

Definition and Issues

A set of characteristics/ formula recognised by audiences over time e.g. iconography,

narrative, mis-en-scene etc.

The concept of "genre" is fraught with problems and difficulties. A particular genre is not a fixed or static framework: it could be argued that 'The Western', for example, can only be defined by referring to all of the 'Westerns' which have ever been written or produced, and that each new example of the genre changes the overall character of the genre as a whole. Similarly there are few examples (in film or literature) which conform exactly to the codes and conventions of a particular genre; more often than not films or programmes will cross "genre boundaries" and draw on a number of genre characteristics. A final important point to remember is that genres develop over time, and in response to social and historical contexts. They may simply go out of fashion, or they may undergo transformation over a period of time.


Daniel Chandler – The problem of definition: whilst genre seems it is all simple and kind, it is actually much more complex than it seems.

David Buckingham (1993) argues that ‘genre is not…simply “given” but the culture rather it is in a constant process of negotiation and change’

Steve Neale (1980, 48) declares that ‘genres are instances of repetition and difference’. He adds that ‘difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre’: mere repetition would not attract audience.

Genre theory quotes

Steve Neale – “No genres go through a cycle of changes during their lifetime”, “Genre is a set of great expectations”

John Hartley- “The addition of just one film to the Western genre... changes that genre as a whole - even though the Western in question may display few of the recognised conventions, styles or subject matters traditionally associated with its genre”

Andrew Goodwin

Goodwin’s theory is based on 8 main principles:1. Links between lyrics and visuals2. Links between music and visuals (complimentary,

contradicting or amplifications)3. Genre characteristics4. Intertextual references5. Notions of looking (objectification of women)6. Voyeurism (direct gaze, other people looking at artist,

insight into artists life, screens and mirrors)7. Demands of the record label (representation of the artist)8. Performance based, narrative based or concept based

music videos

Love the way you lie analysis

Love the way you lie is a song recorded by American rapper Eminem for his 2010 studio album ‘Recovery’. Released on the 10th August 2010. The music video was influenced by Rihanna’s and Eminem’s ex relationships.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals

In the music video, Rihanna portrays the female actor and Eminem portrays the male actor. Most of the lyrics for the video reflected in the way the actors themselves are acting. For example, when Eminem raps “She f***ing hates me”, they are fighting and being aggressive towards each other, to show that she really hates him because of the other girls number she found written on his hand. By her spitting in his face, it shows she doesn’t have any respect for him and she doesn’t mean anything to him. Another part of the video where there is a clear relationship between the lyrics and visuals is when Eminem says “where you going?” and she replies “I’m leaving you” and he says “when its bad its awful, I lay my hands on her I guess I don’t know my own strength” - these lyrics are being lip synced by the actors which may tell us there’s more going on than we think. The last bit of the video shows the house going up in flames with both the actors kissing, and ending up broken, displaying they cannot be together.

Relationship between music and visuals

At the beginning of the music video Rihanna is singing and we are seeing shots of the narrative having special effects of fire in the palm’s of the female’s hands. The music slowly stops and there’s a sound of a record being taken off a record player as the rapping gradually kicks in about the abuse in the relationship. Throughout most of the video, the music is generally in sync to the beat of the song, for example when the actors are shown to be fighting, there is a slow paced beat of a drum in the background.

Genre characteristics

The main genre of this music video is R&B and Hip Hop. Most R&B songs involve love and break ups performed mostly by females with the males either rapping or singing in the backing track. There are also quite a few close up shots mainly of the women. In this music video, there are a lot of close ups of both the actors and Eminem and Rihanna, however, the video itself is shot as a film combined with a story line.

Intertextual reference

It is not surprising that so many music videos draw upon cinema as a starting point, since their directors are often film graduates looking to move on eventually to the film industry. For example, Love the Way You Lie was used in the move Dear John (5th Feb 2010).

Demands of the Record Label

Throughout the video there is a continuous use of close ups of both Rihanna and Eminem. This is a demand of the record label as they are using star power to promote their artists as much as possible. Normally this is presented through a large amount of screen time, with close ups/mid shots of just them in a frame to place the attention solely on them. Being close to someone suggests you are comfortable with them, a close up of the artist is personal and allows the audience to build a close relation with the artist shown on screen.

Performance, narrative or concept based…?

This music video is largely a narrative based as the story of the lyrics is being acted out in some way all the way through. This style relies on imagery to produce a story for the audience to follow. This type of music video seems to be used a lot in slower song, and often tend to be love stories. Love the Way You Lie is like a mini film, with a beginning, middle and end. Narrative based songs tend to be popular as songs which are featured in films. Although this song is featured in Dear John, there are no clips from the movie which are being included in the music video.

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