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Page 1: Gasket Handbook

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Page 2: Gasket Handbook




Subject PageIntroduction , , , , , ,.., , ,..,... , , 2

Section I . Design , ,..., , . 3WhyGaskets Are Used , , , ... ..., ... ... ... , .., .., ,..,.. ,...,..,..3

Effecting a Seal , , ..", , ' , 3

Gasket Seating , " , , , , , , , ,.., ,..,... 3Table 1 -Gasket Materialsand Contact Facings 4Table 2 -EffectiveGasket Width ,..., ,.., 5 '

Table 3 - Gasket Seating Surface Finishes , : 6-7Forces Actingon a Gasketed Joint 8BoltLoad Formulas , , ...,... ,... ,.., , , ".., 8NotationSymbols and Definitions ' ,' ' ' 9Table 4 -MaximumSg Values , , 9Example Sample Gasket Calculation - Steam Service 10Section II. Selection , " " .." 11Selecting.the ProperGasketMaterial , ,.., , ,.., ,.., ,.., , 11Non-MetallicGasketMaterials " ,.., , 11MetallicGasket Materials , , '..., 13MetalGaskets ,.., , ,...,...,... , ,.., , 15Solid MetalGaskets , ,.., ",.., ,..." 15MetalJacketed Gaskets , , ", 17MetalClad and Solid Metal Heat Exchanger Gaskets 20Heat Exchanger Gaskets - Standard Shape Index , 21Spiral Wound Gaskets , , " , ,..,.., 22SizingSpiralWoundGaskets , , , , 22Flange Surface Finishes. , , , ,...' 23Available Spiral Seal Styles , , , , , , 23Section III . Installation , , , ,.. 26Installation and Maintenance Tips , " '",..,..,..,26

Gasket Installation Procedures ,... ,.. ,..,26Bolt Torque Sequence. ' , , ...,..,.., ,..,.., ,... 27TorqueValues , , , , ,..,..,...~ , , , 28Trouble Shooting Leaking Joints , , ,.., ,.., ,.., ,.29

Manway Problems? . , ,... ,.. , ,.., ,...,..,..,.30Manway Application Information Sheet ,...,..., , ,.., , 31Other Problem Areas , , , ...;.."" , 32

Section IV-Appendix , 33ASME Section VIII, Div. I - Design Consideration for Bolted Flange Connections 33Chemical Resistance Chart - Gasket Metals "... 35Maximum Service Temperatures - Gasket Metals 37Chemical Resistance Chart - Vegetable Fiber Sheet 37SoftSheetGasketDimensions ,.., , ,..,.. , ', ,.. ,.., 38Chemical Resistance Chart - Grafoil@ " 40Circumferences and Areas of Circles 41Torque Required to Produce Bolt Stress 45Bolting Materials - Stress Table 1 , 46Bolting Data for Standard Flanges " 47


Page 3: Gasket Handbook


The cost of leaky joints in industry today is staggering. Out-of-pocketcosts run into billions of dollars annually in lost production, waste of energy,loss of product and, most recently, impact on the environment. Theseproblems are increasing, not decreasing. It behooves all of us to consoli-date our knowledge and experience to solve or at least minimize theseproblems. This publication is being produced because we, as gasketmanufacturers and suppliers, are constantly called upon to solve sealingproblems after the fact. Toooften we find insufficient time and attention hasbeen given to:

. proper design of flanged joint

. installation procedures and

. selection of the optimum gasket material required to solve aparticular sealing problem.

We will endeavor to outline in this publication those areas we believe tobe essential in a properly designed, installed and m"aintainedgasketedjoint.

We believe most people involved with the design, installation, and main-tenance of gasketed joints realize that no such thing as "zero" leakage canbe achieved. Whether or not a joint is "tight" depends on the sophisticationof the methods used to measure leakage. In certain applications thedegree of leakage may be perfectly acceptable if one drop of water perminute is noted at the gasketed joint. Other requirements are that nobubbles would be observed if the gasketed joint was subjected to an air orgas test underwater and a still more stringent inspection would requirepassing a mass spectrometer test. The rigidity of the test method would bedetermined by:

. the hazard of the material being confined

. loss of critical materials in a process flow

. impact on the environment should a particular fluid escape into theatmosphere

. danger of fire or of personal injuryAll of these factors dictate proper attention must be given to:

. design of flange joints or closures

. proper selection of gasket type

. proper gasket material

. proper installation proceduresCare in these areas will ensure that the best technology goes into the

total package and will minimize operating costs, pollution of the environ-ment and hazards to employees and the general public.




Page 4: Gasket Handbook


Gaskets are used to create a static seal between twostationary members of a mechanical assembly and tomaintain that seal under operating conditions whichmay vary dependent upon changes in pressures andtemperatures. If it were possible to haveperfectly matedflanges and if it were possible to maintain an intimatecontact of these perfectly mated flanges throughoutthe extremes of operating conditions, a gasket wouldnot be required. This is virtually an impossibility eitherbecause of

. the size of the vessel and/or the flanges

. the difficulty in maintaining such extremely smoothflange finishes during handling and assembly

. corrosion and erosion of the flange surfaces duringoperations.

As a consequence, relatively inexpensive gaskets areused to provide the sealing element in these mechanicalassemblies. In most cases, the gasket provides a sealby external forces flowing the gasket material into theimperfections between the mating surfaces. It followsthen that in a properly designed gasket closure, threemajor considerations must be taken into account inorder for a satisfactory seal to be achieved.

. Sufficient force must be available to initially seat thegasket. Stating this another way, adequate meansmust be provided to flow the gasket into the imper-fections in the gasket seating surfaces.. Sufficient forces must be available to maintain aresidualstresson the gasket underoperating condi-tions to ensure that the gasket will be in intimatecontact with the gasket seating surfaces to preventblow-by or leakage.

. The selection of the gasket material must be suchthat it will withstand the pressures exerted againstthe gasket, satisfactorily resist the entire tempera-ture range to which the closure will be exposed andwithstand corrosive attack of the confined medium.



EFFECTING A SEALA seal is affectedby compressing the gasket material

and causing it to flow into the imperfections on thegasket seating surfaces so that intimate contact is madebetween the gasket and the gasket seating surfacespreventing the escape of the confined fluid. Basicallythere are four differentmethods that may be used eithersinglyor incombination to achieve this unbroken barrier.

. Compression (Figure 1). This is by far the mostcommon method of effecting a seal on a flange jointand the compression force is normally applied bybolting.

. Attrition (Figure 2). Attrition is a combination of adragging action combined with compression suchas in a spark plug gasket where the spark plug isturned down on a gasket that is both compressedand screwed into the flange.


. By heat, such as in the case of sealing a bell andspigot joint on cast iron pipe by means of moltenlead. Note, however, that after the molten lead ispoured, it is tamped into place using a tamping tooland a hammer.

. Gasket lip expansion. This is a phenomenon thatwould occur due to edge swelling when the gasketwould be affected by confined fluid, as in the case ofelastomeric compounds affected by the confinedfluids, such as solvents, causing the gasket materialto swell and increase the interaction of the gasketagainst the flange faces.

Generally, gaskets are called upon to effect a sealacross the faces of contact with the flanges. Perme-ation of the media through the body of the gasket isalso a possibility depending on material, confined me-dia, and acceptable leakage rate.

GASKET SEATINGThere are two major factors to be considered with

regard to gasket seating.The first is the gasket material itself. 'The ASME

Unfired Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1defines minimum design seating stresses for a variety ofgasket materials. These design seating stresses rangefrom zero psi for so-called self-sealing gasket typessuch as low durometer elastomers and O-rings to26,000 psi to properly seat solid flat metal gaskets.Between these two extremes there are a multitude ofmaterials available to the designer enabling himto makea selection based upon the specific operating conditionsunder investigation. Table No.1 indicates the morepopular types of gaskets covered by ASME UnfiredPressure Vessel Code. (can't on page 6)


Page 5: Gasket Handbook


*The surface of a gasket having a lap should be against the smooth surface of the facing and not against the nubbin.

Reprinted with permission of ASME





Gasket Factors (m) for Operating Conditions and Minimum Design Seating Stress (y)NOTE: This table gives a list of many commonly used gasket materials and contact facings with suggested designvalues of m and y that have generally proved satisfactory in actual service when using effective gasket seating

Refer to Table

width b given in Table UA-49.2. The design values and other details given in this table are suggested only and areUA-49.2

not mandatory.Min.

design Sketches UseGasket seating and facing Use

Gasket material factor stress notes sketch columnm y (psi)

Self-Energizing types0 Rings. Metallic. Elastomer other gasket types 0 0 - - -

considered as self-sealing -

Elastomerswithout fabric.

Below 75 Shore Durometer 0.50 0

75 or higher Shore Durometer 1.00 200

Elastomers with cotton fabric insertion 1.25 400 1 (a, b, c, d)4, 5

Vegetable fiber 1.75 1100

Carbon --- IISpiral-wound metal, with nonmetallic filler Stainless or 3.00 10000 r}

Monel 1 (a, b)

Corrugated metal,Soft Aluminum 2.50 2900

Soft copper or brass 2.75 3700double jacketed with Iron or soft steel 3.00 4500nonmetallic filler Monel or 4-6% chrome 3.25 5500 ,

Stainless steels .. 3.50_- J..-- 6500..-Soft aluminum 2.75 3700

Soft copper or brass 3.00 4500 \<Corruga1ed metal Iron or soft steel 3.25 5500

\..-.-.1 (a, b, c, d)

Monel or 4-6% chrome 3.50 6500Stainless steels 3.75 7600Softaluminum 3.25 5500 (Soft copper or brass 3.50 6500

Flat metal jacketed with Iron or soft steel 3.75 7600 1a, 1b, 1c*,nonmetallic filler Monel 3.50 8000


4-6% chrome 3.75 9000Stainless steels 3.75 9000

Soft aluminum 3.25 5500Soft copper or brass 3.50 6500

Grooved metal Iron or soft steel 3.75 7600 1 (a, b, c, d)Monel or 4-6% chrome 3.75 9000 2,3Stainless steels 4.25 10100

Soft aluminum 4.00 8800Soft copper or brass 4.75 13000

Solid flat metal Iron or soft steel 5.50 18000 1 (a, b, c, d)Monel or 4-6°/ chrome 6.00 21800 -.--.II 2,3,4,5Stainless steels 6.50 26000 IIron or soft steel 5.50 18000

