

Forecast: Partly SunnyTemperature: 29"C / 85"FSunrise / Sunset: 7:40am l7:25pmTonight's Dress: Smart Casual


Bringing the cultures. tastes and unique Holland America Line experiences to life,both on board and off.

Today's highlights include:

Location Guide Ryan Presents:Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica10:00amVISTA LOUNGE, 2

Learn about the history of Puerto Calderaand things to see and do.

Guest Lecturer Joseph Kess Presents:Maximilian l, Napoleon lll, andMexico's Cinco de Mayo.11:00amVISTA LOUNGE, 2

Why did the Austrian Maximilian try toestablish a Mexican monarchy, and what fatedid Emperor Maximilian and Empress Car-lotta meet?

Cooking Show: La Comida Mexicana...muy deliciosal11:00amCULINARY ARTS CENTER, 2

Our Show Chef Robbert & Culinary ArtsCenter Host Easlin prepare Zucchini, Corn,Black Bean and Jack Quesadillasconcluded with the classic Chocolate Flan.

Let's Party, Mexican Style . 1:30pmCULINARY ARTS CENTER, 2

Spunky snacks and beverages that'll fire upany fiesta with Culinary Arts Center HostEaslin.

Ask The Captain!2:30pmVISTALOUNGE,2&3Captain Rens Van Eerten takes you ona digital journey of the nauticaloperations onboard \Testerdam.Also a questions and answer sessionhosted by Cruise Director Shane.

Did You Know?At a cost in excess of $1,000,000 per ship, we have equipped many of our ships toenable them to plug into shore power facilities while in port. As the availability ofshore power facilities increases at other ports around the globe, we expect to outfitthe remainder of our fleet.

@ uoU*aAmericaline

IJkebox8:00pm & 10:00pm


Liverpool's own all-singing,all-strumming, ukulele band

The Band5:00pm - 6:00pm & 7:00pm - 10:00pmOCEAN BAR, 3

It's cocktails and ballroom dancingwith The Band.

Adagio6:30pm - 10:00pmEXPLORER'S LOUNGE, 2

Our violin and piano duo performsophisticated classical music

'50s Sock Hop and Requestswith Piano Man Mike9:00pm - closePIANO BAR, 2

Gameshow: Cal! My BIuff- 9:00pmQUEEN'S LOUNGE, 2

Join us for this hilarious gameshow as ourpanel of story tellers present youwith 3 off-the-wall definitions to obscurewords we've pulled straight from thedictionary. It's up to you to decide whois telling the truth and who is lying!

The Beatles Happy Hour!t0:00pmNORTHERN LIGHTS, 2

Join Show Host Kevin for thoseBeatles Hits you love!

Top 40 Hits & AII Requests11:00pmNORTHERN LIGHTS, 2

Fort Lauderdale

Experience Fort Lauderdale at your Leisure, the Land &

Sea Excursion or the Everglades Airboat ride.

All tours are with AirpoftTransfers to Foft Lauderdale or

Miami. BookToady!

Shore Excursions I Atrium, I

., Pacific Northwest Steak & Seafood in an intimate setting

?lttttf,LE f Lower Promenade,2 midships,, t t Lunch: l2n-lp,$10

Dinner: 5:30p-9:30p, $29

ffi w%.$,x1;.Hffi; sma, prates ror sharing

A wide variety of options for breakfast, lunch and

,-:t ,t _ dinner in this classic setting with ocean views

! Decks2&3aftBreakfast 8a-9:30aDinner: 0pen Seating: 5:15p-9p; Seatings: 5:45p & 8p

Our casual option for breakfast, lunch and dinnerLido,9 aft

I r | -^ Breakfast Continental:6:30a-10:30a; Full Buffet 7a-10a

Lt,St S? Lunch: Lido Bistro: 11:30a-2p, Lido Deli: '1 1:30a-5pTaco Bar: 1l:30a-5p, Pasta Bar: 11:30a-11:30p

Dinner: Casual Dinner: 5:30p-8pLate Snack 10:30p-l 1 :30p

*Reservafions for specialty restaurants can be made by dialing #88.


