Page 1: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fre e and Ope n source Softw are De ve lope rs '

Europe an M e e ting




Page 2: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


FOSDEM is an event created by th e com m unity and for th e com m unity.

Cons e q uently, w e th ink it is im portant to k e ep th e acce s s to th e event fre e .

H ow ever, organizing such an event re q uire s a h uge am ount of m oney. Re -

m em ber th at it is organized by volunteers w h o do not get paid and do not

h ave com m ercial intere sts in th e event.

In order to k e ep it fre e , w e th ink th at th e be st w ay is to fund th e event by

as k ing for support from th e Fre e and O pen Source softw are com m unity on

a voluntary bas is . You can h elp by m ak ing a voluntary donation. W e w ant

to th ank our donators . Th ey don't just support th e 2006 edition, th ey are

m ak ing sure th at future editions can be organis ed. To expre s s our th ank s ,

w e give back som e goodie s w e got from our sponsors .

W e accept cash , d eb it- and cred itcards donations.

W h ere? M ain Infodesk in building H .

H e re is an overview of th e goodie s w e h and out in relation to th e am ount

of your contribution:

(1) Draw to w in a m agazine subscription in Englis h , Dutch , Fre nch or Spanis h .

(2) You ne e d to cre ate an account on th e FOSDEM w e bs ite to participate to th e draw !

(3) Th e draw for th e 2 x Nok ia 770 table ts w ork s dynam ically: for e ve ry m ultiplication of

25 e uro's your ch ance to w in one of th e table ts w ill incre as e .

(4) If you w in th e draw O'R e illy offe rs you 5 book s of your ch oice .

(5) 2 x Sun Ultra 20 w ith 1GB RAM , 80 GB H D, DVD, ...

To avoid any problem s in th e future , read th e follow ing com m ent very

carefully: you do not buy th e s e item s from FOSDEM . W e give th em to you

in order to th ank you for your support. It's im pos s ible to get a refund,

w h atever th e reason.

Unfortunately, donations cannot be tax deductible.

10 € 25 € 50 € 100 € 150 € 200 €

T-Sh irt

O'Re illy Pock et

O'Re illy Book

M agazine Subscription


2 x pas s e s EUROSCON 2006


2 x Nok ia 770 Tablets


2 x 5 O'Re illy Book s of ch oice


2 x Sun Opteron Work stations


Page 3: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


Th e volunteers at th e Infode s k are h appy to answ er all your q ue stions and

provide us eful inform ation about FOSDEM . In th is broch ure you w ill find

all you ne ed to k now regarding th e talk s , devroom s , tutorials, m aps , ...

Th e m ain Infode s k is located in building H and is indicated clearly

th rough out th e cam pus . Just follow th e arrow s . Specific inform ation about

th e sch edule is also available at th e sm all Infode s k , building A.

In case of em ergency you can reach th e Infodesk

at teleph one num ber: 02 788 74 74.


Did you loos e som eth ing? H ead

over to th e m ain Infode s k , som eone

m igh t h ave found it and brough t it

th e re .

D id you find som eth ing? Bring it to

th e m ain Infode s k , so th e ow ner can

pick it up th e re .


Do you fe el a sudden printing

ne ed? Do you ne ed 42 page s prin-

ted!? DON'T PANIC! A printer is

available at th e m ain Infode s k . Put

you m aterial online and/or bring it

w ith you on a USB k ey.


In cas e of a sm all or big accident

im m ediately go to th e m ain In-

fode s k w h e re a First Aid k it is avail-

able as w ell as contact num bers for

a doctor on call and th e neare st h os -



We recom m end you us e Taxi Ve rt.

Ph one num ber: 02 349 49 49 .

A good pick up point is : ULB Cam -

pus Solbosch , at th e Frank lin

Roos evelt Road (s e e m ap)


In cas e you ne ed som e extra

ch airs , tables , netw ork or pow er

cables : W e h ave a ve ry lim ited sup-

ply at th e m ain Infode s k .


A w irele s s netw ork is available

around both th e developer-room s

and th e conference -room s . Th e net-

w ork can be recognis ed by th e


Is som e devroom s you'll also be

able to us e w ired netw ork ing, but

th is is not supported by th e netw ork

team .


Follow th e Cafetaria arrow s (or

s e e m ap) and you w ill find a h eated

place w h e re you can buy drink s (cof-

fe e , be e r, softdrink s ,...) and food

(sandw ich e s , h ot-dog, crisps ,


Page 4: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006



Jon Trow bridge - Beagle

... is a long-tim e GNOM E h ack er and

advocate for fre e softw are . H e h as re -

cently joined Google, w h e re h e w ill

be part of th e O pen Source Program

O ffice .

