

Friends & Lovers Report

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro


Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Details. Page Nos.

1. Birth Details & Placidus House System of XYZ, 3

2. Birth Details & Placidus House System of ABC. 4

3. Astrological Compatibility. 5

4. Report for XYZ 6 to 12

♥ How You Approach Relationships. 6

♥ Strengths in your relationships. 7

♥ Challenges in your relationships. 8

♥ Your Relationship with ABC. 9 to 10

♥ Strengths in your relationship with ABC. 11

♥ Challenges in your relationship with ABC. 12

5. Report for ABC 13 to 19

♥ How You Approach Relationships. 13

♥ Strengths in your relationships. 14

♥ Challenges in your relationships. 15

♥ Your Relationship with XYZ. 16 to 17

♥ Strengths in your relationship with XYZ. 18

♥ Challenges in your relationship with XYZ 19


Birth Details & Placidus House System of XYZ

Birth Details of XYZ

Name XYZ

Date Of Birth 10/21/1988

Time Of Birth 12:48:00

Place of Birth Surat, India

Placidus House System of XYZ

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps

Sun Libra 28°Li07' 09th 01 21°Cp41'

Moon Pisces 04°Pi25' 02nd 02 26°Aq45'

Mercury Libra 11°Li45' 09th 03 02°Ar39'

Venus Virgo 19°Vi38' 08th 04 04°Ta33'

Mars Aries 00°Ar12' R 02nd 05 01°Ge38'

Jupiter Gemini 04°Ge57' R 05th 06 26°Ge12'

Saturn Sagittarius 28°Sg02' 12th 07 21°Ca41'

Uranus Sagittarius 27°Sg55' 12th 08 26°Le45'

Neptune Capricorn 07°Cp43' 12th 09 02°Li39'

Pluto Scorpio 11°Sc56' 10th 10 04°Sc33'

Midheaven Scorpio 04°Sc33' 10th 11 01°Sg38'

Ascendant Capricorn 21°Cp41' 01st 12 26°Sg12'


Birth Details & Placidus House System of ABC

Birth Details of ABC

Name ABC

Date Of Birth 02/01/1991

Time Of Birth 05:26:00

Place of Birth Vadodara, India

Placidus House System of ABC

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps

Sun Aquarius 11°Aq37' 01st 01 11°Cp53'

Moon Virgo 04°Vi50' 08th 02 15°Aq55'

Mercury Capricorn 22°Cp39' 01st 03 21°Pi47'

Venus Pisces 03°Pi29' 02nd 04 24°Ar43'

Mars Gemini 02°Ge54' 05th 05 22°Ta41'

Jupiter Leo 08°Le11' R 07th 06 17°Ge22'

Saturn Capricorn 29°Cp20' 01st 07 11°Ca53'

Uranus Capricorn 11°Cp31' 12th 08 15°Le55'

Neptune Capricorn 15°Cp16' 01st 09 21°Vi47'

Pluto Scorpio 20°Sc15' 10th 10 24°Li43'

Midheaven Libra 24°Li43' 09th 11 22°Sc41'

Ascendant Capricorn 11°Cp53' 01st 12 17°Sg22'


Astrological Compatibility

Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the moment of

his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts, the astrologer

can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other. This is the

astrological art of synastry as it has been practiced for several thousand years.

This report analyzes each of the two selected charts and interprets the astrological connections

between them. The charts' data, along with planetary positions and house cusps, are printed on the

previous page. There are four possible sections to this report, two for each of the charts. Any one of

them, or all four of them, will be included here depending on which were requested. For each

individual the two possible sections are:

1) How this person approaches relationships. This section considers only the one chart, and is

appropriate for all relationships this individual makes.

2) How this person relates specifically with the second person. Here each paragraph interprets a

contact between the two charts from one chart's point of view. The text here pertains to this

one relationship only, and should be understood in light of the actual nature of the


Remember that every relationship contains points of similarity and harmony as well as points of

conflict and discord. Through understanding, it is possible to cultivate and encourage the positive

and harmonious, and keep relationships growing and fruitful through the highs and lows of the

passing years.