Featuring a perfect marriage between chocolate and wine with Cellar Master Alvin $25

2:00pm - Vista Dining Room,2


3:00pm - Vista Dining Room,3

Martini Sampling

Join the Westerdam Bar Staffin sampling a variety of Martinis

from our signature cocktail menu,$s

6:00pmOcean Bar,3

DRINK OF THE DAYlilrl) S i'A(i 1)F IUIY - $6.5()



Explqalons Caf6 7a-9;3!pChocolateSeduction ua-bP

tr 7:00am Good Morning Westerdam Tune in to this fun andinformative TV show with Cruise Director Shane.

Channel 26

tr 8:00am Fitness Class: lndoor Cycling $12

g s'oom uais ii celeniaieo

Fitness Center,9

0u;'e,t'r L.rng;,,tr 9:00am lnterdenominational Church Service with Pastor Wayne Vista Lounge,2

tr 9:00am Fitness Class: Pathway to Yoga $12 Fitness Center,9

tr 9:00am Deck Sale Featuring Holland America Line Apparel Lido,9 midship

tr 9:00am Westerdam Book Club lst Meeting Join Librarian Cindy

llqI9!.*I_'g1',',q 9i'qll *!:l?_Piano Bar,2

tr 10:00am Future Cruise Presentationwith Future Cruise Consultant Heather

Oueen's Lounge,2

tr 10:00am 0N LOCATION Location Guide Ryan Presents:Puerto Caldera

Vista Lounge,2

tr 10:00am Absolute Beginners Bridge Lesson with lnstructor Tom Hudson Room,3

tr 10:00am Acupuncture: A Life-Changing lntroduction 0cean Bar,3

Social Card Players Meet Board Boom,2tr 10:00am

tr 1000;; lnterest Corner: Teachers & Educators Meet Piano Bar,2

tr 10:00am Better Starts Now Citizen Watch Event and Sale

tr 10:30am Walk-A-Mile meetat Lifeboat#1ligr"Iele !!.!f


tr 10:30am

E iind;m

tr r1'.00r,- 2:00pm

Learn to use your digita! camera Learn abouttaking Digital Workshop,3photos, transferring photos and some common features.

0N L0CATI0N Guest L;cfirrer Josepn f"*r pr"*enii Vista Lounge,2Maximilian I, Napoleon lll & Mexico's Cinco de Mayo.

Complimentary Spa Tasters: Join the Spa team forcomplimentary massage demonstrations.

Lido Pool Deck,9

tr 11:00am Pear! Seminar with Merabella Manager Cengiz Stuyvesant Room,3

tr 11:00am Fitness Seminar: Eat More To Weigh Less Fitness Center,9

tr 11:00am 0N L0CATI0N Cooking Show: La Comida Mexicana...muy deliciosa! Our Show Chef Robbert & Culinary Arts

9gttlg$g:"I I I'J! ryl49rgglrir.l9l' _ -_tr 11:00am lntermediate Bridge Lesson with lnstructor Tom

tr 11:00am Mahjongg Players Meet until 3:00pm

tr 11:00am Anti-Aging Miracles with Dr. Joy M.D.

tr 11:30am 0rganize your photos with Windows 10Organize your photos, and then print or share them usingOneDrive or social media.

tl 12:00nn NFL Game: NY Giants v. Buffalo Bills

tr 12:30pm Back Deck Beats with Show Host Kevin

tr 12:30pm Find the right device toi you Learn to mat e smartdecisions when choosing your next device.

Poolside Name That Tune with Show Host Kevin

tr 1:30pm

n r,iop,Style with Culinary Arts Center Host Easlin

Team Trivia Challenge with Cruise Director Shane

Cruise Classics: Ring Toss

Culinary ArtsCenter, 2

Hudson Room,3

!*ll_ol*': !ry_lg_9,1Ocean Bar,3

Digital Workshop,3

N$Ir tig|t_rt ?