M ich ael M ee k s - OpenOf-

fice .org

M ich ael is a Ch ristian and enth us iast-

ic believer in Fre e softw are . H e very

m uch enjoys w ork ing for Novell

w h ere as a m em ber of th e De s k top re -

s earch team h e h as w ork ed on

de s k top infrastructure and applica-

tions , particularly th e CO RBA,

Bonobo, Nautilus and acce s s ibility,

am ongst oth er intere sting th ings . H e

now w ork s full tim e developing O pen-

O ffice .org. Prior to th is h e w ork ed for

Quantel gaining expertis e in real tim e

AV editing and playback ach ieved

w ith h igh perform ance focus ed h ard-

w are / softw are solutions .


David Roundy - Darcs

... is a ph ys icist currently w ork ing as

a postdoctoral re s earch e r at Cornell

Univers ity in th e field of Condens ed

M atter Th eory. H e created darcs in

2002 after becom ing intere sted in th e

problem of h ow to de scribe and m anip-

ulate ch ange s . Around th e sam e tim e ,

David learned th e H as k ell language,

and h asn't be en th e sam e s ince . W h ile

not w ork ing on darcs or ph ys ics , Dav-

id enjoys reading, k nitting, croch eting

and playing h arm onica, but not all at

th e sam e tim e .

Greg Ste in - Subvers ion

... is an engine ering m anager at

Google, w ork ing on th e ir open source

efforts . Prior to th at, Greg w as a dir-

ector of engine ering at CollabNet

w h e re h e m anaged th e Subvers ion

project and releas e s of th e ir Collab-

Net Enterpris e Edition product. H e

also w ork ed at M icrosoft as a Devel-

opm ent M anager, in th e Com m erce

Server and Site Server groups . Greg

w as a co-founder and th e Corporate

Tech nologist of eSh op, one of th e

first electronic com m erce softw are

com panie s , before its acq uis ition by

M icrosoft. In Greg's spare tim e , h e

w ork s on m any open source projects ,

such as Subvers ion, W ebDAV, and Py-

th on. H e also w ork s on Apach e pro-

jects and is th e current Ch airm an of

th e Apach e Softw are Foundation.

Julian Sew ard - Valgrind

... is a recycled com piler h ack e r. H e

founded th e Valgrind project in 2000

and is th e project lead and a full tim e

developer. H e 's also th e auth or of

bzip2, a data com pre s s ion program .

Julian's back ground is in exotic com -

piler tech nology. H e w ork ed for s ever-

al years on and w ith th e Glasgow

H as k ell Com piler, an open source

com piler for th e functional language

H as k ell, w ith earlier postdoctoral

w ork on com pilation of a h ybrid func-

Page 5: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


tional/OO language . M ore recently h e

led a sm all group developing a vector-

izing code generator for SIM D arch i-

tecture s . Julian live s w ith h is w ife

Donna and tw o cats in Cam bridge ,

UK. In h is m inim al spare tim e h e en-

joys dancing w ith th e various folk

dance groups in Cam bridge .


Crispin Cow an - AppArm or

... w as th e CTO and founder of Im -

m unix, Inc., recently acq uired by Nov-

ell. Dr. Cow an now w ork s as a

s ecurity arch itect for Novell w ith re -

spect to s ecurity for th e Linux plat-

form and applications th at Novell

offers for Linux, and w ith particular at-

tention to th e AppArm or product th at

cam e w ith th e Im m unix acq uis ition.

Dr. Cow an developed s everal h ost s e -

curity/survivability tech nologie s un-

der DARPA funding, including

prom inent tech nologie s lik e th e Stack -

Guard com piler defens e against buf-

fer overflow s . Dr. Cow an also

co-invented th e "tim e -to-patch " m eth -

od of as s e s s ing w h en it is safe to ap-

ply a s ecurity patch . Prior to founding

Im m unix, h e w as a profe s sor w ith th e

O regon Graduate Institute, Depart-

m ent of Com puter Science and Engin-

e e ring. H e h olds a Ph .D. from th e

Univers ity of W e stern O ntario and a

M asters of M ath em atics from th e Uni-

vers ity of Waterloo.

Mas s im iliano Pala - OpenCA

... h olds an M .S. Degre e in Com puter

Engine ering. H e is attending Ph D

cours e at th e Politecnico di Torino in

PKI and Security area, currently h e is

vis iting Ph D at Dartm outh College .

H e started th e O penCA project in

19 9 8 and still continue s its develop-

m ent and m anagem ent. H is re s earch

intere sts are in th e field of new s ecur-

ity arch itecture s and protocols devel-

opm ent, Peer-to-Peer tech nologie s for

PKIs and e -Governm ent projects .

Th om as z Kojm - Clam AV

... is a com puter scientist from Po-

land. H e h as be en an open source de -

veloper s ince 2000. In 2002 h e started

th e Clam AV project w h ich is now de -

veloped w orldw ide . Clam AV is a

GPL licens ed anti-virus toolk it for

Unix, w idely us ed as a s e rver-s ide e -

m ail virus scanner. It's k now n for its

q uick re spons e tim e to new th reats

and a big num ber of 3rd party applica-

tions .


