
PowerPoint Presentation

Image result for horror backgroundFront Cover Features

Image result for horror backgroundThis was the initial layout I chose for the magazine cover, as I was inspired by magazines such as Fangoria and Horror Hound. Even though I chose to create a Total Film magazine, I decided to follow conventions of the 2 magazines shown on the right, as they both only feature horror films. I especially like the film strip effect on the top magazine, as it evidently shows to the audience that the magazine specifically looks at films. Hence, I decided to incorporate this idea into my own magazine, which was supposed to be on the left. Therefore, I thought of taking the main image of the antagonist by asking her to hold up a black cloth, as I only wanted half of her face in the image. However, when all the features were put in place, I didnt think the magazine cover looked very eye-catching, hence, I decided to ask some of my peers, who were also my target audience, whether or not they liked the cover. From the responses I received, I realised that the main image I chose wasnt very powerful and didnt; bring out the magazine cover as I wanted it to. Furthermore, I was also given the suggestion to look at Total Film house styles and refer to it when choosing the main image, as well as where to place the features. I took this feedback into consideration and decided to completely change the layout of my magazine cover.

Image result for horror magazinesImage result for horror magazines

Image result for horror backgroundFrom the feedback received, I firstly decided to retake pictures of the antagonist. In order to find out which image looked the most effective, we asked some our target audience about which looked the most appealing. Thereafter, when we had chosen our final main image for the magazine cover, I decided to manipulate the image to make it stand out even more and look scary at the same time. In order to manipulate it, I changed the levels of the image to make it look a bit darker, as I wanted the antagonists face to look mysterious. Then, I enlarged the original image to fit the page size, as I wanted the villain's face to be the centre of attention.

Image result for horror backgroundThis was the layout I created for the magazine cover, after taking inspiration from Total Film house style. I noticed that Total Film magazines typically had film names of upcoming/released movies, hence, I chose to include this at the top of the cover, above the magazine name. The font I used for this was TW Cen MT bold, as it looked fairly simple. However, due to the background and the text both being white, I decided to add some effects to it, such as Bevel and Emboss, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow and Drop Shadow. This resulted in making the font pop and look more clearer than before. The Total Film font was taken from Google Images, which I resized to fit the page. The date of the magazine and issue number consists of the font Myriad Pro Condensed, which looked very appealing due to the thin letters. For the website of the magazine, I decided to use the same font but added a bold effect to it, so that the web address is more prominent. For the headings of the coverlines, I used the font Myriad pro Bold Condensed again, as I wanted my front cover to look cohesive. The colour of the text was yellow, as it really stood out and attracted the audience. The subheadings however, were a different font as I used TW Cen MT Bold, as both the fonts worked well together. I chose the same shade of red for this as I did for my other products (poster and trailer). Also, because it was such a bold colour, it complimented the darkness of the main image in the background. We also decided to change font for the our film name from the font chosen from, to Vani Bold. We chose to do this as this font was very similar to the film The Conjuring, from which we took inspiration. Furthermore, I concluded that this font looked much better than the one before, mainly due to its simplicity. I also decided to include a rectangle incorporated with the text, World Exclusive. I used the font TW Cen MT Bold for this and included this as I wanted to create an incentive for my target audience. I also added effects to this Bevel and Emboss and Drop Shadow, as I wanted the text to stand out. Below the film name, I added a pull quote in the font Myriad Pro Bold Condensed, however, I used a bigger size and a different colour for the name of the girl playing the role of the antagonist. I did this as I wanted the actresss name to stand out, which would intrigue the viewer further.

O:\2016-17 A2 Media Classes yr13\Maleeha and Aliza\Maleeha and Aliza horror mag NEW FINAL .jpg

Image result for horror backgroundThis was the final magazine cover for our film. For this I made a few slight changes such as removing the puff which read World Exclusive. I made this decision as I felt it made the magazine not look as similar to the house style of Total Film. Also, I received feedback from same of my target audience regarding their views on the new layout, as compared to the initial one. The opinions of my target audience suggested that the puff looked a bit random and wasnt too necessary. Therefore, I chose to remove it.

Another change I made was by cropping the cross graphic on the bottom left of the cover, as by doing this is resembled to a crucifix. In my opinion, this was very effective as it related to the genre of our film and furthermore, this iconography was also used throughout the 2 other products created. I also decided to move the barcode to the bottom of the magazine, as before it was near the coverlines and made the magazine look cluttered overall. By changing the position of the barcode, the magazine looked much spaced out.

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