
July 2017

Tammuz-Av 5777

1600 N. Acacia, Fullerton, California 92831 (714) 871-3535

Visit our website:


JUNE 6-18, 2017


Message from Rabbi Nico …

“The Heart is in the East” By Rabbi Nico Socolovsky

It is so nice to be back home…

Reading this sentence you could ask, what do you mean? Are you home when you arrive in Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv or are you home when you land in Los Angeles? It turns out that the answer is pretty easy and extremely complex… BOTH.

Yehuda HaLevi, the famous poet, philosopher and physician wrote during the Golden Age of Judaism in Spain,”My heart is in the east - but the rest of me far in the west.” HaLevi stated that he would give away all his wealth in Spain if he could only embrace the dust of Jerusalem. It is hard to remain indifferent to this level of connection to the land of Israel.

We Zionist Jews in the Diaspora live in the duality of loving and yearning for two homes. We love America and yet we love the State of Israel. The wonderful thing about this is that it is indeed possible. We can be proud Americans (in my case hold America very dear) and yet we can live a life of deep connection with the state of Israel.

A few weeks ago we read Parashat Shelach. We learned about the twelve scouts that Moshe sent to the land of Israel. Moshe instructed them to bring back a report regarding the nature of the land; its strengths and weaknesses. He also instructed them to bring back samples of the land's produce. They returned to the Machane - camp with all kinds of specimens, and with a very negative report. They conceded that the land flowed with milk and honey, but they warned that its population was mighty and the cities well fortified and impossible to conquer. Only Caleb and Joshua, disagreed. Even though they saw the same things and understood the challenges, they argued that the land was magnificent and that we were going to be able to make it!

The Torah will teach us that ten of the twelve spies died at that moment, whereas the other two - Caleb and Joshua - were chosen to lead the people into the land of Israel.

I had the opportunity to reflect on this Torah portion before and during our congregational trip to Israel. As a matter of fact, it was the portion that we read on our second week there. An interesting reflection that occupied my mind was the distinction between being in love and loving someone or something. When we are in love we often know very little, but that "very little" occupies a huge space. So a big part of what we "know" in that context is filled by our imagination and expectations. Knowledge, then, might be the projection of our desires. When we love something or somebody it is usually based on knowledge. It is almost impossible to love without knowing. Loving often means understanding the complexity of the big picture and being able, through a profound foundation, to connect with the essence. Being in love and loving, both wonderful feelings, can sometimes be confused but they are surely not the same. It is like comparing a balloon and a soccer ball. If you poke a needle in a balloon it will explode and immediately disappear. You will remain holding in your hands the debris of something which is impossible to fix. But if you poke the same needle in a soccer ball, first, it won't be so easy, but second, if you make it, it won't lose its shape; it might lose some air but it can be fixed.

The difference between the ten spies with the negative report and Joshua and Caleb, "the other two," is that the first ten went to the land of Israel "holding balloons" and Joshua and Caleb - soccer balls. So the first ten, after being poked by a nail they had nothing in their hands. But Joshua and Caleb in the face of the same situation became more resilient.

Our generation is witnessing one of the major miracles that has occurred to the Jewish people in its entire history; we have the privilege to see with our own eyes 2000 years of dreaming from the Diaspora gathering into what finally became our national home. The intensity of that miracle is so strong that sometimes, in the Diaspora, we are afraid to get closer. We are afraid to discover that Israel isn't perfect. We prefer to hold to the idealization rather than embrace it with its imperfections... We prefer being in love because loving means knowing and knowing is sometimes frightening. The Diaspora has a role in the continuity of the state of Israel and we can't allow ourselves to live in the fragility of the idealization; we need to commit to the strength of knowing deeply, seeing the big picture, connecting to the essence...

As a Rabbi I feel extremely blessed and thankful that I had the opportunity to share with twenty members of my Shul two weeks in the land of Israel. To literally live in the miracle.

I hope that we came back holding "balls" and not balloons. I hope that while enchanted we came back knowing more and loving deeply. L'shana Haba'a B'Yerushalaim - The Next Year in Jerusalem Rabbi Nico


FROM ME TO YOU by Henry Cohen, TBT President

“WE MISSED YOU” I am here in Israel but the Temple Beth Tikvah “Amazing Israel Tour” has returned home to California. I will be attending the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Community Leadership Program Summer Retreat till the 28th. But the real news is: We Missed You and you missed one amazing group of Jewish experiences ……… Nico style. We missed you because only your presence with our TBT community in Israel could have made it better for us. The days were filled with every kind of Jewish experience. History, geology, water treatment, religion (not just Jewish), sociology, politics, social services, Israel Defense Forces, kibbutz life, agriculture, camel riding, medical technology, etc. etc. My expectations were realistic, given the many trips I had taken to Israel, organized by the best mission planners in the world. But, I never expected the quality content, the amazing venues, the personal Israel contacts that Rabbi Nico arranged for us. From scholarly presentations to heartbreaking Holocaust stories at Yad Vashem (with the best docent I have ever met) we had it all, morning till night, even on Shabbat. And did I mention food? Do I have to tell you about our Rabbi’s passion and quest of the best hummus? It never ended. Our Amazing Israel community will be getting together soon to share stories and relive the experience. We became fast friends. I hope you will join us and start planning to be with us for the next big thing in Israel or anywhere else our TBT family gets together, even in Fullerton, California. ******************************************


