Page 1: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log October 2012 and Democracy... · Web viewUnder the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an

Information Governance ReportResponses to Requests

Period: 01/10/2012 - 31/10/2012Type Sub

Enquiry ID

Date Received

Date Responded

Service Enquiry Details Response Details

Organisation 13740 03/09/12 01/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject: Primary Schools

Please can you provide me with a list of primary schools in your borough and their FSM percentage.


Please find attached spreadsheet with regards to the information sought.

Business 13752 03/09/12 01/10/2012 Pensions Subject: Pension Fund Business Plan Update

CBRE Presentation used in preparing the 'Pension Fund Business Plan Update' to the Investment and Accounts Committee on 26 June 2012.


Please find attached the following document required in support of the information sought. Global Multi Manager, London Borough of Newham – Superannuation Fund presentation dated the 26th June 2012.

Public 13730 03/09/12 01/10/2012 Street Scene Enforcement

Subject : Law Enforcement Officers

1. What is the current number


1. The current number of uniformed Newham Council Law Enforcement

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of uniformed Newham Council Law Enforcement officers employed by the authority? 2. Of that number, how many are accredited under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (Police Reform Act 2002)? 3. What training is given to Newham Council Law Enforcement Officers?

officers employed by the authority is 45.

2. A total of 24 are fully accredited under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme. A further 6 officers have completed the required training and are waiting accreditation.

3. Newham Law Enforcement officers undertake a range of work related training initially during the six month probationary period including; - A five day NCFE (National Further Education provider) Core Skills training course for front line staff working in the community.- National Community Accreditation Scheme Training.- Personal Safety Training - Specific work related training on equipment use (radio and video camera)- Driver Training

Public 13750 03/09/12 01/10/2012 Complaints and Member Enquiries

Subject: Data research info Royal Docks Development

We work closely with many businesses situated at the Royal Dock development. We are currently seeking some market research for data


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section 21 exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request for information.

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purposes and improvement of our services. Could you please kindly provide us with the following data.

1. Development future plans and growth

2. Local residents Age. Ethnicity. Annual Salary. Interest. Computer users. Profession. Transport accessibility. Market Research category. Lifestyles

3. Future business development

4. Local spending patterns

5. 5 year development plan

Section 21 of the Act contains an exemption for information which is reasonably accessible by other means.

The Newham website provides extensive information in respect of the regeneration and future development plans for the Royal Docks area, together with statistical information on the borough.

Details of the future regeneration and growth plans for the Royal Docks area can be located on the website in the document titled A Vision for the Royal Docks. Please see the relevant weblink below for your reference

Additional information in respect of the Royal Docks London Enterprise Zone and the development opportunities for Royal Albert Dock and Silvertown Quays can be located on the web link below

Both of these websites include information in respect of the potential for future business development,

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projected spend and vision for the future progression of this area.

The Newham website provides a wealth of statistical information in respect of the demographics of the local populations.For your ease of reference please see the web link below to the key statistics page of the Newham website.

Further information can also be sourced from the Newham Info website which provides for a number of key local indicators to be compiled according to the needs of your research, through the Data Views and Profiles options. Please see the link below

The Office for National Statistics has released the first outputs for the 2011 Census and these can also be located on the Newham Info website.

Public 13763 03/09/12 01/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject : Parking Enforcement


Page 5: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log October 2012 and Democracy... · Web viewUnder the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an

1. How many tickets issued by this CEO ( PCN details witheld) have gone to appeal?

2. Is there a quota of how many tickets should be issued by the CEO on their daily shifts?

3. If there is no quota system, then how is the performance of a CEO monitors?

4. How many appeals do you get for all tickets issued by all CEOs in the Borough?

1. The total number is 10.

2. It is illegal to set quotas for Penalty Charge Notices (PCN’s) issuance. Please be advised that the number of PCN’s issued can vary for a number of reasons i.e.: location of the beat/patrol, the day of the week, and the time of the year.

3. Using a variety of different factors. We look at how effectively a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) covers their beats, applying health & safety, effective monitoring of parking contraventions, which will include priority hot spots and the quality of their pocket book (e.g. supporting evidence, all abbreviations are correct, correct contravention code use and observations time etc) and their cancellation rate.

4. Please be advised that the information you require is available at the following website .

Public 13837 03/09/12 01/10/2012 Business Rates

Subject: Business Rates

Required Information;- A list of


Please find the attached spreadsheet in

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all live business rates accounts with a 2010 list Rateable Value greater than or equal to £25,000. • Property Reference Number (also known as Billing Authority Reference Number) of the property on which the charge is made. Please note that this is not the Rate Demand or Rate Account Number. • Current Rateable Value upon which the charge is based• The Business Name of the party liable for the charge • The hereditament address• The address(of the account holder) to which correspondence in respect of the property is sent including the contact telephone number and email address• The liability start date or date of first account• In addition to occupied business rated properties, where a property is currently subject to empty rates please provide the date it became

support of the information sought.

None of the listed properties have been the subject of empty rates.

We understand that you do not seek as part of this request personal information or sole traders and this information has been withheld in order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. Third party personal data is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. Disclosure of third party personal information would contravene the first data protection principle, which requires that personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully by the Council. Section 40 of the FOIA provides an absolute exemption; therefore there is no requirement to consider the public interest in disclosure.

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empty• A description of the property type (e.g. office/warehouse/retail)• We do not require any personal information or sole traders. Where possible, the information should be supplied in an electronic, spreadsheet format. The Act requires that a response be provided within a period of 20 working days from the date hereof. In our experience this request for information falls within the parameters of the Act.

Public 13754 04/09/12 01/10/2012 Legal Services Subject: London Pleasure Gardens

Will the decision made by the Mayor and his Cabinet to lend £3,300,000 of public funds to London Pleasure Gardens be subjected to scrutiny by either a scrutiny commission or the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee? If so, when will this be scheduled in to the Council


Administrators are still undertaking an options appraisal of the Silvertown Quays site.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee have not taken a decision to scrutinise the London Pleasure Gardens decision as it is inappropriate to do so before the administrators have completed their assessment and a full understanding of the current situation is known.

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Public 13768 06/09/12 01/10/2012 Planning Application & Enforcement

Subject : Planning - Green Belt Land

1. What % of your borough/district is Metropolitan Green Belt (MGB)?

2. How many planning applications for residential development have you refused for Green Belt reasons between 01 January 2007 and 31 December 2011 (or within a similar 5 year period). Approximately how many dwellings does this equate to?

3. What density figure (dwellings per hectare) do you currently apply to residential development (not in the MGB)?

4. Do you plan to review your Green Belt boundary in the next 5 years?Yes / No

5. Have you reviewed your Green Belt boundaries within


1. The percentage of Green Belt designated land in Newham is 2.09%.

2. There have been no planning applications on green belt for the period specified.

3. Newham does not specify a particular density figure for residential development. London Plan policy on optimising housing potential (LP Policy 3.4) is the relevant development plan policy in determining appropriate densities.

Further information on the London Plan policy can be found on the weblink below

4. No

5. No

6. Not applicable

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the last 5 years?Yes / NoIf yes, please specify quantity of gain or loss of MGB (in hectares)

6. If you answered Yes to question 4 or 5 – what is/was the reason for your MGB review?• To address housing need• To protect further areas of MGB• Other (please specify)

Public 13802 13/09/12 01/10/2012 Food safety Subject: Halal Food

1. The name of the companies providing halal food in Newham schools

2. How much the council paid those companies for the provision of halal food.You can give me the value of the contract or the money you spent in the last financial year and if you don't know the exact figure you can give me an estimate


1. The current holder of the Councils’ corporate contract, which includes the supply of all meat including halal is William White Meats Ltd.

2. The spend for the year 2011/12 is £620k on meat and poultry of which £372K was spent on halal purchases.

Public 13875 25/09/12 01/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject: Impounded Summary

Page 10: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log October 2012 and Democracy... · Web viewUnder the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an


The total number of vehicles that had been impounded on the 28th July in the borough and on which roads.

A total of seventeen vehicles were impounded on 28th July 2012.

As requested please see below the roads from which these vehicles were removed.

Shakespeare CrescentAltmore AvenueSibley GroveShaftesbury RoadSouthchurch RoadCentral Park RoadSherrard RoadSHerrard RoadBurges RoadLucas AvenueMarket StreetSt Olaves RoadCaledon RoadBendish RoadHam Park RoadTennyson RoadBrowning Road

Business 13758 05/09/12 02/10/2012 Business Rates

Subject: Business Rates

All properties within your Billing Authority area with a credit held on the account


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an

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The fields required are all non-personal;

Primary Liable Party Name (Business Name)Full Property AddressPostcodeBilling Authority Reference Number (Assessment Number)Current Rateable ValueCredit AmountDate Credit Applies To

exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request.

Section 31 - Law Enforcement

This information is also exempt under Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Law Enforcement. This exemption applies because the release of these details would prejudice the prevention or detection of crime. Credits can be provided to companies in a variety of ways, including directly to a company representative by cash or cheque. Due to limited means of personal verification it is possible that credits could be claimed fraudulently.

It has been concluded that disclosure of this information is not in the public interest as the disclosure of these details may lead to criminal activities such as fraud.

Business 13771 06/09/12 02/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject : Schools Computer Connections

1. The cost of supplying broadband to each school within the remit of the county


1. The London Borough of Newham does not supply broadband to its schools. All schools have their own contract with London Grid for Learning

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council. Please state the school name with address, postcode, cost of Internet circuit and where the circuit goes to. E.g. from school x to county hall network centre.

2. Any other costs to the council that form part of the school charging structure. E.g. staff dedicated to the department, cost of firewalling solution, cost of content filtering solution, cost of VLE.

3. Please say the supplier of each circuit (e.g. Virgin Media / BT).

4. Please say the speed and type of each circuit e.g. 10Mbit Fibre, 100Mbit Fibre, 2Mbit Learning stream.

5. The charging structure to schools. This should be concise and say exactly how each school’s annual cost is calculated. It should also show the cost of any ancillary services schools can purchase from the council. If the cost is

(LGfL) for the supply of broadband and internet services.

2. London Grid for Learning provides all of these services as part of the annual broadband subscription charge.

3. We do not hold this information. The full details of the broadband packages and technical information would be held by London Grid for Learning or through the individual schools. It may be useful to note each school determines its own broadband bandwidth requirements and contracts directly with London Grid for Learning.

4. Please see our response to Question 3.

5. Please see our response to Question 3.

6. Please see our response to Question 3.

7. Please see our response to Question 3.

8. Please see our response to Question 3.

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calculated on a per pupil basis please include the full cost to that school for the year + the number of pupils at each school.6. When each schools contract is due to expire with the council.

7. The notice period a school has to give to change to an alternate provider.

8. A list of applications the council offers to each school that is currently only accessible via the schools current council supplied Internet connection / WAN connection. If there are any please state how the council aims to allow schools / Academies not on the county councils network access to these services.

9. The councils stance on alternative broadband providers to schools and the advice they send to schools regarding choosing an alternate provider

9. The London Grid for Learning Trust (LGfL) is a consortium of the 33 London Boroughs and as such schools are aware of the many benefits of a London-wide broadband procurement through LGfL.

For your information, please see below the contact details for The London Grid for Learning Trust.

The London Grid for Learning TrustCI TowerSt Georges SquareNew MaldenKT3 4TELGfL Switchboard: 020 82 55 55 55

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Public 13766 06/09/12 02/10/2012 Corporate Strategies and Plans

Subject : Digital Inclusion Policy

1. The council’s most recent Digital Inclusion Strategy

2. The governance structure for Digital Inclusion within the borough

3. The council's expenditure on Digital inclusion and the specific projects that this was applied to

4. The council’s statistics on digital inclusion within the borough (numbers, groups and areas for example)

5. A breakdown of the projects that the council has run and funded in since 2010 to tackle Digital Inclusion

6. Minutes of meetings there the specific purpose is Digital Inclusion (if too difficult to remove sensitive info then no problems)


The Council does not have a single or specific digital inclusion strategy or governance structure. In order to provide specific information with regards to this request would take Officers of the Council more than 2.5 days to gather such information and this would greatly exceed the appropriate time limit.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council has a right to refuse a request for information held if the cost of complying with a request exceeds the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit for local authorities is £450 or 2.5 days or 18 hours. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information under Section 12(1) of the Act.

Section 12 Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit (1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate

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7. Any evaluation of success, performance reports, take up rates etc of digital inclusion strategies and projects promoted by the Council


Public 13770 07/09/12 02/10/2012 Corporate Complaints and Ombudsman

Subject : Empty Residential Properties

(a) addresses of empty residential properties that arewithin NEWHAM Borough Council area; and

(b) the names of the owners of those properties referred to in (a)


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section 31(1)(a) exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information.

The Council holds information regarding empty properties on either its Business Rates or Council Tax database. The only means by which such data can be accessed would be by processing the data held with reference to identifying which properties received a relevant empty property exemption from either Council Tax or Business Rates.

It is our view that Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to this request. This section provides that information is exempt from disclosure if such disclosure would prejudice the “prevention or detection of

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crime”. Putting the addresses of empty properties (residential or otherwise) within the London Borough of Newham into the public domain would in our view compromise the security of the buildings concerned and would prejudice the objectives of preventing criminal behaviour. We consider there is a significant risk that releasing details of empty properties might lead to burglary, arson or squatting. Within the Borough there have been occasions when fires have been set in empty properties. In relation to domestic and commercial empty properties, there is also known use of such empty properties to commit benefit fraud, identity fraud and money laundering.

Section 31 is a qualified exemption to which the public interest test must be applied. There do not appear to be any obvious public interest considerations that would weigh in favour of disclosure beyond that wherever possible it is in the public interest for them to have access to information. There is however in our view clear public interest considerations that weigh in favour of not disclosing the information since to do so would prejudice the objective of prevention of crime which is of course in

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everyone’s interests. Having considered whether the public interest weighs in favour of disclosure or non-disclosure in this instance we have decided that it is not in the public interest to release such information.

In your request you have requested the names and addresses of the owners of those properties, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section 40 (2) exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information.

Disclosure of the names and addresses of owners of residential properties would contravene the first data protection principle, which requires that personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully by the London Borough of Newham. We do not believe that the owners of the properties would expect their name and address to be made available in the public domain without their consent.

Section 40 of the FOIA provides an absolute exemption where disclosure of person al data about individuals would

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contravene any of the data protection principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. Therefore there is no requirement to consider the public interest in disclosure.

Public 13767 07/09/12 02/10/2012 DP - CYPS Social care

Subject : Children’s Services

I would like to know how many children & young people 0-19 are under social services Care First run, I would also like to have a breakdown of their disabilities & ages.


From a run of CareFirst on 26th September 2012 – our systems stated a total of 2867 children known to Children’s social services. This figure represents all children whom have open cases to any Children’s Social care team aged between 0 (including unborn) and 19 years of age.

Please note we are unable to specify the number of children within each age group and specific detail of disability experienced as this may lead to the identification of individual children known to Children’s Social Services. We have therefore provided the total numbers of children within the total count whom are recorded on CareFirst (and available through this reporting facility) as experiencing a disability.

As you have specifically requested the information from a run of Care First this

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has been completed. However it should be noted that there may be further children experiencing a disability which may not specifically be picked up on from an overall run of numbers from Care First, due to differing recording practices between teams.

Total Count Age In Yrs Number and Disability Description where available

36 -1

163 0 4 – with disabilities but not Registered Disabled

158 1 4 – with disabilties but not Registered Disabled

124 2 Child Not Registered Disabled

152 3 4 – with disabilities but not Registered Disabled

136 4

160 5 2 – with disabilities but not Registered Disabled

128 6 3 – Children with

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142 7 7 – Children with disabilities

135 8 3 – Children with disabilities

124 9 5 – Children with disabilities

130 10 8 – Children with disabilities

142 11 18 – Children with disabilities

Of which – 12 with Sensory Impaired/6 with other disabilities

126 12 3 – Children with disabilities

135 13 16 – Children with disabilities

Of which – 6 with physical disability/4 with learning Disabilities and 6 with other disabilities

181 14 21 – Children with

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disabilities Of which – 5 with

physical disability/7 with sensory impaired and 9 with other disabilities

184 15 13 – Children with disabilities

Of which – 5 with physical disability and 8 with other disabilities

156 16 17 – Children with disabilities

Of which – 4 with physical disability/4 with learning disabilities/4 with sensory impairment and 5 with other disabilities

165 17 29 – Children with disabilities

Of which – 9 with physical disability/5 with learning disabilities/5 with sensory impairment and 10 with other disabilities

113 18 16 – Children with disabilities

Of which – 8 with

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learning disabilities and 8 with other disabilities

77 19 9 – Children with disabilities

Grand Total of 2867 Children (aged between 0 and 19) known to Social Services

Public 13832 11/09/12 02/10/2012 Housing Benefit Service

Subject : Housing Benefit Payments

1. I note that housing benefit (LHA) payments for single rooms in Newham have dropped from approx 89 pounds per week to 70 pounds per week in the past three years or so. yet published statistics indicate that overall rents in the borough have been increasing at around 3% per annum. (The Sunday Times last month quoted Homelet figures indicating a rise of 4.5% per annum in Greater London.) a) Please explain the discrepancy.


1a) We would strongly suggest that you contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) regarding your enquiry as the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates are compiled and published by the VOA. The local authorities’ part in the setting of these amounts is to supply, on a monthly basis, a list of all addresses relating to housing benefit claims as these lettings are excluded in setting the LHA rates.

The VOA does welcome information from landlords on the lettings they make and use this information to inform the LHA rates they set. Please visit for further information.

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b) I am aware that payment levels are set by the DWP (since the borough can't be trusted with the job). Please outline all contacts between LBN and DWP in the past year, and indicate on how many occasions LBN queried the payment levels that were being set. If the answer is nil, please explain why the council has such a poor track record of representing the interests of local tenants and landlords, to whom the borough owes a duty of care. c) Please supply contact details of the officials at DWP with whom the council has liaised.

We should advise that from April 2012, LHA rates will be increased annually based on the Consumer Price Index rather than related to rental market activity and therefore any future increase in the market may not be reflected in LHA rates.

b) Nil. LBN have not queried the payment levels set and are therefore unable to respond to the rest of your request as it seeks to illicit an opinion as opposed to recorded information and is therefore not valid under the FOI Act.

c) Not applicable.

Public 13839 19/09/12 02/10/2012 Registrars Service

Subject: Public Health Funerals

I would like information on people dying with no next of kin being known at the time of death from 1/3/12 to the day of your response to this request. If someone died before 1/3/12 but the case has only come to


In relation to the information sought, there have been two public health funeral held since March 2012.

We would however refuse the other aspects of your request, having taken into account guidance which the Treasury has issued in respect of such

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your attention since, could you please also include details, as follows: 1. Surnames and forenames or initials2. Dates of death3. Age at death or date of birth4. Place of birth5. Marital status6. Maiden surnames of married or widowed women7. Usual address at time of death8. Approx. value of their estate if known9. The date you sent information to the Treasury Solicitor or confirmation that this action was not applicable.10. If you have yet to send the information on, as per 9 above, or a decision has not yet been made whether or not to do so, please also advise of this.

FOI requests.

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request.

In regard to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; under Section 21 of the Act London Borough of Newham is not required to provide information in response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available from the Treasury Solicitor's Department Bona Vacantia Division website at .

The council usually refer estates with a net value of over £500 to the Treasury Solicitor’s Department. The department would then publish limited information about those valued at over £5,000, unless a claimant comes forward during the period before publication.

In addition to this, the information you requested with regard to the date of birth and last known address are on the death certificate. This information is

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accessible from the General Register Office at .

Further we rely on Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act. This exemption applies where disclosure would be likely to prejudice a range of investigations and conduct, including the prevention and detection of crime. Releasing information under FOIA is equivalent to publishing it “to the world at large” and so our decision must be based on the likely effect of anyone having access to the requested information. The vast majority of the estates in question contain residential property, which, due to the circumstances of the estate, is likely to be empty, and in many cases will contain assets. Releasing information that identifies, either directly or indirectly, the whereabouts of such properties (and assets) before they have been secured leads to a real and significant risk of theft and fraud. It may also alert unlawful occupiers to the location of empty properties in the borough. This could also interfere with the statutory function to collect bona vacantia (ownerless goods) vested in the Crown and would provide an opportunity for criminal acts to be

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With regards to section 31 above (qualified exemption), a ‘public interest test’ is required to determine if the exemption is applicable. In applying this test we have considered the following factors:

Factors in favour of disclosure: the general public interest in the promotion of transparency, accountability, public understanding and involvement in the democratic process; the benefits to potential beneficiaries of unclaimed estates of genealogists tracing them down earlier; the resulting likely effect of fewer empty properties in the borough and the commercial benefits to lawyers and genealogists in tracing beneficiaries.

