Page 1: Food  Literacy  - maddannelse begreber og forståelser

Food Literacy - maddannelse begreber og forståelser

Jette BennIUP(DPU), Aarhus Universitet


Page 2: Food  Literacy  - maddannelse begreber og forståelser


• Hvad er mad?• Hvad er literacy og food literacy (review)?• Hvad er maddannelse?• Hvilken betydning har det for didaktiske og

sundhedspædagogiske overvejelser? • Hvilke temaer og udviklingsarbejder kunne

være relevante?

Page 3: Food  Literacy  - maddannelse begreber og forståelser

Min historie – forskning og erfaringer

• Maderfaringer:omsorg, opfostring,opdragelse, oplevelse

• Børns møde med mad i skolen, i undervisning og spisepause

• Aktionsforskning og udviklingsarbejde i hjemkundskab - lærebøger

• Børns oplevelse, erfaringer, forståelser

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Model for madens niveauer(Benn, 2009, 2013)

Hvad er mad?

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‘Food is a complex case. It’s consumption is universal, mundane and polyvalent. Everyone eats, most eat several times a day without much reflection; yet the activity is integrally connected with many other highly meaningful aspects of living. It is meaningful because social;’

(Warde 1997 s. 181)

Page 6: Food  Literacy  - maddannelse begreber og forståelser

Food literacy reviewSøgeord Food literacy, nutrition literacy,

kitchen literacy, cooking literacy Children and adolescents

Intro-søgning Google Scholar, alle dpb baser


Proquest, peer reviewed, Engelsk, tysk, svensk, norsk

HitsUdvælgelse Anvendelse

221 21 14 + 2 udover review-resultater

Page 7: Food  Literacy  - maddannelse begreber og forståelser

Literacy• ‘Reading the word and the world’ (Freire, 1987)• ‘A dialectical relationship between human beings and the

world’ (Giroux i: Freire & Macedo, 1987)• ‘To be well educated, learned’ (UNESCO, 2013)

1) som et autonomt sæt af færdigheder (i bred forstand, min tilføjelse)

2) som anvendte, praktiserede og situerede3) som en læreproces4) som tekst (i bred forstand, min tilføjelse)

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Food literacy bekymringer & begrundelser

• Mangel på kundskab om hvor maden kommer fra (Vileisis, 2008)

• Mangel på madlavnings- forbrugerfærdigheder og -kundskaber – ‘deskilling’ (Caraher & Lang, 1998 Caraher et al, 1999, Jaffe & Gertler, 2006, Thonney & Bisogni, 2006)

• Mangel op kundskabe i forhold til evnen til at læse og forstå ernæringsinformationer

• Det voksende ‘obsogene’ (overvægtige) samfund• For at udvikle et nyt begreb og mål for maddannelse

og –undervisning (ex madkundskab)

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Review resultater1. Teoretisk forskning af ‘food literacy begrebet’ 2. Empiriske undersøgelser(med teoretiske

tilgange til) 3. Undervisningsprogrammer og guidelines 4. Interventionsstudier

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No., Author(s)Year

Title Method General perspectives Remarks

1.Bartsch, S2008

Subjektorientierung in der Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsbildung

Theoretical analysis Uses educational, didactical competence oriented German concept and Antonovsky’s concepts sense of coherence as meaningfulness, manageability, comprehensibility

In German

2.Block, LG, et al2011

From Nutrients to Nurturance: A Conceptual Introduction to Food Well-being

Theoretical analysis Suggest a paradigm shift from foods seen as health to food well-being (FWB). Food literacy is seen as 1 of 4 parts of FWB both at societal and individual level. Builds on Nutbeam,

Suggest a 5-pin wheel model

3.Bublitz, MG et al2011

The Quest for Eating Right: Advancing Food Well-being

Theoretical analysis Food literacy is seen as one part of 5 core areas of food wellbeing. Food literacy is knowledge of nutrition and foods, and cooking.

4.Carlsen, HB2011

Food and aesthetics Theoretical analysis Food ‘Bildung’ is based on Klafki’s understanding as self-determination, participatory democracy (citizenship) & solidarity built on 6 different dimensions of ‘Bildung’ and on aesthetic philosophy

In Danish, suggest more models for learning and aesthetic experience

5.Evers, Tony2009

Building skills for health literacy-nutrition

Program built on Wisconsin Model, Academic Standards for Nutrition & National Health & Ed. standards.

Content of nutrition literacy described as Nutrition, food safety, critical thinking skills, nutrition for health promotion, diversity, identification & classification of food.