Let’s Join 5,000 Reform Leaders at the URJ Biennial 2017 in Boston!

Leadership Development, Networking, Jewish Learning, and How-Tos to Strengthen Our Congregation Will Be Center Stage

With the theme of "Reimagining Jewish Life," our congregation will join with hundreds of others from across North America at the URJ Biennial 2017 from December 6-10 in Boston, MA. And you need to be a part of it!




TBT SHOAH SURVIVORS HONORED TBT Shoah survivors Peter Dirnbach and Dora Cohen were recently honored by Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva at a Shabbat morning service hosted by Temple Beth Emet in Anaheim. “It is vital that we never forget that dark chapter … when we struggle against oppression and injustice,” said Quirk-Silva. As a teacher, we shall continue to educate the next generation about the Holocaust. The survivors we honor give us hope from the consequences of intolerance, and vision of a brighter tomorrow. The courage, fortitude, and dignity that survivors and their families have displayed in spite of tragedy are truly inspirational.”


Joanna Engel-Finer

June Oneg Sponsors

In honor of their birthdays: Tracy Green, Fran Sherman, Anna Livits,

and Harvey Socol

Thanks also to the Budeshtsky family for sponsoring the oneg on June 2

in honor of their son, Bryce’s, Bar Mitzvah.

Thank you!



By Miriam Van Raalte

There is a commercial advertising the California lottery that starts out, “It was a day like any other day … until it wasn’t.”

And it ends with the words, “Believe in something bigger.” Those two phrases put into focus the way I define my work here at TBT. When I pull out of my driveway in the morning, I often review in my mind the various projects that I know await me when I sit down at my desk. And yet, what you think may be “just another day” most of the time isn’t. For instance, on the day I am writing this article, I anticipated that I would accomplish certain tasks that I had left from the previous week. As the day unfolded, I met with a member who will be traveling to Israel and needed help with some special needs. I then had a conversation with another member who stopped in to talk about a Bar Mitzvah for his son. Then there was a friend of the congregation who had two family members with medical situations who I called. I then chatted with one of our TBT musicians about the upcoming Shabbat services, after which I coordinated the Torah chanting for the coming week. I mention these pieces of my day because no two days of TBT are ever alike. In my role as “engagement” and “communication,” I hope that I am able to make an impact on the individual lives of our members as well as what TBT stands for as an extended family. When my parents joined the congregation in 1966, they quickly realized that the future of the Jewish community in North Orange County was in their hands. They wanted to assure that there would be a place for their children and future generations where we could find an expression of our Judaism. By becoming active, joining committees, serving on the Board of Directors, and attending services, educational events, and social gatherings, they set the stage for my sister and me to inherit their love of Judaism and synagogue life. The 21st Century provides us with unique challenges to draw Jews towards formal institutions like TBT. There is a limited amount of time to devote to Temple life considering the long work day/week, extra-curricular activities of children, and our homes that need attention to maintain. A recent study shows that the average American spends up to nine hours a day on social media. Granted, that time is often combined with other activities. Yet, I would venture to say that if my parents had had the technology back in the 60’s and had spent that kind of time in front of a computer screen (or mobile device), TBT would not have gotten he tender loving care by those who provided the foundation for this thriving Jewish congregation. As I go through my days, I dedicate my work to all of those who share the vision of a vibrant Jewish community. And as the lottery commercial concludes, I too believe that TBT can be “something bigger.” There will always be ways to dream about what we can be while we nurture what were in the past and what we are now. I hope you will join me as we engage with each other and color our Jewish lives.


