
Found Poem by Regan Lee pulled from the mind of Henry Makow Ph.D, October 12, 2011 Genetically Engineering Androgynous Goats. the Illuminati: the means to neuter mankind and take control of reproduction. Ominously, dubbed androgynous goats "goys." Cabalist banker, (Illuminati) blueprint for mankind. Are Freemasons running GE research in New Zealand? We are being re-engineered just like the goats. "Adam" , the primal man, androgynous. the satanic bible man was created sexless. Androgyny is the occult's goal The Illuminati plan: to re-engineer humanity. This inhuman vision: the Jewish term for Gentiles ("goys") They hide in plain sight. They signal their intention we were warned and did nothing. We were accomplices in our own demise. Taken from Androgynous Future for "Goys" ? by Henry Makow

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