Ring joint Monel or 4-6% chrome 6.00 21800 6Stainless steels 6.50 26000

Page 6: Gasket Handbook

'-'TABLE UA~49.2



Facing Sketch

~~~~ggerated- '/."c> ;;>;,;;%\'////////////

;;;;;;~~;;' "N' ,"-,;;>?;

;:c;/,;;»///0J0~~;;;; .~

Basic Gasket Seating Width, bColumn I I Column II






~1c S';v;c;




;>;;~- r:~" ';;'E1J~"';;i8S

1/64" Nubbin !~, "~';;>;~1 -


w<.N w ; T; (W : N max) w ; T; (w : N ma1



4w +3N


3 ~ ~""'",~",,"',.' ""vI '" '"".,/"r----

1/64" Nubbin: I ~ ... -/(// //«01;:':"l~f.J~/"l""l"




"-'"4* ~~



-~ .'" .,,+://,c/


5* ~





Effective Gasket Seating Width, aba

b = boowhen bo ~ 114in.

b = ~ . when bo > 114in.2

Location of Gasket Load Reaction



°F~'C~O~!~~ !

--~ b 1--- I


G ---1-- hG ---I,<l Gasket

It FaceNOTE: The gasket factorslisted only apply to flangedjoints in which the gasket iscontained entirely within theinner edges of the bolt holes.'-'

*Where serrations do not exceed 1/64 in. depth and 1/32 in. width spacing, sketches 1b and 1d shall be used.

Reprinted with permission of ASME 5

Page 7: Gasket Handbook

(con't from page 3)The second major factor to take into consideration must

be the surface finish of the gasket seating surface. As ageneral rule, it is necessary to have a relatively roughgasket seating surface for elastomeric and PTFE gasketson the order of magnitude of 500 microinches. Solid metalgaskets normally require a surface finish not rougher than63 microinches. Semi-metallic gaskets such as spiral-wound fall between these two general types. The reasonfor the difference is that with non-metallic gaskets suchas rubber, there must be sufficient roughness on thegasket seating surfaces to bite into the gasket therebypreventing excessive extrusion and increasing resistanceto gasket blowout. In the case of solid metal gaskets, ex-tremely high unit loads are required to flow the gasketinto imperfections on the gasket seating surfaces. Thisrequires that the gasket seating surfaces be as smooth

as possible to ensure an effective seal. Spiral-woundgaskets, which have become extremely popular in thelast fifteen to twenty years, do require some surfaceroughness to prevent excessive radial slippage of thegasketundercompression.The characteristicsof the typeof gasket being used dictate the proper flange surfacefinish that must be taken intoconsideration by the flangedesigner and there is no such thing as a single optimumgasketsurfacefinishfor all types of gaskets.The problemof the proper finish for gasket seating surface is furthercomplicated by the type of the flange design. For exam-ple a totally enclosed facing such as tongue and groovewill permit the use of a much smoother gasket seatingsurface than can be tolerated with a raised face.

Table3 includes recommendationsfor normal finishesfor the various types of gaskets.




Gasket Descrigtion

Flat - Non-Metallic

Flat - Metallic' SEE NOTE 1

Corrugated metal

Corrugated metal with soft filler

Metal jacketed gaskets

NOTE: This table gives a list of suggested surface finishesthat have generally proven satisfactory in actual service.They are suggested only and not mandatory; however, theyare based upon the best cross-section of successful designexperience currently available.


Flange SurfaceFinish



\ ~


63 -..J




~\ \, ~."

\ \




Page 8: Gasket Handbook






Note <D - Solid metal washer type gaskets require extremely high seating stresses to seal. This usually necessitates a bolt area to gaskelarea greater than a ratio of 2: 1. If this is not possible, it is preferred to use a profiled or serrated gasket to achieve the necessalseating load on the gasket.

Note @ - Refer to page 23 for more details on flange surface finishes for spiral wound gaskets.

Flange SurfaceGasket Finish

GasketDescription Cross-Section /.L"- AARH

Metaljacketed gaskets (cant.) - 63-80

Solid metal 63

'\ '.


-'-,,-- -



Hollow metal y 32

"', - -')

Spiral wound .. SEE NOTE 2 ' 125 - 250

Page 9: Gasket Handbook





Forces acting on a gasket joint (Figure 1)

. THE INTERNAL PRESSURE: These are the forces continually try-ing to unseal a gasketed joint by exerting pressure against thegasket (blowout pressure) and against the flanges holding the gas-ket in place (hydrostatic end force). See Figure 1.

. THE FLANGE LOAD: The total force compressing the gasket tocreate a seal, Le., the effective pressure resulting from the boltloading.

. TEMPERATURE: Temperaturecreates thermo-mechanical effects,expanding orcontracting the metals, affecting the gasket material bypromoting "creep relaxation" which is a permanent strain or relax-ation quality of many soft materials under stress. The effect ofcertain confined fluids may become increasingly degrading as tem-perature rises and attack upon organic gasket materials is substan-tially greater than at the ambient temperatures (about 75°F). As arule, the higher the temperature, the more critical becomes theselection of the proper gasket.

. MEDIUM: The liquid or gas against which the gasket is to seal.

. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The type of flange, the flange surfaces,the type of bolt material, the spacing and tightness of the bolts, etc.

Each of these factors require consideration before an effectivegasket material is finally chosen. However, the proper gasket may.oftenbe rejected because failure occurred due to a poorly cleanedflange face, or improper bolting-up practice. These details requirecareful attention, but if complied with will help eliminate gasket blow-out or failure.

There are three principal forces acting on any gas-keted joint. They are:

. Bolt load and/or other means of applying the initialcompressive load that flows the gasket material intosurface imperfections to form a seal.

. The hydrostatic end force, that tends to separateflanges wh~mthe system is pressurized.

. Internalpressure acting on the portion of the gasketexposed to internal pressure, tending to blow thegasket out of the joint and/or to bypass the gasketunder operating conditions.

There are other shock forces that may be created dueto sudden changes in temperature and pressure. Creeprelaxation is another factor that may come into the pic-ture. Figure 1 indicates the three primary forces actingupon a gasketed joint which we will consider for thisdiscussion. The initial compression force applied to ajoint must serve several purposes.

. It must be sufficient to initially seat the gasketand flow the gasket into the imperfections on the


gasKet seating surfaces regardless of operatingconditions.

. Initial compression force must be great enough tocompensate for the total hydrostatic end force thatwould be present during operating conditions.. It must be sufficient to maintain a residual load onthe gasket/flange interface.

From a practical standpoint, residual gasket loadmust be "X" times internal pressure if a tight joint is to bemaintained. This unknown quantity "X" is what is knownas the "m" factor in the ASME unfired pressure vesselcode and will vary depending upon the type of gasketbeing used. Actually the "m" value is the ratio of residualunit stress (bolt load minus hydrostatic end force) ongasket (psi) to internal pressure of the system. Thelarger the number used for "m," the more conservativethe flange design would be, and the more assurance thedesigner has of obtaining a tight joint.


BOLT LOAD FORMULAS*The ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section

VIII, Division 1 defines the initial bolt load required toseat a gasket sufficiently as:

Wm2 = 1TbGy

The required operating bolt load must be at leastsufficient, under the most severe operating conditions,to contain the hydrostatic end force and, in addition, tomaintain a residual compression load on the gasketthatis sufficient to assure a tight joint. ASME defines this boltload as:

Wm1= ~G2P + 2b1TGmP4

After WM1and Wm2are calculated, then the minimumrequired bolt area Am is determined:

A - Wm1

m1 - s:-

Am2 = Wm2


Am = Am1 if Am1 ;; Am2



= Am2 if Am2 ;;;; Am1

Bolts are then selected so that the actual bolt area Abis equal to or greater than AmAb = (Number of Bolts) x (Minimum Cross-Sectional

Area of Bolt in Square Inches)

Ab ~ Am

The maximum unit load Sg(max)on th~ gasket bearingsurface is equal to the total maximum bolt load inpounds divided by the actual sealing area of the gasket \

in square inches.

Sg - ~Sa(max)-

~ [(aD - 0.125)2 - (ID)2] -J



Sg(max)= -.I! [(OD)2 - (ID)2]4



Ail OtherTypes ofGaskets

Page 10: Gasket Handbook


'-'Except as noted, the symbols and definitions be-

low are those given in Appendix II of the 1977 ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII.

Ab = actual total cross-sectional area of bolts at rootof thread or section of least diameter understress, square inches.

Am = total required cross-sectional area of bolts,taken as the greater of Am1or Am2' squareinches.

Am1 = total cross-sectional area of bolts at root ofthread or section of least diameter under stress,required for the operating conditions.

Am2 = total cross-sectional area of bolts at root ofthread or section of least diameter understress, required for gasket seating.

b = effective gasket or joint-contact-surface seat-ing width, inches. Table 2

bo = basic gasket seating width, inches. Table 2.

G = diameter at location of gasket load reaction.Table 2.

When bo ;; % in., G = mean diameter ofgasket contact face, inches.When bo > % in., G = outside diameter ofgasket contact face less 2b, inches.

m = gasket factor. Table 1.

N = width, in inches, used to determine the basicgasket seating width bo, based upon the pos-sible contact width of the gasket. Table 2.

P = design pressure, pounds per square inch.

Sa = allowable bolt stress at ambient temperature,pounds per square inch.

Sb = allowable bolt stress at operating temperature,pounds per square inch.

Sg = Actual unit load at the gasket bearing surface,pounds per square inch.

Wm1 = required bolt load for operating conditions,pounds.

Wm2 = minimum required bolt load for gasket seating,pounds.

y = gasket or joint-contact-surface unit seatingload, minimum design seating stress, PSITable 1 pounds per square inch.

*The Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC) has developed a program to better identify loads based on gasket"sealability". Thus, new design factors are anticipated to appear in upcoming revisions of the ASME Boiler and

'-" Pressure Vessel Code. (Lamons is a sponsor of PVRC research).



Page 11: Gasket Handbook


For assistance with a particular gasket problem con-tact Lamons Sales Department, or a technical repre-sentative.

EXAMPLE CONDITIONS:A designer wants a gasket recommendation for a

special application sealing steam at 600 psi and 500°F.

CONDITIONS:Design pressure - 600 psiTest pressure - 900 psiDesign temperature - 500°FProcess material - steamFlange details -

-Av- 231/16"a.D.

~ '\;-- 2115/16" LD.



Details of Flange

Bolting- 24 - 11/8"- 8 thds.Bolt Material - ASTM A193- B7Flange Material- ASTM A312 Type 316 S.S.Allowable bolt stress @Ambient Temperature, accord-ing to Stress Table 1, Page 45 is only 20,000 PSI; how-ever, to prevent leakage under hydrotest it is decidedto tighten bolting to 30,000 PSI (See Note at bottom ofStress Table 1, Page 45; Appendix S, Page 32; and"Note", Page 27.

Allowable Stress @500°F - 20,000 PSI(see Stress Table1 Appendices Page 45.

AnalysisThe pressure-temperature conditions indicate a me-tallic type gasket should be used. The conditions ap-pear to be suitable for a spiral wound gasket. The flangematerial, 316 S.S., is compatible with the steam envi-ronment @500°F. Therefore, the logical choice for themetal in the gasket is 316 S.S. Since Grafoil@is alsocompatible with the environment (see page 40), it isselected as the filler material.


1. From Table 1, Page 4m=3y = 10,000

2. From page 22, "Sizing Spiral Wound GasketsConfined on 1.0. and 0.0.", the gaskets shouldhave an I.D. of 22" and an 0.0. of 23". Since thefacing is groove to flat face, the gasket thicknessmust be .175"*.

From Table 2, Page 5N = 1/2" = 0.500"b = 0.250"b0 = 0.250"G = 22.5"

3. From formula on page 8.Wm2 = nbGy

= 3.14 x 0.250" x 22.5" x 10,000 PSI= 176,625 Ibs.

W = 11G2P+ 2bnGmPm1 4

Wm1(Design) = 0.785 x (22.5")2x 600 PSI + 2 x0.250" x 3.14 x 22.5" x 3 x 600PSI

= 238,444 + 63,585. = 302,029 Ibs.

= 0.785 x (22.5")2x 900 PSI + 2 x0.250" x 3.14 x 22.5" x 3 x 900PSI

= 357,666 + 95,378= 453,043 Ibs.

From Table on Page 42 and definition of Ab, page 8Ab = 24 x 0.728 = 17.472 sq. in.Bolt load @ Test Condition: 30,000 x 17.472 =524,160 Ibs.Bolt Load @ Design Condition: 20,000 x 17,472 =349,440 Ibs.

It is apparent adequate bolting is available. Mini-mum required bolt loading for gasket seating (Wm2)is176,625 Ibs. Available load for gasket seating is524,160 Ibs.

Minimum required bolt at design conditions is302,029 Ibs. and available load at design conditionsis 349,440 Ibs.

Note: required bolt load at test conditions is 453,043Ibs. and available bolt load at test conditions is 524,160Ibs.

Since a positive stop is designed into the flange,i.e. groove to flat, no additional precautions are nec-essary. Any forces in excess of the force required tocompress the gasket will be transmitted to the flangefaces and gasket crushing cannot occur.

From the above analysis, it appears our original as-sumption is correct and the recommendation would be:

SpiraSeal Type W Gasket - 316 S.S./Grafoil@22" 10x 23" 00 x 0.175" Thick


Wm1 (Test)


*The optimum compressed thickness for a .175" thickspiral wound gasket is .130" :t .005" (See page 23).The 1/8" groove depth is within this range.


Page 12: Gasket Handbook




The optimum gasket material would have the follow-ing characteristics. It would have the chemical resis-tance of PTFE, the heat resistance of graphite, thestrength of steel, require a zero seating stress such assoft rubber and be inexpensive. Obviously there is noknown gasket material that has all these characteristicsand each material has certain limitations that restrict itsuse. It is possible to overcome limitations partially byseveral methods such as including the use of reinforcinginserts, combining it with other materials, varying theconstruction or density, or by designing the joint itselfto overcome some of the limitations. Obviously,mechanical factors are important in the design of thejoint but the primary selection of a gasket material isinfluenced by three factors,

. the temperature of the fluid or gas to be contained,

. the pressure of the fluid or gas to be contained,

. the corrosive characteristics of the fluid or gas to becontained.

Charts included in the appendix indicate some verygeneral recommendations for non-metallic and metallicmaterials against various corrosive media. It should bepointed out that these charts are general recom-mendations and there are many additional factors that

can influence the corrosion resistance of a particularmaterial at operating conditions. Some of these wouldinclude

. Concentration of the corrosive agent. (Full strengthsolutions are not necessarily more corrosive thanthose of dilute proportions and, of course, thereverse is also true.)

. The purity of a corrosive agent. For example, dis-solved oxygen in otherwise pure water may causerapid oxidation of steam generation equipment athigh temperatures.

. The temperature of the corrosive agent. In general,higher temperatures of corrosive agents will accel-erate corrosive attack.

As a consequence, it is often necessary to "field-test"materials for resistance to corrosion under normaloperating conditions to determine if the materialselected will have the required resistance to corrosion.TYPES OF GASKETS

For the purposes of this bulletin, gaskets will be sepa-rated into two broad categories, non-metallic and metal-lic gaskets.

Of the two types, non-metallic gaskets are by far themost widely used. This discussion will cover the varioustypes of non-metallic materials, general application dataand temperature limitations.




Natural rubber has good resistance to mild acids andalkalies, salts and chlorine solutions. It has poor resis-tance to oils and solvents and is not recommended forusewith ozone. Itstemperature range is very limited andis suitable only for use from -70°F to 200°F.

SBR (STYRENE-BUTADIENE)SBR is a synthetic rubber that has excellent abrasion

resistance and has good resistance to weak organicacids, alcohols, moderate chemicals and ketones. It isnot good in ozone, strong acids, fats, oils, greases andmost hydrocarbons. Its temperature limitations areapproximately -65°F to 250°F.

CR (CIU.OROPRENE) (NEOPRENE)Chloroprene is a synthetic rubber that is suitable for

use against moderate acids, alkalies and salt solutions.It has good resistance to commercial oils and fuels. It isvery poor against strong oxidizing acids, aromatic andchlorinated hydrocarbons. Its temperature range wouldbe from approximately -60°F to 250°F.

BUNA-N RUBBER (NITRILE, NBR)Buna-N is a synthetic rubber that has good resistance

to oils and solvents, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocar-bons, petroleum oils and gasolines over a wide range oftemperature. Italso has good resistance to caustics andsalts but only fair acid resistance. It is poor in strongoxidizing agents, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketonesand esters. It is suitable over a temperature range ofapproximately -60°F to 250°F.

FLUOROCARBON (VITON)Fluorocarbon elastomer has good resistance to oils,

fuel, chlorinated solvents, aliphatic and aromatic hydro-



carbons and strong acids. It is not suitable for useagainst amines, esters, ketones or steam. Its normaltemperature range would be between -15°F and 450°F.


This material has good acid, alkali and salt resistance.It resists weathering, sunlight, ozone, oils and commer-cial fuels such as diesel and kerosene. It is not good inaromatics or chlorinated hydrocarbons and has poorresistance against chromic acid and nitric acid. Its nor-mal temperature range would be between -50°F and275°F.


Silicone rubbers have good resistance to hot air.They are unaffected by sunlight and ozone. They arenot, however, suitable for use against steam, aliphaticand aromatic hydrocarbons. The temperature rangewould be between -65°F to 500°F.


This synthetic material has good resistance to strongacids, alkalies, salts and chlorine solutions. It is notsuitable for use in oils, solvents or aromatic hydrocar-bons. Its temperature range would be between - 70°Fand 350°F.


Page 13: Gasket Handbook


This is an all graphite material containing no resins orinorganic fillers. It is available with or without a metalinsertion, and in adhesive-back tape form for pipe gas-kets over 24 inches in diameter. Grafoil has outstandingresistance to corrosion against a wide variety of acids,alkalies and salt solutions, organic compounds, andheat transfer fluids, even at high temperatures. It doesnot melt, but does sublimate at temperatures over6000°F. Its use against strong oxidizing agents at ele-vated temperatures should be investigated very care-fully. In addition to being used as a gasket, Grafoilmakes an excellent packing material and is also used asa filler material in spiral-wound gaskets.

CERAMIC FIBERCeramic fiber is available in sheet or blanket form and

makes an excellent gasket material for hot air duct workwith low pressures and light flanges. It is satisfactory forservice up to approximately 2000°F. Ceramic material isalso used as a filler material in spiral-wound gaskets.

PLASTICSOf all the plastics, PTFE(polytetrafluoroethylene)has

emerged as the most common plastic gasket materialPTFE's outstanding properties include resistance totemperature extremesfrom -140°F to 450°F (for virginmaterial).PTFEis highly resistantto chemicals, solvents,causticsand acids except free fluorine and alkalimetals.It has a very low surface energy and does not adhereto the flanges. PTFEgasketscan be supplied in a varie-ty of forms either as virgin material or reprocessedmaterial and also with a variety of filler material such asglass,"carbon, molybdenum disulfite,etc. The principaladvantage in adding fillers to PTFEis to inhibit cold flowor creep relaxation.


Envelopegasketsutilizing PTFEjacket have becomepopular for use in severelycorrosive services becauseof their low minimum seating stresses,excellent creepresistance,high deformability and choice of a variety of

~ fillermaterialsto assureoptimumperformanceon anyspecificapplication.Fillerssuch as corrugated metalandrubber sheets are available.

There are three basic designs of envelopes:

Sli t Type

Slit envelopes are sliced from cylinders and split fromthe outside diameter to within approximately 1/16" of theinside diameter. The bearing surface is determined by12

the filler dimensions. Clearance is required between the1.0. of the filler and the envelope lO. The Gasket 0.0.normally rests within the bolt hole circle and the 1.0. isapproximately equal to the nominal 1.0. of pipe. Availa-ble in sizes to a maximum 0.0. of 24". '-"

Milled Type

Milled envelopes are machined from cylinder stock.The jacket is machined from the 0.0. to within approxi-mately 1/32" its 1.0.The jacket's 1.0. fits flush with pipebore and its 0.0. nests within the bolts. Available insizesup to a maximum 0.0. of 24". Milled envelopes aremore expensive than slit type since considerably morematerial is lost in machining.

FormedTape Type

Large diameter (over 12" N.P.S.) and irregularlyshaped envelopes are formed from tape and heatsealed to produce a continuous jacket construction.

Filler Materials

The more popular fillers for envelope gaskets are:. Rubber sheet. Compressed non-asbestos. Corrugated metal inserts. Sandwichconstructionscombining some of the above

On vacuum applications, double envelopes are fre-quently used where two jackets are overlapped to pro-tect the 0.0. as well as the I.D.They can be slit, milledor formed tape types.



Page 14: Gasket Handbook


MATERIALS, of250250500

METALLIC GASKET MATERIALSof 800° to 1650°F.when corrosive conditionsare severe.Recommendedmaximumworking temperatureof 1400°F. Brinell hardness is approximately 160.316-L STAINLESS STEEL

Continous maxiumum temperature range of 1400°-1500°F. Carbon content held at a maximum of .03% .Subject to a lesser degree of stress corrosion crackingand also to intergranular corrosion than Type 304.Brinell hardness is about 140.321 STAINLESS STEEL

An 18-10Chromium-Nickelsteel with a Titanium addi-tion. Type321 stainless has the same characteristics asType 347. The recommended working temperature is1400° to 1500°F. and in some instances 1600°F. Brinellhardness is about 150.347 STAINLESS STEEL

An 18-10Chromium-Nickel steel with the addition ofColumbium. Not as subject to intergranularcorrosion asis Type304. Is subject to stress corrosion. Recommend-ed workingtemperatureof 14000-1500°F.and in some in-stancesto 1700°F.Brinellhardnessis approximately160.410 STAINLESS STEEL

A 12% Chromium steel with a maximum tempera-ture range of 1200°F. to 1300°F. Used for applicationsrequiring good resistance to scaling at elevated tem-peratures. Is not recommended for use where severecorrosion is encountered but is still very useful for somechemical applications. May be used where dampness,alone or coupled with chemical pollution, causes steelto fail quickly. Brinell hardness is around 155.502/501

4-6% Chromium and 1/2 Molybdenumalloyedfor mildcorrosive resistance and elevated service. Maximumworking temperature is 1200°F. and has a Brinell hard-ness of around 130. If severe corrosion is anticipated, abetter grade of stainless steel would probably be a bet-ter choice. Becomes extremely hard when welded.




Early efforts to replace asbestos resulted in the in-troduction and testing of compressed non-asbestospro-ducts in the 1970's. Many of these products have seenextensiveusesince that period howeverthere havebeenenough problems to warrant careful consideration inchoosing a replacement material for compressedasbestos. Most manufacturers of non-asbestos sheetmaterials use synthetic fibers, like Kevlar@,in conjunc-tion with an elastomeric binder.The elastomeric bindermakes up a larger percentage of this sheet and therebybecomes a more important consideration when deter-

Note: On page 8, the term "pressure temperatureconditions" was used indicating that these values areused to help determine the types of material and con-struction to be used in a gasket.

A "Rule of Thumb" guide for the selection of gasketmaterials has evolved over the years. This value is ar-rived at by multiplying operating pressure times oper-ating temperature.


MAXIMUMP xT15,00040,00075,000


CARBON STEELCommercial quality sheet steel with an upper temper-

ature limit of approximately1OOO°F.,particularly if condi-tions are oxidizing.Not suitable for handlingcrude acidsor aqueoussolutionsof salts in the neutralor acid range.A high rate of failure may be expected in hot waterservice if the material is highly stressed. Concentratedacids and most alkalies have little or no action on ironand steel gaskets which are used regularly for suchservices. Brinell hardness is approximately 120.304 STAINLESS STEEL

An 18-8(Chromium18-20%, Nickel 8-10%) Stainlesswith a maximum recommendedworking temperature of1400°F. At least 80% of applications for non-corrosiveservices can use Type304 Stainless in the temperaturerangeof - 320°F. to 1O00°F.Excellentcorrosion resis-tance to a wide variety of chemicals. Subject to stresscorrosion cracking and to intergranular corrosion attemperatures between 800°F. to 1500°F. in presenceof certain media for prolonged periods of time. Brinellhardness is approximately 160.304L STAINLESS STEEL

Carbon content maintained at a maximum of .03%Recommendedmaximumworkingtemperatureof 1400°FF. Same excellent corrosion resistance as Type 304.This low carbon content tends to reduce the precipita-tion of carbides along grain boundaries. Lesssubject tointergranular corrosion than Type304. Brinell hardnessis about 140

316 STAINLESS STEELAn 18-12 Chromium-Nickel steel with approximately