Report for XYZ

♥ How You Approach Relationships

Who would expect from your dignified and staid manner that you require so much mothering from

a partner? Your natural business sense and conservative nature in general might point to your

hooking up with a real no-nonsense and even cool type. Not the case. You are attracted by feeling

and emotional types, and a good strong display of emotion never put you off, although you may

prefer it in the privacy of your home. You find it hard to be demonstrative, yet you love to be cared

for and even babied.

You need lots of love and attention, and you don't mind being mothered a bit, either. You like

partners who are emotionally sensitive, supportive, and nurturing. A bit of mothering goes a long

way with you.


♥ Strengths in your relationships

A real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker with absolute

determination and the ability to carry great projects through to completion. Always the protector to

all those you come to know, you tend to have long and secure relationships. Since you are a natural

conservative, those older than yourself (authority figures) tend to benefit you.

You love whatever is new or different, and breakthrough flashes of original insight are typical. You

could invent something, and you have a natural love for communication and new-age technology.

You appreciate independence and originality in others, especially in a partner, and may tend to

have unusual friends who are very likely male. You like to keep things spontaneous.

You are enchanting, and can transport a group of people with your mesmerizing words, action, or

music. Through you, others catch a glimpse of a world more unified than the one they find

themselves in, and hear from you of the life they know exists beyond the mundane. Once under

your spell, you could motivate them to do almost anything. You owe much to your upbringing,

which tolerated and gave support to your dreamier side. You can be very compassionate, and

understand the feminine side of life.

You really know how to pace yourself and seldom waste a moment or a move. It would be difficult

for you not to be a success at anything you choose to do. Career problems seldom last long or

prove very difficult. Others remark on your creative energy, great drive, and the fact that you never

seem to let up. It all runs so smoothly. You may be moved to work with the law, publishing,

education -- any field where you have an opportunity to guide and educate others.

You are comfortable with your sexual identity, and tend to be emotionally well balanced. There is

a natural rhythm in the way you handle the day-to-day problems of work and play, with the result

that you are capable of sustained effort. These same qualities affect your relationships too. They

tend to be harmonious and long lasting.

You are a great problem-solver, and can always think of a way to do almost anything. Your friends

know you to be fair, and your integrity is unquestionable. You may find yourself interested in legal

matters, publishing, philosophical and religious subjects, and would make a good teacher or

instructor. Scientific investigation would interest you.

You have always had a sense of being special, and of having experiences perhaps others have no

memory of. You can handle even the most sensitive areas of your (or another's) mind, and have no

problem with controversial and upsetting topics like death, dying, sex, and the like. You can't help

being a psychologist of sorts. Sometimes it seems like the universe delights in showing its secrets

just for you. You have a sixth sense for values, money, property -- opportunities.


♥ Challenges in your relationships

You may have to cut your own way when it comes to a career, for you may not always get the kind

of support you need from others. The result may be that you end up with a very unusual vocation.

Probably not much interested in working with the public, either. Your partner will have to

understand that you are not likely to follow the crowd, and be willing to let you find your own way.

Getting things started and off the ground may be harder for you than for most.

You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates to the

boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to repress

you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard feelings. You

feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a partner who can

help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding.

You have a real temper and are prone to sudden outbursts. You insist on being independent, having

your own way, and sometimes this is against your own best interests. You're either fast and furious,

or not there at all. A gentle partner who can forgive, and most of all forget, would be a blessing. A

lot of this stems from the insecurity you have concerning your emotional life.

You are a real dreamer but can't always manage to put your vision into words. You may

occasionally be accused of cloudy thinking and of letting your imagination run wild. There is a

likelihood that you frequently get yourself into situations in which you are disappointed, or

disappoint others. Some clear thinking on your part could prevent others from getting the feeling

that you are intentionally misleading them. You may have trouble paying attention, keeping your

mind on what you are doing.

You sometimes have trouble distinguishing between your dreams of life and the actual reality. Or

you lack the discipline to make those dreams real, to work to make reality be as you always

dreamed it could be. This could lead to unreasonable expectations of other people, especially your

lover. A tendency to daydream finds you with a number of false starts. You are easily distracted

and have difficulty carrying things through to the finish. You may worry about being deceived by



♥ Your Relationship with ABC

There is almost a sense of mystery about your relationship with Meetali. You cannot hide things

from her, so there are no formalities when you are around her. You feel exposed. The whole thing

has a magnetic sexual quality to it which both of you support. You tend to feed on this

arrangement, with the result that the experience is strengthening and supportive. Aside from this

you may be involved in some kind of financial partnership. She might act as your agent, or as a go-


Your meeting Meetali was exciting and action oriented. In many ways, you are two of a kind.