“AL HANISIM” GRANT RECEIVED From the JCFOC … Dear Rabbi – Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that the Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County has selected Temple Beth Sholom,

Congregation B’nai Tzedek, Temple Beth Tikvah to receive an award in our 2017 grant cycle. You have been awarded $1,000.00 to be used towards funding Al Hanisim: Celebrating Our Miracles Together as outlined in your 2017 grant application. The grants committee shares your conviction that your project will enrich our Jewish community. Funding for your award has been allocated from the following: Steven Fainbarg & the Fainbarg Family Foundation. Grants are made possible by the foresight of individuals and families who created endowments with the Foundation and through the generosity of Steven Fainbarg and the Fainbarg Family Foundation. You will be fulfilling their wishes to “Guarantee a Jewish Tomorrow.” Mazel Tov, and thank you for the work you do to enhance our Jewish community. Kindest regards,

Co-Chair, Grants


We have started a new small group (a “Community of Practice”) based on those who would like to chant Torah on Shabbat morning. Each week we need 4 Torah readers. Each aliyah is approximately three verses. We have grown to a group of Torah readers! You can sign up for any Torah portion and we can help you with the reading & chanting.

It is amazing to hear these volunteers prepare for their chance to chant Torah. Yes, it takes practice, but there is such pride when they have chanted from our Torah scrolls.

Just call Miriam Van Raalte at the TBT office (714/871-3535) to sign up. We look forward to enlarging our list of chanters – hope you’ll be a part of this group!


ECLC UPDATE By Rachel White, Assistant Director

It has been a wonderful year at ECLC! We have welcomed new children and families to our community, redesigned our beautiful outdoor space and strengthened our understanding of Jewish values. Together we learned about our Jewish traditions and celebrated Hanukkah, Purim, Yom Ha’atzmaut, and Shabbat. On Thursday, June 22nd, we celebrate the end of the year with our Preschool Promotion and Pre-K Graduation Ceremony in the TBT Sanctuary. It is a bittersweet time of the year as we say farewell to all of our children who will be moving on the Kindergarten in the fall, but also recognize the achievements of those who will be moving into their next class at ECLC. So it is with heartfelt pride that we say: Congratulations to the 2017 ECLC Graduates!

Looking ahead, the 2017 Summer Program at ECLC begins on Wednesday, June 28th. This year we are offering a “Pageant of the Masters” Art Camp.

Children will join us as we engage in a summer study of some of the great artists from the contemporary and classical art movements throughout history. Each week we will learn about a new artist and the art movement that they influenced. Together, we will explore different art mediums, techniques, and practice proper care of art equipment. At the end of the summer, we will showcase our work with a “Pageant of the Masters” Art Exhibit. This promises to be a messy, fun, and educational summer!

TBT recently made a donation to the US Supporters of the Lone Soldier Center … here is a letter received in thanks.

Dear Temple Beth Tikvah,

Thank you for your generous donation. With your support, the US Supporters of the Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levin helps thousands of lone soldiers every year – young men and women who leave their family and friends to come to Israel to serve in the IDF and protect the State of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide.

The Center is “a home away from home” and provides guidance and counseling, Shabbat and holiday meals, a strong community and housing to lone soldiers thousands of miles away from home. Your support will enable to us to food, assist and nurture the defenders of Israel and ensure that they can be successful in their mission.

The Lone Soldier Center fulfills the dream of Michael Levin, a lone soldier from Philadelphia who fell in battle during the Second Lebanon War. Michael wanted a place where lone soldiers could look to for guidance and community before, during and after the course of their service. Your gift … perpetuates the realization of that dream.

Brian R Lurie, President

Chaverim of the Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin

PS – We hope that on your next visit to Israel you will visit the Lone Soldier Center. We would love to say hello and show you in person how your contribution makes a difference in the lives of Lone Soldiers!




Join us on July 22nd at 4:00 p.m.

For kids age 2-9 & their parents.

Leave the kids at TBT with our staff for

Dinner – Program – Movie (until 8:00 p.m.)

And have a few hours to yourself!

RSVP to the TBT office no later than July 20th

$25 for the first child & $20 each additional sibling

Made possible by a grant from Jewish Federation & Family Service, Orange County


A Unique Lunch & Learn

Saturday, January 13, 2018

at TBT

Details to Follow



From nearly 1,000 feet above the city in the iconic US Bank Tower, Skyspace LA is the permiere destination for panoramic, 360-degree views of Los Angeles.

Feel the thrill … Experience the heart-pounding adventure of the world’s first ever Skyslide. Meet at TBT at 12:30 p.m. Returning at 4:30 p.m.


RSVP & Details … [email protected]




Whale watching, ferris wheel, and dinner included. We’ll do Havdalah at the beach before heading back to Fullerton Meet at TBT at 12:30 p.m. Returning at 4:30 p.m.

$25 PER PERSON (bring your own lunch) DRIVERS NEEDED!

RSVP & Details … [email protected]




Ride the ferris wheel, enjoy the arcade, and take advantage of the cool ocean breeze. $20 PER PERSON (unlimited ride wristband included)

RSVP & Details … [email protected]



Mount Olive - Costa Mesa $4,500.00/Plot*

(plus $75 per plot transfer fee charged by cemetery)

Pacific View - Newport Beach $10,500.00/Plot*

ADVANTAGES OF PRE-PLANNING Takes decision making burdens off your loved ones Provides peace of mind

Saves on funeral arrangements Stops annual industry inflation of cemetery plots Allows you to communicate your wishes

TERMS OF SALE With 25% down, the balance can be paid over a 6-month period with no interest.