In regard to question 7, 8, 9 & 10 factors against disclosure: disclosure would increase the risk of fraud and theft towards vulnerable estates, and potentially towards individuals; such fraud and theft would diminish the value of estates, estates that potentially have beneficiaries; releasing information which may lead to the identification of empty properties increases the

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likelihood of unlawful occupation in the borough.

Whilst there are arguments on each side, we consider that, in the circumstances of the case, the public interest favours withholding this information.

Media 13710 30/08/12 03/10/2012 Finance Subject: LBN Transactions over £500

Please can you send me April 2011 and May 2011 transactions over £500 detailed by: date, supplier, value, category (expense type) and description wherever possible. This data was not available from your website.

Can you please provide me with this information in Excel or CSV format.

Summary Please find enclosed spreadsheets with regards to the information sought.

Public 13764 05/09/12 03/10/2012 Estate Services

Subject : Staff Olympic Duties

1. Has the Head of Estate Services for the London Borough of Newham been seconded to any Olympic


1. No 2. N/A 3. This role was paid via MAST

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organising body? 2. If so, has any additional funding been secured by the authority to cover the cost of the secondment? (please include the source of the funding) 3. What is the pay grade for the Head of Estate Services? 4. Has the position of Head of Estate Services been filled in the interim? 5. If so, has the position been filled by an employee of the London Borough of Newham listed in the authority’s payroll, or by an external contractor? 6. If the position has been filled by an external contractor, what pay grade has been assigned to the contractor and what has been the difference in cost to the authority between the fee paid to the contractor for the period in question and the normal salary paid to the Head of Estate

(agency) at a total cost (including all agency fees and on costs) of £19,708.80 for the period 9/7/2012 to 9/9/2012.

4. No. The position was filled with an interim agency worker.

5. NA 6. N/A 7. The London Borough of Newham no longer has a substantive post titled the Head of Estate Services. The interim post was established prior to the set up of the new role which is called The Head of Greenspace & Estates. That post was filled by a permanent employee of the London Borough of Newham. That post supersedes the Head of Estate Services role however the interim was kept on for the short period set out in question 3 to provide continuity of services whilst the Head of Greenspace and Estates was on secondment to the Council’s Borough Operations Centre during the Games. The added costs of that secondment were met by grant from the Greater London Authority to cover the costs of

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Services? 7. When is the Head of Estate Services expected to resume her/his post?

hosting the 2012 Games. This agency worker remained with the Council during the summer to provide continuity of service, assist with the management of estate services, covering for fifty per cent of the role of the Head of Greenspace and Estates and covering the role of Caretaking and Concierge Manager. The agency worker left that position on 17th September 2012.

Public 13777 07/09/12 03/10/2012 CYPS - Corporate Parenting

Subject : Fostering

Since April 2010 - As a percentage of the total approved foster carers

1. How many same sex couples does your Fostering Team, place looked after children with?

2. How many same sex couples went to panel, and were approved to be foster carers.

3. How many same sex couples went to panel, and were NOT approved to be foster carers.


1. None. We do not have any same sex couples who are fostering with our Authority.

2. None. We have not had any applications from same sex couples to be assessed as foster carers

3. None.

Newham makes clear that its priority is to place children in stable homes where children will be safe, supported and cherished. We actively seek to recruit and welcome foster carers who are:• almost any age; • married, in a civil partnership, single, divorced, or living with a partner; • from any cultural, ethnic,

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religious and social background; • heterosexual, lesbian or gay; • living within a reasonable commuting distance from Newham; • renting or a home owner with enough space to accommodate a child;• in good health; • a parent or not, although experience of what it means to care for a child would be useful.

Please feel free to visit our website which offers more information in relation to Fostering in Newham

Public 13779 10/09/12 03/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject : Adults Social Care - Learning Disabilities-Short Breaks 1) How many adults aged 18-64 with a learning disability were known to social services in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11, c) 2011/12 and d)2012/13? 2) What was your net expenditure for short breaks services for adults aged 18-64 with a learning disability in


1) How many adults aged 18-64 with a learning disability were known to social services in Totala) 2009/10 633b) 2010/11 578c) 2011/12 598d)2012/13 N/A3) How many adults aged 18-64 with a learning disability attended short breaks services in Totala) 2009/10 0b) 2010/11 0c) 2011/12 10

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a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12, and d) what was the agreed budget figure for 2012/13? 3) How many adults aged 18-64 with a learning disability attended short breaks services in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12, and d) what is your projection for short breaks service use in 2012/13? 4) How many short breaks services closed in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12, and d) have you closed/are you planning to close any short breaks services in 2012/13? 5) If there have been short breaks service closures within the local authority, have alternative services been put in place for those who attended the short breaks service? Please give details of a) the number of adults aged 18-64

d) what is your projection for short breaks service use in 2012/13

N/AQ2 Cost / Budget2009/10 £227k2010/11 £269k2011/12 £226K2012/13 £226k

Q32009/10 392010/11 422011/12 262012/13 26

As LBN does not directly run any short break services for LD users, I'm not aware of the impact of any closures. LBN is making more use of home care services as opposed to breaks in residential care homes to support LD carers.

4) How many short breaks services closed in a) 2009/10, b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12, and d) have you closed/are you planning to close any short breaks services in 2012/13?No LD short break services closed in those 3 years.There are no intentions to close any LD short break services in 2012/13

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with a learning disability who attended the service(s) that closed, and b)the number of adults aged 18-64 with a learning disability who attend the alternative service(s) (if applicable).

5) - Not applicable

Business 13778 10/09/12 04/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject : Schools HR

1. How many schools make up the community for your Local Authority?

2. How many staff are employed in those schools?

3. How are HR and Payroll services provided to those schools, specifically whether:- a. You provide these services directly (i.e. you employ your own HR and/or Payroll department)? b. You currently outsource this provision to a 3rd party, if so who is that 3rd party? c. You operate a brokering service from which schools can purchase these services, and if so who is the responsible officer within your


1. 88 schools.

2. Approximately 7000 staff.

3. a. As of September 2012 these services are provided directly by the London Borough of Newham.

b and c. Not applicable.

d. The London Borough of Newham are currently discussing with head teachers the transfer of this service to a company established by Newham schools.

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organisation for that? d. Given the governments agenda around the Academy/Free school initiative, you have intentions in the short/medium term to change the way in which HR and/or Payroll services are delivered to your community of schools?

Public 13781 11/09/12 04/10/2012 Communications

Subject : Newham Live Sites

You recently held a long running event in both Central Park (East Ham) and West ham park (Stratford) involving a large screen and a number of smaller entertainment events.

Can you provide a full cost break down for an average day at both Stratford and East ham's parks.

Can you also provide the total cost of the events held from start to finish, including any profit/ loss from hiring space to food stalls etc.


Newham Live was Newham Council’s programme of free screenings of action from the Olympic and Paralympic Games and family entertainment at Stratford and Central Parks. More than 210,000 people attended Newham Live throughout the 29 days of operation.

The infrastructure of the event was also used for the Mayor’s Newham Show, the Olympic Torch Relay, Under the Stars, the Paralympic Torch Relay and free ticket giveaways.

We are still receiving invoices for services and goods relating to this summer’s Newham Live events. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a full cost breakdown at this time.

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We anticipate that invoices will have been submitted by contractors in approximately two months from now at which time you may want to resubmit your query.

The catering pitches we provide at Newham events are let to preferred suppliers. We select a range of providers with an emphasis on local businesses with a pricing model that is appropriate for our residents.

The provision of these pitches cost the Council a total of £196 across both sites for the duration of Newham Live.

Public 13798 11/09/12 04/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: Maternity Pay

Please could you let me know the rates of maternity pay for your organisation including:

1.Qualifying period (e.g. you must have worked here for a year)

2. No. of weeks full pay (e.g. 13 weeks full pay)

3. No. of weeks reduced pay


Please see below our Maternity Leave entitlements, dependent upon length of service.

Statutory Maternity Rights:If you have less than one years service with the Council but 26 weeks service by your 25th week of pregnancy.Statutory maternity pay (SMP)Entitled to 39 weeks statutory maternity pay broken down as follows:6 weeks at 90% at SMP

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(e.g. 13 weeks at 50% pay

4. No. of weeks SMP (e.g. 13 weeks SMP)

33 weeks at the standard SMP flat rateRemaining 13 weeks leave at nil pay.

London Borough of Newham’s Occupational Maternity:

If you have over one year s continuous service with the Council (or continuous service from another local authority) by your 29th week of pregnancy you will be entitled to:Newham’s Contractual Maternity LeaveEntitled to 39 weeks pay as follows:6 weeks at 90% of your salary24 weeks at half pay plus statutory maternity pay.9 weeks at statutory flat rateRemaining 13 weeks at nil pay which equals up to 52 weeks leave.

Public 13804 11/09/12 04/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject: Parking Fine and Traffic Signs Uunder the Freedom of Information Act I am seeking to discern whether Newham Council had in place an implemented contract or upkeep policy on temporary parking restriction 'signage' displayed throughout the


As you will be aware the temporary parking restriction signage you refer to were in place for the Olympic Games during July-Sept 2012. The maintenance of the temporary signage during the Games period was undertaken by LOCOG and their appointed highway contractor. We do not hold the detailed information you

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borough during the months August to September 2012? Exercising that upkeep (due diligence if any) the response provided under the Freedom of Information Act should demonstrate how often any checks were performed on the serviceability of the flimsy temporary parking restriction signage (i.e. ensuring daily that said signage was 'fit for purpose' as the primary instrument of promulgating and making evident to the general public the extended powers employed by Newham Council to impose penalties in areas not normally subject to traffic parking restriction) as well as how these serviceability checks were recorded to archive 'the guarantee of knowing' that the system being applied by Newham Council to take fines from people was in a healthy state - and that monies were not being taken unreasonably by the administration of a system in dilapidation e.g. procedural impropriety.

request as this is held by LOCOG.

For your reference, please see the web link below for LOCOG’s contact details

It may be useful to note in the case of this parking scheme, any missing or damaged signage should be recorded by the patrolling Civil Enforcement Officers and reported via Newham to the LOCOG borough liaison officer. They would then arrange with the relevant LOCOG signs contractor for the signage to be replaced or repaired as required.

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Public 13809 11/09/12 04/10/2012 Business

RatesSubject: Business Rates

Please could you provide a list of the FOI request questions (with you FOI case refs) that you have received over the last two years concerning business rates, together with the date of receipt and the company submitting them

And if possible whom requested each question


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section 21 exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request for information.

Section 21 of the Act contains an exemption for information which is reasonably accessible by other means.

The full details of all the questions made, including those relating to Business Rates, to the Council as Freedom of Information requests over the past two years are already publicly available on the Newham website, via our Disclosure Log. For your ease of reference, please see the relevant web link below

Unfortunately our systems are unable to extract the information you have further requested in the format you require. The Information Governance system through which our cases are recorded are not subject or requester based but

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are used to monitor the responses to requests for information within the statutory timeframes. Therefore our systems are not designed or able to automatically compile reports specifically relating to subject matter of the request, which include the full details of the requester and date of receipt in one report.

In order to retrieve this information an officer would be required to manually interrogate the requests received over the past two years individually, which are in excess of 2500, to be able to identify and determine whether the request specifically relates to business rates. It would then be required to manually compile this information into a spreadsheet and review each request confirmed as being related to Business rates to further find the date of receipt and the company requesting the information. It is estimated that this manual exercise would be likely to take approximately four minutes per file. In addition to this extensive exercise it would also be required to notify all parties to whom the request relates. Therefore once the questions and requesting companies had been identified and compiled it would be

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necessary to consult with each of the companies and advise them of the disclosure of the questions they had asked.

This manual exercise would exceed the appropriate limit. Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council has a right to refuse a request for information held if the cost of complying with a request exceeds the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit for local authorities is £450 or 2.5 days or 18 hours. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information under section 12(1) of the Act.

12 Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit (1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit.

Public 13793 11/09/12 04/10/2012 Anti-Social Behaviour

Subject : Noise Nuisance Cases - actions Taken

1. The annual number of noise complaints received by the


1-2. Please see below the numbers of service requests which have been received annually in relation to Noise

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borough for each of the last 4 years.

2. The annual number of noise complaints pursued by the borough for each of the last 4 years.

3. The annual number of noise abatement notices issued by the borough for each of the last 4 years.

Please provide all figures for calendar years.

issues.It should be noted that our response to Questions 1 and 2 are the same as all reports received of noise complaints would be actively dealt with.

Calendar YearNumber of Noise related service requests received and actively dealt with

2008 33912009 39342010 66362011 6702

It should be noted that the apparent increase in numbers recorded between 2009 and 2010 is as a result of service restructure and changes in systems and recording practices. This has seen follow up reports from complainants with noise investigations currently underway now being recorded as additional service requests in addition to the original notification.

3. Please see below the numbers of noise abatement notices issued for the requested years.

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Calendar YearNumber of Noise abatement notices issued

2008 1142009 892010 822011 115

Public 13834 11/09/12 04/10/2012 DP- Lettings Subject : Housing Allocations outside borough

It was recently reported in the popular press that the borough is trying to move some 300 families from the borough to other parts of the UK.

a) Please give a breakdown of the ethnic origins of these families.

b) Also supply details of the ethnic breakdown of the population of Newham as a whole.

c) Please explain any discrepancies between the two


1. The London Borough of Newham is not actively trying to move families from the borough to other parts of the UK. As a result of the continuing pressures of the increased demand for social housing in the borough outstripping local supply, we have been forced to consider other options for housing. To this effect we recently wrote to 1179 housing associations in England to determine if they may be in a position to help us meet this need by providing homes.

We do not recognise the figure of 300 families which your request suggests. We have not specifically identified families whom may be subject to any

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figures. move and therefore do not hold the information requested. It should it noted any decision to move persons out of the borough will be subject to a mutually agreeable resolution of the applicants’ housing needs, wherever possible, but will in any case be conditional upon a robust assessment of their needs in accordance with the provisions contained within the Localism Act, when enacted.

The problem Newham Council and other authorities face is the lack of supply of affordable housing, particularly acute in London and exacerbated by forthcoming Housing Benefit changes. We have over 28,000 people on our waiting list for Social Housing; this can mean that there can be a 10 year or more wait to secure permanent accommodation. Therefore, we have to seek alternative options that are open to us elsewhere.

Newham - along with other London Councils - is under significant pressure. We have worked on a range of schemes to increase the supply of quality affordable housing, for example through the Custom House and Canning Town Regeneration Scheme

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and work to secure affordable housing in the Olympic Park. Alongside this, in order to improve the quality of the private sector housing offer in the borough we will be implementing a scheme to license all private landlords in a bid to stamp out rogue landlords and drive up standards in the sector which accounts for more than 35% of the borough's housing stock.

In response to the shortage of housing available we have undertaken an exercise to understand where housing might be available outside of the borough. Newham has therefore contacted all registered providers of social housing in regards to the above issue.

2. Information in respect of the ethnicity of Newham’s population can be found on the Newham Info website, which offers a wealth of key statistical information relating to Newham, including initial returns from the 2011 Census.For your ease of reference, please see the link to the web page below

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3. Not applicable.

Public 13831 12/09/12 04/10/2012 Pensions Subject : Tobacco Holdings

I am seeking information from you on the value of the tobacco holdings of your pension fund.


The Newham Pension Fund does not hold any tobacco stocks in its segregated portfolios. The Fund does hold a £120m in passive equities which include allocations in the UK, US, Europe and emerging markets. These allocations will include tobacco stocks in line with the index although it is not possible to quantify the exposure.

Business 13801 12/09/12 04/10/2012 Highway Records

Subject: Statutory Undertakers

Please can you provide us with an up to date list of all of the known statutory undertakers (utility companies – electricity, water/sewers, gas, telecoms) currently operating in your area.


Please see the list below of utility companies presently carrying out works in the borough.

UtilityThames Water Uk Power NetworkNational GridBTVirgin MediaFulcrumKComNetwork RailCable & WirelessColt CommunicationsE S Pipelines

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02-Cellular System 02-Clarke Telecom 02- Gallifordtry 02-Daly International 02- NokiaT-MobileVodafoneEssex & Suffolk WaterGas Transportation Co Transport for London (TfL) – includes London Buses.Cross RailESpipelines Ltd

Public 13827 14/09/12 04/10/2012 Internal Audit Subject: Choice of Auditor

1. What is your annual turnover?

2. Have you decided on who will audit you post-Audit Commission?

3. What will be the annual fee of the audit?

4. How many bids did you have from companies to run the audit? 5. Who were the bidders?


1. The annual turnover for 2011/12 was £1.5 Billion.

2. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP have been appointed as the external auditors to London Borough of Newham for five years from 2012/13. This appointment was made by the Audit commission under Section 3 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 and was approved by the Audit Commission Board in July 2012.

3. The fees for the audit of the 2011/12 financial statements and Pension Fund Accounts were £514,677.

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6. If you have not yet decided on your auditor, when will you expect to make a decision?

4. The Audit Commission appoint external auditors for local authorities.

5. This process is managed by the Audit Commission.

For your ease of reference, please see the web link below to the contact details for the Audit Commission.

6. Please see our response to Question 2.

Public 13812 16/09/12 04/10/2012 Housing Standards

Subject: Selective Licensing - Housing

On 21.6.12 the Council selected its entire Borough area for Selective Licensing pursuant to s80 Housing Act 2004 ("the Decision").

(a) how many complaints of any kind has Newham received re: the Decision;

(b) How many pre-action protocol for Judicial Review


a. Newham has received no formal complaints about the decision. Opposition responses can be seen in the consultation report published on our website at .

b. None

c. Not applicable

d. Not applicable

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letters has the Council received in relation to the Decision;

(c) Please provide a copy of each such letter and each reply (the litigant's address need not be disclosed if they have indicated a solicitor's or correspondence address);

(d) has any application been made for permission to apply for Judicial Review of the Decision and, if so, please provide a copy of the application and any acknowledgement of service sent to the Court;

(e) Has the Council made any concessions to the Decision and if so what; In the event that the Council declines to provide any of the information at (c) and/or

(d) , but acknowledges that it exists, please confirm the name of any firms of solicitors who have written to the Council and their reference.

e. Not applicable

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Public 13815 17/09/12 04/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject: Parking Fines

I would like to know 1. how many complaints you have received regarding parking fines/impounded cars relating to the "Olympic zone" from 1st July 2012 to 6th sept 2012. 2. I would also like to know what the total amount of fines that have been issued during this period and if this is an uplift from the same period for 2011


1. Unfortunately, our complaints database does not specifically identify the nature of the complaints received. However, complaints made in relation to the Olympic restrictions were 4.

2. The number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCN’s) issued during the period of 01/07/2011 - 06/07/2011 was 43,989. We can further advise that the total number of PCNs issued for the period of 01/07/2012 - 06/07/2012 was 38,234.

Public 13808 13/09/12 05/10/2012 Complaints and Member Enquiries

Subject: Temporary agency staffing cover

I am interested in the amounts paid by each school in Newham to third parties in relation to temporary agency staffing cover. My hope is to receive an electronic breakdown of amounts paid through the department's purchase ledger by school. Notes:


The information you have requested is compiled annually by financial year from returns from schools.

Please find the attached spreadsheet which details the annual spend on agency staff by schools for the last financial year.

The Department for Education now provides school spend information in respect of individual schools in Newham and across the country on its website.

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1. The information I require for each school is: School Name; Supplier name and total amount paid.

2. I would like the information to cover the year September 2011 through to July 2012.

3. In the event that the supplier names are not available, then please provide the total amount spent by each individual school as an alternative.

4. I would like the information in electronic format if possible.

This can be found on the schools performance table information and includes related statistics such as total annual support teacher spend, per pupil. For your ease of reference please see the Department for Education website below The further breakdown of information you have requested in respect of the suppliers of staff is not held centrally by the authority. This level of detail is held locally by individual schools. For your ease of reference, please see the web link below which lists Newham’s schools.

Business 13823 17/09/12 05/10/2012 Business Rates

Subject: Business Rates

(a) Addresses and rateable values of Commercial properties that are within your Council with rateable values between £0 to £18,000; and

(b) whether those properties referred to in (a) are claiming


Please refer to the two enclosed spreadsheets with regards to the information sought. Please note that the first spreadsheet refers to all business that are currently claiming Small Business Rate Relief.