Ian Pratt - Xen

... is th e leader and ch ief arch itect of

th e Xen project, w h ich h e founded in

2001 w ith th e aim of m ak ing virtualiz-

ation ubiq uitous on com m odity h ard-

w are . Ian h as played a k ey role in

both th e arch itecture of Xen and form -

ation of industry partners h ips th at led

to th e em ergence of Xen as th e O pen

Source virtualization tech nology. Ian

Page 6: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006

Speak ers

is a m em ber of Senior faculty at th e

Com puter Laboratory of Cam bridge

Univers ity, UK, w h e re h e h as led Sys -

tem s Re s earch for 8 years . H e h olds a

Ph D in Com puter Science , and w as

elected a Fellow of Kings College in

19 9 6.

Jon H aslam - DTrace

... in th e Perform ance and Availability

engine ering group at Sun. Over th e

years h e h as developed an unnatural

obs e s s ion w ith obs e rving th e com plex

interactions th at exist w ith in todays

softw are subsystem s . Jon w as h eavily

involved in th e DTrace project s ince

early on in its developm ent cycle and

counts h im s elf privileged to h ave

be en involved in th e obs e rvability re -

volution th at is DTrace .

Uriel M . Pere ira - Plan 9

... is a fre elance h ack e r w ith over ten

years of experience . Alw ays look ing

for tools to figh t com plexity, becam e

intere sted in Unix and it's tradition.

H as be en involved w ith th e Plan 9

com m unity s ince it's O pen Source

releas e . Since th en h as be en busy

developing Plan 9 and spreading th e

ideas of Plan 9 to oth er system s .


Jan Janak - SER (SIP Ex-

pre s s Router)

... is a ch ief softw are arch itect at ipte -

lorg Gm bH , th e SIP deploym ent com -

pany. Th ere , h is re spons ibilitie s

include de s ign and im plem entation of

SIP solutions for large scale internet

teleph ony s e rvice providers . Previ-

ously, Jan w as re s earch e r at

Fraunh ofer institute FOKUS, w ork ing

on th e de s ign and im plem entation of

th e SIP Expre s s Router, h igh ly scal-

able fre e SIP s e rver. Jan is advisory

board m em ber of Telio AS, th e faste st

grow ing Nordic internet teleph ony

s e rvice provider.

Jean-M arc Valin - Speex

... h as a Ph D, a m aster's degre e and a

bach elor's degre e in electrical engin-

e e ring from th e Univers ity of

Sh erbrook e . H is Ph D th e s is focus e s

on bringing h earing capabilitie s to a

m obile robotics platform , including

sound source localization and s epara-

tion. H is oth e r re s earch intere sts cov-

er spe ech coding and h e h as

developed th e Speex codec, aim ed at

low bitrate spe ech com m unications .

H e is a m em ber of th e IEEE Signal

Proce s s ing Society.

Mark Spencer - Asteris k

... founded Linux Support Service s in

19 9 9 w h ile still a Com puter Engine er-

ing student at Auburn Univers ity.

W h en faced w ith th e h igh cost of buy-

ing a PBX, M ark s im ply us ed h is

Linux PC and k now ledge of C code

to w rite h is ow n! Th is w as th e begin-

ning of th e w orld-w ide ph enom enon

k now n as Asteris k , th e open source

PBX, and caus ed M ark to s h ift h is

bus ine s s focus from Linux support to

supporting Asteris k and opening up

Page 7: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006

Speak ers

th e telecom m ark et. Linux Support Ser-

vice s is now k now n as Digium , and is

bringing open source to th e telecom

m ark et w h ile gaining a footh old in

th e telecom industry. M ark strongly be -

lieve s th at every tech nology h e cre -

ate s s h ould be given back to th e

com m unity. Th is is w h y Asteris k is

fully open source . Today th at m odel

h as allow ed Asteris k to rem ain avail-

able fre e of ch arge , w h ile it h as be -

com e as robust as th e leading and

m ost-expens ive PBXs. M ark Spencer

h olds a degre e in Com puter Engine er-

ing from Auburn Univers ity, and is

now pre s ident of Digium , Inc. H e h as

also led th e creation of s everal Linux-

bas ed open source applications , m ost

notably Asteris k , th e O pen Source

PBX, and Gaim Instant M e s s enger.


Alex Ru s s el - Th e Dojo Toolk it

... is Project Lead for th e Dojo

Toolk it, Pre s ident of th e Dojo Founda-

tion, and a Sr. Softw are Engine er at

JotSpot -- th e Application-W ik i com -

pany. Alex h as be en figh ting brow s ers

s ince th e late 9 0's and togeth e r w ith a

grow ing group of contributors is h elp-

ing to build th e Dojo Toolk it into th e

preferred w ay to engine er dynam ic

w eb application interface s .

