Page 1: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to the new school term, I hope you had a restful

break, it’s a delight to see the children have certainly returned full

of vigour and settled back in ready to learn.

Thank you very much for the support and donations on Tuesday

with odd sock day. We raised £181.55 which will be used by the

PTFA for community projects.

As mentioned in my last newsletter, the building work has com-

menced over the break, with the first phase clear to see on the

field. We have a team from the IW Council coming into school on

Monday 18th November between 3pm—6pm to provide exciting

news about the works and to answer any questions you have. I

look forward to seeing you there.

We have a lot to look forward to this term, dates for Christmas pro-

ductions, concerts, dinners and events, which are all listed in the

date section of this newsletter.

I wish you the very best wishes for the week ahead,

Miss Cox


Friday 15th November 2019

Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19

Big Think Question -

Imagine a world without

computer technology. What

would it look and feel like?

Key Events….

Mon 18th Nov 3-6pm

School refurbishment In-

fo evening drop in for


Wed 27th Nov 3.30pm–


EYFS Open Day for Sept

2020 students

Wed 18th Dec

KS2 Wizard of Oz trip

Overall school attendance - 96.00%

Together, we nurture the future.

EYFS and KS1 KS2 Da Vinci—97.20% Waterhouse—93.57% Bottcelli—90.37% Morris—99.00% Teerlinc—99.33% Morisot—98.85% De Hooch—94% Chagall—95.45% Le Brun –98.00% Hockney—97.67% Constable 95.94% Ayres—96.45% Van Gogh—85.71% Whiteread - 94.03% Doig—95.81%

Welcome back to a busy term, please can I remind you to either phone 562165 or notify the school by the Parentapp if your child is going to be absent. If you have phoned us, please follow up with a written letter confirming the reason you're child was absent as

soon as they child returns. Without written or Parent App notification any absences will be unauthorised.

Many thanks Mrs Roe

Page 2: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…


Last week in Reception we began phase 2 of letters and sounds which involved linking letter sounds (phonemes) to letter names (graphemes). The children have begun learning the sounds quickly and confidently. So far we have learnt s, a, t and p. This week we will continue our learning with the letters i, n, m, and d. In mathematics, we explored a fun nursery rhyme about elephants playing on a spiders web! This allowed us to practise our skills when adding one more each time. Thank you to all who were able to attend our information evening last week. We do hope it was a useful insight into how reading is taught and how the children's reading skills will develop this year throughout the year.

Year 1

This week we have began our new science topic exploring everyday materials. The chil-dren have enjoyed walking around the school looking for objects made from various mate-rials such as wood, plastic, glass and metal. We then went continued by exploring the properties of these materials, becoming familiar with new vocabulary such as hard, flexi-ble, rigid and transparent. We offer our thanks to you for sending in a soft toy with your child recently - they loved telling us all about them and why they were special. This dis-cussion was used as a hook for our new book ‘That Rabbit belongs to Emily Brown’ by Cressida Cowell. Emily Brown has a special toy rabbit that she adventures with. In Maths, we introduced coins, learning about their properties such as colour, shape and size and ordering them from the least to the largest values. The children have loved using play money in the class role play areas which are now have our very own toy shops. We have also been learning to count in 2s forwards and backwards and spotted patterns with even numbers.

Year 2

Together, we nurture the future.

‘There be dragons’ in Year Two this week as we have started a new English learning journey on

fantasy stories. We are looking at the books ‘Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward and ‘George and

the Dragon‘ by George Wormwell.

We have been looking back in history to the time of the Gunpowder plot, creating firework art-

work and making sure everyone keeps safe for Bonfire night this week. We have also started

learning about The Great Fire of London, finding out what the children want to know about this

key moment in British history and starting our investigation into what happened in 1666. The chil-

dren have also been learning the ‘London’s Burning’ rhyme in music.

In Maths, we have started looking at multiplication and division. It would really help your children

if you practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s with them at home, both forwards and backwards and

from any number. We’ve kick-started the half term with lots of new and exciting learning!

Page 3: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…

Year 4

This week in Year 4 we have continued to immerse ourselves into Oz, and study the

characters from The Wizard of Oz in particular the Lion. The children have really en-

joyed comparing the book from 1900 and watching the 1939 film!

Alongside this, Chagall class have begun to debate and discuss topics in class on op-

posing sides, such as children using technology. We had some fantastic responses!

We were lucky to experience 'Into The Net' a play which highlighted the importance

of E-Safety and what to do when we are faced with computing dilemmas.

Year 5

We hope you have all had an enjoyable half term break!

This week, Ayres and Hockney class have started reading ‘Rooftoppers’ by Katherine Rundell. The children have been visualising a scene based on the text and have been creating an original piece of artwork.

During Maths lessons, Ayres class have been solving problems involving multiples, common factors and prime numbers. Hockney class have been using known facts to solve problems including multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. In Science, the children have enjoyed investigating which materials are the best electrical con-ductors or insulators. They also carried out an experiment to find out which materials are soluble and insoluble.