Seaview Pool,9

Digital Workshop,3

iearie* Pooi, gtr 1:00pm

_tr_l:o9q* ngflu-_fl1e ar119l!91 lt9,i_qyl,ryltt.r'L!y *-- liyl!"y::10N L0CATI0N Cooking Show: Let's Party, Mexican Culinary Arts


Crow's Nest,'10

! I39q*tr 2:00pm

tr 2:00pm

tr 2:00pm

Seaview Pool,9

CJr.; M;;6r;i port a cno"orrt"iiiirngFeaturing a perfect marriage between chocolateand wine with Cellar Master Alvin $25

Non-SurOicll Facelift with !r. JoV Ir4.rD,

Win Up to 500$ Blackiack Tournament Round #1

Vista Dining Hoom,2

Ocean Bar,3

Casino, z

tr 2:00pm Duplicate Bridge Play with Bridge lnstructor Tom

tr 2:00pm Social Card Players Meet

tr 2:00pm Knitters & Stitchers Meet

Hudson Room,3

Board Room,2

Piano Bar,2

tr 2:30pm 0N L0CATION Ask The Captain!Captain Rens Van Eerten takes you on a digital journeyof the nautical operations onboard the Westerdam.


tr 2:30pm Techspert iifu: i;;il6rtEnka'rs avait.b6- Digital Workshop, 3

O g'O0p, Britirh f.. Vista Dining Room,3

tr 3:00pm House of Walker Tasting Experience Merabella Boutique,3Join us for a special Johnnie Walker tasting event.

tr t90II*jgT!II"9,"tary Foot PrintAnalysis Fitness Center, g

tr 3:00pm- 0N LOCATi0N Aik Y*, io.rtion e ,lO, lo.rtion Atr*J5:00pm Guide Ryan is available to answer your questions about

___ _ llg_j!.glins ports of call.

tr 3:25pm NFL Game: Minnesota Vikings v. Denver Broncos Northern Lights,2

Digital Workshop, 3

0ueen's Lounge, 2

tr 3:30pm Store and share with OneDrive Curious about "thecloud"? Learn howto store and share things.

tr 3:30pm dqnghg- Dancing *ittr ttrr Strrs: at Sea-ffi Dance dlass & Competition-Learn to Tangowith the Westerdam Dancers

tr 4:00pm ffii'!;:H Jf?['lf,!l8 t[lfll 3,ii8ls,,

Show us your Mariner stars and receive equal bonus chances

tr 4:00pm Creative Crafts: Napkin Folding Stuyvesant Room,3

Vista Lounge,2

tr 4:30pm Safe and sound with Windows l0 Learn how to back Digital Workshop, 3

_ _* f ql!9_s:tjP9!19{ d!!991119T maticious activity

tr 5:00pm Today's Movie:5 Flights Up Drama IPG-13 0ueen's Lounge, 2

tr 5:00pm Sip & Savor Join us for tonighfs pre-dinner appetizer,p:I9 d yU l!9y1111._l_..t,grf jl g orv ss

tr 5:00pm Singles & Solos Meet for Sip & Savor

tr 5:00pm Friends of BillW. Meet

Pinnacle Bar, 2

Pinnacle Bar, 2

Board Room,2

tr 5:00pm Fitness Class: Core Conditioning Pilates $12

tr 6:00pm $3 Martini Sampling

Fitness Center,9

0cean Bar,3

tr 6:00pm Fitness Class: Evening Stretch

tr 7:00pm Pub Trivia with Show Host Kevin

Fitness Center, ICrow's Nest, 10

tr 7:00pm

tr 7:00pm Today's Movie:5 Flights Up Drama I PG-13 Oueen's Lounge,2

Daily Mobile Slots Free Spins Try our Troll HuntersMobile slot at

NFL Game: Dallas Cowboys v. New 0rleans Saints Northern Lights, 2

LGBT Gathering (meet starboard side) Ocean Bar,3

tr Bndp; SHowriMf' [i;6; VistaLounge,2&3

Mobile Casino

*tr z:s!p1

tr 7:30pm

tr 9:00pm Hot Seat Promotion Random winners every 15 minutes

tr 9:00pm Gameshow: Call My Bluff lt's up to you to decide whoi'91ryq]l! y$l_Td ryho

is lyins!