Geert Bevin - RIFE

... is th e CEO of Uw yn, a sm all cus -

tom application developm ent com -

pany w ith a strong focus on w eb

applications , open source , Java and

rich internet tech nologie s . H e is th e

founder of th e RIFE project w h ich

provide s a full-stack Java w eb applica-

tion fram ew ork for q uick ly building

m aintainable applications w ith sustain-

able developer productivity. H e also

started or contributed to projects lik e

Bla-bla List, O penLaszlo, Drone,

Bam boo, Eleph ant, RelativeLayers ,

and Gentoo Linux.

Jason H uggins - Selenium

... is a s enior developer at Th ough t-

Work s , Inc. H e s e rve s as tech nical

lead for Th ough tWork s ' custom intern-

al system s , from w h ich th e Selenium

project w as born. Prior to Th ough t-

Work s , Jason w as a tech nology con-

sultant at PeopleSoft (now O racle).

H e h olds a Bach elor of Bus ine s s Ad-

m inistration in M anagem ent Inform a-

tion System s from th e Univers ity of

Notre Dam e . H e w ork s and plays in

Ch icago, Illinois w ith h is w ife , Kelly,

and 2 year old son, Finley.

Page 8: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


RO O M H 1301 - KDE

14:00 Kubuntu

(Jonath an R idde ll)

15:00 O pen DevRoom

(e ve ryone )

16:00 Roadm ap to World Dom ination:

M ark eting KDE

(Se bastian Kügle r)


13:00 openSUSE - M otivations , Goals

and O pportunitie s

(Sonja Kraus e -H arde r, M ich ae l Loe ffle r)

14:00 Introducing th e openSUSE Build


(Adrian Sch roe te r, Corne lius Sch um ach e r,

Andre as Baue r)

15:00 SUSE Linux Pow er M anagem ent -

O ne step ah ead!

(Tim o H oe nig, H olge r M ach t)

16:00 SUSE Linux 10.2 - Quo vadis?

(M ich ae l Loe ffle r, Ch ristoph Th ie l)

17:00 Q & A

(e ve ryone )


13:30 SETR LiveCD: a live tool for

em bedded developm ent

(H e ctor Oron)

14:30 O ptim izing th e Linux k e rnel and

applications for spe ed, space , ram , pow er

and cost

(M ich ae l Opde nack e r)

15:30 Lock -fre e Data Exch ange for Real-

Tim e applications

(Pe te r Soe te ns)

16:30 ALSA SoC layer

(Liam Girdw ood)

RO O M H 1309 - M O Z ILLA

13:00 O pening and Introduction

(Axe l H e ch t)

13:45 M ozilla Foundation

(Ge rvas e M ark h am )

14:30 M ozilla Europe

(Tristan Nitot)

15:15 Th e SeaM onk ey Project

(Robe rt Kais e r)

16:00 Flock

(Z bignie w Branie ck i)

16:45 M ozilla Project BOF

(e ve ryone )

RO O M H 2111 -


13:00 GORM , StepTalk

(Nicolas Roard)

14:00 CoreData

(Saso Kis e lk ov)

15:00 W eb Applications w ith SOPE

(M arcus M ue lle r)

16:00 GNUstep on th e Z aurus PDA

(Nicolaus Sch alle r)

RO O M H 2214 - LPI

13:00 LPI Exam Se s s ion #1

15:00 LPI Exam Se s s ion #2

RO O M AW 1.105 - TCL/TK

14:00 Intro to Tcl/Tk

(Clif Flynt)

15:00 GUI for ASIC Verification

(Kare l Nijs)

16:00 H ecl - Scripting for m obile ph one s

(David N. W e lton)


Page 9: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


RO O M AW 1.115 - JABBER

14:00 O pen discus s ion

(e ve ryone )

15:00 Jabber Introduction

(Ralph M e ije r, Boris M ann)

16:00 Pub-sub & Applications

(Ralph M e ije r)

17:00 O pen discus s ion

(e ve ryone )

RO O M AW 1.120 - GNU


14:10 Putting th e 'Fre e ' into JFreeCh art

(Dave Gilbe rt)

15:10 Us ing Eclips e for GNU Clas spath

Developm ent

(Tom Trom e y)

16:00 Sh ow your app/H ack your app !

