Page 1: Form 3 Literature( a Fighter's Lines& Leisure) Teacher
Page 2: Form 3 Literature( a Fighter's Lines& Leisure) Teacher

I am old and worn

and have lost all my strength


and the history of the fight for independence

have forced sacrifices

that know no name

or life

From the wheelchair of the rest of my days

I, body and energy crushed

see and cannot do much

these times are too big a challenge

for the remnants of my crippled years

the net of deceit spread everywhere

disturbs me

A Fighter’s Lines我老了和疲惫了和失去了我的力气痛苦和为了独立而战斗的历史只被逼牺牲不知道名字或生命接下来在轮椅上的长子我,身体和能量被压碎看到也不能做什么这次有太大的挑战在我残余的残疾年度里欺骗到处遍布让我焦虑不安

Page 3: Form 3 Literature( a Fighter's Lines& Leisure) Teacher

In the name of justice

Wake up and form ranks sons of our


Be brave

And erect a wall of people

Stand up heirs of our freedom


I have no more voice

It is you now who should speak!



Page 4: Form 3 Literature( a Fighter's Lines& Leisure) Teacher


1. Patriotism

Patriotism is one of the themes of this poem. The people in this country have made a lot of sacrifices to fight for their

freedom. They have achieved independence but now there are other threats such as deceit. This affects the country's safety.

The persona calls on the younger generation to fight for justice and to speak up against deceit.

2. Being courageous

Another theme is being courageous. In the past, people made many sacrifices and fought bravely with the country's enemies

for their freedom. Now, the persona urges the younger generation to be brave and fight against other threats in the country. He

tells them to stand up and speak with courage.

3. Unity

In the past, people were united when they fought for independence. Now, the persona emphasises that the younger generation

who has inherited a free country should unite to preserve their freedom. They should stand united by building a wall of

people or forming ranks irrespective of racial, religious and other social differences. The "lines" in the poem, A Fighter's

Lines refer to the persona's lines and the lines or ranks formed for unity. We have to be united and strong as in the saying,

"United we stand, divided we fall".

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Values1. We must be brave to uphold justice. The persona urges the younger generation to stand up against the

widespread lies which are rampant in society today. This 'net of deceit' worries his as it can destroy the

solidarity of the people. Therefore, he urges them to stand united and uphold justice to preserve the

freedom and safety of the country.

2. We must be willing to make sacrifices to preserve our independence. In the fight for independence, the

persona and other soldiers sacrificed and risked their lives when they fought for independence. Now, he is

wheelchair-bound because he was either crippled in the war or is now old and sick. Now, he wants the

younger generation to make sacrifices too to preserve their freedom.

3. We must be united to preserve our freedom. The persona wants the younger generation to stand united

regardless of their differences to ensure their freedom.

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Exercise 1Read the interpretation below and identify which stanza it belongs to.

No Interpretation Stanza

1. The persona is now confined to his wheelchair 2

2 He can’t do much because he can’t control people and they way they think.

3 He was a soldier before and fought for his country’s independence.

4 The persona sees that the people are destroying themselves by engulfing into the world of lies and dishonesty.

5 The persona is now old and weak.

6 What happens around him really disturbs him.

7 The persona wants the young people to stand up and speak out their opinions.

8 The persona says that we need to be united and fight for the sake of our nation’s harmony

9 The persona is only able to sit on his wheelchair and monologues.

Exercise 2 - ThemesTick the relevant themes for this poem.

No Theme No Theme

1 Patriotism 4 Appreciation of nature

2 Environment 5 Courage

3 Sacrifice for independence

6 Life and death

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Exercise 3Read the questions and choose the best answers.