tr 9:00pm '50s Sock Hop & Requests with Piano Man Mike

Casino, 2

0ueen's Lounge,2

Piano Bar, 2

tr 9:00pm Mobile Texas Hold'me Cash GameAva ila ble at www.sea

O ro:oopm SHOwtinti,'UirUo*

Mobile Casino

Vista Lounge,2

tr 10:00pm Beatles Happy Hour

tr 11:00pm Top 40 Hits & AII Requests with Show Host Kevin

Northern Lights,2

rrlonnri, lignii, ip/n: 30742120 day 4

5 Flights Up5:00pm & 7:00pmQUEEN' LOUNGE, 2

Starring: Diane Keaton,Cyntbia NixonDrama . Rated PG-13.

A long-time married couple who've spenttheir lives together in the same New Yorkapartment become overwhelmed bypersonal and real estate-related issueswhen they plan to move away.

This mouie uill be repeated tbe following dayon your stateroom teleuision.

LOCATION HOURS DECKExplorations Caf6 Libra ry 8a-10p 10

Fitness Center 6a-9p

Front 0ffice 24 hours

Future Cruise Consultant __3q:5jGreenliorise Spa 6Salon- 8;:10pAcupuncturist 8a-8pHydropool/Thermal Suite 8a-10p

Hot Tubs 9a-10p

Location Guide 3p-5p

Morgan Freeman 6

t hr, 32mins

Medical Center

_lgqlq!,!le!rs,Swimming Pools

8a-12n,2p-6p A

I 0a-1 1 a, 5p-6p


Shore Excursions 9a-l2n, 2p-5p

PARI(ffiITEST"Rapid Fire Art Auction

Fast. Fun. Fabulous. Fantastic artworkall showcased in one of the most excit-ing euents of the day. Be sure to ioin us

for this quick-fire auction featuringanimation, sports memorabilia, and

many artworks under $500.

Pinnacle Bar,2 | 1:00pm


Johnnie Walker Tasting Experience

loin us for a special lohnnie Walkertasting euent with our onboard LiqworSpecialists. Space is limited.Merabella,3 I 3:00pmCitizen Eco-Drive WatchesEnioy sauings Off US retail pricesSignature Shop, 3 | 10:00am - 10:00pm


Early Bird and Twilight Special

Recieue a 50 minute deep tissue massage ,Swedish massage or LT facial for only $99.

Valid for 8am or *pm dppointmenttimes only.

Visit the Greenhouse Spa, 9 or dial94 toschedule an appointment




CASINC)Complimentary soft drinks for actiue slotand table players 10:00am - 12:00nnWin Up to $500 Blackfack TournamentRound 1, 2:00pm - 3:00pmMobile Texas Hold'em Tournaments1" 1 :00am, 2:00pm and 4:00pmAvailable at www.seaplay.comCasinor 2Cashier opens at 9:00am I Tables 10:00am


Join us to see our uast collection of "NaturalColor" Tahitian, white dy golden South Seapearl jewelry. Presentation followed by acollection launch and prize giueaway in tbeSignature Shops, 3.Stuyvesant Room,3 | 11:00am

I)H()T0 GAi.I EI{YFun, Informal, RelaxedEuery'White Nights Stories casual portraitsession is an indiuidual story bringing yourpersonality to life. Let us inspire you!Contact your Image Creators for moreinformation,Photo Gallery, 3 | 9:00am - 11:00pm

F'U-rURE CRt"lrS,ESFuture Cruise Presentation

loin Future Crwise Consuhant Heather forthis informatiue presentation. Learn how tobe a sauuy cruiser with tips on how to getthe best ualue on your next crwise! Plusdiscouer our fleet of ships and the newestand most popular itineraries.

Queen's Lounge,2 I 10:00am


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