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Small Business Rate Relief;Please can you provide the data in Comma Separated Values Format if possible.

Public 13849 20/09/12 05/10/2012 Community Participation Unit

Subject: Volunteers

I just read that in 2005 Newham only had 300 volunteers, but by 2012 had 8,000 in preparation for the Olympics. I am interested to learn how Newham Council was able to secure such a large number of volunteers, what your strategies were, and how sustainable this human resource is. Please can you send me any information, links, contacts, or anything that you think is related to this matter.


1) In 2005 Newham only had 300 volunteers, but by 2012 had 8,000 in preparation for the Olympics. How was Newham able to secure such a large number of volunteers?

With the Olympic opportunity the Newham Volunteers Team went out and did a lot outreach in high footfall areas.

2) What your strategies, and how sustainable is this human resource?

A handbook is attached which might be useful, however it is quite old (2008) and the figures are not up to date. The Newham’s Volunteers programme, is a dynamic initiative from the London Borough of Newham, which provides a responsive and reliable volunteer service for a wide range of events, from local activities at the heart of the community; such as Mayor’s Town

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show, to high profile sports events, like the London Triathlon and the O2 is culturally inspired Pyramid Project. These events provide invaluable experience and utilisation of skills for volunteers involved with the programme in the roll up to the 2012 Games legacy.

The London Borough of Newham is working at reducing unemployment and isolation through its multiple incentives and Newham Volunteer's is one way to get people trained, skilled and involved for future life prospects.

We offer volunteers the chance to work with a range of diverse people from all walks of life and to become part of a phenomenal legacy.

The programme is open to anyone over the age of 16 who is interested in volunteering. We actively encourage participation from groups of people who are currently underrepresented in the voluntary workforce including disabled people, young people, older people, refugees and asylum seekers.

Newham Volunteers programme began in 2004. Using the 2012 bid as a ¡¥hook¡¦ to engage local people to

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participate in volunteering. With the importance of the bid and the potential that the 2012 Games could bring to Newham, it was crucial that there were volunteer ambassadors that could ¡§spread the word.¡¨ Since then, more than 2500 people have signed up to the programme, which continues to grow. The programme has been developed to deliver three main services for volunteers in Advice and Guidance; Training and Personal Development and Volunteering Opportunities.

Newham’s Volunteers has several methods of developing opportunities including:

„X Event volunteering - linked to many opportunities for volunteering at events, at both national and local level, provides volunteers with the type of skills they will require during the 2012 games. Some roles of volunteers include: Disability escorts, Welcome Hosts, Athlete Support Marshals

„X The Good Neighbourhood scheme ¡V volunteers are trained and CRB checked so that they are able to work with vulnerable people such as children. They can then add value and

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support to a variety of council services including:

Park Constabulary, Library Assistants, Games Ambassadors, Healthy Eating Champions, Benefit Champions, Befrienders, Lunch Club Assistants, Media Assistants, Volunteer Administrators. We are looking for opportunities to expand this area.

„X We have a number of volunteers acting as ambassadors in roles such as healthy eating and the games. They are trained in a specific area and then go into their communities to disseminate information. The aim is to utilise local people to increase awareness on a number of topics that will impact on the quality of life for the harder to reach communities in Newham. Additionally, we aim to give the community an opportunity to take more ownership of their borough and play their role in the lasting legacy of the 2012 regeneration through volunteering.

Newham’s Volunteers has developed a strong infrastructure that includes:Training workshops in:-„X ICT ¡V Newham Volunteers run

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a 2 hour workshop for volunteers. All volunteers require an email address. The ICT course aims to empower local people to increase their networks through ICT. The volunteer programme will eventually have its own system on which volunteers can book on to the number of events and training that Newham Volunteers team deliver through the website such as:-

„X Disability awareness „X First Aid„X Basic Food Hygiene„X Diversity awareness„X Team Leader training„X Train the Trainer training

The Newham’s Volunteers have been running the pilot phases of the Personal Best programme in Newham. This has been very successful and has supported some of those further away from the job market into gaining NVQ 1 qualification into employment.

The volunteer programme provides a uniform and out of pocket expenses. They are working on developing identification badges that will have barcodes that will automatically scan information relating to a volunteers

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activities to their personal profile on the database.

Newham’s Volunteers Team is currently applying for the Investing in Volunteer accreditation.

The Newham Volunteers Manager (Nancy Whiskin Tel: 020 3373 3627) is happy for you to contact her direct if you would like further information, or help with your research for your Thesis, which may offer you further insights from an experienced point of view, relating to volunteering in the UK

Public 13870 25/09/12 05/10/2012 Cashiers & Financial Control

Subject: Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

Can you please tell me on what basis:

a) Local authorities in general; andb) Newham Council in particular,can refuse bills of exchange and promissory notes? When responding please include details of the relevant statutes and policies that led to


Your request invites comments and opinions, which are not covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Under the Act the local authority is only obliged to provide access to recorded information held at the time of receiving a request. We do not hold any written information within the terms of your request.

It maybe helpful to explain that in essence, a bill of exchange is a non interest bearing order by one person to another to pay a specified sum to a

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your conclusion. With regard to any relevant policies, can you please either send a scanned copy by email or provide an internet link. I appreciate your prompt response.

specified person, or bearer, on a particular date. They may be drawn by individuals or banks, and may possibly be transferable by endorsements. A promissory note is similar, but is more generally transferable.

I essence therefore they are instruments, usually used in international trade, whereby a party who is owed money may use such an instrument to require a third party who owes them money to make the payment to a different party to whom they owe money.

The question raised under Freedom of Information Act is regarding the basis upon which these instruments may be refused by a local authority, quoting relevant statutes.

Apart from the additional administration and possible complications that could be involved in the case of use by a local authority, the more simple point appears to be that these instruments were not designed to be used in normal debtor/creditor relationships, or indeed as a means of satisfying an investment liability. The legislation stipulates matters such as their terms, and what is

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required of the drawee, but does not place any requirement upon a body to accept one of these instruments in satisfaction of a debt that is owed to them. If a local authority has a contract with a third party which results in that party owing them money, there can be no obligation on the authority to accept an instrument which requires a different party to satisfy that debt. The authority need only look to the person with whom they have contracted to satisfy the debt.

Public 13775 10/09/12 08/10/2012 Housing Benefit Service

Subject : Staff Guidelines

Can you please provide a copy of any and all guidance issued to staff when dealing with housing benefit applications and council tax applications when the applicant wishes to stay in a hostel/BnB/Hotel.


Please find attached the Housing Benefit Signing up procedure which is provided to all officers in processing applications through the Housing Options Centre, following the allocation of accommodation in Bed and Breakfast or alternative forms of emergency accommodation.

Business 13902 20/09/12 08/10/2012 Trading Standards

Subject : Trading Standards Investigations

A list of bogus colleges, universities and accrediting agencies investigated and prosecuted by Newham Council/Trading Standards, reasons for prosecution and


Empire College London Limited (E7) was prosecuted for offering various Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate's Degrees claiming that they were an affiliate of the University of Cambridge and using the Universities’ logo without authorisation. The University of

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the dates. Addresses of these entities, names of people involved in running them, copies of certificates and transcripts issued by them (any identifiers will be removed).

Cambridge did not grant such affiliation to Empire College.

Newham Council does not hold any copies of certificates or transcripts issued.

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request to release names of individuals who were involved in the running of the college, as this information could result in the identification of third parties. Third party personal data is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.

Public 13850 20/09/12 08/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: Ethnicity Statistics

I would like to have access to the ethnicity statics for the period of 1950 - 1970 (the results of one census during that period would be sufficient).

This information will be used to


We do not hold information relating as far back as 1950s in relation to key statistical indicators of Newham’s population.

It may be useful to note The Office of National Statistics holds information in respect of Census findings and in

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inform an academic paper I am writing.

managing historical records.For your ease of reference, please see the relevant contact details below

For your future reference, the Newham Info website holds a wealth of key statistical information on the current and recent population of Newham, which you may also find useful. Please see the relevant web link below

Public 13859 21/09/12 08/10/2012 Community Participation Unit

Subject: Youth Expenditure

1. Core council youth service expenditure - 2010/11

2. Core council youth service expenditure - 2011/12

3. Budgeted core council youth service expenditure - 2012/13

4. Total council youth service expenditure (inc relevant Area Based Grants, Early Intervention Grant, and Connexions) - 2010/11


1. £2,428,910.

2. £2,107,310.

3. £2,072,700.

4. £5,304,910.

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5. Total council youth service expenditure (inc relevant Area Based Grants, Early Intervention Grant, and Connexions) - 2011/12

6. Budgeted core council youth service expenditure (inc relevant Area Based Grants, Early Intervention Grant, and Connexions) - 2012/13

7. Youth service output in 2010/11

8. The figure in (7) as a percentage of the entire youth services demographic in 2010/11

9. Youth service output in 2011/12

10. The figure in (9) as a percentage of the entire youth services demographic in 2011/12

11. Forecast youth service output in 2012/13

5. £4,597,310.

6. £4,112,700.

7. 10,000 registered young people of which 70,000 engagements were made.

8. 31.70%

9. 12,000 registered young people of which, 130,000 contacts were made.

10. 38%.

11. 15,000 young people, 150,000 contacts estimated.

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12. The figure in (11) as a percentage of the entire youth services demographic in 2012/13 In this request, ‘youth service output’ refers to the number of contacts made with members of the youth service demographic. ‘Youth service demographic’ refers to the entire age group that the council’s youth services are designed to cater to – it does not refer to subsets of that age group that the council may have chosen to target (e.g. lower income or ‘at-risk’ youths). However, if the council has chosen to target a subset of this age group since 2010/11, please provide details of this approach and the year it was introduced. If the council has outsourced its entire youth service funding to independent and third sector providers, please supply the funding levels given

12. 48%

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to these providers (in total) for questions 1-6.

Public 13883 26/09/12 08/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject: List of Teaching Agencies

I would like to receive an up to date copy of the Newham approved supplier list for teaching agencies. I understand this list is sent to schools within in the borough and I would like to know how many supply agencies are on this list and the names of these agencies.


Please find enclosed a copy of the Teachers Supply Agency list as requested.

Public 13896 27/09/12 08/10/2012 Planning Projects

Subject: Planning

1. Please provide the average number of full-time equivalent planning officers employed in your planning department in each of the past five years.

2. Please provide the average caseload for planning officers in each of the past five years.


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information on your planning services:

1. Please provide the average number of full-time equivalent (FTE) planning officers employed in your planning department in each of the past five years.

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3. How many cases are currently awaiting planning approval and have exceeded the statutory time frame for being granted approval?

4. Please provide in CSV format a list of all currently overdue cases (as per question 3) with the postcode of the project and the date of submission.

I understand that I do not have to specify documents but that it is your duty to help me get the information I require.

I would like to receive the information in electronic format.

Please note that this request is separate from any other requests I have recently made with your organisation and this request should not supersede, replace or in any way change other outstanding freedom of information requests.

A. This information is not formally available for the periods identified. We can confirm, however, we operated an estimated average of 10.5 FTE's for planning applications in 2011/12 and are now at 9 FTE's for 2012/13.

2. Please provide the average caseload for planning officers in each of the past five years.

A. This has been estimated at 135 in 2011/12 and 158 in 2012/13.

3. How many cases are currently awaiting planning approval and have exceeded the statutory time frame for being granted approval?

A. Interrogation of the Council's current caseload is available to the enquirer via the Council's Public Access website. The relevant link is;jsessionid=53E488F634B4D444B4BBBAF5DA93708B?action=weeklyList .

4. Please provide in CSV format a list of all currently overdue cases (as per question 3) with the postcode of the project and the date of submission.

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A. Please refer to the answer given at question 3.

Public 13828 19/09/12 09/10/2012 Crime & Anti Social Behaviour

Subject: LBN Bye Laws - ASB

I am trying to find a copy of the LBN Bye Laws to study and see what the content is.


We should advise that there is no specific ASB Bye Law. However, please find enclosed a copy of the Public Health Act 1875, Open Spaces Act 1906 Byelaws in respect of Pleasure Grounds in the London Borough of Newham.

Public 13841 19/09/12 09/10/2012 Housing Regeneration Projects

Subject: LBN Contract with IGM Associates Ltd

1. How much of tax payers money did LBN pay IGM Associates Ltd for the over arching contract with the Council?

2. Kindly let me know the employment status of [personal data] . Was he temporary, full-time, salaried Council employee or was he not? Is he still employed by the Council?


1. With regard to the appointment of IGM Associates of which Ian Mills is an employee, attached is the tender acceptance report which was approved by the Mayor at mayoral proceedings on the 17th November 2005.

2. [personal data] is an employee of IGM Associates and has never been directly employed by the Council. He is still an employee of IGM Associates at present. IGM Associates are currently providing consultancy services to the Council with regard to leasehold

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services, but not in relation to your case. We can advise that this is currently being handled the Technical Services Manager - Property Services of Newham Council.

Public 13864 24/09/12 09/10/2012 Complaints and Member Enquiries

Subject: Public Health Funerals

I would like to know how many public health funerals have been carried out by you local authority since May 2012.

I would like to know the deceased names (including maiden names), date of birth and death, last known address and when or if the estate will be passed onto the Treasury Solicitor, QLTR (for Scotland) or the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster.


In relation to the information sought, there have been two public health funerals held since May 2012. We would however refuse the other aspects of your request, having taken into account guidance which the Treasury has issued in respect of such FOI requests.

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request.

Under Section 21 of the Act London Borough of Newham is not required to provide information in response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available from the Treasury Solicitor's Department Bona

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Vacantia Division website at .

The Council usually refer estates with a net value of over £500 to the Treasury Solicitor’s Department. The department would then publish limited information about those valued at over £5,000, unless a claimant comes forward during the period before publication.

In addition to this, the information you requested with regard to the date of birth and last known address are on the death certificate. This information is accessible from the General Register Office at .

Further we rely on Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act. This exemption applies where disclosure would be likely to prejudice a range of investigations and conduct, including the prevention and detection of crime. Releasing information under FOIA is equivalent to publishing it “to the world at large” and so our decision must be based on the likely effect of anyone having access to the requested information. The vast majority of the estates in question contain residential property, which, due to the

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circumstances of the estate, is likely to be empty, and in many cases will contain assets. Releasing information that identifies, either directly or indirectly, the whereabouts of such properties (and assets) before they have been secured leads to a real and significant risk of theft and fraud. It may also alert unlawful occupiers to the location of empty properties in the borough. This could also interfere with the statutory function to collect bona vacantia (ownerless goods) vested in the Crown and would provide an opportunity for criminal acts to be committed.

With regards to section 31 above (qualified exemption), a ‘public interest test’ is required to determine if the exemption is applicable. In applying this test we have considered the following factors:

Factors in favour of disclosure: the general public interest in the promotion of transparency, accountability, public understanding and involvement in the democratic process; the benefits to potential beneficiaries of unclaimed estates of genealogists tracing them down earlier; the resulting likely effect of

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fewer empty properties in the borough and the commercial benefits to lawyers and genealogists in tracing beneficiaries.

Factors against disclosure: disclosure would increase the risk of fraud and theft towards vulnerable estates, and potentially towards individuals; such fraud and theft would diminish the value of estates, estates that potentially have beneficiaries; releasing information which may lead to the identification of empty properties increases the likelihood of unlawful occupation in the borough.

Whilst there are arguments on each side, we consider that, in the circumstances of the case, the public interest favours withholding this information.

Organisation 13878 25/09/12 09/10/2012 Business Rates

Subject: Empty non residential premises

I am writing to request a list of empty commercial, industrial, leisure and business properties. I am particularly interested in empty non residential premises.


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section 31(1)(a) exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information.

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The Council holds information regarding empty properties on either its Business Rates or Council Tax database. The only means by which such data can be accessed would be by processing the data held with reference to identifying which properties received a relevant empty property exemption from either Council Tax or Business Rates.

It is our view that Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to this request. This section provides that information is exempt from disclosure if such disclosure would prejudice the “prevention or detection of crime”. Putting the addresses of empty properties (residential or otherwise) within the London Borough of Newham into the public domain would in our view compromise the security of the buildings concerned and would prejudice the objectives of preventing criminal behaviour. We consider there is a significant risk that releasing details of empty properties might lead to burglary, arson or squatting. Within the Borough there have been occasions when fires have been set in empty properties. In relation to domestic and commercial empty properties, there is also known

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use of such empty properties to commit benefit fraud, identity fraud and money laundering.

We have consulted with other Boroughs who have also received similar requests, we have been advised that concerns have also been expressed by the Metropolitan Police. These concerns indicate that release of the information sought would in the police’s view increase the potential for the properties to be targeted by squatters, by criminals or terrorists intent on hiding or depositing proceeds of crime or terrorist materials. There is also the potential for premises to be identified as short-term hiding places by criminals or terrorists. We have consulted our local police and they have confirmed the number of incidents of crimes carried out on empty properties, and their view is that disclosing this information would prejudice the prevention of crime.

These incidents would support the concerns we have as to the prejudice to the prevention of crime in the London Borough of Newham if the information were disclosed. The Act does not allow the Council to enquire as to motives, nor do we have any control over

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distribution of the information once it is released into the public domain.

Section 31 is a qualified exemption to which the public interest test must be applied. There do not appear to be any obvious public interest considerations that would weigh in favour of disclosure beyond that wherever possible it is in the public interest for them to have access to information. There is however in our view clear public interest considerations that weigh in favour of not disclosing the information since to do so would prejudice the objective of prevention of crime which is of course in everyone’s interests. Having considered whether the public interest weighs in favour of disclosure or non-disclosure in this instance we have decided that it is not in the public interest to release such information.

Public 13987 04/10/12 09/10/2012 Local Service Centre

Subject : New Council Tax Telephone Systems - Customer Feedback

1. How has the Council evaluated the effectiveness of this current system in terms of considering the skill and aptitude of the target group


1. In August 2011 the Contact Centre introduced a new 24/7 automated telephone solution to deal with simple enquiries for several council services including Council Tax and Housing Benefit. The solution offers an automated scripting mechanism driven

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(and its clients)

2. How frequently the feedback has been taken how the residents feel about the system. Is it possible to know how many residents take part on the feedback, how (using which criteria) you have selected the people to give feedback.

3. If the system has been changed/updated based on actual customer feedback?

4. Is the system considered as the LSC are closed/withdrawn, people are more reliable on the telephone system and more user friendly?

by customer selection on a push button telephone menu.

The new scripting system deals with 'Information Only Enquiries'. For example, if a customer would like information on making a new claim for housing benefit the relevant information will be provided via recording along with instructions on how to proceed.

The automated solution will also provide a detailed explanation of any application process or procedure.

Any enquiries perceived to be 'Complex' or where the customer still requires to speak to an agent then this will continue to be dealt with by one of our trained officers. After listening to the message customers will be given the option to be transferred to the appropriate person.

The system has been designed to allow the customer to control the information they request and receive through the system through a simple menu of options. Due to the basic headings used and keypad selections offered, it would be accessible to our customers. However should any residents require additional assistance outside of the

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automated system the option is available to transfer to trained Officer.

2. The Contact Centre continually receives feedback from customers not only in regards to our telephone system but also in relation to the quality of the work we conduct and our customer care skills. These are dealt with on an individual basis and customers responded back to based on their specific comments.

3. Based on customer feedback some of the scripts have been changed and the order of the options moved to make it more user friendly and the reduce the time people are held on to the phone.

4. The system has been introduced as part of the overall council strategy for channel shift and resilience the new telephone system is seem as just one of the mechanisms to supporting these agendas.

Public 13807 13/09/12 10/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject: Parking Fines

1. The annual total of parking fines issued by the borough for each of the last 5 years. Please provide a breakdown of


1. Please see below the total number of parking fines issued (Penalty Charge Notices) for each of the past five complete financial years.

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how many of these were through PCNs or through other types of penalty charges for each year.If fines are only collected as PCNs, please make that clear.

2. The annual amount of parking fine revenue (money received from the issuing of parking fines) collected by the borough for each of the last 5 years. Please provide a breakdown of how much of these were through PCNs or through other types of penalty charges for each year.

3. The annual outstanding amount of parking fines uncollected by the borough for each of the last 5 years. Please provide a breakdown of how much of these were through PCNs or through other types of penalty charges for each year.

Please provide these figures for financial years including 2011/12.