1.       The persona is a patriotic person because he has helped toA.      Develop his countryB.       Plan his country progressC.      Fight for his countryD.      Restructure his country

2.       The ‘forced sacrifices / that know no name or life’ would refer to the effort of soldiers whoA.      Have died for the countryB.       Have won the world warC.      Were capturedD.      Were freed

3.       The persona is wheelchair bound because he has lost hisA.      SightB.       HearingC.      Ability to feelD.      Ability to use his limbs

4.       What disturbs the persona now?A.      The education in this countryB.       The political situation in his countryC.      The economic situation in his countryD.      The spread of diseases

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1What is this life if, full of care,

2We have no time to stand and stare.

3No time to stand beneath the boughs

4And stare as long as sheep or cows.

5No time to see, when woods we pass,

6Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

7No time to see, in broad daylight,

8Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

9No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

10And watch her feet, how they can dance.

11No time to wait till her mouth can

12Enrich that smile her eyes began.

13A poor life this if, full of care,

14We have no time to stand and stare.


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Couplet 1:What is this life if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare.

The poet questions the purpose of a life which is full of worries that it does not give us any space to simply stand still and watch the world go by.

Couplet 2:No time to stand beneath the boughs  And stare as long as sheep or cows.

People who live a hectic life would not possess the leisure to stand under the branches of trees and keep staring into space. However, sheep and cows can often be seen standing still in vast open fields and staring into a distance.

Couplet 3:No time to see, when woods we pass,Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

When people walk pass a forest, they would be in too much of a hurry to notice the nooks and crannies in the grass where squirrels hide their nuts.

Couplet 4:No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

In daylight, rivers appear to be sparkling under the effect of sunshine as though the streams are full of stars like the night sky.

Page 10: Form 3 Literature( a Fighter's Lines& Leisure) Teacher

Couplet 5:No time to turn at Beauty's glance,And watch her feet, how they can dance.

The rush of life provides people with no leisure to turn at the glance of a beautiful girl and marvel at her dancing feet.

Couplet 6:No time to wait till her mouth canEnrich that smile her eyes began.

They are unable to leisurely observe her as her mouth shapes out a smile that started from her eyes.

Couplet 7:A poor life this is if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare.

A life which is so tied down by worries that it allows one no time for leisure is indeed a miserable life. It means that we have a poor life if we have no time to relax physically or mentally.

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1. Setting-Set in the countryside-Persona wonders why people are so busy that they let life to pass them by and do not make any effort to appreciate the beauty of nature.

2. Imagery-Stream full of stars – gives the picture of a stream shimmering under the sun.-Beauty has ‘feet, how they can dance’ and ‘enrich that smile’ gives the picture of a beautiful, graceful woman.

3. Simile-“And stare as long as sheep or cows”-“Like stars at night”

4. Themes-We should take time off from our daily work to enjoy nature.-Nature has many beautiful things that we can appreciate if we take the trouble and time.-Learn to relax and enjoy the simple pleasure of life.-Learn to observe the little and beautiful things around us.-Enrich and expand our minds with the beauty of nature.

5. Moral values-We need to take advantage of our free time to live a better lifestyle.-We should use leisure creatively to strengthen our minds and hearts.-We should take note of the beautiful things around us.-Enrich and expand our minds with the beauty of nature.

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1. What or who is the poet referring to when he used the word “Beauty”? Natue 2. Explain in your own words what is meant in the first two lines of the poem. The poet questions the purpose of a life which is so full of worry that it does not allow us any time to simply stand still and watch the world go by. We should take the time to recognize the world around us and see what’s going on. 3. Identify a line that demonstrates interactions with nature. Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. (a) Which phrase is repeated all over the poem?

 No time (b) Explain what is indicated by this repetition.

The repetition is an indication of mankind’s dilemma. We merely go on with our fast paced lives as though nature is nothing special.4. What is implied by the word “Leisure” as used in the poem?

Time spent enjoying simple beauties cherished and regarded as a forgotten pastime. 5. Explain what the poet meant by the last two lines.

If human life is nothing but painful cares and worries, then it is really poor and miserable. Man should give as much importance to pleasure and peace of mind as to the earning of money to raise his status.

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