Chances are that you identified with her at once. After all, she is very much like yourself -- like

looking in a mirror. Just the person to draw you out of yourself and get you doing things. She may

have brought a sense of adventure and risk into your life. You found yourself doing things with

her, daring to live, and making a statement. You found yourself really coming across with her,

being all that you can be. As corny as this sounds, the world has really been more responsive to

you since you met Meetali.

You like the way she thinks. Meeting her was probably easy, and you were able to talk right from

the start. You find that she likes to talk about you and how you are, without your having to feel

vain or egocentric. You enjoy this. Others may tend to see you as two of a kind, as much friends as

lovers. There is a real potential for partnership here. Since the communication lines are always

open, you could team up on a project involving speaking or writing -- something intellectual.

She feels that you are special and seeks to encourage you. You both share a sense of value and

worth, and she probably appreciates your position in life and possibly your resources. She will

want to give anything she can to help you, and this could take the form of gifts, monetary support,

etc. She knows the value of money and will always seek to strengthen and multiply any resources

you may have. There is a sense of shared values.

Meetali is a living incentive for you to get out of yourself and do things. Things get very physical,

and this runs all the way from good sex to physical activity in general. There is a fresh, almost

childlike, quality to your relationship. You feel strength and perhaps are proud of how good you

feel about yourself when you are with her. There is the danger of too much of a good thing. The

whole thing could get a little self-centered.

Meetali may have been the means for you to meet many new people in your life. You like to be in

the public and feel social when you are with her. She makes it easy for you to respond to others,

understand them, and share in the common experience of life. She could be instrumental in leading

you into a career involving the public or bringing your current career into greater public attention.

There is a real sense of comradery with you two.


A more serious relationship than others. There could be almost a parental tone, for she can't help

but function as an authority figure of one sort or another. You may feel that she is a party pooper,

tends to stifle how you come across, and puts restrictions on you. There is sure to be a strong effect

when the two of you get together. At the very least, she will serve to temper and shape your

approach to life. A good tie if you need discipline.

She may be responsible for introducing you to new ideas about forebearance and patience. Her

insights into your psychology, as well as mankind's, are worth taking a very careful look at.

Meetali has an unusual ability to put you in touch with your own sense of compassion and love for

other people. She can offer new solutions that could help you cross beyond a lot of petty doubts

and fears, and find a deeper commitment to truth and goodness. She brings out the saint in you.

This relationship is potentially a very useful one. Through Meetali you get a real sense of self-

sacrifice and working for the benefit of all mankind. You may be swept up in an almost dreamlike

state, able to be very forgiving and understanding. You may feel a little saintlike. On the down

side, the whole thing can find you carried away to the point of neglecting the realities of life. You

might give all your possessions away. Who knows if that would be a good or a bad thing?

Meetali exercises a very powerful influence over you, one that could change your career. Here is

someone who knows more about what you ought to be doing with your life and career than you do,

and she is not afraid to let you know about it. From the first time you met, she probably jumped

right into your business and started making suggestions -- and they were right on the money. The

net result is that you may go through a major transformation as to what you do with your life

through knowing her.


♥ Strengths in your relationship with ABC

You find it easy to talk to (sometimes at) Meetali, and you think about her a lot. She encourages

you mentally, and may support some communication project you are involved in -- speaking,

writing, etc.

You tend to love her passionate nature. She knows this, and that you appreciate her need for self-

analysis and confrontation. Your relationship may be very intense, but always exciting. Things are

seldom dull.

She manages to exert a good influence on your drive to succeed, bringing discipline and order that

you may lack. There could be a long-term and hard-working relationship. She manages your talents

with skill and understanding.

You are wholeheartedly supportive of Meetali's values and ideals. You are her best fan. She is

always appreciative of your feelings and moods, with the result that you feel very much valued.

This is a very nice arrangement.

This could be a very physically satisfying relationship, one with lots of action and good emotional

exchange. Work hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of competition, since you both

tend to urge the other to greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.

