Page 1: GLOBAL OUTLOOK - · 2016. 8. 4. · AUGUST 2016 GLOBAL OUTLOOK The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is well known for the persecution of Christians. Church bombings are


The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is well known for the persecution of Christians. Church bombings are routine along with public executions. Aswar and his family know the reality of persecution and after receiving numerous death threats and beatings by Muslim militants sold their

possessions and fled their home and homeland. Aswar and many other families flee Pakistan in hopes of resettling in another country so they can worship in peace and freedom. Currently Aswar and his family reside in Bangkok, Thailand but not in freedom as they had hoped. Muslims who

cross the border get their visas immediately but Pakistani Christians visas are tied up in political red tape and hearings never happen and now these Christians are unable to work, receive medical care and scrape by to survive. Christian organizations such as Christian Freedom International have

personnel in Thailand who pray with the refugees and seek monthly sponsors to provide basic care for these families. Go to CFI website if interested in being a sponsor or speak to Kelly Davis at Lynchburg Timberlake campus as she has knowledge regarding this grim situation.


“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3


ASWAR WITH HIS FAMILY | Christian Freedom International

This Global Outlook Newsletter serves a two-fold purpose: first, to share news from the global church — both good news and news of persecution — so that we at Crosspoint Church might have a global outlook to supplement our local outlook, and second, to join in the prayer, joy, and sorrows of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world.

Page 2: GLOBAL OUTLOOK - · 2016. 8. 4. · AUGUST 2016 GLOBAL OUTLOOK The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is well known for the persecution of Christians. Church bombings are

Living in a devout Muslim home and family in Pakistan I did like everyone else and studied the Quran for 24 years but I had so many questions and doubts in my mind.

There was always an emptiness and void that could never be filled. I met and married a

Christian young man and encountered the love that Jesus Christ demonstrated and forgiveness that does not exist in the Muslim religion. I experienced peace and all my burdens were lifted even though my family had my husband and I arrested. My family came to the police station and I received death

threats from them along with a crowd of people that had gathered. My response was to pray and I proclaimed that “my God will save me but if I die as a Christian I have no regrets.” “My God is Almighty and there is no one like Him. God gave me life and only He can take it.” God did answer my prayer and delivered

both my husband and myself from the crowd. Along with many other Pakistani Christians we now live as refugees in Thailand awaiting asylum.

“I will remain faithful until death and receive a crown of life.” I pray that God’s mercy will pierce the hearts and souls of the Muslim people.

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12



PAKISTAN: Jesus Christ for Muslims – Maria’s Story

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18


MARTYRED: THE POWER OF THE ENEMY WILL NOT OVERCOME THE CROSS OF CHRISTPastor Han was 49 years old and a pastor of a church in Chiangbai, China. Pastor Han actively assisted North Korean refugees escaping the atrocities and living conditions in their land. A few weeks ago Pastor Han was brutally murdered by North Korean secret agents. The purpose

behind the murder was to provide a “warning” to Christians in China who seek to assist North Korean refugees.

This warning has affected American pastors in the area, as well. Pastor Han’s church and family have been devastated by the recent events. Yet, even in the midst

of their great sorrow, they relentlessly gather day and night to pray and fast. The Chinese believers say, “We believe Jesus’ promise that the power of the enemy will not overcome the church of Christ.”

We pray for wisdom and courage to overcome difficult circumstances.

Photo from Jesus Christ for Muslims:

Page 3: GLOBAL OUTLOOK - · 2016. 8. 4. · AUGUST 2016 GLOBAL OUTLOOK The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is well known for the persecution of Christians. Church bombings are


WHAT CAN I DO? WHAT ARE WE CALLED TO DO?� First, pray for your community and neighbors that do not know Jesus, pray for a Holy Spirit led revival in our nation and confess the sins of our nation. Continue to pray for communities suffering loss and the racial divide. Then…

� Pray for the safety of Pakistani persecuted believers who have fled from their homes and await asylum in Thailand.

� Pray that tourist visas will be approved and the Pakistani refugees can live in freedom, find jobs and receive medical care. Pray for Maria’s family and Aswar’s family.

� Pray for strength and endurance for our Christian brothers and sisters who suffer persecution and for the church to continue to grow in spite of the persecution.”

� Pray for Pastor Han’s family and church members in China. Pray for comfort and that they can peacefully mourn Pastor Han’s death. Pray God will provide a new pastor for the church.

� Pray for fellow Christian believers in China and North Korea. Pray they will experience the power of God in their daily lives.*

You live here in the surrounding communities of Central Virginia BUT you can have an impact in China and create change in Pakistan or Thailand. You can do this from your own home and church. Pray and write small notes of encouragement.

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”

Ephesians 6:18

Cards are available at CrossPoint for individuals or small groups to write notes of encouragement letting believers around the world know you are praying for them and their families who are in prison and suffering for Christ.


Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Card

Page 4: GLOBAL OUTLOOK - · 2016. 8. 4. · AUGUST 2016 GLOBAL OUTLOOK The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is well known for the persecution of Christians. Church bombings are



As you read the stories in the CP newsletter it is often difficult to comprehend or understand the level of persecution that our brothers and sisters undergo….it can be difficult to pray for those that you will never meet during your temporary earthly life BUT the main request from so many Christians around the world is for believers to pray diligently for the persecuted church. See, it is not a “US” and “THEM” mentality….it is only “US”….we are “ONE” united in our purpose to worship our Creator, to proclaim HIS name and the gospel to those around us each day and to pray for one another. Our combat or battle ground looks very different than our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ but nonetheless it is a battleground. The battle is spiritual and we also suffer persecution if we are living Jesus Centered lives. Maybe our battleground is in high school or our sports team. Maybe it is our daily work environment or even in our own home. If we stand for absolute truth and live lives worthy of the gospel the world around us will

hate us, throw insults at us, threaten us and we might even lose our job for taking a stand and not compromising God’s truth. For myself (Jennifer) as I worked in high intense and critical nursing environments I often faced persecution from my peers and even physicians and was challenged face to face regarding my beliefs on marriage, abortion, the family unit God created, etc. etc. and during those times I relied on my constant communication with my Creator God. I prayed without ceasing and answered those challenges with scripture while maintaining my professionalism (well, most of the time). I certainly was not perfect and did not always respond as I should that is why I needed my Christian family praying for me as well. We need each other and prayer is a strong weapon against satan and his evil forces. Kelly and I (as well as the prayer team) want to pray for those who are suffering persecution in our church family. Please consider sharing your stories of persecution and how we can pray for you. Also share your stories of victory and how you overcame obstacles. You can contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13


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