(e ve ryone )

RO O M AW 1.121 - X.O RG

14:00 H igh ligh ts from th e Santa Clara


(Stuart Kre itm an)

15:00 Coordinate transform redirection

for com pos ited w indow environm ents

(K e ith Pack ard)

16:00 Xgl, th e current future of X

(M atth ias H opf)

RO O M AW 1.124 - GNO M E

14:00 W elcom e

(e ve ryone )

14:15 Gnom eM eeting/Ek iga

(Dam ie n Sandras)

14:45 Gtk m m /Glom

(M urray Cum m ing)

15:30 W riting W in32-friendly GNOM E


(Tor Lillqvist)

16:15 GO bjects and De s ign Patterns

(Ph ilip VanH oof)

17:00 Clos ing talk s

(e ve ryone )

RO O M AW 1.125 - DEBIAN

14:00 Governing Debian: From Scud

launch to im pact

(Je roe n van Wolffe laar)

15:00 (em pty for k ey s igning)

16:30 Im proving w ork flow in Debian

th rough proce s s integration

(M artin F. Krafft)

17:15 Nobody expects th e Finnis h

Inq uis ition: Confe s s ion of a pack age


(Lars W irze nius)


13:00 Em pirical softw are engine ering

re s earch on libre softw are

(Je sus M . Gonzale z-Barah ona)

13:45 Quality Is sue s in Fre e Softw are


(M artin M ich lm ayr)

14:30 M easuring developer activity -

som e approach e s

(Juan Jos e Am or-Igle s ias)

15:15 Participation of Independent

Softw are Vendors in fre e and open source

softw are projects

(H e rw ig M annae rt, Kris Ve n and Jan

Ve re lst)

16:00 A m ath em atical m odel for guiding

refactoring efforts

(Andre a Capiluppi)

16:45 M orfeo: creating a new open

source com m unity

(Tom as Aguado)


Page 10: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006



Feb 25th



10:30 - 12:00



12:00 - 13:00 GPLV3 DISCUSSIO N (Janson)

13:00 - 14:00


Jon H aslam

14:00 - 15:00


Jon H aslam


Jan Janak

15:00 - 16:00


Urie l M . Pe re ira


M ark Spe nce r


16:00 - 17:00


Ian Pratt


Je an-M arc Valin


M ark Spe nce r

17:15 - 17:30



Keys igning Party

Th e Key Signing Party h as now

becom e a tradition at FOSDEM .

Next to th e usual GnuPG stuff w e

w ill introduce you, if you did not

k now it yet, to th e CACert

As surance Program . You w ill th us

be able to s ign th e CACert papers

in com pany w ith your FOSDEM -

fellow s .

LPI Exam s

For tim e s and place of th e exam s

w e refer to th e Developers ' Room

Sch edule. Anoth er im portant th ing:

th e price w ill be s et at 50 €, w h ich

is le s s th an th e norm al price .

People intere sted in tak ing th e s e

exam s ne ed an LPI ID (s e e LPI

w ebs ite).

Page 11: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006



Feb 26th



10:00 - 11:00


Ge e rt Be vin


David Roundy

11:00 - 12:00


Jason H uggins


Gre g Ste in

12:00 - 13:00


Ale x Rus s e l


Julian Se w ard

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:00


Crispon Cow an


Jon Trow bridge


M as s im iliano Pala

15:00 - 16:00


Tom asz Kojm


M ich ae l M e e k s

16:00 - 17:00


M as s im iliano Pala


Axe l H e ch t


M ich ae l M e e k s

17:00 - 18:00


Je ff Waugh

H ack er Room

Are you expecting m ail? Can't

live w ith out your ch at or irc? Need

to do som e system -adm inistration?

Feel fre e to h ave a s eat in H 2213,

th e h ack e r room .

Spe ak ing is s ilve r, s ile nce is gold...


FOSDEM is an event created by

th e com m unity and for th e com -

m unity. Cons e q uently, w e th ink it

is im portant to k e ep th e acce s s to

th e event fre e . H ow ever, organiz-

ing such an event re q uire s a h uge

am ount of m oney.

W e th us invite you to read th e

donations inform ation on th e first

page of th is book let.

Page 12: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


Page 13: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006

Dev Rooms


RO O M H 1301 - KDE

10:00 O pen DevRoom

(e ve ryone )

11:00 KO ffice in enterpris e environm ents

(Raph ae l Lange nh orst)

12:00 O pen DevRoom

(e ve ryone )

14:00 Krita: Painting your Dream s

(Bart Coppe ns)

15:00 O pen DevRoom

(e ve ryone )


09 :00 Developer Break fast

(e ve ryone )

10:00 Pack aging Tutorial - Th e brick s w e

build w ith

(H e ndrik Voge lsang, M arcus Rue ck e rt)

11:00 Cros s -D istribution Building w ith

th e openSUSE Build Service

(M ich ae l Sch roe de r)

12:00 Speed Talk s (various topics)


12:30 W riting your ow n YaST M odule in

a few h ours

(Ste fan H undh am m e r)

14:00 Th e SUSE Security Proce s s

(M arcus M e is sne r)

15:00 SUSE Linux LiveCD Tutorial

(Ste ffe n W inte rfe ldt)

16:00 Q & A

(e ve ryone )