You find Meetali's way of thinking and speaking just to your taste. You have a natural sense of

appreciation for her mind and the way she communicates. She has a knack for putting your own

ideals and values into words. You probably have fantastic conversations.

The two of you love to talk, and it's often about her career or life direction. You are able to

describe options to guide her to sound decisions. This could be a good business relationship too.

Legal matters would benefit.

You value her dreams and idealistic nature. There is an almost otherworldy sense that develops

when the two of you get intimate -- your own magic bubble. She enchants you. Movies, music, and

moods are something you can enjoy together.

You have always known that she loves you, and you can't help but find this charming. You have a

sense of being valued and appreciated for the right reasons. This is a warm and affectionate


This might turn out to be a great working (business) relationship. You have no trouble getting

behind her, and can urge her to greater success. There is a natural sense of harmony and flow to the



♥ Challenges in your relationship with ABC

Her unconventional manner may irritate you. You may feel she is just being different for the sake

of being different. There could be sharp words between you, or you may find it fruitless to discuss

certain subjects with her.

Push me; pull you. There is a tendency to end up feeling at odds with one another no matter what

the issue. This could manifest in hard feelings and a lack of support on each of your parts. It is a

no-win situation, and even a bit humorous.

You may find her influence limiting and even oppressive at times. She may tend to cling to you,

and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority problems.

She may view you as harsh or restrictive.

There are a lot of hurt feelings in this relationship. Argument and power struggles are to be

expected. You tend to ignore, or not be sufficiently supportive of, Meetali's feelings. She can't help

but get in digs at you on a regular basis.

Problems could arise from Meetali's feeling that you have no sympathy for her dreams and ideals --

her more imaginative side. Perhaps you just refuse to discuss these aspects of life with her.

Whatever happens, it makes for some disappointing situations. You may not be able to think

clearly when you are together.

She may not always think highly of you and is not afraid to let you know when this is the case.

You may sometimes tend to discount what she says and squelch communication. You don't always

like what she thinks.


Report for ABC

♥ How You Approach Relationships

Who would expect from your dignified and staid manner that you require so much mothering from

a partner? Your natural business sense and conservative nature in general might point to your

hooking up with a real no-nonsense and even cool type. Not the case. You are attracted by feeling

and emotional types, and a good strong display of emotion never put you off, although you may

prefer it in the privacy of your home. You find it hard to be demonstrative, yet you love to be cared

for and even babied.

You need lots of love and attention, and you don't mind being mothered a bit, either. You like

partners who are emotionally sensitive, supportive, and nurturing. A bit of mothering goes a long

way with you.

Without a partner your career may tend to flounder, so it's not likely you will live the single life for

long. With you, it's a question of getting in a good relationship and then concentrating on being a

success story, and not vice versa. You need a partner that will cheer you on in your work, or at the

very least not stand in your way. There is also a tendency to attract people of some stature as

friends, with the result that you tend to know the top professionals in your field or social group.


♥ Strengths in your relationships

Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't bother

you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at getting straight

to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper a secret is buried,

the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money, sex, and other highly

charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your bailiwick, and there are very

few who can stand to argue with you.

You are very skilled and exhibit great artistry in whatever you do. Your work is always well

organized and efficiently produced. You are driven to accept more and more responsibility, which

is not a burden to you. This is a sign of excellent managerial ability. You're in it for the long haul

and are a good example of what real discipline looks like.

You can't help but think in an organized way, and you are a stickler for routine. You love it. You

probably have a scientific bent, for your analytical abilities are first rate. You love first principles

and getting down to the bare bones of a subject. Mathematics and all things technological are a

snap for you. You have great mental endurance and probably have done more than your share of

studying. So serious.

You have a knack for coming up with just what the crowd wants. You are nothing else if not an

original. You can take an ordinary event and turn it into something brand new, really special. You

may have had a somewhat unusual upbringing, and you like a partner who is independent and also

a bit unusual. Things are seldom boring with you, for you always have just the right idea of what to


You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the deepest

levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you, and you

would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The way you talk

about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able to put into words

the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in mind. You could be

a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.

