Page 1: Frank Diamond - [fa] Spotlight for Inspiration

| December 2, 2013 |


INSPIRATION Our Weekly [fa] Photography Spotlight for

Inspiration is all about talent, inspiration, success, camaraderie and collaboration. Artistic success and

appreciation is built upon networks of like-minded people and our team of artists here will

inspire you for days.

If you have not taken the time to peruse our membership list, I think you will be shocked to see who you are rubbing elbows with. Some of the most amazing up and coming artists in the industry and they are all a part of this team! Each week we sit down with one of them and find out

about them, what they are doing, what keeps them motivated and pull from them

inspiration for us all. We will be covering artists at every level and every style. There is no

requirement for this spotlight except a passion for your craft. Read on… network, be inspired and shoot your dreams!


Page 2: Frank Diamond - [fa] Spotlight for Inspiration


Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016


Frank Diamond Fine Art Photographer

You are going to want to remember this name. Frank Diamond. He is already a force to be reckoned with and his fan base grows daily. Rocio got to sit and chat with the image creating

dynamo and [fa] photography team member this week. You will hear where he gets his inspiration and how he went literally, from model to muse…


Rocio: It’s exciting to be able to interview you. I remember a few months ago, having seen one of your fantasy self-portraits on some photography group on Facebook. I don’t remember which group it was but I know that I saw your image and I instantly became a fan of your work. You had a few thousand fans on your photography business page and I thought I would never even get a


“hello” from you. I began commenting on your image posts and to congratulate you on your incredible work. You quickly began answering my comments and thanking me. After a few weeks, we became FB friends and we began to chat. Quickly, a friendship was born. My Fine Art Photography group began to grow and as Caroline began doing interviews, the first thing I told her was that I wanted you to be

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016



interviewed but that it had to be me because you don’t speak English. She agreed and we set up a date. So, here we are and I am very excited. Let’s proceed with the first question! Tell me how you started to immerse youself in the world of photography. What is your story?

Frank: The truth is that I never imagined I would get to this point. I never cared about photography but during my teenage years, when my body changed, I began wishing of becoming a model! The physical change in my body that occurred made me feel confident about myself. So, I became a model. I worked with professional photographers, was featured in online magazines, and even in clothing store ads.

It was at the age of 22 that I decided to prove my luck as a photographer. I researched and taught myself through online tutorials. Every day,


my interest grew bigger and bigger. A few months after, I was already shooting and editing my first photos. Four months after I began doing photography, I did my first fashion editorial for a magazine. I worked with an amazing team of professionals; they were models, makeup artists, and stylists. Today, I am 23 years old and I am still a photographer. However, now I have a new editing style that is completely different from what is commonly done. I define it as digital art but in a very personal way.

Rocio: Wow. What an interesting story. It’s very inspiring. So, you don’t model anymore?

Frank: Not anymore. Only for my self-portraits.

Rocio: Do you still do fashion editorials?

Frank: I haven’t done them in a while but if I get an offer and it sounds interesting, I


will definitely do it. When it comes to unpaid collaborations or jobs, I always try to find the positive spin to it. I get to add something new to my portfolio!

Rocio: Exactly. What type of photography do you do now and how do you describe your new style?

Frank: To everyone else’s eyes, I imagine it would be defined as digital art. Like I said before, though, to me it is something very personal. My interest isn’t to only show people who I am and what I wish to express with my photos. I want to go farther and cross that line. I also don’t wish to perfect a specific style. I wish to create my own style. This is an inexplicable process of which I don’t even know how to define. In other words, I not only want to surprise others, I want to surprise myself. That is why I like to finish a piece without knowing, until the end, the whole meaning. I don’t know if it will truly

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016



impact me until I finish. I think that is the only way to express the originality and essence of the world of art.

Rocio: How did you develop the style that you have now?

Frank: The truth is that my style has to do with painting. Many years ago, I did oil paintings. I wasn’t a Picasso but I could defend myself very well! I was good at it. Let’s say that this part of my life together with the styles of other photographers have influenced me and have helped me to find the style that I want to follow in my own photography.

