few weeks, even a month. But if it lasts much longer, be weary. Its most likely very processed with many chemicals and other drugs to prolong the shelf life of the food while shortening the life of your body.


New Foods


If it wasn’t food one hundred years ago, don’t consider it food today. New foods also have new drugs and chemicals in them in amounts that are harmful to the body. Big business has created many of these foods because they care more about your wallet than your health.


Dead Foods


If you put a food in the ground and it won’t grow, don’t put it in your body. Foods that have their enzymes in them are known as live foods because they produce and support life. You can put the seeds of these foods into the ground and you will have a tree or plant growing. Foods that lack enzymes are known as dead foods and support death. I am a teacher at the worlds foremost health institute that specializes in healing people with cancer: Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in West Palm Beach, Florida. (I highly suggest everyone with a cancer diagnosis or other health challenges go there. Mention my name for a discount). At HHI, they discovered key essentials to help the body heal itself of cancer. Two of the most common

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suggestions are to eat live foods with their enzymes intact, and include a highly-green, chlorophyll-rich diet. Keep in mind that cooking destroys all enzymes in foods and a person trying to heal from cancer should consume a 100% raw, live-food diet.




The directors of HHI recommend that all people healing cancer should avoid all sugars, even sugars found in fruits. Most people are aware that processed sugars are not healthful, but knowledge is lacking in regards to natural sugars, such as those found in fruits.Regardless of the type of sugar consumed, too much sugar can cause problems. It leads to fermentation in the body that feeds and promotes yeast growth and negative bacteria. Overeating sugary foods causes constipation and gas, and this gas can back up into the bloodstream. This is where most diseases originate–from candida to cancer and everything in between. If you want to be healthy, you must learn to cut back on sugary and starchy foods.


One last tip on things to avoid: If food has to go through the car window, it definitely shouldnt be in your body.


Three things to consume if you want to overcome cancer.


1.Eating high quality food.


If you have cancer you must treat your body the best way possible. This means only consuming food raw, ripe, fresh organic and live. Once you are healed, you can cut back to 80% of your foods meeting this criteria,  but 100% is still best.


The main part of your diet should be raw vegetables and sprouts, such as leafy green vegetables, wheatgrass, algae, sea vegetables, and sunflower sprouts. The reason these green foods are so beneficial for the body is that they contain chlorophyllthe blood of plants.


Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives trees, grasses, and leafy plants their characteristic, green color. More importantly, chlorophyll enables plants to convert the suns energy into nutrients that can be utilized by living organisms. Chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin in human

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blood. Chlorophyll-rich, plant juices supply rich, soil-based minerals, vitamins, and chlorophyll proteins to our diet, plus it contains oxygen.


Foods high in chlorophyll include wheatgrass, which is used at health spas around the world to treat cancer and other deadly diseases, and sea algae which is available in several edible forms.


The foods you should emphasize in your diet are fresh vegetables (green vegetables are best but others are also helpful), non-sweet fruits such as cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers and squash. For example, cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers and squash are technically considered fruits because they have seeds. Because they are non-sweet fruits, they are delicious additions to the diet.


Also in your diet should be nuts and seeds. Soaking nuts and seeds for 6 to 12 hours releases enzymes which allows for easier digestion. Its very easy to consume too many nuts, so be careful.


Whole grains and legumes can be eaten but its best to eat grains that have been sprouted first, so they are easier to digest. The least healthful grains are rye, spelt, basmati rice, white rice, wheat, barley, and corn. The most healthful grains are: millet, quinoa, amaranth, teff, buckwheat (hulled).


Of all the foods mentioned that are okay to consume, sea vegetables and sprouts are the most beneficial. These are the highest quality land and sea vegetation for our nutrients.  Some popular sea vegetables are alaria, arame, dulse, hijiki and nori.


Sprouted food is any type of seed, nut, grain, or bean that has been soaked in water, exposed to air and indirect sunlight, and if rinsed daily, has started to form a new plant, beginning with a sprout. Some examples include: almond sprouts, buckwheat sprouts, sunflower sprouts and mung bean sprouts. Sprouted foods are one of the highest forms of food you can put into your body. They are very helpful for the building of new cells, and provide the cells with oxygen. Green sprouts are very high in chlorophyll.


2. Eating at the right times


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I just wrote a new book called The Daylight Diet (the book can be purchased at The point of the book is to understand that we have been designed to be on schedule if we want to be healthy!


We have all the tools we need and all the intelligence to know the best schedule for us to enjoy a healthy, long, satisfying life. Of the many ideas and concepts regarding nutrition and what foods are most nutritious for the human body, the majority of people have not taken into consideration the times of eating for best digestion.


