
Our free time

Hi, Im going to talk about my free time.In my free time I like riding a horse. I like spending time with theanimals, like walking my dog.I like going out for a meal with my friends.I love relaxing with my family.I like listening to music.

I love going out with my friend in my free time.I like dancing and singing and going shopping with Ana. I like going to the cinema with my friendsand eating popcorn.I love sleeping.

I don't like playing the trumpet in my free time.I hate reading books and studying.I don't like making my bed and ordering my room , but I get boredwhen I do.

I like doing these activities because I am a funny and cheerful girl but I also enjoy spending time with my family and resting.

Good morning, I am talking about the activities I like to do in my spare time. In my free time I like doing some activities for example singing,I always sing pop songs.

I also like dancing ballet and flamenco. I like playing video games, especially if there is someone with me. I love shopping with Clara. When I have some free time I try to relax.

I also love to reading books, especially of love, mystery and fantasy. I love going out with my friends I love listening to music of all kinds

In my free time I don't like playing football or study.

The end

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