You have great emotional control, and this allows you to pace yourself in ways average people

cannot. You can keep control when others lose it. This suggests the capacity for sustained effort on

your part which may manifest in a natural athletic ability. Your relationships, which tend to be long

lasting, are easy going. There is an accent on leadership and masculinity.


♥ Challenges in your relationships

There is a tendency to be somewhat taciturn and reserved; perhaps a little too prudent. You have a

fear of letting go that may manifest as an apparent lack of emotion. You don't always like what you

are feeling, or own up to it. You are probably not an animal lover.

You have mixed feelings when it comes to other people. You can't live with them and you can't

live without them. You are used to a high degree of emotional tension. People may misinterpret

your emotional chargedness as aggression or disapproval, when in fact that's just the way you are.

They may not support your values. You long for a smooth relationship, but if you look at your

history it's been a rocky road indeed. You may have trouble locating an environment where you

feel comfortable and can flourish.

It may have been hard to get emotional support over the years, and your temper has not always

been a help to you. You have had to work a lot of problems out for yourself. While you do have a

lot of motivation and energy, often there is some difficulty in getting it channeled in useful

directions. Sometimes you feel that others don't like you. You require a partner that can give you

lots of emotional support. There could be a basic ambivalence with your mother, or with women in

general. You may not feel like working.

You have a tendency, or perhaps a knack, for ignoring good advice. More than once you have

found yourself at odds with the correct, or prescribed, way of doing things. This could manifest in

a problem with authority figures. For example, you may tend to disregard the suggestions of an

authority figure, perhaps your father. You have trouble doing just a little, and tend to be


You may have an inordinate fear of dying or confrontation, for there is a part of you that resists

change and tends to put off getting down to the real heart of a problem and clearing it up. This

attempt to avoid confrontation may find you involved in one power struggle after another when it

comes to personal relationships. All of this creates a lot of energy that you carry around with you.

Working it out takes patience and great care. You tend toward explosions and may have strong

disagreements with authority figures.


♥ Your Relationship with XYZ

You can benefit a lot from the support of this person. If you stop and think about it, you couldn't

imagine a much more perfect response from the cosmos to yourself than you find in Shardav. For

one, he is almost totally supportive of you, warts and all. And there is every reason to believe that

he could aid you financially, as well as romantically. Good things could happen with and through

him. Here is a real opportunity for you to take hold and develop your resources. This is fertile soil

for many things.

Here is someone with real know-how. You naturally tend to look up to Shardav, and he may

originally have appeared in the guise of a teacher or older person, an expert on just what most

interests you. If this is to be a love relationship, it may prove hard for you to consider Shardav

other than as an authority figure. You are proud to know and be associated with him. He helps to

show you how to be more professional yourself.

Here is someone you could talk to all night. Discussions almost always transcend the mundane and

get right into the reality of things. You may not have thought you liked this kind of metaphysical

conversation before meeting Shardav. There is an almost religious quality to them. You may tend

to look to him as some kind of authority or guide in matters of the spirit. These tend to be

memorable conversations.

He finds you more sexy than just attractive. You felt this quality from the first. His appreciation for

you is quite bare and direct. It cuts through words and needless explanations. You can't resist. It's

as if he already knows the real you and likes what he finds. He handles the most sensitive areas of

your personality without even asking your permission. He knows what to do. A very exciting


Shardav is quite direct and may tend to come on strong, even to the point of aggressiveness. Or, he

may evoke a strong verbal response on your part. Whatever the effect, you will find that

interchange with him has the result of moving you to think and to have new ideas. Communication

will be brisk and may involve lots of emotion. You could find all of this refreshing, inspiring, and

just what you need to set you going on some project involving writing or communication.

Shardav tends to lead you out of yourself, and urges you to make greater efforts, to reach out and

express yourself. You may overdo. Certainly he is a key person as regarding how you view and

feel about yourself. Through him you have come to experience more confidence and happiness.

You are proud to be with him and, most of all, he is just fun to be with. Children and animals are

two things you share. There may be a tendency to spend all at once. You feel creative and artistic

around him.

He seems to be very hard on your sense of altruism. Your attempts to be charitable or to sacrifice

may be played down or belittled by him. He won't tolerate your feeling sorry for yourself or for the

state of the world. It could be difficult for you to feel philanthropic or kind when the two of you are



He may be responsible for introducing you to new ideas about forebearance and patience. His

insights into your psychology, as well as mankind's, are worth taking a very careful look at.