*If not a Temple Beth Tikvah member, cost is $6,000 at Mt. Olive and $12,500.00 and up at Pacific View.

For details please contact Benjamin Berkley at (714) 871-6440 (day) or (714) 944-9573 (evenings & weekends)

Remember and Commemorate Life Cycle Events Establish a permanent memorial to a loved one. Commemorate a happy family event for all time.

Acknowledge the feeling for another …their happiness…their sadness

while providing assistance to TBT!

Yahrzeit: Lighted Plaques, a permanent memorial to your loved ones, located in the lobby and lighted on Yahrzeit Lit Plaques $400 Yahrzeit: Unlit Plaques in Sanctuary $300 Simcha Leaves: $100

General Fund: $18 and up Sanctuary Funds: Torah Repair Fund: $18 and up Prayer Book Fund: $45 Inscribed Chumash: $75 Clergy Funds: $18 and up Rabbi Nico’s Discretionary Fund Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Education Funds ($18 and up):

Adult Education Fund ECLC Fund Rabbi Asa Education Fund School Scholarships/Programs

Shishi Shabbat (Tot Shabbat) Torah Study Fund

Youth Programs Additional Funds ($18 and up): Bathroom Beautification Fund Building Fund

Caring Community Family Engagement Legacy Fund Men’s Club

Music Fund Outreach/Publicity Fund Shabbat Meal Fund Shir Chadash Sisterhood Tzedakah Legacy Bricks $230 and up

Holocaust Memorial Plaques $1,800 and up

For July events please see the back of the Scroll.

Upcoming August Events

1 TISHA B’AV 2 1-4 ECLC Closed 3 4 Family Service 6:30p 4 7 First Day of ECLC School Year 5 9 Creative Writing Workshop 10:00a 6 10 ECLC Back to School Night 7 12 Monthly Lunch & Learn 12:00p 8 18 Tot Shabbat 5:30p 9 22 ROSH CHODESH ELUL 10 23 Monthly Board of Directors Meeting 7:30p 11 25 Shabbat Dinner after Shabbat Service 6:30p 12 26 Pajama Havdalah 4:00p 13 27 Movie Mavens 2:00p 14

Ongoing at TBT…

Mondays 10:00a: Yoga; 11:30p: Mahjongg Tuesdays 10:30a: ORT Pan Game; 6:00p: Mahjong Wednesdays 10:00a: EZRA Bridge; 2nd/4th Weds. 10:00a Creative Writing & Memoirs Wednesdays 7:30p “Thinking Judaism” – watch your email for

new series starting in August Thursdays 11:30p: Mahjongg Saturdays 9:00a: Bagels & Torah Study Sundays 8:30a: Table Tennis 1st Sunday Picking Fruit 2nd Sunday Mitzvah Meals at Temple Beth Sholom 3rd Sunday Processing bottles/cans for recycling 4th Sunday 2:00p: Movie Mavens 1st/3rd Sat. NFTY Lunch ‘n Learns (Break During Summer) 2nd Saturday 9:00a: B’yachad Young Family Shabbat Experience (taking a break during summer 2nd Saturday 12:00p: Adult Lunch ‘n Learn 3rd Friday 5:30p: Tot Shabbat (Break During Summer) 4th Saturday 4:00p: Pajama Havdalah

Serving the North

Orange County

Jewish Community since 1964

Now Enrolling For Gesher After School Program

At Gesher we believe that all children

should have the opportunity to access

high quality Jewish education in a safe

and nurturing environment…

…Gesher program is your

after-school home!

What we offer:

School pick-up, activities until 6:00 p.m.

(according to the needs of the family), Judaica

studies through drama and art. Hebrew,

enrichment activities like cooking and martial

arts, sciences and sports. We also provide

afternoon snack and assistance

with homework.

Incoming Kindergartners will be

merging in with the Gesher Summer Program

beginning in July for 3 days a week

from 2:00-5:00 pm.

Special Summer Program 9:00 am-5:30 pm June 1st – August 4th

From Kindergarten-2nd grade.

Our daily activities include:

Water play, sports, and games

*Fieldtrips (3 over the summer)

Fun with their TBT friends

Art, Drama, and Music Shabbat through the senses

Torah and PJ Library stories

Math, reading, and writing activities


STEM projects

*Additional cost for fieldtrips

For more information please email Lisa Roo

at [email protected] or call the

Temple office 714.871.3535 for pricing.



