Page 1: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers


Hongseok Yang(Queen Mary, University of London)

(Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno, Dino Distefano, and Peter O’Hearn)

Page 2: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp)

KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql);

KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql);

IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

Page 3: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

Footprint Analysis

• Discovers safe preconditions of a piece of code. • Only the memory footprint of the code.

Page 4: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

Page 5: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp;…} RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP;

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; …} DEVICE_EXTENSION;

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,x1) * (x1aR Irp:Irp)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,0)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)(de aD Flink2: de)

(de aD Flink2:0)

Page 6: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp;…} RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP;

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; …} DEVICE_EXTENSION;

de aD Flink2: de

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,x1) * (x1aR Irp:Irp)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,0)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)(de aD Flink2: de)

(de aD Flink2:0)

Page 7: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp;…} RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP;

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; …} DEVICE_EXTENSION;

de aD Flink2: deÆ de = ResetIrp

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,x1) * (x1aR Irp:Irp)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,0)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)(de aD Flink2: de)

(de aD Flink2:0)

Page 8: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp;…} RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP;

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; …} DEVICE_EXTENSION;

de aD Flink2: deÆ de = ResetIrp

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,x1) * (x1aR Irp:Irp)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,0)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)(de aD Flink2: de)

(de aD Flink2:0)

Page 9: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp){ ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);}

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp;…} RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP;

typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; …} DEVICE_EXTENSION;

de aD Flink2: deÆ de = ResetIrp


(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,x1) * (x1aR Irp:Irp)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,0)

(de aD Flink2: x0) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x0,de)(de aD Flink2: de)

(de aD Flink2:0)

Page 10: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;




Page 11: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;




Page 12: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;




P2 P3P1

Page 13: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;









P2 P3P1

Page 14: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;






{Q10,Q11 ,Q12}



P2 P3P1


Page 15: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;







P2 P3P1




Page 16: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis



list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;






P2 P3P1


Page 17: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Analysis

Safe precondition

Footprint only




Page 18: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Separation Logic

xay, ls (y,z)

xay * ls (y,z), emp

9y’. z!=0 Æ v=a Æ xay’ * ls (y’,z)

x y y z

y zx

Page 19: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Variable Convention

• Program variables: x,y,z,t,v,w• Ghost (or auxiliary) variables: a,b,c,d,….• Primed variables: x’,y’,z’,t’,v’,w’

9 w’,w’1.

x!=0 Æ z=a Æ w’!=w’1 Æ xaw’ * ls (w’,w’1) * yaw’1

Page 20: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Symbolic Heaps

Separation logic formulas of the form:

(x!=0 Æ z=a Æ w’!=w’1) Æ (xaw’ * ls (w’,w’1) * yaw’1)

SH = Set of all symbolic heapsGhoSH = Set of sym. heaps with ghost vars only

Page 21: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!=0) {

t = x;

x = x->next;



{ (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) }

{ (x=aÆls (a,0), x=0Æemp), (x=0Æemp, x=0Æemp), … }

Fixpoint Computation

2 Pfin(GhoSH, SH)

2 Pfin (GhoSH, SH)

Page 22: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation «x=x->next¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

rearr(x) : GhoSH x SH ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

exec(x=x->next) : GhoSH x SH ! GhoSH x SH abs : GhoSH x SH ! CanGhoSH x CanSH{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆls a b), (x=aÆls a b, x=bÆls a b) }

{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaab), (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaav’*ls v’ b), (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=bÆls a b*bac) }

rearr(x)(F,P) = { (F,P1), …, (F,Pn) } if SpInvRearr(x)(P) = {P1, …, Pn}= { (F*aab, P*aab) } else if P ` x=a= { (false,false) } otherwise

Page 23: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation «x=x->next¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

rearr(x) : GhoSH x SH ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

exec(x=x->next) : GhoSH x SH ! GhoSH x SH abs : GhoSH x SH ! CanGhoSH x CanSH{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆls a b), (x=aÆls a b, x=bÆls a b) }

{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaab), (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaav’*ls v’ b), (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=bÆls a b*bac) }

{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=cÆls a b*bac) }

Page 24: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation «x=x->next¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

rearr(x) : GhoSH x SH ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

exec(x=x->next) : GhoSH x SH ! GhoSH x SH abs : GhoSH x SH ! CanGhoSH x CanSH{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆls a b), (x=aÆls a b, x=bÆls a b) }

{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaab), (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaav’*ls v’ b), (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=bÆls a b*bac) }

{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=cÆls a b*bac) }{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=cÆls a c) }{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a c*bac, x=cÆls a c) }

Page 25: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation «x=x->next¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

rearr(x) : GhoSH x SH ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

exec(x=x->next) : GhoSH x SH ! GhoSH x SH abs : GhoSH x SH ! CanGhoSH x CanSH{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆls a b), (x=aÆls a b, x=bÆls a b) }

{ (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaab), (x=aÆls a b, x=aÆaav’*ls v’ b), (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=bÆls a b*bac) }

{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=cÆls a b*bac) }{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a b*bac, x=cÆls a c) }{ ………………………………., (x=aÆls a c*bac, x=cÆls a c) }

Page 26: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

List Disposal

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}



Page 27: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

List Disposal

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}



Page 28: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

List Disposal

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}




Page 29: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

List Disposal

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}




Page 30: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

List Disposal

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}




Page 31: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Page 32: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ emp

x=a Æ emp

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 33: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 34: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 35: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp * aab

