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practice-based CPD for growth

Chrissi NerantziAcademic DeveloperManchester Metropolitan University


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Formal CPD?

• Conception that only formal CPD is proper CPD? (mentioned in: King, 2004; Crawford, 2009)

• non-formal, practice-based activities also CPD > the “invisible curriculum” (Blackmore & Castley, 2006)

• after PgCert no engagement in CPD (TESEP, 2007) > no formal engagement perhaps?

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CPD when?

• reactive (Roscoe, 2002)

• self-driven (King, 2004)

• pro-active (Crawford, 2009)

• the need for ongoing (King, 2004; Mainka, 2007; Browne Report (2010); UK Quality Code, 2012)

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MMU Strategy for Learning, Teaching and Assessment

• Principle 1: We will provide an excellent learning environment and outstanding student experience

• Principle 2: MMU provides an innovative, flexible, enterprising and internationalised curriculum

• Principle 3: Assessment at MMU is an integrated and integral part of learning and teaching

• Principle 4: Student progression, confidence and success will be achieved through outstanding personalised and individual support

• Principle 5: Programmes are responsive to quality enhancement procedures throughout the student lifecycle

• Principle 6: Staff are lifelong learners, fully engaged with their own professional development

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Challengestime, workloadrapid changesless with more and betterjust-in-time, on-the job CPD needed

Work smart!

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•What is it?•Why is it good for me?•How do I engage?•What do I get for it?


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FLEX options 15/30 credits




FLEX [Creativity,

FOS, named themes]

FLEX [Creativity,

FOS, named themes]


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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

• Critically reflect on their engagement with CPD (focuses on the nature of the learning environment and culture within their specific discipline)

• Produce a critical narrative, which demonstrates the impact of their engagement with FLEX [brackets] on their practice and the student experience

EXAMPLENote: FLEX [brackets]: This iteration of FLEX has a focus on Creativity for Learning. This will be displayed on the transcript within the brackets > FLEX [Creativity for Learning]

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indicative open pool of CPD opportunities linked to learning & teaching

planning a session flexible learning formative assessment

supporting students in the classroom

supporting students outside the classroom

using stories

large group teaching

collaborative learning

summative assessment

tutorials developing digital literacies

using LEGO(R) Serious(R) Play

small group teaching

creating learning communities

assessment as learning

dialogic feedback inclusive learning and teaching

using audio to develop reflection

flipped classroom social media for learning

portfolios for learning

using the Socratic dialogue

game-based learning

using video in the classroom

supporting students

using the VLE creatively

inclusive assessment

group assessment problem-based learning

work-based learning

blended learning using smart devices for learning and teaching

peer assessment self-assessment project-based learning

learning through making

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indicative types of FLEX activities

observation of teaching/microteach session

presenting at a L& T conference/event

participating in a webinar

participating in an open course

carry out evaluation of teaching activity

participating in an internal workshop

attending a conference/event

leading a webinar leading an open course

co-facilitating an open course

co-facilitating workshop

pedagogical research participating in an external workshop

using self-study resources


mentoring coaching creating resources for students

professional discussion with colleagues

(funded) project

participating in a project

leading a pedagogical project

participating in a short course

leading a short course creating resources for staff development

curriculum development activity

curriculum enhancement activity

reflection on practice team-teaching evaluating a student survey

discipline specific pedagogic activity

generic pedagogic research

peer review listening event creating/adapting open educational resources

reading a L&T article, paper/book

discussion with a colleague around L&T

external examining validation panel visit, trip, exhibition

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Participate/Lead a workshop at a conference

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Participate/Lead a webinar

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Participate in a workshop, informal course

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Join a community

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Participate in a tweetchat, lead one or join the organising team

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Participate informally in another module

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3 x 850 words or equivalent

5 x 1000 words or equivalent



Link to own practice

Analysis of the situation underpinned by relevant literature

Action planSpecific, based on an informed rationale and anticipate outcomes for students

Assessment Task (100% - Full and final element of Assessment – 2500/5000 words or equivalent)

Students are required to demonstrate the learning from 3/5 FLEX CPD activities linked to their teaching practice/supporting students and the impact this learning has had on their practice and the student experience.

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• practice-based academic CPD for teaching tailored to priorities and aspirations• activities linked to current/past CPD, subject-specific or more generic• pick ‘n’ mix academic CPD activities per academic year• capture CPD in academic portfolio

What is it?

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What can I get for it?

Successful engagement in FLEX can• help you gain 15 or 30 academic credits at Postgraduate level towards the

PgCert in LTHE/HE or the MA in HE• Work towards an HEA professional recognition (AFHEA or FHEA) and gain 15 or

30 credits of the above mentioned programmes• evidence CPD for PDR purposes

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FLEX 15/30[PSF] (see FLEX [PSF] Handbook)

Co-accredited by the HEA to also award HEA Fellowships:

• FLEX15 [PSF] – Associate Fellow of the HEA

• FLEX30 [PSF] – Fellow of the HEA

Activities used as sections of the portfolio are chosen to align with the UKPSF (2011) : Descriptors for D1 & D2 and dimensions of practice

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The UK PSF21

Areas of Activity (WHAT)

• Design and plan

• Teach/support

• Assess/give feedback

• Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support/guidance

• Engage in CPD incorporating research, scholarship and evaluation of professional practices

Core Knowledge (HOW)

• Subject

• Appropriate methods of teaching and learning

• How students learn

• Use and value appropriate learning technologies

• Methods for evaluating effectiveness of teaching

• Quality assurance and quality enhancement

Professional Values (WHY)

• Respect individual learners and learning communities

• Promote participation and equality of opportunities

• Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and CPD

• Acknowledge the wider context in which HE operates recognising implications for professional practice MMU PSF at

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Requirements of FLEX [PSF]

FLEX15 • 3 Sections aligned with 3 Areas of Activity

– Must incorporate AA5:CPD –this section must include reference to engagement with peer observation and dialogue with your FLEX mentor

– Must clearly reference CK1 (Subject knowledge) & 2 (Subject specific teaching and learning theory)

– Incorporate a mapping tool to demonstrate engagement with appropriate dimensions

FLEX30• 5 Sections aligned with 5 Areas of Activity

– Within AA5:CPD –this section must include reference to engagement with peer observation and dialogue with your FLEX mentor

– Must integrate engagement with all dimensions of practice– Incorporate a mapping tool to demonstrate engagement with all dimensions

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Academic portfolio• develop reflective skills and habits• a personal and collaborative development space for teaching and research activities• evidence academic CPD that is recognised as such

image by Nate Steiner, source

Go digital!

