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Daniel Morris Newspaper Front Cover Analysis

Here we can see an attractive model

placed in the upper right hand corner.

The fairly large image would

stereotypically attract men to the

newspaper. It is placed by a red

banner, an eye-catching colour that

represents love and lust etc; this suits

the model in the way that it will be

generally attracting men to the paper.

A very large Main Article title is

used; it is in a much larger,

bolder font than the newspaper.

This may be attracting readers

who are more into the stories

and current situations rather

than those who buy the paper

because it is the “London

Evening Standard” out of


The main image conveys the

personality and the housestyle of the

newspaper rather well. The colours in

the image match the ones used both at

the top and the bottom of the page,

showing consistency.

It is formal, represents a mature age

and is dealing with important matters.

The image conveys importance by the

serious look on his face, the dark suit

and the seemingly important booklet

he is holding. Because of this potential

reader will not even have to know who

the man is in order to know that the

topic is very serious.

There is a fairly large advertisement banner across the bottom of the page, I find this strange as they are

choosing this over something else, for example, a contents bar. However there aren’t any other advertisements

on the front page, so I can understand why they would have to place a large advertisement here. The adverts

colour scheme also seems to go very well with the colour scheme of the paper, so it flows rather well and is a

good choice for the paper.

Two smaller Sub-headlines are

used in a much smaller font;

they are easily visible from a

distance. This is a good way of

giving a very brief idea of what

the article is about.

I think that the Masthead is

rather small, yet because of its

unique style it is still effective

and clearly visible.

I have also noticed that the

date, website + slogan are in

their conventional positions.

Page 2: Front page analyses

Daniel Morris Newspaper Front Cover Analysis

A competition in the upper corner is

highlighted in red, with bold and

capital text – drawing plenty of


The first word used is “Win” instantly

attracting readers to this section as

everybody likes to win.

The masthead is rather large, on a par

with or slightly smaller than the main

Article Headline. This is a good thing

as many regular newspaper readers

choose their paper based off which

newspaper company wrote it. With

the Masthead so large, this will attract

many readers. I also like the way in

with the website and price of the

paper has been worked around the


A very shocking and distressing Main

Article Headline has been used to pull

on the heartstrings of potential

readers. This has been constructed in

a way to engage readers emotionally,

making them want to find out more

about the tragic story. – Especially

those involving death and loss.

The Headline itself is in a very large

font, possibly slightly bigger than the

Masthead. It is in a bold white,

drawing attention from far away.

The images used suit the story’s

Headline very well, a clearly upset

woman seemingly fighting back the

tears conveys a very strong sense of

pain and distress. The image below of

a baby is not a happy one, this keeps

in with the flow of the Article. The

way in which the two images overlap

represents a clear connection

between the two, urging potential

readers to find out more about the

connection and why they are

serious/saddening pictures.

We can clearly tell the emphasis on

stories throughout the front page as

there are no clear advertisements;

only one competition is included.

There are multiple short introductions to articles placed throughout the paper,

including a contents bar stretching across the entire bottom of the page.

I like this as it adds a certain amount of information about this particular paper

before a reader has even turned a page.

Page 3: Front page analyses

Daniel Morris Newspaper Front Cover Analysis

Initial burst of red at the top page excites the

mind, thoughts of danger immediately ensue.

The lighter gradient of the colouring points

towards the title of the paper and the main

article of the front page. This creates a natural

curiosity towards the rest of the page.

Involved are questions, all of them are relevant

and directly affect the audience. Instantly

provoking the reader into feeling somewhat

angry or threatened; this makes them think

about the story and want to read more.

A stereotypically well thought out newspaper title

includes features such as alliteration to instantly

captivate and entertain the audience. Or anger

them as the case may be. This is clearly present.

The picture used to display Osborne is less

than flattering; they have used this particular

image to convey the idea that he is far from

perfect. The expression on his face is a

mixture of idiocy and evil, this relates with

the main title of the story.

The name and logo of the paper is

sandwiched between two of the

largest stories in the paper almost

signifying its importance.

The name and logo itself follow a

similar ethos and style, the font mixed

in with the boldness of it really makes

the title stand out from the rest of the

text on the page.

The entire image of the front cover

presents a very formal appearance

with the use of bold and simple

colours, a man in a suit and very

formal text fonts.

A Byline is used in order to credit the

journalist. If the particular journalist was

somewhat famous then it would encourage

people to read the article in a positive light,

in the favour of the writer

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