Year Total number of PCNs issued2011/12 2232452010/11 2124522009/10 2184212008/09 2162802007/08 238195

2. Please see below the total revenue collected from penalty charge notices for the last five financial years.

Year Total Revenue collected from Penalty Charge Notices2011/12 £ 9,695,7082010/11 £ 9,056,0702009/10 £ 8,203,9682008/09 £ 8,370,9452007/08 £ 8,446,824

3. Please see below the annual outstanding amount of parking fines (through Penalty Charge Notices) uncollected by the borough for the past five financial years.

Year Total amount of parking fines uncollected2011/12 £9,615,2832010/11 £4,194,7512009/10 £2,860,2452008/09 £7,669,118

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If this service is contracted out to a private provider, I expect the figures to be provided as they are manifestly in the public interest.

2007/08 £5,087,152

It may be useful to note the difference between years in the amounts of uncollected fines. It is considered that the significant decrease in Year 09/10 is likely to be attributable to the introduction of the new parking enforcement contractor and improved efficiency of systems in the recovery of fines.

For subsequent years those outstanding PCNs are still likely to be in the process of appeal and recovery, which can take in the region of eighteen months. The total for Year 10/11 is still likely to reduce once recovery timeframes are complete and for Year 11/12 a significant number of fines are still in the appeal/recovery process therefore this relatively high total at the moment will greatly reduced in due course once the recovery of fines timeframe have been completed.

Business 13840 19/09/12 10/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: Domiciliary Care for over 65 year olds

1. Please tell me your standard charges (assuming that the client is paying full


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price, having over £23,250 capital) for the following domiciliary services to those aged over 65: a. Personal care (e.g. getting up, washing, getting dressed etc) – hourly rate.b. Domestic help (e.g. shopping, laundry etc.) - hourly rate(s).c. Home care services (e.g. cleaning curtains, turning mattresses, repairs and gardening) – hourly rate(s)d. Meals (at home or at a day care centre - please state both prices if they are different) - flat rate per meal.e. Transport (round trip to day care centre and back).f. Careline (or similar telephone-based alarm service) - per week. Please include/tell us of any installation costs.

If you do not charge in the way I have suggested above, please can you describe the charge in the way it is usually described to those eligible, from your authority, for

1a. Based on a clients’ ability to pay following financial assessment, our service is costed on an average unit rate of £11.62.

b. Based on a clients’ ability to pay following financial assessment, our service is costed on an average unit rate of £11.62.

c. Based on a clients’ ability to pay following financial assessment, our service is costed on an average unit rate of £11.62.

d. We do not offer the service.

e. The cost is £3.00.

f. No installation charges.

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domiciliary care.

2. What day care services does your authority offer to those aged over 65?

3. What are the charges for day care (please state whether per day or per session)?

4. Does your authority operate a weekly cap on charges per individual? If so, please confirm the cap(s) in place for the financial year for 2012-2013.

5. If someone requires transport to get to a day centre, would your authority normally consider this as part of that person’s assessed needs, such that it becomes part of the package for consideration within the means test?

6. Based on the FACs eligibility criteria (as set out in the Fair Access to Care Services, Department of Health Guidance, issued under

2. We provide Specialised Day Services for Adults diagnosed with Dementia at The Samuel Boyce Unit, Community Resource Centre, 200 Chargeable Lane, Plaistow E13 8DW. This service is available 7 days per week between 9.00am to 5.00pm.

We provide Day Services for older frail, vulnerable at risk, people with leaning disabilities, sensory needs, mental health needs and profoundly disabled adults at The Cumberland Unit, Community Resource Centre, 200 Chargeable Lane, Plaistow E13 8DW. This service is available 5 days per week, Monday to Friday between 9.00am to 5.00pm.

For both of the above services an individual must meet the substantial or critical criteria of the FACs Assessment and have an agreed financial budget (Personal Budget). Individuals may also pay independently.

3. Based on a clients’ ability to pay following financial assessment. Our service is costed on an average unit rate of £25 per session.

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section 7(1) of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970), please confirm which of the following applies: Subject to appropriate means testing, our authority supports: a. Critical needs only;b. All critical and substantial needs;c. All critical, substantial and moderate needs;d. All critical and substantial needs, and some moderate needs.e. None of the above, we provide a different level of support.

If the answer to this question is (d) or (e) then please provide a brief summary of the level of support provided by your authority.

4. The amount is 200.

5. Yes. The charges are calculated separately enabling individuals to have increased choices of options. Day Service charges are £52.50 per day. Supported Transport is £22.50 per day, as part of an individuals care package.

6. All critical and substantial needs.

Public 13866 24/09/12 10/10/2012 Housing Partnerships

Subject: Supply of Housing Sites

I am seeking information on a planning policy matter. Under paragraph 47 of the National Planning Policy Framework, London Borough


1. Current economic circumstances mean that despite having significant pipeline of approvals and allocations delivery has been slow. The level of uplift is seen as being tied up with the work on the London SHLAA. The Mayor

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of Newham is required to have “a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years worth of housing against their housing requirements”, plus 5% or 20% depending on the council’s delivery record.

1) Is London Borough of Newham required to have five years plus 5% OR five years plus 20% supply of specific deliverable sites?

2) Has the council already identified the required five years plus 5% or five years plus 20% supply of specific deliverable sites? If not, at what date does the council predict it will have identified the required supply?

London Borough of Newham is also required by the NPPF to “identify a supply of specific, developable sites or broad locations for growth, for years 6-10 and, where possible, for years 11-15”.

of London considers* the London position to be unique and the existing SHLAA to be robust in relation to the NPPF requirements. We will be looking at this more closely as part of the Council's Annual Monitoring Report 2012 due to be published in December.

2. The Council has identified sufficient land to meet the housing target as set out in the Newham Core Strategy 2012 and Annual Monitoring Reports. See below.

Newham is engaged in further work to update this through a Detailed Sites and Policies DPD and the work associated with the London SHLAA.

3. The above table shows the delivery for the duration of the London Plan/Core Strategy. * See 3.26 of the London Plan and also the draft housing SPG para 1.5, 1.1.6 and 1.1.10.

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3) To what extent has the council been able to identify a 6-10 year supply and a 11-15 year supply?

Media 13872 24/09/12 10/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject: Teachers

- The total number of teachers who were absent from work as a result of stress- The total number of school days lost due to stress (i.e. the total number of days for which teachers were not in school because of stress)


Year Number Absent due to stressDays Lost due to stress

2007/8 80 18512008/9 67 12472009/10 76 17032010/11 105 17562011/12 98 2055

Organisation 13865 24/09/12 10/10/2012 Public Health, Safety & Licensing

Subject: Betting Premises Licences and Variations

• Please can you confirm how many applications the local authority has received since the inception of the Gambling Act 2005 to vary the


1. No applications have been received under Section 187 of the Act for such a variation in respect of betting premises licences.

2. The following betting premises

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default hours for a betting premises licence?

o If you have received such applications, please can you provide details of:o Whether it was granted;o The hours extended;o The name of the applicant(s);o Address of the premises.

• Please can you confirm how many betting premises closures and betting premises licences have been surrendered in this local authority area since the inception of the Gambling Act 2005?o If there have been any closures or surrenders, please can you provide details of:o The name of the applicant(s)/ operator;o Address of the premises.

licences have been surrendered under Section 192(1) of the Act;

- Ladbrokes Betting & Gaming Ltd: 7 Hermit Road, London E16 4HP- Ladbrokes Betting & Gaming Ltd: 181 Upton Lane, London E7 9PJ- Ladbrokes Betting & Gaming Ltd: 98 Warrior Square, London E12 5RR- Done Brothers (Cash Betting) Ltd: 40 Broadway, London E15 4QS- William Hill Organisation Ltd: 190 High Street , London E15 2NE

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Public 13813 16/09/12 11/10/2012 Corporate Contracts

Subject: Every Child is a Musician

Please tell me the officers responsible for commissioning the CHIMES system for provision of data management/ ict in relation to the Every Child a Musician project - if names cannot be provided, please tell me their job title.

Please tell me the funds budgeted for this procurement and the final cost to the council Please tell me when it was introduced, when it came to an end and any documents explaining why it came to end.

Please provide me with information about the personal data the system held and policies used in managing this data.

Please provide me with information on the individuals able to access this data - the numbers, job titles and organisations they worked for.


The process through which the Chimes system was commissioned was undertaken by the then Project Manager and the then Divisional Director for Children and Young People’s Services.

The final costs were £35,000.

The system was introduced during the Every Child a Musician (ECaM) pilot phase in Autumn 2010. ECaM’s business relationship with the provider of Chimes is on going.

The system holds data on ECaM’s tutor workforce which includes names and contact details. It also holds the sessional timetable for both ECaM tutors and ECaM participating schools. Corporate data management policies are followed in managing this information.

Individuals who can access the Chimes system are all employed by Newham Council. The Chimes system is accessible to Liaison Officers in the ECaM team, whom have individual

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Please provide me with any information relating to data protection concerns regarding the system, including where there were data protection breaches or potential risks of such breaches raised between officers or councillors. I would like to see reports, emails, notes of meetings etc

secure log ins. In addition, the test section of Chimes is accessible by a named Principal ICT Analyst in the Council’s ICT support service.

There have been no data protection breaches. The Council did raise questions directly to the supplier relating only to test data provided by the supplier, during the early stages of development and implementation.

Public 13820 17/09/12 11/10/2012 Communications/Press office/publicity

Subject: Newham Magazine

Issue 224 (8-22 July 2011) of the Newham Mag introduced a new feature, quiz your councillor (page 9), inviting Newham residents to submit questions for councillors to the magazine - some to be selected for publication in the magazine along with a response fromthe councillor the question was put to. Since the introduction of the feature, how many questions per month have been submitted to the magazine?


1. Our electronic records show a total of 18 questions were received for the Quiz Your Councillor feature. A number of postal entries were also received but have since been securely destroyed. We did not record a total figure for those received by post.

2. The Publications team, in conjunction with the Council's Head of Communications, decided which questions would be answered in print.

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Who decides which question are to be printed with an answer?

Public 13822 17/09/12 11/10/2012 Communications/Press office/publicity

Subject: Newham Magazine

The Newham Mag is currently being distributed every week. Is this to continue during the full course of this current administration's term, or will the distribution revert to fortnightly? If it is to revert to a fortnightly distribution, when will that start? What is the total cost for each weekly edition (staffing costs, editorial, printing, distribution, etc) of providing the Newham Mag across the borough?


1-2. Fortnightly distribution of the Newham Mag resumed on September 28th 2012.

3. The net cost to the council to print and distribute the eleven weekly editions during the period of the 2012 Games was £130,844.46. This averages out at a total weekly cost of £11,894.95 for this exceptional period.

Political 13818 17/09/12 11/10/2012 Council Tax Subject: Council Tax

1. How many cases of council tax non-payment were referred to bailiffs for enforcement action by your borough in 2010/11?


1. A total of 9432 cases were referred to bailiffs in 2010/11.

2. A total of 6277 cases were referred to bailiffs in 2011/12.

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2. How many cases of council tax non-payment were referred to bailiffs for enforcement action by your borough in 2011/12?

3. How many cases of rent non-payment were referred to bailiffs for enforcement action by your borough in 2010/11?

4. How many cases of rent non-payment were referred to bailiffs for enforcement action by your borough in 2011/12?

I understand I am entitled to receive this information from you within 20 working days. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

3. A total of 207 bailiff eviction warrants were requested in 2010/11.

4. A total of 232 bailiff eviction warrants were requested in 2011/12.

Business 13824 18/09/12 11/10/2012 Pest Control Subject: Four Paws Animal Welfare Charity

1) In each of the past five years, how many premises (i) have been granted a licence to operate as a pet shop for the first time, (ii) have been refused a licence to operate as a pet shop for the first time, (iii)


1. (i) 2 (ii) None (iii) 1 (iv) 1

2. (i) A total of 114 visits have been carried out.

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have been granted a pet shop licence renewal, and (iv) have been refused a pet shop licence renewal?

2) In each of the past five years, how many inspections of proposed and existing pet shop premises have been carried out (i) in total, (ii) at premises for which a pet shop licence application has been made, prior to a decision to grant or refuse that licence, (iii) at newly licensed pet shop premises after a licence has been granted (i.e. during the first year of operating as a pet shop), and (iv) at existing pet shop premises in possession of a renewed licence (i.e. at premises operating as a pet shop for longer than one year)?

3) In each of the past five years, how many inspections of pet shop premises were (i) random and (ii) risk-based?

4) In each of the past five years, what proportion of pet

Unfortunately, our systems are not able to provide an annual breakdown nor further qualitative data from each of these visits. We do not keep records of the detailed reasons or findings of visits made to pet shop premises on our computers systems. The system currently in place for pet shop licensing and visits is paper based.

In order to retrieve this information an officer would be required to manually interrogate each of the paper files held for pet shops across the borough for the last five years. In order to compile the information requested in respect of the number of visits annually, the type and reasons for those visits, together with the outcomes and actions taken from those visits would require a comprehensive review of each of the paper files held on each pet shop premises and a further manual compilation of this information for all properties. This manual exercise would exceed the appropriate time limit.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council has a right to refuse a request for information held if the cost of complying with a request exceeds the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit

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shop premises inspected demonstrated full compliance with animal welfare and pet shop licensing legislative requirements for (i) random inspections and (ii) risk-based inspections?

5) Please give details of any actions taken in response to adverse findings of pet shop inspections during the past five years.

for local authorities is £450 or 2.5 days or 18 hours. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information under section 12(1) of the Act.

12 Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit (1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit.

3-4. Please see our response to Question 2.

5. One pet shop licence was not renewed.

Public 13826 18/09/12 11/10/2012 Regeneration and Physical Development

Subject: London Pleasure Gardens

Please tell me the name of the officer (if name not available, his or her job title) ultimately responsible for signing off the 'due diligence' work undertaken in relation to the Council's 'investment' in


The project has been overseen by the following senior officers Executive Director - Regeneration, Executive Director - Resources and Commercial Development, Project Manager LPG, Director of Legal People and Change and the Director of Finance. The ‘due diligence’ work externally prepared by

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London Pleasure Gardens. Navigant and Trowers and Hamlins was considered collectively by these senior officers and Cabinet.

Information regarding the Cabinet’s deliberations and decision in relation to this project are publically available on the Newham website. Please see below the relevant web links to the associated Cabinet meetings and minutes.

Public 13856 21/09/12 11/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: Social Worker Vacancies

1) The number of social worker job vacancies within the local authority including those temporarily filled by temporary or agency staff on April 1st 2012 (or the latest available date if you cannot provide this).

2) a. The number of social


1. The number of social worker job vacancies within the local authority including those temporarily filled by temporary or agency staff on April 1st 2012 (or the latest available date if you cannot provide this). We are unable to provide a accurate estimation of the number of vacant posts due to the level of organisational change that has taken place which has resulted in the merging and multi-

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workers employed by the local authority on 1st April 2010, 2011, 2012 and the latest available data (or another date in these years if you cannot provide these);

b. The mean number of cases per worker for the above;c. The total number of social workers who entered the employment of the local authority in the fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 to the latest available data.

d. The total number of social workers who left the employment of the local authority in the fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 to the latest available data.

3) The pay scale used for social workers within the Local Authority for the latest available data, including:

a. The median wage of a social worker;

functioning scope of some roles. It respect of the numbers of posts filled with agency staff, we can confirm as of 2nd July 2012 there were a total of eleven agency social workers in post.

2. a. The number of social workers employed by the local authority on 1st April 2010, 2011, 2012 and the latest available data (or another date in these years if you cannot provide these);2010 - 2382011 - 2402012 - 2082012 September 211

b. The mean number of cases per worker for the above;2010 - 112011 - 10.92012 - 10.5

c. The total number of social workers who entered the employment of the local authority in the fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 to the latest available data.2010/11 - 262011/12 - 332012/13 (Apr – Sept) - 11

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b. The median wage of a newly-employed social worker;c. What percentage of social workers is on each grade of the pay scale;d. The number of social workers who are five years or less from the state pension age.

d. The total number of social workers who left the employment of the local authority in the fiscal years 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 to the latest available data.2010/11 - 382011/12 - 492012/13 (Apr – Sept) - 10

3. The pay scale used for social workers within the Local Authority for the latest available data, including:

a. The median wage of a social worker;£37,759 pa

b. The median wage of a newly-employed social worker;£37,855 (all starters since 1st April 2012)

c. What percentage of social workers is on each grade of the pay scale;

Grade TotalPO3 0.46%PO4 0.46%PO5 0.46%SC5 0.46%

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SWFOSTERING 0.92%SWGRAD1 9.17%SWLEV1 13.30%SWLEV2 28.90%SWQAL 43.12%SWUNQ 2.75%Grand Total 100.00%

The number of social workers who are five years or less from the state pension age. 8

Public 13860 21/09/12 11/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: Staffing

1. Does your Local Authority employ temporary staff through an agency/agencies that are external to the Council?

2. If you do, what mechanisms are in place to ensure the arrangements represent 'value for money'.

3. If this is part of a wider procured service, when was this last procured?

4. Are there any safeguards within the systems to employ agency staff that prevent an


1. Yes. The London Borough of Newham engages the services of agency workers.

2. We use a national framework (M Star) that only pays mark-up based on pence per hour as opposed to % mark-ups. The product is vendor neutral which ensures that we get the best value for money. We also benchmark agency worker pay rates to ensure we are competitive.

3. M Star was procured in July 2012

4. The software does not allow for duplicate timesheet submission for the same assignment.

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individual agency staff member from submitting multiple timesheets for the same period? (E.g. does the system prevent a person from submitting duplicate/triplicate/etc timesheets that relate to the same date?)

5. If these safeguards exist, can details be provided as to what these safeguards are.

5. The software identifies individual agency workers with a unique user ID reference number. Each timesheet submitted has to be approved by a separate timesheet approver who also has their own unique user ID.

Business 13887 21/09/12 11/10/2012 Pest Control Subject: Pest Control 2010/2011 and 2011/2012

1. Do you offer a pest control service to the public and if so is the service delivered in-house by the Council or contracted out to a third party?

2. Do you charge for your pest control service?

3. How many individuals were employed by the Council between 1st April 2012 an 31st March 2012 under the remit of pest control?


Please find attached the table you forwarded with your request which has been completed with the information required.

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4. How many full time equivalents is this

5. Of those individuals how many were employed as servicing technicians?

6. How many full time equivalents is this?

7. How many initial domestic service requests involving rats did the council deploy one or more technicians to between 1st April 2011 and 31st March 2012?

8. How many initial domestic service requests involving mice were did the council deploy one or more technicians between V April 2011 and 31 March 2012?

9. How many initial domestic service requests involving mammals (other than rats or mice) did the council deploy one or more technicians to between 1st April 2011 and 31 March 2012?

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10. How many initial domestic service requests involving wasps did council deploy one or more technicians to between 1st April 2011 and 31st March 2012?

11. How many initial domestic service requests involving bedbugs did the council deploy one or more technicians to between l April 2011 and 31 March 2012?

12. How many initial domestic service requests involving ants did the council deploy one or more technicians to between 1st April 2011 and 31st March 2012?

13. How many initial domestic service requests involving cockroaches did the council deploy one or more technicians to between 1 April 2011 and 31st March 2012?

14. How many initial domestic service requests involving insects other than those listed above did the council deploy

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one or more technicians to between 1 April 2011 and 3Y March 2012?

15. How many initial domestic service requests involving birds did the council deploy one, or more technicians to between l April 2011 and 315t March 2012?

16. How many initial domestic service requests involving other public health pests (other. than those listed above) did the council deploy one or more technicians to between l April 2011 and .31St March 2012?

17. Are you intending to continue providing pest control services to your community-for the next 12 month period?

Organisation 13854 21/09/12 11/10/2012 Vulnerable Young People

Subject: Ethnicity of Look After Children

1 – Total number of children in local authority foster placements


1. In the financial year 2011/12 there were a total of 111 Local Authority foster placements.

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2 – Number of children of Asian ethnicity in local authority foster placements

3 - Number of Muslim children in local authority foster placements

4 – Total number of children in AGENCY (IFA) foster placements

5 - Number of children of Asian ethnicity in AGENCY (IFA) foster placements

6 - Number of Muslim children in AGENCY (IFA) foster placements

For the April-September 2012 period specified, there were a total of 119 local authority foster placements.

2. In the financial year 2011/12 there were a total of 29 foster placements recorded as being made to children of Asian ethnicity.For the April-September 2012 period specified, there were a total of 32 foster placements recorded as being made to children of Asian ethnicity.

3. In the financial year 2011/12 there were a total of 30 foster placements recorded as being made to Muslim children.For the April-September 2012 period specified, there were a total of 33 foster placements recorded as being made to Muslim children.

