
2.3 Mass and InertiaMass1. Mass is defined as theamount of matter.2. The SI unit of mass iskilogram(kg)3. Mass is ascalarquantity.Larger Mass - Greater Inertia

Bucket filled with sand is more difficult to be moved. It's also more difficult to be stopped from swinging.

Explanation: Object with more mass offers a greater resistance to change from its state of motion. Object with larger mass has a larger inertia.Empty Cart is Easier to be moved

An empty trolley is easier to be moved compare with a cart full with load. This is because a trolley with larger mass has larger inertia, so the harder it is to change its state of motion.

4. Momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity.5. Momentum is a vector quantity. It has both magnitude and direction.6. The SI unit of momentum is kgms-17. The greater the mass or the velocity of the moving object is, the greater is the momentum.Formula:

Principle of Conservation of Momentum

1. An example of an external force is friction.2. The principle of conservation of momentum is true for a closed system.A closed system is one where the sum of external forces acting on the system is zero.


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