Page 1: For  System Dynamics  & Control

For System Dynamics

& ControlBy Dr. Hong Zhang

Page 2: For  System Dynamics  & Control

Start Matlab

Page 3: For  System Dynamics  & Control

Octave◦◦ Very Similar commands◦ Can run most M-files◦ No built-in Simulink package◦ Pure command line

Free Matlab Clones

Page 4: For  System Dynamics  & Control

Scilab◦ http://www.scilab.

org/◦ Some commands

are different◦ Built-in Xcos to

clone Simulink◦ Some Graphic


Free Matlab Clones

Page 5: For  System Dynamics  & Control

Given a transfer function a2s2 + a1s + a0

b2s2 + b1s + b0We can define it in Matlab as

num = [a2, a1, a0];den = [b2, b1, b0]; sys = tf(num, den);

Transfer Function

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Unit step responsestep(sys)

Unit impulse responseimpulse(sys)

Arbitrary input responset = tstart: tinterval : tfinish;u = f(t); % u is a function of t, e.g. ramp is u=t;lsim(sys, u, t)

Plot Transient Response

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Just bring the output to a variable. E.g.y1 = step(sys);y2 = impule(sys);y3 = lsim(sys, u, t);

Then we can use the variable. E.g. plot(t,y1, t, y2)

plot(t, u, t, y3)

Response As a Variable

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[r, p, k] = residue(num, den);Where

r: rootp: polek: constant

If there are complex terms, we can add the two conjugate ones together to get a 2nd order real term.

Partial Fractional Expansion

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Click the Simulink icon in Matlab window

Start Simulink

Simulink library browserSimulink modeling window

Matlab main window

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Find, drag and drop following blocks to the window◦ Simulink Continuous Transfer Function◦ Sources Step◦ Sinks ScopeYou will get

Transfer Function

Building Blocks


Except sources and sinks, every block should have an input and an output.

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Double click the Transfer function block.

Modify Transfer Function

Change Numerator to [1], denominator to [1 3 2]

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Link the blocks by drag the output to input Double click Scope to show Scope window Click Ctrl+T or SimulationStart or button

Run Simulation

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Change the spring constant and damping ratio, then you can have different response.

Modify System

[1 2 12][1 2 1]Hint: Hit the binocular to auto-scale the plot.

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Replace the source with a Sine wave with frequency =3

Sinusoidal Response

Hint: Double click the block name to change it.

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Hint: ◦ Hold Ctrl and click to tap an output line◦ Right click a block and select Format to flip or rotate a block

Flowchart with Feedback

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Mass-Spring-Damper Modeling

m˙ ̇ x + c ˙ x + kx = f ( t)

˙ ̇ x = 1m [ f (t)− c ˙ x − kx]




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