  • 8/11/2019 Generative Shape Design V5R8 Update


    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 1

    Generative Shape

    Design V5R8 Update

    CATIA TrainingFoils

    Version 5 Release 8

    January 2002


  • 8/11/2019 Generative Shape Design V5R8 Update


    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 2

    Course Presentation

    Objectives of the courseIn this course you will see the main enhancements in the Generative Shape Designworkbench

    Targeted audienceCATIA V5R7 users

    PrerequisitesV5R7 CATIA Generative Shape Design

    2 hour

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 3

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to Generative Shape Design p.4

    User Interface: Generative Shape Design p.5

    2. Creating Wireframe Elements p.6Creating a Cornered Polyline p.7

    Other Enhancement about Wireframe p.11

    3. Creating Surface Elements p.16

    Creating an Offset Surface p.17

    Creating a Swept Surface: Smooth Sweeping p.18

    4. Performing Operations p.20

    Federating Elements p.21

    Applying an Axis-to-Axis Transformation p.27

    Smoothing a Curve on a Support p.31

    Fillet Creation Enhancements p.36

    Other Enhancements about Operations p.40

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 4

    The Generative Shape Design user interface

    You wil l become fam il iar with the Generat ive Shape Design Work bench .

    Introduction to Generative Shape Design

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    User Interface: Generative Shape Design



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    Creating a Polyline with Corners

    Other Enhancements :Creating a Spline Curve

    Creating a Connect Curve

    In this lesson you learn how to create som e types of Wireframe Elements :

    Creating Wireframe Elements

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    You w il l learn how to create a poly l ine includ ing c orners in

    one operat ion.

    Creating a Cornered Polyline


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    Why create Cornered Polylines ?

    You can use this tool to create rapidly a polyline including corners :


    Not using the point-point chain mode with corner tool :

    Using the line point-point chain mode with corners tool :

    Creating the lines point-point :

    n-1 operationsInput data : 4 pointsCreating the corners :

    n+1 operations

    Triming the lines

    with the corners :

    n+5 operations

    Input data : 4 pointsCreating the polyline:

    1 operation

    Whatever the number of point you want to

    use, only one operation is necessary to create

    the polyline.

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    Lets see now how to create a Cornered Polyline ...

    How to create a Cornered Polyline

    The federation of elements is available through the Join and the Extract tools :


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    2 Select existing points.

    Creating a Cornered Polyline

    3 Specify a radius for the intermediatepoints.

    4 Click OK to confirm the corneredpolyline creation.

    You can now create a polyline including corners


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    You w il l learn oth er enhancements in the Wireframe Creation

    of the Generat ive Shape Design w orkb ench

    Other Enhancement about WireframeV5R8

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    Creating a Spline Curve

    You can now use a curve to specify a tangency condition at a point of the spline

    Create the spline selecting

    existing points.



    Select the point on which you want to add

    a tangency condition and expand the

    Parameters panel.


    In the constraint type field, choose the new option

    From curve that allows you to choose a curve to

    add the tangency constraint.

    Now you can select a curve to specify the

    tangency constraint :



    Note : the point of the

    spline must lie on the

    selected curve.

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    2Select the first curve to

    connect and a point on

    this curve.

    Creating a Connect Curve

    4 If needed click on the

    red arrow located oneither point to

    reverse the

    orientation of the

    associated curve, or

    use the dialog boxs

    new option.

    Curve 1

    3 Select the second curveto connect and a point on

    this curve.

    Point 1

    Point 2

    Curve 2



    Creating a connect curve, you have now the possibility to invert the

    orientation of the associated curve from the dialog box


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    2 Select the two curves.

    Intersecting Elements : Type of created Elements (1/2)

    3 Choose the type of

    element you want togenerate.

    You can choose the type of elements that is created when you perform an

    intersection operation :


    The type of element that was selected

    is created (in our exemple, it is a curve

    that is created).

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 15

    Intersecting Elements : Type of created Elements (1/2)

    Four different type of element can be generated :V5R8

    - Points : when

    intersecting two curves

    or a curve and a surface. - Curves : when intersecting

    two curves or a curve and a


    - Faces : when intersecting a surface

    with another or a surface with a pad.

