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Georgia High School Graduation Test Tutorial

World History from World War I to World War II (SSWH16-18) (SSUSH19)

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Long Term Causes of World War I

1. Balkan Nationalism

2. Entangled Alliances

3. Militarism

4. Imperialism

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1. Balkan Nationalism

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2. Entangled Alliances

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3. Militarism• Arms races between nations• Built up to intimidate other nations• Russian army had over 1,000,000• Germany and France had 900,000 each

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4. Imperialism

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The Belligerents

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Schlieffen Plan Knock France out of the war quickly so could concentrate on the Eastern Front

Invasion of neutral Belgium brought Britain into the war

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  June 28th Francis Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo

  July 5th Kaiser William II promised German support for Austria against Serbia

  July 28th Austria declared war on Serbia

  August 1st Germany declared war on Russia

  August 3rd Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany had to implement the Schlieffen Plan.

  August 4th Britain declared war on Germany

  August 23rd The BEF started its retreat from Mons. Germany invaded France.

  August 26th Russian army defeated at Tannenburg and Massurian Lakes.

  September 6th Battle of the Marne started

  October 18th First Battle of Ypres

  October 29th Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side. Trench warfare started to dominate the Western Front.

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2-Front War

Western Front

Germany v

France (& Italy)

Eastern Front

Germany(& Austria)


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Conditions on the Front in WWI

New Weapons Utilized• Machine Guns• Poison gas • Tanks • Airplanes (Dog Fights)

Trench Warfare• “No Man’s Land”• Disease and influenza

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US Neutrality Official position until 1917

Wilson reelection slogan – “He kept us out of war.”

Split American sympathies

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Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Sinking ships without warning

Lusitania - May 7, 1915

Sussex Pledge

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US Entry into WWI April 6, 1917

Germany’s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

Zimmerman Telegram

“The world must be made safe for democracy.”

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Russian Revolution February 1917

Overthrow of Czar Nicholas II

Removed opposition to supporting a side that included an autocratic dictatorship

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War Propoganda

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Effects of World War I

Treaty of Versailles

-Establishment of League of Nations

-German reparations -War Guilt Clause

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Mandate System –British and French

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WWI - End of Empires Hapsburg Dynasty (Germany & Austria) Romanov’s (Russian Czars) Ottoman Empire (Middle East)

Family of Czar Nicholas II –last of the Romanov Rulers of Russia

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The Russian Revolution 1917—Workers revolt

against the Czar --Bolsheviks take over Russia and begin a socialist system under Vladimir Lenin. Allied countries (Great Britain, France, Japan and the United States) send troops to support anti-communist forces, but communist forces eventually prevail.

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The Soviet Union 1922 --Lenin establishes the Soviet

Union (USSR)

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The Rise of Joseph Stalin 1924—Lenin dies–

Several leaders struggle for power including Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin.

Eventually, Stalin seizes power and becomes a dictator over USSR—imposing a totalitarian state.

He begins a Five Year Plan to increase industrialization and collectivize agriculture in the Soviet Union.

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The Red Scare After the Russian Revolution, fear of a

similar revolution in the United States by communists from Russia led to a period known as the Red Scare.

Attempted assassinations of Attorney General Mitchell Palmer and John D. Rockefeller led to the Palmer Raids—in which suspected communists were arrested and more than 500 immigrants deported.

This led to increase fear of immigrants and restrictions on immigration were passed by Congress.

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New Leaders Emerge In Italy, a new fascist

government emerged in 1922 under Benito Mussolini. He rose to power using propaganda, brutality, and intimidation—promoting an ultra-nationalist Italy and himself as Il Duce (“the Leader”).

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Fascism in Germany

In 1921, Adolf Hitler took control of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party—better known as the Nazis.

He became chancellor of Germany in 1933 and eventually claimed the title Fuhrer (guide of Germany) and established himself as dictator over the Third Reich.

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Leadership in Japan Japanese Emperor

Hirohito began his reign in Japan in 1926. He did not exercise absolute control over the government.

Instead, an army general, Hideki Tojo, assumed the role of Japan’s premier –leading it through World War II.