Year 3

This week we have focussed our English learning on the book Fantastic Mr Fox. Chil-

dren have used adjectives, alliteration and similes to describe characters in the

book, making their writing more descriptive. In Guided Reading we have also fo-

cussed our learning on this book, selecting and retrieving information and develop-

ing our understanding of punctuation.

In Maths, we have been looking at 2D shapes and their properties. Children have be-

come experts in using a ruler when precisely drawing shapes. We have found right an-

gles around the classroom and in doing so have successfully named angles larger and

smaller than a right angle. In addition we have also located and named horizontal, verti-

cal and diagonal lines within shapes.

In Science, we have completed our topic on ‘Animals including Humans’ and the children

are looking forward to beginning their new Science topic on Forces and Magnets.

Together, we nurture the future.

Page 4: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…


In Maths this week, the children have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. They have searched around the classroom looking for any differ-

ent shapes they can spot. They have also identified the properties of different shapes, looking at how many faces, vertices and edges the

shape has.

In English, some of our children have been creating their own Christmas stories, entitled ‘The Sound of Christmas’, to enter into a short story

competition! They have even been able to go and read their stories to their class, which was amazing!

We have also had the opportunity to take part in some indoor athletics in P.E. The children engaged really well and enjoyed taking part. We

were very impressed with the skills they showed and developed.

Year 6

Together, we nurture the future.

This week we have been focusing on looking at decimals in Maths and developing

our problem solving skills. We have been reading ‘Oranges in No Man's land’ which

focuses on a girl called Ayesha who is in the midst of the Lebabnese civil war. She

needs to decide whether to cross no man's land to get her Granny some much

needed medicine (or not). Following this, we have become Agony Aunts and Uncles

in order to advise and support Ayesha. The writing has blown us away!

In science, we have focused on electrical circuits and have been delving into the

history of electronics.

Page 5: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…

Together, we nurture the future.

For Your Diaries...

18.11.19 Information Evening for parents about the school Refurbishment 3pm—


25.11.19 Year 6 to D Day Museum

26.11.19 Year 2 to Ryde Fire Station

27.11.19 Open afternoon for EYFS 3.30pm—5pm for September 2020 intake.

29.11.19 Year R to Ryde Fire Station (am)

29.11.19 Decorating Afternoon—

Classrooms open for Parents /Carers 1.30pm—2.30pm.

Please sign in at the Office.

07.12.19 Christmas Fayre 11am—2pm

10.12.19 Year 1 Nativity— A Midwife Crisis! 2pm

11.12.19 Year 1 Nativity— A Midwife Crisis! 5pm

17.12.19 Reception Nativity—Christmas Counts—3.30pm

18.12.19 Reception Nativity— Christmas Counts—9.15am

18.12.19 KS2 trip to The Wizard Of Oz in Chichester

19.12.19 School Christmas Dinner

20.12.19 Christmas Carol Concert at 9.30am at All Saints Church

School closes for Christmas on Friday 20th December and reopens for the

Spring Term Monday 6th January 2020.

Collection of Children

If you are unable to collect your child and another adult is collecting,

please either notify the classroom in the morning, or call the school office on

01983 562165 to let us know. We are unable to let children go with other

adults without prior notification from the parent/carer.

Page 6: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…
Page 7: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…

Is Your Child

Why should I apply for Free School

Meals if my child gets them anyway?

My child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, why should I claim Free School Meals now?

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals now, they’ll get Free School Meals for the next SIX years!

That means that if your personal finances change, you won’t suddenly have to start paying for your child’s meals.

That’s a potential saving to you of £370.50 a year, or £1,482 between Years 3 & 6!

If you’re temporarily on a lower income than usual, make sure you check in case your child is now entitled to Free School Meals.

If your son or daughter is entitled to Free School Meals, they are also entitled to extra Pupil Premium funding for the school.

Extra funding for your child’s education – Don’t let your child miss out!

A child who is entitled to Pupil Premium attracts £1,320 a year extra funding - £9,240 be-tween Reception and Year 6. The school uses this funding to enhance their experience of school.

How does the school spend Pupil Premium funding?

Pupil Premium is a grant given to the school by the government to support children in what they consider to be disadvantaged circumstances.

The school makes strategic decisions as to how Pupil Premium funding is deployed within the school, including but not limited to:

Extra one-to-one or small-group support for children within the classroom. Employing extra teaching assistants to work with classes Funding educational trips and visits Investing in resources that boost children’s learning

What do I do next? Even if you think your child won’t qualify, the Governing Body would like to encourage you to check. I f you have any questions about the form, please do come into the school of-fice, and we’ll do our best to help you fill it out, alternatively go to and fill the form in on line.

Page 8: Friday 15th November 2019 Newsletter · Week 8—Week Ending 08.11.19 Big Think Question - Imagine a world without computer technology. What would it look and feel like? Key Events…

New Menu from Monday 14th October.

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