2% of Molybdenum added to the straight 18-8 alloywhich increases its strength at elevated temperaturesand results in somewhat improvedcorrosion resistance.Has the highest creep strength at elevated tempera-tures of any conventionalstainless type. Not suitable forextended service within the carbide precipitation range


mining applications.@ Kevlar is a registered trademark of E.!. DuPontCo.


Vegetable fiber sheet is a tough pliable gasket mate-rial manufactured by paper making techniques utilizingplant fibers and a glue-glycerine impregnation. It iswidely used for sealing petroleum products, gases and awide variety of solvents. Its maximum temperature limitis 250° F.If a more compressible material is required, acombination cork-fiber sheet is available.The cork-fibersheet has the same maximum temperature limitation asthe vegetable fiber sheet.

*Temperature limits of gasketing materials are notabsolute figures. Materials within any category mayvary depending upon a manufacturer's processingtechniques, grades and types of raw materials used,etc,

In addition, flange design and application peculiari-ties may influence the temperature limit of a materialto a greater or fesser degree.

Page 15: Gasket Handbook

ADMIRALTYArsenical Admiralty 443 has 71% Copper, 28% Zinc,

1% Tin and trace amounts of Arsenic. High corrosiveresistance, holds up extremely well against salt andbrackish waters, and water containing sulfides. Rec-ommended maximum working temperature of 500° F.Ideal for carrying corrosive cooling waters at relativelyhigh temperatures. Brinell hardness is about 64.

ALLOY2045% Iron, 24% Nickel, 20% Chromium, and small

amounts of Molybdenum and Copper. Maximum tem-perature range of 1400°-1500°F.Developed specificallyfor applications requiring resistance to corrosion by sul-phuric acid. Brinell hardness is about 160.

ALUMINUMAlloy1100is commerciallypure (99% minimum). Its

excellent corrosion resistance and workability makes itideal for double jacketed gaskets. The Brinell hardnessis approximately 35. For solid gaskets, stronger alloyslike 5052 and 3003 are used. Maximum continuousservice temperature of 800° F.

BRASSYellow brass 268 has 66% Copper and 34% Zinc.

Offers excellent to good corrosion resistance in mostenvironments, but is not suitable for such materials asacetic acid, acetylene, ammonia, and salt. Maximumrecommended temperature limit of 500° F.Brinell hard-ness is 58.


Nearly pure copper with trace amounts of silver addedto increase its working temperature. Recommendedmaximum continuous working temperature of 5000 F.Brinell hardness is about 80.

CUPRO NICKELContains 69% Copper, 30% Nickel, and small

amounts of Manganese and Iron. Designed to handlehigh stresses, it finds its greatest application in areaswhere high temperatures and pressures combined withhigh velocity and destructive turbulence would rapidlydeteriorate many less resistant alloys. Maximum rec-ommended temperature limit of 500° F.Brinell hardnessis about 70.

HASTELLOY B@26-30% Molybdenum, 62% Nickel, and 4-6% Iron.

Maximum temperature range of 2000° F. Resistant tohot, concentrated hydrochloric acid. Also resists thecorrosive effects of wet hydrogen chlorine gas, sul-phuric and phosphoric acids and reducingsalt solutions.Useful for high temperature strength. Brinell hardnessis approximately 230.

HASTELLOY C-276@16-18%Molybdenum, 13-17.5%Chromium, 3.7-5.3%

Tungsten, 4.5-7% Iron, and the balance is Nickel.Maximum temperature range of 2000° F.Very good inhandlingcorrosives. High resistanceto cold nitric acid of14

varying concentrations as well as boiling nitric acid up to70% concentration. Good resistance to hydrochloricacid and sulphuric acid. Excellent resistance to stresscorrosion cracking. Brinell hardness is about 210.

'-"INCONEL 600@

Recommendedworking temperaturesof 2000°F. andis some instances 2150°F. Is a nickelbase alloy contain-ing 77% Nickel, 15% Chromiumand 7% Iron. Excellenthigh temperature strength. Frequently used to over-come the problem of stress corrosion. Has excellentmechanical properties at the cryogenic temperaturerange. Brinell hardness is about 150.

INCOLOY [email protected]% Nickel, 46% Iron, 21% Chromium. Resistant to

elevated temperatures, oxidation, and carburization.Recommended maximum temperature of 1600° F.Brinell hardness is about 150.

MONEL@Maximum temperature range of 1500° F. Contains

67% Nickel and 30% Copper. Excellent resistance tomost acids and alkalies, except strong oxidizing acids.Subject to stress corrosion cracking when exposed tofluorosilic acid, mercuric chloride and mercury, andshould not be used with these media. With PTFE(Polytetrafluoroethylene), it is widely used for hydro-fluoric acid service. Brinell hardness is about 120.

NICKEL 200@Recommended maximum working temperature is

14000 F.and even higher under controlled conditions.Corrosion resistance makes it useful in caustic alkaliesand where resistance in structural applications to corro-sion is a prime consideration. Does not have the all-around excellent resistance of Monel. Brinell hardnessis about 110.


PHOSPHOR BRONZE90-95% Copper, 5-10% Tin, and trace amounts of

phosphorus. Maximum temperature range of 500° F.Excellent cold working capacity.Limited to low tempera-ture steam applications. Excellent corrosion resistance,but not suitable for acetylene, ammonia, chromic acid,mercury, and potassium cyanide. Brinell hardness isapproximately 65.

TITANIUMMaximum temperature range of 2000° F. Excellent

corrosion resistance even at high temperatures. Knownas the "Best solution" to chloride ion attack. Resistant tonitric acid in a wide range of temperatures and concen-trations. Most alkaline solutions have little if any effectupon it. Outstanding in oxidizing environments. Brinellhardness is about 215.

NoteMaximum temperature ratings are based upon hot air

constant temperatures. The presence of contaminatingfluids and cyclic conditions may drastically affect themaximum temperature range.


Page 16: Gasket Handbook

MATERIAL HARDNESS CONVERSION SCALEBrinell hardness figures are approximate guides

only. Most materials ordered by Lamons are specified"dead soft"; however, different thicknesses and differ-ent heats of the same material will vary in hardness.

~ Rockwell "B"












Brinell3000 Kg. Load















METAL GASKETSMetallic gaskets are available in many forms

including,. solid metal gaskets that require very smooth, plain

surface finishes and high clamping forces in order toseal,

. combinations with soft fillers such as double-jacketed and spiral-wound that can tolerate greatersurface roughness and will seat with lesser com-pressive forces, and

. light cross section gaskets that are self-sealingand require minimum clamping forces for effectivesealing.

In all cases, however,careful attention must be givento machining details of the flanges and sizing of thegaskets.




Flat metal gaskets are best suited for applicationssuch as valve bonnets, ammonia fittings, heat exchang-ers, hydraulic presses, tongue-and-groove joints. Theycan be used when compressibility is not required tocompensate for flange surface finish, warpage or mis-alignment and where sufficient clamping force is avail-able to seat the particular metal selected. They mustbe sealed by the flow of the gasket metal into the im-perfections on the gasket seating surfaces of theflange. This requires heavy compressive forces. Thehardness of gasket metal must be less than the hard-ness of the flanges to prevent damage to the gasketseating surface of the flange. Flat metal gaskets arerelatively inexpensive to produce and can be made ofvirtually any material that is available in sheet form.Size limitation is normally restricted to the sheet size.Larger gaskets can be fabricated by welding.


The design features of the grooves in combinationwith the special properties of the facing materialsresult in optimal performance and consistency. Thesimultaneous action of high compressibilityfacingmaterial on the outside of the grooved metal in combi-nation with limited penetrationof the tips of the solidmetal core enhance the interactionof the two materi-als. This allows each to perform individually to theiroptimum. Lamons manufacturesKammpro in a widerange of metals and alloys to exact specifications.


Profile type gaskets offer the desirable qualities ofplain washer types and the added advantage of areduced contact area provided by the V-shapedsurface.It is used when a solid metal gasket is required becauseof pressure or temperature or because of the highlycorrosive effect of the fluid to be contained and alsowhen bolting is not sufficient to seat a flat washer.


It flange conditions require a profile type gasket, butflange protection is required as well, the profile gasketmay be supplied with either a single-jacketed or adouble-jacketed shield. This will provide protection forthe flanges and will minimize damage to the flange facesdue to the profile surface.NOTE: Without exception all of the solid metal gasketsrequire a very fine surface finish on the flanges. A flangewith a flange surface roughness of 63 microinchesor smoother is desired. Under no circumstances shouldthe surface finish exceed 125 microinches. In addition,radial gouges or scores would be almost impossible toseal using solid metal gaskets.


Page 17: Gasket Handbook


Round cross section solid metal gaskets are used onspecifically designed flanges grooved or othewise facedto accurately locate the gasket during assembly.Thesegaskets seal by a line contact which provides an initialhigh seating stress at low bolt loads. This makes anideal gasket for low pressures. The more commonmaterials used for this type of gasket would be alumi-num, copper, soft iron or steel, Monel@,nickel, and 300series stainless steels. They are fabricated from wireformed to size and welded. The weld is then polished tothe exact wire diameter.


API ring joint gaskets come in two basic types, anoval cross section and an octagonal cross section.These basic shapes are used in pressures up to 5,000psi. The dimensions are standardized and require spe-cially grooved flanges. The octagonal cross sectionhas a higher sealing efficiency than the oval and wouldbe the 'preferred gasket. However, only the oval crosssection can be used in the old type round bottomgroove, The newer flat bottom groove design will ac-cept either the oval or the octagonal cross section. Thesealing surfaces on the ring joint grooves must besmoothly finished to 63 microinches and be free ofobjectionable ridges, tool or chatter marks. They sealby an initial line contact or a wedging action as thecompressive forces are applied. The hardness of thering should always be less than the hardness of theflanges. Dimensions for ring joint gaskets and groovesare covered in ASME B16.20, API6A, and ASME/ANSIB16.5.


The BX ring gasket differs from the standard oval oroctagonal shape in that it is square in cross sectionand tapers in each corner. They can only be used inAPI 6BX flanges. RX ring gaskets are similar is shapeto the standard octagonal ring joint gasket but theircross section is designed to take advantage of thecontained fluid pressure in effecting a seal. They areboth made to API 6A.16



A lens type gasket is a line contact seal for use in highpressure piping systems and in pressure vessel heads.The lens cross section is a spherical gasket surface andrequires special machining on the flanges. These gas-ketswill seat with a small bolt load since the contact areais very small and gasket seating pressures are veryhigh. Normally the gasket material should be softer thanthe flange. Inordering lens gaskets, complete drawingsand material specifications must be supplied.


A delta gasket is a pressure actuated gasket usedprimarily on pressure vessels and valve bonnets at veryhigh pressures in excess of 5000 psi. As with the lensgasket, complete drawings and material specificationsmust be supplied. Internal pressure forces the gasketmaterial to expand when the pressure forces tend toseparate the flanges. Extremely smooth surfacefinishes of 63 microinches or smoother are requiredwhen using this type of gasket. '-'


The Bridgeman gasket is a pressure activated gasketfor use on pressure vessel heads and valve bonnets forpressures of 1500 psi and above. The cross section ofthe gasket is such that internal pressure acting againstthe ring forces it against the containing surface making aself-energized seal. Bridgeman gaskets are frequentlysilver plated or lead plated to provide a softer surfaceand minimize the force required to flow the gasket metalinto the flange surface.



In addition to the commonly used, above-listed gas-kets, there are specialty items available that, in specificapplications, can provide a very effective seal. These

Page 18: Gasket Handbook


miscellaneous gaskets would include hollow metal 0-rings, C-seals and V-seals, so-called because theircross section is essentially the same as the letters C &V. The hollow metal O-rings are available vented forhigh pressure applications and pressure filled for hightemperature applications. They can be obtained withvarious platings in order to enhance their sealing abili-ties and to meet specific applications requirements.C-seals can be used either for vacuum applications orfor high pressure applications. C-seals are self-ener-gized gaskets requiring specific attention be paid tothe design of the grooves to contain the gasket, andsmooth surface finishes are a must. For large quantityapplications, the C~seal can be a relatively low costgasket. For small quahtity appllcati,ens; the cost canbe rather high because of initial t§§IIA~ fequirements.V-seals are similar t8 the Q~§eale}(cept fcJrtAefa81thatthey are essEHltiailyFnael1lAe§§ffiI39neht8Wl1iehmakesthe cost df the.ih~IVifJuai ~a§~etfather high: flley al§§require verY flhe sldftae8tIAI§h@§and specially §e=signee] gfbo\!es ta effectiVely seal. All these specialtyitems do reqLilre initial consultation witH the manufac-turer in order to determine the practicability and theeconomics involved.




Lamons jacketed gaskets are normally supplied witha non-asbestoshigh temperaturefiller.The standard filleris normally sufficientfor applications up to 900°F.Othersoftfillersareavailablefor highertemperaturesor specialapplications including Grafoil~Standard metals used tomake jacketed gaskets, regardless of the type, arealuminum, copper, the variousbrasses,softsteel, nickel,Monel@,Inconel@and stainless steel types 304, 316, 321,347,410,502. Obviouslythe choice of the metal used forthe jacketed part of the gasket would depend upon thecorrosive conditions being encountered.



Double-jacketedgasketsare probably the most com-monly used style of gasket in heat exchanger applica-tions. They are available in virtually any material that iscommercially availablein 26-gauge sheet.They are alsoextensivelyused in standard flanges where the serviceis not critical and at temperatures beyond which a softgasketsuch as rubber can be used. Sincemost double-jacketed gaskets are custom made, there is virtually nolimit to the size, shape or configuration in which thesegaskets can be made. This particular type of gasketis very versatile and can be used in a myriadof applications. Since the size and shape are nota problem and since most materials can be obtained

commercially, this particular gasket style is very popular.It must be remembered that the primary seal againstleakage, using a double-jacketed gasket, is the metalinner lap where the gasket is thickest before being com-pressed and densest when compressed. This particularsection flows, effecting the seal. As a consequence theentire inner lap must be under compression. Frequentlythe outer lap is not under compression and does not aidin the sealing of the gasket. On most heat exchangerapplications the outer lap is also under compression,providing a secondary seal. The intermediate part of adouble-jacketed gasket does very little to effect the seal-ing capability of the gasket. In some cases nubbins areprovided on heat exchanger designs to provide anintermediate seal. This nubbin is normally 1/64" high by1/8"'wide. Experience has indicated, however, that thereis little advantage to this particular design. The primaryseal is still dependent on the inner lap of the gasketabing the brute work and the secondary seal, whenapplicable, would be provided by the outer lap.

Always install double jacketed gasket with smooth side towardthe nubbin.


The double-jacketed corrugated gasket is animprovement on a plain jacketed gasket in that the cor-rugations on the gasket will provide an additionallabyrinth seal. Italso provides the advantageof reducingthe contact area of the gasket, enhancing its compres-sive characteristics. A double-jacketed corrugated gas-ket still relies on the primary seal on the inner lap.

Note: Double-jacketed gaskets are sometimes usedwith a very-light coating of gasket cement or lubricantwhich will assist in flowing the metal portion of the gas-ket into the tool marks on the flange seating surface.



Page 19: Gasket Handbook


When using a gasket compound or lubricant it is impor-tant to remember to use only a very light coating. Exces-sive amounts of lubricant or compound may cause totalgasket failure if the joint is exposed to high temperatureand/or pressure.


French type gaskets are available in a one-piecejacketed construction for narrow radial widths notexceeding 1/4" and in two- and three-piece construc-tions, as shown in the sketches, for wider applications.This type of gasket can also be used with the jacket onthe external edge of the gasket when the applicationrequires the outer edge of the gasket to be exposed tofluid pressure. The most widely used French type gas-kets are fabricated using a copper sheath. The double-jacketed construction is preferred over the French orsingle-jacketed construction, where practical, since itprovides a totally shea.thed gasket with none of the softfiller exposed.


Single-jacketed gaskets are normally used for rela-tively narrow applications similar to the French type.18

They are made by encasing a soft filler on one face, bothedges and a portion of the other face with a metal. Themajority of applications for single-jacketed gaskets arenormally 1/4" or less in radial width. This type of gasketis widely used in air tool applications and engine applica-tions where space is limited, gasket seating surfacesare narrow and relatively low compressive forces areavailable for seating the gasket. For applica,tions inexcess of 1/4", a double-jacketed gasket or double-jacketed corrugated gasket is normally recommended.Most single-jacketed gaskets are supplied with copperas the jacketing material, however, other materials areavailable.




In the single-jacketed overlap construction themaximum flange width is approximately 1/4". This typeof gasket is used when total enclosure of the soft fillermaterial is required and when the flange width makes itimpractical to use a double-jacketed gasket.



The double-jacketed, double-shelled gasket is similarto the double-jacketed gasket except that instead ofusing a shell and a washer, two shells are used in thefabrication of the gasket. It has the advantage of adouble lap at both the 1.0. and the 0.0. of the gasket,adding greater stability to the gasket. The constructionwill withstand higher compressive loads. Double-shellgaskets are normally restricted to use in high pressureapplications. Its temperature limitations depend uponthe type of metal and filler used in construction.


illttboo,;. Iit¥Js~~l

This particulartype of gasketis normallyusedwith verylight flanges on duct work handling hot gases. Its con-struction consists of two French type shields weldedtogether with a Cerafeltfiller materialon either side of themetal. Metal thickness is normally 26 gauge, rolled onthe 1.0. to act as a shield.


Page 20: Gasket Handbook




At temperatures in excess of the range of 900°F to10000 F where the standard soft filler is normally notrecommended, a double-jacketed corrugated metalgasket with a corrugated metal filler is frequently used.This construction has all the advantages of the double-jacketed corrugated metal gasketand, in addition, sincethe filler is normally the same material as the gasketitself, il1@ bJ~pertemperature limit would be determinedby the metal BeihgU§et30this tYpeof gasket, dependingupon metal selected, makes an excellent heatexchanger gasket for high pressure, high temperatureapplications. As in the case of double-jacketed metalgaskets and double-jacketedcorrugated metal §askets,tHe primary seal would be the inner lap 5f metal; thesec8RtJarysea! ,would be the outer lap 6f metal andsome degree of labyrinth sealing can be achieved withthe corrugations.


The following sizings and tolerances are not manda-tory but are suggested values based upon experience.



Gasket 1.0. = Groove 1.0. + 1/16"Gasket 0.0. = Groove 0.0. -1/16"


Gasket 1.0. = Bore + minimum 1/8"Gasket 0.0. = Recess 0.0. - 1/16"


Gasket 1.0. = Bore + minimum 1/8"Gasket 0.0. = Up to a maximum of the bolt hole circle

diameter minus one bolt hole diameterunless gasket is to be full face. Ifgasketis to be full face, then the following mustbe specified:

(a) Bolt hole circle diameter(b) Bolt hole diameter(c) Number of bolt holes(d) Desired gasket 0.0.


Lamons corrugated gaskets, style 360, are eco-nomical for use on relatively low pressure applicationsthat require low bolt loads for gasket seating.Because of the corrugations and thin metal thickness-es (.010" to .031"), relatively light bolt forces arerequired to flow the gasket materials at the points ofcontact with the flange. Required bolt loads are sub-stantially less tHan the solia metal types such as flatmetal, profile 5F§errateai faBricated of the samematerial. The corrugations proviae resilier1t8, theamount of which depends on their ~itth, depth, andthickness of material.

A superior sealing surface can be created using.015 thick layers of Grafoil@ tape applied to each face,style 360G.


The CMG, similar to the 360G, is manufacturedwith flexible graphite sheet, instead of tape, adheredto both gasket faces. This type of gasket niakes anexcellentproduct for both standard flange gaskets andheat exchanger type gaskets where there is low boltload or high availablegasket stresses. On flangewidth less than 1/2"please consult Lamons engineer-ing department. Available in metal thicknesses of.015"to .032"and flexible graphite thickness in .015"to .030". Also availablewith anti-stickgraphite.

Other methods of enhancing a seal includecementing non-asbestosor fiberglass cord to the cor-rugated faces or the use of a gasket compound. Thetemperature range for this type of gasket depends onthe media to be sealed and the selection of the metaland/or facing materials. Corrugated gaskets can befabricated in a wide variety of shapes with almost nosize limitation.



Gasket Diameter 1- I.D.- __-"'D.

+ 1132" + 0

Up to 6" - 0 - %2"+ 1116" + 0

6" to 60" - 0 - '/16"+ 3132" + 0

60" and Above - 0 - 3/32"

Page 21: Gasket Handbook



1. Outside diameter.2. Inside Diameter3. Shape per Standard Shapes Index4. Lamons style per catalog, or type of construction5. Thickness6. Materials (metal or metal and filler)7. Rib size8. Distance from centerline of gasket to centerline of ribs9. Radii






Qty. holes








Page 22: Gasket Handbook





08CJOO§@8R C-1 C-2 D-1 D-2 E-1 E-2 E-3

8 0e90 @§~@jE-4 F-1 F-2 F-3 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4

@8S~EB ~@8G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 G-9 H-1 H-2 H-3

§@@e@9~E9H-4 H-5 H-6 H-7 H-8 H-9 H-10 H-11

e @@C§j@@~~H-12 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7

@@@~-@@§EB1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 J-1 J-2 J-3 J-4

@~E9C9~@~@~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Page 23: Gasket Handbook


SIZING SPIRAL WOUND GASKETSSpiral-wound gaskets must be sized to ensure the

spiral-wound component is seated between flat sur-faces. If it protrudes beyond a raised face or into aflangebore, mechanical damage and leakage may occur.

Spiral-wound gaskets have become extremely populardue to the wide variety of available styles and sizes. Spiral-wound gaskets can be fabricated of any metal which isavailable in thin strip and which can be welded; therefore,they can be used against virtually any corrosive m~diumdependent upon the choice of the metal and filler. Theycan be used over the complete temperature range fromcryogenic to approximately 2000°F. This type gasket canbe used in all pressures from vacuum to the standard2500 psi flange ratings. They are more resilient than anyother type of metallic gasket with the exception ofpressure sealing metal gaskets and, as a consequence,can compensate for flange movement that may occur dueto temperature gradients, variations of pressure and vibra-tion. Spiral-wound gaskets can also be manufactured withvariable densities, i.e. relatively low density gaskets forvacuum service up to extremely high density gaskets hav-ing a seating stress of approximately 30,000 psi. Thesofter gaskets would require a seating stress in the rangeof 5,000 psi.


Spiral-wound gaskets are manufactured by alter-nately winding strips of metal and soft fillers on the outeredge of winding mandrels that determine the insidedimensions of the wound component. In the windingprocess, the alternating plies are maintained underpressure. Varying the pressure during the winding oper-ation and/or the thickness of the soft filler, the density ofthe gasket can be controlled over a wide range. As ageneral rule, low winding pressure and thick soft fillersare used for low pressure applications. Thin fillers andhigh pressure loads are used for high pressure applica-tions. This of course would account for the higher boltloads that have to be applied to the gasket in highpressure applications. In addition to all these advan-tages of the spiral-wound gasket, they are a relativelylow cost. When special sizes are required, tooling costsare very nominal.



~~ i ,.,~Large Tongue an,d Groove


Small Tongue and GrooveJoint