09 :30 Linux@ New tec (em bedded Linux

cas e study)

(Kristof Ge ile nk otte n)

10:30 Building and supporting

distributions w ith openEm bedded

(Koe n Kooi)

11:30 Tow ards a com m on em bedded

pow er m anagem ent solution

(David W e ine h all, Sam psa Fabritius)

14:00 Real-tim e Patch e s for Linux

(Klaas van Ge nd)

15:00 Device Tre e s for em bedded system s

(David Gibson)

16:00 Printing on em bedded system s

(Till Kam ppe te r)

RO O M H 1309 - M O Z ILLA

09 :00 W elcom e

(Tristan Nitot)

09 :15 XULRunner

(Brian King)

10:00 Reflow (Refactoring)

(David Baron)

10:45 Flock ing th e M ozilla Codebas e


11:30 Z ap - th e M ozilla SIP client

(Ale x Fritze )

12:15 Developm ent BOF

(e ve ryone )

14:00 Localizing M ozilla products and


(e ve ryone )

RO O M H 2111 - LINUX O N


10:00 Saving Pow er w ith Laptop M ode

(Bart Sam w e l)

10:30 ACPI

(M atth e w Garre tt)

11:00 User Space Pow er M anagem ent /

Apple Pow er M anagem ent

(M atth ias Grim m )

11:30 O pen Discus s ion: Th e Future of

User Space Pow er M anagem ent

(e ve ryone )

Page 14: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006

Dev RoomS


RO O M H 2111 -


12:00 GroupDAV M eeting

(H e lge H e s s)

13:00 W indow s Developm ent w ith


(Rich ard Frith -M acdonald, W im

Ouds h oorn)

14:00 O penGroupw are .org Project and


(H e lge H e s s)

15:00 Etoile De s k top Environm ent

(Que ntin M ath e )

16:00 Project M anager IDE

(Saso Kis e lk ov)

RO O M H 2215 - LPI

10:00 LPI Exam Se s s ion #3

12:00 LPI Exam Se s s ion #4

RO O M H 2214 - GENTO O

09 :00 Keynote

(Joch e n M ae s)

10:00 Tow ards a european Gentoo


(Ulrich Plate )

10:45 Gentoo acros s th e globe

(pane l discus s ion)

11:30 Closed s e s s ion (general discus s ion,

k eys igning)

(inte rnal)

12:30 lunch break

(e ve ryone )

13:15 libconf

(Dam ie n Krotk ine )

13:45 QA: Fixing th e Gentoo

(Patrick Laue r)

14:30 Gentoo project structure

(Sve n Ve rm e ule n)

15:15 Releas e engine ering and catalyst

(Ch ris Giane lloni)

15:45 M igrating Gentoo infrastructure to


(Andre a Barisani)

RO O M AW 1.105 - TCL/TK

10:00 O O in Tcl

(Donal Fe llow s)

11:00 Tk Te st

(Clif Flynt)

12:00 Tcl for Regre s s ion Te sting

(Arje n M ark us)

13:00 Lunch break , discus s ion

(e ve ryone )

14:00 W rite a gam e

(Clif Flynt)

16:00 W rapup and Review

(e ve ryone )

RO O M AW 1.115 - JABBER

10:00 O pen discus s ion & developm ent

(e ve ryone )

13:00 W h at's cool & new

(Ralph M e ije r)

14:00 Virtual Pre s ence

(H e ine r Wolf)

15:00 O pen discus s ion & developm ent

(e ve ryone )

RO O M AW 1.120 - GNU


09 :10 Fre e Sw ing: past, pre s ent and future

(Rom an Ke nnk e )

10:10 Fre e Im plem entation of th e

CO RBA Standard

(Audrius M e s k aus k as)

11:10 Th e Jam VM Runtim e

(Robe rt Lough e r)

12:10 Integrating Vm gen-bas ed


(Ch ristian Th alinge r)

14:00 "Th e Future" - state of th e w orld,

beyond japi

(M ark W ie laard)

Page 15: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006



RO O M AW 1.121 - X.O RG

09 :30 Autom ated Display Configuration

in th e Xorg W indow System

(Stuart Kre itm an)

10:30 X and m ode s etting, atroph y


(Luc Ve rh ae ge n)

11:30 Dtracing th e Xorg Server

(Jay H obson)

13:30 Rew ork ing th e PCI subsystem on X

(Egbe rt Eich )

14:30 To be announced

15:30 To be announced

16:30 To be announced

RO O M AW 1.124 - ADA

10:00 Introduction to Ada

(Je an-Pie rre Ros e n)

11:00 Adacontrol

(Je an-Pie rre Ros e n)

12:00 Use of Fre e Softw are in European

Air Traffic Flow M anagem ent

(Ph ilippe Waroquie rs)

13:00 lunch break

(e ve ryone )

