Page 1: Fri/Sat/Sun October 13~15, 2017 Nanyuan Intangible · Residents read under their umbrellas at noon at Shenzhen Library in Futian

Fri/Sat/Sun October 13~15, 201704 i COmmunity

Han [email protected]

A MAKESHIFT steel bridge, spanning 188 meters in length and 24 meters in width over Shennan Boulevard in Futian District, was built in 14 hours over the course of two nights.

The makeshift steel bridge will replace the existing Caitian Flyover, which will be dismantled to make way for the con-struction of Gangxia North Comprehen-sive Transportation Hub.

Work on the bridge started at 11 p.m. Sept. 22 when the contractor, China Railway No. 2 Engineering Bureau, employed a self-propelled modular transporter (SPMT), a kind of hydraulic platform trailer equipped with a diesel powered engine, to drive itself to move, lift and steer the bridge construction.

It is the fi rst time in China that SPMT,

a technology that is commonly used in rocket transportation, was used in bridge construction.

According to He Gang, an employee with the engineering center of Shenzhen Metro Construction Headquarters, the SPMT reduced the construction time of the bridge from seven days to just 14 hours. As the work was conducted during the nights of Sept. 22 and Sept. 23, impact on traffi c was reduced to a minimum.

The bridge is a major project for the construction of Gangxia North Comprehensive Transportation Hub. Located underneath the intersection of Caitian Flyover and Shennan Boule-vard, the hub will cover a fl oor space of 220,000 square meters and become an interchange station for Line 2, Line 10, Line 11 and Line 14. It will also become the second Metro station in the city

where four Metro lines meet following Chegongmiao Station.

The Gangxia North transport hub will be put into use in June 2020, in time for the operation of Line 10, which is now under construction.

Shenzhen Metro Line 10 will start at Futian Checkpoint and end at Pinghu Central Station in Longgang District, covering 29.52 kilometers. It has 24 stations and nine interchange stations, and was budgeted at 28.5 billion yuan (US$4.38 billion).

Metro Line 14 will start from Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center and end at Huizhou South Railway Station. The main line covers 57.5 kilometers and has 18 stations including four stations in Huizhou.

The project is budgeted at 58.9 billion yuan. Construction is scheduled to com-mence at the end of 2017.

Makeshift bridge built in 14 hours

THE fi rst subdistrict-level intangible cultural heritage museum in Futian offi -cially opened Sept. 27. Covering an area of 1,000 square meters, the Nanyuan Intangible Heritage Museum consists of an intangible cultural heritage exhibi-tion hall, a rehearsal hall and a reception room.

Exhibiting the history of Nanyuan Village and the major customs, tradi-tional festivals and culture of China, the museum provides citizens a platform to

get in touch with intangible heritages and preserve them.

Inside the museum, visitors can not only watch traditional folk crafts such as paper cutting, shadow puppets, dough sculpture and inside painting, and appreciate work exhibitions and folk culture performances, but also experi-ence different forms of interaction with the intangible cultural heritage.

Nanyuan Subdistrict is one of the oldest subdistricts in Shenzhen. The subdistrict,

covering an area of 2.1 square kilometers, is home to over 200,000 residents, 80 percent of whom are immigrants. It has jurisdiction over fi ve former natural villages, namely Buwei, Yutian, Shabutou, Jiuxu and Chiwei, which have all been urbanized.

To protect the history of the villages and preserve their fi ne traditional cul-ture, the subdistrict began preparing and designing the museum in 2016 and put it into use Sept. 27.

(Chen Xiaochun)

Nanyuan Intangible Heritage Museum opens

SHENZHEN primary school stu-dent Li Junjie performed in a piano contest on the CCTV program “First Class Begins,” playing against Teo, an AI robot from Italy on the evening of Sept. 1.

Li Junjie and Teo each hid behind a curtain and took turns playing Chopin’s “Fantaisie-Impromptu.” Renowned pianist Lang Lang and the audience guessed which song was played by Li and which one by the robot.

After listening to the performance by Li Junjie, Lang said that the per-formance delivered more obvious emphasis of strong and weak beats and was more emotional, thus con-cluding that it was played by Li.

Host Sa Beining and Lang invited Li back to the stage. Li, who impressed the audience with his graceful piano playing, disclosed that he has been learning piano for fi ve years.

Li Junjie is a sixth grade student at Jingpeng Primary School in Futian. He recently won the fi rst prize and Best Performance Award of Chinese Music Work for the children’s group at the Second Lang Lang Shenzhen Futian International Piano Festival.

Li Jingyun, the teacher of Li Junjie’s class, said that to realize his piano dream, the boy’s parents trans-ferred him from Fujian Province to Shenzhen. Li gets support from his classmates who often help him with the schoolwork that he lags behind on due to the extensive hours he spends practicing piano. His teachers also help and support him the best they can.

Zhou Yuan, headmaster of Jing-peng Primary School, said that the school pays special attention to art education. Through art festivals, courses and art clubs, the school acts as a platform through which kids get personalized skill development and education.

(Chen Xiaochun)

Student vs. robot at piano contest

THE Futian “Little Makers Group” fetched fi ve fi rst prizes, eight second prizes, nine third prizes and four excel-lence awards in four competition cat-egories at the 2017 Shenzhen Student Maker Festival, which was held Sept. 16 at Shenzhen Second Senior High School. The categories that students placed in include Makers Work Exhibi-tion Review, Drone Cross Competition, Arduino Open-source Robotics Chal-lenge and F1 on Campus.

Themed “create a new world, create a bright future,” the 2017 Shenzhen Stu-dent Maker Festival included an array of activities ranging from themed forums to student maker challenges, campus makers’ work shows, a campus makers road show and makers experiences, and served as a platform for primary and middle school students to exhibit their creative works.

Wei Xuelai and Cai Ziyi from Shenzhen Futian High School invented a tree-climbing machine that calculates grav-ity and stability. It is 3-D printed from light and solid aluminum alloy and PLA (polylactic acid, a kind of bio-degradable plastics) fi lament. The machine not only effectively trims the Cuban royal palm common in Shenzhen but reduces the damage that currently used tools often do to the trees. Their invention won the fi rst prize in maker projects contest.

Students from Liyuan Primary School invented a smart safety helmet that fea-tures functions such as autonomous riding lighting, steering lightening, SOS calling and GPS positioning, thus addressing pertinent safety issues.

The Futuristic Agriculture Robot invented by students from Yuanling Primary School also won a fi rst prize in maker projects contest. Dong Zhen and Zhang Yuxin from Morning Sun Middle School won the fi rst prize in the Drone Cross Competition. (Chen Xiaochun)

Student makers shine atmaker festival

Students introduce their products at the festival. SD-Agencies

Residents read under their umbrellas at noon at Shenzhen Library in Futian District on Sept. 16. According to Shenzhen Library, 5 percent of the seats in the library are directly in the sun during the hot season between July and October. The library used big glass walls in its design to reduce the use of interior lighting and absorb natural light. The library has prepared big umbrellas for readers to enjoy reading since last year.

Zhu Yanfang

Reading under umbrellas

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