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 36: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp * aab

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 37: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp * aab

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 38: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 39: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

x=b Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Page 40: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab * bac

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ empx=b Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ empx=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * bac

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * ls a c a

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * ls a c a

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 41: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab * bac

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ empx=b Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ empx=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * bac

x=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * ls a c a

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 42: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab * bac

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ empx=b Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ empx=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * bac

x=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * ls a c

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 43: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab * bac

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ empx=b Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ empx=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * bac

x=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * ls a c a

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Page 44: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * aab * bac

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

x=a Æ empx=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ empx=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * aab

x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ empx=b Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ empx=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * bac

x=c Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * ls a c a

Loop: (x=aÆemp, x=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æemp)

Result: (x=aÆa=0Æemp, x=aÆa=0Æemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æb=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆb=0Æemp) (x=aÆa!=0Æc=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æc=0Æemp)

Page 45: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Shape Analysis with SpaceInvader

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}

(x=aÆa=0Æemp, x=aÆa=0Æemp)(x=aÆa!=0Æb=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆb=0Æemp)(x=aÆa!=0Æc=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æc=0Æemp)

(x=aÆa=0Æemp, x=aÆa=0Æemp)(x=aÆa!=0Æb=0Æaab, x=bÆa!=0Æt=aÆb=0Æemp)(x=aÆa!=0Æc=0Æls a c, x=cÆt=bÆb!=0Æc=0Æemp)


{x=a’Æa’!=0Æls a’ 0}


{ x=0 Æ emp }

{ x=0 Æ emp }

{ x=0 Æ emp }

Page 46: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation, Ideally




«C¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

Supp. «C¬{ (F,P) } = { (G1,Q1), (G2,Q2) }.

Goal:8D, if `SL{F}D{P}, then 9Fi. G=F*Fi and `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Qi}.


Page 47: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation, Ideally

«C¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

Supp. «C¬{ (F,P) } = { (G1,Q1), (G2,Q2) }.

Goal:8D, if `SL{F}D{P}, then 9Fi. G=F*Fi and `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Qi}.

«x=x->next¬{ (t=aÆx=bÆaab, t=bÆx=bÆemp) }=

{ (t=aÆx=bÆaab*bac, t=bÆx=cÆbac) }

«x=x->next¬{ (t=aÆx=bÆaab, t=bÆx=bÆemp) }=

{ (t=aÆx=bÆls a c , t=bÆx=cÆbac) }

{t=aÆx=bÆaab*bac} …….;x=x->next{t=bÆx=cÆbac}

{t=aÆx=bÆaab} free(t);t=x {t=bÆx=bÆemp}

{t=aÆx=bÆls a c } …….;x=x->next{t=bÆx=cÆbac}

Page 48: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation, Actually

«C¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

Supp. «C¬{ (F,P) } = { (G1,Q1), (G2,Q2) }.

Goal:8D, if `SL{F}D{P}, then 9Fi. G=F*Fi and `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Qi}.

Actually: for all D, if `SL {F}D{P}, then 9Pi,Fi. Gi¶F*Fi, `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Pi},







Abstraction abs

Rearrangement rearr(E)

Page 49: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation, Actually

«C¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

Supp. «C¬{ (F,P) } = { (G1,Q1), (G2,Q2) }.

Goal:8D, if `SL{F}D{P}, then 9Fi. G=F*Fi and `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Qi}.

Actually: for all D, if `SL {F}D{P}, then 9Pi,Fi. Gi¶F*Fi, `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Pi},







Abstraction abs

Rearrangement rearr(E)

But, only abs and rearr(E)!

Page 50: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation, Actually

«C¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

Supp. «C¬{ (F,P) } = { (G1,Q1), (G2,Q2) }.

Goal:8D, if `SL{F}D{P}, then 9Fi. G=F*Fi and `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Qi}.

Actually: for all D, if `SL {F}D{P}, then 9Pi,Fi. Gi¶F*Fi, `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Pi},


F D P free(t)

But, only abs and rearr(E)!

Fi Pi

proof rule for free(t) in sep. logic

Page 51: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Footprint Computation, Actually

«C¬ : Pfin(GhoSH x SH) ! Pfin(GhoSH x SH)

Supp. «C¬{ (F,P) } = { (G1,Q1), (G2,Q2) }.

Goal:8D, if `SL{F}D{P}, then 9Fi. G=F*Fi and `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Qi}.

Actually: for all D, if `SL {F}D{P}, then 9Pi,Fi. Gi¶F*Fi, `SL{F*Fi}D;C{Pi},


F D P free(t)

But, only abs and rearr(E)!

Fi PiFi

Sound because of Frame Rule in sep. log.


{F*Fi}D{P*Fi} {P*Fi}free(t){Pi}


proof rule for free(t) in sep. logic

Page 52: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Backward Footprint Computation

list t*;while (x!

=0) { t = x; x = x-

>next; free(t);}


assert(x!=0);t = x;x = x->next;free(t);assert(x=0);


assert(x!=0);t = x;x = x->next;free(t);assert(x=0);

Page 53: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Experiments with List Programs

MacBook, 2GH Intel Core 2 Duo. 2GB Mem.

…x=a Æ y=b Æ ls a 0



x=a Æ y=c Æ ls a b * ls c d

Page 54: Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis that Discovers Preconditions Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Cristiano Calcagno,

Experiments with Firewire

MacBook, 2GH Intel Core 2 Duo. 2GB Mem.







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