Page 1: From the Desk of Pastor Deb · 2020-07-06 · From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . . LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Those words become
Page 2: From the Desk of Pastor Deb · 2020-07-06 · From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . . LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Those words become

From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . .

LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liber ty, and justice for all. Those words become even more powerful and indicting in the current social and political climate. As we have dealt with COVID-19 restrictions, witnessed protests against social injustice and are hearing all of the current political campaigning, it becomes more clear...our world is broken, our nation is wounded. We need Jesus! He is our only hope of healing, freedom, restoration, true justice, and reconciliation. Let’s not grow weary in praying for our nation. And let’s take what we have been learning from Paul, to put on the mind of Christ who humbled Himself, emptied Himself, for us. The One who came as a servant and placed our needs above His and God’s will above all. We need to submit to one another…that means listen…hear…understand another’s needs and what is important to them and be willing to respond with compassion. That is true in our relationships within our families, the church and in our community…across all of those ugly barriers we put up: race, religion, position, sex, politics… “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” (Phil 2:5)

This month we are slowly beginning to open some things up. Worship services together in our church have begun! Woohoo! We are making plans to resume the Bible studies for men and women this month. GriefShare will begin on July 16th. We are hoping to start up adult Sunday School by the end of July. Our children and family ministries, especially those including food, will take a little longer to bring back. Again, I know it is too slow for some of you and too fast for others. I ask you to please be patient. We will be moving ahead cautiously, trying to care for each other...but we are moving forward!

As restrictions begin to be lifted and we experience the freedom of coming back together, let’s not ever take the privilege for granted. As Paul has instructed us, let’s everything without complaining or arguing, so that we may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which we shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the word of life…” (Philippians 2:14-16)

In His Service,

Pastor Deb

Page 3: From the Desk of Pastor Deb · 2020-07-06 · From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . . LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Those words become

Chapter-a-Day Bible 4-Year Bible Reading

Program ~ July2020

Ezekiel 23-48 1 Timothy 1-5

Giving Summary April: Budget $13,115.00; Capital $830; Sunday School, $70. May: Budget $12,390; Capital $1,145; Sunday School, $135.

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Highland Park Church of God, I am joining my prayers with yours. Our brother, Malcom, has died. They put him in isolation the very first thing because he had been on chemotherapy and had lost a lot of weight. He had been sober for 40 years and went to many AA meetings. He went to as many meetings as he could. One day I told him that he had probably helped many to stay sober. He humbly replied, “They have helped me to stay sober.” The alcoholic in AA chooses a higher power. He chose GOD. He explained that many can’t because their fathers beat them or abandoned them or they never knew their father. I will tell you more about Malcom in my next letter. We had a dear Christian lady who was 104 years old. She died recently. They don’t tell us when someone dies, but it eventually trickles down. My seating in the dining room is settled. Most of the residents have to eat in their rooms. I don’t have to because they say my table is too small. I think God had something to do with that. How can I witness when I am in my room? God does give me opportunities. I was so pleased that Debbie said “yes” to God. I was praying she would if it is God’s will. I am sure it was a difficult decision to make. Decisions like that always are. As I look back, I can see God was preparing her for a long time. She and Don are a good team. A husband and wife are a team. Why else are we told not to be unequally yoked together? Our church is so blessed! I believe God has great plans for our church! Please pray for your cross-country missionary. I have been struck with arthritis and cannot walk without my walker. It has gotten harder to get dressed. My Daddy told me to never get old, but I didn’t listen. I said, “Daddy, there is only one way to avoid that, and it is to die young.” He said, “I never thought of that!” In my last letter, I asked for prayer for Mary M. and her daughter, Cindy, who has a brain tumor and faces surgeries. I have not seen Mary since and probably never will. I promised that our church in NJ would be praying. When you or others get the urge to pray for Mary & Cindy, that is God speaking to you. Unfortunately, Satan speaks through people saying, “Everyone is doing it (they aren’t), just one won’t hurt you (it could kill you), all your friends are using it, you won’t get addicted.” I have asked many teenagers who were smoking if they ever thought of quitting, and they all said, “Yes.” I told them it is easier to stop when you are young and that I lost a brother and a sister to lung cancer. They both started smoking when they were teenagers. Don’t be afraid to speak for Jesus. Get brave and you will be surprised! Let me know what happens. Please join your prayers with ours as we pray that God keeps the virus away from our doors and that He keeps it away and STOPS it like He did in the Bible! Love to all, Peggy, Your Cross-Country Missionary

