  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Fundamentals of

    Combustions andCombustion equipment

    Lecture # 9 to 12

    Mujahid Mehdi Abro Indus University Karachi

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment



    The purpose of any combustion contro system is tosafey and e!cienty maintain the desired boieroutput "ithout the need for constant operatorattention Therefore$ the combustion process inside

    the furnace must be controed "hie the boier outputchan%es in response to oad demands The basicprincipe of combustion contro is to meet the boieroad re&uirements re%uatin% the &uantities of fue andair "hie achievin% optimum combustion and

    maintainin% safe conditions for operators ande&uipment

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Combustion Pin!iples

    'ombustion is the rapid o(idation of materia )the fue* toreease ener%y )heat* The fue can be a soid$ i&uid or %as$and the amount of heat reeased is normay e(pressed in+TUs )+ritish therma units*

    The o(y%en re&uired to reease the ener%y from the fuenormay comes from the air and represents 2,9- of thenorma atmosphere

    'ombustion is a rapid chemica combination of o(y%enand

    the combustibe eements of a fue"ith a resutin% reeaseof heat 'ombustion is an e(othermic )heat producin%*reaction .f the three major combustibe eements in anyfossi fue$ carbon$ hydro%en$ and sufur$ ony the /rst t"ohave si%ni/cance as a source of heat
  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Combustion Po!essAs the combustion process ta0es pace in thefurnace$ o(y%enin the combustion aircombines

    chemicay "ith the carbon and hydro%en in thefue to produce heat The amount of air thatcontains enou%h o(y%en to combine "ith a thecombustibe matter in the fue is caed the

    stoichiometric vaue or theoretica air

    It is improbabe for every moecue of fue thatenters the furnace to combine chemicay "ith

    o(y%en or this reason$ it is necessary toprovide more air than the stoichiometricre&uirement or most boiers$ it is customary toprovide 3 to 2, percent more air that thestoichiometric re&uirement to ensure competecombustion This additiona air is caed e(cess
  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Combustion Po!ess

    Three basic eements are re&uired forcombustion to occur4

    ue)a combustibe materia*

    .(y%enin su!cient &uantity to supportcombustion

    5u!cient heatto brin% the fue to itsi%nition temperature and 0eep it there

    If an# of t"ese !onditions $eeemo%ed& t"ee $ould no lon'e be a(e) T"is is t#pi!all# demonstatedusin' a (e tian'le)
  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment



    fo Boiles5impy stated$ to be%in the combustion process re&uires fue$ heat and )air* o(y%en "ith the

    ma0e6up of the air bein% about 21- o(y%en$ 78- nitro%en$ and appro(imatey 1-misceaneous %ases 5o it is ony the o(y%en that is used in combustion$ and the baance ofthe air is aon% for the ride This is "hy it is important to imit the amount of e(cess air$ butsti have enou%h to compete o(idation eavin% enou%h e(cess to 0eep the combustionprocess safe

    To do this$ "e need a su!cient air suppy to support combustion "hie 0eepin% the boier roompositive reative to atmospheric pressure e don:t "ant the room to %o ne%ative as this coudimpact the chemica reaction$ not ao"in% for fu o(idation$ resutin% in considerabe carbonmono(ide )'.* formation rather than the formation of carbon dio(ide )'.2* referenced above

    hen determinin% boier room air re&uirements foo"in% parameters must be revie"ed4

    The si;e of the room


  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment



    2C + O2 2CO + LESS HEAT




    C OC O


  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment



    C + O2 CO2+ HEAT







    2H2 + O2 2H20 + HEAT

    H H


    H H







  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Bunes and Contols

    +urners are the devices responsibe for4

    >roper mi(in% of fue and air in the correctproportions$ for e!cient and competecombustion

    ?eterminin% the shape and direction of the

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Bunes t#pe

    Oil BunesAs previousy mentioned$ oi must beatomi;ed for optima combustion

    The abiity to burn fue oi e!cientyre&uires a hi%h fue surface area6to6voume ratio

    @ach of the burner types uses a no;;eto provide the spray of i&uid fue Therate of combustion is imited byvapori;ation of the i&uid fue The%reater the surface area of the fue$the %reater the combustion capabiity
  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Pessue +et Bunes

    A pressure jet burner is simpy an o;;e atthe end of a pressuri;ed tube

    In the operatin% ran%e$ the substantiapressure drop created over the no;;e "hen

    the fue is dischar%ed into the furnaceresuts in atomi;ation of the fue

    Ad%anta'es of pessue ,et bunes-

    Beativey o" cost

    5impe to maintain

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    *ota# Cup Bunes

    In a rotary cup burner $ fue oi issuppied do"n a centra tube$ and

    dischar%es onto the inside surface of arapidy rotatin% cone +ecause the

    atomi;ation is produced by the rotatin%cup$ rather than by some function of the

    fue oi )e%$ pressure*$ the turndo"nratio is much %reater than the pressure

    jet burner

    5ome advanta%es of rotary cup burners

    are that they are robust$ have a %oodturndo"n ratio$ and fue viscosityis esscritica The major disadvanta%e of

    rotary cup burners is they are more

    e(pensive to buy and maintain
  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment



    At present$ %as is probaby the most common fue used in thefaciities Atomi;ation is not an issue "ith a %as$ and proper mi(in% of%as "ith the appropriate amount of air is a that is re&uired forcombustion T"o types of %as burners in use are o"6pressure andhi%h6pressure

    Lo$/Pessue BuneThese operate at o"6pressure$ usuay bet"een 23 and 1, mbar Theburner is a simpe venturi device "ith %as introduced in the throatarea and combustion airbein% dra"n in from around the outside
  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    0i'"/Pessue Bune

    These operate at hi%her pressures$ usuay bet"een 12 and 173mbar$ and may incude a number of no;;es to produce a particuar

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment



    An ade&uate

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Fo!ed Daftorced draft boiers operate "iththe air and combustion products

    maintained above atmosphericpressure ans at the inet to theboier system$ caed forced draft)?* fans$ provide su!cient

    pressure to force the air and

  • 7/24/2019 Fundamentals of Combustions and Combustion Equipment


    Balan!e Daft

    +aanced draft boiers have a forced draftfan at theboier inet and an induced draft fan at the systemoutet This reduces both

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