Bruce Melcer & Margaret Cady Janet Genow Jordan Richter - Get well Barbara Talento and Family - Loss of son Barbara Talento - Loss of son Barbara & Rabbi Art Levine Tracy Green - Birthday Barbara Talento and Family - Loss of son Marvin & Jane Goodman - Anniversary Joan Filowitz & Family - Loss of sister Charles & Mindy Glatstein - Anniversary Ben Berkley & Family - Loss of mother Steve & Steffanie Belasco - Anniversary Linda & Ted Jass Mark, Jo & Sydelle Jass Joan Filowitz & Family - Loss of sister Joan Filowitz & Family - Loss of sister Ben Berkley & Family - Loss of mother Ben Berkley & Family - Loss of mother Elaine & Harvey Socol Lou Ann Taback Ben Berkley & Family - Loss of mother Ann & Felix Livits - Daughter’s engagement

NOTES SENT FROM SISTERHOOD Jordan Richter - Get well Barbara Talento - Loss of son Shirley Malin - Get well Sydelle Jass - Get well

Anne Kalen - Loss of aunt Sid Jacobs - Get well Kayla Bailey - Get well Joan Filowitz - Loss of sister

Ben Berkley - Loss of mother Cary Podell - Get well Marty Baker-Jordan - Get well

A special thank you to Rachelle Wilson, who is retiring as our

Tributes Chair after many years of service to TBT’s Sisterhood.

Sisterhood to the Rescue……

Forgot a birthday? Remembered an anniversary? A good friend in the hospital? Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

Confirmed? Graduated? Married? New baby? Twins? Send condolences?

Don’t worry....a Sisterhood Tribute Note can be your life saver and substitute for that greeting card that

you meant to pick up when you were grocery shopping or at the TBT Judaica Shop?

Did you know that you can purchase 10 tributes in advance for $27 and request one whenever

a special occasion arises?

Tributes are also available singularly for a minimum of $3.00. An appropriate personal message will be

hand written and mailed at no additional expense. Beautiful and meaningful cards for special occasions

can be requested, written and mailed by donating $18.00.

When you have a simcha or tzures… Contact Lou Ann Taback by phone (714) 871-2365 or by email

([email protected]) to assist you to let someone know that you care.

Tributes support camperships for our Chavaya School students and youth group members.

Mail checks to: Lou Ann Taback (1900 Camino Loma, Apt. 104, Fullerton, CA 92833)

Call Lou Ann Taback Embossed Card with gold lined envelope $18.00 (714) 871-2365 Gold Sentiment – oversized gold card $10.00 or e-mail: Colorful Card $ 6.00 [email protected] Standard Tribute $ 3.00 for Tributes Packet of 10 Standard Tributes $27.00



Remembered By In Memory Of Remembered By In Memory Of

Elaine Asa Theresa Siegal Eliana Teubal Shirley Dubin Gene Broscow/Rachelle Wilson Joe Zusman Gertrude Margolis Peter Dirnbach Bernard Robinson Mr/Mrs Fredric Firschein Israel Firschein Donna Freedman/Kenneth Wolf Betty Freedman Janet Genow William Klein Max Groussman Ellen Groussman Mr/Mrs Steven Hirsch Enid Hirsch Mr Norman Krug Richard Krug Mr/Mrs Stan Leiken Ben Leiken Shirley Malin Edward Chain Laurie Markowitz Spence Ruth Blosser Jules Markowitz Lois Nettleship Charles Shankman Mr/Mrs Allan Night Betty Night

Mr/Mrs Gerald Owen Samuel Owen Dr/Mrs Steve Saltman Nelson Newmark Zailike Saltman Mr/Mrs Henry Schrimmer Irving Schrimmer Martin Schwartzman Edward Schwartzman Mr/Mrs David Shichor Malka Suranyi Mr/Mrs Lewis Siegler Louis Mendlinger Dr/Mrs Harvey Socol Mary Gilbert Dr/Mrs Allen Solomon Abraham Miller Hilda Sugarman Richard Krug Mr/Mrs Les Sussman Lillian Sussman Bernard Vengrow Frances Vengrow Sandra Wager Bernard Wager Dr/Mrs Irwin Wedner Celia Wedner Mr/Mrs David Weiner George Solow Joseph Weiner Mr/Mrs Isaac Zukerman Boris Golfer

