

Flight Report

September, 06 - 2014


1. Strategy Flight ....................................................................................................................... 2

2. Weather Conditions Before Flight ......................................................................................... 3

3. Weather Conditions During Flight ......................................................................................... 4



1. Strategy flight

Strategy flight for September 6 was Pattern #4 – Alta Floresta SBAT and Pattern #7 – Boa Vista

SBBV (Figure 1.1). Those patterns were chosen due to weather conditions, discussed in chapter

2. The altitude path strategy is presented in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.1 - Flight strategy.


Figure 1.2 - Altitude path for the flight.

2. Weather conditions before flight

Figure 2.1 shows the general weather conditions for 14:30 UTC, approximately one hour before

HALO took off. Close to Manaus, Cirrus clouds were dominant during the morning (local time)

and no significant precipitation was observed close to the airport. A large convective system

acted relatively close to the southernmost edge of the planned flight pattern. Some fire spots

were active in the state of Pará and to the north, state of Roraima, the atmosphere was probably

much cleaner as no biomass burning was detected.

Figure 2.1: general weather conditions for 14:30 UTC, one hour before HALO departure. Red

dots are fire spots, green lines are radars coverage. Probability of lightning is shown over clouds

in the GOES-13 IR image. The planned HALO path is presented in blue, with the respective


Sounding obtained at 12:00 UTC at Ponta Pelada (Figure 2.2) presents a lifted condensation level

(LCL) at aproximatelly 850 hPa, a dry adiabatic lapse rate between the surface and 750 hPa and

a saturated adiabatic lapse rate between 750 hPa and 250 hPa. Ambient was relatively dry

between 550 hPa and 200 hPa, winds blew from the west between surface and 500 hPa, from

south between 500 hPa and 250 hPa and from west again above that level. Convective Available

Potential Energy (CAPE) was 131 J/kg and Convective Inhibition (CIN) was 52 J/kg.


Figure 2.2 – Ponta Pelada radiosonde of September 6th at 12 UTC.

3. Conditions during flight

At departure time, some precipitation was observed to the south of the airport by the SIPAM S-

band radar (Figure 3.1). The systems were close to the planned flight path. Right after takeoff

HALO reached those systems, between Solimões and Negro rivers. They were characterized as

localized rain cells below or near the Cirrus line mentioned before.


Figure 3.1 - conditions near the airport at/near departure time. Radar data on both images

are from SIPAM S-band radar.

Satellite images during flight (Figure 3.2) shows deep convection in the north of Mato Grosso

and southern Pará states during the first hour of flight, as well as cirrus and small cumulus in

Amazonas. In the following hours, convection grew in the eastern Amazonas.


Figure 3.2 - Visible image from GOES-13 satellite at 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 UTC

in September 06, 2014.

Figure 3.3 shows the AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) at 13:50 UTC from MODIS aboard

TERRA satellite over Amazon basin. AOD values above 0.3 were observed at southern

Manaus, with maximum value of approximately 0.7 observed in both Rondonia state and

southern Amazonas, probably due to fires in those regions. Cleaner atmosphere is


observed north of Manaus, which can be seen as lower values of Aerosol Optical Depth

(less than 0.15).

Figure 3.3 - Spatial distribution of AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) in September 06, 2014

at 13:50 UTC from MODIS aboard TERRA satellite over Amazon basin. The red asterisk

represents the localization of the Manaus (in the north) and Alta Floresta (in the south)

cities. Source: Data from

Flight Summary: HALO-Campaign ACRIDICON-CHUVA

Flight number: AC07 Date, base: 2014-09-06 (Saturday), SBEG Block/TO/LDG/Block/FH: 1556/1606/2329/2335Z /7:40 Mission type: Cloud Profiling Flight pattern: Combination of official patterns #4 and #7. In fact, flight to Alta

Floresta VOR (ATF), cloud profiling ca 30 nm W of ATF, return to Manaus VOR (MNS), north to ARVUM, return to SBEG

Participants: Aircrew: Pilot: Michael Grossrubatscher Co-Pilot: Steffen Gemsa Technician: Ralf Zink

Scientists: Meinrat Andreae (Mission PI), Rachel Albrecht, Florian Ewald, Daniel Fütterer, Emma Järvinen

Observer: Ten. Fialho

Instrument status: Radiation

EAGLE/HAWK: OK. Fly-bys should be at greater distance HAI: OK miniDOAS: n/op first part, possible overheat on apron SMART: OK, short data gaps SNOOPY: OK