~~~ un:n?Large Male and 'femaleJoint

Raised Face Flange

,IGASKET CONFINED ON I.D. AND O.D.Gasket I.D. = Groove I.D. +1/16"Gasket a.D. = Groove a.D.-1/16"

GASKET CONFINED ON O.D. ONLYGasket I.D. = Bore + Minimum 1/4"GasketaD. = Recess a.D. - 1/16"

GASKET UNCONFINED I.D. AND O.D.Gasket I.D. = Seating Surface 1.0. + Minimum 1/4"Gasketa.D. = SeatingSurfacea.D. - Minimum1/4"Centering Guide aD. = Bolt Circle Diameter - Diam-eter of Bolt


Gasket Diameter I 1.0. 0.0.

Up to 1"

1" to 24"

24" to 36"

+ '/'6-0


60" and above I -0

Thickness + .015 -.000 on special Gaskets with:a. less than 1" I.D., greater than 26" I.D.b. teflon fillersc. 1" or larger flange width.Thickness + .010 -.000 for most other sizes and materials

36" to 60"


+0_3/32 v

+3/64 +0-0 -'/32

+'/32 +0-0 -'/32+3/64 +0-0 -'/16

Page 24: Gasket Handbook



Lamons spiral-wound gaskets are available inthicknesses of ,0625", ,100", ,125", ,175", .250", and,285", The followingchart indicates the size range thatcan normally be fabricated in the various thicknessesalong withthe recommended compressed thickness ofeach and the maximum flange width,


Maximum RecommendedGasket Maximum Flange Compressed

Thickness I.D. * Width * Thickness

,0625" 9' 3jg" ,0501.055".100" 12" Vz" ,075/.080".125' 40" 3/4" .0901.100",175" 75" 1" .125/.135",250" 160" 1114" ,1801,200".285" 160" 1114" ,2001.220"

*These limitationsare intended as a general guide only.Materialsofconstruction and flange width of gasket can drastically affect thelimitations listed.


Use of spiral-wound gaskets gives the designer andthe usera wider tolerancefor flangessurfacefinishesthanother metallic gaskets,While they can be used againstmost commercially availableflange surface finishes,ex-perience has indicated that the appropriate flange sur-face finishes used with spiral-wound gaskets are asfollows:

~125 to 250 AARH Optimum500 AARH Maximum

Style W is a spiral-woundsealing component only thatis normally used on tongue and groove joints, male andfemale flange facings and groove to flat flange facings.



Style WR gaskets consist of a spiral"wound sealingcomponent with a solid metal outer guide ring, Thesegaskets are usedon plain flat face flanges and on raisedface flanges. The outer guide ring serves to center the

gasket properly in the flange joint, acts as an anti-blowout device, provides radial support for the spiral-wound component, and acts as a compression gauge toprevent the spiral-wound component from beingcrushed, Normally the outer guide rings are furnished inmild steel, but can be supplied in other metals whenrequired by operating conditions,


Style WRI is identical to style WR with the additionof an inner ring, The inner ring serves several func-tions, It provides radial support for the gasket on the1.0, to help prevent the occurrence of buckling or im-ploding, Its 1.0, is normally sized slightly larger thanthe 1.0, of the flange bore, minimizing turbulence inprocess flow, After the gasket is compressed, theflanges would normally be in contact with the inner ringand hence erosion and corrosion of the flange surfacebetween the 1.0, of the sealing component and theflange bore is minimized. The inner rings are normallysupplied in the same material as the spiral-wound com-ponent. Refer to table below for dimensions of innerring ID,'s for flanges up to 24-inch diameter and 2500PSI,

Standard Inner-Ring Inside Diameters

for Spiral-Wound Gaskets (Inches)

Note: The inner-ring thickness shall be 0.112 - .131 inches. Forsizes NPS 1 1/4 through NPS 3, theIns,de-d,ameter tolerance,s I 0,03 ,nch: for larger sozes the Inside-diameter tolerance IS I 0.06inch See ASME 816.20 for minimum pipe wall fhicknesses that are suitable for use with standardinner rings. ASME 816.20 calls for the use of inner rings with PTFE filled spiral wound gaskets"There are no Class 400 flanges NPS 1/2 through NPS 3 (use Class 6001. Class 900 flanges NPS1/2 through NPS 2 1/2 (use Class 1500), or Class 2500 flanges NPS 14 and larger'The inner-ring inside diameters shown for NPS 1 1/4 through NPS 2 1/2 in Classes 1500 and 2500w,1I produce inner-ring widths of 0.12 ,nch, a pract,cal m,mmum for production purposes'Innerrings are required for Class 900, NPS 24 gaskets; Class 1500, NPS 12 through NPS 24 gas-kets: and Class 2500. NPS 4 through NPS 12 gaskets.


This style gasket is identical to a Style WR inconstruc-tion features but is specially sized to be used as areplacement gasket for flanges machined to accept oval


Flange P,...",e Cia..SizeINPS) 150 300 400 (1) 600 gOO (1, 2) 1500 12, 31 2500 11-31

% 0:56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56

% 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.811 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06

1'1, 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.31 1.31

1% 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.63 1.63

2 2.19 219 2.19 2.06 2.06

AVAILABLE SPIRAL SEAL STYLES2'1, 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.50 2.503 3.19 3.19 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.104 4.19 4.19 4.04 4.04 4.04 3.85 3.85

Lamons spiral-wound gaskets are available in a vari-5 5.19 5.19 5.05 505 5.05 4.90 4.90

ety of styles to suit the particular flange facing being6 6.19 6.19 6.10 6.10 6.10 5.80 5.80

8 8.50 8.50 8.10 8.10 7.75 7.75 7.75

utilized on the flanges,10 10.56 10.56 10.05 10.05 9.69 9.69 9.69

12 12.50 12.50 12.10 12.10 11.50 11.50 11.50

14 13.75 13.75 13.50 13.50 12.63 12.63

LAMONS' 16 15.75 15.75 15.35 15.35 14.75 14.50

STYLE W18 17.69 17.69 17.25 17.25 16.75 16.75

20 19.69 19.69 19.25 19.25 19.00 18.75

24 23.75 23.75 23.25 23.25 23.25 22.75

Page 25: Gasket Handbook

or octagonal ring joint gaskets. The sealing componentis locatedbetweenthe 1.0.ofthe groovemachined in theflange and the flange bore. These are intended to beused as replacement parts and are considered a main-tenance item. In new construction, where spiral-woundgaskets are intended to be used, raised face flangesshould be utilized.Referto Lamon SpiraSealCatalog fordimensions of Style WR-RJ gaskets for flanges up to24-inch d,ameter and 1500 psi.


When a guide ring is required that is too narrow forpractical fabrication of solid metal guide rings, Lamonsspiral-wound gaskets are available with a guide madeentirely of spiral metal windings. These spiral metalwindings serve the same basic purpose as the solidmetal ring,that is as acompression limiting and acenter-ing device. The spirally wound ring is normally suppliedin the same metal as the metal inthe gasket. This type ofwound guide ring is normally limited to a V4"radialwidthor less.


Style H gaskets are for use on boiler handhole andtubecap assemblies. They are available in round,square, rectangular, diamond, obround, oval and pearshapes. The Lamons Gasket Company has toolingavailable for manufacturing most of the standard hand-hole and tubecap sizes of the various boiler manufac-turers. (Referto our SpiraSealCatalog.) These are alsoavailable in special sizes and shapes. To order specialgaskets, dimensional drawings or sample cover platesshould be provided in order to assure proper fit.



These gaskets are available in round, obround, andoval shapes and are used for standard manhole coverplates. (Referto LamonsSpiraSealCatalog for standardavailable shapes and sizes.) When special gaskets arerequired, it is necessary to submit complete information,including a sketch or blueprint or a sample cover onwhich the gasket is to be used.

NOTE: When spiral-wound hand hole and man-hole gaskets with a straight side are required it isnecessary that some curvature be given to the flat orstraight side to prevent buckling of the gasket. Thisis due to the fact that spiral-wound gaskets arewrapped under tension and therefore tend to buckleinward when the gaskets are removed from thewinding mandrel. As a rule of thumb, the ratio of thelong 10 to the short 10 should not exceed 3 to 1.



These gaskets are similar to Style Wand Style WRwith the addition of pass partitions for use with shell andtube heat exchangers. Partitions are normally suppliedwith a double-jacketed construction of the same mate-rial as the spiral-wound component. The partition stripscan be soft soldered, tack welded or silver soldered tothe spiral-wound component. The double-jacketed par-tition strips are normally slightly thinner than the spiral-wound component in order to minimize the bolt loadingrequired to properly seat the gasket.

" J


The Lamons Style L gasket is available for raised faceand flat face applications where it is not practical tosupply an outer gauge ring. The spiral-wound compo-nents of Style L are identical to those of Style Wand inaddition have a wire loop welded to the outer peripheryof the gasket, sized so as to fit over diametricallyopposite bolts, for proper centering of the spiral-woundcomponent on the gasket seating surface. Wheneverpossible, it is recommended that a Style WR gasket beused in lieUof a Style L gasket because of the obviousadvantages of the outer solid metal gauge ring. TheStyle L is considerably more difficult to produce than theStyle WR and therefore more expensive.


Page 26: Gasket Handbook



The need for a low compressive load spiral wound gasket in 150# and 300#class ASME/ANSI B16.5 pipe flange applications resulted in the develop-ment of the "WR-LC" spiral wound. The design of our gasket allows it to becompressed with less bolt load to seat compared to the conventional typespirals. The soft filler materials commonly used are graphite and PTFE.When selecting PTFE for your filler material the use of an inner ring is rec-ommended (style WRI-LC).


This gasket was developed for H.F.acid applications. It consists of a Moneland PTFE spiral wound gasket with a carbon steel centering ring and aPTFE inner ring. The carbon steel outer ring can be coated with special H.F.acid detecting paint if desired. The PTFE inner ring reduces corrosion to theflanges between the bore of the pipe and the I.D.of the spiral wound sealingelement. Inner ring I.D.'sare the same as standard metal inner rings unlessotherwise requested. Thickness of the PTFE inner ring is .150 ::1:.005 normally.



Spiral wounds that inwardly buckle are a concern in the industry andLamons has introduced a spiral wound that addresses this historical con-cern. The traditional method to reduce inward buckling is to order an innerring and that is still the best practice today. Lamons has a new style spiralcalled "WR-AB" that does not require an inner ring. There are many addi-tional advantageous design features to this product to reduce inward buckling.(Contact Lamon's Technical Department regarding flange bore sizes for which this gasket mayor may not be appropriate.)