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How? Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988)


1. Description

What happened?

2. Feelings

What were you thinking and


3. Evaluation

What was good and bad about

the experience?

4. Analysis

What sense can you make

of the situation?

5. Conclusion

What else could you have


6. Action plan

If it arose again, what

would you do?

own perspective

link to theory



Brookfield Critical Lenses





stepping back

being self-critical

exploring options

linking to action

“... the process by which we research the assumptions informing our own practice by viewing these through four complementary lenses – the lenses of our students’ eyes, colleagues’ perceptions, literature and our own autobiography. [...] Finally, we can review our personal autobiographies as learners so that we can make visceral connections to, and gain a better understanding of, the pleasures and terrors our own students are experiencing.” (Brookfield, 2006, 26)

A reflective model might be useful!

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FLEX activity

open pool of CPD opportunities

academic portfolio brief description of FLEX activity

critical reflection and development points

value/impact on practice & evidence

FLEX unit (15/30 credits at Level 7)unit assessment (UK PSF, SLTA)

CPD requirements (UK PSF, SLTA)

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Example portfolios…Colleagues Units completed

Dr Marilena Antoniadou Generic FLEX

Olivia Glasser Generic FLEX and Creativity unit

Marcin Wozniak Generic FLEX and Creativity unit

Matthew Crossley FLEX 15 [Creativity for Learning]

Daniel Orwin FLEX 30 [Creativity for Learning]

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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

• Critically reflect on their engagement with CPD (focuses on the nature of the learning environment and culture within their specific discipline)

• Produce a critical narrative, which demonstrates the impact of their engagement with FLEX [brackets] on their practice and the student experience

Note: FLEX [brackets]: This iteration of FLEX has a focus on Creativity for Learning. This will be displayed on the transcript within the brackets > FLEX [Creativity for Learning]

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3 x 850 words or equivalent

5 x 1000 words or equivalent



Link to own practice

Analysis of the situation underpinned by relevant literature

Action planSpecific, based on an informed rationale and anticipate outcomes for students

Assessment Task (100% - Full and final element of Assessment – 2500/5000 words or equivalent)

Students are required to demonstrate the learning from 3/5 FLEX CPD activities linked to Creativity for Learning and the impact this learning has had on their practice and the student experience.

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Academic CPDProfessional Recognition HEA

(AFHEA, FHEA), Good Standing

FLEX developmental CPD programme

Academic qualifications (PgCert, MA in HE)

Informal CPD

FLEX 15 (D1) FLEX 30 (D2) Formal route

Informal route

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Academic Portfolio

(Teaching & Research)

Academic Portfolio

(Teaching & Research)


CPD Requirements

CPD Requirements



Professional RecognitionProfessional Recognition

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Teaching & Learning Conversations, monthly webinars

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, weekly tweetchats, every Wednesday 8-9pm

Creativity for Learning in HE, MMU unit and open course, ongoing engagement

Bring your own device for learning, 5-day open learning event

Also available:• open

Assessment course

• Open Programme Leadership course

Workshop series

Flexible, Open and Social Learning, open course

OER with creative teaching ideas, use and contribute

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The wheel of teachingWhere are you now? Date:


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Browne Report (2010) Securing a sustainable future for higher education, Department for Employment and Learning, available at

Crawford, K. (2009) Continuing Professional Development in Higher Education: Voices from Below, EdDthesis, University of Lincoln, available at

King, H. (2004) Continuing Professional Development in Higher Education: what do academics do?, in: Educational Developments, Issue 5.4, Dec. 2004, pp. 1-5, available at

Mainka, C. (2007) Putting Staff first in Staff Development for Effective Use of Technology in Teaching, in: British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 158-160.

Roscoe, J. (2002) ‘Continuing Professional Development in Higher Education’ Human Resource Development International 5(1), pp. 3-9.

The UK Quality Code for Higher Eduction (2012) Glouchester: Quality Assurance Agency, available at

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All FLEX resources, access to and participation in open courses are free to all colleagues working at collaborative partner institutions.

If your institution is interested in gaining academic credits for FLEX, as part of the PgCert or the MA in Higher Education or as a stand-alone CPD unit, please get in touch with CELT to discuss your specific needs. MMU and your institution would have to come to a separate agreement regarding this.

Please contact Chrissi Nerantzi at [email protected]

For Collaborative Partners

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This workshop/course counts towards FLEX, which is a personalised and practice-based CPD programme with formal and informal pathways and enables you to get recognition via the FLEX award for your CPD activities, work towards up to 30 credits of the PgCert/MA in Higher Education and help in preparation for an application for professional recognition with the HEA.

FLEX activities need to have a focus on learning and teaching. To find out more about FLEX and how to submit your claim, please visit FLEX at or on Twitter using the hashtag #flexcpd

FLEX co-ordinators: Chrissi Nerantzi at [email protected] & Mike Lowe at [email protected]

FLEX, practice-based CPD

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