Page 1: Front Cover Analysis 2

The main image is an image of Taylor Swift, who is mentioned in the main headline of this magazine as well. She is being represented as happy and friendly, because of her facial expression and body language; she looks inviting to the magazine which makes the readership want to buy it. The image is made to look like she is singing into a hairbrush, something that the young target audience would be able to relate to as they probably do it at home when they’re dancing around their bedroom. Swift is also a big artist within the pop industry, and has a big fan base; this would attract the fans of her music to buy the magazine.

The masthead immediately tells us the genre of music that this magazine is about by calling it ‘we pop’. The heart is used instead of a word so it is more visually attractive, and this relates to the target audience as they’d be more interested in images and abbreviations because of their young age. The heart is pink to interest the young girls, and to make it stand out in shops. The title of the magazine is in capital letters to make it bold and will catch the eye of potential readers. A simple font is used so the magazine doesn’t look too crowded and unappealing.

In a bigger version of the shape in the top right hand corner, almost like a large puff, of the magazine is ‘Zing into Spring’– this adds rhyming words into the magazine to make it sound more appealing to buy. This is a fashion section, and tells the readership that if they buy the magazine, they could have the best outfits. This would interest young girls because they’re usually interested in fashion and looking good.

Page 2: Front Cover Analysis 2

The puff is centre of the magazine, and is red with yellow writing, and this helps to attract the audience to the magazine. ‘Style snoop’ is written around the side of the puff, suggesting that its exclusive to this magazine. Nicole Scherzinger is well known, and young girls would love to look like her, so buying this magazine would interest them as they get to see her wardrobe.

The main sell-line mentions Taylor, who is also the main image on the magazine. It says ‘Her first interview since Harry!, and this draws in the audience to buy the magazine because they’ll think that Taylor is telling things that no one else has been told and so they have to be first to know the gossip. The exclamation mark is used at the end to emphasise it, and show the importance. It is placed on the main image, and is large so it will be one of the first things that the readership’s eye will see. Pink, white and black are used so they stand out.

The bottom of the magazine has ’10 posters every issue’, which links to the target audience because young girls usually have posters on their bedroom walls of their favourite artists; it will also interest them in buying the magazine because they would want these posters, and especially for free. The magazine is made more visual by showing images of some of the posters they’re going to receive if they purchase it. Yellow and pink are used, to show continuity throughout the magazine.

The yellow puff in the top left hand corner has ‘WIN!’ written in big letters, and tells you what you have the chance of winning if you buy the magazine. The exclamation mark gives a sense of excitement in the magazine, and relates to the fun genre of pop. Young people like chocolate, and so having the chance to win it would attract them to buying the magazine, likewise with Harry Styles, because he is popular within the pop genre.

Page 3: Front Cover Analysis 2

Around the masthead it says ‘Boys uncensored!’ and ‘Don’t bore us. Get to the chorus’. This appeals the readership because young girls are interested in boys, and ‘uncensored’ tells the audience that they’re going to be giving all the details and not hiding anything. ‘Don’t bore us. Get to the chorus’ uses rhyme to suggest the magazine is all about fun stuff and nothing boring, and this relates to the fun genre of pop. Pink, white and black are used again to show continuity between the magazine, and these are also colours that will stand out and attract young girls to the magazine when it’s in a shop next to hundreds of other magazines.

The puff in the right hand corner of this issue of ‘we pop’ says ‘101 unbelievable one direction facts’ which would immediately interest the readership to buying the magazine; one direction are a very big band within the pop genre with a large fan base. The word ‘unbelievable’ has been used to appeal to the audience and make them want to buy this issue straight away because they’ll want to know the facts that are so shocking. White and pink are used again with ‘unbelievable’ in black so it stands out and puts emphasis on that word so reader’s don’t miss it.

There is a list of artist and band names within the pop genre on the right hand side of the magazine, which will interest the readership because it shows that many different artists are featuring in the magazine, and so it would be worth the money. Yellow and white are used to follow the brand identity of the magazine. It is written in list form so that there is not too much writing on the front cover, because that would make the audience bored and un-interested in buying the magazine.

Page 4: Front Cover Analysis 2

On the left hand side of this magazine is three different insights of articles that will be in the magazine. ‘Union J shocker!’ is the first one, with an image of one the band members. A quote from the article is used underneath the sell-line to interest the reader; because they’ve read that line, they have to find out what happened after, and therefore they have to buy the magazine. The second sell-line says ‘Justin Scandal!’, and this would interest the readership because Justin is huge in the pop industry, and ‘scandal’ has been capitalised to emphasise it. ‘Did he spit in a girl’s drink?’ is written underneath, and this makes people want to know what really happened so they’ll buy the magazine. The third sell-line says ‘JLS exclusive!’ and has ‘Arguments, abs and America’ written underneath, and so alliteration is used to attract the reader to buying the magazine. ‘Shocker’, ‘scandal’ and ‘exclusive’ have been used to emphasis the articles, and interest readers to make them want to buy it. ‘Exclusive’ suggests that this is the only place they will find that information, and this makes the reader’s definitely buy the magazine. Exclamation marks have been used on each sell-line to emphasis that the articles will have all the latest gossip so they should purchase the magazine. These sell-lines are also in the left hand third so eyes will go directly to that part of the magazine.

Direct address has been used on this magazine front cover to tell the audience that this is the magazine for them, as it refers to them personally. All the artists in the images, including the main image, are giving eye contact directly to readers. Words like ‘us’ are used, to make the magazine feel like your friend, and that the magazine will always ‘be there for you’ and will always be there to provide the best and latest gossip/news that would interest young girls.

Page 5: Front Cover Analysis 2

The colours used on this magazine are mainly yellow, pink, and white which are very feminine colours, and white represents innocence which relates to the young target audience. This colour scheme is kept through all the issues of ‘ we pop’, to maintain it’s brand identity. Bright colours are also used to reflect the fun personality of the pop genre.

The layout of every issue is kept like this, which again, maintains the brand identity of the magazine. The sell-lines are placed in the left hand third so the reader’s eye goes straight to them, and persuades them to buy the magazine. The layout is used to make the front cover of the magazine visually attractive to the audience, which is suitable for the young target audience, as they don’t want to see lots of writing.

The fonts are also kept the same on each issue to maintain brand identity. Simple fonts are used to ensure the magazine doesn’t look too overdone, and so the front cover looks effective.

I think this front cover is effect because it includes information of what and who will be in the magazine, and the colours used make the front cover attractive. I think it will be successful in drawing in the target audience because its so visually attractive, and pink is the dominant colour used which is most young girl’s favourite colours.

I chose this magazine to analyse because it is a well-known magazine within the pop genre, and it gives me ideas of how to layout my magazine.

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