For applications requiring a spiral wound when oxidation may occur, usuallyat higher temperatures, Lamons has developed the "WRI-HTG". This gasketcombines the corrosion and oxidation resistance of mica with the excel-lent sealability of flexible graphite. The mica along with the metal windingserves as a barrier between oxidizing process conditions and the externalair and the graphite. This gasket can be ordered for any ASME/ANSI B16.5and ASME B16.47 series A or B flange or for special applications




A Spiralwound gasket with a conventional outer guide ring with a specialinner ring design. This special inner ring design is our "Kammpro" profilestyle LP-1. The uniqueness of the "kammpro" design allows numerouschoices on its construction. The "WRI-LP" allows the spiral winding to beconstructed with the required metal and soft filler specified by the user.The"Kammpro" inner ring metal can be ordered with or without PTFE coatingand then faced with either .020" thick PTFE, graphite or other materials.


Page 27: Gasket Handbook



All too often we hear "the gasket leaks."However, that is not entirely true. Technically, it isthe joint that leaks, and the gasket is only one ofseveral components that make up the joint. Oftentimes, the gasket is expected to compensate fordeficiencies in flange connection design, impropergasket installation procedures, and any flangemovement that may occur due to thermal andpressure changes, vibration, etc. In many cases, thegasket has the ability the overcome theseoccurrances, but only when careful attention has beengiven to all of the aspects of gasket selection,including installation procedures.

Our experience in investigating leaky jointsover the years has indicated that the most commoncause of leaky joints is the use of improper gasketinstallation procedures.

GASKET INSTALLATION PROCEDURES(AND BOLT TORQUING)1. Inspect the gasket. It is important that the

correct gasket has been chosen for the boltedflange connection. Verify that the material is asspecified and visually inspect the gasket for anyobvious defects or damage.

2. Inspect the gasket seating surfaces. Look fortool marks, cracks, scratches, or pitting bycorrosion. Radial tool marks on a gasket seatingsurfaces are virtually impossible to sealregardless of the type of gasket used. Therefore,every attempt should be made to minimize these.

3. Use only new studs or bolts, nuts and washers.Make sure they are of good quality andappropriate for the application.

4. Lubricate all thread contact areas and nutfacings. The importance of proper lubricationcannot be overstated! A proper lubricant willprovide a low coefficient of friction for moreconsistent achieved bolt stress. An anti seizecompound, when used as a bolt and nutlubricant, will facilitate subsequent disassembly.

5. Loosely install stud bolts.With Raised face and flat face installation,loosely install the stud bolts on the lower half ofthe flange. Insert the gasket between the flangefacing to allow the bolts to center the gasket onthe assembly. Install the remaining bolts andnuts and bring all to a hand-tight or snugcondition.In a recessed or grooved installation, center thegasket midway into the recess or groove. (If thejoint is vertical, it may be necessary to use aminimum amount of cup grease, gasket cement,or some other adhesive compatible with theprocess fluids, to keep the gasket in position


until the flanges are tightened.) Then, install allbolts and nuts to a hand-tight or snug condition.

6. Identify the proper bolting sequence and numberbolts accordingly. See charts for recommendedbolting sequences. Each bolt should benumbered so that bolt torque sequences can beeasily followed. Failure to follow proper bolttorque sequences can result in cocking flanges.Then, regardless of the amount of subsequenttorquing, they cannot be brought back to parallel.This can contribute heavily to a leaky joint.

7. Torque the Bolts. Bolts should be torqued in aproper bolting sequence, in a minimum of fourstages as specified in Steps 8, 9, 10, and 11.

8. Torque the bolts up to a maximum of 30% of thefinal torque,value required following therecommended bolt torque sequence.

9. Repeat Step 8, increasing the torque toapproximately 60% of the final torque required.

10. Repeat Step g, increasing the torque to the finaltorque value.

11. Retorque all studs. All studs should be retorquedusing a rotational pattern of retorquing to thefinal value of torque until no further rotation ofthe nuts can be achieved. This may requireseveral retorquings as torquing of one studcauses relaxation in adjacent studs. Continuetorquing until equilibrium has been achieved.

12. Some flange joints should be retightened justbefore being put in operation, to account for boltand gasket relaxation. Success has also beenreported with heat exchangers, with certaingasket types* and flange facings, when bolting isretightened during initial heat up, before loss oflubricant (or bolt seizing).



*For specific gasket types and application assistancecontact Lamons Technical Department


Page 28: Gasket Handbook




Sequencial Order1-23-45-67-8

Rotational Order15372648





Sequential Order1-23-45-67-89-10



Sequential Order1-23-45-67-89-10


Rotational Order15937







Rotational Order1 29 105 6

13 143 4

11 127 8

15 16


Page 29: Gasket Handbook

20-Bolts 13

4 15

16 3


Sequential Order1-23-45-67-89-10



Rotational Order1 2

13 145 6

17 189 103 4

15 167 8

19 2011 12

24-Bolts 9

12 3

4 11

10 2

Sequential Order1-23-45-67-89-10


Rotational Order1 29 10

17 185 6

13 1421 22

3 411 1219 207 8

15 1623 24

TORQUE VALUESProbably the only true measurement of bolt stress is

by bolt or stud elongation. In practice, however, thiswould be an extremely costly and impractical approachto determine the true measure of bolt stress. As a con-


sequence the trend in industry today is the use of torquewrenches, tensioning devices, hydraulic wrenches, ordrilling the studs and inserting heaters to preheat thestud to a specific temperature that will ultimately createthe proper tension on the bolt. The use of manpower totighten the bolts, by sledgehammers, striking wrenchesand piecesof pipe on the end of the wrench is becomingless and less a standard practice. It is time-consuming,strenuous and is a very dangerous practice. The newertechniques are much more reliable.


NOTE: Allowable bolt stresses. Section VIII of theASME Pressure Vessel Code, Appendix S, specificallyrecognizes the problem of initial bolt stresses. Forexample, a flange designer will determine his requiredbolting for a 600 psi application at a given operatingtemperature specifically in accordance with allowablestresses for the bolt material at the operating tempera-ture. These allowable stresses are based on the particu-lar material and their strength at operating temperature.Inaddition, the same bolt material will have an allowablestress at ambient conditions as specified. As a conse-quence, in most cases the design of the flange is basedupon the allowable bolt stress of the particular materialat design temperature and at the design or operatingpressure. However, in most cases, the hydrostatic testpressure that the flange joint must pass is one and a halftimes the design pressure. As a consequence, any jointthat is designed in strict accordance with the ASMEPressure Vessel Code and is subjected to hydrostatictests in excess of the design pressure, will require ahigher initial stress on the stud to successfully pass thehydrostatic test. Appendix S of Section 8 of the ASMEPressure Vessel Code speaks in great length on thisproblem and, in essence, states, that in order to passhydrostatic tests, bolts may be stressed to whateverlevel is required to satisfactorily pass the test. This intro-duces additional problems. Incases where lowyield boltmaterial is being used, the stresses required in boltssufficient to satisfactorily pass the test may exceed theyield point of the bolt material. Once this occurs, noadditional stressing of the bolt will alleviate the problemof leakage. As a consequence it may be necessary touse high tensile bolts or studs in order to achieve asatisfactory test. When this is required, the followingprocedures should be followed. (See Page 32)


. Use high tensile bolts or studs for hydrostatic testsfollowing the procedures outlined above for gasketinstallation. After a successful hydrostatic test hasbeen achieved, relievethe bolts to approximately 50percent of the prestress required.

. Replace the bolts or studs one at a time with theproper grade bolt for operating conditions. As eachbolt is replaced, torque it to the value of the otherbolts.

. After all the bolts have been replaced, retorque thebolts to 100% of the allowable stress for the particu-lar grade material. (Once again it is imperative thata proper lubricant be used on the bolts whenreplacement is being made.)


Page 30: Gasket Handbook

TROUBLE SHOOTING LEAKING JOINTSOne of the best available tools to aid in determining the cause of leakage is a careful examination of the gasket in

use when leakage occurred.-- -_u ~---~------------'-' Observation

~ -------------


Possible Remedies-~ ~ ~ ~

Gasket badly corroded Select replacement material with improved corrosion resistance.n__- _.n.- _no.------

Gasket extruded excessively Select replacement material with better cold flow properties, selectreplacement material with better load carrying capacity ~ i.e., moredense.

Gasket grossly crushed

~--~ --- -- n_. -- --------------------------------------------------

Gasket mechanically damaged dueto overhang of raised face or flangebore.

No apparent gasket compressionachieved.

Select replacement material with better load carrying capacity, providemeansto prevent crushing the gasket by use of a stop ring or re-design offlanges.

Review gasket dimensions to insure gaskets are proper size. Makecertain gaskets are properly centered in joint.

Select softer gasket material. Select thicker gasket material. Reducegasket area to allow higher unit seating load.

Gasket substantially thinner on 0.0.than 1.0.

Gasket unevenly compressedaround circumference

Indicative of excessive "flange rotation" or bending.Alter gasket dimensions to move gasket reaction closer to bolts tominimize bending movement. Provide stiffness to flange by means ofback-up rings. Select softer gasket material to lower required seatingstresses. Reduce gasket area to lower seating stresses.

Improper bolting up procedures followed.Make certain proper sequential bolt up procedures are followed.

'-' Gasket thickness varies periodicallyaround circumference.

----------------- ---



Indicative of "flange bridging" between bolts or warped flanges. Providereinforcing rings for flanges to better distribute bolt load. Select gasketmaterial with lower seating stress. Provide additional bolts if possible toobtain better load distribution. If flanges are warped, re-machine or usesofter gasket material.


Page 31: Gasket Handbook


If installationand service problems are experienced withspiral wound gaskets in manways, Lamons has theanswer

In a typical oval or obround manway cover assembly, the cover sets inside of the boiler and internal pressure isrelied upon to create the sealing force. Normally, these assemblies have a couple of bolts to secure the gasketduring installation and provide some degree of initial seating load. Our experience indicates that, in this type ofmanways, there is often a large amount of clearance between the manway cover and the opening in the boiler.

A spiral wound gasket must be installed in such a manner that the winding is compressed across its entire facewithout interruption. If a spiral wound gasket falls into the clearances between a manway cover and boiler opening,a "pinching" effect may occur, causing mechanical damage to the gasket.

It is possible to "bridge" the clearances in many boiler applications utilizing an integral solid metal ring along theinside circumference of the spiral windings, Lamons style MWI. Essentially, the inner ring helps to position thegasket on the manway cover. The thickness of the solid metal ring allows for adequate compression and helps toavoid crushing of the gasket.

A Lamons technical representative could help with sizing of the inner ring and the sf3in~1WiHaing. The followingpage is an information sheet that would help us to assist you.



Style MWI manway gaskets consist of a windingwith a solid metal inner ring to position thewinding and help avoid mechanical damage.





Page 32: Gasket Handbook


,..., Application Information Sheet For Oval or Obround Manways



Manway Cover


ID of GasketSurface onCover Dim. (B)


OD of GasketSurface ongoyer Dim. (C)


Dim. (A) tOD of Gasket Surface onBoiler Dim. (D)




Please provide the following information:

Length(Long Side)


(Short Side)Shape (check one):Oval c=::JObround c=::JDim. AOther c=::J (Drawing Required)

Dim. BPressure

TemperatureDim. C

Dim. DService(Typically Steam)

'-' Lamons Gasket Co.PO. Box 947Houston, TX 77001Fax (713) 547-9502


Page 33: Gasket Handbook



Solution: Consider use of sleeve around bolts toincreaseeffectivebolt length:









Solution: Do not try to correct problem with flangebolts - can overstress.Do use spacers to correct problemwith gas-ket on each side.



Flanges too far apart n\

Flanges cocked



Flanges badly mis-aligned GASKET





Or consider use of conical spring washers in place ofsleeve to eliminate torque losses over wide temperatureranges. ;








'-',Total allowable out of parallel: ~1 + ~2 = 0.015" .

Note - Deviation on right is less critical than deviation on left sincebolt tightening will tend to bring flanges parallel due to flange bending.


~~ vNote:1. If using jacketed or spiral wound gaskets - deviation should not

exceed 0.015".2. If using solid metal gaskets - deviation should not exceed 0.005".3. If using rubber, more leeway is possible - perhaps total of 0.030".

Page 34: Gasket Handbook





The primary purpose of the rules for bolted flangeconnections in Parts A and B of Appendix II is to insuresafety,but there are certain practical matters to be takeninto consideration in order to obtain a serviceabledesign. One of the most important of these is the pro-

f portioningof the bolting,Le.,determiningthe numberand size of the bolts.

In the great majority of designs the practice that hasbeen used in the past should be adequate, viz., to followthe design rules in Appendix II and tighten the boltssufficiently to withstand the test pressure without leak-age. The considerations presented in the following dis-cussion will be important only when some unusualfeature exists, such as a very large diameter, a highdesign pressure, a high temperature, severe tempera-ture gradients, an unusual gasket arrangement, andso on.

The maximum allowable stress values for boltinggiven in the various tables of Subsection C are designvalues to be used in determining the minimum amountof bolting required under the rules. However, a distinc-tion must be kept carefully in mind between the designvalue and the bolt stress that might actually exist or thatmight be needed for conditions other than the designpressure.The initial tightening of the bolts is a prestress-ing operation, and the amount of bolt stress developedmust be within proper limits, to insure, on the one hand,that it is adequate to provide against all conditions thattend to produce a leaking joint, and on the other hand,that is not so excessive that yielding of the bolts and/orflanges can produce relaxation that also can result inleakage.

The first important consideration is the need for thejoint to be tight in the hydrostatic test. An initial boltstress of some magnitude greater than the design valuetherefore must be provided. If it is not, further bolt straindevelops during the test, which tends to part the jointand thereby to decompress the gasket enough to allowleakage.The test pressureis usually 11/2times thedesign pressure,and on this basis it may be thought that50 percent extra bolt stress above the design value willbe sufficient. However, this is an oversimplification,because, on the one hand, the safety factor againstleakage under test conditions in general need not be asgreat as under operating conditions. On the other hand,if a stress-strain analysis of the joint is made, it mayindicatethat an initial bolt stressstill higherthan 11/2times the design value is needed. Such an analysis isone that considers the changes in bolt elongation,flange deflection, and gasket load that take place withthe application of internal pressure, starting from theprestressed condition. In any event, it is evident that aninitial bolt stress higher than the design value may and,in some cases, must be developed in the tighteningoperation, and it is the intent of this Division of SectionVIII that such a practice is permissible, provided itincludes necessary and appropriate provision to insureagainst excessive flange distortion and gross crushingof the gasket.


It is possible for the bolt stress to decrease after initialtightening, because of slow creep or relaxation of thegasket, particularly in the case of the "softer" gasketmaterials. This may be the cause of leakage in thehydrostatic test, in which case it may suffice merely toretighten the bolts. A decrease in bolt stress can alsooccur in service at elevated temperatures, as a result ofcreep in the bolt and/or flange or gasket material, withconsequent relaxation. When this results in leakageunder service conditions, it is common practice toretighten the bolts, and sometimes a single such opera-tion, or perhaps several repeated at long intervals, issufficient to correct the condition. To avoid chronic diffi-culties of this nature, however, it is advisable whendesigning a joint for high-temperature service to giveattention to the relaxation properties of the materials-involved,especially for temperatures where creep isthecontrolling factor in design. This prestress should not beconfused with initial bolt stress, S1'used in the design ofPart B flanges.

In the other direction, excessive initial bolt stress canpresent a problem in the form of yielding in the boltingitself, and may occur in the tightening operation to theextent of damage or even breakage. This is especiallylikely with bolts of small diameter and with bolt materialshaving a relatively low yield strength. The yield strengthof mild carbon steel, annealed austenitic stainless steel,and certain of the nonferrous bolting materials can eas-ily be exceeded with ordinary wrench effort in thesmaller bolt sizes. Even if no damage is evident, anyadditional load generated when internal pressure isapplied can produce further yielding with possible leak-age. Such yielding can also occur when there is verylittle margin between initial bolt stress and yield strength.

An increase in bolt stress, above any that may bedue to internal pressure, might occur in service duringstartup or other transient conditions, or perhaps evenunder normal operation. This can happen when there isan appreciable differential in temperature between theflanges and the bolts, or when the bolt material has adifferentcoefficient of thermal expansion than the flangematerial. Any increase in bolt load due to this thermaleffect, superposed on the load already existing, cancause yielding of the bolt material, whereas any pro-nounced decrease due to such effects can result in sucha loss of bolt load as to be a direct cause of leakage. Ineither case, retightening of the bolts may be necessary,but it must not be forgotten that the effects of repeatedretightening can be cumulative and may ultimately makethe joint unserviceable.

In addition to the difficulties created by yielding of thebolts as described above, the possibility of similar diffi-culties arising from yielding of the flange or gasket mate-rial, under like circumstances or from other causes,should also be considered.

Excessive bolt stress, whatever the reason, maycause the flange to yield, even though the bolts may notyield. Any resulting excessive deflection of the flange,accompanied by permanent set, can produce a leaking


Page 35: Gasket Handbook

joint when other effects are superposed. It can alsodamage the flange by making it more difficult to effect atight joint thereafter. For example, irregular permanentdistortion of the flange due to uneven bolt load aroundthe circumference of the joint can warp the flange faceand its gasket contact surface out of a true plane.