4. In the financial year 2011/12 there were a total of 222 agency foster placements.For the April-September 2012 period specified, there were a total of 224 agency foster placements.

5. In the financial year 2011/12 there were a total of 44 of these foster placements recorded as being made to

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children of Asian ethnicity.For the April-September 2012 period specified, there were a total of 41 of these foster placements recorded as being made to children of Asian ethnicity.

3. In the financial year 2011/12 there were a total of 34 of these foster placements recorded as being made to Muslim children.For the April-September 2012 period specified, there were a total of 33 of these foster placements recorded as being made to Muslim children.

Please note in relation to the information given in response to Questions 3 and 6 it should be advised that of the total number of placements, some 73 of the total number of records did not have a religion recorded.

Public 13906 26/09/12 11/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject : Parking Enforcement

1. How much revenue/money did Vehicle Removals make for years 2010/11/12?


1. Financial year Total Removal IncomeApril 2009 - March 2010 460,720April 2010 - March 2011 556,520April 2011 - March 2012 1,100,440

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2. What is the breakdown/racial construction of the department?

2. Please see the "Racial Construction" of the 16 staff at the Vehicle Pound is detailed below:

White - British - English: 7Black - British - English: 1Black - Caribbean: 3Black - African: 5

Organisation 13898 28/09/12 11/10/2012 Legal Services Subject: Legal and Litigation Spend

1. In relation to civil litigation, i.e. matters or disputes that went or might have gone to the High Court, County Court or any Tribunal run by HMCTS, but not those involving criminal or other prosecution or planning, licensing, statutory or other enforcement:

a. What was last year’s budget? b. Did it include any non-staff or overhead costs and, if it did:

i. What proportion were these?


Please see attached spreadsheets which answer a number of the questions raised.Please also see the web link below which offers further information on the Council’s annual budgeting

The Council is not able to calculate the budget figures as you have requested as it does not hold the information in that format. The attached should provide sufficient information to enable you to calculate the figures as you wish.

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ii. What did this figure cover and how was it made up?

c. What was the number (involved in civil litigation) of:

i. Qualified or other legal staff?ii. Non-legal or support staff?

d. In relation to external costs of employing solicitors, counsel, court fees and experts:

i. What was the total of these costs?ii. How were they made up?iii. Were these included in or additional to the figure at 1.a?

2. In relation to your legal department as a whole:

a. What was last year’s total legal budget? b. Did it include any non-staff or overhead costs and, if

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it did:

i. What proportion were these?ii. What did this figure cover and how was it made up?

c. What was the number of:

i. Qualified or other legal staff?ii. Non-legal or support staff in the department?

If for any reason you are unable to deal with the entirety of this request, please can we have answers to the whole of question 1 and to question 2.a? I look forward to hearing from you soon and can be contacted on this email address.

Public 13905 27/09/12 12/10/2012 Private Sector & Adaptations

Subject : Landlord Licensing Scheme

1. Revenue generation is evident and needless to explain but what’s the


(1) Newham Council’s grounds to impose this Licence?Newham is seeing a significant increase in ASB and poor tenancy and property

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Newham council’s grounds to impose this licence?

2. Based on which UK legal legislation / law, the owner of private rented property need to (if it’s law, then must) apply for a licence? What happen if the licence is not applied and what legal charge will be sanctioned against the owner?

management in the private rented sector across the borough. In 2011 and 2012 Newham Council consulted extensively with residents, private sector tenants, landlords and managing agents on proposals to introduce a borough wide licensing scheme: 74% of residents and 76% of private tenants support the scheme. The background research papers and consultation reports can be found at We want to ensure that private sector rented properties are safe and well managed and meet a good standard. We also want to deal with the crime and anti-social behaviour that is sometimes associated with bad private sector rented housing.Landlords in the borough will need to show that they are "fit and proper persons", and that they have suitable property management arrangements in place. They will also need to demonstrate to the local authority that any gas and electrical installations are safe, tenants are on written tenancy agreements and anti-social behaviour and repairs are effectively managed.Licensing will help identify rogue landlords who impact negatively on the reputation of good landlords by creating

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dangerous housing conditions and limiting rental choices available to Newham residents. It will improve the rental market across Newham by raising standards, whilst also supporting responsible landlords with tenancy disputes and troublesome and anti-social tenants. Landlords will benefit from a more professional and robust market and more sustainable tenancies.

(2) Based on which UK legal legislation / law, the owner of private rented property need to (if it’s law, then must) apply for a licence? What happen if the licence is not applied and what legal charge will be sanctioned against the owner?

The Housing Act 2004 parts 2 and 3 is the key statute for making licensing designations in the UK. Failure to apply for a licence is an offence and may result in landlords or managing agents being prosecuted, have control of their unlicensed properties taken away from them, and be liable to repay any rents paid to their tenants or the council.

It is a criminal offence to let a property that is required to be licensed without applying for a licence. In Newham

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applications to licence a property must be made before the end of December 2012. There are a range of sanctions that could be applicable depending on the individual circumstances; these are detailed below:

• Failure to apply for a licence can lead to legal action being taken and a fine of up to £20,000 upon conviction.• A person who breaches a condition of a licence is liable upon summary conviction to a maximum fine of £5000.• If there is no likelihood of a property becoming licensed the council has the powers to make an Interim Management Order (IMO). This will transfer the management of the property to the council for a specified period after which a Final Management Order (FMO) may be made.• An unlicensed landlord is not able to use the section 21 Possession Procedure. The section 21 procedure entitles them to regain possession of the property without a court hearing, following the service of a valid notice giving the tenant at least 2 months notice.• For any period where an unlicensed property is being privately

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rented, an application can be made to the Residential Property Tribunal for a Rent Repayment Order. This could mean a landlord having to repay up to 12 months of rent.

A copy of the Council’s Private Rented Property Licensing Guidance for Landlords & Managing Agents and licensing flyer are attached.

Further information and assistance is available online at , from the Council’s Property Licensing and Technical Support Team by telephone on 02033731950 or by email: [email protected] or writing to Private Housing, London Borough of Newham, 3rd Floor West Wing, Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside road, London, E16 2QU.

Public Bodies

13821 17/09/12 15/10/2012 Procurement Team

Subject: Register of Contracts

I would like to request a copy of your current contracts register detailing all of your current live contracts. I am therefore writing to make an open government request for


Please find attached spreadsheet with regards to the information sought.

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information to which I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act. I understand that your contracts register contains details of your current contracts including start date, end date, contract value and winning supplier. I would be grateful if I could receive your contracts register in an editable format, preferably in a CSV or excel file.

Media 13819 17/09/12 16/10/2012 CYPS - Youth Support

Subject: Children Services

On a per annum basis for the last five years could you please answer the following questions in relation to children in the care of the local authority.

1) The number of children placed into a foster placement per year, and the number placed into residential care per year


1) The figures for 2011/12 are:(a) 233 foster placements were made for 211 young people. Some had more thanone placement.(b) 64 residential placements were made for 50 young people. Some had

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2) How many allegations were made concerning a child being mistreated, abused, neglected in any manner whilst in a foster care placement or a residential care home under the care of the local authority

more thanone residential placement.Unfortunately we are unable to provide any further qualitative detail or records priorto 2011 within the appropriate time limit for requests.In order to retrieve this information an officer would be required to manuallyinterrogate each file over the past five years, to be able to identify and extract thespecific information requested., thereby exceeding the appropriate time limit.Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council has a right to refuse a request forinformation held if the cost of complying with a request exceeds the appropriate limit.The appropriate limit for local authorities is £450 or 2.5 days or 18 hours. We believein this case such an exemption applies under section 12(1) of the Act.2) Data is only available for the past three years:.Jan 2009 to Dec 2009 - There were 11 allegations reported against foster carers.Jan 2010 to Dec 2010 -There were 6 allegations reported against foster

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in the last five years.

3) What was the nature of the investigation for each complaint and what level of investigation did they go to?

4) What were the outcomes of these investigations? In particular, how many were judged to be well-founded or upheld, and how many where reported to police for a criminal investigation.

carers.Jan 2011 to Dec 2011- There were 13 allegations reported against foster carers.Jan 2012 to Sept 2012- There were 7 allegations reported against foster carers.We publish an anonymised list of requests and responses on the Council’s website.As stated above, it would exceed the appropriate limit to examine the records inorder to ascertain the nature of each allegation.3) We are unable to provide this level of detail for each enquiry. To complete thistask would require recalling all of the backfiles and reading the details of eachenquiry, which would take in excess of the 18 maximum hours for responding to arequest.4) Again, data is only available for the past three years:Please note, the outcome of investigations relating to professionals are categorisedas substantiated, unsubstantiated, unfounded or malicious.Between Jan 2009 to Dec 2009

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5) What was the outcome for the foster carer/ or other carer after the local authority's investigation relating to any type of mistreatment of a child in their care.

Of the 11 allegations reported, 8 concluded as unfounded and 3 concluded assubstantiated.Between Jan 2010 to Dec 2010Of the 6 allegations reported against foster carers, 4 concluded as unsubstantiatedand 2 concluded as substantiated.Between Jan 2011 to Dec 2011Of the 13 allegations reported against foster carers, 2 did not meet the threshold forenquiries; 2 concluded as unfounded; 5 concluded as unsubstantiated; 3substantiated and 1 partially substantiated.Between Jan 2012 to Sept 2012Of the 7 allegations reported against foster carers, 2 did not meet the threshold forenquiries and 5 were concluded as unsubstantiated.5) The Council can confirm that out of 37 carers who were the subject of anallegation, 10 carers were from Newham. If allegations wereunfounded/unsubstantiated, further recommendations would not be recorded.Of the 8 allegations recorded as substantiated and partially

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substantiated, theoutcomes are as follows:-LBN Carer(s)Standard of care meeting andcarer’s approval reviewed atpanel.1Standard of care and trainingidentified.1We publish an anonymised list of requests and responses on the Council’s website.Other Organisation Carer(s)Recommendation for deregistration5Allegation substantiated,employing organisation completedstandard of care meeting. Carerspresented to panel to review theirapproval.1

Public 13825 18/09/12 16/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject: Parking Fines

1. How many PCN were issued by your borough over the last 3 Years2. How many of these PCN were cancelled over that 3 year period3. How many camera’s does your borough use for CCTV


1. 66,0673

2. 12,2027

3. Approx 116

4. Including CCTV, we have had a total of 226 Civil Enforcement Officers

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enforcement4. How many CEO do you have (including supervisors) over the last 3 years5. Can you supply the recovery rate for your borough over the last 3 years6. How much income did you borough received thru PCN over the last 3 years7. How many PCNs were cancelled by the independent Adjudicator over the last 3 years

Please provide information by financial year - 2009/10 2010/11 & 2011/12

(CEO’s) and supervisors on the contract in the past 3 years.

5. 63.7%

6. 2009/10 8203968 2010/11 9056070 2011/12 9695708

7. Please refer to the Parking & Traffic Appeals Service for published information

Media 13867 24/09/12 16/10/2012 Planning Application & Enforcement

Subject: Planning Applications subterranean development

1....Since 24 September 2011 has the council received any planning application (s) for what might be classed as subterranean development. 2....If the answer to the above question is yes can you please supply the following


1 - 5. The Council are not aware of any surveys, reports, studies or planning guidance in respect of subterranean development in Newham produced within the Development Control Service.

For future reference, information on planning and building applications, are located on our public domain website:

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information. In the case of each application can you please supply the name of the applicant (s), the address of the property (ies) concerned, a copy of the original planning application (s) and copies of any correspondence and communications (including emails) between the council's planning department and the applicant and or their agents.Could you also provide copies of the relevant planning application numbers. 3....Does the Council hold documentation which details the number of subterranean planning applications granted in each of the following years ' (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). If so can you please state how many subterranean applications have been approved in each of the following years. Can you please state how many separate properties the applications relate to.

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4....Since September 24 2011 has the council or anyone acting on behalf of the council produced a report and or study and or survey on subterranean development within its area. If so can you please provide a copy of this documentation. 5....Since September 24 2011 has the council or anyone acting on its behalf produced new planning guidance for officers and or members and or the general public which specifically relates to subterranean development within its area. If so can you please copies of the advice.

Public 13938 04/10/12 16/10/2012 PARKS Subject : Playground Renovations

I require information on a playground in between Warrior Square E12 and Jack Cornwell Street E12.

1. Has this playground been renovated over the last year?If so I require before pictures and details of the period when


The Council can confirm that apart from repairs to individual pieces of equipment, the playground between Warrior Square and Jack Cornwall Street E12, did not receive an upgrade or renovation in the last year.

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renovation took place.

Organisation 13689 29/08/12 17/10/2012 Legal Services Subject: The National Landlords Association (NLA) - Landlord Licensing Designations

1. The tenure data relating to the PRS that was extracted from the Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance records, customer tracking data, Non-liable council tax account records and interventions where officers have collected tenure when delivering a service to a resident of Newham at their property as outlined in paragraph 4.3.4 of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Sector in Newham Report of 11 June 2012.

2. The two datasets that were mapped and allocated to grid cells as outlined in paragraph 4.3.6 of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Sector in Newham Report of 11 June


Please find the attached information in relation to your request. This should be read in conjunction with the methodology and evidential report (enclosed) which was made available to you in a previous request.

We have annonymised the datasets in compliance with data protection principles. Hence, information connected with living individuals have been removed and withheld under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 200 (FOIA.

This section applies where disclosure of information involving personal data would breach the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The DPA defines ‘personal data’ as:“ which relate to a living individual who can be identified - (a) from those data, or (b) from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, the data controller, and includes any expression of opinion

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2012. We would also request the results of that mapping exercise (i.e. the maps themselves).

3. The Anti-Social Behaviour data which was recorded between 1 Aril 2011 and 31 March 2012 that was extracted from the Corporate Information Management Systems (IMS) as outlined in paragraph 4.3.8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Sector in Newham Report of 11 June 2012.

4. The ASB data sets that were then mapped into the same grid cells as the ones mentioned in point 2 above as outlined in paragraph 4.3.10 of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Sector in Newham Report of 11 June 2012. Again, we would also request the results of that mapping exercise (i.e. the maps themselves).

about the individual and any indication of the intentions of the data controller or any other person in respect of the individual”

We feel that it would be likely for living individuals to be identified from release of the full datasets requested, either directly or when combined with other information which is already within the public domain (bearing in mind that information released under FOIA is accessible to the world at large).

Furthermore, at the time of collating the datasets the individuals in question would not have expected that their personal information would be later disclosed to the general public. Therefore, disclosure would therefore contravene the first data protection principle, which requires that personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless at least one of the Conditions in Schedule 2 is met.

We have considered the Conditions, in particular number 6, and have concluded that the rights and freedom of the data subjects and protection

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5. The results of the overlay exercise outlined in paragraph 4.3.11 of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the Private Rented Sector in Newham Report of 11 June 2012 where some grid cells contained significant clustering of Anti-Social Behaviour or significant clustering of PRS/HMOs.

afforded under the DPA far outweighed the public interest in disclosure under the FOIA.

Media 13884 27/09/12 17/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: Compensation Settlement to Teachers

In the last financial year 2011/2012 please provide me with the number of settlements and the total amount paid as compensation to teachers or teaching assistants for injuries sustained at schools or outside schools.

For each incident please provide me with

i) the amount of compensation, ii) the costs associated with the claim and (iii) a summary of the claim.


We can advise for the period requested that there was as total of 6 settlements. Please find below a table with regards to additional information sought.

Total Claim Type of Incident54,107.60 Attacked by a pupil1,238.00 Slipped on mud/gravel3,835.00 Hit on head by falling window377.28 Slipped on food spillage13,361.40 Tripped up by a colleague11,047.00 Tripped over a pipe0 Hit by sport equipment thrown by pupil0 Tripped over a chair0 Slipped on water

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Note: The question relates to payments made in 2011/2012 regardless of when the incident took place. If the settlement was made by the authority’s insurers it is still information “held” by your authority under the terms of the Act.

Unfortunately, we have only been able to provide data on claims settled in the last financial year. We also do not hold a breakdown of the costs associated with a claim for compensation.

Business 13848 20/09/12 18/10/2012 Procurement Team

Subject: PC Booking Tender

We had been speaking to Newham libraries and understand they had moved from the PHAROS PC booking system to the myPC PC booking system. When speaking to our main contact there they said this had been an “upgrade”. The company that supplied both these systems is called ITS ( but they only resell the PHAROS system and myPC is their own system they developed. So classing the move from PHAROS to myPC is NOT an upgrade as they are completely separate products.


Newham Libraries recently procured an upgrade to the Pharos software that resulted in a loss of functionality. As a result the team procured an upgrade which increased functionality, improved management information and lowered costs. We can confirm on a like for like basis the value of the modules upgraded fell within the Low Value threshold in the procurement of goods and services. This threshold relates to purchases falling below £10,000 and purchased on a best buy basis.

Please see the web page below which details the correct thresholds

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According to your procurement rules there should have been a tender process as the value would have been between £5,000 and £50,000:

Low Value (normally under £5,000) - For anything other than incidental items of very low value we purchase on a best buy basis.

Medium Value (normally between £5,000 and £50,000)- we obtain a minimum of three written quotes and purchase on a best buy basis.

High Value - All contracts with a value of over£50,000 will generally be exposed to a formal competitive tendering process. Such contracts will often be advertised on this website under current contract opportunities and, if

The Council has mechanisms to ensure that the procurement processes and rules are followed. In all purchases, officers are mindful they are spending public money and their priority is to ensure that they achieve value for money.

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appropriate, a trade journal.

Public 13847 20/09/12 18/10/2012 Sub Regional Projects

Subject: Carpenters Estate

1) please provide dates of housing stock condition surveys of the carpenters estate over the last 10 years.

2) please provide most recent housing stock condition survey report.


1. The only stock condition survey undertaken in the last 10 years by the Council was of the low rise properties in 2007. We no longer have written stock condition surveys, but hold data on the elements, age, lifecycle and replacement costs on our asset management database.

High Rise Blocks

It maybe helpful to explain that James Riley Point, Lund Point and Dennison Points are sister blocks and were constructed between the years 1967-1972. These blocks are located in the Carpenters Estate.

Existing Reports and Inspections

(a) Client report review of proposed remedial works to multi storey blocks performed in June 2002 Building Research Establishment.

(b) Preliminary Structural Assessment based on review of

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previous reportsMarch 2003 Waterman HDC.

2. As explained in the previous question, we no longer hold written stock conditions surveys. We do however have an asset management database which provides the software to support our forecasts for social housing, which identifies properties we are likely to carry out future modernisations works.

Public 13858 21/09/12 18/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: School Teachers

Please could you send a full list of teachers employed by schools in your area, in your area over the last five years.

e.g. as an Excel spreadsheet in the following format:

teacher\'s name - school - subject - date started - date left (if applicable)

However, if it is not possible to provide information over that period, then please provide a current list of teachers in the


The information is exempt under section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, as a number of schools in the borough already display the names of current teachers on their websites.

Section 21 of the Act contains an exemption for information which is reasonably accessible by other means. This is an absolute exemption and there is therefore no requirement to consider the public interest test.

For your ease of reference, please see the relevant web link for schools below

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following format:

Teacher\'s name - school - subject - when employment commenced (if possible)

To the extent that the teachers’ names and corresponding subjects are not accessible via the respective website, we recommend that you contact the schools direct; including for information regarding the period of employment.

Public 13861 21/09/12 18/10/2012 Complaints and Member Enquiries

Subject: FOI Requests

1. How many freedom of information requests did you receive in 2011

2. What was your financial budget for servicing freedom of information requests in 2011

3. Do your authority make data available as an Application Programme Interface (API) to Developers in your local community?

4. If yes, how much did it cost you to build it your API (IT construction project costs)?


1. 1,470.

2. Currently there are 2 dedicated members of staff within a corporate team who are responsible for processing Freedom of Information requests. However, they are supported by an administrative officer who has other duties and supervised by a manager who also has other duties. In addition, Officers in appropriate services provide requested information to the corporate team as required.

The cost of the 2 dedicated staff with on costs amounts to approximately £78,000.

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3. No. The Council does however publish responses to requests, on its website monthly. The disclosure logs can be accessed via the following link: . We can also advise that currently a new system is being developed to allow the published requests and responses to be fully searchable.

4. Not Applicable.

Business 13862 21/09/12 18/10/2012 COMMUNITY CENTRE

Subject: Beckon Activity Centre - Grants

Between April 1st 2010 and March 31st 2011 The Beckton Activity Centre which is a trading style of The Woodland Centre Trust received a development grant from The London Borough of Newham (LBN).