We have been designed to eat certain foods, and at certain times of the day. Just as water in your gas tank will harm the car, bad foods will harm your body. A car is made to run on certain fuel and so is our body. However, no matter what time of the day you put gas in your gas tank, it wont make a difference. The time you put fuel in your body, however, does make a big difference.


It was our Creator who first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, and planted a garden. He made animals and fish before making even one human being. He provided what we needed before He even created us. If he designed our body and he knows every single hair on our heads, Im sure he knows what we should eat and when we should eat it.


He created the heavens and the earth, including humans, food, sun, and the moon. The sun and the moon set the schedule we have been designed to follow. The information I share in this book can lead to a healthy life only if we stop watching mans calendar and clock and base our time by the sun and the moon each day.


When the sun is up, feel free to eat; when it is down, stop. I cant make this advice any simpler than that! Eat your meals as long as the sun is up and it is light outside. But when it is dark and the moon is rising, your meals should end for the day. This is the number one rule of the Daylight Diet. If you stick to this important principle, you will see excellent results in your health, energy, sleepyour whole beingbecause this is how we have been designed to eat. Nighttime is for resting and sleeping.


Dont eat late in the day. You will get better sleep, have better digestion, slow down the aging process, have more energy, and feel wonderful. Just stop eating late in the dayespecially when its dark outsideand experience for yourself the great results.


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Practicing temperance in eating will rejuvenate your whole body and rid you of most health problems. Your goal should be to reduce the number of meals you consume and reduce the amount of food in those meals, while making sure you are consuming the highest quality food.


The real key to success is to avoid eating at nighttime, and go to sleep on an empty stomach. Food shouldnt be a daily struggle. I can attest that it may not be easy at first, but to be truly successful, you will have to change your thinking along with your diet.3. Eat the right way


When eating, being in a relaxed environment is very important. Its never healthy to eat when stressed no matter how good the food is. In addition, along with the amount of food, number of meals, quality of food, and times you eat that all affect digestion, there is more that needs to be done to keep your body healthy.


After we swallow, the food we’ve eaten is more or less out of our control. Before that, though, we have total control: Proper mastication and food combining can prevent many digestive problems.


Digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva contains an enzyme that helps break down the food and jumpstarts digestion. Chewing helps the body more readily extract the nutrients from the food and cuts down on the work the digestive system has to do. The less work the digestive tract has to do, the more efficiently it will do its job. When we dont chew our food well, it can ferment in our digestive system. The more food is chewed, the easier it is to digest, and the healthier it will be for the body. Even raw foods can cause problems if theyre not properly chewed.


3. Food combining


The types of food we eat together, called food combining, play a big role in good digestion. Eating the wrong foods together or in the wrong order can sap our energy and cause fermenting and putrefaction in the digestive system.


Food combining allows for easier digestion and minimal digestive conflicts. It works like this: Every food takes a certain amount of time to digest. Eating similar foods with similar digestive times helps the body digest meals more easily; these foods are said to combine well.

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For example, watermelon takes about one hour to digest; almonds may take up to five hours. In view of this, eating watermelon and almonds at the same meal is not a good idea, so its known as a poor combination. Eating too many meals like this may cause constipation, bloating, and gas, which may lead to more serious issues.


Final Thought


The human body is amazing when we treat it the way were supposed to. We were designed to eat certain types of foods raw, fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to keep our digestive systems moving and clean. Good health comes only when we have good digestion, and that good digestion only results when we eat properly and healthfully.


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Flaxseed: an Ovarian Cancer-Killer?admin | Sep 19, 2014 | Comments 0

Ovarian cancer has the unfortunate distinction of being the most deadly gynecological cancer known to conventional medical practice today, while also being one of the most frequently misdiagnosed conditions (i.e. ‘overdiagnosed’), with five times more women without ovarian cancer ending up having surgery than those with ovarian cancer. This is a devastating though largely unpublicized fact I discussed in greater depth in a recent article on “Ovarian Cancer: What We Think We Know May Harm Us.”

Considering that the present day ‘standard of care’ within conventional medical practice for ovarian cancer is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy – all of which have deadly side effects including, ironically, cancer and/or increased cancer invasiveness – shouldn’t safe and effective alternatives be given our full attention?

So what are these alternatives?

At we have indexed published research on over 30 natural substances with experimentally confirmed potential as anti-ovarian cancer agents, including common plant phytocompounds such as curcumin (turmeric), genistein (soy, kudzu, red clover), and resveratrol (grapes, red wine, peanuts). But the one substance that is taking on increased relevance in the fight against women-specific cancer is flaxseed, which has already been extensively shown by research to reduce breast cancer incidence, and even shows some direct anti-tumor properties.