Primarily a handbook for nutrition profes-sionals

6.Fordyce-Voorham, S2011

Identification of Essential Food Skills for Skill-based Healthful Eating Programs in Secondary Schools.

Empirical study.Interviews of experts within food, nutrition, and education

Social constructivist paradigm used and grounded theory to identify essential food skills.

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No., Author(s)Year

Title Method General perspectives Remarks

7.Heindl, I2003

Studienbuch Ernährungsbildung. Ein europäisches Konzept zur schulischen Gesundheitsförderung

Theoretical analysis based of European works of health education and health literacy theory.

Food Bildung involves the consideration of 7 theses necessary for education, meaning to deal both with foods, meals, nutrition and eating in a critical and aesthetic perspective.

German textbook for teacher education, home economics and health

8. Nowak, AJ, Kolouch, G, Schneyer, L & Roberts, KH,2012

Building Food Literacy and positive Relationships with Helathy Food in children through School Gardens

Curriculum program Food literacy builds on ‘hands on’ physical acitivities (growing), cooking, science and social studies to increase ‘food literacy’.

9. Kimura, AH, 2010

Food education as food literacy: privatized and gendered food knowledge in contemporary Japan

Empirical study of private food courses, and participants’ motives to join.

Food education is understood here as food literacy, and as a conservative ideal to cook at home, and to keep feminine traditional ideals concerning food.

10.Pendergast, D, Garvis, S, Kanasa H2011

Insight from the Public on Home economics and Formal Food Literacy.

Empirical study, content analysis of posts regarding cooking education in Australia, refers to the health literacy concept of StLeger

Concept map from findings, 3 themes were seen: Informal food literacy, formal food literacy learning I schools, formal food literacy in home economics.

Nutbeams health literacy components transferred to food literacy.

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No., Author(s)Year

Title Method General perspectives Remarks

11.Smith, MG2009

Food or nutrition literacy? What concept should guide Home Economics education

Theoretical and empirical analysis of some curricula hold against health literacy

Food and nutrition literacy is related to Nutbeam's health literacy components.

12.Schnögl, S et al,2009

Savoury dishes for adult education and counselingFood Literacy Report with guidelines and toolbox

Food literacy program and toolbox

‘Food literacy is the ability to organize one’s everyday nutrition in a self-determined, responsible and enjoyable way.’(p.9)

Targeted towards adult education, & socially disadvantaged groups

13.Snyder, S2009

Ethnographies of Taste: Cooking, Cuisine, and Cultural Literacy

Theoretical and empirical study, analysis of four works

Food literacy draws on the following components: Meals, and meal preparation, food skills, nutrition knowledge, food involvement, and cooking

14.Thomas, H & Irwin, JD

Cook it up! A community-based cooking program for at-risk youth: overview of a food literacy intervention

Cooking literacy program for adolescents – a community intervention

Food literacy seen as ability to healthy food choices, skills and knowledge to buy, grow and cook food with implications for improving health

15.Vidgen, H & Gallegos, D2011

What is food literacy and does it influence what we eat: A Study of Austalian food experts

Empirical survey - phone interviews and online surveys of Australian food experts understanding of food literacy.

Eight potential components of food literacy were identified: Access, planning & management, selection, knowledge of food origin, preparation, eating, nutrition, and language

A conceptual model was developed.

16.Vidgen, H & Gallegos, D2011

Food literacy: Time for a new term or just another buzzword

Theoretical literature review.

Food literacy : Meals, and meal preparation, food skills, nutrition knowledge, food involvement, and cooking

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Forståelser af ‘food literacy’ 1. som en generel maddannelse2. som del af food well-being/madtrivsel3. som kulturel ‘literacy’ 4. som fødevarekundskaber om dyrkning og madlavning 5. som sundhedsundervisning/dannelse og ‘health

literacy’6. som opfattet af almindelige borgere og professionelle

på madområdet7. som sundheds- og ernæringsintervention

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Figure 2:




Mad ‘Literacy’ – Maddannelse


Mad ‘literacy’ madlavnings’literacy’

Kulturel ‘literacy’

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1. Generel ‘food literacy’ / maddannelse’

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Eksempler på ‘food literacy’ som en generel maddannelse (Heindl)

Krav til undervisning:• Aktualitet • Indholdsaspekter –

alle sider af maden• Kompetencer • Fagovergribende

behandling (tværdisciplinær)