PMS CAS-DPOL: OK CCP: OK MTP: Overheat at low levels NIXE-CAPS: OK, but hot wires n/op PHIPS: n/op, computer did not start PCASP-100X: OK PIP: OK SID-3: Initial overheat, then OK UHSAS-A: Ok, with some connection problems

Gas ALABAMA-NOy: OK, some spikes PAN-MS: Not used AMTEX: O3 OK, CO some data gaps TDS: Not used

Aerosol C-ToF-AMS: OK. CVI run times too short CVI-Rack: OK. Some strange flows from CCN rack CCN: OK until midway thru cloud profiling, then some problems with controls AMETYST: Problems with both DMAs. OPC ok. FINCH: Data for part of flight. Connected to HASI BAHAMAS: One hour of data from boom lost due to icing, else OK SatCom: OK, but file transfer failed Flight remarks: 1556Z: Cirrus in Manaus region quite dense. Sct low cu. Cumulus had been building since about

1030L (1430Z). 1606Z: Takeoff. Direct UTPAM. Quite hazy 1610Z: FL100. Anti-ice on. Hold level 2 min. 1614Z: Haze tops out at about FL130. Abundant cu. 1622Z: Passing outflows. SAT -28 at FL288 1625Z: Hold 5 min at FL300, then descend to BL 1645Z: Top of aerosol layer at 11000’ 1652Z: Cross Rio Tapajos. Hazy. Fire at river. Cloud base 4000’ 1701Z: Communication problems. CN ~2000/cc at low level over savanna (cerrado) 1703Z: Climb to FL100. Cloud base 4100’. MiniDOAS needs hard reset. Water cloud passed at 8700’,

SAT 11C 1718Z: FL 300, hold

1727Z: Descend 1704Z: Turn west at ATF 1745Z: Over deforested areas. Cloud bases at 5800’ 1750Z: begin clod profiling with 5000’run below cloud base. SAT 19C, CN ~2000/cc 1808Z: sample on CVI

Level Time SAT MVD rem 5800 19 Cloud base 6000 1805 18 3 Some ice particles 6300 1820 17 6 Few graupel, small rain, few large drops,

CN ~1750/cc 6800 1826 16 3/4/7 water 7800 1836 14 4 to 1800 9300 1840 11 13/12 CN ~1300/cc

11300 1846 16 13300 1858 4 16 Some rain 12300 1903 17 14900 1915 2 18/20 16800 1916 -3 30000 1926 -30 No water, only ice 27900 1933 -25 Ice and water 26500 1940 -21 Mostly ice 23000 2004 -15 Mostly water, CN ~600/cc 22000 2009 -12 Water and some ice 20000 2015 -8 Water 33000 2031 -39 Can’t find any more isolated cu at this

level 2031Z: At outflow level. Sampling outflow. SAT -45. CN >5000/cc 2040Z: Turn back to ATF. CN ~5000. Non-volatiles < 10%. Reduce speed from 250 kts to 230 kts. 2045Z: Small ice. Enter outflow again. CVI-CPC: 60-100/cc. Massive anvil above us. 2050Z: CCN etc. to CVI 2056Z: Outflow. Static electricity. Lots of ice particles. CN now only ~1000/cc 2101Z: Still in outflow. Getting thinner. Pristine ice particles. 2116Z: Climb to FL400. At 400 still in outflow or cirrus at SAT -55 C. Continue slow climb to FL430 2126Z: Pristine ice particles. Could this be “normal” cirrus? Passed through large area of clear air, then another broad outflow band close to MNS. At

MNS, turn to ARVUM. 100 nm from ARVUM descend to FL 80. 2229Z: Approaching ARVUM. CN ~500/cc at 8000’. (Ground elevation about 100 m). 2232Z: Turn at ARVUM. Climb to FL100, then FL150. 2310Z: Begin approach to SBEG 2316Z: Anti-ice off 2329Z: Landing 2335Z: On blocks

Flight track

Flight Summary: HALO-Campaign ACRIDICON-CHUVA

Flight number: AC07 Date, base: 2014-09-06 (Saturday), SBEG Block/TO/LDG/Block/FH: 1556/1606/2329/2335Z /7:40 Mission type: Cloud Profiling Flight pattern: Combination of official patterns #4 and #7. In fact, flight to Alta

Floresta VOR (ATF), cloud profiling ca 30 nm W of ATF, return to Manaus VOR (MNS), north to ARVUM, return to SBEG