Sustaining Fund Nanc Hemp Elaine Asa in memory of Derek Rosenberg Max & Sophia Litt Mark & Joan Filowitz – loss of sister, Debra Ben Berkley – loss of mother, Beatrice Barry & Judy Kancigor Henry Cohen – birthday Robert & Carol Warsaw Ben Berkley – loss of mother, Beatrice Ron & Eileen Miller Ben Berkley – loss of mother, Beatrice Fred & Cindy Jacobson Mark Freilich – loss of mother, Lenore Henry & Eileen Cohen – 50th anniversary Bob & Hedy Miller Mark Freilich – loss of mother, Lenore David & Marcie Gaon Tracy Green – birthday David & Alyse Kirschen Mark Freilich – loss of mother, Lenore Rabbi Nico Discretionary Fund Jerry & Barbara Rosen Barbara Talento – loss of son, Scott Harold Stromberg Rabbi Nico - appreciation Rabbi Asa Education Fund Ron Hartmann in memory of Robert Hartmann & Steven Hartmann Dick & Estelle Blake Elaine Asa – marriage of grandson, Tzvi to Chana Howard & Valarie Sloane – 60th wedding anniversary Elaine Asa Henry & Eileen Cohen – 50th wedding anniversary Stan & Lila Pesner Mark Freilich – loss of mother

Chavaya School Fund Barbara Rothbart in memory of Robert Bloomfield in memory of Jean Talberth ECLC Discretionary Fund Elliot & Lori Katz get well wishes for her parents Music Fund Marty Baker-Jordan in appreciation to the Shabbat Musicians: Gabby, Ali, & Elba Torah Study Fund Lou Ann Taback Rabbi Art Levine – in appreciation Program Sponsors Marlene Farronan – Rabbi Asa Memorial Lecture: ‘A Villa in the Jungle’ sponsors TBT Men’s Club - Yom Ha’atzma’ut Dinner Sponsors Robert & Dora Cohen – Rabbi Asa Memorial Lecture: ‘A Villa in the Jungle’ sponsors Allan & Rivka Night – Rabbi Asa Memorial Lecture: ‘A Villa in the Jungle’ sponsors David & Pnina Shichor – Rabbi Asa Memorial Lecture: ‘A Villa in the Jungle’ sponsors Harvey & Elaine Socol – Shavuot Dinner Sponsors Mitch & Janice Goldberg – Shavuot Dinner Sponsors


Children’s Birthdays

Ariela Sperling July 3 Sammy Nachshon July 6 Joshua Applebaum July 12 Jacob Klatzker July 12 Samantha Scopis July 18 Dylan Dotan July 19 Liam Jones July 20 Paige Moss July 20 Matthew Marder July 21 Aaron Sperling July 22 Ian Klatzker July 23 Kaven Farahanchi July 28 Charlotte Arrey July 30

Adult Birthdays

Jacob Golumbic July 1 Mitchell Shapiro July 1 Lisa Craddock July 2 Marian Fluger July 2 Joel Levine July 2 Marcia Segura July 2 Penny Abramowitz July 4 Ira Feldman July 9 Melissa Goldman July 9 Jerome Page July 10 Martin Schwartzman July 10 Sherri Chapman July 12 Edward Goldstein July 12

Norma Sendowsky July 12 Roberta Lansman July 14 Allison Dotan July 16 Tatyana Jones July 16 Lisa Wilson July 16 Linda Jass July 17 Marty Baker-Jordan July 18 Howard Brass July 18 David Bailey July 19 Jane Goodman July 19 Ronald Miller July 20 Sarah Budeshtsky July 21 Sid Jacobs July 21

Robert Cohen July 22 Barbara Rosen July 22 Kevin Applebaum July 24 Jacqueline Genow July 24 Susan Shultz July 24 Elisabeth Leyson July 25 Daphna Gutterman July 26 Marilyn Gwosdof July 26 Benjamin Berkley July 27 Beverly Steinberg July 27 Marilyn Wasserman July 27 Marlene Spiegel July 29 David Lieberman July 31


Joel & Linda Levine July 4 Walter & Rachel Weisner July 4 Henry & Eileen Cohen July 8 Harvey & Elaine Socol July 8 David & Barbara Aron July 11

Chuck & Sue Rosen July 12 Mitchell & Iris Shapiro July 20 Ron & Heather Moskowitz July 21 Joanna & Engel-Finer July 22 David & Hillary Miller July 25

Art & Elizabeth Boren July 26 Alan & Karen Gottlieb July 29 Burton & Emily Silver July 30 Michael & Carmen Flashner July 31 Bob & Marilyn Vaccarino July 31

Are you celebrating a birthday or anniversary this month? If so, mark the occasion by making a contribution to the

Sisterhood for our first Friday of the month family service!

Your name will be listed in the program for that evening, and your contribution will also be listed in the Scroll.

Thanks to all who help us out by making our Shabbat sweet with their contributions.