The gasket, too, can be overloaded, even withoutexcessive boltstress. The full initial bolt load is imposedentirely on the gasket, unless the gasket has a stop ringor the flange face detail is arranged to provide theequivalent. Without such means of controlling the com-pression of the gasket, consideration must be given tothe selection of gasket type, size and material that willprevent gross crushing of the gasket.

From the foregoing, it is apparent that the bolt stresscan vary over a considerable range above the designstress value. The design stress values for bolting inSubsection C have been set at a conservative value toprovide a factor against yieJding.At elevated tempera-tures, the design stress values are governed by thecreep rate and stress-rupture strength. Any higher boltstress existing before creep occurs in operation willhave already served its purpose of seating the gasketand holding the hydrostatic test pressure, all at atmo-spheric temperature, and is not needed at the designpressure and temperature.

Theoretically,the margin against flange yielding is notas great. The design values for flange materials may beas high as five-eighths or two-thirds of the yield strength.However, the highest stress in a flange is usually thebending stress in the hub or shell, and is more or lesslocalized. It is too conservative to assume that localyielding isfollowed immediatelyby overall yielding of theentire flange. Even if a "plastic hinge" should develop,the ring portion of the flange takes up the portion of theload the hub and shell refuse to carry. Yielding is far

more significant if it occurs first in the ring, but thelimitation in the rules on the combined hub and ringstresses provides a safeguard. In this connection, itshould be noted that a dual set of stresses is given forsome of the materials in Table UHA-23, and that thelower values should be used in order to avoid yielding inthe flanges.

Another very important item in bolting design is thequestion whether the necessary bolt stress is actuallyrealized, and what special means of tightening, if any,must be employed. Most joints are tightened manuallyby ordinary wrenching, and it is advantageous to havedesigns that require no more than this. Some pitfallsmust be avoided, however. The probable bolt stressdeveloped manually,when using standard wrenches, is:

S = 45,000y'd

where S is the bolt stress and d is the nominal diameterof the bolt. It can be seen that smaller bolts will haveexcessive stress unless judgment is exercised in pullingup on them. On the other hand, it will be impossible todevelop the desired stress invery largebolts by ordinaryhand wrenching. Impact wrenches may prove service-able, but if not, resort may be had to such methods aspreheating the bolt, or using hydraulically powered bolttensioners. With some of these methods, control of thebolt stress is possible by means inherent in the proce-dure, especially if effective thread lubricants areemployed, but in all cases the bolt stress can be regu-lated within reasonable tolerances by measuring thebolt elongation with suitable extensometer equipment.Ordinarily, simple wrenching without Verification of theactual bolt stress meets all practical needs, and meas-ured control of the stress is employed only when there issome special or important reason for doing so.



Reprinted with permission from ASME.Reprinted from ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIIi, Div.



Page 36: Gasket Handbook


CHEMICAL RESISTANCE CHART - GASKET METALSA - Good ResistanceB - Moderate ResistanceU - Unsatisfactory




Alurni- Alloy Hastel- Inconel Monel Nickel 304 316 410Media nurn 20 Copper loy 600 400 200 S.S. S.S. S.S. Steel

Acetic AcidRoom Temp. A A A A B B B A A A U

Acetic AnhydrideRoom Temp. A A A A B B A A A A B

Acetone A A A A A A A A A A AAluminum Chloride

Room Temp. U A B A - B B U U U UAluminum Fluoride

Room Temp. B A B A - B B U U U BAluminum Sulphate B A B A 8 B B A A B UAmmonia (Anhydrous) A A U A A B B A A A BAmmonium Chloride U A U A A B B U B B BAmmonium Hydroxide B A U A A U U A A A AAmmonium Nitrate A A U A B U U A A A AAmmonium Phosphate A A t:; A B B B A A A UAmmonium Sulphate U A B A B B B U A A AAmyl Acetate A A A A A A A A A - BAniline B A A A B B. B A A A ABarium Chloride B A B A A - B B A A BBeer A A A A A A A A A A ABenzene A A A A A A B A A A ABenzol A A A A B A B A A A ABorax A - A A A A - A A A ABoric Acid A A A A B B B A A A UBromine A A A A A A A U U U UButyl Alcohol A A A A A A A A A A ACalcium Carbonate A A A A A A A A A A ACalcium Chloride B A A A A B B B A U ACalcium Hydroxide B A A A B B B B B A ACalcium Hypochlorite U U U A U U B B A B UCarbolic Acid A A A A B B B A A U UCarbon Tetrachloride B A B A A A A A A A UChlorine-Dry A A A A A A A U U U AChlorine-Wet U U U U B B B U U U UChromic Acid B A U A B U U A A B -Citric Acid A A A A B B B A A A UCopper Chloride U - U A U U U U B B BCopper Sulphate U A B A B B B A A A UCreosote (Coal Tar) B A A - B B B A A - ACrude Oil A A B A - B - A A A AEther A A A A B B B A A A AEthyl Acetate A A A A A A A A A - AEthyl Chloride B A A A - B B A A A AFerric Chloride U U U A U U U U U U UFerric Sulphate B A B A U U U A A A UFormaldehyde B A A A A A A A A A BFormic Acid U A A A B B B B A U UFuel Oil A A A A B B A A A - AFuel Oil (Acid) B A B A U B U U B - BFurfural A A A A B A B A A - AGasoline A A A A A A A A A A AGlue A A A A A A A A A A AGlycerin A A A A A A A A A A AHydrobromic Acid U U U A U U U U U U UHydrochloric Acid U U U A U U U U U U U

Room Temp. 150°F U U U A U U U U U U UHydrocyanic Acid A A C A - B - A A U BHydrofluoric Acid U U U A A A A U U U UHydrofluosilicic Acid - A U A B - B U U - UHvdroqen Peroxide A A C A B B B A A A UHydrogen Sulphide A A A A B B B A A A UKerosene A A A A A A A A A A ALactic Acid B A A A B U U B B A ULinseed Oil A A B A A A A A A A A

Page 37: Gasket Handbook


A - Good ResistanceB - Moderate ResistanceU - Unsatisfactory





Alurni- Alloy Hastel- Inconel Monel Nickel 304 316 410Media nurn 20 Copper loy 600 400 200 5.5. 5.5. 5.5. Steel

Lye (Caustic) U A B A A A A A A B AManganese Carbonate A A A - B B B A A A -

Manganese Chloride U B B - B B B A A - -

Mangnesium Carbonate B A A A A A A A A A -

MaQnesiumChloride B A B A A A A A A U BMagnesium Hydroxide U A A A A A A A A - AMagnesium Nitrate A A B A B B - A A A BMagnesium Sulphate A A A A B B B A A A AMethylene Chloride U U U A U U U U U U BMercuric Chloride U U U A U U U U U U UMercury U A U A A B B A A A AMuriatic Acid U U U A U U U U U U UNitric Acid-Diluted U A U A U U U A A A UNitric Acid-Concentrated A A U A U U U A A A UNitrous Acid B A B - B - - A A A -Nitrous Oxide A A A A U A U - - - BOleic Acid A A A A A B B A A B BOxalic Acid B A A A B B .B A A - UPetroleum Oils-Crude A A U A A A A A A A APhosphoric Acid U A B A B B B A A B UPicric Acid A A C A U U U A A A APotassium Bromide B A A A B A B B A - BPotassium Carbonate B A A A B A B A A A BPotassium Chloride B A B A B B B A A A APotassium Cvanide U A U A B B B A A A APotassium Hydroxide U A U A B A A B A - BPotassium Sulphate A A A - B B B A A - ASea Water B A B A B B B A A U BSewage B - B - - - - A A - BSilver Nitrate U A U B B U U A A A USoaps B A B A A A A A A A ASodium Bicarbonate B A A A A A A A A A BSodium Bisulphate B A B A B B B A A - USodium Bromide B A A A B B B A A - BSodium Carbonate B A A A B B B A A A ASodium Chloride B A A A A A A A A - ASodium Hydroxide U A B A A A A A A A ASodium Hyperchlorite U B U A U U U B A U USodium Nitrate A A A A A B B A A A ASodium Peroxide A A B A B B B A A - BSodium Phosphate A A A A B B B A A - B,Sodium Silicate B A A A - B - A A A ASodium Sulphate A A A A B B B A A A ASodium Sulphide U A U A B - B B - B ASoy Bean Oil A A A A - B - A A - -Steam A A B - A A A A A A AStearic Acid A A A A B B B A A A BStannic Chloride U A U A B B B A A U -Sulphur Chloride U A A A - B B U U U BSulphur Dioxide-Dry A A A A A A A A A - ASulphuric Acid-<10%-Cold B A B A U B B U B U USulphuric Acid-<10%-Hot U B U A U B U U U U USulphuric Acid-

10-50%-Cold U A U A U B U U U - USulphuric Acid-

10-50%-Hot U U U A U U U U U U USulphuric Acid-Fuming A A U A U U U A A - BSulphurous Acid B A U A U U U U B U ASulphur-Molten A A U A A U U A A A ATannic Acid B A A A B B B A A A UTartaric Acid B A A A B B B A A U UVinegar B A B A A A A A A A BZinc Chloride U A B B B B B U U U BZinc Sulphate B A A A B B B A A A B

Page 38: Gasket Handbook



'-'Carbon 8teel304 8.8.309 8.8.310 8.8.316 8.8.321 8.8.347 8.8.4108.8.4308.8.501 8.8.Alloy 20AluminumBrassCopperHastelloy B & C@Inconel 600@Incolloy 800@Monel@NickelPhosphor BronzeTantalumTitanium










Note: Maximum temperature ratings are based upon hot air constant temperatures. The presence of contaminating fluids and cyclicconditions may drastically affect the maximum temperature range.



Vegetable fiber sheet is a tough, pliable and compressible protein bonded sheet that is suitable for theservices listed below to a maximum temperature limit of 2500 F. For unusual concentrations,pressures ortemperatures, further investigation is indicated.Suitable for use with:AcetoneAlcoholAnimal Fats & OilsBenzene (Benzol)Benzine (Gasoline)Bunker OilButaneButyl AcetateCarbon DioxideCarbon TetrachlorideCresolDibutyl PhthalateDOP (Dioctyl Phthalate)Dry Cleaning FluidEtherEthyl AcetateEthylene GlycolFormaldehydeFreon

Fuel OilGas IlluminatingGasolineGreasesHydrogenHydrogen SulphideInerteen 70-30InksKeroseneLacquers and ThinnersLubricating OilMethyl Chloride (Refrigerant)Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)Methyl Isobutyl Detone (MIBK)Naphtha, PetroleumNaphtha, Coal TarPaintsPetroleumPrestone (Antifreeze)

Propylene GlycolPyranol A13B3BSkydrol 500BSkydrol 7000 Abs.SoapSperry OilSulphur DioxideSuper VM&P NaphthaToluolTransformer OilTrichloroethyleneTricresyl PhosphateTriethylene Glycol (Neutral Grade)TurpentineVarnishVegetable OilWaterWood AlcoholXylol

'-'Not suitable for use with:Acids (Inorganic)AlkaliesHydrochloric AcidNitric Acid (Dilute)

Nitro BenzineOxygenSilicate of SodaSulphuric Acid (Dilute)


Page 39: Gasket Handbook



FullFaceGasket FullFaceGasketNominal Flat Nominal Flat

Pipe Gasket Ring No.of Hole BoltCircle Pipe Gasket Ring No.of Hole BoltCircleSize 10 00 00 Holes Diameter Diameter Size 10 00 00 Holes Diameter Diameter

1/2 0.84 1.88 3.50 4 0.62 2.38 8 8.62 11.00 13.50 8 0.88 11.753/4 1.06 2.25 3.88 4 0,62 2.75 10 10.75 13.38 16.00 12 1.00 14.251 1.31 2.62 4.25 4 0.62 3.12 12 12.75 16,13 19.00 12 1.00 17.00

1 1/4 1.66 3,00 4.63 4 0.62 3.50 14 14.00 17.75 21.00 12 1.12 18.75

1 1/2 1.91 3.38 5.00 4 0.62 3.88 16 16.00 20.25 23.50 16 1.12 21.252 2.38 4.12 6.00 4 0.75 4.75 18 18.00 21.62 25.00 16 1.25 22.75

2 1/2 2.88 4,88 7.00 4 0.75 5,50 20 20.00 23,88 27.50 20 1.25 25,003 3.50 5.38 7.50 4 0.75 6.00 24 24.00 28.25 32.00 20 1.38 29.50

3 1/2 4.00 6.38 8.50 8 0.75 7.004 4.50 6.88 9.00 8 0.75 7.505 5,56 7.75 10.00 8 0.88 8,506 6.62 8.75 11.00 8 0.88 9.50


Gasket 00NominalPipe Gasket

Size 10 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900

1/2 0.84 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.503/4 1.06 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.751 1.31 2.88 2.88 2.88 3.12

1 1/4 1.66 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.50

1 1/2 1.91 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.882 2.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 5.62

21/2 2.88 5.12 5.12 5.12 6.503 3.50 5.88 5.88 5.88 6.62

31/2 4.00 6.50 6.38 6.38 ...4 4.50 7.12 7.00 7.62 8.125 5.56 8.50 8.38 9.50 9.756 6.62 9.88 9.75 10.50 11.38

8 8.62 12.12 12.00 12.62 14.1210 10.75 14.25 14.12 15.75 17.1212 12.75 16.62 16.50 18.00 19.6214 14.00 19.12 19.00 19.38 20.50

16 16.00 21.25 21.12 22.25 22.6218 18.00 23.50 23.38 24.12 25.12 V20 20.00 25.75 25.50 26.88 27.5024 24.00 30.50 30.25 31.12 33.00


Page 40: Gasket Handbook


GENERAL NOTE: Dimensions are in inches.* Dimension as suggested by Lamons.

"'""NOTE: (1) NPS 22 for reference only. Size not listed in ASME 816.47.




00Nominal Pipe

Size 10 Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600

22 (1) 22.00 26.00 27.75 27.63 28.8826 26.00 30.50 32.88 32.75 34.1228 28.00 32.75 35.38 35.12 36.0030 30.00 34.75 37.50 37.25 38.25

32 32.00 37.00 39.62 39.50 40.2534 34.00 39.00 41.62 41.50 42.2536 36.00 41.25 44.00 44.00 44.5038 38.00 43.75 41.50 42.26 43.50

40 40.00 45.75 43.88 44.38* 45.5042 42.00 48.00 45.88 46.38 48.0044 44.00 50.25 48.00 48.50 50.0046 46.00 52.25 50.12 50.75 52.26

48 48.00 54.50 52.12 53.00 54.7550 50.00 56.50 54.25 55.25 57.0052 52.00 58.75 56.25 57.26 59.0054 54.00 61.00 58.75 59.75 61.25

56 56.00 63.25 60.75 61.75 63.5058 58.00 65.50 62.75 63.75 65.5060 60.00 67.50 64.75 66.25 67.75

00Nominal Pipe Gasket

Size 10 Class 75 Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600

26 26.00 27.88 28.56 30.38 29.38 30.1228 28.00 29.88 30.56 32.50 31.50 32.2530 30.00 31.88 32.56 34.88 33.75 34.6232 32.00 33.88 34.69 37.00 35.88 36.75

34 34.00 35.88 36.81 39.12 37.88 39.2536 36.00 38.31 38.88 41.25 40.25 41.2538 38.00 40.31 41.12 43.2540 40.00 42.31 43.12 45.25

42 42.00 44.31 45.12 47.2544 44.00 46.50 47.12 49.2546 46.00 48.50 49.44 51.8848 48.00 50.50 51.44 53.88

50 50.00 52.50 53.44 55.8852 52.00 54.62 55.44 57.8854 54.00 56.62 57.62 60.25*56 56.00 58.88 59.62 62.75

..........58 58.00 60.88 62.19 65.1960 60.00 62.88 64.19 67.12

GENERALNOTE: Dimensions are in inches.* Dimension as suggested by Lamons.


