

FREE REPORT! Discover How To Make

$1,000 A Week From Home... Part Time...With No Website, Tech Skills, Expertise, Or Sales


– Special Report by Daniel Dwase

© Copyright Daniel Dwase – All Rights Reserved


Hello again! Daniel Dwase here, with another fascinating Special Report on how to make $1,000 a week on the internet! I’m going to share with you 5 fast-profit internet marketing strategies. These are strategies I am using myself to get more traffic to my web business and increase my profits: Strategy #1: The Twitter Cash strategy! Strategy #2: The Facebook Fanpage Cash strategy! Strategy #3: The Fiverr Cash strategy! Strategy #4: The YouTube Cash strategy! Strategy #5: The Webinar Cash strategy!



You can make money even if you don’t have a website, thanks to Twitter! is a micro-blogging platform. People can ‘follow’ you on Twitter, and they’ll see the ‘tweets’ (short messages) that you post on your Twitter account. If you have 10,000 Twitter followers, you could get your tweets seen by thousands of people a week. You can of course use all this free exposure to promote your business, promote yourself, build your mailing list, or promote affiliate offers and CPA offers for example. There are 6 different ways to profit from Twitter… …but today I’m only going to share with you the ‘Twitter advertisements’ strategy. You can apply this strategy when you have as little as 500 followers on Twitter!


There are services that will pay you $5 per tweet when you promote their websites, products or services. First of all, go to and set up your account (it’s FREE). In fact, I recommend you set up MULTIPLE Twitter accounts (you are allowed up to 10 accounts). Then, you will need to get 500 to 10,000 or more Twitter Followers. (I recommend you go to and buy some gigs from people offering to get you 1,000 Twitter followers for just $5. Buy at least 20 gigs like this, to build up your Twitter accounts fast!) Next, sign up with sites like:


For example, go to and create an account: You will then be asked to register your account. Then, you just need to add your Twitter account.


If you have several Twitter accounts, I suggest you upload the one that has the most followers, to increase your chances of getting hired. This service also gives you the option to select what ‘category’ of topics you want to tweet about:


Similar websites to this one are …


…and You can get paid $5 to $10 per tweet, sometimes even more! This means getting $5+ for just a couple of minutes’ work, logging into your Twitter account and posting a short message! Sending out 10 tweets a day to your various Twitter accounts could make you $50 - $100 a DAY! Get started TODAY by setting up your account at and using the top Twitter software tools available.


I recommend using twitter-related software like the ones below: 1. HummingBird 2. Tweet Adder 3. FollowFormation 4. Twit Robot 5. Bird Feeder 6. Auto Tweeting 7. Twiping If you need any help, drop me a line at [email protected]



A Facebook Page is like a mini-site or micro-blog, and they allow you to make money online even if you don’t have a website!

There are 7 ways to profit from Facebook Pages. Today I’m going to tell you about one of them – how to SELL your fan pages. For example, is now worth millions of dollars!


Why are Facebook Pages so valuable? Because… a) Your fanpage can get listed very highly in Google and get you FREE TRAFFIC. b) Every time you post a comment on your Fanpage ‘wall’, it gets seen in your thousands’ of fans Newsfeeds when they login in to Facebook – this means TONS of free exposure and FREE TRAFFIC for YOU. c) Facebook Pages are a great way to interact with your prospects, clients, and marketplace. You get to engage your customers and fans, instead of just ‘selling’ to them. d) Every fan on your Page is probably worth to you $0.20 to $0.30 in income per MONTH! There are many, many ways to profit from Facebook Pages, but let’s talk today about selling Pages. This strategy, in a nutshell: 1. Secure a domain name in high demand 2. Build up a fan page around it


3. Build up the fan base and sell it for profit on various forums and websites such as and 4. Once you’ve made the sale, all you have to do is make the new owner the ‘administrator’ of the page and remove yourself from the page. Note: you can create thousands of Facebook Pages… for FREE… at


And of course, you can pay someone just $5 on to have one created for you. Apart from listing your fanpage on or, you can also sell fan pages to local businesses. For example: A plumber in the London area would pay a FORTUNE for that fanpage! (it would easily get indexed on the first page of Google for the highly valuable keyword ‘london plumbers’) The price of each fan page depends on its domain name. So make sure you secure keyword-rich domains. Alternatively, you could secure lots of domain names from a specific niche, and then sell them on in bulk.


Here’s a twist on this strategy: Vlad Danciu is a 22-year-old student from Romania. He makes over $3,500 a month from selling 5 Fanpages a month! He sets up a fanpage, builds it up to 5,000 fans, and then sells it on by posting a comment on his Facebook Wall to advertise it to his Facebook friends! He gets 10 or more requests a month, and he can’t keep up with demand! Simply insane!