7 teser i forhold til ‘Ernährungsbildung’1. Tese: sanselighed og nydelse hører sammen med spisning2. Tese : spiseoplevelser hænger tæt sammen med erindringer3. Tese: næring, spisning og mad er midler til kommunikation4. Tese: personlige og kollektive varetagelser af spise.. Har forandret sig5. Tese: moderne fødevarer legemliggør ønsker og projektioner fra hverdagen6. Tese: armod i velstanden gør syg7. Tese: Facit: manglende dannelse mindsker livskvaliteten og forkorter livet

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2. Food literacy as part of food well-being

• conceptual or declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge

• ability or opportunity and motivation to apply or use that knowledge(ibid. p.7)

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3. ‘Food literacy’ som kulturel ‘literacy’• Culturel literacy el.køkken literacy indeholder følgende

komponenter: Måltider, måltidstilberedning, madfærdigheder og -kundskaber, ernæringskundskab, involvering I mad og madlavning.

‘Konklusionen er, at ‘food literacy is so important to understanding not only our food, but our culture. Understanding culture, then, demands knowing about ourselves and all our culture’s intricate, messy, cultural, political, yet tasty, elements. ‘

(Snyder, no. 13)

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4. ‘Food literacy’ gennem praktiske kurser, eksempelvis ved dyrkning, indkøb,

madlavning og servering

• Growing and cooking food is necessary so ‘they form personal opinions about food and learn that, even at their age, they can create dishes they enjoy eating’ (Novak ,8, p.393) and they

• ‘are becoming part of the food supply chain for the school lunch program. They gain an appreciation of the hard work and effort by farmers and the safety concerns of all people that handle the food from the farm to their school’ (Novak, 8, p.393)

• Food literacy is defined as ‘supporting people all over Europe with organizing their everyday nutrition in a self-determined, responsible and enjoyable way’ (Schnögel, p.7).

• And as ‘a contribution towards the sustainable, democratic development of European citizenship’ (p. 7)

• Nutrition literacy is ‘The capacity of an individual to obtain, interpret and understand basic health information and services, along with the competence to use such information and services in ways that enhance health. Health-literate citizens are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and self-directed learners’ (Evers, 5, p. ix)

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5. ‘Food literacy’ som health literacy*

1) Food literacy se som funktionel, interaktiv og kritisk(Smith, 2009, no. 11 and Vidgen & Gallegos, 2011, no. 16) 2) ‘Food literacy ses som et dannelsesmål, der indebærer en tilføjelse af den komponent til vores ideal om en dnnet educated person’ (Smith s.57),

3) ‘En ‘food literate’ student ville kunne forstå, at der er det, som Vaines (1999) kalder “Mange former for kundskaber”. Det betyder at de kommer fra ‘livsverdenen (verdenen af levede erfaringer), fra videnskaberne (de analytiske/empiriske, hermeneutiske og kritisk) og fra det narrative’ (Smith, p.57). 4) De lærende er ‘medskabere’ (Smith fra Pollan)

5) Food literacy er hvis den tages alvorligt som om ‘den almindelige opgave I hverdagslivet såsom det at sørge for mad bliver meningsfuldt og helligt’ (Smith, p.59)

• * kan ses i tekster af Nutbeam, Kischbutch, St.leger

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6. a. Food literacy understood by professionals, participants and public

Professionals in the food area:• ‘A critical component to include in a skill-based healthful eating program. • Food is mainly as an individual’s ability to read, understand, and act upon

labels on fresh, canned, frozen, processed and takeout food.’ (Fordyce- Voorham p. 119)

Public Views on food literacy:• Three main themes came out: Informal food literacy learning, formal food

food literacy in general and formal literacy in home economics classes. A great part of the respondents (36%) found that food literacy should be informal learning and be a responsibility of the parents whereas 18% found it was necessary to learn formal in school within home economics, and 23% asked for more compulsory teaching. (Pendergast, Garvis & Kanasa)

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6 B Food literacy in food ed. coursesKimura’s Critique

• ‘Idealiazation of “a family meal” where families sit together to eat dinner,

• “food from scratch” made at home could exabcerbate the conservative cultural mood that nostalgically constructs an ideal past which revolves around the “traditional” (and implicitly heterocexual and upper-middle class) family completed by its male breadwinner-female homemaker icon’ (p.466)

• food literacy is seen as a narrow concept, which is ‘embedded in the power configuration of society’ (p.466)

Kimuras visions • food education to hold a broader societal perspective and wishes ‘the food literacy

framework contrasted with a more structural understanding of food-related behaviors and practices as functions of cultural and social influence, one’s class position, gender stereotypes, social infrastructure, and the macrosturcture of food and agricultural systems’ (p.480).