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To catch up on this amazing research, you can review some of our previous articles on the topic:

Flaxseed Can Prevent And Kill Breast Cancer, Meta-Analysis Reveals Confirmed: Flaxseed Contains ‘Estrogens’ That Regress Cancer Flaxseeds Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality By Up To 70% The Medicinal Wonder of Flaxseed

A 2010 study published in the journal Gynecological Oncology found that hens fed with a 10% flaxseed-enriched diet for 1 year had “a significant reduction in late stage ovarian tumors”, as well as “overall better health and reduced mortality”. [1] The study authors concluded “These findings may provide the basis for a clinical trial that evaluates the efficacy of flaxseed as a chemo-suppressant of ovarian cancer in women”.

More recently, a study published this year in BMC Genomics  looked deeper into the possible molecular mechanisms involved in flaxseed’s anti-tumor properties in ovarian cancers. [2] Researchers used a “bioinformatic” approach by analyzing the pattern of gene expression in ovarian tumors, identifying which genes are up-regulated when tumors form and which are suppressed when the hens are fed a 10% flaxseed diet.

Interestingly, they found that “a group of highly up-regulated genes that are involved in the embryonic process of branching morphogenesis [note: embryogenesis and carcinogenesis share similarities]” were reduced 40-60% in flaxseed fed hens. Moreover these ‘cancer associated’ changes in gene expression corresponded with increases in two specific cancer-associated biomolecules — E-cadherin and miR200 — both of which were decreased 60-75% in tumors from flax-fed hens.

The study authors concluded “that nutritional intervention with flaxseed targets the pathways regulating branching morphogenesis and thereby alters the progression of ovarian cancer”.

Obviously, this is only preliminary research, and since flaxseed has not gone through validation by the randomized, placebo-controlled, human trials required to receive the FDA drug approval needed for conventional oncologists to feel comfortable recommending it for prevention or treatment of ovarian cancer, you won’t hear anyone within the conventional medical establishment recommend or prescribe it.

But should that prevent us from using it?

As a food, flaxseed is exceptionally safe and affordable. This alone is reason enough to give it priority consideration when it comes to dietary and/or functional medical interventions for serious conditions that conventional medicine admits it has no effective solutions for.

Lastly, true prevention requires the avoidance of preventable causes of ovarian cancer which include chemicals and incompatible foods. GreenMedInfo’s ovarian cancer research page lists several known risk factors for ovarian cancer, e.g. cow’s milk, bisphenol A, acrylamide.

In short, often the ‘cure’ for cancer is to identify, remove and/or remedy the damage associated with the cause.


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[1] Kristine Ansenberger, Cassandra Richards, Yan Zhuge, Animesh Barua, Janice M Bahr, Judith L Luborsky, Dale Buchanan Hales. Decreased severity of ovarian cancer and increased survival in hens fed a flaxseed-enriched diet for 1 year. Gynecol Oncol. 2010 Feb 12. Epub 2010 Feb 12. PMID: 20153884

[2] Karen H Hales, Sheree C Speckman, Nawneet K Kurrey, Dale B Hales. Uncovering molecular events associated with the chemosuppressive effects of flaxseed: a microarray analysis of the laying hen model of ovarian cancer. BMC Genomics. 2014 ;15(1):709. Epub 2014 Aug 24. PMID: 25150550

Sayer Ji – Author:

The top 10 worst sources of aspartameadmin | Mar 05, 2012 | Comments 0

If you think you are making a healthier option because you chose to have diet soda over a regular soda drink, its time to think again. Crafty advertising may have given the term “sugar free” an impression of healthy alternative, but the truth of the matter is that chemical sweeteners are far from healthy.

Despite the dismissive stand of aspartame producers that aspartame is safe for human consumption, various studies over the years have shown that aspartame is actually linked to headaches, migraines, dizziness, tumors and even cancer. The U.S. FDA made public 92 symptoms attributed to aspartame from submitted complaints. Despite its questionable effect, aspartame was approved for use in 1981 and still continues to be so today. Ironically, aspartame was never tested in humans before its approval. Its use in over 6,000 products and by 250 million people has made the public its unwitting guinea pig in a grand experiment 40 years in the making.

Key to health: Low-Sugar, not sugar-freeStocking up on diet foods is the best way to gain weight. Latest research on aspartame has revealed that it actually increases the risk of weight gain. Being 200 times sweeter than sugar, aspartame appears to be the perfect answer to dieting since it contains only a few calories while still having the sweet taste of sugar. Unfortunately, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, major components of aspartame, trigger the release of insulin and leptins. The latter are hormones that stimulate storage of body fat.

Moreover, large doses of phenylalanine lower serotonin levels and lead to food cravings. Since both real and artificial sweeteners stimulate the taste buds, they affect the same taste and pleasure pathways in the brain. Artificial sweeteners, however, merely activate but do not satiate the pleasure-related region of the brain, proving to be an inferior system in preventing sugar cravings. In theYale Journal of Biology and Medicine, researcher Qing Yang – a faculty at theDepartment of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology- published findings that revealed artificial sweeteners more likely to cause weight gain than weight loss.