Another example: Kyle X from the USA was still in his teens when he saw his friend Jason Simms had started making $6,000 a month thanks to his Facebook Fanpage. Kyle copied his friend, and within a couple of months he had 500,000 fans on his Page, and he sold it for $20,000! Get started now by setting up a Facebook Page TODAY at If you need any help, drop me a line at [email protected]



Fiverr is an online market place where you offer and purchase products and services for the fixed price of $5. I recently started using to get more traffic, and the results were simply astonishing.


Check out some of the ‘gigs’ advertised on You can make money on, even if you don’t have a website… by selling $5 gigs! Below is a list of categories currently available on Fiverr: Gift Ideas Fun & Bizarre Music & Audio Graphics Tips & Advice Video Business Social Marketing Technology Travel Programming Writing Other Postcards Silly Stuff Advertising


Kevin Taylor from the UK, made over $8,000 in a month by selling gigs on! Here’s what he has to say about his strategy:


By listing approximately 40 gigs on, Kevin sells 70-80 gigs a DAY and makes approximately $280 a DAY ($8,000+ a month). Note: he makes even MORE money on the BACK END, by UPSELLING other products and services to the clients that bought his $5 gigs! If you’re interested in this strategy, you need to join To become a seller on Fiverr, you have to create an account first. Click on ‘Join’: …Then complete the information requested. When providing information about you, make sure you convey the fact that you are an expert in your niche. I advise you create a gig in the ‘social marketing’ category because they are the most popular ones at the moment. For example:


If you want to sell a gig on, I recommend you follow these simple steps listed below, to get you started:

1. Create a gig offering to increase people’s followers

2. Set up a dummy twitter account. (You can use proxifeed on it or twitterfeed on it to tweet out information automatically in order to make the account seem real). Also remember to personalize the profile to make it look real. 3. Build up its twitter followers (various tools are available to do so very quickly – see Strategy #1). After a few days, ‘unfollow’ users who haven’t followed back (Hummingbird allows you to do that). Follow and unfollow users until your account reaches 500 followers. 4. Then using your customers’ twitter account, auto-follow the users following your dummy twitter account since they are guaranteed to auto-follow back.


Further tips for optimizing your gigs and making more money thanks to 1) The title of the gig has to be straight forward and has to include a timeframe. (ie: “I will add 500 followers to your account in 24 hours”) 2) In the description, repeat the timeframe and tell your customers what information you require. In addition, underline the fact that you are an expert in your chosen field (ie: I’m an expert in Social Media marketing with over 5 years of experience) 3) Make sure that your title is keyword-rich (Twitter followers, Increase twitter followers, Increase followers, etc) 4) As a seller on fiverr, I recommend you use their Email service, and send 3 customized emails on the following occasions: 1. When you receive an order 2. When you complete the order 3. When you can’t take on an order This will increase your credibility and your positive feedback score.


5) Make a LOT MORE MONEY on the BACK END, by UPSELLING other products and services to the clients that bought your $5 gigs! (ask yourself: ‘What Else Do They Need? What Else Are They Buying?’) 6) Use Social Media to market your gig: Fiverr allows you to market your gig within their website using various mediums like the ones listed below: Twitter Facebook Email Myspace Delicious StumbleUpon Google Buzz Technorati Reddit Digg Messenger Friendster All you have to do is click on the ‘share’ button.


Note: you make $4 net per sale. You receive the money 2 weeks after the task has been completed and the buyer has approved it. Your gig ranking is based on popularity, rating or date. The more people who view your gig, the higher your gig will rank in the popularity section of Fiverr. The more positive feedback you get on your gig, the higher you will rank on the rating side of Fiverr. And finally the earlier your gig, the higher you will rank on the date side of Fiverr. Get started now by joining TODAY at If you need any help, drop me a line at [email protected]


STRATEGY #4: YOUTUBE HIJACKING YouTube is one of the most visited websites in the world. It is a worldwide phenomenon. YouTube gets 2.7 BILLION views a month, with 150 videos viewed per person per month in the US… …Which means that YouTube gets TONS of traffic – that’s FREE traffic that YOU can tap into to make a lot of money online. A lot of internet marketers use YouTube to get tons of FREE traffic and make a TON of money right now. Supermarket shelf-stacker Graeme John, from Melbourne, Australia, uploaded 500 videos with affiliate links underneath each of his videos:


Mark Hess was running his mother’s bakery, in the USA, when he stumbled upon YouTube. He uploaded videos there, driving traffic to his 10 niche blog websites (he sells 1 PRODUCT per BLOG). The result? Over $10,000 a month in passive income thanks to FREE traffic from YouTube. Many more use YouTube to profit online WITHOUT a website:


Sarah Staar, Chad Kimball, and Shaqir Hussyin ‘hijack’ other people’s YouTube accounts and make TONS of passive income every day:


STRATEGY #5: WEBINARS Webinars (web seminars) are a great way to make money online, and you don’t even need a website! You can make an absolute fortune thanks to webinars. For example last year… • Mark Vurnum made $60,000 in 90 minutes from a webinar • Adeel Chowdhry made $250,000 in 90 minutes from a webinar


• George Brown made $300,000 in 90 minutes from a webinar • Alex Goad made $330,000 in 90 minutes from a webinar Indeed, if you’ve built a mailing list of prospects and clients, promoting a webinar to them can be very lucrative. Steven Essa is considered to be ‘the world’s #1 expert on webinars’. Thanks to webinars he earns over $1,000,000 a year. This is how Steven generated $18,000 on his first ever webinar online, without even having a website, in his own words...