Friday, June 30 – Saturday, July 1 *Note: See June Scroll Friday, July 7 – Saturday, July 8 Sally Cobrink July 2 Rochelle Lubin July 2 Aaron Severson July 2 Craig Siegler July 2 Jack White July 2 Maurice Kaplan July 3 Robert Ledwin July 3 Steven Silverstein July 3 Vittorio DiGirolamo July 4 Paul Gayron July 4 Stewart Kahn July 4 Tama Levine July 4 Leo Rosenberg July 4 Harry Rothman July 4 Ester Catz July 5 Brett Goodman July 5 Marvin Kash July 5 Beverly Sanes July 5 Steven Schneider July 5 Harold Solomon July 5 Stuart Berger July 6 Hanna Gray July 6 Irwin Kohn July 6 Sylvia Daien July 7 Warren Hyman July 7 Charlotte Abrams July 8 Carol Grumet July 8 Shirlee Shefts July 8 Jacob Suranyi July 8 Friday, July 14 – Saturday, July 15 Jack Broscow July 9 Sylvia Kaufman July 9 Eli Melcer July 9 Abraham Chaimson July 10 Eva Madonick July 10 Joshua Silverstein July 10 Wilbur Solomon July 10 Dorothy Eilenberg July 11 Saul Fasack July 11 Stanley Malin July 11 Linda Belasco July 12 Carol Cohn July 12 Fred Gordon July 12 Hirsch Katz July 12 Rubin Schieren July 12 Catherine Whitney-Hess July 12 Julian Collender July 13 Scott Greene July 13 Jennie Harman July 13 Esther Hurwitt July 13 Alvin Shankman July 13 Edith Socol July 13 Lubov Kobilevsky July 14 Milton Rubin July 14

Michael Silberman July 14 Lori Spielberg July 14 Morris Kirschen July 15 Samuel Madonick July 15 Miriam Messe July 15 Joseph Seelenfreund July 15 Edythe Wolfson July 15 Friday, July 21 – Saturday, July 22 Leah Esterson July 16 Helen Foster July 16 Isadore Weiner July 16 Adelle Intrader July 17 Joyce Keskitalo July 17 Joseph Levin July 17 Morris Silver July 17 Jeanne Brass July 18 Samuel Goldman July 18 Fanny Zilz July 18 Morris Zinberg July 18 Edythe Goldman July 19 Ruth Hirsch July 19 Jennifer Marks July 19 Irving Neihaus July 19 Sylvia Fritz July 20 Robert Gross July 20 Anne Schenkman July 20 Jeff Wheeler July 20 Florence Queen July 21 Howard Taslitz July 21 Harry Zinberg July 21 Jerry Amsterdam July 22 Durand Baker July 22 Lena Cohen July 22 Morris Cohen July 22 Gittel Neihaus July 22 Barbara Subeck July 22 Friday, July 28 – Saturday, July 29 Rita Bellonio July 23 Harry Goldman July 23 Dror Greenfield July 23 Shirley Jass July 23 Howard Miller July 23 Minnie Reisig July 23 Delilah Jewall July 24 Fred Lehr July 24 Norman Weiner July 24 Ada Barnhard July 25 Paul Friedman July 25 Walter Hallgarten July 25 Anne Mann July 26 Hyram Ruebens July 26 Mary Shavitsky July 26 Judy Glick July 27 Bernard Goldsmith July 27 James Grosflam July 27 Max Margolin July 27 Regina Samuels July 27

Suzanne Adelman July 28 Rose Emmer July 28 Max Segler July 28 David Sherman July 28 Celia Rosenberg July 29 Virginia Roybal July 29 Friday, August 4 – Saturday, August 5 Joe Boise July 30 George Goldman July 30 Irwin Lieberman July 30 Arlene Ruben July 30 Barbara Lebby Silverman July 31 Evelyn Meyerson July 31 Betty Robins July 31 Nidia Chaimson August 1 David Hirschfield August 1 Bessie Human August 1 Marilyn Robb August 1 Marge Shane August 1 Celia Alterman August 2 Isabella Goodman August 2 Avraham Mercazi August 2 Frieda Wasserman August 2 Avraham Asa August 3 Bernice Bluestein August 3 Louise Jass August 3 Ben Kape August 3 Edmund Mercier August 3 Kate O'Mahoney August 3 Esther Weiller August 3 Eva Bijman August 4 Edward Cole August 4 Abner Fritz August 4 Jessie Gevirtzman August 4 Millie Gwartz August 4 Ruth Roman August 4 Ezra Aranovich August 5 Lucy Deutsch August 5 Lena Freeman August 5 Sylvia MorrisLevy-Rochlin August 5 Max Sheinblum August 5

Indicates Memorial Plaque


SCROLL ADVERTISING RATES 1 month 3 months 12 months

Business Card $25.00 $67.50 $270.00

Quarter-page $50.00 $135.00 $540.00

Half-page $75.00 $202.50 $810.00

Full-page $100.00 $270.00 $1,080.00

(based on 8-1/2x11 inch paper)

These rates reflect a 10% discount for 3 months or more

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Investments, Short sales, Broker opinion of value, RE Careers)

Mike Cocos Licensed California Broker

Full time professional since 1987, General Manager

Office 714-996-3000 Ext. 1307 Text / Cell: 714-612-4610 License # 00960721 Email: [email protected] Web:

Contact the TBT office for information: (714) 871-3535.