When was this grant awarded to them?How much did they get?What was the purpose of the grant?What did the Beckton Activity


1.The grant was awarded at the end of June 2010.

2. £5,7003. Summer Activities

4. Venue/Staff/Publicity/Activity materials costs.

5. Publicity posters where located around the borough and posted to all main leisure facilities/youth centres, etc.

6. We received a total of 24 application forms.

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Centre claim they spent it on?Where was the grant advertised?Who else applied?Who else was successful?Who was not successful?Was there ant restrictions on the legal structure of the grant applicants?

7. 13 applications were successful:Beckton Activities Centre NASSAYouth House (SCTDP)NCYWest Silvertown Village Community Foundation Froud Youth Project Bonny Downs Community Association Alternatives Trust East London One World Foundation Africa Community Links (two applications) The Renewal Programme The Hartley Centre

8. 11 applications were unsuccessful:Discovery Initiative West Silvertown Village Community Association Community Links (two applications) East London Skills for Life NCY Froud Youth Project (three applications) Bonny Downs Community Assoc ASHA

Political 13936 04/10/12 18/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject : Access to Sexual Health Services

Please provide me with the following information regarding access to community sexual


I understand you have received a Freedom of Information Act request from Diane Abbott MP via her assistant George Chalkias outlined below. I

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health services in your PCT: 1) What are your criteria for accessing community sexual health services? How – if at all – have they changed since 2009/10?2) Do you in any way restrict access to sexual health services on the basis of age? If yes – how? Has this changed since 2009/10?3) Do you in any way restrict access to sexual health services on the basis of the patient’s choice of contraceptive method? If yes – how? Has this changed since 2009/10?4) Do you in any way restrict access to sexual health services on the basis of residency, e.g. whether or not the patient is resident in your PCT catchment area? If yes – how? Has this changed since 2009/10?

confirm that I am answering this on behalf of NHS Tower Hamlets, NHS City & Hackney and NHS Newham. Please can you therefore inform Ms Abbott that you have passed it to me.

Jonathan BallFOI TeamNHS North East London and the City2nd floor Clifton House75-77 Worship StreetLondon EC2A 2EJTel. 0207 683 5113NHS North East London and the City – a partnership of local primary care trusts

Media 13686 29/08/12 19/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject: Training or recovery bases for Olympic teams


Page 124: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log October 2012 and Democracy... · Web viewUnder the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an

I would like to request a list of the schools in Newham used as training or recovery bases by Olympic teams during the London 2012 Games

As part of the response, can you provide details of:

-which team used which school?

-the improvements made to each individual school and the cost of those improvements (how much the individual teams paid the schools)

-whether the improvements made to those schools were temporary or permanent (and are still in place now)

1. Sarah Bonnell School -

United States of America Olympic team.JFK School -

Australian Olympic Committee.Langdon School -

LOCOG (agreements through the ODA)Rokeby School -

LOCOG (agreements through the ODA)

We do not hold information in respect of the improvements or payments made to either Sarah Bonnell or JFK schools as these arrangements were agreed directly between the school and teams.

For your ease of reference should you wish to contact the schools directly, please see the relevant contact details on the web link below

2 – 3.Langdon SchoolA total of £11,486.13 was received for the funding of some painting, cleaning

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and minor works to further facilitate disabled access to the building.

Revenue Funding for Langdon was £48,607.

Rokeby SchoolA total of £141,154.02 was received for the provision (permanent) of higher specification timber sports floor, the installation of volleyball sockets and some painting and cleaning works. Temporary ventilation works was additionally carried out by LOCOG as part of their overlay works.

Revenue Funding for Rokeby was £48,607.

Public 13855 21/09/12 19/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: First Care Lodge

1. How much money does LBN pay First Care Lodge annually for residential care?

2. How much does this care cost for each adult, each week?

3. How many vulnerable young people/substance abusers does Newham think First Care


1. The First Care Lodge (FCL) is an organisation that provides both supported and residential accommodation to our Mental Health Service Users.

The information you have requested is exempt from disclosure under section 43(2) of the Act. The London Borough of Newham will not disclose information which would prejudice the commercial

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Lodge Ltd are looking after?

4. Where exactly does LBN think these people are being housed?

interests of the companies concerned. Section 43 is a qualified exemption therefore we have to consider the public interest in disclosure. We have decided that in this case the public interest lies in favour of not disclosing the requested information.

2. As above. 3. We can advise that FCL offer both residential and supported accommodation to our young adult service users who are aged between 25 and 50 years of age. Currently, we do not have vulnerable young people or substance misuse abusers placed at FCL.

4. As explained above, we do not currently have vulnerable young people or known substance/misuse abusers in FCL. It may be helpful to explain that requests submitted under the FOI Act relate only to recorded information. In your question, you have asked what the authority 'thinks' which seeks to illicit an opinion rather than recorded information. Therefore, this aspect of your request is not a valid question which we are able to respond to under FOI.

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Public 13851 21/09/12 19/10/2012 Council Tax Subject: Council Tax Benefit/Localised Council Tax Support I am requesting the following information: 1) The current cumulative total of outstanding non-paid council tax (i.e. council tax non-payment)

2) The total council tax non-payment that accumulated during financial year 2011/12

3) Any forecast for the additional council tax non-payment that could arise as a result of cuts to CTB and/or the implementation of the council’s preferred option for LCTS

4) The council’s CTB expenditure on working age claimants in 2011/12

5) The number of working age CTB claimants in 2011/12


1. £22.747m for all years prior to the start of the financial year 2012/13.

2. £7,088,587.73

3. Current estimates are an additional £1million of arrears.

4. £24.963m. (This figure does not take account of any overpayment of benefit.)

5. 31,946 individual claimants.

6. 2013/14 forecast - 25,481 2014/15 forecast - 25,8632015/16 forecast - 25,992.

These figures are based on full year entitlement.

7. No. Our existing provider has outlined development of the existing IT system to deliver Council Tax Support functionality which we are presently considering.

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6) Any forecast of the number of working age claimants of LCTS the council will have in 2013/14, 2014/15, and 2015/16

7) Whether the council has yet approached potential contractors for the provision of IT systems to handle a future LCTS scheme

8) If a contract for IT systems (as referred to in part

(7)) has been awarded, what company was it awarded to and what is the value of the contract?

9) If no contract as referred to in part (7) has been awarded, when is a contract award expected?

10) The date on which public consultation on LCTS began, or is due to begin

11) The current number of working age CTB claimants

8-9. Please see our response to Question 7.

10. 28th September 2012

11. 25,229

12. As of today's date there have been three response. However, due to technical problems with the completion of our online response this facility was not effective until 16th October 2012. We have accordingly extended our online facility until 10th December to provide the same period for consultation for our residents.

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12) The number of responses to the LCTS consultation the council has so far received (as of the date the council provides a response; please provide the date to which the information requested in part (12) is correct) If responding to the entirety of this request would trigger the section 12 time limit, please exclude question 12 of this request and respond to the remainder.

Public 14009 22/09/12 19/10/2012 PARKS Subject : Priory Road Free Space

1. How much did something like that cost?2. Which companies are available to do such works?and 3. Are maintenance costs reasonable?


1. The cost of installing a play area of this size would be in the region of £250-£350k depending on a range of factors.

2. The Civil Engineering contractor was T. Loughman -

The specialist design consultant was Green Dreams, Landscape Design and Build

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3. It is difficult to quantify what maintenance costs would be considered reasonable or not, but the maintenance costs of this particular play area fall within current budgets. The maintenance is greatly dependent upon the wear and tear of the equipment, weather conditions and degree of use all of which are variable.

Public 13863 23/09/12 19/10/2012 Crime & Anti Social Behaviour

Subject: Dog Fouling in the borough

1. How many complaints did you receive for dog fouling for the periods of 01.01.2005 to 01.09.2012, please give yearly figures. 2. How many fixed penalty notices were issued for the same period for dog fouling, please give yearly figures. 3. If the council participated in any campaigns for dog fouling. Please indicate when.


1. Please see below the annual totals of complaints received in respect of dog fouling, divided by the relevant services receiving the complaints.

Year Enforcement & Safety Environmental Services

(Cleansing)2005 73

Not available2006 88

Not available2007 115

Not available2008 152

3222009 138

3042010 152

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5932011 103

5752012 to 1/9/12 64


Unfortunately due to a change of computerised systems, we no longer hold information in respect of the number of complaints received by Environmental Services before 2008.

2. Since the introduction of Fixed Penalty Notices through Dog Control Orders in 2011, please see below the numbers issued for each of the years2011 : 232012 (to 1/9/12) : 11

3. The primary campaign initiated borough-wide in respect of dog fouling was the introduction of Dog Control Orders in 2011. For further information in respect of this consultation and campaign, please see the relevant web link below

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Public 13868 24/09/12 19/10/2012 Right to Buy Subject: Council Homes

- How many council-owned homes have been sold in each of the past 10 years? - How much did such sales raise? (Please provide separate totals for each of the years).- How many households have been on the social housing waiting list in each of the past 10 years? - Please provide in CSV format the postcodes of all council-owned homes that have been sold off in the past 10 years, if such is in the possession of the council and this does not exceed the cost limit of the request.


Question 1 and 2

Year Number Sold(net of discounts) Total Value - All Sales2002/03 748 37,033,1092003/04 888 62,753,8322004/05 648 55,249,9802005/06 211 22,675,1602006/07 141 18,046,2002007/08 102 14,466,3502008/09 16 2,351,0002009/10 6 747,0002010/11 14 1,641,0002011/12 15 1,641,000


Question 3

2004 2005 2006 2007 20082009 2010 2011 2012

25000 25317 29574 24159 2857935754 37540 29785 30797

We are unable to gather the information you seek from 2003 and have further

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identified that this will be resource intensive, requiring a significant amount of Officers time to retrieve the data from different recording systems.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council has a right to refuse a request for information held if the cost of complying with a request exceeds the appropriate limit. The appropriate limit for local authorities is £450 or 2.5 days or 18 hours. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information under section 12(1) of the Act.

12 Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit

(1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit.

Question 4

We have refused this part of your request as the level of information sought, is highly likely to identify

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individuals and their addresses within the borough and in supplying this information we would be not be compliant with the data protection principles.

Under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

This section applies where disclosure of information involving personal data would breach the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The DPA defines ‘personal data’ as:“ which relate to a living individual who can be identified— (a) from those data, or (b) from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, the data controller, and includes any expression of opinion about the individual and any indication of the intentions of the data controller or any other person in respect of the individual”

We feel it would be likely for individuals to be identified from the release of the information requested either directly or when combined with other information which is already within the public domain. As Section 40 carries the

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weight of an absolute exemption therefore the public interest test does not apply.

Third party personal data is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. Disclosure would therefore contravene the first data protection principle, which requires that personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully by the London Borough of Newham.

Media 13873 24/09/12 19/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: Winterbourne View private hospital

1. Have you paid for the care of any patients in the Winterbourne View private hospital near Bristol from when it opened in December 2006 to when it closed in 2011?

2. If so, how many and what was the weekly cost of each?

3. How many patients [with one or more learning disabilities] that you commission and fund services for are currently in CQC-


1-2. Newham Council has not placed any patients at the Winterbourne View Private Hospital.

3-8. Newham Council has not commissioned or funded services for any patients currently in CQC-designated assessment and treatment units.

It may be useful to note that the commissioning and funding for these patients would be managed by local Health Services. In Newham access to these services are managed by the NHS North East London and the City.

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designated assessment and treatment units (ATUs)?

4. What is the average amount of time a patient [with one or more than one learning disabilities] that you commission and fund services for has spent in an assessment and treatment unit (ATU) from admittance to complete discharge?

5. What is the longest period of time, from admittance to complete discharge between the dates of September 2006 - September 2012, that a patient [with one or more learning disabilities] you commission and fund services for has spent in an assessment and treatment unit (ATU)?

6. What is the average price per patient [with one or more than one learning disabilities] per week that you commission and fund services for and are currently in assessment and treatment unit (ATU)?

For your reference, please see below the relevant contact details

NHS North East London and the CityBecketts House 2-14 Ilford HillIlfordEssexIG1 2QXTelephone: 020 8478 5151

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7. Also what is the average price per patient [with one or more than one learning disabilities] per week that you commission and fund services for and who are currently in assessment and treatment units?

8. What is the most amount of money you have paid per week, between the dates September 2006 to September 2012, to place a patient [with one or more than one learning disabilities] in an assessment and treatment unit (ATU)?

Media 13876 25/09/12 19/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: Adult Social Care under the Fair Access to Care Services (FACS)

1. What is your threshold for providing adult social care under the Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) guidance in the current financial year 2012/13? Is it:

a) Critical


1. Substantial and Critical.

2-3. This threshold has been in place since the introduction of the original FACS framework.

4. There are no current plans to change the threshold for 2013/2014.

5-6. Not applicable.

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b) Substantial c) Moderate d) Low

2. How long has it been at this level i.e. when did it change to the level given as answer to 1)?

3. What was it previously?

4. Do you plan to change the current threshold for 2013/14?

5. If so what is the new threshold being considered?

6. When will the decision be made?

Public 13882 26/09/12 19/10/2012 Street Scene Enforcement

Subject: Dog Fouling

Under the 'Freedom of Information' Act I would like you to provide me with the 2011/12 information relating to the number of penalty fines you have handed out to owners who fail to pick up there dog mess. If possible I would also like specific data on


1. A total of 28 Fixed Penalty Notices were issue in the 2011/12 financial year for dog fouling related offences. No notices were issued specifically on Tylney Road.

It may be useful to note that in order to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice the issuing officer must witness the offence being

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wansted flats and the area around Tylney road.

I would also like to know how many inspectors you currently have working in Newham with responsibility for issuing fines for this offense.

The area around Tylney Road and Wansted Flats is littered with the stuff and I would like you to take some action rid the area of this health risk.

committed. Therefore although a number of instances may be occurring at a particular location, an officer must be present to issue the notice.

Please note instances of persistent dog fouling in identified areas can be reported to the Council via the Newham Contact Centre on 0208 430 2000 or online on the web page below

2. There are a total of 45 Law Enforcement Officers across the borough that can issue fixed penalty notices. The borough is divided into quadrant bases, therefore there are 10 Law Enforcement Officers based within the West quadrant within which Tylney Road falls under.

It may be useful to note that Wanstead Flats open space does not lie within the London Borough of Newham. This area falls under the control of the London Borough of Redbridge, whom have their own Dog Control Orders in effect. For your further reference, please see below the relevant web link detailing

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their approach

Public 14057 02/10/12 19/10/2012 Local Service Centre

Subject : Business Assistance

1. Are they any commercial properties managed by the Newham Council I would possible apply for

2.Is it possible to get a piece of information regarding volume of Polish community in Newham, please

3.Is there any help I could seek for from the Council side


1Please see the link to the Newham website below which details the council properties available through our agents, Dobbin and Sullivan.

2. Statistical information on the ethnicity of Newham's population can be located on the Newham website relating to key statistics. Please see the relevant web link below Further qualitative statistical information can also be found on Newham Info, which also includes information from the

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2011 Census. Please see the relevant web link below

3. Is there any help I could seek for from the Council sideNewham's Business Desk provides support and assistance to local businesses and those wishing to establish a new business in the borough. For further information please see the relevant we page below

Public 13857 21/09/12 22/10/2012 Council Tax Subject: Council Tax

I understand that some two years ago, the council experienced problems with the computer system that it employs to operate its payments of Housing Benefit (LHA) - that it was deactivated by the supplier. This naturally raises the issue of how the council managed to get itself into such a situation; what action it took; and who was to blame.


1) Agenda papers and copies of minutes for the meetings which provide the details of officers and Members involved in the decision-making process can be found on:

Mayoral proceedings requesting permission to tender for replacement system:


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Please provide me with: a copy of the original contract; and all council minutes relating to the acquisition of the system and its deactivation. And explain precisely why the supplier was able to deactivate a system which the council paid good money for, without the council taking legal action. 1) Which officers and councillors were involved in anyway. 2) Who was subjected to disciplinary action for the error. 3) Which councillors were de-selected. 4) How much has the problem cost the borough. 5) How was the problem reported to the electorate. (Copies please of any articles or press releases.) All this within the prescribed timetable. Thank You.

Mayoral proceedings agreeing award of contract:

The decision to deactivate the system was made by the Contractor who owns the Pericles system and not the Council. This occurred as a result of changes of ownership of the company involved – a situation beyond the Council’s control and one which affected a number of local authorities. No legal recourse was available to us – please see point 2 for the legal advice.

In relation to the contract, London Borough of Newham will not disclose information which would prejudice the commercial interests of the companies concerned. Section 43 is a qualified exemption and we have to consider the public interest in disclosure. We have decided that in this case the public interest lies in favour of not disclosing the requested information.

2) There was no error on the part of officers or the authority in the de-commissioning of the previous system

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or the need to procure a replacement system. Legal advice was sought at the time and concluded that "the Council has no contractual protection in respect of the decision to decommission, nor is Newham entitled to any compensation, as it is clear that Northgate [the supplier] has fulfilled all its contractual obligations."

3) See 1 above.

4) In the Mayoral proceedings document, the cost of procurement is exempt from disclosure under section 43(2) of the Act. The London Borough of Newham will not disclose information which would prejudice the commercial interests of the companies concerned. Section 43 is a qualified exemption and we have to consider the public interest in disclosure. We have decided that in this case the public interest lies in favour of not disclosing the requested information.

5) No articles or press releases were made in respect of the decommissioning of the previous business system as its replacement was seen as a routine procurement exercise. All relevant papers for

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Mayoral Proceedings are available on our public domain as stated above.

Business 13977 08/10/12 22/10/2012 Public Health, Safety & Licensing

Subject : Licensing Visits

I am requesting details of Newham Licensing teams record of visits to 'club diamondz' situated at Unit 6, 85/87 Woodgrange Road E7 0EP.

I am seeking confirmation from the Licensing that during their visits between May 2012 and August 2012 that the premises were open for business as usual

1. The dates and times of visits between May 2012 and August 2012 have been provided to me by Licensing for which I am grateful but I would like to have confirmation of;

1. That during these visits that the premises were open for business

2. That the licensing did not


Please refer to the table below with regards to the information sought.

1st May 2012 to 31st August 2012

Visit to Club Diamondz

Date and Time That during these visits that the premises were open for business

That the licensing did not have any reason to ask for the premises to close during these visits That during all these visits the premises were operating within the rules laid down by licensing in order for the premises to remain open6th May at 03.10 hours Open No contraventions of licence noted

No contraventions of licence noted

12th May at 22.25 hours Closed No contraventions of licence noted

No contraventions of licence noted

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have any reason to ask for the premises to close during these visits

3. That during all these visits the premises were operating within the rules laid down by licensing in order for the premises to remain open.

27th May at 03.25 hoursOpen No contraventions of

licence noted No contraventions of licence noted17th June at 03.10 hours

Open No contraventions of licence noted No contraventions of licence noted25th June at 03.12 hours Closed No contraventions of licence noted

No contraventions of licence noted

29th June at 01.50 hours Open No contraventions of

licence noted No contraventions of licence noted7th July at 22.40 hours

Open No contraventions of licence noted No contraventions of licence noted9th August at 18.50 hours Hand delivery of letter- no note as to whether premises open or closed No contraventions of licence noted No contraventions of licence noted

Public Bodies

14078 16/10/12 22/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: Nursing Homes

As part of Dorset County Council's endeavour's to


1. Manor Farm Care Home, East Ham

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ensure residential placements are made as safe as possible, please could I ask you to considerthe following three homes;

Manor Farm Care Home, East Ham

Folkestone Nursing Home, East Ham

Summerdale Court Care Home, London

I would very much appreciate it if you could tell me if you, as a local authority contract with each of these homes and if there are any current concerns either contractually or from a Safeguarding point of view?

I would also find it very useful to know what your local Authority rate payable is for both residential dementia and nursing dementia placements?

I am currently compiling a list of suitable vacancies for a particular client with high level

We can advise that previous multiple concern investigations ended in June 2012. An improvement action plan is in place with the appointment of a new Manager. The home is much improved and there are no current concerns.

2. Folkestone Nursing Home, East Ham

Recent whistle blowing and safeguarding investigations resulted in the departure of a manager, following instances of poor record management, food quality, staffing levels and cleanliness. We can advise that following the authorities audit undertaken regarding residents finances and staff rights to work requirements, we can advise there were no instances of concerns that were identified. An improvement action plan is now in place, with an appointment of a new manager in September 2012

3. Summerdale Court Care Home, London

We can advise that previous multiple concerns investigation ended in April 2012. An improvement action plan is in

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dementia needs and would appreciate your response at your earliest possible convenience.

place, with the appointment of 2 new managers since this time. No substantiated safeguarding cases since this time.