14:00 Ada in Debian

(Ludovic Bre nta)

15:00 AdaCore : Ada Academ ic Initiative

(Robe rt B.K. De w ar)

16:00 AdaCore : Th e PolyO RB

sch izoph renic m iddlew are

(Th om as Quinot)

RO O M AW 1.125 - DEBIAN

10:00 Wom en in Fre e Softw are : Findings


(H annah M . Wallach )

11:00 Th e Debian GNU/k FreeBSD port

(Aure lie n Jarno)

12:00 SLIND: A sm all Debian-bas ed

linux distro for em bedded system s

(Be njam in Collar)

13:30 Debian-Volatile - be h ind th e scene s

(M artin Z obe l-H e las)

14:15 Debtags , and w h at you can do w ith

it today

(Enrico Z ini)

15:15 Debian-Installer internals

(Frans J. Pop)

16:15 Ins ide th e Debian m enu system

(Bill Allom be rt)

RO O M AW 1.126 - GNO M E

09 :00 W elcom e

(e ve ryone )

09 :30 m aem o

(Tom m i Kom ulaine n)

10:30 GNOM E advocacy, stuff lik e th at

(Je ff Waugh )

11:15 GNOM E/Ruby

(Pascal Te rjan)

12:00 lunch break

(e ve ryone )

13:00 Beagle

(Jon Trow bridge )

13:45 GScore and Cairo

(Se bastie n Tricaud)

14:30 Project Ridley - overview

(Kristian R ie tve ld)

15:15 PiTiVi video editor

(Edw ard H e rve y)

16:00 Clos ing

(e ve ryone )

Page 16: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006

H elp us m ak e th is event better and

tell us w h at you th ink about it:

Drop th is page/book let in th e fe edback box at th e Infodesk w h en you leave.

H ow w ould you rate th e talk s : 0 1 2 3 4 5

H ow w ould you rate th e devroom s : 0 1 2 3 4 5

H ow w ould you rate th e booth s : 0 1 2 3 4 5

H ow w ould you rate th e tutorials : 0 1 2 3 4 5

W h at do you th ink about th e location/infrastructure? :

W h at do you th ink about th e organisation? :

W ill you com e back next year ? ye s / no / m aybe

Brainstorm : ideas , sugge stions , com m ents , m otivating w ords , ...

feedb ack

Page 17: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006




Th is Belgian sm all com pany de -

veloped th e w eb s ite and its adm inis -

tration tools .


... is com m itted to th e developm ent,

distribution and prom otion of open

source softw are products , and to

providing tools and support to th e

open source com m unity.

Canonical is sponsoring th e trave l

of Je ff Waugh .


... give s sm all-to-m edium -s ized bus i-

ne s s e s control over w h en and h ow

to deploy VoIP tech nologie s ,

provide s flexibility in term s of integ-

ration and reduce s total cost of ow n-

ers h ip. Bas ed on open standards and

th e open source asteris k project, ES-

CAUX net.PBX delivers fre edom

from proprietary vendor tech nology

lock -ins .

ESCAUX is providing VOIP te le -

ph ony during FOSDEM 2006.


O'Re illy

... are th e prem ie r inform ation source for leading-edge com puter tech nolo-

gie s . Th ey com m unicate th e k now ledge of experts th rough our book s , con-

ference s , and w eb s ite s . Th e ir book s , k now n for th e ir anim als on th e

covers , occupy a treasured place on th e s h elves of th e developers building

th e next generation of softw are . Th e ir conference s and sum m its bring innov-

ators togeth e r to s h ape th e revolutionary ideas th at spark new industrie s .

From th e Internet to th e w eb, Linux, O pen Source , and now pe er-to-pe er

netw ork ing, O 'Re illy puts tech nologie s on th e m ap.

O'Re illy offe rs 2 pas s e s to O'R e illy's EUROSCON 2006. Th e re w ill be a

draw for 10 € or m ore donators .


... a global tech nology leader focus ed on im proving th e w ay people connect

w ith inform ation. Google's innovations in w eb s earch and advertis ing h ave

m ade its w ebs ite a top Internet de stination and its brand one of th e m ost re -

cognized in th e w orld. Google m aintains th e w orld's large st online index of

w ebs ite s and oth er content, and Google m ak e s th is inform ation fre ely avail-

able to anyone w ith an Internet connection. Google's autom ated s earch tech -

nology h elps people obtain nearly instant acce s s to relevant inform ation

from it vast online index.

Page 18: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


GNU/Linux M agazine France

... th e leading French m agazine cov-

ering GNU/Linux softw are , develop-

m ent and configuration.