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7. Food literacy as health intervention

• Food literacy defined as ‘ the ability to make healthy food choices by having the skills and knowledge necessary to buy, grow, and cook food with implications for improving health’ (p.2). ’

• Objective was to provide education and to increase skills and awareness of agriculture, healthy eating, food preparation, and food purchasing skills.’ (p.2)’

• Courses as hand-on food literacy education that highlighted general nutrition, food safety, selection, preparation, and cooking skills’(p.2)

• Evaluation – pre and post baseline measures (Thomas & Irwin, 2011, no. 12)

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Competencies Aims Examples

To know

Understanding of coherence (knowing)

Prudency and ability to make decisionse.g. To know coherence between intakes and health

To do

Everyday life competencies(capable and cope-able)

Practical and technical competenciese.g. grow, lifeworld concerning foodracy llowing.choose and cook to handle everyday life problems

To sense and express

Aesthetic impression and expression

Explore, experience , and express with all sensese.g. food through cooking and tasting

To want

Responsibility and willingness (participation and action)

Citizenship and democracy e.g. to participate in solving general food problems in society

To be


Ethical considerations concerning oneself, others and environment e.g. choices reflecting care

Competencies regarding food literacy/ ‘Bildung’ (Benn, 2013)

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Aspects Broad understandings Narrow understandingsAims Empowerment, self-decision, co-

decision and critical understanding concerning food, meals and well-being

Food literacy as plain literacy; understanding nutrition informations, recipes and labelsHealthy choices, proper nutrition and/or cooking competencies. Gendered – female education

Content Food from production to eating.All aspects of nutrition, foods, meals, diets in a critical view concerning both the individual, the group and societyExemplary, student oriented themes.

Food seen as single issues aspects: Cooking, growing, nutrition, diet, …Systematic courses external/teacher decided


Knowing, doing, experiencing, exploring, being. Cultural skills in a broad sense

Reading skills/Academic skills Growing, consuming, cooking skills in a narrow sense

Setting From micro to macro Mainly micro

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Forslag til grundstruktur i almendannelsen/ernærings-maddannelsen

1. Spisning og emotionel udvikling, krop, identitet og selvopfattelse2. Spisevaner, kulturelle og sociale indflydelser, ernæringsviden, spisestile,

spisning i social fællesskab3. Ernæring og personlig sundhed, ernæringsanbefalinger, retningslinier og

nye koncepter4. Avls-vækstprocesser, forarbejdning og fordeling af næring –

fødevarekvalitet og global handel5. Levnedsmidler, mærker, forbruger og konsum – markedsføring og indkøb6. Konservering og lagring af næring – fødevarefordærv, hygiejne,

bestemmelser7. Kultur og teknik ved fødevaretilberedning – æstetisk-kulinarisk omgang

med fødevarer, (inter) kulturelle, historiske, sociale, religiøse træk

Heindl (2003): Studienbuch Ernährungsbildung, s.88-89

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’Gatekeeper’ rollen

• Valg og fravalg ved et utal af ’gates’• Hvem vælger for hvem?• Hvad vælges? Hvorfor?• Hvordan tilberedes? Serveres?• Hvordan spises? Hvorfor?• Hvor?• Hvem? • Hvilken betydning for maddannelsen?

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”Mad for mig”Præget af præferencerfor:• Fødevarer og retter• smag• sted/miljø• tid• følelser

”egocentrisk forbruger”

”Kost for andre”Præget af overvejelser om:• Fødevarer og næringsstoffer• Sundhed og sygdom• økonomi• moral• forbud

”eco-centrerede producent”

Mad for mig og kost for andre (Benn 2009 s.206)

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’Food Literacy’ er forbundet til viden og erfaringer fra

• Livsverdenen – en verden af levede erfaringer• Videnskaben - analyse, empiri, fortolkning –

kritisk forståelse• Narrative historier

(Smith inspireret af Vaines, 2009)

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Centrale aspekter i forhold til ernærings-/maddannelsen*

• Aktualitet • Indholdsaspekter – alle sider af maden• Kompetencer • Fagovergribende behandling (tværdisciplinær)

* Ines Heindl (2003): Studienbuch Ernährungsbildung, s.89

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Elementer i ’mad-dannelsen’


• at vide

• at kunne

• at ville

• at være/blive

• at sanse


=sammenhængsforståelse (kyndig)

=hverdagslivskompetence (kapabel)

=omsorgsfuld (med- og indlevende)

=ansvarlighed og deltagelse (villig)