Our rates are for services and not per Care Home. They are currently as follows:

Residential £454.50Residential Dementia £479.75Nursing £607.00Nursing Dementia £631.25

All included free nursing care contributions (FNCC) and it is unlikely these will increase in 2013.

We do not currently have tendered/block contracts with the above Care Homes, but we do have service agreements for spot purchasing

Public 14092 17/10/12 22/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject: Home Working

When you allow staff to become home workers (as opposed to staff working at home), what allowances do you pay them?

Reason for enquiry: I'm supporting a project to get


We do not have any Home Workers as per the definition. We do however offer staff the opportunity to work from home to support flexible working and a work life balance scheme.

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more home workers out of offices and have little data for allowances paid.

Public 13940 04/10/12 23/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject : Officer Grades

1. During the financial period 20011/12 how many members of staff were employed by the London Borough of Newham on each National Joint Council for Local Government Services’ Local Government Salary Scale (that is Scales 1 to 6, SO1 and SO2 and PO1 to PO9), and how much in total was spent on each Salary Scale for the same period? 2. During the financial period 2011/12 how many members of staff were employed by the London Borough of Newham on a pay scale above PO9 (including the Chief Executive), and how much was spent in total on these officers?


Please see attached spreadsheet with regards to the information sought. It should be noted that the information provided includes part-time and full time members of staff.

Public 13994 06/10/12 23/10/2012 Communications

Subject: Labour Conference 2012


The Mayor of Newham attended both

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Please give full details of any costs incurred by the council relating to officer/councillor/mayoral travel and accommodation relating to this year's Labour Party conference. Please give details of any work, including officer time, undertaken by the policy and communications teams in relation to the mayor's trip to this year's Labour conference. How many council officers attended this year's Labour Party conference? please state if they did so in a personal or Professional capacity.

Labour and Conservative Party Annual conference this year. Party conferences provide a major, and cost effective, opportunity to lobby and influence national politicians on the development and implementation of policies that may affect Newham and its residents. They also provide a significant opportunity to raise awareness amongst national politicians and other key stakeholders of developments in Newham’s policy programme. The Mayor is supported at both conferences by Newham officers who also undertake a range of meetings, networking and speaking opportunities on behalf of the council.

In addition to the Mayor four officers attended parts of the Labour Party conference in a professional capacity. The travel and accommodation costs to the council were as follows.

Travel: £469.60Accommodation: £1665

It is not possible to identify officer time involved in preparation for party conferences as this overlaps significantly with day to day work briefing the Mayor and senior managers on policy developments and securing

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meetings with external stakeholders.

We do not hold information on staff who may have attended in a personal capacity.

Public 14044 12/10/12 23/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: Adult and Children Services

1. Who is the Head of Children’s Safeguarding at your council? 2. Have you set up a Children’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub? 3. If Yes, at what stage is the project at? And who is the main contact in the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub? 4. If No, Do you plan to set up a Children’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub in • The next 3 month • The next 6 months • The next 12 months 5. We have no plans to set up a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub


1. The Deputy Director of Children Safeguarding is Vivien Lines. The Divisional Director for Children and Young People Services is Linzi Roberts-Egan.

2. We have a Children's Triage which is akin to a MASH i.e. it is a multi agency screening hub, however this has not yet achieved MASH status.

3. The project was launched on the 6th June 2012. We currently have representation from the Police Public Protection Desk, Community Health, Youth Offending, Early Intervention and Social Care. This team is co-located. The Team Managers is Jean Hutchinson and Hazlyn Hazel is the Service Manager with responsibility for this.

4. We have no plans to set up a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.

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6. Who is the Head of Adults Safeguarding at your council? 7. Do you have any plans for setting up an Adult’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub? 8. If Yes, at what stage is the project at? And who is the main contact in the Adult’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub? 9. If No, Do you plan to set up an Adult’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub in • The next 3 month • The next 6 months • The next 12 months • We have no plans to set up a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

5. Grainne Siggins is the Director of Adult Services (DASS) with safeguarding adults responsibility, Tony Jobling is the Head of Safeguarding Governance and Karen Bohan/Mandy Oliver the Senior Safeguarding Adults Advisors.

6. No

7. Not applicable

8. We have no plans to set up a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub at this present time.

Business 13971 26/09/12 24/10/2012 Business Rates

Subject : Business Rates Credits

Please supply the names, addresses, amount of credits and the year that they appear for of all accounts where they sit and remain unclaimed. In


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request.

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addition please also include all cases where money has been written back after the rate payer has failed to return a refund claim form.

The names and addresses of the owners of these properties were provided solely for the purpose of paying property related rates. Disclosure of this information would be an actionable breach of confidence should the release of this information go on to result in actions, to the detriment of the owner.

Section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 states:

Section 41 (1) Information is exempt information if – (a) it was obtained by the public authority from any other person (including another public authority), and (b) the disclosure of the information to the public (otherwise than under this Act) would constitute a breach of confidence actionable by that or any other person.

(2) The duty to confirm or deny does not arise if, or to the extent that, the confirmation or denial that would have to be given to comply with section 1(1)(a) would (apart from this Act) constitute an actionable breach of confidence.”

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Section 31 - Law Enforcement

This information is also exempt under section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Law Enforcement. This exemption applies because the release of these details would prejudice the prevention or detection of crime. Credits can be provided to companies in a variety of ways, including directly to a company representative by cash or cheque. Due to limited means of personal verification it is possible that credits could be claimed fraudulently.

It has been concluded that disclosure of this information is not in the public interest as the disclosure of these details may lead to criminal activities such as fraud.

Public 14113 02/10/12 25/10/2012 Street Scene Enforcement

Subject : Anti Social Behaviour Procedures

1. What the protocol is now for ASB with regards to the cameras? 2. What happens when a call is made?


1. What the protocol is now for ASB with regards to the cameras?

The council has 230 fixed CCTV cameras mainly in town centre areas, of which 70 are wireless cameras across the borough. These can be moved to identified hot spot areas based on a

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3. Why a reference number has to be requested and not just given?

number of criteria including council data analysis, police incidents and Council Quadrant Manager oversight. 2. What happens when a call is made?

All reports of anti social behaviour incidents are recorded on the ASB data base. 3. Why a reference number has to be requested and not just given?

This depends on the nature of a call. Not all customers require a reference number. If a reference number is required, it will be provided.

Public 13922 03/10/12 25/10/2012 Housing Standards

Subject: Empty Properties in Newham

I would like to be given a list of empty homes in the area that are available for me to buy, to regenerate into a home.I have been told that the local authority/council provide this information.


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section 31(1)(a) exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information.

It is our view that Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to this request. This section provides that information is exempt from

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disclosure if such disclosure would prejudice the “prevention or detection of crime”. Putting the addresses of empty properties (residential or otherwise) within the London Borough of Newham into the public domain would in our view compromise the security of the buildings concerned and would prejudice the objectives of preventing criminal behaviour. We consider there is a significant risk that releasing details of empty properties might lead to burglary, arson or squatting. Within the Borough there have been occasions when fires have been set in empty properties. In relation to domestic and commercial empty properties, there is also known use of such empty properties to commit benefit fraud, identity fraud and money laundering.

Section 31 is a qualified exemption to which the public interest test must be applied. There do not appear to be any obvious public interest considerations that would weigh in favour of disclosure beyond that wherever possible it is in the public interest for them to have access to information. There is however in our view clear public interest considerations that weigh in favour of not disclosing the information since to

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do so would prejudice the objective of prevention of crime which is of course in everyone’s interests. Having considered whether the public interest weighs in favour of disclosure or non-disclosure in this instance we have decided that it is not in the public interest to release such information.

Public 13935 03/10/12 25/10/2012 Human Resources

Subject : Officer Declaration of Interests

Page 61 of the report titled “THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE RESPONSE BRANCH OF THE COUNCIL’S CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR SERVICE” (undertaken by Amanda Kelly for the London Borough of Newham and completed in October 2005), carries the following recommendation: The Council should consider revising its officer declaration of interest form to make it clear exactly what interests should be recorded and these should include membership of the


1. Yes. A specific question is asked on the Declaration of Interests form.

2. One individual currently working in Environmental services has declared membership of the Freemasons.

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Freemasons. 1. Has this recommendation been implemented? 2. If how so, how many officers have declared membership of the Freemasons and which Council departments do they work in?

Public 13937 04/10/12 25/10/2012 Highway Maintenance

Subject : Road Systems

I am aware that Sheringham Avenue E12 5PB has had a change in its one way system this year.

I need a confirmation of the details of how the one way system use to be and the date it was changed.


The one way system in Sheringham Avenue was implemented and came into force on the 3rd April 2000.From this date Sheringham Avenue operated one way northbound between its junctions with Church Road and Wolferton Road and one way southbound between its junctions with Wolferton Road and Romford Road.Prior to this Sheringham Avenue was a two way road.

This year Sheringham Avenue was subject to a five day Temporary Traffic Regulation Order between 13th March and 17th March 2012 for the completion of works. This was for a change of priorities between the junctions with Wolferton Road and Church Road, E12.

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The reversal of the one way system remained in place for one day only. Please find a copy of the Public Notice for your information.

Media 13972 05/10/12 25/10/2012 Planning Policy and UDP

Subject : London Pleasure Gardens

1. I would like to know a detailed break down of the amount of money spent by Newham council on the London Pleasure Gardens (LPG) project.

2. I would also like to see any correspondence between Newham and LPG regarding cost of site decontamination.

3. I would also like to see any correspondence between Newham and LPG regarding the RIBA and architects for the site.


1. A total of £3.3 million was provided to London Pleasure Gardens by way of commercial loan.

2. The process relating to the costs of site decontamination was managed directly between London Pleasure Gardens and their agent.We have located two emails between Newham Council officers and London Pleasure Gardens which were exchanged in April 2012, when we were notified the estimated costs were above those in the business plan. It was however confirmed that this would be contained within the existing loan amount and the budget was changed accordingly.

Please find attached the two redacted emails which we have located.a. Email dated 03.04.2012 @ 14.12 – Groundwork Meeting todayb. Email dated 03.04.2012 @ 23.45 - Re: Groundwork Meeting today

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Note : It should ne noted that this email included an attachment which set out two tenders from companies in relation to the earthworks and concrete works and a breakdown of these quotations. We consider that this information in relation to tenders provided to London Pleasure Gardens to be commercially sensitive and therefore withhold it under section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Under Section 43, information is exempt from disclosure if releasing it would, or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).

The information requested relates to the full breakdown of a tender for the completion of works submitted to London Pleasure Gardens by two competing providers. We consider that in disclosing the full outline of these quotations would be likely to weaken the individual companies’ bargaining position during future contractual negotiations. We also consider that disclosure would make it less likely that companies or individuals would provide the local authority with commercially sensitive information in the future and

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consequently undermine the ability of the local authority to fulfil its public role.

We recognise and consider that there is a greater public interest in maintaining confidentiality and protecting commercially sensitive information, release of which could damage commercial interests, including the local authorities. As such, we consider that maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

Personal data has also been redacted from the enclosed emails.

3. We do not hold any correspondence directly between Newham Council and London Pleasure Gardens regarding RIBA. The relationship with RIBA was held directly with London Pleasure gardens.

Public 13974 05/10/12 25/10/2012 Policy and Research

Subject : Borough Diversity

I know that Newham is a very diverse borough but I would like to know exactly how diverse. Where does it rank in London/country (i.e. most diverse, second most etc).


There is a wealth of information and statistics available on the Newham website in relation to diversity, ethnicity and our residents.

For your ease of reference please see

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Also, how many countries/languages are represented and any other information you can give me

the relevant web links below from which you will be able to source information specific to your needs.

Political 13975 05/10/12 25/10/2012 CCTV Subject : Fixed CCTV camera

How many fixed CCTV cameras have been operational in each of the last five years?


Prior to 2012, there were approximately 190 cameras in operation. We can only provide detailed information available from April 2010.

Please refer to the figures below which are applicable to Fixed Town Centre Cameras. It does not include housing estates, other authority cctv e.g.: libraries/schools as these are not managed by the authorities control room.

April 2010 180 cameras

March 2011 180 "July 2012 168

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Public 13996 08/10/12 25/10/2012 Complaints and Member Enquiries

Subject: Public Health Funerals

The names of all Public Health Funerals/ bona vacantia estates passed or in the process of being referred i.e. pending referral to The Treasury Solicitor ( BV ) Department or Duchy of Lancaster within the last 4 weeks.

This is a request for fresh information. Please include any public health funerals that have also occurred since my last request but which may not have been included in your previous response.

We request the following information only:

1) The full name of the deceased2) The date of death3) Last known address4) Approximate value of


In relation to the information sought, there has been two public health funerals held in the last four weeks.

We would however refuse the other aspects of your request, having taken into account guidance which the Treasury has issued in respect of such FOI requests.

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request.

Under Section 21 of the Act London Borough of Newham is not required to provide information in response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible to you. The information you requested is available from the Treasury Solicitor's Department Bona Vacantia Division website at .

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estate ( if not exempt ) The council usually refer estates with a net value of over £500 to the Treasury Solicitor’s Department. The department would then publish limited information about those valued at over £5,000, unless a claimant comes forward during the period before publication.

In addition to this, the information you requested with regard to the date of birth and last known address are on the death certificate. This information is accessible from the General Register Office at .

Further we rely on Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act. This exemption applies where disclosure would be likely to prejudice a range of investigations and conduct, including the prevention and detection of crime. Releasing information under FOIA is equivalent to publishing it “to the world at large” and so our decision must be based on the likely effect of anyone having access to the requested information. The vast majority of the estates in question contain residential property, which, due to the circumstances of the estate, is likely to be empty, and in many cases will contain assets. Releasing information

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that identifies, either directly or indirectly, the whereabouts of such properties (and assets) before they have been secured leads to a real and significant risk of theft and fraud. It may also alert unlawful occupiers to the location of empty properties in the borough. This could also interfere with the statutory function to collect bona vacantia (ownerless goods) vested in the Crown and would provide an opportunity for criminal acts to be committed.

With regards to section 31 above (qualified exemption), a ‘public interest test’ is required to determine if the exemption is applicable. In applying this test we have considered the following factors:

Factors in favour of disclosure: the general public interest in the promotion of transparency, accountability, public understanding and involvement in the democratic process; the benefits to potential beneficiaries of unclaimed estates of genealogists tracing them down earlier; the resulting likely effect of fewer empty properties in the borough and the commercial benefits to lawyers and genealogists in tracing

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Factors against disclosure: disclosure would increase the risk of fraud and theft towards vulnerable estates, and potentially towards individuals; such fraud and theft would diminish the value of estates, estates that potentially have beneficiaries; releasing information which may lead to the identification of empty properties increases the likelihood of unlawful occupation in the borough.

Whilst there are arguments on each side, we consider that, in the circumstances of the case, the public interest favours withholding this information

Public 14159 23/10/12 25/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject : Civil Enforcement Officers

I would like to know what qualifications the CCTV operator had and if these meet the requirements outlined.


We can confirm the operative has a BTEC Level 2 Award for Parking Enforcement Officers in CCTV enforcement to inform of the operation of CCTV for this purpose.

Public 13999 08/10/12 26/10/2012 CYPS - Safeguarding

Subject: Summary

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Intervention 1. Who is the Head of Children’s Services, and what are their contact details?

2. Who is responsible for Common Assessment and Early Intervention Processes within the local authority and what are their contact details?

3. Do you currently have an electronic system for Common Assessment and Early Intervention recording and Management?

4. If so what system do you use?

1. Who is the Head of Children’s Services, and what are their contact details?Linzi Roberts Egan - Director - Early Intervention and ProgressionNewham Dockside 1000 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QUTelephone : 0208 430 2000Email : [email protected]

2. Who is responsible for Common Assessment and Early Intervention Processes within the local authority and what are their contact details? Linzi Roberts–Egan, please see above.

3. Do you currently have an electronic system for Common Assessment and Early Intervention recording and Management? Yes

4. If so what system do you use?Care First with additional fields added by ourselves

Media 13979 08/10/12 26/10/2012 Members Allowances, expenses and claims

Subject : Members Allowances and Expenses

Please provide:

1. a) For 2011/12, the total


Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case Section

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amount paid out by the council in allowances and expenses to all councillors (i.e. the full figure for the entire council for expenses and allowances together)b) A breakdown giving: - the total paid out in allowances (of all types) to all councillors - the total paid out in expenses (of all types) to all councillors

2. For 2011/12, the total paid to each individual councillor in allowances and expenses.Please provide this as a list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format, showing: - the name of the councillor - the total paid in allowances to the councillor - the total paid in expenses to the councillor - the total of both allowances and expenses paid to the councillor

21 exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request for information.

Section 21 of the Act contains an exemption for information which is reasonably accessible by other means.

The full details of all Councillor Allowances and claimed expenses for 2011/12 are already publicly available on the Newham website.

For your ease of reference please see the relevant web link below

Police 14014 10/10/12 26/10/2012 Cabinet Support Team

Subject : Hospitality and Gifts


We can advise that Councillor Ian

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A letter of enquiry was sent to the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Environment, Councillor Ian Corbett, regarding his currently held season ticket for the Arsenal Football Club.

Such an enquiry was made in the public interest under the FOI Act 2000 requiring the specific details of the acquisition of the season ticket, its source and amount.

We request the facts surrounding his receipt of such a gift in the public interest.Please confirm1. Whether held?2. Duration of Membership?3. How membership was acquired?4. Arranged from personal funds or a gift?5. If gift, name of giver - person or entity?6. How much is membership fee?

Corbett has not been gifted a season ticket from or for Arsenal Football Club. You may find the following website useful as this lists all of our Councillors - Declarations of Interests .

Public 13993 10/10/12 26/10/2012 Communications

Subject: Black History Month


Page 169: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log October 2012 and Democracy... · Web viewUnder the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an

How did Newham Council celebrate Black History month this year? Please outline how i.e. banners, signs in library's special readings etc Was there a Black History month feature in the Newham Mag as there has been in previous years? If not, why not? Who made the decision?

1. Newham Council is celebrating Newham Heritage Week during the month of October, running from Saturday 20 until Saturday 28. We are encouraging all Newham residents to come together and get involved through finding out about their heritage in Newham. We want all residents to celebrate the rich diversity that makes Newham what it is today, which they can find out more about by visiting our local archives service at Stratford library. Residents who wish to celebrate their community’s heritage can apply for funding from our Inspiring People grant of £250 (up to £500 for exceptional events – i.e. larger events) to support their event . Resident led heritage events planned so far are predicted to attract around 1,600 attendees.

2.All libraries in Newham will be supporting Newham Heritage Week - this will include posters and specialist book displays encouraging visitors to learn more about Newham's rich and diverse heritage. Included among the book displays will be Black History literature.

Page 170: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log October 2012 and Democracy... · Web viewUnder the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an

3 – 4.Issue 260 of the Newham Mag featured a one page spread on Newham Heritage Week.For your ease of reference, please see below a link to the issue online. The feature can be located on Page 8.

Organisation 14023 11/10/12 26/10/2012 CYPS - Schools Traded Services

Subject : School Exclusion Rates

1. The exclusion rate permanent and fixed in the schools in Newham.

2. The names and number of schools in Newham with the highest exclusion rate.


Please see the table below which details the fixed term exclusions which occurred in Newham Schools during the last full academic year 2011/2012.