Our City Bagelry Since 1994

Authentic New York style bagels

in the comfort of our California cities. Baked daily on our premises

using natural, fresh ingredients. 1225 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 572-0220

Supplier of bagels for TBT’s weekly “Bagels & Torah”

Monday Morning Yoga with TBT’s own Nanc Hemp. Come experience the benefits of yoga: move, breathe and feel better; mental clarity, peace, and strength. Join us every Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the TBT Social Hall (No class on holidays) No reservation needed. Donations welcome.





ORANGE, CA 92865

714-350-5244 (C)

[email protected]

Dave’s HanDyman service NO JOB TOO SMALL (or TOO BIG!)

David Miller – (714) 905-4727

References: Stan and Lila Pesner,

Marilyn and Ken Roberts

(And, If I can keep them happy - Well??)

Carpenter - - Plumber - - Painter - - ANYTHING

Distinctive Smiles G. Mitchell Turk, D.D.S., M.A.G.D. Master of the Academy of General Dentistry

1122 E. Lincoln Avenue, Suite 208

Orange, CA 92867 (714) 921-2110

Email: [email protected]

Endorsed by Temple Beth Tikvah Members … Eileen & Henry Cohen Ann & Jon Goldman

Tracy & Tom Green Marlene & Marc Spiegel

Make Our Simcha Tree Grow…

Special Honor…New Job… Graduations…

Birthdays… Wedding…

Anniversaries… Birth of a Child, Grandchild…

To purchase a Simcha Leaf Contact the Temple Office

(714) 871-3535 [email protected]

Personalized Bricks

These commemorative bricks make an ideal gift. It is a wonderful way to honor accomplishments such

as graduation, marriages, special birthdays, anniversaries, or any other milestone.

Bricks line the beautiful planters in the Asa Center for Lifelong Jewish Education plaza.

4x8 Brick - $230.00, 8x8 Brick - $410.00

Contact the TBT office for more information.

Kevin Simon Senior Vice President – Wealth Management UBS Financial Services Inc. One Pointe Drive, Suite 140 Brea, CA 92821 Tel. 714-256-5499, Fax 855-769-0814 Toll Free 800-356-8942 [email protected] UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Alan R. Osborn – President

Cell: 949.633.4667 Website: E-mail: [email protected]


Temple Beth Tikvah 1600 North Acacia Avenue Fullerton, California 92831


The Scroll is published monthly by

TEMPLE BETH TIKVAH 1600 N. Acacia, Fullerton, CA 92831

Rabbi Nico Socolovsky

Director of Community Engagement & Communication Miriam Van Raalte

Director of Education Natalie Wirtzer

Manager of Temple Administration Erica Lambert Bookkeeper

Michelle Vasquez Custodians

Guillermo Alvarez Narda Alvarez

Anthony Lambert


Henry Cohen Immediate Past President

Cindy Jacobson Executive Vice President

Lauren Simon Treasurer

Jeff Frederick Secretary

Marty Baker-Jordan Education Vice President

Evelyn Bell Facilities Vice Presidents

Steve Belasco Ronnie Henderson

Membership Vice President Anna Livits

Allison Dotan Operations Vice President

Sophia Litt

Programming Vice Presidents

Lynette Northcutt Mindy Glatstein

Publicity Vice President Robyn Scopis

Religious Practices Vice Presidents Lila Pesner

David Kirschen Tikkun Olam Vice President

Gary Gruber Ways and Means Vice President

TBD Youth Vice President

Becky Boren Sisterhood President

Bobbie Lansman Men’s Club President

Greg Spalter

The deadline for Scroll articles or advertisements is the fifteenth of the month prior to the month of publication.

Please e-mail articles to the Temple office: [email protected]. Phone: (714) 871-3535 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00-3:00 p.m.

Visit our website at Temple Beth Tikvah is affiliated with the




Issue 7 of 12

Candle-Lighting Times for July 2017

Friday, July 7 – Light Candles 7:42 p.m. (Parashat Balak )

Shabbat Ends 8:50 p.m. Friday, July 14 – Light Candles 7:45 p.m. (Parashat Pinchas)

Shabbat Ends 8:54 p.m. Friday, July 21 – Light Candles 7:48 p.m. (Parashat Matot-Masei)

Shabbat Ends 8:56 p.m. Friday, July 28 – Light Candles 7:50 p.m. (Parashat Devarim)

Shabbat Ends 8:58 p.m.

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