    - Contours : when intersecting a

    surface with another or a surface

    with a pad.

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 16

    Creating an Offset SurfaceCreating a Sweep Surface

    In this lesson you learn how to create som e types of Surface Elements :

    Creating Surface Elements

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 17


    Creating an Offset Surface

    2 Select the reference surface and key inthe offset value.

    Click OK to confirm the offset creation.

    If you want to create both side of the

    offset surface, choose the Check both

    side option.



    You can now create both side of an offset surface with the same offset distance.

    Reference surface


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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 18


    Creating a swept Surface : Smooth Sweeping (1/2)

    2Select the elements to create the swept surface.

    The guide curve contains a tangency discontinuity.

    Create the swept surface without using

    the smooth option and analyse its

    continuity :3

    When you create a swept surface using elements (curve or surface) with small

    tangency discontinuities, you can now smooth the resulting surface while

    creating it. Guide curve (thediscontinuities are



    The resulting surface

    contains a 0.41deg

    tangency discontinuity.

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 19

    Creating a swept Surface : Smooth Sweeping (2/2)

    4 Edit the swept surface and activate the new optionSmooth Sweeping.

    Go and check the analysis : the

    maximum tangency discontinuity has

    been lessened.



    Note : by default, the

    discontinuities under 0.5deg

    are taken in account.

    This option aims to generate better quality surfaces.

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 20

    Federating ElementsTransforming Elements Axis-to-Axis

    Smoothing Curve on Support

    Creating Fillets

    Other Enhancements

    Splitting and Trimming: Intersection ComputationJoining Surfaces: Angle Tolerance

    Healing Surfaces: Distance and Tangency Objective

    In this lesson yo u learn how to p erform some Operations :

    Performing Operations

    F d ti El t

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 21

    You wil l learn how to federate elements whi le jo in ing surfaces

    and extract ing faces

    Federating ElementsV5R8

    Wh f d t ? (1/2)

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 22

    Why federate ? (1/2)

    1- Surfaces are made of several faces.

    Elements created from a surface are in fact created from its faces.

    2- A modification of the part geometry may lead to a change of the supporting face.

    The pad has been created with the

    option Up to surface, using the blue


    A fillet have been added to the top

    edge of this pad.

    This edge depends on a face of the

    blue surface.

    The sketch supporting the pad have

    been modified so that the filleted edge

    does not lie anymore on the same face


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    How to Federate Elements

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 24

    Lets see now how to federate ...

    How to Federate Elements

    The federation of elements is available through the Join and the Extract tools :



    Federating Elements while Joining Surfaces

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    Click OK to create the federated

    joined surface.


    2 Select one by one the elements to be joined together.

    Federating Elements while Joining Surfaces

    3Expand the new Federation panel

    in the join dialog box.

    4 Select one face of the join surfaceand choose a propagation type.


    Joining surfaces, you have now the possibility to federate the faces of the resulting



    Federating Elements while Extracting Faces

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    Click OK to create the federated

    extracted surface.


    2 Select one face of the solid.

    Federating Elements while Extracting Faces

    3 Choose a propagation type.

    4 Activate the federation switch.


    Extracting faces from a solid, you have now the possibility to federate the faces of the

    resulting surface


    Applying an Axis-to-Axis transformation V5R8

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 27

    You w il l learn how to perform an Axis -to-Axis transformat ion.

    Applying an Axis-to-Axis transformation V5R8

    What is an Axis-to-Axis transformation ?

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 28

    What is an Axis to Axis transformation ?

    An Axis-to-Axis transformation transform geometry positioned according to an axis

    system into another axis system :


    Reference Axis System

    Target Axis System

    Element to transform

    Transformed Element

    The green surface has been duplicated

    and positioned according to the new

    axis system.

    How to apply an Axis-to-Axis transformation

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    Lets see now how to apply an Axis-to-Axis transformation ...

    How to apply an Axis to Axis transformationV5R8

    Applying an Axis-to-Axis transformation V5R8

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    Click OK to create the transformed



    2 Select the element to transform.

    Applying an Axis to Axis transformation

    3Select the reference Axis System.