Our traditional Vacation Bible School that was originally scheduled for July of this year will not be taking place. Stay tuned for an exciting alternative!

Page 4: From the Desk of Pastor Deb · 2020-07-06 · From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . . LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Those words become

Thursdays 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Beginning July 16th

The pain of grief is one of the most intense feelings we can face. The emotional damage cuts to the soul. It can be overwhelming. You don’t have to do it alone.

We will begin a new session of GriefShare on July 16th. Grief Share provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. The group will meet weekly in the fellowship hall and includes: a video featuring leading grief recovery experts, small group discussion and a workbook to use for your own personal journaling and study.

Grief Share participants from past sessions have built lasting friendships and discovered that “we are not alone” on this journey. There is help. There are resources. We have a BIG God who is the source of all true healing, and we can have the support of friends who walk with us.

Our outreach ministries have looked different over the past several months, but I can assure you, we have not stopped faithfully praying and serving those that have need. Moving forward, things will still look different, and for now we must continue to be patient. Ronald McDonald House has fewer guests and continue to have meals delivered with no entry into the building. During the past months and again in July, they ask that we limit contact with the items entering the facility. So we will not be meeting at the church as a group, but will be sure that those at the house have a delicious, safe meal! Seeds of Hope has continued to minister to those in Camden. Lunches will begin again in July, but as with other ministries, it is best to limit contact. HOW YOU CAN HELP. . .

Continue to faithfully pray! Create 3 x 5 cards with inspirational sayings/scripture. Collect can tabs for RMH to be collected at a future date. Make snack bags Decorate bags for SHAN.

Contact Cindy Kumpel if you are looking for ways to serve or for more

information: 856-939-4797.

Page 5: From the Desk of Pastor Deb · 2020-07-06 · From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . . LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Those words become


Please join us in collecting usable clothing items to be donated to those in need.

Our church uses the money raised to help other charities, so it is a

win/win for everyone!

Donations Include: Wearable clothing, shoes, handbags, belts, scarves, ties, hats, bedding, curtains, tablecloths, towels and stuffed animals.

Please start collecting at your homes and we will let you know when items can be dropped off at the youth house, sometime in June!

A & E Clothing Corp. will sort and ship items to the Marian Center Charity with shelters throughout New Jersey and will then send items overseas. A donation is made to our church just for collecting!

Thank you for your donations!

Items must be placed in closed

trash bags.

Items due Sept. 2020!

Proceeds to benefit outreach


Page 6: From the Desk of Pastor Deb · 2020-07-06 · From the Desk of Pastor Deb . . . LET FREEDOM RING! July is a celebration of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Those words become

Anchor of Hope: Unity Picnic Church of God in the East July 25, 2020 10am-3pm Camp at Cannon Hill Lunch 11am-1pm Worship to Follow

*If your church has a worship team, choir or drama team that is interested in participating in the worship service please contact Cindy Kumpel prior to July 18


*Please bring your favorite dessert or ice cream topping if you can. *Suggested donations: $10, $5 for kids under 10. *482 Englesville Road, Boyertown, PA 19512

R.S.V.P by July 10th


Cindy Kumpel, 856-939-4797 or

[email protected]

The Unity Picnic is tentatively scheduled for this year. Please watch for further details, including if this event will not be able to take place this year. Please keep this event and those who are

planning it in your prayers.

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