Page 41: Gasket Handbook


Concentration Fluid Temp.Chemical Reagent Per Cent up to of

ACIDS Acetic acid All AllAcetic anhydride All All -....J

Arsenic Acid All AllBoric acid All AllCarbonic Acid All AllChromium trioxide, aq. soln. 0 - 10 200Citric acid All AllFormic acid All AllHydrobromic acid All AllHydrochloric acid All AllHydrofluosilicic acid 0 - 20 AllHydrogen chloride All AllHydrogen sulfide-water All AllLactic acid All AllMonochloracetic acid All AllNitric acid 0 - 10 185Nitric acid 10 - 20 140Nitric acid Over 20 100Oleic acid All AllOxalic acid All AllPhosphoric acid 0 - 85 AllStearic acid All AllSulfur dioxide All AllSulfuric acid 0 - 70 AllSulfuric acid 71 - 85 338Sulfuric acid 86 - 90 300Sulfuric acid 91 - 95 160Sulfuric acid Over 95 Not Rec.Sulfurous acid All All "-'Tartaric acid All All

ALKALIES Ammonium hydroxide All AllMonoethanolamine All AllSodium hydroxide All All

SALTSOLUTIONS Alum All AllAluminum chloride All AllAmmonium bifluoride All AllAmmonium bisulfate All AllAmmonium sulfate All AllAmmonium thiocyanate 0 - 63 AllArsenic trichloride All AllCalcium chlorate 0 - 10 140Calcium hypochlorite All 90Copper sulfate All AllCupric chloride All AllFerric chloride All AllFerrous chloride All AllFerrous sulfate All AllManganous sulfate All AllNickel chloride All AllNickel sulfate All AllPhosphorous trichloride All AllSodium chloride All AllSodium chlorite 0-4 RoomSodium hypochlorite 0 - 25 Room

-...JStannic chloride All AllSulfur monochloride All AllZinc ammonium chloride All AllZinc chloride All AllZinc sulfate All All



Page 42: Gasket Handbook



RECOMMENDATION CHART (CONT.)Concentration Fluid Temp.'-"

Chemical Reagent Per Cent Up to OFHALOGENS,AIR, WATER Air All 850

Bromine All RoomBromine water All RoomChlorine-dry All AllChlorine dioxide All 158Chlorine water All RoomFluorine All 300Iodine All RoomSteam All 1200Water All All

HEATTRANSFERFLUIDS "Dowtherm" (all types) All AllPetroleum-oil based All All"Therminol" (all types) All All"Ucon:' (all types) All All

ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Acetone All AllAmyl alcohol All AllAniline All AllAniline hydrochloride 0 - 60 All, 'Au reomyci n" All AllBenzene All AllBenzene hexachloride All AllBenzyl sulfonic acid 60 AllButyl alcohol All AllButyl "Cellosolve" All All,", Carbon tetrachloride All All"Cellosolve" solvent All AllChloral hydrate All All"Chlorethylbenzene" All AllChloroform All All"Deoxidine" - 140Dichloropropionic acid 90 - 100 338Diethanolamine All AllDioxane All AllEthyl alcohol All AllEthyl chloride All AllEthylene chlorohydrin 0 - 8 AllEthylene dibromide All AllEthylene dichloride All AllEthyl mercaptan-water Saturated AllFatty acids All AllFolic acid All AllRefrigerants 11 and 12 All AllGasoline All AllGlycerine All AllIsopropyl acetate All AllIsopropyl alcohol All AllIsopropyl ether All AllKerosene All AllMannitol All AllMethyl alcohol All AllMethyl isobutyl ketone All AllMonochlorbenzene All All'-" Monovinyl acetate All AllOctyl alcohol All AllParadichlorbenzene All AllParaldehyde All AllTetrachlorothane, sym. All AllTrichlorethylene All AllXylene All All 41


Page 43: Gasket Handbook





DensityLeachable Chloride Content-Maximum

Industrial GradesPremium (Nuclear) Grades

Carbon Content-MinimumIndustrial GradesPremium (Nuclear) Grades

Compressibility (ASTM F-36)Recovery(ASTMF-36)Creep Relaxation (ASTM F-38)Sealability (ASTM F-37)

70 Ib/fP

100 ppm50 ppm


<0.5 ml/hr


TensileStrength Along Length & WidthCoefficient of Friction Against Steel

@ 4 psi (.03 MPa)@ 8 psi (.07 MPa)@ 12 psi (.08 MPa)

900 psi



Functional/TemperatureRangeNeutral or Reducing AtmosphereOxidizing Atmosphere Standard GradesOxidation Resistant Grades GT"'J and GT'MK

Thermal ConductivityAlong Length & Width 960BTU-in/ft2.H.oFThrough Thickness 36BTU-in/ft2.H.of

* The fluid temperature in an oxidizing atmosphere may considerably ex-ceed the indicated temperature without oxidation of the GRAFOIL@pro-viding that the bulk temperature of the GRAFOIL@gasket is below thesetemperatures or that the fluid being handled does not come into directcontact with the graphite. EXAMPLE: a metal spiralwound gasket with aGRAFOIL@filler material.

-400 to 5400oF-400 to 850oF*-400 to 975°F*



. -- --

Concentration Fluid Temp.Chemical Reagent Per Cent Up to of J

Acidified starch,solutions All AllAmino acid plus hydrochloric and

sulfuric acids - AllAmmonium persulfate plus

sulfuric acid Over 20 RoomAnodizing solutions All All

Butyl acrylate plus acrylic acid All AllCalcium chloride 30

plus calcium chlorate 10 140Chlorinated ethyl alcohols All AllChrome plating solutions All RoomCresylic acid plus sulfuric acid - AllElectropolishing solutions (sulfuric

plus phosphoric acids) All 140Hydrochloric acid Over 20

sat. with chlorine All AllNickel plating solns. (chloride) All AllNickel plating solns. (sulfate) All AllNitric acid plus 15

hydrofluoric acid 5 140"Parkerizing" solution All AllRayon spin bath All AllSodium hypochlorite plus sodium hydroxide 25 200Sulfuric acid plus 96

nitric acid .03 Not Rec.

Page 44: Gasket Handbook







Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area1132 .0981 .00076 8 25.13 50.265 17 53.40 226.98 26 81.68 530.93 35 109.9 962.111/16 .1963 .00306 V8 25.52 51.848 V8 53.79 230.33 Va 82.07 536.04 V8 110.3 968.99V8 .3926 .01227 V4 25.91 53.456 V4 54.19 233.70 V4 82.46 541.18 V4 110.7 975.903/,6 .5890 .02761 3/8 26.31 55.088 3/8 54.58 237.10 3/8 82.85 546.35 3/8 111.1 982.84V4 .7854 .04908 V2 26.70 56.745 '/2 54.97 240.52 V2 83.25 551.54 V2 111.5 989.80

5/,6 .9817 .07669 5/8 27.09 58.426 5/8 55.37 243.97 5/8 83.64 556.76 5/8 111.9 996.783/8 1.178 .1104 3/4 27.47 60.132 3f4 55.76 247.45 3/4 84.03 562.00 3/4 112.3 1003.77/,6 1.374 .1503 \18 27.88 61.862 \18 56.16 250.94 7/8 84.43 567.26 7/8 112.7 1010.8V2 1.570 .1963 9 28.27 63.617 18 56.54 254.46 27 84.82 572.55 36 113.0 1017.8

9/16 1.767 .2485 V8 28.66 65.396 V8 56.94 258.01 V8 85.21 577.87 V8 113.4 1024.95/8 1.963 .3097 V4 29.05 67.200 V4 57.33 261.58 V4 85.60 583.20 V4 113.8 1032.0

11/,6 2.159 .3712 3/a 29.45 69.029 3/a 57.72 265.18 3/a 86.00 588.57 3/a 114.2 1039.13f4 2.356 .4417 V2 29.84 70.882 V2 58.11 268.80 V2 86.39 593.95 V2 114.6 1049.3

13/,6 2.552 .5184 5/8 30.23 72.759 5/a 58.51 272.44 5/8 86.78 599.37 5/8 115.0 1053.5\la 2.748 .6013 3/4 30.63 74.662 3/4 58.90 276.1-1 3/4 87.17 604.80 3f4 115.4 1060.7

15/'6 2.945 .6902 7/8 31.02 76.588 \la 59.29 279.81 \/a 87.57 610.26 \18 115.8 1067.91 3.141 .7854 10 31.41 78.539 19 59.69 283.52 28 87.96 615.75 37 116.2 1075.2Va 3.534 .9940 Va 31.80 80.515 V8 60.08 287.27 V8 88.35 621.26 V8 116.6 1082.4V4 3.927 1.227 V4 32.20 82.516 V4 60.47 291.03 V4 88.75 626.79 V4 117.0 1089.73/8 4.319 1.484 3/8 32.59 84.540 3/8 60.86 294.83 3/8 89.14 632.35 3/a 117.4 1097.1V2 4.712 1.767 V2 32.98 86.590 V2 61.26 298.64 V2 89.53 637.94 V2 117.8 1104.45/8 5.105 2.073 5/a 33.37 88.664 5/8 61.65 302.48 5/8 89.92 643.54 5/8 118.2 1111.83f4 5.497 2.405 3/4 33.77 90.762 3/4 62.04 306.35 3f4 90.32 649.18 3/4 118.6 1119.2\18 5.890 2.761 7/a 34.16 92.885 \/8 62.43 310.24 \18 90.71 654.83 \la 118.9 1126.62 6.283 3.141 11 34.55 95.033 20 62.83 314.16 29 91.10 660.52 38 119.3 1134.1Va 6.675 3.546 V8 34.95 97.205 Va 63.22 318.09 Va 91 .49 666.22 Va 119.7 1141.5V4 7.068 3.976 V4 35.34 99.402 V4 63.61 322.06 V4 91.89 671.95 V4 120.1 1149.03/a 7.461 4.430 3/8 35.73 101.62 3/8 64.01 326.05 3/8 92.23 677.71 3/8 120.5 1156.6V2 7.854 4.908 V2 36.12 103.86 V2 64.40 330.06 V2 92.67 683.49 V2 120.9 1164.15/8 8.246 5.411 5/8 36.52 106.13 5/8 64.79 334.10 5/8 93.06 689.29 5/a 121.3 1171.73f4 8.639 5.939 3/4 36.91 108.43 3/4 65.18 338.16 3f4 93.46 695.12 3/4 121.7 1179.3\18 9.032 6.491 \la 37.30 110.75 \la 65.58 342.25 \la 93.85 700.98 \la 122.1 1186.93 9.424 7.068 12 37.69 113.00 21 65.97 346.36 30 94.24 706.86 39 122.5 1194.5

V8 9.817 7.669 V8 38.09 115.46 V8 66.36 350.49 V8 94.64 712.76 V8 122.9 1202.2V4 10.21 8.295 V4 38.48 117.85 V4 66.75 354.65 V4 95.03 718.69 V4 123.3 1209.93/8 10.60 8.946 3/8 38.87 120.27 3/8 67.15 358.84 3/a 95.42 724.64 3/8 123.7 1217.6V2' 10.99 9.621 V2 39.27 122.71 V2 67.54 363.05 V2 95.81 730.61 V2 124.0 1225.45/a 11.38 10.320 0/8 39.66 125.18 5/8 67.93 367.28 5/a 96.21 736.61 5/8 124.4 1233.13f4 11.78 11 .044 3f4 40.05 127.67 3/4 63.32 371 .54 3/4 96.60 742.64 3/4 124.8 1240.9\18 12.17 11.793 7/8 40.44 130.19 \18 68.72 375.82 7/a 96.99 748.69 7/8 125.2 1248.74 12.65 12.566 13 40.84 132.73 22 69.11 380.13 31 97.38 754.76 40 125.6 1256.6V8 12.95 13.364 V8 41.23 135.29 Va 69.50 384.46 V8 97.78 760.86 V8 126.0 1264.5V4 13.35 14.186 V4 41.62 137.88 V4 69.90 388.82 V4 98.17 766.99 V4 126.4 1272.33/S 13.74 15.033 3/8 42.01 140.50 3/a 70.29 393.20 3/a 98.56 773.14 3/8 126.8 1280.3V2 14.13 15.904 V2 42.41 143.13 V2 70.68 397.60 V2 98.96 779.31 V2 127.2 1288.25/a 14.52 16.800 5/8 42.80 145.80 5/8 71.07 402.03 5/8 99.35 785.51 5/8 127.6 1291.23f4 14.92 17.720 3/4 43.19 148.48 3/4 71.47 406.49 3/4 99.74 791.73 3/4 128.0 1304.27/a 15.31 18.665 \Is 43.58 151.20 \la 71.86 410.97 \18 100.1 797.97 \Is 128.4 1312.25 15.70 19.635 14 43.98 153.92 23 72.25 415.47 32 100.5 804.24 41 128.8 1320.2V8 16.10 20.629 V8 44.37 156.69 V8 72.64 420.00 V8 100.9 810.45 V8 129.1 1328.3V4 16.49 21.647 V4 44.76 159.48 V4 73.04 424.55 V4 101.3 816.86 V4 129.5 1336.43fa 16.88 22.690 3/8 45.16 162.29 3/8 73.43 429.13 3/a 101.7 823.21 3/a 129.9 1344.5V2 17.27 23.758 V2 45.55 165.13 V2 73.82 433.73 V2 102.1 829.57 V2 130.3 1352.65/8 17.:.7 24.850 5/a 45.94 167.98 5/8 74.21 438.30 5/8 102.4 835.97 5/8 130.7 1360.83/4 18.06 25.967 3f4 46.33 170.87 3/4 74.61 443.01 3/4 102.8 842.39 3/4 131.1 1369.0\la 18.45 27.108 \la 46.73 173.78 7/a 75.00 447.69 \/8 103.2 848.83 \la 131.5 1377.26 18.84 28.274 15 47.12 176.71 24 75.39 452.39 33 103.6 855.30 42 131.9 1385.4V8 19.24 29.464 V8 47.51 179.67 Va 75.79 475.11 V8 104.0 861.79 Vs 132.3 1393.7V4 19.63 30.679 V4 47.90 182.72 V4 76.18 461.86 V4 104.4 868.30 V4 132.7 1401.93fa 20.02 31.919 3/S 48.30 185.66 3/8 76.57 466.63 3/S 104.8 874.88 3/a 133.1 1410.2V2 20.42 33.183 V2 48.69 188.69 V2 76.96 471.43 V2 105.2 881.41 V2 133.5 1418.65/8 20.81 34.471 5/a 49.08 191 .74 5/8 77.36 476.25 5/8 105.6 888.00 5/8 133.9 1426.93/4 21.20 35.784 3f4 49.48 194.82 3f4 77.75 481.10 3f4 106.0 894.61 3/4 134.3 1435.37/S 21.57 37.122 \/a 49.87 197.73 \Is 78.14 485.97 \Is 106.4 901.25 \Is 134.6 1443.77 21.90 38.484 16 50.26 201 .06 25 78.54 490.87 34 106.8 907.92 43 135.0 1452.2Va 22.38 39.871 Vs 50.65 204.21 Vs 78.93 495.79 Va 107.2 914.61 Va 135.4 1460.6V4 22.77 41.282 V4 51.05 207.39 V4 79.32 500.74 V4 107.5 921 .32 V4 135.8 1469.13/a 23.16 42.718 3fs 51.44 210.59 3/a 79.71 505.71 3/a 107.9 928.06 3/8 136.2 1477.6V2 23.56 44.178 V2 51.83 213.82 V2 80.10 510.70 V2 108.3 934.82 V2 136.6 1486.15/8 23.95 45.663 5/S 52.22 217.07 5/a 80.50 515.72 5/S 108.7 941.60 5/8 137.0 1494.73/4 24.34 47.173 3f4 52.62 220.35 3f4 80.89 520.70 3f4 109.1 948.41 3f4 137.4 1503.3\Is 24.74 48.707 \18 53.01 223.65 \18 81.28 525.83 7/8 109.5 955.25 7/8 137.8 1511.9

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Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area Diam. Cire. Area

44 138.2 1520.5 53 166.5 2206.1 62 194.7 3019.0 71 223.0 3959.2 84 263.8 5541.7Va 138.6 1529.1 1IB 166.8 2216.6 Va 195.1 3031.2 VB 223.4 2973.1 % 264.6 5574.8% 139.0 1537.8 % 167.2 2227.0 % 195.5 3043.4 % 223.8 3987.1 V2 265.4 5607.93/B 139.4 1546.5 3/B 167.6 2237.5 3/a 195.9 3055.7 3/B 224.2 4001.1 3/4 226.2 5641.1'/2 139.8 1555.2 V2 168.0 2248.0 V2 196.3 3067.9 V2 224.6 4015.15/a 140.1 1564.0 5/a 168.4 2258.5 5/B 196.7 3080.2 5/B 225.0 4029.2 85 267.0 5674.5

3/4 140.5 1572.8 3f4 168.8 2269.0 3/4 197.1 3092.5 3/4 225.4 4043.2 % 267.8 5707.9

7/B 140.9 1581.6 7/a 169.2 2279.6 'l'a 197.5 3104.8 7/a 255.8 4067.3 V2 268.6 5741.43f4 269.3 5775.0

45 141.3 1590.4 54 169.6 2290.2 63 197.9 3117.2 72 226.1 4071 .5 86 270.1 5808.8Va 141.7 1599.2 Va 170.0 2300.8 VB 198.3 3129.6 Va 226.5 4085.6 % 270.9 5842.6% 142.1 1608.1 % 170.4 2311.4 % 198.7 3.142.0 % 226.9 4099.8 V2 271.7 5876.53/B 142.5 1617.0 3/a 170.8 2322.1 3/B 199.0 3144.4 3/a 227.3 4114.0 3f4 272.5 5910.5112 142.9 1625.9 V2 171.2 2332.8 112 199.4 3166.9 V2 227.7 4128.25/a 143.3 1634.9 5/8 171.6 2343.5 5/a 199.8 3179.4 5/a 228.1 4142.5 87 273.3 5944.6

3f4 143.7 1643.8 3f4 172.0 2354.2 3f4 200.2 3191.9 3f4 228.5 4156.7 % 274.1 5978.9