Participants: Aircrew: Pilot: Michael Grossrubatscher Co-Pilot: Steffen Gemsa Technician: Ralf Zink

Scientists: Meinrat Andreae (Mission PI), Rachel Albrecht, Florian Ewald, Daniel Fütterer, Emma Järvinen

Observer: Ten. Fialho

Instrument status: Radiation

EAGLE/HAWK: OK. Fly-bys should be at greater distance HAI: OK miniDOAS: n/op first part, possible overheat on apron SMART: OK, short data gaps SNOOPY: OK

PMS CAS-DPOL: OK CCP: OK MTP: Overheat at low levels NIXE-CAPS: OK, but hot wires n/op PHIPS: n/op, computer did not start PCASP-100X: OK PIP: OK SID-3: Initial overheat, then OK UHSAS-A: Ok, with some connection problems

Gas ALABAMA-NOy: OK, some spikes PAN-MS: Not used AMTEX: O3 OK, CO some data gaps TDS: Not used

Aerosol C-ToF-AMS: OK. CVI run times too short CVI-Rack: OK. Some strange flows from CCN rack CCN: OK until midway thru cloud profiling, then some problems with controls AMETYST: Problems with both DMAs. OPC ok. FINCH: Data for part of flight. Connected to HASI BAHAMAS: One hour of data from boom lost due to icing, else OK SatCom: OK, but file transfer failed Flight remarks: 1556Z: Cirrus in Manaus region quite dense. Sct low cu. Cumulus had been building since about

1030L (1430Z). 1606Z: Takeoff. Direct UTPAM. Quite hazy 1610Z: FL100. Anti-ice on. Hold level 2 min. 1614Z: Haze tops out at about FL130. Abundant cu. 1622Z: Passing outflows. SAT -28 at FL288 1625Z: Hold 5 min at FL300, then descend to BL 1645Z: Top of aerosol layer at 11000’ 1652Z: Cross Rio Tapajos. Hazy. Fire at river. Cloud base 4000’ 1701Z: Communication problems. CN ~2000/cc at low level over savanna (cerrado) 1703Z: Climb to FL100. Cloud base 4100’. MiniDOAS needs hard reset. Water cloud passed at 8700’,

SAT 11C 1718Z: FL 300, hold

1727Z: Descend 1704Z: Turn west at ATF 1745Z: Over deforested areas. Cloud bases at 5800’ 1750Z: begin clod profiling with 5000’run below cloud base. SAT 19C, CN ~2000/cc 1808Z: sample on CVI

Level Time SAT MVD rem 5800 19 Cloud base 6000 1805 18 3 Some ice particles 6300 1820 17 6 Few graupel, small rain, few large drops,

CN ~1750/cc 6800 1826 16 3/4/7 water 7800 1836 14 4 to 1800 9300 1840 11 13/12 CN ~1300/cc

11300 1846 16 13300 1858 4 16 Some rain 12300 1903 17 14900 1915 2 18/20 16800 1916 -3 30000 1926 -30 No water, only ice 27900 1933 -25 Ice and water 26500 1940 -21 Mostly ice 23000 2004 -15 Mostly water, CN ~600/cc 22000 2009 -12 Water and some ice 20000 2015 -8 Water 33000 2031 -39 Can’t find any more isolated cu at this

level 2031Z: At outflow level. Sampling outflow. SAT -45. CN >5000/cc 2040Z: Turn back to ATF. CN ~5000. Non-volatiles < 10%. Reduce speed from 250 kts to 230 kts. 2045Z: Small ice. Enter outflow again. CVI-CPC: 60-100/cc. Massive anvil above us. 2050Z: CCN etc. to CVI 2056Z: Outflow. Static electricity. Lots of ice particles. CN now only ~1000/cc 2101Z: Still in outflow. Getting thinner. Pristine ice particles. 2116Z: Climb to FL400. At 400 still in outflow or cirrus at SAT -55 C. Continue slow climb to FL430 2126Z: Pristine ice particles. Could this be “normal” cirrus? Passed through large area of clear air, then another broad outflow band close to MNS. At

MNS, turn to ARVUM. 100 nm from ARVUM descend to FL 80. 2229Z: Approaching ARVUM. CN ~500/cc at 8000’. (Ground elevation about 100 m). 2232Z: Turn at ARVUM. Climb to FL100, then FL150. 2310Z: Begin approach to SBEG 2316Z: Anti-ice off 2329Z: Landing 2335Z: On blocks

Flight track

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