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Authoritarian Government and Totalitarianism

Authoritarian Government is ruled by a single person or party interested in political power.

Totalitarianism is a government which seeks to control not only political power, but the economy, culture, and social life.

These governments often use terror and fear--utilizing propaganda and controlling access to information such as the press and education. (Examples: Italy, Germany, & USSR)

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Aggression in Asia 1931—Japan

Invades Manchuria Japan leaves the

League of Nations By 1938, Japan has

control of major cities along Chinese coast

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German Expansion Hitler begins rebuilding German military

and marches troops into the Rhineland (lost in WWI)

Germany annexes Austria and claims parts of the Sudetenland

Great Britain and France pursue policy of appeasement—rather than challenge Hitler’s aggression

In 1939, Hitler invades Poland Britain and France declare war on

Germany—thus beginning World War II

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The Holocaust Hitler’s policy of Nazi racism

targeted Jewish people and fed on European anti-semitism

Hitler viewed Jews as a national enemy and began implementing his Final Solution—elimination of Jewish people by sending them to concentration camps as slave laborers and then executing them in gas chambers

The extermination of nearly 6 million Jews, as well as Gypsies, Slavs, and other people deemed undesirable came to be known as the Holocaust

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World War II --1940 April, 1940--Germany Invades Denmark

and Norway May, 1940 – Germany takes control of

Belgium, Netherlands, and France July-October, 1940 – Battle of Britain,

German planes bomb Britain in “blitzkriegs” (night air raids).

British Royal Air Force help fight off German air assault and prevent invasion.

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Axis Powers 1940,Germany, Italy and Japan form an

alliance known as the Axis Powers

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US Neutrality before World War II

1935— Neutrality Act passed by Congress to stay out of European conflicts

1940 -- U.S. imposes embargo on Japan after its invasion of China

March, 1941– Congress passes Lend-Lease Act to allow President

Roosevelt to send aid to Great Britain

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Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Dec. 7th 1941—Japan launches surprise

attack on U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

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U.S. joins Allies in World War II After Pearl Harbor,

the U.S. declares war on Japan and joins Allies (Great Britain, USSR, and French resistance) against the Axis Powers

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Domestic Wartime Policies of US

Roosevelt establishes War Production Board –redirecting production of civilian consumer goods to war materials

Revenue for funding the war was generated through withholding income tax from paychecks and selling war bonds

The Government began rationing of resources—such as tires and food items

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Women join domestic war effort Many women filled

industrial jobs that had been held by men who were sent overseas

A popular symbol of these women was Rosie the Riveter

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Suspicion of Germans, Italians and Japanese in U.S.

Since the U.S. was at war with these countries, suspicion of citizens with origins in Germany, Italy and Japan led to their removal to remote internment camps.

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Allied Powers meet at Tehran In 1943, leaders of

the three major Allied Powers (Churchill—Britain, Roosevelt--US, Stalin-- USSR) met in the Tehran Conference to discuss plans for defeating Germany

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D-Day At Tehran, the

leaders planned an amphibious invasion of Normandy (occupied by Nazis) named Operation Overlord –headed by supreme allied commander Dwight D. Eisenhower

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The Yalta Conference Roosevelt, Churchill

and Stalin met in February, 1945 at the Yalta Conference to discuss plans of dividing up Europe anticipating the defeat of Germany

Germany was divided and most of Eastern Europe was controlled by the Soviet Union

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The Potsdam Conference The Allied leaders met after the defeat of Germany in

July,1945 at the Potsdam Conference to discuss plans for defeating Japan and its unconditional surrender

President Truman (who succeeded Roosevelt after his death) learned of the successful tests of the Atomic bomb while at the conference

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The Atomic Bomb Led by Robert Oppenheimer,

the Manhattan Project successfully produced two Atomic bombs at Los Alamos, New Mexico (called Fat Man and Little Boy)

On August 6th, 1945 a B-29 bomber called the Enola Gay dropped the first Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

Three days later, a second bomb exploded over Nagasaki

Japan surrendered on August 14th, 1945—thus ending World War II and beginning the Atomic Age

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