
Certificate SGS-COC-007776

Tlrc manaçment system of ffi"h¡ scs

Bakker Dé Houthandel B,V.Oostenrijzend 1a,

Hoogkarspel, 1616 LE, Netherlands

has been assessed and certified as meeling the requiæmenb of


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for the products detailed in the scope below

Purchase and saþs otsott- an¿ hardwood timber, board materials and doors(FSG Pure, FSC Mixed) using thetransftrsystem.

This ærtificate is valid from 28 June 2010 until 27 June 2015lssue 1. certified since


Autnrised by


SGS Souh Afica (Pty) Ltd, Qualifor ProgrammeP0 Box 82582 Souürdale 2135, 58 Melvil¡ Street Booysens Johannesbug 2091 Souh Rfiica

t +27 (0) 1't 681:2537 f +27 (0)'l 1 6S1-2543 wìfoi.sos.coriúoualitur

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äffi ff i$å#H.:: ffi ffi *H#Thls cerlificaþ ihelf dæs mt ænst¡t¡ts svirsnæ thal a partixllar producl sppl¡ed by tr€ cstificab hokhr b Fso+rlifi6d lor FSC Cmtol€d Woodl.

Produeb ofießd, shþp€d ot sH by ho csrlilcate hoHer æn only bs ænsÍrêßd oovs{þd by üs €copo ol ûk ærüûcate when bs ¡squirsd FSC daÍrr lsdèárlyslalod on ltìvoþ€s and shlppirìg doüJmonb

Thb ædiîcals Emahs üìs propenyofscs ard slEll b6 rotumod upon ro0uest

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FSC Trad€marftg 1996Forest Stffirdshlp Cenct AC.


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