=sansemæssige oplevelser og indtryk og

udtryk (madmod)

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Traditionel NyMål

- sund ernæringsadfærd- sandt eller usandt (uafhængigt af situation)- normativt (behov, kalkulerbare)- samfundsmæssigt værdiorienteret fremmedgjort beslutning

- bevidst og selvbesluttet kosthandling- gunstigt/ugunstigt (situationsafhængigt)- emancipatorisk (frigørende) (behov og ønsker)-subjektiv værdiorienteret

selvbestemt, egenansvarlighed

Didaktik - - systematisk undervisningsforløb- videnskabeligt orienteret (fag/stof-struktureret)- undervisning i kundskaber (ernæringsviden: næringsstoffer,kJ, dagskoster)- gode råd, ofte ikke anvendelige i hverdagslivet

- eksemplarisk læring og undervisning- elevorienteret- handlingsorienteret- videnskaber tjener som informationsgiver (hjælper til orientering og beslutning)- konkret brugbar, lære at handle, relateret til hverdagslivet

Ernährungserziehung, Selbst-Bewusstsein und Eigenverantwortlichkeit – Forderungen und Überforderungen (Methfessel, 1996, i Benn’s oversættelse)

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Hvilke temaer og udviklingsarbejder kunne være relevante?

• Food Literacy – Food Bildung, yderligere teoretisk belysning og udvikling af begreberne også set i forhold til handlekompetence

• Børns ’maddannelse’ i institutionelle rammer gennem aktiv deltagelse

• Praktisk klogskab – det praktiske i en dannelsestænkning• Betydningen af det sansemæssige og æstetiske i

sundhedsprojekter• Udvikling af eksemplariske madprojekter• Udvikling af nye ´laboratorier´ for udfoldelse og afprøvning –


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Litteratur** se artikel og lærebogskapitel

Algotson, Stina og Hagman, Ulla (2011): Mat för alla sinnen. Sensorisk träning enligt SAPERE-metoden. Livsmedelsverket, Uppsala

Benn, Jette (2012): Mad og dannelse = maddannelse? Folkeskolen, Ernæring og sundhedBenn; Jette (2009): Mad, kost, ernæring – er det et fedt? I: Carlsson, Monica, Simovska, Venka og Carlsson, Monica, red : Sundhedspædagogik og

sundhedsfremme. Teori, forskning og praksis. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus: 193-210Benn, Jette (2005): Praktisk klogskab – hverdagslivsområdet som dannelsesfelt. I:Kragelund, Minna og Otto,

Lene, red: Materialitet og dannelse. DPU’s forlag, København:91-112Benn, Jette (2007) : Hjemkundskab, didaktik og dannelse. I: Jacobsen, Jens Chr. og Steffensen, Bo, red: Læreruddannelsens didaktik 2. Klim, Aarhus: 25-46Benn, Jette og Haugbøl, Bente (2002): Hjemkundskab i ord og handling. Elevens bog og lærerens bog. Alinea, KøbenhavnBenn, Jette og Haugbøl, Bente (2003): Hjemkundskab i tanke, ord og handling. Elevens bog og lærerens bog. Alinea, KøbenhavnBrønnum Carlsen, Helle (2011): Mad og æstetik. Hans Reitzels ForlagCaraher, Martin, Dixon, Paul, Lang, Tim og Roy Carr-Hill: The state of cooking in England: the relationship of

cooking skills to food choice. I British Food Journal; 101,8: 590-609Heindl, Ines (2003): Studienbuch ErnährungsbildungIllum, Bent(2005): Processens dialog – læring i praksis. I:Kragelund, Minna og Otto,

Lene, red: Materialitet og dannelse. DPU’s forlag, København:113-134Lewin, Kurt (1951): Field Theory in Social Practice. Harper & Row, N.Y.Klafki, Wolfgang(2005): Dannelsesteori og didaktik- nye studier . Klim, Aarhus2. udgave Mennell, Stephen, Murcott, Anne og van Otterloo, Anneke H. (1992): The Sociology of food. Eating, diet and culture. Sage, LondonNielsen, Frede V. (): Almen musikdidaktikSmith, Mary Gale (2009): Food or nutrition literacy? What concepts should guide Home Economics education? I: International Journal of Home Economics; vol

2, no 1: 48-63Warde, Alan (1997): Consumption, food and taste. Culinary antinomies and commodity culture. London: Sage Publications.Vileisis, Ann (2008): Kitchen literacy: how we lost knowledge of where food comes from and why we need

to get it back. Washington, Island Press/Shearwater Books

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