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This is over and above the fact that aspartame is also highly addictive. The phenylalanine and methanol components increase the dopamine levels in the brain and cause a certain high. This further creates an addiction that is only made worse by the release of methyl alcohol or methanol, which is considered a narcotic. Keeping this in mind, it’s time we reconsider the “health benefits” aspartame is supposed to give.

Products containing aspartameThe following are well-known products that use aspartame:

o Diet sodas


o Yogurts


o Chewing gum


o Cooking sauces


o Crisps


o Tabletop sweeteners


o Drink powders


o Flavored water


o Sugar-free products



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The above mentioned popular products are just a few of many that contain aspartame. Despite the rising reports of aspartame’s toxicity, a re-investigation by the FDA as well as of key regulatory bodies worldwide doesn’t seem to be coming anytime soon. We can only protect ourselves by making a conscious choice to check the label of every product we buy at the grocery store.

If you have complaints regarding aspartame, don’t be shy in making your complaint known. The last thing you want to be is a face in a crowd lining up before a government office that doesn’t have your interest at heart.

Sources for this article:


John D. Rockefeller’s American Cancer Society Never Meant to ‘CURE’ Canceradmin | Sep 23, 2014 | Comments 0

Did you realize that all conventional methods of killing cancer have only a 3% overall ‘cure’ rate? Chemotherapy and radiation not only have low cure rates, but they also kill healthy cells and often make cancer worse, when this is completely unnecessary because most cells can be reverted into healthy, non-damaging cells with the right treatment.

That’s not something the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Susan G. Komen for the Cure want you to know, though. They are in bed with Big Pharma, and financed by the legacy of John D. Rockefeller who started the ACS in 1913.

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An Unfortunate History

The ACS was begun as a business model – not a means to ‘cure’ people from life-threatening illness. It’s also a brilliant way to wash dirty money. The ACS, in fact, receives more money in contributions every few minutes than the Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF) (which has 90% ‘cure rates’) receives in a full year!!

John D. Rockefeller is also the son of the founder of the pharmaceutical industry in the US. Sterling Drug, Inc., the largest holding company in the Rockefeller Drug Empire and its 68 subsidiaries, showed profits in 1961 of $23,463,719 after taxes, on net assets of $43,108,106 – a 54% profit.

Squibb, another Rockefeller-controlled company, made not 6%, but 576% on the actual value of its property  in 1945. At this time, the Army Surgeon General’s Office and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery were also heavily promoting vaccines to the tune of 200 million ‘shots’ per year.

Furthermore, the Rockefeller’s Trust to promote the pharmaceutical industry is also evidenced in their well-publicized donations to Harvard Medical School (more than $8 million in donations), Yale (who received more than $7 million), John Hopkins (more than $10 million in donations), Washington University in St. Louis (more than $2 million), Columbia University (who received more than $5 million in donations), and Cornell (more than $1.7 million).

Read: Greed – Why An Accepted ‘Cure’ for Cancer Won’t be Found

The Rockefeller Foundation itself was also set up in 1904 by something called the General Education Fund – which we can only assume now was meant to ‘educate’ the masses in illness and death.

By May of 1915, the Supreme Court tried to stop this illegal drug racketeering, but even though the trust was ordered to be dismantled, the Rockefellers were already above the law.

It is this very unsavory history that has brought us to the pharmaceutical paradigm we are mesmerized with today. Sadly, our government Supreme Court, minor courts, and politicians somehow decided ‘if you can’t beat them, join them,’ and now we have – from teaching hospitals and universities, to research endowments and 501c3s, promoting a 3% ‘cure’, when there are abundantly better ways of treating cancer.

These institutions also promote an idea that cancer cells cause damage to DNA, but in the 1930s, it was proven that cancer cells could be turned back into healthy ones – before DBA was even discovered!

The industry tried very hard to discredit the studies of Dr. Royal Rife, who discovered that cancer could be treated more holistically. The AMA had a field day with his 1987 book, entitled The Cancer Cure That Worked. In 1934, Mr. Royal Rife and his associates opened 2 small clinic in California and treated sixteen cases of cancer with treatments that lasted only three minutes. Rife’s treatments rendered no adverse side effects and were 100% effective, but his is not the only story of successful cancer treatment that has been suppressed.

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Since the 1900s, multiple cancer treatments that cost little or nothing have been suppressed by the legacy of the Rockefeller’s shady business. From cannabis oil miracles to Essiac tea, as soon as someone starts to interfere with Big Pharma’s money with sound solutions, you can bet they are getting a one-way ticket out of town, harassed, smacked with lawsuits, and even pronounced the sentence of death.

It is time to end their reign. They are not kings, but criminals.

Additional Sources:


Author: Christina Sarich

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