Primary Schools Number of Days excludedSchool half day 1 day up to 2 days up to 5 days >5 to 10 days >10 to 15 days 15+ days

TotalAvenue 0 0 2 1

0 0 0 3Brampton 0 1 1 2

0 0 0 4Calverton 0 1 3 2

0 0 0 6Carpenters 0 0 1 0

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0 0 0 1Ellen Wilkinson 0 10 0

2 0 0 0 12Gainsborough 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 2Kensington 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 1Manor 0 0 8 0 0

0 0 8Maryland 14 9 0 1

0 0 0 24Nelson 0 1 0 6 0

0 0 7Park 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1Plaistow 0 3 2 1

1 0 1 8Portway 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1Rosetta 0 0 1 3

1 0 0 5Saint Antonys 0 5 4 4

0 0 0 13Saint Francis 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 2Saint Helens 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1Saint James Junior 0 2 6

4 0 0 0 12Saint Lukes 0 0 0 1

2 0 0 3Scott Wilkie 0 8 2 2

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0 0 0 12Sir John Heron 3 0 0

0 0 0 0 3Star 0 3 4 0 0

0 1 8Vicarage 11 3 1 7

0 1 0 23West Ham 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1William Davies 0 0 2

1 0 0 0 3Winsor 0 3 11 6 0

0 0 20Primary Total 30 51 50 45

4 2 2 184

Secondary Schools Number of Days excludedSchool half day 1 day up to 2 days up to 5 days >5 to 10 days >10 to 15 days 15+ days

TotalCumberland 0 87 54 59

3 1 0 204Eastlea 0 0 0 64

4 0 0 68Forest Gate 0 32 37 32

2 0 0 103Kingsford 0 15 10 21

0 1 0 47Langdon 0 1 5 62

0 0 0 68

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Lister 1 40 63 107 315 0 247

Little Ilford 5 80 78 422 2 1 210

Plashet 1 50 12 60 0 0 69

Rokeby 0 13 34 484 1 0 100

Royal Docks 0 36 30 8314 1 1 165

Saint Angelas 0 16 10 60 0 0 32

Saint Bonaventures 0 0 15 0 0 0 6

Sarah Bonnell 1 45 32 341 1 1 115

Stratford 9 69 18 110 0 0 107

Secondary Total 17 484384 580 61 12 31541

Special Schools

Number of Days excludedSchool half day 1 day up to 2 days up to 5 days >5 to 10 days >10 to 15 days 15+ days

TotalEleanor Smith 12 78 39 22

1 1 0 153 All SchoolsNewham Total59 613 473

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647 66 15 51878

Please see the table below detailing the number of permanent exclusions in Newham Schools during the last full academic year 2011/2012.

School Name Yr Grp 7 Yr Grp 8 Yr Grp 9 Yr Grp 10 Yr Grp 11 Total ExcludedBRAMPTON MANOR ACADEMY






1 1 2ROKEBY 1





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5 6 11 4 32

There are a total of 66 infant, junior and community primary schools, eight voluntary aided and two voluntary controlled primary schools, two special schools and 15 secondary schools in Newham.

Please note the tables above include only the schools where exclusions were made. Any schools which have not been stated did not issue any exclusions in the last academic year.

Political 14006 27/09/12 29/10/2012 Parking Fines Subject: Parking Fines

It is suggested that the Council uses the revenue gained from issuing parking tickets. as though car owners are being treated as ‘cash cows’ when it comes to traffic enforcement. Parking fines are higher in


Q1 - Q3 Please find attached table with regards to the information sought.

Q4 With regards to this aspect of your request, please contact The London Organising Committee of

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Newham than charges in other areas, such as Hornchurch and Barking.

During the Olympics believes that the parking does not offer a fair system as it seeks to penalise.

• How much money is collected each year in parking fines?

• Of this money, how much of the money is spent on safety campaigns and road improvements?

• Is the revenue spent on anything else? If so, what?

• What was the cost of the virtual permit process, who paid for it and what is being done with the revenue?

• How many traffic wardens were employed by the Council before the Olympics Games, and how many were employed during and after the Games?

the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) who were responsible for preparing and staging the London 2012 Games at [email protected] .

Or alternatively you may write to LOCOG directly at Freedom of Information Officer Olympic Delivery Authority One Churchill Place Canary Wharf London E14 5LN

Q5 Immediately prior to the Olympics in July we had 74 Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) employed. During the Olympics we had an additional 15 agency CEO’s (although not all of these lasted the duration) and currently we have 74 CEO’s employed.

We can advise that the reason for no change is that although we have reduced headcount slightly overall, we also seconded a number of CEO’s to temporary positions for the Games period only - now that those secondments have finished they are back in their contractual roles.

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Public 13910 01/10/12 29/10/2012 Street Scene Enforcement

Subject: Community Safety Partnership Funds

We would like to receive financial information relating to the Community Safety Partnership in your borough.

Please provide the following information for the 2010/11 and the 2011/2012 financial years:

• Total budget available to the community safety partnership (include budget from all sources) • Total budget used to commission services from statutory partners.

Please include:

o a breakdown of the names of the statutory partners and the o contract amounts. • Total budget used to commission services from private sector agencies • Total budget used to


1. Total budget available to the community safety partnership (include budget from all sources)

2010/11 - £448,750 (SSCF funding) £802,363 (SSCF / BCU funding) 2011/12 - £288,00

2. Total budget used to commission services from statutory partners. 2010/11 - approx. £350,000 2011/12 - approx. £85,000

Please include:

(a) a breakdown of the names of the statutory partners

Mainly MPS and Probation Services

(b) the contract amounts – please see table below.

3. Total budget used to commission services from private sector agencies - none

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commission services from voluntary and community sector organisations.

Please include: o A breakdown of the names of those organisations o individual grant/contract amounts o A brief description of the service (crime prevention, community engagement, violence against women and girls etc).

4. Total budget used to commission services from voluntary and community sector organisations

2010/11 - Approx. £310,000 2011/12 - Approx. £110,000

Please include:(a) A breakdown of the names of those organisations - 3rd sector organisations based in the borough

(b) Individual grant/contract amounts – see table below 2010/11 Statutory partner

Project name Project aimTotal £Police Residential burglary Operations targeting residential

burglary £41,500.00Police Personal robberyPolice activity with robbery

squad and robbery task force targeting personal robbery £95,000.00

Police Drugs OperationOperations targeting drug

dealing an availability / crack houses£40,000.00Police Motor vehicle crimePolice activity targeting motor

vehicle theft £18,613.00

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Police Serious Violent CrimeOperations targeting violence

against the person and increased detection and arrests £60,000.00

Police Serious Youth ViolencePolice activity focussed on

gathering further intelligence for specific SYV operations £40,000.00

Probation Priority Prolific Offenders (PPO) support Project to reduce reoffending levels amongst the most prolific offenders with access to support services £49,000.00

Probation Comprehensive Offender Profile Project support to review of information management arrangements for the Offender Management delivery group

£13,000.00Total £357,113.00

2011/12 Statutory partnerProject name Project aimTotal £Probation Priority Prolific

Offenders (PPO) support Project to reduce reoffending levels amongst the most prolific offenders with access to support services £49,000.00

Police Gangs OperationsPolice led operations targeting

key gang members in the borough and addressing SYV £31,000.00

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Probation Restorative Justice training for Offender Management Group Restorative justice use as part of intervention support for offenders identified in offender management group £6,540.00

Total £86,540.002010/11 Third Sector Project name Project aim Total £

Community Links Youth Street Action / Soft Support Teams

Targeted youth outreach work for positive youth engagement

£79,094.00NAADV Domestic

Violence Intervention ProjectIntervention services for male

and female victims of domestic violence and safety planning with women

£14,583.00NAADV Independent

Domestic Violence Advisors Project aimed at reducing violent crime and repeat domestic violence victimisation

£45,000.00Victim Support Victim

Support Caseworker Project employs one full-time worker to work specifically with victims of violent crime as identified by partners services £35,000.00

REIN Restorative JusticeProject aimed at delivering

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restorative justice intervention, working with young people (13–19) affected by youth violence £43,050.00

Various 3rd sector DV charities (with Police support) Domestic Violence activities Support three key areas of business around prevention, intelligence and enforcement to address aspects of the violence against women

£65,000.00Anchor House Anchor

House Assessment tool Project aim to research and create an assessment tool to facilitate the provision of accommodation and personal development planning to offenders without settled accommodation £18,750.00

Total £300,477.002011/12 Third Sector Project name Project aim Total £

Victim Support Victim Support Caseworker Project employs one full-time worker to work specifically with victims of violent crime as identified by partners services £35,000.00

Community Links Respect your Endz Positive youth engagement within four community hubs £31,953.00

Community Links Youth Street Action Teams Targeted youth

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outreach work for positive youth engagement £34,000.00

Conflict and Change Mediation Project Deliver training and mediation service for referrals made by the partnership ASB complaints £4,500.00

Pubwatch PubwatchProject aims to address

problematic licensed premises and undertake a local awards system for borough clubs and pubs £3,000.00

Total £108,453.00

( c) A brief description of the service (crime prevention, community engagement, violence against women and girls etc)

Crime reduction work programmes aimed at addressing identified CDRP priorities and local quadrant based problems.

Public 14061 08/10/12 29/10/2012 Parking Design Subject : Parking Design

I would like to request information regarding Grimsby Grove, E16 1RH.

1. The details of the pilot scheme for parking


1. The details of the pilot scheme for parking.

The council worked with local residents in trying to ease traffic congestion and obstructive parking on the section of

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2. Reason Council rejected plans3. Why the bay markings have not been fully removed4. What are the current white road markings for?

Grimsby Grove. The council reviewed the footway parking arrangement and decided to remove the scheme as per attached email/notice in July 2010.

2. Reasons Council rejected plans.

We had many residents complain about obstructive parking across their drop kerb. The council decided to place temporary sets of footway parking bays, however after a few months, we still continued to receive parking issues. The council reviewed the parking and undertook a localised consultation, and decided to remove the parking bays, in May/June 2010 and decided to remove them in July 2010 where on-street posters were placed in Grimsby Grove.

3. Why the bay markings have not been fully removed.

The parking bay lines were burnt off to remove them and only residual markings remain on the carriageway and not on the footway.

We are satisfied that there are no parking bays and motorist would need to park on the carriageway and not partly on the footway, also they should

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not obstruct drop kerbs.

4. What are the current white road markings for?

We have investigated your enquiry and have attached photos which shows that there are no white parking bays on Grimsby Grove. It can be seen that there are very faint markings but these are results from when the white markings were burnt off, and they do not form a legal parking bay. Furthermore, from the photos there are no markings on the footway, therefore you could not have a parking bay which is 1m wide.

Public 14013 10/10/12 29/10/2012 Internal Audit Subject : Internal Investigations

I am writing to request copies of all reports (including, but not limited to, monthly, quarterly and annual internal audit progress reports, or similar) produced by your internal audit team detailing investigation into allegations of internal fraud, corruption and/or theft, for the years 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12.


A full list of the Audit Board reports can be located on the website on the link below:

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Business 14046 11/10/12 29/10/2012 Asset Management Team

Subject : Capital Works

We are contacting Local Authorities regarding their approach to Asset Management - Capital Works to gain an understanding of future work programmes and expenditure over the next thirty years.

1. Please state your LA's Planned Capital Work Schedule for the next thirty years, by number of components in attached format.

2. Please state what lifecycle assumptions you have made about the different components in your Asset Management Plan, indicating the assumed component replacement cost.


Newham does not presently have an approved 30 year Capital Works programme.

It may be useful to note that Newham Council regained management of Council owned stock from Newham Homes in April 2011 and we are presently completing the former Decent Homes plan which was in place.

It is not anticipated the Council will have finalised a future 30 year plan for approval until the end of the financial year. We are therefore unable to provide the required data until at least April 2013. Should you still require this information you are invited to re-submit your request nearer this time.

Public 14101 18/10/12 29/10/2012 Street Scene Enforcement

Subject : Enforcement

1. For the financial year 2011/2012 what is the total collectable value of fines, fixed


1. Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) issued by Newham Council Law Enforcement Officers have different

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penalty notices etc issued by Newham Council’s Law Enforcement Officers? 2. How many such fines and notices etc were issued by Newham Council’s Law Enforcement Officers? 3. For the same period, how much money was actually received/recovered by the authority as a result of the above issued fines, penalty notices etc?

levels depending on the offence, all fixed penalty notices are subject to a discounted rate if paid within the first few days.

For the financial year 2011/2012:

- minimum collectable (i.e. if all FPN's were paid at the discounted rate): £565,970.00- maximum collectable (i.e. if all FPN's were paid at the full rate): £914,990.00

The above amounts do not include fines, as fines are issued and collected by the Magistrates Courts where fixed penalty notices offences are prosecuted at court. 2. During the period requested the total number of fixed penalty notices issued was 10,279. 3. The amount received was £376,620.00.

Public 14002 10/10/12 30/10/2012 CT and CH Regeneration

Subject: Canning Town Regeneration

A copy of the letter that was sent to the Secretary of State - regarding the LBN's


We can advise that there was only the one application by the Council and this was provided to you on a previous request E8988.

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application for 250 units of new housing and also the subsequent application for a further 19 units in the Canning Town Regeneration area.

To re-iterate there is no further application and enclose copies of the Council’s correspondences and Application to the Secretary of State.

Public 14048 11/10/12 30/10/2012 Parking Design Subject : Movement of Road Signs

Regarding Kings Road, E13 Loading bay sign, I would like to know for what reason was the loading bay sign moved from its original place approximately half a meter from the loading bay, to now being approximately 2 meters away from the loading bay which is in effect backing on to the wall of the shop outlet?


The post and sign was relocated as part of maintenance of the loading bay. The post was relocated to the back of the public footway and is legally within the confines of the loading bay.

Please see the attached photograph which shows the gap left behind the post and therefore the post /sign is not backing on to the wall of the shop outlet.

Public 14089 11/10/12 30/10/2012 Adult Services (FOI)

Subject: Bakers Court Nursing Home

Could you please provide me with any documentation you have in relation to concerns, and cases for Bakers Court Nursing Home from 2010 to date?


With regards to the information you require we can advise that there have been a total of 6 complaints raised against Bakers Court Nursing Home. The table below further refers.

Bakers CourtAlerts from January 2010 Date of Alert Case conclusion

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20/07/12 Substantiated04/09/12 Substantiated04/09/12 Substantiated11/08/11 Partially

Substantiated22/11/10 Substantiated12/03/10 Substantiated

Under the Freedom of Information Act we have the right to refuse a request for information held if an exemption applies. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and have decided to refuse your request.

We believe that disclosing the names of the individual concerned with Bakers Court Nursing Home would result in the identification of individuals placed at that address. Third party personal data is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act. Disclosure would therefore contravene the first data protection principle, which requires that personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully by the London Borough of Newham.

Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides an absolute exemption where disclosure of personal data about individuals would

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contravene any of the data protection principles set out in the Data Protection Act. Therefore there is no requirement to consider the public interest test in disclosure.

Public 14109 19/10/12 30/10/2012 Finance Subject: Communications - Fixed & Mobile

The list of questions specifically sought are: 1) Please detail the company who provides mobile communications (phones) to your organisation. The information is sought in this format:

a) Name of provider (example Orange, Vodafone etc) and any contractor / reseller / authorised partner / retailer (example carphone warehouse / Premier Telecom)

2) Please detail the number of handsets in use by the organisation, funded by the organisation for staff use (example —3000 units)


1a. Orange.

2. 2705 units.

3. Please see attached spreadsheet.

2009/10 2010/11 2011/2012

£1,245,927 £867,437£1,165,706


b. £70 Talk & Text, £125 for smart phones.

c. 31/03/2013.

d. Monthly rolling contract.

e. EMC Ltd (Environmental Mobile Control Ltd)

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3) What brand of handsets are in use (example IPhone4, Blackberry). Please provide breakdown of each brand (example lSOOx Iphone 4, 500x Blackberry Curve, l000x Nokia Lumia 900) 4) The mobile contract:

a) Please provide the annual cost for mobile communications years- 2009 -2010, 2010—2011 and2Oll —2012.

b) Is there a cost for the handsets? — if so what is the cost (A mobile contract can consist of handset cost and calls cost — please detail this breakdown) Example response maybe: The organisation has a contract where the handsets are zero cost but data and calls are paid for — Or — Handsets were purchased at £50 each plus any calls and data. If handsets were purchased. Please detail cost of handset.

c) When does the current

f. Only a few units.

g. Factory reset, remove memory card and factory reset and reuse where possible.

h. No.

I Handsets are wiped and sent to Emc who also have a data removal process and a certificate of data clearance is issued.

j. Mr Ian Gibbs, 020 3373 2645, [email protected].

k. Mr Duncan Mackie, 020 3373 9333, [email protected].

l. £155, £228.

m. Approximately 45 units.

n. Unknown.

Land Based Communications

1. Mainly Daisy Ltd, but some legacy by BT

2. 30/06/2014.

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contract for mobile phones expire? Please supply contract end date

d) What happens to handsets at the end of the contract?

e) If handsets are recycled — please detail which organisation recycles the handsets. (Name of Company)

f) Does the organisation have any handsets to dispose of now?

g) As staff have the ability to access data remotely, what duty of care is taken to ensure at the point of disposal, all data and contacts have been removed from the devices?

h) Is there a cost to remove data from the handsets? If so please detail this additional cost

i) Are the handsets wiped or totally destroyed? If their wiped what assurance do you have that all data will have

3. £350K.

4&5. Newham are using Cisco VOIP since 2000.

Internet Service Provider

1. Daisy Ltd.

2. 17/10/2016.

3. 2 * 100MB.

4. £28.5K

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been removed before resale by the contractor? Please detail in ff11.

j) Who is your organisations nominated data controller? Please supply individual’s name, telephone number and email address?

k) Who has overall responsibility for your organisations mobile contract? Please detail individual’s name, email and telephone number

1) Please detail any rebate from handset “scrappage” or recycle the organisation has received from the last 2x contracts

5) How many iPads or tablet computers will the organisation buy before 31.03.13

6) How many iPads or tablet computers will be purchased between 01.04.13 and 31.03.14

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Land Based Communication

1) Which company currently provides your land based telephone communications? (example — BT?)

2) Are you contracted — if so when does the contract expire?

3) Please detail the value of the annual contract — your last 12 months spend?

4) Is it the intent of your organisation to move from traditional land based communications to VOIP?

5) If you haven’t moved to VOW — when are you scheduled to do this? Please supply date Internet Service Provider

1) Please detail (name of company) who currently provide your organisation with Internet Service Provision (if different from land based telephone communications

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2) Are you contracted? If so when does the contract expire?

3) Please detail the size of communication link to your organisation from the ISP

4) Please detail the value of this annual contract

Public 14040 11/10/12 31/10/2012 Complaints and Member Enquiries

Subject: Council Members

1. The number of Council Members (Councillors) in your Authority.

2. Do Councillors benefit from free or subsidised meals and/or refreshments? If so, what was the cost (or estimated cost) of this to the Authority in 2011/12

3. Do Councillors benefit from free parking (or parking paid for by the Authority? If so, what was the cost (or estimated cost) of this to the Authority in 2011/12


1. 61 Members in total.

2. Councillors are provided with light refreshments at evening meetings. The total cost for refreshments in 2011/12 was £9,700. Please note that such refreshments cater for non councillor members or attendees for committees and groups such as co-opted members and witnesses.

3. No. There is parking available at East Ham Town Hall and Dockside free of charge, but these are on a first come first served basis rather than personally reserved spaces.

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4. Are Councillors authorised to use any portable ICT equipment or devises for personal use? If so, what was the cost (or estimated cost) of this to the Authority in 2011/12

4. Yes, all Councillors are provided with ICT equipment in order to carry out their role. Equipment is provided at the beginning of their term of office. Dependant on their roles, some Councillors are provided with mobile phones.

Please see the following weblink to the Councils Constitution October 2012 Part 5. 13 - Protocol on the use of Resources, Facilities and Information which sets out details about what equipment is provided to Councillors.

Media 14043 12/10/12 31/10/2012 CYPS - Corporate Parenting

Subject: Children in Care

1. How many children did you take into care (either interim or full) in the last financial year 2011/12 where the obesity of the child was cited as a factor in the care proceedings?

2. If so please give (a) the age of the child, (b) the sex of the


From a review of primary factors relating to a child being taken into care, obesity has not been cited as a primary reason for conducting care proceedings in any cases in the last year.

However, it is not possible to draw information in a reporting format from our computer systems in respect of any

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child and (c) the BMI of the child.

number of contributory factors, such as obesity, which may have been considered at any point in care proceedings. It is not possible to contain this level of detail in our reporting computer systems nor is there an available search facility from which a report may be drawn.

In order to retrieve this information it would be necessary for an officer to manually interrogate each individual file for each of the care proceedings which have commenced in the past year to determine as to whether obesity may have been cited at any point in the history of the case. There have been in the region of forty such cases in the past twelve months and each file varies in both complexity and volume of documentation. A thorough reading and review of each file would be required to definitively identify as to whether this factor had been cited at any point in the proceedings. Such manual retrieval of information would exceed the appropriate limit.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Council has a right to refuse a request for information held if the cost of complying with a request exceeds the

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appropriate limit. The appropriate limit for local authorities is £450 or 2.5 days or 18 hours. We believe in this case such an exemption applies and has decided to refuse your request for information under section 12(1) of the Act.

12 Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit (1) Section 1(1) does not oblige a public authority to comply with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the appropriate limit.

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