7/B 144.1 1652.8 7/8 172.3 2365.0 'l'8 200.6 3204.4 7/B 228.9 4171.0 '/2 274.8 6013.23/4 275.6 6047.6

46 144.5 1661.9 55 172.7 2375.8 64 201.0 3216.9 73 229.3 4185.3 88 276.4 6082.1VB 144.9 1670.9 1Ia 173.1 2386.6 Va 201.4 3229.5 VB 229.7 4199.7 % 277.2 6116.7% 145.2 1680.0 V4 173.5 2397.4 % 201.8 3242.1 V4 230.1 4214.1 V2 278.0 6151.43/B 145.6 1689.1 3/8 173.9 2408.3 3/B 202.2 3254.8 3/B 230.5 4228.5 3/4 278.8 6186.2V2 146.0 1698.2 VL 174.3 2419.2 V2 202.6 3267.4 V2 230.9 4242.95/a 146.4 1707.3 5/B 174.7 2430.1 5fs 203.0 3280.1 5/a 231.3 4257.3 89 279.6 622.11

3/4 146.8 1716.5 3f4 175.1 2441.0 3/4 203.4 3292.8 3f4 231.6 4271.8 V4 280.3 6256.1

7/B 147.2 1725.7 7/B 175.5 2452.0 7/B 203.8 3305.5 7/a 232.0 4286.3 V2 281.1 6291.23/4 281.9 6326.4

47 147.6 1734.9 56 175.9 2463.0 65 204.2 3318.3 74 . 232.4 4300.8Va 148.0 1744.1 Va 176.3 2474.0 1Ia 204.5 3331.0 VB 232.8 4315.3 90 282.7 6361.7V4 148.4 1753.4 % 176.7 2485.0 % 204.9 3343.8 V4 233.2 4329.9 V4 283.5 6397.13/B 148.8 1762.7 3/B 177.1 2496.1 3/B 205.3 3356.7 3/B 233.6 4344.5 V2 284.3 6432.6112 149.2 1772.0 112 177.5 2507.1 '/2 205.7 3369.5 V2 234.0 4359.1 3/4 285.1 6468.25/a 149.6 1781.3 5/B 177.8 2518.2 5/B 206.1 3382.4 5fs 234.4 4378.83f4 150.0 1790.7 3/4 178.2 2529.4 3/4 206.5 3395.3 3f4 234.8 4388.4 91 285.8 6503.8

7/B 150.4 1800.1 'l'B 178.6 2540.5 7/B 206.9 3408.2 'l'B 235.2 4403.1 V4 286.6 6539.6112 287.4 6575.5

48 150.7 1809.5 57 179.0 2551.7 66 207.3 3421 .2 75 235.6 4417.8 3/4 288.2 6611.5VB 151.1 1818.9 VB 179.4 2562.9 Va 207.7 3434.1 V4 236.4 4447.3 92 289.0 6647.6% 151.5 1828.4 V4 179.8 2574.1 V4 208.1 3447.1 V2 237.1 4476.9 % 289.8 6683.83/B 151.9 1837.9 3/B 180.2 2585.4 3/B 208.5 3460.1 3f4 237.9 4506.6 '/2 290.5 6720.0V2 152.3 1847.4 112 180.6 2596.7 V2 208.9 3473.2 3/4 291.3 6756.45/B 152.7 1856.9 5fs 181.0 2608.0 5/B 209.3 3486.3 76 238.7 4536.43/4 153.1 1866.5 3f4 181.4 2619.3 3/4 209.7 3499.3 V4 239.5 4566.3 93 292.1 6792.07/B 153.5 1876.1 7/B 181.8 2630.7 7/B 210.0 3512.5 112 240.3 4596.3 V4 292.9 6829.4

3/4 241.1 4626.4 112 293.7 6866.149 153.9 1885.7 58 182.2 2642.0 67 210.4 3525.6 3/4 294.5 6902.9VB 154.3 1895.3 Va 182.6 2653.4 1IB 210.9 3538.8 77 241.9 4666.6% 154.7 1905.0 % 182.9 2664.9 % 211.2 3552.0 % 242.6 4686.9 94 295.3 6939.73/B 155.1 1914.7 3/B 183.3 2676.3 3/B 211.6 3565.2 V2 243.4 4717.3 % 296.0 6976.7V2 155.5 1924.4 V2 183.7 2687.8 V2 212.0 3578.4 3f4 244.2 4747.7 112 296.8 7013.85/B 155.9 1934.1 5/B 184.1 2690.3 5/B 212.4 3591.7 3/4 297.6 7050.93/4 156.2 1943.9 3f4 184.5 2710.8 3/4 212.8 3605.0

78 245.0 4778.3 95 298.4 7088.27/B 156.6 1953.6 7/B 184.9 2722.4 7/B 213.2 3618.3 % 245.8 4809.0 % 299.2 7125.5

50 157.0 1963.5 59 185.3 2733.9 68 213.6 3631.6 V2 246.6 4839.8 V2 300.0 7163.0

Va 157.4 1973.3 Va 185.7 2745.5 Va 214.0 3645.0 3/4 247.4 4870.7 3f4 300.8 7200.5V4 157.8 1983.1 V4 186.1 2757.1 % 214.4 3658.4 79 248.1 4901.6 963/B 158.2 1993.0 3/B 186.5 2768.8 3/B 214.8 3671.8 301.5 7238.2

V2 158.6 2002.9 V2 186.9 2780.5 V2 215.1 3685.2% 248.9 4932.7 V4 302.3 7275.9V2 249.7 4963.9 V2 303.1 7313.8

5/B 159.0 2012.8 5/B 187.3 2792.2 5/B 215.5 3698.7 3/4 250.5 4995.1 3f4 303.9 7341.73/4 159.4 2022.8 3f4 187.7 2803.9 3/4 215.9 3712.2'l'a 159.8 2032.8 7/a 188.1 2815.6 'l'B 216.3 3725.7 80 251.3 5026.5 97 304.7 7389.8

% 252.1 5058.0 V4 305.5 7427.951 160.2 2042.8 60 188.4 2827.4 69 216.7 3739.2 V2 252.8 5089.5 V2 306.3 7466.2VB 160.6 2052.8 1IB 188.8 2839.2 Va 217.1 3752.8 3f4 253.6 5121.2 3/4 307.0 7504.4% 161.0 2062.9 % 189.2 2851.0 V4 217.5 3766.43/B 161.3 2072.9 3/B 189.6 2862.8 3/B 217.9 3780.0 81 254.4 5153.0 98 307.8 7542.9'/2 161.7 2083.0 112 190.0 2874.7 112 218.3 3793.6 V4 255.2 5184.8 % 308.6 7581.55/B 162.1 2093.2 5/B 190.4 2886.6 5fs 218.7 3807.3 112 256.0 5216.8 '/2 309.4 7620.13f4 162.5 2103.3 3f4 190.8 2898.5 3/4 219.1 3821.0 3/4 256.8 5248.8 3/4 310.2 7658.87/B 162.9 2113.5 7/B 191.2 2910.5 7/B 219.5 3834.7

52 61 191.6 2922.4 70 219.9 3848.482 257.6 5281.0 99 311.0 7697.7

163.3 2123.7 V4 258.3 5313.2 V4 311.8 7736.6Va 163.7 2133.9 Va 192.0 2934.4 V8 220.3 3862.2 112 259.1 5345.6 V2 312.5 7775.6% 164.1 2144.1 % 192.4 2946.4 V4 220.6 3875.9 3f4 259.9 5378.0 3/4 313.3 7814.73/B 164.5 2154.4 3/B 192.8 2958.5 3/B 221.0 3889.8112 164.9 2164.7 112 193.2 2970.5 112 221 .4 3903.6 83 260.7 5410.6 100 314.1 7853.05/8 165.3 2175.0 5/8 193.6 2982.6 5/8 221.8 3917.4 '/4 261.5 5443.2 % 314.9 7893.33/4 165.7 2185.4 3f4 193.9 2994.6 3/4 222.2 3931.3 V2 262.3 5476.0 V2 315.7 7932.7'l'8 166.1 2195.7 'l'a 194.3 3006.9 'l'a 222.6 3945.2 3f4 263.1 5508.8 3f4 316.4 7972.2

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TORQUE REQUIRED TO PRODUCEBOLT STRESSThe torque or turning effort requiredto producea certainstress in bolting is dependent upon a number of condi-tions, some of which are:1. Diameter of bolt.2. Type and number of threads on bolt.3. Material of bolt.4. Condition of nut bearing surfaces.5. Lubrication of bolt threads and nut bearing surfaces.

The tables below reflect the results of many tests todetermine the relation between torque and bolt stress.Values are based on steel bolting well lubricated with aheavy graphite and oil mixture.

It was found that a non-lubricated bolt has an effi-ciency of about 50 percent of a well lubricated bolt andalso that different lubricants produce results varyingbetween the limitsof 50 and 100 percent of the tabulatedstress figures.

Data for Use with Machine Bolts and Cold Rolled Steel Stud BoltsLoadinPounds on Bolts and Stud Bolts wh~n Torque Loads Are Applied


Data for Use with Alloy Steel Stud BoltsLoadinPounds on Stud Bolts when Torque Loads Are Applied





(Inches) (Per Inch) (Inches) ISo. Inch)Torque Com pres- Torque Compres- Torque Compres-Ft. Lbs. sion, Lbs. Ft. Lbs. sion, Lbs. Ft. Lbs. sion, Lbs.

% 20 .185 .027 1 203 2 405 4 8105/16 18 .240 .045 2 338 4 675 8 13503/8 16 .294 .068 3 510 6 1020 12 2040

7/16 14 .345 .093 5 698 10 1395 20 2790V2 13 .400 .126 8 945 15 1890 30 3780

9/16 12 .454 .162 12 1215 23 . 2430 45 48605/8 11 .507 .202 15 1515 30 3030 60 60603/4 10 .620 .302 25 2265 50 4530 100 9060\18 9 .731 .419 40 3143 80 6285 160 125701 8 .838 .551 62 4133 123 8265 245 165301V8 7 .939 .693 98 5190 195 10380 390 207601% 7 1.064 .890 137 6675 273 13350 545 2670013/8 6 1.158 1.054 183 7905 365 15810 730 316201V2 6 1.283 1.294 219 9705 437 19410 875 388201% 5V2 1.389 1.515 300 11363 600 22725 1200 4545013/4 5 1.490 1.744 390 13080 775 26160 1550 523201\18 5 1.615 2.049 525 15368 1050 30735 2100 614702 4V2 1.711 2.300 563 17250 1125 34500 2250 69000


(Inches) IPer Inch) (Inches) ISa. Inch)Torque Compres- Torque Compres- Torque Compres-Ft. Lbs. sion, Lbs. Ft. Lbs. sion, Lbs. Ft. Lbs. sion, Lbs.

% 20 .185 .027 4 810 6 1215 8 16205/16 18 .240 .045 8 1350 12 2025 16 27003/8 16 .294 .068 12 2040 18 3060 24 4080

7/16 14 .345 .093 20 2790 30 4185 40 5580V2 13 .400 .126 30 3780 45 5670 60 7560

9/16 12 .454 .162 45 4860 68 7290 90 97205/8 11 .507 .202 60 6060 90 9090 120 121203/4 10 .620 .302 100 9060 150 13590 200 18120\18 9 .731 .419 160 12570 240 18855 320 25140

1 8 .838 .551 245 16530 368 24795 490 330601V8 8 .963 .728 355 21840 533 32760 710 436801% 8 1.088 .929 500 27870 750 41805 1000 5574013/8 8 1.213 1.155 680 34650 1020 51975 1360 6930011/2 8 1.338 1.405 800 42150 1200 63225 1600 8430015/8 8 1.463 1.680 1100 50400 1650 75600 2200 10080013/4 8 1.588 1.980 1500 59400 2250 89100 3000 1188001\18 8 1.713 2.304 2000 69120 3000 103680 4000 1382402 8 1.838 2.652 2200 79560 3300 119340 4400 1591202% 8 2.088 3.423 3180 102690 4770 154035 6360 2053802V2 8 2.338 4.292 4400 128760 6600 193140 8800 25752023/4 8 2.588 5.259 5920 157770 8880 236655 11840 3155403 8 2.838 6.324 7720 189720 11580 284580 15440 379440

Page 47: Gasket Handbook

Bolting Materials *(UCS-, UHA-, UNF-23) Stress Table 1


(1) Not permitted above 450F; allowable stress value 7,000 psi. (TableUCS-23.)

(2) These stress values are established from a consideration ofstrength only and will be satisfactory for average service. Forbolted joints, where freedom from leakage over a long period oftime without retightening is required, lower stress values may benecessary as determined from the relative flexibility of the flangeand bolts, and corresponding relaxation properties. (TablesUCS-23 and UHA-23.)

(3) Between temperatures of - 20F to 400F, stress values equal to thelower of the following will be permitted: 20% of the specified tensile

strength, or 25% of the specified yield strength. (TableUCS-23.)(4) These stress values permitted for material that has been carbide-

solution treated. (Table UHA-23.)(5) These stress values apply only when the carbon is 0.04% or

higher. Table UHA-23.)(6) For temperatures below 400F, stress values equal to 20% of

the specified minimum tensile strength will be permitted. (TableUCS-23.)

(7) For temperatures below 100F, stress values equal to 20% ofthe specified minimum tensile strength will be permitted. (TableUHA-23.)



* It is often necessary to tighten bolting to much higherstresses than those given in the Table in order to preventleakage under hydrotest and also to obviate frequent retight-ening due to relaxation. The Code does not prohibit this prac-tice and the stress values listed are rather to be considered as

applying in the design of flanges.



ASTM Maximum Allowable Stress Valus (psi) For Metal Temperatures Not Exceeding Deg. FSpecification -20to

Number Grade Notes 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100

A307 B (1) - - - - - - - - - -A325 - (2)(3) 18,750 17,200 15,650 - - - - - - -

BB (2)(3) 18,750 17,200 15,650 - - - - - - -A354 BC (2)(3) 20,000 18,400 16,750 - - - - - - -

BD (2)(3) 20,000 18,400 16,750 - - - - - - -B7 (2)(3) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 16,250 12,500 8,500 4,500 - -B5 (2)(3) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 17,250 13,750 10,300 7,300 4,800 2,750

A193B14 (2)(3) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 18,750 16,650 14,250 11,000 6,250 2,750B16 (2)(3) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 18,750 16,650 14,250 11,000 6,250 2,750

ASTM Maximum Allowable Stress Values (psi) For Metal Temperatures Not Exceeding Deg. FA193 -20 to-Grade Notes 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 900- -.

B6 (2) 20,000 19,300 18,700 18,300 17,850 17,000 16,500 15,750 14,900 13,800 12,500 11,000B8 (2)(4)(5) 15,000 13,300 12,000 10,900 10,000 9,300 8,950 8,650 8,300 8,000 7,750 7,500B8C (2)(4)(5) 15,000 15,000 13,600 12,650 12,200 11,900 11,850 11,800 11,750 11,650 11,450 11,300B8T (2)(4)(5) 15,000 15,000 13,600 12,650 12,200 11,900 11,850 11,800 11,750 11,650 11,450 11,300

For Metal Temperatures Not Exceeding Deg. F950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500


B6 (2) - - - - - - - - - - - -B8 (2)(4)(5) 7,250 7,050 6,800 6,300 5,750 4,500 3,250 2,450 1,800 1,400 1,000 750B8C (2)(4)(5) 11,100 10,800 10,500 10,000 8,000 5,000 3,600 2,700 2,000 1,550 1,200 1,000B8T (2)(4)(5) 11,100 10,800 10,500 10,000 8,000 5,000 3,600 2,700 2,000 1,550 1,200 1,000ASTM A320

Grade Notes

L7, L9, L10 (2)(6) These materials are for low temperature service. Tensile range given in Materials Table2 (page 6),B8F (2)(4)(7) is based on bolt diameter. Refer to ASTM Specification A320 for details.

Page 48: Gasket Handbook







NOMINAL Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam.PIPE of Num- of Bolt of Num- of Bolt of Num- of Bolt of Num- of BoltSIZE

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10 16 12 7/a 14% 17V2 16 1 15% 17'/2 16 1Va 15% 20 16 1% 1712 19 12 7/a 17 20% 16 Wa 173/4 20V2 16 1% 173/4 22 20 1% 19%14 21 12 1 183/4 23 20 1Va 20% 23 20 1% 20% 233/4 20 13/a 203/416 23V2 16 1 21% 25Y2 20 1% 22Y2 25V2 20 Pia 22V2 27 20 1V2 233/418 25 16 1Va 223/4 28 24 1% 243/4 28 24 1% 243/4 29V4 20 1% 253/420 27V2 20 Wa 25 30% 24 1% 27 30V2 24 1V2 27 32 24 15/a 28V224 32 20 1% 29% 36 24 1V2 32 36 24 13/4 32 37 24 17/a 33


NOMINAL Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam. Dlam.PIPE of Number of Bolt of Number of Bolt of Number of BoltSIZE

(r)of Bolts

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18 31 20 Ha 27 36 16 23/4 30V2 .... .... .... ....20 333/4 20 2 29V2 383/4 16 3 323/4 .... .... ..... ....

24 41 20 2V2 35Y2 46 16 3V2 39 .... .... "" ....

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