Shardav has an unusual ability to put you in touch with your own sense of compassion and love for

other people. He can offer new solutions that could help you cross beyond a lot of petty doubts and

fears, and find a deeper commitment to truth and goodness. He brings out the saint in you.

This relationship is potentially a very useful one. Through Shardav you get a real sense of self-

sacrifice and working for the benefit of all mankind. You may be swept up in an almost dreamlike

state, able to be very forgiving and understanding. You may feel a little saintlike. On the down

side, the whole thing can find you carried away to the point of neglecting the realities of life. You

might give all your possessions away. Who knows if that would be a good or a bad thing?

Shardav exercises a very powerful influence over you, one that could change your career. Here is

someone who knows more about what you ought to be doing with your life and career than you do,

and he is not afraid to let you know about it. From the first time you met, he probably jumped right

into your business and started making suggestions -- and they were right on the money. The net

result is that you may go through a major transformation as to what you do with your life through

knowing him.


♥ Strengths in your relationship with XYZ

He has a way with words which you find flattering and interesting, since the subject is often you.

He loves to talk to you and may also write you letters. You find him stimulating mentally, and

communication is most often smooth.

This is about as close to a mutual admiration society as any two are likely to get. Shardav is very

supportive of your values and ideals. You might even feed on this. You have always felt simple

admiration and love for him. You just like the way he feels.

This might turn out to be a great working (business) relationship. You have no trouble getting

behind him, and can urge him to greater success. There is a natural sense of harmony and flow to

the relationship.

This could be a very physically satisfying relationship, one with lots of action and good emotional

exchange. Work hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of competition, since you both

tend to urge the other to greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.

You both probably love music, theater, and -- above all -- the movies. He finds you very supportive

when it comes to his dreams and fantasies. You probably find it easy to get lost together in any of a

number of imaginative activities. You tend to get emotionally very clear and high when the two of

you are together.

You can see and understand where he is coming from. You like his sense of values, and aren't

afraid to tell him about it. He values you for your mentality and skill with words. He likes the way

you think.

You value his dreams and idealistic nature. There is an almost otherworldy sense that develops

when the two of you get intimate -- your own magic bubble. He enchants you. Movies, music, and

moods are something you can enjoy together.

You just love Shardav, perhaps from the very start, and he knows it. You value him just as he is.

He dotes on being the object of your affections. This is a very nice combination.

Shardav may be one of your most valuable assets and have a great influence on your career and life

direction. Through his support you may succeed in finding solutions to many a problem. You work

well together and would make good partners.

This is a good working relationship. Shardav tends to bring a real sense of discipline and order into

your life. You feel like making a sustained effort when you are with him. You can't help but

support his sense for organization and order.

You tend to support and encourage an independent streak in Shardav. You don't mind that he

enjoys being a little different. You find him emotionally stimulating, and even unique. He may

have introduced you to new attitudes toward home and family, and new ways of feeling.


♥ Challenges in your relationship with XYZ

Shardav may feel that he doesn't have your support when it comes to matters of career and life

direction. There may be hard feelings. You may find the decisions he makes upsetting to you

emotionally. His basic philosophy of life can sometimes be at odds with the way you are feeling.

He may feel that you pooh-pooh his fears and worries. His own need for sensitive self-examination

and transformation may not appeal to you, with the result that you may sidestep his little

confrontations. There could be a bit of a power struggle, complete with explosions.

Push me; pull you. There is a tendency to end up feeling at odds with one another no matter what

the issue. This could manifest in hard feelings and a lack of support on each of your parts. It is a

no-win situation, and even a bit humorous.

Romance aside, this is not a good combination for any business relationship. You are not very

appreciative of his decision-making, and you probably seldom take his advice when it comes to

career decisions. He may persevere against your best wishes, with the result that he may tend to

overdue, overspend, and get carried away.

Heavy feelings and emotional drama will be a part of this relationship. You may feel that he

refuses to support your life ambitions. You may find yourself hurting his feelings again and again.

A stormy marriage.

There may be some problems in communication. You may find it difficult to talk with Shardav, or

attempts at communication end up in a standstill. His attitude and manner may leave you feeling

frustrated, unable to communicate.

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