GNU/Linux M agazine France is

donating 20 susbcriptions to Fre nch -

spe ak ing atte nde e s

Linux M agazine

In ... you'll find th e tools, tutorials, re -

view s , and concrete tech nical discus -

s ions you'll need to unlock th e

s ecrets of Linux. Bas ed in th e UK,

Linux M agazine s e rve s th e interna-

tional Englis h -speak ing Linux Com -

m unity. Linux M agazine is also

publis h ed in Germ an, Polis h , Por-

tugue s e , Rom anian, and Spanis h .

Linux M agazine is donating 20 inte r-

national susbcriptions during FOS-

DEM 2006.

M isc e M ulti-system s & Internet Secur-

ity Cook book , is th e first French s e -

curity m agazine covering s ecurity

w ith Unix and non-unix system s ,

from th e program m er to th e system

adm inistrator point of view .

M isc is offe ring 20 subscriptions to

Fre nch -spe ak ing atte nde e s

Nok ia

...a w orld leader in m obile com m u-

nications , driving th e grow th and sus -

tainability of th e broader m obility

industry. Nok ia connects people to

each oth er and th e inform ation th at

m atters to th em w ith easy-to-us e

and innovative products lik e m obile

ph one s , device s and solutions for

im aging, gam e s , m edia and bus i-

ne s s e s . Nok ia provide s e q uipm ent,

solutions and s e rvice s for netw ork

operators and corporations .

Nok ia is donating 2 Nok ia 770 to

FOSDEM 2006 organization as give

aw ay to donators .


... a large com pany w ith an im pre s s -

ive num ber of softw are engine ers ,

support staff, and consultants dedic-

ated to Linux and open source . In

part due to its acq uis itions of SUSE

Linux and Xim ian, Novell h as som e

of th e industry's m ost talented open

source engine ers . Novell em ployee s

are also s ignificant contributors to

k ey open source projects : th e Linux

k e rnel, th e Re is e r file system , Ap-

pArm or, YaST, M ono, GNOM E and

KDE de s k tops , Evolution, M ozilla

and O penO ffice .org.

Nove ll is sponsoring th e trave ls of

Crispin Cow an and M ich ae l M e e k s .

Sun M icrosystem s

... h as h eld open system s to be th e

cornerstone of its bus ine s s ph ilo-

soph y s ince th e beginning. From

de s k tops to supercom puters , and

from developm ent tools to pro-

ductivity suite s , Sun is dedicated to

delivering h ardw are and softw are

bas ed on open industry standards .

Today, th rough s h ared tech nology

Page 19: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006


innovation, Sun's continued com m it-

m ent to O pen Source is reflected in

its leaders h ip and k ey contributions

to th e m any projects including

O penSolaris , O penO ffice .org,

GNOM E, Grid Engine ,,

Jini, JXTA, NetBeans , Project

Glas sFis h , M ozilla, Tom cat, and

m yriad oth ers .

Sun sponsors 2 w ork stations for th e

donation re turns and le nds us som e

h ardw are for th e e ve nt.

Th ink W ize

... a young tech nology and s e rvice s

com pany, w h ich started in th e h ot

sum m er of 2003, and specialis e s in

offering open solutions .

Th ink W ize w illl pay back th e LPI-e x-

am cost of th e 3 be st stude nts .


Fre s h m

A uniq uely rich softw are repos itory

and s earch able arch ive for end-

us e rs , fre s h m h osts a databas e

of th e W eb’s large st index of Unix,

Linux, M ac O S X and h andh eld soft-

w are w ith related discus s ions and

vers ion announcem ents . fre s h -

m provide s s earch ing and fil-

tering capabilitie s for us e rs w h o

com e to th e s ite look ing for specific

tools and applications .

Linux-M agazin

... is Europe's longe st running Linux

publication. Linux-M agazin is th e

Germ an-language source of inform a-

tion for Linux Profe s s ionals .

SourceForge .net

M ore O pen Source developers col-

laborate on m ore projects at Source -

Forge .net th an anyw h ere in th e

w orld. Robust online s e rvice s facilit-

ate real tim e softw are collaboration

and distribution acros s virtual

team s . Specialized com m unitie s ,

called Foundrie s , enh ance pe er-level

participation around specific tech no-

logie s . SourceForge .net h osts clos e

to 100,000 projects w ith clos e to 1

m illion registered us e rs .


Cercle Inform atiqu e ULB

... a group of students w h o h elp us

book ing and us ing ULB room s dur-

ing FOSDEM .

Linux-Com m

... th e top Germ an-language Linux

portal, covering all aspects of

Linux. Th e m ain Germ an-language

Linux portal is prom oting us w ith

banner advertis ing

All th e Volunteers th at spend

a lot of fre e tim e organis ing th is

great event. And all th e oth ers

w e w anted to m ention h e re but

couldn't due to lack of space ...

Th ank you!

Page 20: FOSDEM 2006 · 2006. 4. 22. · Fosdem 2006 DONATIONS FOSDEM is an event created by the com m unity and for the com m unity. Consequently, we think it is im portant to keep the access

Fosdem 2006

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