    4 Select the target Axis System.



    Smoothing a Curve on a SupportV5R8

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    You w i l l learn how to smooth o n i ts supp ort .

    g ppV5R8

    Why smoothing curve on a support ? (1/2) V5R8

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 32

    y g pp ( )

    1- Smoothing a curve that lies on a surface, you may obtain a curve that does not lie

    anymore on the surface.

    So you may not be able to use this smoothed curve properly :

    Trying to make a linear swept surface with

    reference surface using the smoothed curve

    as guide curve

    an error message occurs because

    the guide curve does not lie on the

    reference surface.


    Why smoothing curve on a support ? (2/2)

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 33

    y g pp ( )

    2- Using the new option Support surface while smoothing the curve, you make sure

    that the smoothed curve remains on the surface :

    Selecting a support surface

    the swept surface is correctly created

    because the smoothed curve now lies on the

    support surface.


    How to smooth Curve on a Support

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    Lets see now how to smooth a

    curve on a support ...


    Smoothing a Curve on a Support

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 35

    Click OK to create the smoothed

    curve : it will lie on the surface.


    2 Select the curve to smooth.

    3 Define the smooth parameters.

    4Select the support surface (the curve

    to smooth must lie on this surface).


    Smoothing a curve, you have now the possibility to select a support surface.


    Fillet Creation EnhancementV5R8

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    You w il l learn the enhancements abou t the fi l lets creation.


    Creating Shape Fillets : Hold Curve and Spine

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 37

    Creating Shape Fillets, you can now choose a curve sketched on one of the support

    to be connected to control the radius variation.

    Select the supporting faces.




    Select the shape fillet icon.


    Spine Curve

    Hold Curve

    Click OK to create the fillet surface :

    Select a hold curve lying on one support to drive

    the fillet radius, And a spine curve.


    Note : the result is a variable radius

    fillet whose radius is driven by the

    hold curve.

    Creating Shape Fillets : trim first or second support (1/2)

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    You can now trim only the first or the second support of a shape fillet.

    Select the two support surfaces.



    Choose the support you want to trim.

    By default, the two support will be trimmed.



    Type in the fillet radius and select

    the fillet parameters.


    Creating Shape Fillets : trim first or second support (2/2)

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 39

    Four combinations are possible :

    No support are trimmed Both support are trimmed

    The second support is left unchanged.

    Only the first support is trimmed.The first support is left unchanged.

    Only the second support is trimmed.

    V5R8 V5R8

    Other Enhancement about OperationsV5R8

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 40

    You wil l learn other enhancements in the Operat ions of the

    Generat ive Shape Design wo rkbench


    Splitting and Trimming : Intersection Computation

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 41

    While splitting or trimming elements, you can now compute their intersection.

    Select the elements you

    want to trim or to split :12

    You can now compute

    the intersection while

    performing the split or

    trim operation.



    The elements intersection is

    computed and the

    intersection is added in the


    Joining Surfaces : Angle Tolerance

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 42

    While joining surfaces, you can specify an angle tolerance.

    If the angle value on the edge between two elements is greater than the Angle

    Tolerance value, the elements are not joined

    Select the elements to be

    joined. The tangency

    discontinuity between these

    surfaces is 6deg :

    1 2



    Click OK to

    confirm the join



    Activate the newoption Angle


    CATIA refuses to create the join

    surface because the tangency

    discontinuity between the

    surfaces is greater than the

    specified angle tolerance:

    H li t f h th ibilit t ll i i

    Healing Surfaces : distance and tangency objective

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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 43

    Healing two surfaces, you have now the possibility to allow a remaining gap or a

    remaining tangency discontinuity between the surfaces.

    Select the

    surfaces to heal :12

    If you should decide to allow a remaining gap between

    the surfaces, key in the maximum tolerated value of

    this gap.

    Then CATIA inform you about the value of the

    remaining gap :



    0.2 mm gap

    Key in a merging distance superior to the gap value.


    The same option is available

    concerning the tangency continuity

    type healings.

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