“I did $18,000 in Sales In 90 Minutes, Without A Website, A List, Or A Product!”

“One day I was talking to a friend of mine, and she mentioned a lady that had a database of 1,000 people in a particular market. I got in contact with her and it turns out she was a barrister.

She had a law-related product she wanted to sell. Her plan was to travel around Australia to deliver seminars and sell her offer.


I found out that she had never emailed her list before, nor sold anything to them. I strongly advised against doing seminars because I knew that the costs, time and logistics involved in running seminars were horrendous. Instead I suggested she did a webinar. Her business partner strongly disagreed, but after a few more conversations I got her around to my thinking. I explained to her that if she did a webinar • There was no cost to her, • It would only take 1-2 hours of her time, • She could reach a GLOBAL audience with her offer! (unlike a small, local ‘seminar’ audience) I had a ‘GoToWebinar’ account, and I’d run a couple of webinars before, so I knew how to set up a webinar (it is so easy it’s a joke). So here is what I proposed to her: • She would create a $3,000 offer for her audience • I’ll set up the webinar through my GoToWebinar account • I’ll write the copy for the webinar registration page • I’ll write and send out the emails to her list • I’ll interview her during the webinar • I’ll arrange to collect the money (we share proceeds 50-50) She agreed to this joint venture.The result: Out of 1,000 people on her list 60 people attended the webinar and we generated $18,000 in sales in one hour. (6 people bought her $3,000 offer!)


The Webinar JV Strategy, Step By Step

a. Join GoToWebinar ($99 a month) Through this link you’ll pay $99 a month instead of $499 per month:

b. Find an expert that has a product to sell and a list of prospects and clients he can market the webinar to. You can find thousands of experts at,, Facebook, Clickbank Marketplace,, or simply

by Googling ‘XYZ expert’! Contact at least 100 experts!

c. Contact them via Facebook, letter, phone, or email – or a combination of the above – and offer to help them SELL MORE OF THEIR PRODUCTS!

“Can I help you sell more of your products? I specialize in organizing webinars for successful experts such as yourself, at zero cost.”

d. You set up the webinar for a certain time and date (e.g. 8pm-9.30pm EST on Wednesday 14th



GoToWebinar gives you the link to the webinar registration page.

e. The expert promotes the webinar to their list (they register through your link)

f. You interview the expert for 60-90 minutes, and

then he/she makes a special offer to the webinar participants.

g. You process the sales and split the money 50-50. Note: you can use a range of different payment processing services, such as:


Where Do I Find Potential JV Partners? Go to and find an author or expert in the niche that you are in. There are people that are basically asking to be interviewed and they will make great webinar guests. Go to is a blog directory. You will find thousands of bloggers, who are experts on their topic. Get in touch with them! Find out if they have a list of prospects, and find out if they have a product to sell! Go to On this website you will find millions of authors, on every topic imaginable. The interesting thing I find, is that most experts are terrible at marketing themselves. You can really help them sell more of their stuff! Go to In the Clickbank Marketplace you will find thousands of ebook authors. Of course you could simply use GOOGLE to find an expert!


Type ‘Your Subject + expert’ or ‘Your Subject + author’ into a the Google search engine, to find hundreds of experts on your topic. Find out if they have a list of prospects, and find out if they have a product to sell! Go to to find out the names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of potential JV partners. Type in the URL of a website. I hope this “Webinar JV” strategy has opened your eyes to the potential of internet marketing and webinar marketing! If you would like me to coach you on how to install and profit from the Gotowebinar software, send me an email to [email protected] There are many, many more strategies for making money online without a website… here are some of them… make sure you check your inbox for my latest Special Reports…. 1. Sell on ebay


2. Promoting affiliate offers through Facebook pages – build your list of 20,000-30,000 fans and you’ll make approximately $5,000 a month from promoting affiliate offers to them 3. The Twitter ‘direct reply’ strategy 4. The Twitter ‘affiliate marketing’ strategy (promoting clickbank products etc. to your followers) 5. Use to promote affiliate offers and CPA offers 6. Fiverr Arbitrage – you buy gigs for $5, then you sell them on other websites for $30 - $150 7. Pay per click advertising – you pay to drive traffic to affiliate offers 8. ‘The Blog Hijacking Method’. You can pay bloggers in specific niches to write about your products, services, free offers, events, etc… …and many, many more! ☺ I hope you enjoyed reading this Special Report! ☺


If you would like me to coach you on how YOU can make $1,000 a week on the Internet, send me an email to [email protected] To Your Success! Daniel Dwase www.

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