Rocio: If you could show, the photographers that follow you, a simple technique, what would it be?


Frank: I always answer this question the same way. My answer is a clue! It is very important to learn how to illuminate your image. That is fundamental. In my opinion, knowing that, you have a lot gained. Lighting your image correctly means that you have about 60% of you editing process done!

Rocio: Do you or don’t you believe that the image should be planned all the way until the end?

Frank: What a great question. It’s important to have a clear concept of the image so that you may transmit what you truly want. What’s important isn’t planning the final result but having a clear vision and concept so that you may show the world what you want.


Rocio: Having that in mind, how do you plan the concepts for your self-portraits?

Frank: I don’t exactly plan anything. I simply let my imagination flow and everything that comes to mind I write on a notebook.

Rocio: Tell me a little more about your experience with learning Photoshop.

Frank: To be honest, I am not

sure I can tell you I know Photoshop. I consider this program to be too extensive and seems like it’s unlimited. To get to the point where I am though, I believe it took me a long time. I learned at my house, in my room. I spent hours and days learning via YouTube. I practiced a lot. Like I mentioned before, at four months of having learned, I was already collaborating with magazines online. After six months, I opened my first gallery show in Tarragona, Spain.

Rocio: Where do you get inspiration from? What is your muse?

Frank: My muse is the earth and my inspiration, everything that lives on her!

Rocio: What is your favorite part of the whole process?

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016



Frank: Without a doubt, my favorite part is when I am already done with all the details, the process of photographing, compositing, drawing, and the only thing left is to change the colors and tones of the image. This part is so important. It is truly the step that that determines the strength and the emotion of the image. By changing the tones and colors of an image, you can make that same image a totally different one.

Rocio: Changing the topic, how many gallery shows have you been in?

Frank: I have done gallery shows in Tarragona, Spain. I will have upcoming shows in Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Madrid, Spain. It is such a wonderful experience and so rewarding.

Rocio: You have mostly done self-portraits. I saw that you are now using a model. What made you change?

Frank: I began asking female models to help me so I can add new characters to my stories and create atmospheres full with my feelings and emotions.

Rocio: Do you have any other hobby besides photography?

Frank: I definitely do! The world of fish truly enchants me! I have a 360 liter aquarium at my house. I love the sea world and being able


to create a space so complex that it becomes a fragment of an ecosystem. I spend hours in front of my tank and it makes me feel a lot of peace!

Rocio: There are a little more over 1000 photographers that will read this interview. What advice would you give them about starting their journey and getting to the point where you are at now? You have only been doing this for a year and are already very well known.

Frank: My humble advice to them is to never lose your wishes or dreams. Fight for those dreams because the earth was not created in two days! Things take time and hope should never be lost. That is something that no one can take away from us. We need that hope so that we may live our dreams. Also, never be arrogant or mean to the people that you meet throughout your life. It’s important to be thankful to those who are interested in our work and to


those who also do what we do. Don’t act and believe as if you already know everything because there is ALWAYS something new to learn. We should always be humble and tolerant of criticism.

Rocio: This interview has been very inspirational and interesting to do. Sadly, it’s time to finish it. Are there any last words that you would like to offer?

Frank: Keep going. Love what you do and respect your colleagues. Digital art, conceptual photography, fin art is what we love. We all need to fight so that other photographers grow as we are. I have only just begun and feel so excited. I only want to keep creating photos and grow much more. I love learning and being able to enjoy with other photographers this passionate world of photography. Rocio, it was a pleasure being able to speak with you!

Rocio: Thank you Frank! Same to you!

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A Gift of Inspiration For You. With each F.A.P Spotlight look for a link to a tutorial, texture, preset,

tip or stock image!

Frank’s gift of inspiration is a video “That truly inspires me and at the same time makes me emotional.”


Frank’ 411… Facebook:

Website coming soon…

[fa] Photography Spotlight for Inspiration: Frank Diamond December 2, 2013

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